Information Management 2018 - 2019

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"How long are businesses required to keep their records? A. On a seasonal basis B. Varies greatly C. Indefinitely D. One year" "

" "B Varies greatly. The length of time that businesses use and store their records can vary greatly. Some businesses will use certain records indefinitely, while other businesses might maintain information on a seasonal basis or for only one year. The law often determines how long certain records must be maintained. SOURCE: NF:001 SOURCE: Burrow, J.L. (2012). Marketing (3rd ed.) [p. 349]. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning."

"What application enables a business to identify when a record was added to a database? A. Date/Time stamp B. Validation rules C. Data replication D. Sort "

"A Date/Time stamp. The date/time stamp enables a business to identify the date and time that a particular record was added to the database. This can help a business track employees' keying activities and track when customers are added to the database. The validation-rules application enables a database developer to restrict how and/or what data can be keyed in a particular database field. The data replication application involves copying data from one database to another. This enables users to access the data they need to perform their tasks without interfering with others' work. The sort application enables users to view only the data they need to view, such as orders placed on a particular date. SOURCE: NF:124 SOURCE: Chapple, M. (n.d.). How to add a date or time stamp to an Access 2010 database table. Retrieved September 18, 2017, from"

"Rhonda is doing research for a paper in her business class. She should use sources that A. were written by authors who are reputable. B. emotionally present one side of an issue. C. are no more than 20 years old. D. could be considered propaganda."

"A Were written by authors who are reputable. When evaluating a source, it's important to make sure that the author is reputable, credible, and respected. Sources that are emotional instead of objective should be avoided. Propaganda is not considered a reputable source. Sources that are no more than 20 years old may or may not be reliable, depending on the subject. SOURCE: NF:079 SOURCE: Purdue Online Writing Lab. (1995-2018). Evaluation during reading. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from of_information/evaluation_during_reading.html"

"What is the first step in designing a multi-table query? A. Determine the criteria. B. Pinpoint exactly what you want to know. C. Locate the correct tables. D. Set the correct join direction. "

"B Pinpoint exactly what you want to know. In order to create a successful multi-table query, the first step is figuring out exactly what question you want the database to answer. If you aren't exactly sure what you want to know, the database cannot provide you with the information you need. Determining the criteria for the query, locating the correct tables, and setting the correct join direction are all important steps to take before creating the query, but none of them will be successful unless the exact question has been determined first. SOURCE: NF:124 SOURCE: GCF (1998-2018). Access 2013: Designing a multi-table query. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from query/1/"

"Businesses can use data mining to A. show why information is valuable. B. see patterns within data. C. eliminate the need to understand data. D. make decisions for them."

"B See patterns within data. Data mining is a way for businesses to see the relationships and patterns within data. Data mining can give businesses the information they need to make decisions, but it cannot make decisions for them. Businesses must decide for themselves why the information is valuable. Businesses still need to understand data. SOURCE: NF:152 SOURCE: SAS. (2017, August 7). Data mining: What it is and why it matters. Retrieved September 6, 2017, from"

"Inflation is a factor involved in which category of an environmental scan? A. Demographics B. Technology C. Economy D. Competition"

"C Economy. Inflation is a factor associated with the economy. The economy greatly affects businesses and the decisions they must make to satisfy customers and remain profitable. Inflation is not necessarily involved in technology, competition, or demographics (the physical and social characteristics of the population). SOURCE: NF:015 SOURCE: LAP-NF-015—Get the 4-1-1 (Conducting an Environmental Scan)"

"Alexa wants to create and post a basic web page for her food truck. The first step she should take is to choose A. the font size. B. a template. C. the background colors. D. a website-building platform."

"D A website-building platform. The first step in creating and posting a basic web page is selecting a website-building platform (such as Wordpress). Choosing a template, background colors, and font size all come later. SOURCE: NF:042 SOURCE: Mening, R. (2018). How to make a website. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"Which of the following is an accurate description of business records: A. Documents containing company information B. Events involving sales employees C. Reports about retail theft D. Accounts of customer loyalty"

A Documents containing company information. Business records are documents containing information about a business's operations and finances—what it has done with its resources and opportunities. Business records may or may not involve information regarding sales employees, retail theft, or customer loyalty. SOURCE: NF:001 SOURCE: LAP-NF-001—Record It (Business Records)

"How does appropriate information management affect a business's relationship with its customers? A. Businesses earn higher profits. B. Businesses serve customers more effectively. C. Businesses lose focus on customers. D. Businesses make better financial decisions."

B Businesses serve customers more effectively. Managing information appropriately helps businesses focus on the important task of serving customers more effectively, which in turn may help lead to higher profits, although it is not a guarantee. A business's financial decisions may or may not have to do with serving customers. SOURCE: NF:110 SOURCE: LAP-NF-110—In the Know (Nature of Information Management)

"Aaron is conducting an online search for an article entitled ""How To Make Good Decisions as a Team."" The author's name is Les McKeown. Which of the following queries will provide Aaron the fewest and most accurate results? A. ""how to make decisions as a team"" OR ""l mckeown"" B. "how to make good decisions as a team" "les mckeown" C. make decisions team - mckeown D.

make decisions team

"What is a benefit to a tour operator who makes business decisions by analyzing statistical information? A. Improved performance B. Lower demand C. Increased competition D. Lower outputs" "

" "A Improved performance. Statistics are information presented in numerical form. Businesses analyze and interpret statistics to make various business decisions. By analyzing statistical information, a tour operator might determine ways in which to improve sales, productivity (higher outputs), or overall performance in order to compete more effectively in the marketplace. Lower demand, increased competition, and lower outputs do not benefit tour operators. SOURCE: NF:093 SOURCE: Bianca, A. (2011, August 15). The advantages of statistics in business. Retrieved September 19, 2017, from"

"Businesses often conduct environmental scans to determine if they should A. make staffing adjustments. B. expand into other markets. C. follow government regulations. D. improve their computer systems." "

" "B Expand into other markets. An environmental scan is a study of the external forces that influence a business's success. An environmental scan examines the business's competitors; social issues and trends; and government, political, and economic factors. An environmental scan provides information that helps the business make decisions, such as whether it should expand into other markets. Staffing adjustments and computer improvements are internal factors that a business considers when it wants to enhance its productivity. A business should always follow government regulations. SOURCE: NF:015 SOURCE: LAP-NF-015—Get the 4-1-1 (Conducting an Environmental Scan)"

"What type of software do many businesses require be installed on computer systems as a security feature? A. Reality B. Firewall C. Spider D. Media" "

" "B Firewall. Firewall software is intended to prevent unauthorized access to a computer network. Many businesses require firewall software to be installed on their computer systems because their systems are networked, and hackers could destroy or steal valuable data. Firewall software is a security feature that helps protect a business's computer network. Businesses do not install reality, spider, or media software as a security feature. SOURCE: NF:012 SOURCE: Cisco. (2015, July 30). What is a firewall? Retrieved September 17, 2018, from"

"Which of the following is a specification that a business might establish for selecting spreadsheet software programs: A. Electronically communicate data B. Graphically display financial information C. Regularly organize customer information D. Digitally produce marketing data" "

" "B Graphically display financial information. Businesses establish specifications for selecting spreadsheet software in order to obtain the type of programs that will meet their needs. This is important because not all spreadsheet software programs have the same capabilities, such as graphically displaying financial information. Some businesses may need only simple graphics in the form of graphs or charts, while others need sophisticated graphics that will display financial information in a variety of visual formats. Communications software is used to electronically communicate data. Database software is used to regularly organize customer information. Word processing and graphic design programs are used to produce marketing data. SOURCE: NF:091 SOURCE: Farese, L.S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C.A. (2012). Marketing essentials (pp. 214-215). New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill."

