Information System 2200 test 1

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- Attempt to gain access to a network by posing as an authorized user to find sensitive information

Porter's Five Forces Model

-Analyzes an organization's position in the marketplace and how information systems can be used to make it more competitive -Five forces: Buyer power (High when customers have many choices and low when customers have few choices) Supplier power (High when customers have fewer options and low when customers have more options) Threat of substitute products or services(High when alternatives to an organization's products and services are available) Threat of new entrants (Low when duplicating a company's product or service is difficult) (Focus strategies are used by organizations to ensure the threat of new entrants remains low) Rivalry among existing competitors (High when competitors occupy the same marketplace position and low when there are few competitors)

Types of Directories

-Automated or crawler-based: Creates indexes of search terms and collects these terms automatically by using crawlers Google, Yahoo!, -Human powered: Requires keywords to be manually submitted for a Web page to be listed in a search engine's results

Basic Concepts in a Data Communication System

-Bandwidth: Amount of data that can be transferred from one point to another in a certain time period -Attenuation: Loss of power in a signal as it travels from the sending device to the receiving device -Broadband: Multiple pieces of data, sent simultaneously to increase the transmission rate -Narrowband : Voice-grade transmission channel capable of transmitting a maximum of 56,000 bps, so only a limited amount of information can be transferred -Protocols: Rules that govern data communication Error detection, message length, and transmission speed

Big Data Era

-Big data: Voluminous data which the conventional computing methods are unable to efficiently process and manage Involves dimensions known as 3 Vs Volume: Quantity of transactions Variety: Combination of structured and unstructured data Velocity: Speed with which data needs to be gathered and processed

The Building Blocks of a Computer

-Bus: Link between devices connected to the computer Exists as parallel or serial, internal (local) or external -Disk drive: Peripheral device for recording, storing, and retrieving information -CPU case: Enclosure containing the computer's main components Referred to as computer chassis or tower -Motherboard: Circuit board containing connectors for attaching additional boards

Categorization of IT Jobs

-CTO/CIO Belongs to the chief technology officer (CTO) / chief information officer (CIO) Oversees long-range planning Monitors new developments that can affect company's success -Chief privacy officer (CPO) Responsible for managing risks and business impacts of privacy laws and policies -Manager of information systems services Responsible for managing hardware, software, and personnel in the information systems department -Systems analyst Responsible for the design and implementation of information systems Requires understanding of business systems and functional areas within a business organization

Nonbiometric Security Measures

-Callback modems: Verifies whether a user's access is valid By logging the user off and then calling the user back at a predetermined number -Firewalls: Combination of hardware and software that acts as a filter between a private network and external networks Network administrator defines rules for access, and all other data transmissions are blocked Types: Packet-filtering firewalls, application-filtering firewalls, and proxy servers -Intrusion detection systems Protect against external and internal access Placed in front of a firewall Identify attack signatures, trace patterns, and generate alarms for the network administrator Cause routers to terminate connections with suspicious sources Prevent DoS attacks


-Capturing and recording network traffic Used for legitimate reasons like monitoring network performance Used by hackers to intercept information

Types of Routers

-Client/Server Model: Software runs on the local computer and communicates with the remote server to request information or services Server is a remote computer on the network that provides information or services in response to client requests Advantage: Scalability Understanding in terms of levels of logic Presentation: Concerned with how data is returned to the client Application: Concerned with the software processing requests for users Data management: Concerned with data management and storage operations -Two-Tier Architecture: Client communicates directly with the server Effective in small workgroups Advantage: Consists of application development speed, simplicity, and power Drawback: Changes in application logic require modifications of clients resulting in upgrade and modification costs

The Internet2

-Collaborative effort involving more than 200 U.S. universities and corporations to develop: -Advanced Internet technologies and applications for higher education and academic research Gigapop -Local connection point-of-presence that connects a variety of high-performance networks -Exchanges I2 traffic with a specified bandwidth


-Collaborative website that hosts the collective work of many authors -Permit anyone to edit, delete, or modify content -Presentation of factual information in a clear, concise, and neutral language -Used to encourage flow of ideas within the organization


-Collected information is organized in a data warehouse as: Raw data: Information in the original form Summary data: Gives users subtotals of various categories Metadata: Information about data's content, quality, condition, origin, and other characteristics

Blended threat

-Combines the characteristics of computer viruses, worms, and other malicious codes with vulnerabilities on public and private networks

