Indoc study guide. part 2

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How many high risk prisoners can be on the aircraft?


Skywest requires how many flight attendants on the CRJ 200?


The IOM has ____ chapters, ______ Appendices ______ Attachments


Whenever in performing the duties of conducting an inspection, an FAA inspector presents FAA Form _______ or a Department of Defense (DOD) evaluator presents FAA Form ______ to the pilot in command, the inspector must be given free and uninterrupted access to the flight deck.

110A; 110B

How old must a passenger be to occupy an exit seat?

15 years old

When are the international documents delivered to the aircraft and who will deliver it?

15-20 minutes prior to departure; CSA

Skywest requires how many flight attendants on the CRJ 700/900 and ERJ 175?


What is the weight restrictions of small personal items that may be stowed in the seat back pocket?

2 pounds or less

What is the minimum age for use of seat and safety belts for cabin occupants, required for aircraft movement on the surface, take off and landing.

2 years old

What percentage should the eFAD battery be at for the beginning of each flight segment?


Flight attendants are required to be on the aircraft _________ prior to scheduled departure for all aircraft types.

35 minutes

Chain of Command 1-4 FWD FA; PIC; AFT FA; FO

3; 1; 4; 2

What are the duty times required for doemstic flights?

45 minutes

What are the duty times for international flights?

60 minutes

What percentage should the eFAD battery be at for the FFOD?



Air Carrier Access Act

Each aircraft operator must designate and use an ___________________. Each aircraft operator must designate and use a ________________ for each domestic and intrnational flight.

Aircraft Operator Security Coordiantor (AOSC); Ground Security Coordiantor (GSC)

Prior to arrival into international locations, what must be locked in the service cart(s)/atlas container(s) with a seal?


What additional emergency equipment systems must be present and working on an aircraft?

All emergency exits must be clearly marked and provide a means for passengers to descend to the ground in an emergency. Airplanes must have an emergency lighting system to be used in the event of an emergency. Flashlights must be accessible from each flight attendant seat.

Define GSC

An employee of an airline who is designated to interface with crewmembers, law enforcement officers, and others in matters of security. Each aircraft operator must designate and use a GSC for each domestic and international flight departure.

Define CRO

An official airline employee trained for the purpose of implementation of the ACAA. The CRO has the authority to resolve disability related complaints on behalf of the air carrier. The CRO does not have the authority to countermand a safety-based decision made by PIC.

The policies and procedures contained in the IOM must be followed. When _____________ policy and/or procedure are more restrictive than ________________ guidance, ________________ policy and/or procedure prevails.

Company; Regulatory; Company

The Federal Inspection services area at any airport which accomodates international air commerce designated for processing passengers, crewmembers their baggege, and effects arriving and departing from foreign countries, as well as the aircraft deplaning and ramp area and other restricted area designated by the Port Director.

Customs Security Area

A federal law enforcement agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) charged with regulating and facilitating international trade, collecting import duties, and enforcing U.S. regulations, including trade, drug and immigration laws.

Customs and Border Protection

Explain the responsibilities of a Complain Resolution Official?

Ensure regulation under 14 CRF Part 382, including exit seating for passengers with disabilities, are followed

A non English speaking passenger does not have to be individually briefed if the flight attendant does not speak their language. TRUE or FALSE?


According to standard average passenger weight an adult is 18 years or older. TRUE or FALSE?


Crewmembers and Jumpseat riders are able to perform duties with alcohol or drugs in their system as long as they have complied with the 8 hour rule. TRUE or FALSE


Flight attendants are able to leave the aircraft at stops for short periods, even if there are passengers still onboard. TRUE or FALSE?


Flight attendants are not required to keep their SkyWest issued manual up-to-date and have it accessible when performing their assigned duties. TRUE or FALSE?


Passengers are allowed to bring their own alcoholic beverages onboard as long as they were purchased in the airport.


Passengers are allowed to carry into the aircraft passenger cabin one carry on bag and two personal items. TRUE or FALSE?