"Which of the following is most likely to be a dynamic element of a business's external environment: A. Decrease in personnel B. Increase in competition C. Renewed emphasis on training D. New quality control measures" "

" "B Increase in competition. A business's external environment is always changing and dynamic. Elements of the external environment that are likely to impact business decision-making are competition, demographics, society and culture, the economy, the government, and technology. Personnel, training, and quality control measures all represent internal elements of the business's environment. SOURCE: NF:015 SOURCE: LAP-NF-015—Get the 4-1-1 (Conducting an Environmental Scan)"

"James needs to hire a bookkeeper for his growing business. To determine the new employee's salary, James obtained pay data from five companies in his industry that are similar in size. The research indicated the following: Company A pays $31,205; Company B pays $29,995; Company C pays $34,800; Company D pays $42,500; and Company E pays $36,500. James decided to set his bookkeeper's salary at $35,000. What measure of central tendency did James use to set his new employee's salary? A. Mode B. Mean C. Range D. Median" "

" "B Mean. The mean is a measure of central tendency. Mean is a mathematical average, which involves adding together the raw data and dividing the sum by the number of individual data. In the example, James added together all of the salaries of the companies that he researched ($31,205 + $29,995 + $34,800 +$42,500 + $36,500 = $175,000). Then, Jack divided the sum by the number of individual salaries in the set of data ($175,000 / 5 = $35,000). The mode of a set of numbers is the value that appears most often in the set. The range is the difference between the largest and the smallest number in the data set. The median is the exact middle of a data set. In the example, $34,800 is the median of the data set. SOURCE: NF:093 SOURCE: Russell, D. (2018, March 11). How to calculate the mean, median, and mode. Retrieved September 17, 2018, from"

"The FPD Company keeps copies of its brochures, catalogs, and flyers on file for future reference. This is an example of a company that is maintaining __________ records. A. inventory B. legal C. promotional D. asset" "

" "C Promotional. Promotional records are documents containing information about the various types of communication that businesses use to inform, persuade, or remind customers of their products, images, or ideas. Businesses often keep copies of their promotional materials in case they need to refer to them in the future for some reason (e.g., to answer customer inquiries). Contracts, permits, and leases are examples of records that businesses keep for regulatory and legal purposes. Inventory records contain information about the types and quantities of materials or products the business has available or on order. Asset records contain information about the things that a business owns, such as the equipment and furniture it uses to operate. SOURCE: NF:001 SOURCE: LAP-NF-001—Record It (Business Records)"

"Your web search results contain URLs from a variety of sources. Which of the following sources should provide the most reliable data: A. A government agency B. A term paper C. A personal blog D. A Wikipedia site"

"A A government agency. A government agency, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, should contain unbiased, accurate information. A term paper and a personal blog would probably be biased based on the writer's viewpoint. Although Wikipedia is an open source of information that is constantly updated, you might have received wiki information when it was inaccurate. SOURCE: NF:079 SOURCE: GCF LearnFree. (1998-2017). How to judge online information. Retrieved September 6, 2017, from"

"Von is a very thorough record keeper. He always carefully files his company's bills, receipts, and cancelled checks because he knows that the company has a responsibility to prove the expenses it lists on its tax return. Von's company bears a A. burden of proof. B. responsibility to prove. C. record burden. D. tax return proof."

"A Burden of proof. It's important to keep good records because you are responsible for proving the expenses you deduct on your tax return. This includes things like bills, receipts, and cancelled checks. Von carefully files these items so that they can be easily found. SOURCE: NF:014 SOURCE: IRS. (2018, May 8). Recordkeeping. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"Which of the following data collection methods would best measure actual repeat business: A. Collecting data on product purchases from loyalty programs B. Tracking cookies from customers' web browsing activity C. Collecting personal information from online registrations D. Surveying customers about their recent store experiences"

"A Collecting data on product purchases from loyalty programs. Loyalty programs are designed to track the shopping behavior of consumers and can measure the transactions of actual repeat business. Tracking cookies from web browsing activity provides helpful information about a customers' web activity, but it does not offer the same detailed information provided by a loyalty program. Collecting personal information from online registrations provides information about customers, but it does not offer a way to measure repeat business. Surveying customers about recent store experiences could provide information about recent purchases, but it is not the best way to measure actual repeat business. SOURCE: NF:283 SOURCE: Farese, L.S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C.A. (2012). Marketing essentials 2012 (pp. 658- 661). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill."

"Information management can be a challenge because the business world is A. constantly changing. B. suffering from a lack of information. C. not open to new technology. D. completely dependent on paper files. "

"A Constantly changing. Information management can be a challenge because the business world is constantly changing. Companies can't sit back and assume their current programs will continue to fit the bill. They must stay alert to information management needs and trends and be willing to adjust accordingly. Business technology is always changing, and companies' information is often electronic rather than paper. Employees often suffer from too much information, known as information overload. SOURCE: NF:110 SOURCE: LAP-NF-110—In the Know (Nature of Information Management)"

"What type of system synchronizes sales and marketing efforts? A. Customer relationship management B. Transaction processing C. Supply chain management D. Decision support"

"A Customer relationship management. Customer relationship management systems accumulate and track customer activities and allow for interactions between customers and businesses. Transaction processing systems collect data from user inputs and generate outputs that assist in the core operations of a business. Supply chain management systems allow companies to work with suppliers and partners to improve operations. Decision support systems give companies access to financial, marketing, and operational data that helps them make better decisions. SOURCE: NF:083 SOURCE: Davoren, J. (2018, June 27). Types of information systems in an organization. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from organization-43097.html"

"The Microsoft Corporation generated $51.12 billion in revenue in 2007. This is an example of A. factual information. B. unwarranted criticism. C. inconclusive evidence. D. current data."

"A Factual information. Facts contain true data or information. Microsoft has multiple sources of documentation that indicates it generated $51.12 billion in revenue in 2007, which makes the statement a fact. It is important for companies to verify facts when they are making business decisions. Basing decisions on incorrect information can be very costly to a company. Unwarranted criticism is inappropriate, biased, or exaggerated feedback. Inconclusive evidence means that the presented facts do not indicate a distinct or unquestionable outcome of a situation. The amount of money Microsoft generated occurred a few years ago; therefore, the statement does not contain current data. SOURCE: NF:077 SOURCE: Gunsch, J., Gilchrist, J., & Harris, B. (2018, September 7). What is the difference between fact and opinion? Retrieved September 10, 2018, from difference-between-fact-and-opinion.htm"

"Thomas wants to change the word "develop" to the word "create" in several places throughout his document. The quickest way to make these changes is by using the __________ function. A. find and replace B. cut and paste C. header and footer D. styles and formatting"

"A Find and replace. The find and replace function allows computer users to make changes to their documents quickly. This function is beneficial when working with large documents that contain multiple words or phrases that need to be changed. The cut function allows a computer user to remove text or graphics from the document. The paste function allows a computer user to place cut or copied text or graphics in the document. Although the cut and paste functions allow users to change words, they are not as quick as the find and replace function, which is one step. The header and footer function allows a computer user to place document names and page numbers into a document. The style and formatting function allows a computer user to organize the document's contents in a standard or consistent manner. SOURCE: NF:007 SOURCE: Microsoft. (2017). Find and replace text and other data in a Word document. Retrieved September 6, 2017, from other-data-in-a-Word-document-c6728c16-469e-43cd-afe4-7708c6c779b7"

"By maintaining information about a company's copyrights, patents, trademarks, and corporate history, the information management function helps A. preserve the company's organizational identity. B. serve customers more effectively and efficiently. C. maintain the company's building and equipment. D. communicate the company's financial position."

"A Preserve the company's organizational identity. A company's information management function is responsible for keeping track of important documents and files pertaining to the company's corporate history. The function also manages information regarding the company's copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc. By doing so, information management helps preserve the company's organizational identity and history. Maintaining information about a company's copyrights, patents, trademarks, and corporate history does not help serve customers more effectively and efficiently, maintain the company's building and equipment, or communicate the company's financial position. SOURCE: NF:110 SOURCE: LAP-NF-110—In the Know (Nature of Information Management)"

"If a hotel is trying to predict future revenue generated for hotel bookings, which of the following sources of secondary data would be most useful: A. Previous fulfilled hotel reservations B. Frequent guests' personal income data C. Guest surveys about future travel plans D. Guest surveys on service quality"

"A Previous fulfilled hotel reservations. Previous fulfilled hotel reservations are considered secondary data because they have been previously collected, and they can provide insight into trends that can help predict future revenue. Guests' personal income data help predict what guests can afford, but don't necessarily show any spending or travel trends that can predict future stays. Guest surveys about future travel plans are not a source of secondary data; the surveys are a primary source because they directly collect the information being sought. Guest surveys on service quality can provide insight into whether guests liked their stay, but these data are not as beneficial in predicting future revenue as previous hotel reservations. SOURCE: NF:237 SOURCE: Farese, L.S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C.A. (2012). Marketing essentials 2012 (pp. 656- 661). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill."

"A growing trend that is influencing the way that many companies do business is the concern for A. protecting the environment. B. distributing the wealth. C. monitoring the economy. D. regulating the government."

"A Protecting the environment. The growing concern over the condition of the environment is influencing the way that many companies do business. Businesses that once ignored the damage they did to the environment are now spending billions of dollars to correct the problems and to change the way they operate. Public sentiment is forcing these companies to address environmental issues, such as pollution. The businesses that fail to do their part to protect the environment often anger consumers, which may lead to a loss of sales. The government, rather than business, is concerned with the distribution of wealth. Monitoring the economy is not a new trend but an ongoing business function. Businesses do not regulate government; instead, government regulates business. SOURCE: NF:013 SOURCE: Zahorsky, D. (2016, June 1). Emerging business trends that are rocking the business world. Retrieved September 6, 2017, from profitability-2951403"

"A benefit of informed decisions is that they A. reduce a business's risk. B. are usually bad decisions. C. cost less money. D. hurt a business's chances at competing."