Application Software

-Commercial software or software developed in-house, used to perform variety of tasks on a personal computer Word processing Spreadsheet and database Presentation and graphics Desktop publishing Financial planning and accounting Project management Computer-aided design (CAD)


-Component of an information system consisting raw facts -Sources of data Internal: Sales and personnel records External:Customers, competitors, and suppliers Government agencies and financial institutions Labor and population statistics Economic conditions -Has a time orientation -Collected in forms of: Aggregated:Useful for reporting overall performance during a sales quarter Disaggregated:Analyzes sales by product, territory, or salesperson


-Component of an information system that generates useful information for decision making -Transaction-processing reports and models for decision analysis can be built into the system or accessed from external sources

Speed and Accuracy

-Computer speed is measured as the number of instructions performed per fractions of a second Millisecond: 1/1000 of a second Microsecond: 1/1,000,000 of a second Nanosecond: 1/1,000,000,000 of a second Picosecond: 1/1,000,000,000,000 of a second -Degree of accuracy is extremely important for many computer applications


-Consists of facts analyzed by the process component and is an output of an information system -Need to have the following qualities to be useful: Timeliness Integration with other data and information Consistency and accuracy Relevance -Need to provide either a base for users to explore different options or insight into tasks -Usefulness is affected by the information system's user interface because: Interface must be flexible and easy to use -Supplied in a variety of formats increases the likelihood of: Users understanding and being able to use the information -Users need to be able to make use of informal information to solve problems


-Consists of self-propagating program code that is triggered by a specified time or event Attaches itself to other files, and the cycle continues when the program or operating system containing the virus is used Transmitted through a network or e-mail attachments or message boards Prevented by installing and updating an antivirus program

Trojan program

-Contains code intended to disrupt a computer, network, or website Hides inside a popular program

Data Definition

-Creates and maintains the data dictionary -Defines the structure of files in a database -Makes changes to a database's structure Adding and deleting fields Changing field size and data type

Application Generation

-Designs elements of an application using a database Data entry screens Interactive menus Interfaces with other programming languages -Used by IT professionals and database administrators


-Device that connects a user to the Internet Short for modulator-demodulator Not required for all Internet connections -Types Dial-up: Analog modem is necessary to convert a computer's digital signals to analog signals Digital subscriber line (DSL): High-speed service that uses ordinary phone lines Cable: Uses the same cable that connects to TVs for Internet connections


-Different sources of data together provide input for a data warehouse to perform analyses and generate reports External data sources Databases Transaction files Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems Customer relationship management (CRM) systems

Decentralized Processing

-Each user, department, or division has its own computer for performing processing tasks -Advantage : Responsive to users -Disadvantages:Lack of coordination among organizational units High costs of having many systems Duplication of efforts

Fault-tolerant systems

-Ensure availability in the event of a system failure by using a combination of hardware and software Methods used: Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Redundant array of independent disks (RAID) Mirror disks

Advantages of Email

-Facilitates fast, convenient flow of information among users at various locations and time zones -Increases efficiency -Reduces costs -Reduces wastage of paper

History of Computer Hardware and Software

-First-generation computers used vacuum tube technology in the 1940s, Size was bulky and unreliable, Generated excessive heat, Programming was difficult -Second-generation computers used transistors Speed was faster, and more reliable, Easier to program and maintain

Denial-of-service attacks (DoS

-Floods a network or server with service requests to prevent legitimate users' access to the system -Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack Thousands of computers work together to bombard a website with thousands of requests in a short period causing it to grind to a halt -TDoS (telephony denial of service) attacks Uses high volumes of automated calls to tie up a target phone system, halting incoming and outgoing calls

Outlook for the Future

-Hardware and software costs will decline -Artificial intelligence and related technologies will improve and expand -Computer literacy and networking technology will improve -Personal computers will improve in power and quality -Internet growth will continue -Computer criminals will become more sophisticated Protecting personal information will become more difficult

Network Interface Card (NIC)

-Hardware component that enables computers to communicate over a network -Known as an adapter card -Operates at the OSI model's physical and data link layers

Components of a Computer System

-Hardware components: Physical devices: Keyboards, monitors, and processing units -Software components: Programs written in computer languages -Central processing unit (CPU): Heart of a computer, consisting of: Arithmetic logic unit (ALU): Performs arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) and comparison or relational operations (<, >, =) Control unit: Instructs the computer which device to read or send output to

Database Engine

-Heart of DBMS software -Responsible for data storage, manipulation, and retrieval -Converts logical requests from users into their physical equivalents By interacting with other components of the DBMS