Seat backs do not have to be upright for takeoff and landing, barring certain medical reasons. TRUE or FALSE


The aircraft is able to move on the surface, takeoff, and landing without each evacuation device being armed. TRUE or FALSE?


Use of the eFAD for personal use is allowed. TRUE or FALSE?


You are able to refuse an alcohol test but not a drug test. TRUE or FALSE?


Passengers and Crewmembers are able to use their PED's at any point on the flight. TRUE or FALSE

FALSE; No person may operate portable electronic devices that may cause interference with the aircraft's navigation and communicable systems

Customers are not permitted to carry and operate equipment for the storage, generation, or dispensing of oxygen . TRUE or FALSE

FALSE; able to use as long as certain conditions are met

The required FA complement must remain onboard (having at least one foot) inside the cabin at all times when passengers are onboard the aircraft to provide assistance for evacuation in the event of an emergency. TRUE or FALSE?

FALSE; both feet must be inside

Inspections by an approved FAA Administrator may only take place when an aircraft must RON. TRUE or FALSE

FALSE; may take place at any time

Who can have an accessible weapon onboard an aircraft while on duty?


PBE's in the cabin must be checked by the FA(s) prior to the ____________ and with _____________

FFOD; each aircraft change

An off duty pilot is allowed to occupy the FA jumpseat


Taxi or push back will be allowed as long as an FA briefs the exit row passengers before takeoff. TRUE or FALSE?


What two questions must you verbally ask and get a clear YES or NO answer from each passenger seated in the ext row to determine whether they are capable of occupying an exit seat?

Have you read the passenger safety card? Are you still willing and able to assist in an emergency event?

Strategically located airport or city where a carrier's major facilities and operations are housed, and where most of its scheduled flights originate from or terminate at.


When a TSA regulation is broken, the flight attendant must submit an ____.


When the irregularity involves a passenger violation of a FAR, the flight attendant must submit an ___. SW conducts an internal investigation of the incident and forwards reports to SW CMO (FAA) for investigation.


From where do you obtain a brewmember tage for your baggage?

InFlight or Flight Operations administration office of any domicile

A case, pouch, or envelope used to transport all required Customs, Immigration, and aircraft documents for passengers and crewmembers.

International Documents

A flight originating from a U.S. city and then diverting to an international city; or a flight originating from an international city and diverting to a U.S. city; or a flight that originates in an international city and diverts to another international city.

International Flight Diversion

How many POC's may be carried on board the aircraft at one time?

No limit

The clearing of U.S. Customs and Immigration upon arrival into the United States


During a preflight inspection and/or inf-flight duties, any item discovered inoperative or in need of repair the flight attendant (FWD FA on dual FA aircraft) immediately notifies the:


The ______ of an aircraft is directly responsible for and is the final authority as the safe operation of the aircraft.


Who assigns the entry signal in the crewmember briefing?

PIC and FA

What does PIN stand for?

Passenger Index Number

What are required for all U.S. citizens crossing a border between the U.S. and international cities?

Passports or passport replacing documents

The _______________ of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the safe operation of that aircraft

Pilot in Command

Who is able to provide access into the flight deck?

Pilot in Command

The purpose of the IOM is to provide _____________ for the flight attendants (FA)s to perform their ________________ with a high degree of safety.

Poilicies and Procedures; Duties and Responsibilitites

A place where persons and merchandise are allowed to pass into and out of a country and where CBP officers are stationed to inspect or appraise imported goods and credentials.

Port of Entry

The clearing of U.S. Customs and Immigration at an international destination prior to departure to the United States from an international destination.


What does the Enhanced Protection for Airline Passengers Rule (14 CFR Part 259) do?

Prohibits U.S. airlines from permitting an aircraft to remain on the tarmac for more than three hours without deplaning passengers for all domestic flights. International flights are four hours

When a passenger cannot or does not wish to sit in an exit row the flight attendant must?

Relocate them to another seat

Areas of an airport where cargo is loaded is operated as a _________________.