"A Reduce a business's risk. Informed decisions are better decisions, and they reduce a business's risk. Informed decisions help businesses compete better. They may or may not cost less money. SOURCE: NF:110 SOURCE: LAP-NF-110—In the Know (Nature of Information Management)"

"Which of these lodging services would most likely be automated using software: A. Registration B. Concierge C. Room setup D. Sales forecasting"

"A Registration. Software best handles routine tasks such as registration. Registration can be handled online, over the phone, or in person. All registrations go into a software program. This makes it easy to analyze sales and marketing data. Concierge and room setup services are performed by humans. Sales forecasting is not a service. SOURCE: NF:106 SOURCE: Capterra. (n.d.). Reservations software FAQs. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"Which of the following is a source of secondary data that Angela could use to obtain information about a competitor's promotional activities: A. Statistics in a trade publication's article about the competitor's advertising campaign B. Focus group feedback she obtains from the competitor's former employees C. Survey administered to competitor's customers to determine the effectiveness of its promotional activities D. Interview conducted with the competitor's advertising agency"

"A Statistics in a trade publication's article about the competitor's advertising campaign. Secondary data are facts, figures, and statistics that have been collected for projects other than the one at hand. In this case, the statistics in the trade publication's article were generated for a purpose other than providing the competition with data about its promotional activities. Surveys, focus groups, and interviews are used to collect primary data: facts, figures, and statistics collected for the project at hand. SOURCE: NF:281 SOURCE: Farese, L.S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C.A. (2012). Marketing essentials (pp. 681-683). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill."

"Analyzing data with Simpson's Paradox in mind can help account for A. unconsidered variables or dimensions. B. human error. C. inconsistencies in data generation. D. incorrect assumptions."

"A Unconsidered variables or dimensions. Simpson's Paradox occurs when a trend that appears in different groups of data disappears when the groups are combined. It helps to reveal instances where data can be misinterpreted or variables can be overlooked because data have not been examined from multiple perspectives. Simpson's Paradox does not necessarily account for human error, inconsistencies in data generation, or incorrect assumptions about data. SOURCE: NF:139 SOURCE: Reda, G. (2014, March 23). Principles of good data analysis. Retrieved September 6, 2017, from"

"Which of the following is needed to post a web page: A. Web server B. Product to sell C. Interested audience D. Legal permit"

"A Web server. After creating a web page, the developer needs to post the web page through a web server or Internet service provider (IPS). The Web server or IPS may charge a fee to post and store the web page, although some web servers will provide the service free of charge. Developers post web pages for many reasons, which may include selling products to interested audiences. Legal permits are not required to post a web page. SOURCE: NF:042 SOURCE: (2010). Upload web page to server. Retrieved September 6, 2017, from"

+ mckeown"

"B ""how to make good decisions as a team"" ""les mckeown"". When searching for something very specific, the goal is to have the search field retrieve the fewest results possible. When the search engine retrieves fewer results, the researcher can often avoid reading through a lot of material to get the desired information. Placing quotation marks (rather than parentheses) around the exact article title, as well as the author's name, narrows the results that the search mechanism retrieves. Placing OR between the phrase and the author's name increases the number of results retrieved because the search engine looks for the article title and the author's name as individual queries as well as a combined query. Additionally, the search should contain the author's full name to narrow the results. Placing a minus sign before a search term removes the term from the search, which increases the search results because all articles containing the key words written by other authors are likely to show up in the results. Brackets are not generally used in searching. SOURCE: NF:006 SOURCE: Norton, A. (2011, April 27). 10 tips for smarter, more efficient Internet searching. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from more-efficient-internet-searching/"

"When using presentation software to develop a slideshow presentation, it is best to A. limit the presentation to twelve or fewer slides. B. avoid the use of decorative fonts. C. include flashy background designs. D. use a lot of clipart to add interest. "

"B Avoid the use of decorative fonts. Decorative fonts are often difficult to see and read, so it is best to avoid using them when developing slideshow presentations. Flashy backgrounds and too much clipart can be distracting and take away from the message, so it is best to limit the use of these elements as well. The number of slides needed for the presentation depends on the topic; therefore, it may be necessary to use more than twelve slides to support the presentation's message. SOURCE: NF:008 SOURCE: Roberts, S.J. (2012). Fundamentals of business communication (pp. 268-278). Tinley Park, IL: Goodheart-Willcox."

"One of the reasons why a chain of hotels might analyze and interpret the marketing information contained in databases is to A. survey guests. B. compare variables. C. tabulate findings. D. organize products."

"B Compare variables. A chain of hotels might analyze and interpret the marketing information contained in databases in order to compare several variables that change from property to property. For example, one hotel might be located in an affluent suburb while another one is located in an urban area. The chain might analyze the information in its database concerning both communities in order to make appropriate marketing decisions such as the type of services to offer in each location. Although the chain provides the same type of goods and services to both communities, it needs to analyze data in order to know if the consumers in each community have different wants and needs. Before analyzing databases to compare variables, a chain of hotels might survey guests and tabulate the findings. A chain would not analyze databases in order to organize products. SOURCE: NF:185 SOURCE: Zikmund, W.G., & Babin, B.J. (2010). Exploring marketing research (10th ed.) [p. 614]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning."

"A legal issue associated with the use of information might involve the violation of __________ laws. A. patent B. copyright C. trademark D. contract"

"B Copyright. Copyright is the legal protection of books and other artistic works granted by government and gives their creators sole rights to them for a certain period of years. If a business uses information that is copyrighted without obtaining permission from the copyright holder, the business is violating copyright laws. Copyright infringement is a legal issue because businesses can be sued and required to pay a substantial penalty. Patent, trademark, and contract laws do not involve the use of information. SOURCE: NF:076 SOURCE: Tysver, D. (1996-2018). Copyright law in the United States. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"Before creating a media presentation, you should first plan the text and illustrations for the presentation by A. developing a schedule. B. creating a storyboard. C. creating the needed slides. D. planning slide transitions."

"B Creating a storyboard. Creating a storyboard helps you to plan the text and illustrations for a presentation and also plan the work that will need to be done to create the presentation. Developing a schedule can help with the planning of the work but does not help plan the actual content. Creating the needed slides and planning the slide transitions can only be done after a plan for the content is developed. SOURCE: NF:290 SOURCE: Lehman, C., & DuFrene, D. (2011). Business communication (16th ed) [pp. 307-313]. Mason, OH: South-Western."

"Dmitri is building a new website. Which of the following does he need to register to obtain a web address for his new site: A. Web host B. Domain name C. Site builder D. Street address"

"B Domain name. The domain name that Dmitri registers will be the unique address of his new website. A web host allows a website owner to make his/her site accessible via the Internet. A site-builder is a program including templates and software to create the layout and design of a website. Web addresses are usually picked based on a company name or other important identifier, rather than the company's street address. SOURCE: NF:042 SOURCE: The Grue. (2015, November 5). How to create a website—a simple guide for beginners. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from"

"Which of the following is a computer-based time-management tool that helps employees keep track of their appointments and activities: A. Perpetual calendar B. Electronic task organizer C. Instant-messaging program D. Alarm clock "

"B Electronic task organizer. Electronic task organizers and calendars help employees keep track of their appointments and tasks, which help them be more efficient, organized, and productive workers. Spreadsheet software programs record and calculate numerical data. Instant-messaging programs allow Internet users to communicate in real time. Perpetual calendars and alarm clocks may not be computer- based. SOURCE: SOURCE: NF:005 Hein, R. (2013, April 18). 9 top iPhone and iPad productivity and time management apps. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from Productivity-and-Time-Management-Apps.html"

"Which of the following is a way in which technology has changed the way businesses operate: A. Productivity has decreased, and costs have increased. B. Employees are sometimes able to do their work from home. C. Entering new and foreign markets has become more complex. D. The nature of marketing has remained relatively the same."

"B Employees are sometimes able to do their work from home. The nature of work has changed due to the increase in telecommuting (working from home or a remote location) opportunities. The Internet and remote networking give many employees the ability to do their jobs without ever stepping foot into the office. Technology has actually helped productivity increase, not decrease, and costs are lower. Technology makes entering new and foreign markets easier. The nature of marketing has changed because of technological innovations. SOURCE: NF:003 SOURCE: LAP-NF-004—TECH-tastic (Technology's Impact on Business)"

"Cocoa Bean Coffee Café posts the following statement on its website: "Cocoa Bean Coffee Café does not share its customers' names, email addresses, and telephone numbers with others without obtaining customers' consent." This is an example of a business exhibiting __________ behavior in relation to __________. A. cautious; product promotion B. ethical; information management C. questionable; marketing research D. judicious; production procedures"

"B Ethical; information management. Information management is the process of accessing, processing, maintaining, evaluating, and disseminating the business's knowledge, facts, or data. The café is exhibiting ethical, cautious, and judicious behavior by implementing policies to protect its customers' information. Customers are more likely to trust the café with their personal information because the café states its privacy policies on its website. The privacy statement does not relate to the cafe's product promotion, marketing research, or production procedures. SOURCE: NF:111 SOURCE: Starbucks. (2017, September 11). Starbucks privacy statement. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from policy"

"Information management can be a challenge because the business world is A. constantly changing. B. suffering from a lack of information. C. not open to new technology. D. completely dependent on paper files. "

"B Operating system. An operating system runs the computer, serving as a go-between for hardware and software applications. In addition, the operating system provides security for the computer system. A server is any combination of hardware or software designed to provide services to clients. Application software is software that enables the users to perform specific tasks, such as word processing. A computer's hard drive is the element of the system that stores software applications, the operating system, and other data. SOURCE: NF:085 SOURCE: (2015). Operating system. Retrieved September 18, 2017, from"

"The set of computer programs that manages the hardware and software of a computer is the A. digital connection. B. operating system. C. transfer protocol. D. electronic resource."