-Heart of an information system -Collection of relevant data organized in a series of integrated files -Essential for the success of any information system -Database management system (DBMS) is used to create, organize, and manage databases -Reduces personnel time needed to gather, process, and interpret data manually


-Independent programs that can spread themselves without having to be attached to a host program Replicates into a full-blown version that eats up computing resources Examples: Code Red, Melissa, and Sasser

Forms of Sender and Receiver Devices

-Input/output device, or thin client: Used only for sending or receiving information It has no processing power -Smart terminal: Performs certain processing tasks but is not a full-featured computer -Intelligent terminal or personal computer: Using this, a remote computer can perform certain processing tasks without the main computer's support -Netbook computer: Low-cost, diskless computer used to connect to the Internet or a LAN Netbook computers run software off servers and save data to servers -Minicomputers, mainframes, and supercomputers:Process data and send it to other devices Receive data that has been processed elsewhere, process it, then transmit it to other devices -Smartphones: mobile phones with advanced capabilities, with a built in keyboard or an external USB keyboard -video game console: Receives instructions from a game player and produces a video display signal on a monitor

Random access memory (RAM

-Is a volatile memory, in which data can be read from and written to -Known as read-write memory -Cache RAM: Stores recently accessed memory -Resides on the processor as memory access from main -RAM storage takes several clock cycles

Read only memory (ROM

-Is nonvolatile -Data cannot be written to it -Includes BIOS information and the computer system's clock -Types Programmable read-only memory (PROM) Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM)

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

-Language used to create Web pages -Defines a page's layout and appearance by using tags and attributes Tag delineates a section of the page, such as the header or body Attribute specifies a value Font color, for a page component

Computer Languages

-Machine language: First generation of computer languages Consists of a series of 0 s and 1 s representing data or instructions representing data or instructions Dependent on the machine Time consuming to write a program -Assembly language: Second generation of computer languages Machine dependent, though a higher-level language than machine language Uses a series of short codes, or mnemonics, to represent data or instructions -High-level languages Part of the third-generation of computer languages Machine independent and self documenting Used for Web development and Internet applications -Fourth generation languages (4GLs) Use macro codes that can take the place of several lines of programming Commands are powerful and easy to learn -Fifth-generation languages (5GLs) Use artificial intelligence technologies Knowledge-based systems, natural language processing (NLP), visual programming, and a graphical approach to programming Designed to facilitate natural conversations between an individual and the computer

Defining a Computer

-Machine that:Accepts data as input, Processes data without human intervention using stored instructions, Outputs information -Program Step-by-step directions for performing a specific task Written in a language the computer can understand A program is also called a source code Source code must be translated into object code consisting of binary 0s and 1s -GIGO:Rule stating that, if data is erroneous, the information provided by the computer is also erroneous Referred as garbage in, garbage out

Distributed Processing

-Maintains centralized control and decentralized operations -Advantages: Accessing unused processing power is possible Computer power can be added or removed Distance and location are not limiting More compatible with organizational growth Fault tolerance is improved Resources can be shared to reduce costs Reliability is improved More responsive to user needs -Disadvantages: More security and privacy challenges Incompatibility between various pieces of equipment Managing the network is challenging

PDAs (personal digital assistants)

-Many workers are now telecommuters who perform their jobs at home -The most common PDA is a smartphone (such as an iPhone, Galaxy, Droid, or a Blackberry). -A typical PDA includes a calendar, address book, and task-listing programs; more advanced PDAs often allow for wireless connection to the Internet and have built-in MP3 players.

Keystroke loggers

-Monitor and record keystrokes Can be software or hardware devices Used by companies to track employees' use of e-mail and the Internet which is illegal Used for malicious purposes Prevented by antivirus and antispyware programs

Categorization of Tools

-Navigational tools: Used to travel from website to website - as in surf the Internet -Search engines: Information system that enables users to retrieve data from the Web by using search terms -Directories: Indexes of information based on keywords embedded in documents which allows search engines to find what is being looked for


-Network within an organization that uses Internet protocols and technologies for: -Collecting, storing, and disseminating useful information that supports business activities -Otherwise known as corporate portals -Facilitates internal use by employees Companies also allow trusted business partners to access their intranets -Uses Internet technologies to solve organizational problems -Different from an LAN -Defining and limiting access is important for security reasons


-Online journal authored by an individual -Restrict visitors from changing original material Allow for addition of comments Dynamic in nature The publishing software deals with formatting layout and creating archive pages Used in the corporate world Commercial publishing Marketing Knowledge management tool


