industrialization and nationalism

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15. What were the overall economic effects of imperialism on both the conquered and conquering countries?

- They hurt the conquered and helped the conquering

24. How did Japan prove its strength and rapid development to Europe and the United States?

- by proving a nation succeed without foreign trade.

Franco-Prussian war

- was a conflict between the Second French Empire of Napoleon III and the German states

12. Why was the unification of Germany important at this point in history? Who was their biggest enemy?

-Nationalism led to people accepting Prussian leadership (Bismarck) which led to dominance in Europe. France was germany's biggest enemy the unification of germany was important and relevant to WW2.

How did the production of textiles change during the industrial revolution

-The production of textiles increased during the industrial revolution. It went from weaving by hand to by mills like the flying shuttle.

British East India Company

. A British stock company

Sepoy Mutiny

. A attempted rebellion by the Indians to the British

Russo Japanese War

. A military conflict between Russia and Japan. Japan drove Russian troops out of Korea


. British Sovereignty in india

Opium Trade and Opium War

. China's successful attempt to separate from the British

Meiji Restoration and Reforms

. Restored practical and imperial rule for japan

Emperor Mutsuhito

. The 122nd emperor of Japan. Led the signing of the treaty of Kanagawa

Boxer Rebellion

. The campaign against the empress rule and foreigner privilege

Factory and factory system

. The idea where someone works on a good until the good is produced

Otto von Bismarck

. The man who brought Nationalism to the masses

Open Door Policy

. The name that describes America's policy towards foreign affairs in the 19th century

Commodore Matthew Perry

. United States commander of the navy

Treaty of Kanagawa

. Where Japan opened two ports for trade for the US


. Where everyone has to share their manufactured goods


. Where the government has ultimate rule over the people

Favorable balance of Trade

. Where trade wasn't needed for a government to be successful

Blood and Iron

A famous speech given by Otto von Bismarck about pride for your country

Sino Japanese War

A military conflict between Japan and China

Treaty of Nanjing

A peace treaty which ended the first opium war

26. Why was europe now able to Conquer "old world" empires during the 19th century when they could not earlier?-

Because they became more powerful and had a stronger army

21.Why was China not outright colonized by any one country (like Great Britain)?-

Because they could trade with them. Also they could trade and were not subject to Chinese law while at ports. They formed an open door policy with US so trade was allowed but kept China free from colonization.


Being native to your country

18. Why did European countries seek colonies in Southeast Asia? what countries were active in this region?-

Britain, France, Germany. They wanted sugar cane, coffee, cocoa, rubber, coconuts, bananas, and pineapple.

17. What were the negative impacts of imperization/colonization on India and other locations?-

Diseases spread much easier and quicker as well as difficulty traveling into the land. People lost their land and homes. Famine spread in India. Missionaries threatened Indian traditions by introducing new ones. Racism occurred.

Karl Marx

Founder of Communism

14. What did imperialism have to do with the industrialization of Europe?-

Imperialism is the seizure of a country by another, stronger one or if can also mean political and economic dominance over a country. European countries became stronger and looked to other countries like Africa to acquire more land and resources. They saw this as a way to strengthen national pride.

4. How did industrialization lead to urbanization? What were the characteristics of these new cities? -

Industrialization led to urbanization because it gave people new jobs and inspired people to move to cities. Railroads allowed people and goods to travel to other areas. People from the country could work in cities.

8. What new ideas arose in economic theory and how were they an extension of the new economic reality or a reaction against it?

Laissez faire (let people do business without interference), capitalism, (businesses privately owned for profit), socialism (factors of production owned by the public and operate for all), utilitarianism (government should promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people), Marxism (radical socialism), communism (complete socialism where there is no private property and everything is owned by everyone)

13. What were the causes or what motivated European countries to begin imperializing? (Economic, cultural, political)-

Loss of jobs and new innovations is farming. The cultural effect and political effect were negative.

7. What is mass production and what was its impact on productivity and prices? -

Mass production made the rich richer and the poor poorer due to the introduction of the assembly line. The effect it had on prices is that it lowered them. It increased productivity in society


Mass production of industrialized goods

11. How can nationalism divide people? How can it unify them? Give an example of each.-

Nationalism can divide people of different cultures and unite people of same culture. Positive (Unite)- Democratic governments in nations throughout the world. Negative (Divide)- Forced assimilation of negative cultures. Or when people want to assume the "old ways"

3. How did the new inventions/machines impact the price of consumer goods in europe and around the world?-

New inventions and machines brought new jobs as well as ideas to the industrial revolution

Free market

That the enterponerd have ultimate control over people.

Mass production and assembly line

The concept of mass producing an item step by step

Adam Smith

The founder that had the idea that the government should intervene

Factors of production

The goods necessary to mass produce a good (land, labor, capital)

5. What was the life of the urban factory worker like? What were the conditions in factories? How did labor unions address these issues?-

The living conditions for a factory workers were very poor, dangerous working conditions and no building codes or sanitation codes. People worked long hours. No child labor laws. No drains or ways to collect garbage. Sickness spread.


The movement of people to cities

2. What was the original power source for the industrial revolution and how did the steam engine change industrial development?-.

The original power source for the industrial revolution was charcoal

6. What were the new social classes that emerged during this time? How did the rise of the middle class impact society (leisure time, recreation, quality of life, etc.)?-

The population of the middle class doubled and their quality of life improved and some of them were wealthier than landowners. Working class were laborers who saw little improvement in working or living conditions

23. How did Japan restructure itself to avoid colonization and compete with the west?-

They became more independent and modernized to keep up with the west. They modernized their navy, railroad, factories and became a stronger nation to resist others.

16. What were the positive impacts of imperialization/colonization in places like India?-

They gained support from other countries, reduced local warfare, improved sanitation, literacy among some, telephone lines. Large railroad network in India.

22. What was Japan's reaction to western contact during the age of imperialism? -

They isolated themselves. Then when they saw massive US ships and cannons and decided to open ports to trading.

25. What are the long term consequences of European imperialism in Africa?-

They suffered as a result of imperialism. People rushed in to try to take Africa's riches, leading to war. Europeans changed lives and traditions of those in Africa with their influence and control over them

9. How did the industrial revolution give some countries an advantage over others?

US, France, Britain, Belgium, Japan and Germany industrialized. What countries gained the most? The united states and Britain, and france gained the most capitol from the industrial revolution. France's industrialization was more controlled and avoided some economic and social problems


Where everyone works for each other

Cottage system

Where factory workers live together in cottages

Alsace and Lorraine

a territory created by the German Empire in 1871

Suez Canal

an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez


faire- That the government has no power on how the entrepreneurs run business


is a group of people organized to fight for fair working conditions .

A strike

is when union members refuse to work

20. What was the most important attempt to resist foreign influence in China? What was the result?-

it failed because the opium war failed

10. What is nationalism? What characteristics are usually shared to create national bonds?

patriotic feeling, principles, or effort. Nationalism is a belief that people's loyalty should not be to a king but to a nation of people who share common culture and history

Berlin Conference

regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period

King Leopold II and the Congo

reigned as the second King of the Belgian until 1909

19. After years of isolationism, how did European countries gain access and influence in China?-

the opium war. Chinese was causing addiction problems and Britain refused to stop trading. China lost the war and trade with Britain increased.

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