"B Operating system. The operating system manages the hardware and software and makes the computer work. The system connects the software to the hardware and controls the overall operation of the computer. The set of computer programs that manages the hardware and software of a computer is not the digital connection, the transfer protocol, or the electronic resource. SOURCE: NF:085 SOURCE: Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc. (1998-2018). What is an operating system? Retrieved September 10, 2018, from operating-systems/1/"

"Simon is creating a report for his boss and comes across a passage he wants to use in the report: "Time stands still for nobody, and yet we all think it revolves around us." He changes the passage to "We all think time revolves around us, but it doesn't stand still for anybody" and references the source in the document. Simon is A. quoting. B. paraphrasing. C. summarizing. D. plagiarizing."

"B Paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is restating a message in other words in order to confirm or clarify its meaning. Quoting involves duplicating an exact passage and attributing that passage to the original author. Summarizing involves putting main ideas in your own words for a broader overview of the material. Plagiarizing is stealing the work or idea of another without referencing the original source to pass it off as your own. Simon is not plagiarizing because he references the source in his document. SOURCE: NF:080 SOURCE: Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2013, February 15). Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from"

"Statistical data revealed that Zane Industries sold 32% more of the Model EQ2 desktop photocopier last year after it made changes to increase the photocopier's speed and refine its print quality. In this situation, the statistical findings helped the company determine that A. its sales forecasts were inaccurate. B. product improvements helped boost sales. C. research and development expenses exceeded the budget. D. the company achieved its sales goals."

"B Product improvements helped boost sales. Statistics are information presented in numerical form. Businesses use statistics to evaluate performance and identify trends. In the situation described, the business used statistics to identify a specific increase in sales after it made improvements to a product. There is not enough information provided to know how the statistical information relates to the company's sales goals, sales forecasts, and research and development budget. SOURCE: NF:093 SOURCE: Bianca, A. (2011, August 14). The advantages of statistics in business. Retrieved September 6, 2017, from"

"Which of the following is an example of a current trend in business: A. Expanding economic growth B. Protecting consumer privacy C. Developing market research D. Promoting private enterprise"

"B Protecting consumer privacy. Businesses are becoming more concerned with ways of protecting consumer privacy because of the new technology that makes it easy to gather and disseminate personal information. The rapid growth of electronic commerce, which enables consumers to purchase products online, also enables businesses to collect information about credit cards, personal preferences, and buying habits that many consumers prefer to keep private. In response to a growing concern on the part of consumers, businesses are trying to develop techniques that will protect consumer privacy—not only online—but also from other types of abuses. Economic expansion and marketing research are fundamental business activities rather than current trends. Private enterprise is an economic system in which individuals and groups, rather than government, own or control the means of production. SOURCE: NF:013 SOURCE: Zikmund, W.G., & Babin, B.J. (2010). Exploring marketing research (10th ed.) [pp. 94-95]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning."

"Which of the following is an example of a business using technology to improve the efficiency of its salespeople: A. Accepting debit transactions B. Providing laptops, tablets, and smartphones C. Providing a week of in-person training D. Installing security cameras"

"B Providing laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Laptops, tablets, and smartphones allow salespeople to have instant access to company databases and software. This enables them to update information quickly and place orders on the spot. This technology also contains the software that generates a purchase order and forwards the order information to manufacturing, purchasing, and accounting. The salesperson does not need to return to the office to prepare paperwork but can go on to another appointment. Debit transactions, security cameras, and in-person training are not types of technology that improve the efficiency of salespeople. SOURCE: NF:003 SOURCE: LAP-NF-004—TECH-tastic (Technology's Impact on Business)"

"What is the primary function of the Random Access Memory (RAM) component of a computer? A. Reads the computer code that provide visual effects B. Serves as a temporary holding area for files and programs C. Stores data and programs permanently D. Enables the user to apply point-and-click commands"

"B Serves as a temporary holding area for files and programs. Random Access Memory, or RAM, is a temporary workspace that stores data and programs that the user is actively using. A computer containing a lot of RAM enables users to open and work on several files and programs at one time. When the user has finished working with a file or program, s/he saves or stores the information permanently on the hard drive. The video card is a component of the system that converts code so the user can view items on the computer monitor. The computer mouse is a tool that enables computer users to enter commands. SOURCE: NF:084 SOURCE: Kjell, B. (2010, June 17). Chapter one: Introduction to computer systems. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from"

"Last year's quarterly sales for Mountain High Ski Resort were as follows: 1st Quarter: $652,276; 2nd Quarter: $947,550; 3rd Quarter: $423,835; 4th Quarter: $345,766. What does the data reveal about the resort's sales? A. The fourth quarter's sales indicate that the resort is experiencing financial problems. B. The resort's peak season occurred during the second quarter. C. The resort failed to meet its annual sales objectives. D. The combined first and third quarter revenues are over half of the resort's annual sales."

"B The resort's peak season occurred during the second quarter. Successful hospitality businesses monitor their sales data on a continuous basis. Monitoring sales data helps resorts identify trends and selling cycles, establish sales forecasts, and determine if they are meeting their sales objectives. The provided sales information reveals a substantial sales increase during the second quarter, which indicates that this is the resort's peak season. This is likely due to higher resort occupancy rates, and the purchase of more ski passes and ski rentals during the winter months, when guests stay at the resort to snow ski. There is not enough information provided to determine if the resort is experiencing financial problems or if it did not meet its annual sales objectives. Total sales for the year were $2,369,427 ($652,276 + $947,550 + $423,835 + $345,766 = $2,369,427). The first and third quarter sales were $1,076,111 ($652,276 + $423,835 = $1,076,111). Half of the annual sales would be $1,184,713.50 ($2,369,427 / 2 = $1,184,713.50). Therefore, the combined sales for the first and third quarters did not exceed half of the year's annual sales. SOURCE: NF:288 SOURCE: Abbott, M. (2014, May 25). Why monitor your sales statistics. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"To increase efficiency among channel members, which type of software allows for the secure transfer of information via the Internet: A. Intranet system B. Virtual private network C. Internet service provider D. Client network"

"B Virtual private network. Software refers to the programs that instruct computers to perform specific operations. Software that instructs the computer to transfer certain information to specific computer systems through a secure Internet exchange is a virtual private network (VPN). When channel members' computer systems are linked together by this type of software, the necessary information (e.g., purchase orders) can be transferred quickly from one channel member to another, which increases the efficiency of the entire distribution process. An Intranet software system allows information flow among a company's employees. An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet, usually for a fee. A client network refers to a client, usually a business, which has its own Intranet. SOURCE: NF:106 SOURCE: Paul, I. (2017, July 6). How - and why - you should use a VPN any time you hop on the internet. Retrieved September 11, 2017, from time-you-hop-on-the-internet.html"

"Philippe wants to find out the average length of time that visitors spend on his business's website. Which of the following data would be most useful to Philippe: A. Receiving data B. External data C. Clickstream data D. Qualitative data"

"C Clickstream data. Clickstream data are information about the number of people who visit a particular website, how long they spend on the website, and what they do while visiting the website (e.g., browsing, reading reviews, purchasing products, etc.). External data are facts and figures available outside the business. Philippe needs internal data, not external data. Receiving data are information about shipments of goods received by the business. Qualitative data are facts and figures based on opinions and personal interpretations. Philippe needs quantitative data containing specific numerical facts and figures, not qualitative data. SOURCE: NF:014 SOURCE: Sentance, R. (2017, September 11). Using clickstream data to know your customer's entire online journey. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from clickstream-data-to-know-your-customers-entire-online-journey/112816/"

"Why do many businesses store information in a computerized database? A. To transmit documents B. To communicate with vendors C. To maintain client lists D. To monitor economic trends"

"C To maintain client lists. One use of a computer database is to store information about the business's customers. A database allows a business to add and update information and to organize it in many different ways. For example, a business might organize its client list according to the amount of money each customer spends by zip code or by location. The business can rearrange this information at any time by a simple click on a computer key. Databases are not used to transmit documents, communicate with vendors, or to monitor economic trends. SOURCE: NF:009 SOURCE: GCF LearnFree. (1996-2016). Access 2016: Introduction to Databases. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from databases/1/"

"Irene has always kept and filed every piece of paperwork she receives. When she needs to find a specific document for her boss, Irene wastes hours looking through her filing cabinets before she finally finds it. What should Irene do to make her filing more efficient? A. Hire a new employee to handle her files. B. Store all of her documents virtually online. C. Create a system and keep only what she needs. D. Purge her old documents, throwing everything away. "

"C Create a system and keep only what she needs. Irene may think she's playing it safe by keeping every single piece of paperwork, but she's actually making her job much harder. When she keeps everything, it's more difficult to find the things she actually needs. This leads to frustration and wasted time. Irene should create a system to decide what she actually needs to keep and then toss all other documents. Although Irene may want to consider storing her documents virtually instead of physically, this wouldn't necessarily help her become more organized. While virtual storage wouldn't take up physical space, Irene could still waste just as much time searching through a mess of documents if she insists on saving everything. Irene doesn't need to hire a new employee to handle the filing; instead, creating a system will make Irene's files easier to use. Irene should resist purging all of her old documents—there are many things she'll need to keep, both for practical and legal reasons. SOURCE: NF:081 SOURCE: Lawson, S. (2009, May 6). Why IT should start throwing data away. Retrieved September 18, 2017, from"

"Trends indicate a rise in the number of people who like to bring their dogs with them on vacation. To accommodate this travel trend, there are an increasing number of A. all-inclusive resorts. B. residential dog parks. C. pet-friendly hotels. D. boutique pet stores."