-Online transaction processing (OLTP) Facilitates and manages transaction-oriented applications Uses internal data and responds in real time -Online analytical processing (OLAP) Generates business intelligence Uses multiple sources of information and provides multidimensional analysis Viewing data based on time, product, and location -Data-mining analysis: Discovers patterns and relationships -Data warehouses help generate various types of information and reports for decision making

management information system (MIS)

-Organized integration of hardware and software technologies, data, processes, and human elements -Designed to produce timely, integrated, relevant, accurate, and useful information for decision-making purposes -Processes: Methods for performing a task in an MIS application -Designing involves: Defining the system's objectives Collecting and analyzing data Providing information in useful format for decision-making purposes -Used in private and public sectors

Web 3.0

-Otherwise known as the Semantic Web -Provides personalization that allows users to access the -Web more intelligently -Focuses on intelligent Web applications using applications of artificial intelligent technologies -Facilitates computers to read websites easily as humans


-Packet : Collection of binary digits sent from computer to computer over a network Includes message data and control characters for formatting and transmitting -Routing: Process of deciding which path data takes Determined by the type of network and the software used to transmit data -Decision about selecting a route to follow is done at a central location or each node centralized routing: Single node is in charge of selecting the path for all packets distributed routing: Relies on each node to calculate its own best possible route -Routing table: Generated automatically by software Determines the best possible route for a packet

Logical Database Design

-Physical view: Involves how data is stored on and retrieved from storage media Hard disks, magnetic tapes, or CDs -Logical view: Involves how information appears to users and how it can be organized and retrieved Includes more than one logical view of data, depending on the user =Data model: Determines how data is created, represented, organized, and maintained Contains Data structure Operations Integrity rules -Hierarchical model: Relationships between records form a treelike structure -Network model: Similar to the hierarchical model but records are organized differently Includes multiple parent and child records

Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)

-Processes used in a data warehouse Extracting data from outside sources Transforming data to fit operational needs Loading data into the database or data warehouse

Centralized Processing

-Processing is done at one central computer -Used in early days of computer technology because: Data-processing personnel were in short supply -Hardware and software were expensive -Advantage : Ability to exercise tight control on system operations and applications -Disadvantage: Lack of responsiveness to users' needs


-Programming routine built into a system by its designer Enables the designer to bypass security and sneak back into the system later to access programs or files


-Programs that run a computer system -Classification System software: Works in the background and takes care of tasks such as deleting waste files Application software: Performs specialized tasks

Domain Name System (DNS)

-Protocol which converts domain names into IP addresses when information is transferred from one network to another -Domain names: Unique identifiers of computer or network addresses on the Internet -Internet Protocol (IP) address Assigned by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) -Uniform resource locators (URLs) Address of a document or site on the Internet Otherwise known as universal resource locators, identify a Web page -TLD: Denotes the type of organization or country the address specifies Organizational (gTLDs) Country-code (ccTLDs)

Instant Messaging

-Real-time email technology that blends email with conversation -Online senders and receivers can type messages which they can see immediately -Allows the sender to know when someone is available to respond immediately -Available for free and requires no special hardware or training

Indexed sequential access method (ISAM)

-Records are accessed sequentially or randomly depending on the number being accessed -Random access is used for a small number -Sequential access is used for a large number -Uses an index structure and has two parts -Indexed value -Pointer to the disk location of the record matching the indexed value

Sequential access file structure

-Records are organized and processed in numerical or sequential order -Organized based on a primary key -Social Security numbers or account numbers -Used for backup and archive files as they rarely need updating

Random access file structure

-Records can be accessed in any order irrespective of the physical locations in storage media -Fast and very effective when a small number of records need to be processed daily or weekly -Records are stored on magnetic tapes

Text Messaging

-Refinement of computer instant messaging -Viable alternative to phone calls for those with hearing impairments -Considered a social communication tool -Cultural and economic factors contribute to its advancement

McCumber Cube

-Represented as a three-dimensional cube -Helps designers of security systems consider crucial issues for improving the effectiveness of security measures -Includes different states in which information can exist in a system Transaction, storage, and processing -A comprehensive security system must provide three levels of security Front-end servers: Must be protected against unauthorized access Available to both internal and external users Back-end systems: Must be protected to ensure confidentiality, accuracy, and integrity of data Corporate network: Must be protected against intrusion, denial-of-service attacks, and unauthorized access

