Industrial Revolution

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In 1842 how many hours per day are children limited to working?


Who wrote a book called "The Wealth of Nations," which promoted free enterprise and lack of government interference?

Adam Smith

What forced the Carnegie family to move to Pittsburg?

Andrew Carnegie's father died in a textile factory.

What are the two things that developed because of the Industrial Revolution?

Banks and financial centers

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?


What led to Britain's long history of producing textiles?

Britain has a damp climate ideal for raising sheep.

What was the effect of Britain's more efficient and mechanized production of cloth?

Britain's new textile factories could meet the growing demand for cloth at home and abroad.

How did industrialization affect Britain's road network?

Britain's road network saw substantial improvements, and more than 2,000 canals were in use across Britain.

What caused the demand for coal to skyrocket throughout the Industrial Revolution?

Coal was needed to run the factories producing manufactured goods, the railroads, and steamships.

What did Eli Whitney invent in 1793 that revolutionized America's cotton industry?

Cotton gin

What political party adopts in their platform the recommendation of banning factory employment for children under 15?

Democratic Party

What was Jacob Riis' objective for taking photos of the city?

Document the conditions to change them.

Name four innovations in the mid-18th century that made producing cloth faster and required far less human labor.

Flying shuttle, the spinning jenny, the water frame, and the power loom.

Who signed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which limits many forms of child labor in 1938?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

What did the family feed the dying child so it would forget the misery?

Ginger ale

Describe Andrew Carnegie's view of amassing wealth?

He did not believe in worshiping money.

What is the effect of the book Jacob Riis published?

It swayed public opinion to cleaning up the conditions of tenements.

What state creates the first child labor law requiring factory children under 15 to go to school for three months per year?


What two social groups did the Industrial Revolution raise the standard of living?

Middle and Upper classes

What did Andrew Carnegie discover he had a gift of deciphering?

Morse code of the telegraph

Name two negatives and two positives of the Industrial Revolution.

Negatives- unsafe working conditions and pollution Positives- the move to cities and inventions made clothing/communication/transportation more affordable and accessible.

What eventually fueled labor unions and child labor laws in Britain and the United States?

Outrage over substandard working and living conditions fueled labor unions and child labor laws.

What are the three challenges cities faced as a result of rapid urbanization?

Pollution, inadequate sanitation, and lack of clean drinking water.

What two social groups during the Industrial Revolution did not see their standard of living increase?

Poor and working classes

Who developed the first steam-powered locomotive in the early 1800s?

Richard Trevithick

Who was known as the "Father of the American Industrial Revolution?"

Samuel Slater

Where were British textiles produced before the Industrial Revolution?

Small workshops or even homes.

What caused the dying child's health?


What are the 4 things that Jacob Riis exposed after living in the city?

Starvation, crowding, misery, and political corruption

What did Thomas Newcomen design a prototype for in the early 1700s?

Steam engine

What advancement in 1837 allowed people to communicate over long distances?

Telegraph system

Who were the "Luddites?" What were they known for?

The "Luddites" were people who opposed industrialization. They were known for their violent resistance to changes in Britain's textile industry.

What new technique enabled Britain's iron and steel production to expand?

The smelting of iron ore with coke instead of charcoal enabled Britain's iron and steel production to expand.

What had the United States become by the early 20th century?

The world's leading industrial nation.

What happened to the predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America during the 18th and 19th centuries?

They became industrialized and urban

What was Andrew Carnegie's goal before he died?

To give away all his wealth

How much were the family living on of the dying child?

Two dollars a week, a few loaves, and a piece of corned beef.

What was the pivotal movement that transformed Carnegie from worker to capitalist?

When he bought stock in a delivery company.

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