"C Pet-friendly hotels. Because many people consider pets to be important members of their families, they often prefer to travel with them. Many hotel chains and destination rental properties are beginning to provide pet-friendly accommodations. Some boutique hotels even provide special services to pamper pets such as grooming, spa, and walking services. Many communities are opening dog parks, which tend to attract local residents that need a place for their pets to exercise rather than travelers. All-inclusive resorts are those in which food and beverages are included in the price of the guest's stay. All-inclusive resorts may or may not allow pets on the property. SOURCE: NF:048 SOURCE: Ahearn, B. (2018, April 16). Why pet-friendly hotels are winning over new customers. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from friendly-hotels/"

"Businessesmayreviewinvoicestoevaluatetheircustomers' A. storage needs. B. business plans. C. purchasing habits. D. selling policies."

"C Purchasing habits. An invoice is the formal, printed record of a sale that includes all necessary information as to the buyer, the seller, items purchased, amounts, prices, delivery date, credit or discount terms, etc. By analyzing past sales records such as invoices, a business can determine what its customers are buying, when they are buying, and how much they are buying. This helps a business forecast future sales and to be prepared to offer the products that customers want. Businesses do not review invoices to evaluate their customers' business plans, storage needs, or selling policies. SOURCE: NF:002 SOURCE: Entrepreneur. (2018). Sales records. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"A benefit that online reservations systems have created for properties is the ability to A. hire fewer front desk clerks. B. communicate with guests less often. C. rely less on the use of travel agencies for business. D. process fewer guest reservations."

"C Rely less on the use of travel agencies for business. The Internet has made it possible for individuals to bypass travel agencies by checking on room availability and making their own reservations online. This is beneficial for properties because they don't have to pay as many sales commissions to travel agencies. The number of guest reservations that need to be processed so that guests can be assigned a room upon check-in remains the same, regardless of whether the reservation was made online or offline. The property still needs to communicate important information about reservations, including a confirmation number, through email or by other means. The number of individuals needed to staff the front desk is not affected by an online reservations system, although the number of reservation clerks required to take telephone reservations might be. SOURCE: NF:060 SOURCE: Oakley, R. (2017, July 19). The advantage of online reservations. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"What data-mining technique uses ""if-then"" criteria to classify objects in a database? A. Neural networking B. Histogram C. Rule induction D. Quantitative reasoning"

"C Rule induction. Rule-induction data mining techniques are often used to determine if-then relationships among a set of data. A histogram is a graphic that is similar to a bar chart but groups data into specific ranges. The neural networking approach uses computer applications that mimic the ways in which the human brain processes data, which often involve sequencing data patterns. Quantitative reasoning is a fictitious term. SOURCE: NF:149 SOURCE: Tutorials Point. (2018). Data mining - Rule based classification. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"Why is it important for businesses to manage employee information in a way that keeps it secure? A. To beat the competition B. To be secretive C. To be ethical D. To avoid publicity"

"C To be ethical. Businesses gather and maintain a wide range of information, and some of this information may be private or confidential. For example, businesses may have personal information about customers and employees. Making sure that this information is secure is a matter of ethics. Businesses have an ethical obligation to protect certain information so it does not become public and cause harm to individuals. Businesses do not keep information secure to be secretive, beat the competition, or avoid publicity. SOURCE: SOURCE: NF:111 Australian Association of Social Workers. (2015, December). Ethics and practice guideline- Information management. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"To perform a proper data analysis, the researcher should be A. judgmental. B. untrained. C. unbiased. D. inconsistent."

"C Unbiased. For data analysis to be performed properly, the researcher should be unbiased, nonjudgmental, trained, and consistent with the information and results. SOURCE: NF:139 SOURCE: Zikmund, W.G., & Babin, B.J. (2010). Exploring Marketing Research (10th ed.) [p. 498]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning."

"The most efficient way to obtain the current interest rates on certificates of deposit purchased through Main Street Community Bank is to A. make an appointment with a bank teller. B. call the bank's financial officer. C. visit the bank's website. D. go to the bank to get a product brochure. "

"C Visit the bank's website. Because many businesses post and update product information on their websites, their customers can access information they need 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Many customers obtain product information from websites because it is quick, convenient, accurate, and secure. A bank's financial officer does not usually take routine customer-service calls and may not be available to take a customer's call. Customers usually do not need to make appointments with bank tellers. Driving to the bank to get a product brochure is not as efficient as visiting the bank's website. Because the interest rates for financial products change, product brochures may not contain the most current rates. SOURCE: NF:078 SOURCE: Madura, J., Casey, M., & Roberts, S. (2014). Personal financial literacy (2nd ed.) [pp. 250- 251]. Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson."

"Which of the following helps in the interpretation of mined data: A. Spreadsheets B. Databases C. Visual representation D. Clustering"

"C Visual representation. Once data has been mined, it is helpful to view it in a visual format so that it can be better understood. Visual tools are more easily understood than spreadsheets. Databases are the systems in which the information is stored. Clustering is a way to analyze data, but it does not necessarily aid in interpretation of data. SOURCE: NF:152 SOURCE: Greiner, L. (2011, January 7). What is data analysis and data mining? Retrieved September 10, 2018, from Analysis-and-Data-Mining-73503.aspx"

"If a company wants to promote specific products to previous customers, what would be the best way for it to obtain the necessary data for a mailing list? A. By reviewing its marketing research plans B. By purchasing information from competitors C. By purchasing data from outside researchers D. By searching its own customer database"

"D By searching its own customer database. A company's own customer database should contain the names, addresses, and previous sales history of previous customers that can be used to create a mailing list for specific products. Competitors and outside researchers would not have access to the names and addresses of previous customers. Reviewing marketing research plans would not provide the names or addresses of previous customers. SOURCE: NF:284 SOURCE: Farese, L.S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C.A. (2012). Marketing essentials 2012 (pp. 656- 661). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill."

"When marketing researchers review the level of affiliation between two variables, they are evaluating the ___________ of data components. A. affirmation B. predictability C. sensitivity D. correlation"

"D Correlation. In terms of marketing research, correlation is the dependency of one variable on another variable or set of variables. The level of dependency can vary greatly. To predict means to estimate. One cannot usually estimate until a pattern or correlation between variables has been established. Sensitivity and affirmation are general terms that might describe an understanding nature. To understand the relationship between variables, a correlation must first be acknowledged. SOURCE: NF:185 SOURCE: Zikmund, W.G., & Babin, B.J. (2010). Exploring Marketing Research (10th ed.) [p. 591]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning."

"Which of the following types of information should a business keep on file indefinitely: A. Credit card statements B. Cancelled checks C. Invoices D. Federal income tax returns"

"D Federal income tax returns. The IRS suggests there are some records that a company should keep for the life of the business. These records include federal income tax returns. Some other types of business documents don't need to be kept as long. Documents such as cancelled checks and invoices only need to be kept about six or seven years, while credit card statements only need to be retained for a year. It's important to keep documents for the recommended amount of time in the event of a tax audit. When it's time to dispose of a file, per the company's policy, that file should be completely destroyed. SOURCE: NF:081 SOURCE: Hourigan, M. (2017, March 7). 7 documents small business owners should keep for important tax records. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from documents-small-business-owners-should-keep-for-tax-records"

"When developing a computer-based presentation, it is important that each slide contain A. creative transitions. B. colorful graphics. C. numerical data. D. key points."

"D Key points. Employees use presentation software to develop computer-operated visual aids that support an oral presentation. Slides for the presentation should include key points that highlight or reinforce the most important information, which may or may not include numerical data. Colorful graphics and creative transitions often make a presentation more interesting, but they are not necessary elements for each slide. SOURCE: NF:008 SOURCE: Phillips, D.J.P. (2014, April 14). How to avoid death by PowerPoint [Video]. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from"

"As a result of increasing competition, many segments of the hospitality industry are emphasizing promotional efforts to focus on A. technology. B. place. C. service. D. price."