All active pilots and and flight attendants must display and/or be in possession of a _____________ issued, _____ approved crewmember identification badge


Which Briefings must FA(s) perform orally to every passenger onboard prior to every takeoff?


what items must be covered when individually briefing a blind/ visually impaired passenger?

Seat belts, exit locations, oxygen masks, that a passenger will be assigned to them during an emergency, location of galley and/or lavatories, if passenger has any other questions

A stolen eFAD or accessory will be replaced at no cost to the FA when the replacement request is accompanied by a police report. TRUE or FALSE


Admission to the flight deck by unauthorized persons is prohibited. TRUE or FALSE?


Alcohol may not be provided to those who appear intoxicated, have a weapon or are escorting a prisoner. TRUE or FALSE


Approved POCs may be used during all phases of flight, including boarding, surface movement, takeoff, and landing.


Certain baggage/ cargo may be carried in approved areas in the aircraft cabin if it meets the guidelines. TRUE or FALSE?


Crew baggage stowed in the cabin must be secured in approved stowage locations at all times so that it does not shift or become a hazard during surface movement, takeoff, landing, or emergency landing conditions. TRUE or FALSE


Each crewmember shall, on each flight, have readily available for his/her use a flashlight that is in good working order. TRUE or FALSE?


Each required member of the crew shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with the emergency equipment locations and procedures for use. TRUE or FALSE?


Flight attendants are required to show the location and demonstrate the use of the emergency oxygen system. TRUE or FALSE?


Flight attendants must sync and download required manual revisions or bulletin to the Company Manuals app prior to starting their next trip assignment. TRUE or FALSE?


No person may operate a civil aircraft within the U.S. with knowledge that narcotic drugs, marijuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances as defined in Federal or State statutes are carried in the aircraft. TRUE or FALSE?


Only those customers who are able, without assistance, to activate an emergency exit and to take additional actions necessary to ensure the safe use of an that exit in an emergency may be seated in a designated exit seat. TRUE or FALSE?


Passengers are required to comply with No smoking/ Fasten Seat Belt signs and instructions given by crewmembers. TRUE or FALSE?


SkyWest Airlines and/or its contracted vendors are responsible for determining the suitability of each passenger permitted to occupy a designated exit seat. TRUE or FALSE?


Supplemental instruction must be provided for passengers who require special assistance and FA(s) must ask how they can prove assistance during an emergency. TRUE or FALSE


Testing for Prohibited drugs is required. TRUE or FALSE?


The flight deck door must be closed and locked at all times when the aircraft is being operated. TRUE or FALSE?


All emergency equipment must be regularly inspected as outlined in the IOM. TRUE or FALSE?

TRUE; All emergency equipment must be clearly identifiable and readily accessible to the crew.

Whenever the seat belt sign is turned on, an announcement must be made by?

The FA(s) or flight deck crewmembers

What is the importance of of St. George, Utah?

The base where SkyWest is managed and controlled

When are FA(s) able to contact the cockpit?

When out of Sterile phases of flight or when the aircraft reaches above 10,000 feet into cruise altitude.

When can a flight attendant leave their jumpseat during taxi?

When performing safety related duties

Are passenger safety cards required to be in every seat back pocket before each flight?


A US Secret Service Agent assigned to protect a person onboard a SkyWest airplane is permitted to occupy a __________________ upon request and presentation of their Secret Service credentials to the pilot in command

cockpit observer deat

Flight attendants must be trained in emergency medical event procedures including crewmember _____________, __________, ______________, and _____________, of emergency medical equipment and contents of EMK.

coordiantion, location, function, operation

Each customer's _____ and ____________ and each ________________ must be secured in its stowed position before an aircraft can move on the surface, takeoff, or landing.

food; beverage; serving cart

Overwater flights are required to be equipped with __________ for each occupant.

life preservers

During aircraft surface movement, takeoff, landing, or upon direction from the flight deck crew members, the FA must be seated with their seat belt and shoulder harness fastened, except when performing _______________.

safety related duties

Occupants of seats combined with safety belt and shoulder harness must have the belt and harness properly secured about them during ________ and __________.

takeoff; landing

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