Network Topologies

-Represents a network's physical layout including the arrangement of computers and cables -Star Topology: Consists of a central computer and a series of nodes Advantages:Cable layouts are easy to modify and centralized control makes detecting problems easier Nodes can be added to the network easily Effective at handling short bursts of traffic Disadvantages: If the central host fails, entire network becomes inoperable Increases cost as many cables are required -Ring Topology: No host required as each computer manages its own connectivity Each node is connected to two other nodes Upstream neighbor and downstream neighbor Transmission is in one direction Needs less cable than star topology Diagnosing problems and modifying the network are more difficult -Bus Topology: Connects nodes along a network segment Ends of the cable aren't connected Terminator: Hardware device used at each end of the cable to absorb the signal Advantages: Easy to extend and reliable Wiring layout is simple and uses the least amount of cable of any topology, which keeps costs down Best for handling steady traffic Disadvantages: Fault diagnosis is difficult Bus cable can be a bottleneck when network traffic is heavy -Hierarchical Topology: Combines computers with different processing strengths in different organizational levels Used by traditional mainframe networks Mainframe computer is at the top Front-end processors (FEPs) are at the next level Controllers and multiplexers are at the next level Terminals and workstations are at the bottom level Controller: Hardware and software device that controls data transfer from a computer to a peripheral device Multiplexer: Hardware device that allows several nodes to share one communication channel Advantage: Offers network control and lower costs Disadvantages: Network expansion may be a problem Traffic congestion at root and higher-level nodes -Mesh Topology: Every node is connected to every other node Otherwise known as plex or interconnected Advantage: Highly reliable Disadvantages: Expensive Difficult to maintain and expand


-Secure network that: Uses the Internet and Web technologies to connect intranets of business partners Facilitates communication between organizations or between consumers -Considered to be a type of inter-organizational system (IOS) Electronic funds transfer (EFT) Electronic data interchange (EDI) -Allow companies to reduce internetworking costs and give competitive advantage Leads to increased profits -Require a comprehensive security system and management control

Operating System

-Set of programs for controlling and managing computer hardware and software -Provides an interface between a computer and the user -Increases computer efficiency by helping users share computer resources and performing repetitive tasks for users

Open Systems Interconnection Model

-Seven-layer architecture for defining how data is transmitted in a network -Standardizes interactions between network computers exchanging information -Layers in the architecture: Application: Serves as the window through which applications access network services Presentation: Formats message packets Session: Establishes a communication session between computers Transport: Generates the receiver's address and ensures the integrity of messages Network: Routes messages Data link: Oversees the establishment and control of the communication link Physical: Defines the physical medium used for communication

Data Mart

-Smaller version of data warehouse, used by single department or function -Advantages over data warehouses Access to data is faster due to their smaller size Response time for users is improved Easy to create because they are smaller and simple Less expensive Users are targeted better -Has limited scope

Storage and Retrieval

-Storage: Saving data in computer memory -Retrieval: Accessing data from memory -Data is stored in bits -American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) Data code for text files, PC applications, and the Internet Defines up to 128 characters

Information technologies

-Support information systems -Uses: Internet, Computer networks, Database systems, POS systems, Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags

Types of Résumés

-Targeted résumé: Reflects the requirements of a specific job listing -Chronological résumé: Traditional organizational format with headings that spotlight an applicant's education and experience -Functional résumé: Organizational format for a résumé that highlights an applicant's transferable skills

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

-Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): Operates at the OSI model's Transport layer Establishes a link between hosts Ensures message integrity, sequencing and acknowledging packet delivery Regulates data flow between source and destination nodes -Internet Protocol (IP): Operates at the OSI model's Network layer Responsible for packet forwarding Divided into two parts Network address Node address

Web 2.0

-Trend toward Web applications that are more interactive than traditional Web applications -Includes e-collaboration as a key component -Focuses mainly on social networking and collaboration

Logic bomb

-Type of Trojan program used to release a virus, worm, or other destructive code Triggered at a certain time or by a specific event

Computer fraud

-Unauthorized use of computer data for personal gain Denial-of-service attacks Identity theft and software piracy Distributing child pornography E-mail spamming Writing or spreading malicious code Stealing files for industrial espionage Changing computer records illegally Virus hoaxes

Biometric Security Measures

-Use a physiological element unique to a person which cannot be stolen, lost, copied, or passed on to others -Biometric devices and measures Facial recognition, retinal scanning, and iris analysis Fingerprints, palm prints, and hand geometry Signature analysis Vein analysis Voice recognition