"D Price. As more hotels enter the hospitality marketplace, competitors are looking for ways to keep their hold in the marketplace. In the past, the hotel industry tended to focus promotional efforts on their products and unique services. Increased competition has given the consumer more choices. As a result, many hotels are experiencing shrinkage in customer loyalty. To combat the loss of customer loyalty, many hotels are emphasizing price by offering deep discounts and special packages that focus on price. Place is an element of marketing that focuses on considerations in getting a selected product in the right place at the right time. Service refers to intangible activities that are performed by other people for money and satisfy the economic wants of customers. Trends indicate that promotional emphasis has changed from service to price. Technology is defined as scientific applications to business objectives or the methods used to attain those objectives. Technology is a tool used to carry out promotional activities and not an element of promotion. SOURCE: NF:048 SOURCE: Mahmoud, A. (2016, March 7). The impact of AirBnb on hotel and hospitality industry. Retrieved September 12, 2017, from"

"What component of a computer system is responsible for storing information needed by software applications that are currently in use? A. Web-hosting service B. Central processing unit C. Hard disk drive D. Random access memory"

"D Random access memory. Random access memory (RAM) is the computer's short-term memory responsible for storing information needed by software applications that are currently in use. The number of applications that a computer can run at once depends a great deal on the amount of RAM that the computer has. A computer with a lot of RAM can run several applications at once, while a computer with little RAM can run a much more limited number of programs at the same time. The central processing unit (CPU) is the brains of the computer—it performs calculations and tasks that allow software to function properly. The hard disk drive (HDD) is the computer's long-term memory where more permanent information is stored. A web-hosting service is an Internet service provider (ISP) that keeps businesses' web pages up and running for a fee. SOURCE: NF:084 SOURCE: Nicholls, M. (n.d.). Components of a computer system and storage devices. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"Although Jillian enjoys her job, she's having some trouble getting along with certain coworkers. She wants to email her boss about the problem, but she's afraid her boss may misinterpret the email or see her as a negative person. Jillian wants to use proper email etiquette, so she should A. be informal and make jokes so she won't appear too negative. B. use emoticons (like smiley faces) in her email so she won't seem like she's complaining. C. write a lengthy email to make sure her boss won't misunderstand her. D. talk to her boss in person instead of sending an email. "

"D Talk to her boss in person instead of sending an email. Jillian should reconsider sending an email. If she's concerned about the possibility of misinterpretation, she should discuss the matter with her boss in person. That way, Jillian can explain herself immediately or discuss any concerns her boss may have. It's also a good idea to discuss this in person because other people have the potential to see the email. It may even be read by the coworkers Jillian is discussing, which would likely not help her situation. Jillian should avoid using emoticons in her email—you should never use emoticons when emailing supervisors. Jillian should also avoid sending a lengthy email. In general, people dislike reading long documents online. Just as she should stay away from emoticons, Jillian should also avoid being too informal in her email. When emailing a supervisor, it's important to be respectful and professional. SOURCE: NF:004 SOURCE: Roberts, S.J. (2012). Fundamentals of business communication (pp. 173-181). Tinley Park, IL: Goodheart-Willcox. "

"Which of the following is a website that is likely to provide statistical tourism information for a specific destination: A. The local chapter of the American Marketing Association B. The Farmer's Almanac C. Transportation Security Administration D. The local chamber of commerce"

"D The local chamber of commerce. Many local chambers of commerce post tourism information on their websites. The sites post different types of statistics—from occupancy rates of lodging facilities and the demographic characteristics of typical visitors to the number of cars that drive the toll roads during vacation season. This type of information helps travel agents determine the best destinations for travel clients. It may also help convention planners determine the optimal site for a trade show or business meeting. The Farmer's Almanac provides long-range weather forecasts. The Transportation Security Administration is a government agency that protects the nation's transportation systems. The American Marketing Association is a professional organization for individuals who work in the field of marketing. SOURCE: NF:286 SOURCE: Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce. (2018). Tourism statistics. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from"

"Todd needs to develop an overall plan for his business but does not know what type of information to include in the document. Todd logs onto a search engine to quickly locate the information he needs. Which of the following search terms is most likely to provide Todd with desired search results: A. Plan components B. Develop planning document C. Business plan elements D. Business document components"

. C Business plan elements. To retrieve the most applicable results from an Internet search engine, a computer user should enter terms into the query field that are most likely to bring up the desired information. "Business plan elements" are words that are most likely to retrieve the information Todd needs to include in his business plan. If Todd is not satisfied with the results that his initial search returns, he could use search terms such as "business plan components" or "business plan parts." The remaining search terms are too general and would likely not provide the information Todd desires on the first few pages of the results, which would reduce Todd's efficiency in retrieving the desired information. SOURCE: NF:078 SOURCE: (n.d.). How to search on Google. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from

"Information that has been printed for publication is often more reliable than many Internet sources because A. the information is typically carefully checked for accuracy. B. authors have affiliations with professional organizations. C. published information is current and up to date. D. publishers do not support special interest groups."

0. A The information is typically carefully checked for accuracy. Most printed publications go through several rounds of editing and review to ensure they are accurate. Authors affiliated with professional organizations could have bias toward a special interest group, which can result in biased information. Published information can become quickly outdated. Publishers do sometimes support special interest groups, but they clearly indicate those associations so a researcher can determine if s/he trusts the information. SOURCE: NF:079 SOURCE: Purdue OWL. (201). Evaluating sources of information. Retrieved on September 20, 2018, from of_information/index.html

"Businesses often use word-processing computer software to produce A. detailed reports, memos, and contracts. B. complex graphics, letters, and reports. C. research reports, spreadsheets, and tables. D. business plans, contracts, and spreadsheets."

A Detailed reports, memos, and contracts. Businesses use word-processing software to create a variety of business-related documents including reports, memos, contracts, business plans, letters, and tables. Spreadsheets are generated by other types of software programs (e.g., Excel) that organize, calculate, and analyze numerical information. Although many word-processing applications have basic drawing capabilities to produce simple graphics, the more complex graphic elements are generally created by special graphics and design programs (e.g., Freehand). SOURCE: NF:007 SOURCE: Farese, L.S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C.A. (2012). Marketing essentials (p. 213). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

"When a business uses computer technology to manage its money and move it among different accounts, it is taking advantage of A. electronic transfer of funds. B. hardware. C. expert systems. D. electronic data interchange."

A Electronic transfer of funds. When a business uses computer technology to manage its money and move it among different accounts, it is taking advantage of the electronic transfer of funds. This is the same technology you use at the ATM. Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer. Expert systems are software programs that mimic the knowledge of human experts. Electronic data interchange refers to documents rather than money. SOURCE: NF:003 SOURCE: LAP-NF-004—TECH-tastic (Technology's Impact on Business)

"Which of the following is an economic factor that affects business trends: A. The business cycle B. Lifestyle changes C. An aging population D. Emergence of social media"

A The business cycle. A trend is the general direction in which people or events are moving. Many factors lead to trends, including economic factors. The business cycle refers to the periods of expansion and contraction in economic activities. Changes in the business cycle affect the way businesses operate. For example, during a period of expansion, business production levels tend to increase, the unemployment rate tends to decrease, and consumer confidence and spending tend to increase. During times of economic contraction, the opposite occurs—business production tends to decrease, the unemployment rate tends to increase, and consumer confidence and spending tend to decrease. Demographic and psychographic changes may indicate trends that affect how a business relates to its target market. Demographic factors are the physical and social characteristics (e.g., age) of a population. Lifestyle changes are psychographic factors that affect business activities. The emergence and wide-spread use of social media is a technological trend. SOURCE: NF:013 SOURCE: Hamel, G. (2012, September 5). Economic factors affecting businesses. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from

"Lamar Enterprises is using a trademark that looks very similar to the Seward Company's trademark. To prevent Lamar from continuing to use the trademark, Seward can take legal action by A. filing an infringement lawsuit against Lamar. B. charging Lamar with obstruction of justice. C. requiring Lamar to pay a licensing fee. D. obtaining an arrest warrant."

A Filing an infringement lawsuit against Lamar. A trademark is a symbol, design, or word used by a producer to identify a good or service. To prevent unauthorized use of the trademark (or a similar trademark), the trademark owner should register the trademark with the government. If another company (Lamar) uses a trademark that is similar to one that has been previously registered (Seward), the original owner (Seward) can file an infringement lawsuit against the company (Lamar) to stop the unauthorized use. And in some situations, the owner can obtain monetary damages from the unauthorized user. Directly asking Lamar to pay a fee is not a legal action. Obstruction of justice is a formal charge in which the judicial system accuses an individual with the crime of withholding critical evidence that can affect the outcome of a trial. An arrest warrant is an order issued by a judge that instructs law-enforcement officers to bring to jail an individual who has been charged with a crime. SOURCE: NF:076 SOURCE: Nolo. (2017). Is it trademark infringement? Retrieved September 13, 2017, from

"What do businesses often develop to be able to store and analyze data for the purpose of making business decisions? A. Information systems B. Operating procedures C. Survey methods D. Management policies"

A Information systems. An information system is a method of gathering, storing, and analyzing data for the purpose of making business decisions. Businesses acquire vast amounts of information that must be stored and analyzed to make it useful. An effective information system enables a business to quickly and accurately process information and use that information to make decisions. Businesses do not develop operating procedures, survey methods, or management policies to be able to store and analyze data for the purpose of making business decisions. SOURCE: NF:083 SOURCE: Rouse, M., & Martinez, C. (2015, February). IS (information system or information services). Retrieved September 13, 2017, from

"Hardware, software, and databases are all components of ___________ systems. A. information B. ethics C. email D. word-of-mouth/"

A Information. An information system is a set of components (including hardware, software, databases, and human resources) that collects, processes, and interprets information. Word-of-mouth is promotion for a business provided by customers who tell others of their satisfaction with the business. Ethics are the basic principles that govern your behavior. This is not an email system. SOURCE: NF:083 SOURCE: Zwass, V. (2016, February 10). Information system. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from\

"Any business storing customers' personal banking account information is legally required to A. maintain the confidentiality of the stored information. B. share the information with its competitors. C. provide the information to the government for tax purposes. D. provide affiliated banks access to the information."

