Information Literacy Midterm

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Pick one—Walmart, Battlefield Mall, Hobby Lobby

EBSCOHost is the _____________ of databases.


How many Sherlock Holmes short stories did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle write?

Giving credit where due, obeying laws and regulations, using the best information, making good decisions.

How might one be ethical with the sources gathered for a paper? In other words, what is ethical information use?

A hanging indent.

What type of indent is used in APA format?

Currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose. It is used to determine the reliability of a source.

What does the acronym CRAAP stand for? What is it used for?

Using AND, OR, and NOT to narrow or broaden a search. (i.e. Books AND magazines; Swimming OR Diving; Trucks NOT Cars)

What is Boolean searching?

. It is a phrase that is used to narrow down searches by allowing the user to combine modifiers such as and, not and or, with key words

What is a Boolean phrase?

ProQuest or EBSCOHost. If you don't have access to those databases, Google Scholar and Ingenta Connect may be helpful.

What is a good resource for me to use when searching for peer reviewed articles?

Knowledge, facts, data, etc.

What is information?

Limit the amount of personal information you share on the internet.

What is one step you can take towards protecting your identity and privacy?

Opinions of a group or person based on an analysis of facts, events, or things.

What is subjective Information?

Advanced search parameters can help get more relevant results more quickly.

What is the advantage/purpose of using advanced searches in a database?

Scholarly information is peer reviewed or referred journals, university presses, written by experts for experts, and includes a bibliography and notes. Non-scholarly information is written for the general public by non-experts and includes newspapers and popular magazines. Sources are not always documented

What is the difference between scholarly and non-scholarly information?

The launch of Sputnik in 1957

What technological innovation helped lead to the development of the internet?

EBSCOHost and proquest

what are the two big periodical databases we talked about?

Original sources that have not been analyzed.

what is a primary source?

bibliography and notes. peer reviewed or refereed journals. written for experts by experts

what is a scholarly source type?

Information that has been analyzed, modified, or interpreted.

what is a secondary source?

diaries, photographs/video, autobiographies, scientific studies, legal documents, art, statistics, and interviews.

what is an example of a primary source?

It is limited use of copyrighted works for scholarship, teaching, research, and news reporting. However, be wary of the purpose of use, nature of work used, amount of used in relation to the whole, and its effect on the market.

what is fair use exemption?

Primary information is original, and secondary information has been analyzed or interpreted.

what is the difference between primary and secondary information?

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