Computers and Information Systems in Daily Life

-Used by organizations to reduce costs and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace -Used by students for online classes -Used in grocery and retail stores -Information systems and information technologies are used interchangeably

Data Administration

-Used for the tasks backup and recovery, security, and change management -Used to determine who has permission to perform certain functions Summarized as create, read, update, and delete (CRUD)

Data Manipulation

-Used to add, delete, modify, and retrieve records from a database -Uses a query language Structured Query Language (SQL) Standard fourth-generation query language that consists of several keywords specifying actions to take Query by example (QBE) Involves requesting data from a database by constructing a statement formed by query forms

Relational Model

-Uses a two-dimensional table of rows and columns of data Rows are records Columns are fields -Data dictionary: Stores definitions Data types for fields, default values, and validation rules for data in each field -Primary key: Uniquely identifies every record in a relational database -Foreign key: Field in a relational table that matches the primary key column of another table Used to cross-reference tables -Normalization: Improves database efficiency by eliminating redundant data Ensures that only related data is stored in a table Goes through different stages from first normal form (1NF) to fifth normal form (5NF)

Social engineering

-Using people skills to trick others into revealing private information Uses techniques called dumpster diving and shoulder surfing

Internet of Everything (IOE)

-Web-based development in which people processes data, and things are interconnected via the Internet using: RFID devices, Barcodes, Wireless systems, QR codes -Internet of things (IoT):Physical objects that are connected to the Internet and to all the other physical objects -Facilitates Automated inventory systems in the retail industry Automated and programmable appliances in domestic households Road and bridge systems Helps solve social problems Hunger, water pollution, adverse climate change, and increasing energy costs

Wireless and Mobile Networks

-Wireless network Uses wireless instead of wired technology -Mobile network Network operating on a radio frequency (RF), consisting of radio cells each served by a fixed transmitter Known as a base station


-Worldwide collection of millions of computers and networks of all sizes -Derived from the term internetworking which meant connecting networks -Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) -Project started in 1969 by the U.S. Department of Defense was the beginning of the Internet -Internet backbone Foundation network linked with fiber-optic cables that can support high bandwidth Made up of many interconnected government, academic, commercial, and other high capacity data routers Private companies operate their own Internet backbones that interconnect at network access points (NAPs)

World Wide Web (WWW, or "the Web")

-changed the Internet in 1989 by: Introducing graphical interface to the text-based Internet Hypermedia: Documents include embedded references to audio, text, images, video, and other documents Hypertext: Embedded references in hypermedia documents Consists of links users can click to follow a thread


Adware: Collects information about the user to determine which advertisements to display in the user's Web browser Prevented by ad-blocking feature installed in the Web browser

N-Tier Architectures

Balance the workload between client and server By removing application processing from the client and server and placing it on a middle-tier server Three-tier architecture Advantage: Improved network performance Drawback: Consists of more network traffic Testing software is difficult

Storage area network (SAN)

Dedicated high-speed network consisting of both hardware and software Used to connect and manage shared storage devices Disk arrays, tape libraries, and optical storage devices

Data Communication

Electronic transfer of data from one location to another Enables an information system to deliver information Improves the flexibility of data collection and transmission Basis of virtual organizations Provides e-collaboration

transaction-processing systems (TPSs)

Focus on data collection and processing Mainly used for cost reduction Applied to structured tasks Record keeping, simple clerical operations, and inventory control Requires minimal human involvement when automated


Hijacking and altering the IP address of an official website So that users who enter the correct Web address are directed to the "pharmer's" fraudulent webs

Network-attached storage (NAS)

Network-connected computer dedicated to provide file-based data storage services to other network devices

Business intelligence (BI)

Provides historical, current, and predictive views of business operations and environments Gives organizations a competitive advantage in the marketplace


Sending fraudulent e-mails appearing to come from legitimate sources E-mails direct recipients to false websites to capture private information


Software that secretly gathers information about users while they browse the Web Prevented by installing antivirus or antispyware software

Business Analytics (BA)

Uses data and statistical methods to gain insight into the data Provides decision makers with information to act on

Computer literacy

skill in using productivity software, such as word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation software, as well as having a basic knowledge of hardware and software, the Internet, and collaboration tools and technologies.

point-of-sale (POS) system

speeds up service by reading the universal product codes (UPCs) on items in the shopping cart

Information literacy

understanding the role of information in generating and using business intelligence

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