A Maintain the confidentiality of the stored information. Businesses that store customers' personal banking information are legally required to keep the information confidential. It is illegal to provide personal bank account information with any other party without the customers' permission. SOURCE: NF:076 SOURCE: Federal Trade Commission. (2015, January 7). How to comply with the privacy of consumer financial information rule of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from

"Which of the following is a characteristic common to all integrated software packages: A. Performs interrelated functions B. Calculates break-even points C. Requires minimal training D. Includes forecasting tools"

A Performs interrelated functions. Integrated software applications consist of two or more related computer programs that work together to record information or perform specific business tasks or functions. For example, Microsoft Office combines a variety of programs that perform word-processing, spreadsheet, slideshow presentation, desktop publishing, and database functions. Some integrated software packages are customized to perform interrelated activities for a specific industry, such as travel and hospitality. Not all integrated software packages calculate break-even points or include forecasting tools. Because integrated software options vary, the level of training that users need also varies. SOURCE: NF:088 SOURCE: Techopedia. (2018). Integrated software. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from

"Which of the following types of data analysis suggests a future course of action: A. Prescriptive analytics B. Predictive analytics C. Descriptive analytics D. Instructive analytics"

A Prescriptive analytics. Prescriptive analysis is a form of predictive analysis. Predictive analysis attempts to predict possible future outcomes. Prescriptive analysis takes it further and suggests one or more future courses of action, based on the predictions of possible future outcomes. Descriptive analysis, on the other hand, summarizes what has already happened by making raw data easy to understand and useful. Instructive analytics is not a form of data analysis. SOURCE: NF:139 SOURCE: Bertolucci, J. (2013, December 31). Big data analytics: descriptive vs. predictive vs. prescriptive. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from

"A trend currently impacting the business environment is the increased number of fathers who are directly involved in care giving for their children. This trend represents a change in A. society and culture. B. demographics. C. the economy. D. competition."

A Society and culture. Social trends currently affecting business decision-making include a growing need for convenience, increased concern for fitness and health, an emphasis on going green, and changing family roles, such as an increased number of fathers caring for their children. Demographics are the physical and social characteristics of the population, such as age, gender, income, employment status, etc. Personal finances may contribute to a father's decision to personally care for his children but do not represent an economic impact on a business. An increase in the number of fathers personally caring for their children does not represent competition for a business unless that business happens to be a day care service. SOURCE: NF:015 SOURCE: LAP-NF-015—Get the 4-1-1 (Conducting an Environmental Scan)

"A database query allows a user to retrieve business records that contain A. the same criteria. B. different values. C. random statistics. D. dissimilar information."

A The same criteria. The query is the mechanism used to obtain the desired information from the database. The desired information involves pulling records that have the same or matching criteria. For example, a business that wants to obtain its customers' credit transactions from the state of Wisconsin for July 1, 2009 would set the query using the appropriate values for the credit, state, and date fields to pull all of the records with the desired information. Some of the other information in various database fields may differ or be dissimilar, such as the name and address of each customer. A query pulls specified information rather than random statistics. SOURCE: NF:009 SOURCE: Chapple, M. (2016, November 29). What is a database? Retrieved September 26, 2017, from\

"Which of the following is an ethical dilemma related to an employee providing information in the workplace: A. A customer asks Kate to mail a complete product catalog and a comprehensive price list to his/her business. B. Bob's new employer asks him to share confidential information about product-development processes that his previous employer uses. C. Melinda and two of her coworkers talk about their plans to work overtime next weekend. D. Steven advises a customer that Simpson Electronics does not provide personal information to other companies without the customer's consent."

B Bob's new employer asks him to share confidential information about product-development processes that his previous employer uses. In many situations, employers require employees to sign a nondisclosure agreement, which is a promise to maintain the confidentiality of the business's trade secrets. Bob's new employer is asking him to break the promise that he made to his previous employer and share the information, which presents an ethical dilemma for Bob. Mailing a product catalog and price list to a customer, discussing work plans with coworkers, and providing a customer with accurate information about a company's privacy policy are ethical actions. SOURCE: NF:111 SOURCE: Rocket Lawyer. (2016). NDA 101: What is a non-disclosure agreement? Retrieved September 20, 2018 from

"Which component of project-management software helps project managers determine the length of time that a series of interdependent tasks will take to complete under various circumstances: A. Demonstration B. Critical path C. Presentation D. Linear"

B Critical path. Many project-management software packages incorporate the critical path methodology into their programs. The critical path methodology uses algorithms to determine timelines, develops schedules for complex project activities, and proposes scheduling contingency plans, which reduce project delays. Presentation software creates computer-generated visual aids that support oral presentations. Demonstration and linear are not components of project management software. SOURCE: NF:130 SOURCE: Smartsheet. (2018, August 23). The ultimate guide to the critical path method. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from

"Information is created from A. accounting records. B. data. C. personnel files. D. technology./"

B Data. Information is data (facts and figures) put into a useful form. Technology can assist in managing data, but it does not create it. Accounting records and personnel files contain information but do not create it. SOURCE: NF:110 SOURCE: LAP-NF-110—In the Know (Nature of Information Management)\

"Jamal wants to purchase software for his small business that allows him to create text documents, prepare presentations, maintain a customer database, and develop numerical charts. What type of software would best meet Jamal's needs? A. Word processing B. Integrated C. Spreadsheet D. Trajectory"

B Integrated. Integrated software applications consist of two or more related computer programs that work together to record information or perform specific business tasks or functions. An example of integrated software is Microsoft Office—it consists of several related programs, such as word processing (Word), spreadsheet (Excel), presentation (PowerPoint), and database (Access). Trajectory software is used to measure velocity, wind drift, momentum, etc. SOURCE: NF:088 SOURCE: Techopedia. (2017). Integrated software. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from

"To use various software programs, a computer must have a(n) A. Internet connection. B. operating system. C. search-engine mechanism. D. task toolbar./"

B Operating system. The operating system consists of the basic components (i.e., central processing unit, hard drive, modem, keyboard, display screens) needed to run all of a computer's applications and programs. Without the operating system intact, computer users cannot connect to the Internet, conduct a query through an Internet search-engine, or use a software program's task toolbar. SOURCE: NF:085 SOURCE: Beal, V. (2017). Operating system. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from\

"The advantage of using electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops to manage business activities and schedules is that they are A. inexpensive. B. portable. C. indestructible. D. responsible./"

B Portable. Smartphones and laptops have many useful applications including wireless telephone and Internet access, GPS functions, and digital camera capabilities. Businesspeople can use the portable devices to conduct many business activities while they are away from their offices, such as checking and answering email; making and retrieving telephone calls; verifying inventory availability; placing orders for customers; scheduling meetings, etc. The advantage to these devices is that they are small and portable—they can be taken virtually anywhere. The devices and the fees to use their applications can be expensive, depending on the service plan the user purchases. Smartphones and laptops are not indestructible and may break if they are misused. People, rather than technical devices, are responsible. SOURCE: NF:005 SOURCE: Bellissimo-Magrin, M. (2016, November 13). Smartphones have changed the way we do business. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from\

"To evaluate an Internet source, what aspect would you consider when assessing whether its information is clearly laid out so that it is easy to read? A. Relevance B. Presentation C. Objectivity D. Timeliness/"

B Presentation. Presentation is the way in which the information is communicated. It addresses such factors as clarity of language used, sufficiency of font size, clarity of layout, effectiveness of colors, usefulness of graphics or photos, clarity of audio or video (if included), and helpfulness of any animation used. Presentation is particularly important on the Web since so much time is spent reading online. Relevance deals with whether the information pertains to the topic being researched. Objectivity deals with presenting unbiased information. Timeliness deals with how up to date the information is; however, the importance of timeliness will vary from topic to topic. SOURCE: NF:079 SOURCE: Kent State University Libraries. (2017). Criteria for evaluating web resources. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from\

"The capability of combining graphics, text, animation, and sound is a unique characteristic of __________ software programs. A. communication B. presentation C. numeric D. electronic"

B Presentation. Presentation software programs give the user the capability of presenting information by combining graphics, text, animation, photographs, and sound. Presentation software can be used to create slide programs, overhead transparencies, multimedia presentations, etc. This software enables users to develop visual presentations that are lively, colorful, and appealing to viewers. Communication software programs establish connections between computers. Numeric and electronic are not types of software programs, although some programs analyze numerical data. SOURCE: NF:008 SOURCE: Farese, L.S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C.A. (2012). Marketing essentials (pp. 215-216). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

"You cannot communicate with your computer without A. Microsoft Windows. B. a wireless mouse. C. an operating system. D. a mobile device."

C An operating system. An operating system is the program that manages and supports the hardware and software on a computer. It lets you "communicate" with your computer. You do not need a wireless mouse or a mobile device to communicate with your computer. Microsoft Windows is just one operating system; you can also use others. SOURCE: NF:085 SOURCE: Goodwill Community Foundation. (1998-2018). What is an operating system? Retrieved September 20, 2018, from

"Maxton Mart is being pressured by its vendors to pay for inventory it purchased more than 30 days ago. However, Maxton Mart has not received its accounts receivable from customers. What business record has Maxton Mart failed to monitor successfully? A. Balance sheet B. Income statement C. Cash flow D. Open to buy"

C Cash flow. By monitoring its cash flow statement, Maxton Mart knows when it is running short on cash and can take needed steps to alleviate upcoming cash shortages. If necessary, Maxton Mart should be prepared to take out a short-term loan to cover inventory costs. The income statement provides a picture of a business's profit or loss conditions. The balance sheet shows a snapshot of the business's assets, liabilities, and owner's equity. Open-to-buy documents indicate how much money the business has to invest in additional inventory. SOURCE: NF:014 SOURCE: (2018). Good record keeping for your small business. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from

"Which of the following is an example of a groupware application: A. Job rotation B. Email filters C. Database sharing D. Relationship marketing/"

C Database sharing. Groupware applications refer to the modes that employees who work in different locations use to work together or collaborate so they can accomplish a common goal. One mode of collaboration is sharing a database that links or networks several people via computer. For example, when both a sales representative and a warehouse manager have the ability to turn on their computers and access the same inventory status information to see if a product is in stock for a customer, they are using a groupware application. Email filters are computer programs that block out unwanted information. Job rotation is an instructional method in which trainees are rotated periodically from one job to another in order to broaden the trainees' perspective of the business. Relationship marketing is a strategy in which businesses spend time with current and prospective clients outside the office setting to enhance the partnership. SOURCE: NF:011 SOURCE: Pinola, M. (2017, August 22). What is groupware? Retrieved September 26, 2017, from\

"What technological component manages the computer's software and hardware? A. Navigation key B. Power supply C. Operating system D. Modem"

C Operating system. The computer's operating system consists of the components needed to run all of the computer applications and programs. The power cords connect the computer's central processing unit (CPU) to the electrical supply needed to turn on and operate the computer system. Navigation keys (e.g., arrow keys) are the function keys on the computer keyboard that enable a computer user to move around the computer screen. A modem is a device that connects the computer to the Internet. It sends and receives information via a telephone or cable line. SOURCE: NF:085 SOURCE: Goodwill Community Foundation. (1998-2016). Computer basics: Understanding operating systems. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from

"Mason Publishing included the following statement in a newsletter that was sent to its sales staff about its new tablet: CEO Lucinda Marcelli said, ""This product supports our ongoing efforts to revolutionize the ways in which students across the country learn."" This is an example of A. paraphrasing a comment to explain specific product benefits. B. including a quotation to introduce an item during a sales meeting. C. using a quotation to communicate product information. D. summarizing the features of a new item by using a testimonial./"

C Using a quotation to communicate product information. In this situation, the quotation provides the reader with information about the product's purpose—to help students learn in new ways. The CEO may have made the statement at a sales meeting, but there is not enough information provided to determine when or where she said it. Because the statement is placed in quotation marks, it is written exactly as it was spoken, rather than paraphrased. A testimonial is a statement by an identified user of a product proclaiming the benefits received from the use of the product. The statement does not provide any information about the product's features, nor does it provide enough information to determine if the CEO has actually used the new product to provide a testimonial. SOURCE: NF:080 SOURCE: Harris, R. (2012, November 27). Using quotations effectively. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from\

"Which of the following is a computer-software technology that helps a business automate and track its sales, marketing, and service efforts: A. Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) B. Materials requirements planning (MRP) C. Computer-aided engineering (CAE) D. Customer relationship management (CRM)/"

D Customer relationship management (CRM). A variety of computer software helps businesses streamline their business processes and increase their efficiency levels. CRM software organizes and stores information about the business's customers and prospective customers. The software facilitates the business's ability to build ongoing relationships with their customers. A business's manufacturing or production functions use materials requirements planning (MRP) software. Computer-aided engineering (CAE) software is useful for product development. Businesses use automated clearinghouse (ACH) software for financial purposes, particularly banking activities. SOURCE: NF:003 SOURCE: LAP-NF-004—TECH-tastic (Technology's Impact on Business)\

"A business is mostly likely to review customer invoices from the previous year to A. improve service. B. evaluate ideas. C. execute promotions. D. forecast sales."

D Forecast sales. An invoice is the formal, printed record of a sale that includes all necessary information as to the buyer, the seller, items purchased, amounts, prices, delivery date, credit or discount terms, etc. By analyzing past sales records such as invoices, a business can determine what its customers are buying, when they are buying, and how much they are buying. This helps a business forecast future sales so it can be prepared to offer the products that customers want. Businesses do not review their invoices to evaluate ideas, execute promotions, or improve service. SOURCE: NF:002 SOURCE: Burrow, J.L. (2012). Marketing (3rd ed.) [pp. 562-563]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

"To determine the types of information that the business needs to operate, it is often beneficial to A. revise the business's goals. B. upgrade the computer network. C. develop a production schedule. D. obtain employees' input./"

D Obtain employees' input. Because employees perform the work, they know what types of information they need to complete their tasks efficiently. Employees often have ideas about improving work processes and retrieving needed information. Upgrading the computer network, developing a production schedule, and revising business goals will not help businesses assess their information needs. SOURCE: NF:077 SOURCE: Duggan, T. (2010, June 8). How to identify business IT needs. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from\

"A project manager must extend the due date of a project activity by three days. What projectmanagement software application will enable the project manager to make the change? A. Budgeting B. Publishing C. Reporting D. Scheduling"

D Scheduling. Scheduling involves setting time limits for the completion of work. If a project activity requires more time, then the project manager documents the change in the scheduling application of the software program. Desktop publishing software is used to lay out text and images to create a digital file that is suitable for desktop or commercial printing. Reporting applications summarize various types of data. Businesses use budgeting software to estimate their income and expenses. SOURCE: NF:130 SOURCE: Bram, T., & McDonough, M. (2015, June 26). The top 5 project scheduling software programs. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from

"Which of the following is usually the quickest way that businesses can obtain information about unknown potential new vendors that are located in other parts of the country: A. Phone an agent B. Send an email to the vendors C. Fax a request to the vendors D. Search the Web"

D Search the Web. The World Wide Web (WWW) links millions of computers throughout the world by way of the Internet. Obtaining information is one of the most common ways that businesses use the Web. For example, a business in one state that wanted to locate a potential vendor in another state can search the Web to find out if that vendor has posted information on its web page. Searching the Web is fast and allows business employees to obtain vital information without leaving the office. In order to send an email or fax a request, a business first needs to obtain an email address or a fax number, which often are listed on a web page. Phoning an agent would not necessarily provide a business with information about new vendors. SOURCE: NF:006 SOURCE: Mind Tools. (2018). Seven ways to find what you want on the internet. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from

"Which of the following is an advantage to businesses of using web-based services for storing business records online: A. Web-based service companies rarely experience technical problems. B. The online service provider updates the records daily. C. Outdated records are automatically discarded without permission. D. The information is available at all times from any computer."

D The information is available at all times from any computer. The advantage of storing records via webbased storage services is that the business can access the information at all times from any computer. Online storage service providers do not update another business's records on a daily basis nor do they automatically discard outdated records without permission. Web-based storage services can experience technical problems, which is a disadvantage of online record storage. SOURCE: NF:081 SOURCE: Wang, J. (2011, December 7). How to store your financial documents. Retrieved September 18, 2018, from

"Which of the following types of computer software programs usually contain a thesaurus: A. Communications B. Graphics and design C. Presentation D. Word processing/"

D Word processing. Most word-processing software programs contain a thesaurus, which is a listing of words and their synonyms. This feature enables users to look up alternative words that have the same meaning. The thesaurus helps business employees to prepare accurate written documents and use words that exactly describe or explain the message. Communications programs allow computers to communicate with other computers. Graphics and design software is used to create artwork and drawings rather than text. Presentation software is used to create multimedia presentations. SOURCE: NF:007 SOURCE: Farese, L.S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C.A. (2009). Marketing essentials (p. 199). Woodland Hills, CA: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.\

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