Information Systems - Midterm 1

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In order to understand how a specific business firm uses information systems, you need to know something about the hierarchy and culture of the company. T/F?


Information systems are key instruments for environmental scanning, helping managers identify external changes that might require an organizational response. T/F?


Program-date dependence refers to the coupling of data stored in files and software programs that use this data such that changes in programs require changes to the data. T/F?


Scalability refers to the ability of a computer, product, or system to expand to serve a large number of users without breaking it down T/F?


The term management information systems (MIS) also designates a specific category of information systems serving middle management. T/F?


A(n) __________ is an activity at which a firm excels as a world-class leader

core competency

The organization's rules for sharing, disseminating, acquiring, standardizing, classifying, and inventorying information is called. A.) Information policy B.) Data definition file C.) Data quality audit D.) Data governance policy

information policy

Supply chain management systems are one type of _____________ system because they automate the flow of information across organization boundaries.

inter-organizational systems

_________ is a global network that uses universal standards to connect millions of different networks around the world


The study of information systems is a __________________ A.) single disciplinary field B.) multidisciplinary field C.) multidisciplinary turf D.) single disciplinary turf

multidisciplinary field

A manufacturer of deep-sea oil rigs may be least concerned about this marketplace force. A.) product differentiation B.) traditional competitors C.) low number of suppliers D.) new market entrants

new market entrants

The strength of cloud computing and the growth of the mobile digital platform allow organizations to rely more ________________ A.) on bandwidth, remote work, and distributed decision making B.) on bandwidth, local work, and undistributed decision making C.) on telework, remote work, and distributed decision making D.) on telework, local work, and distributed decision making

on telework, remote work, and distributed decision making

Software that manages the resources of the computer is called A.) operating system software B.) application software C.) Data management software D.) network software

operating system software

The discipline that focuses on mathematical techniques for optimizing parameters of organizations such as A.) Management science B.) MIS C.) Operations research D.) Utilization management

operations research

The practice of contracting custom software development to an outside firm is commonly referred to as A.) outsourcing B.) scaling C.) service-oriented architecture D.) application integration


Duplicate data in multiple data files is called data _______ A.) redundancy B.) repetition C.) independence D.) partitions


A(n) _______________ activity is a part of the organization's infrastructure, human resources, technology, and procurement that makes the delivery of the firm's products or services possible.


Which of the following is one of the support activities in a firm's value chain? A.) Inbound logistics B.) operations C.) Sales and marketing D.) Technology


As _________________ costs decrease, firm size (the number of employees) should shrink because it becomes easier and cheaper for the firm to contract for the purchase of goods and services in the marketplace rather than to make the product or offer the service itself.


A _________________ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm. A.) CEO B.) CFO C.) CIO D.) CTO


TCO refers to the original cost of purchased technology; both hardware and software T/F?


The disadvantage of using a Web interface for a database is that it typically requires substantial changes to the internal database. T/F?


There are four major business functions: sales and marketing; manufacturing and production; finance and accounting; and information technology T/F?


You would use an MIS to help decide whether to introduce a new product line. T/F?


____________________ uses predictions in a different way. It uses a series of existing values to predict what other values will be. A.) sequences B.) classification C.) clustering D.) forecasting


Which of the following is not one of the current software platform trends? A.) grid computing B.) open-source software C.) HTML5 D.) software outsourcing

Grid Computing

Managers adopt telepresence videoconferencing and Web conferencing technologies to reduce travel time and cost while improving collaboration and decision making. T/F?


_____________________ also known as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, to integrate business processes in manufacturing and production, finance and accounts, sales and marketing, and human resources into a single software.


______________ allows one to use social media to interact with customers; derive customer insights, this describes which important application of business? A.) Crowdsourcing B.) Blogs and wikis C.) Social commerce D.) Social marketing


Define business process. What might be a business process used at a hospital? LONG ANSWER

A business process is a set of logically related tasks and behaviors for accomplishing work. Hiring a new employee, customer intake, and filing medical records are examples of business processes at a hospital.

How is the concept of core competency relevant to Smalltown computer, a local computer repair store that builds custom computers? Give examples. LONG ANSWER

A core competency is an activity for which a company is a world leader, and from this perspective, Smalltown Computer does not have a core competency, as there are thousands of similar firms with longer track records. However, it might be good business practice for Smalltown Computer to define its core competencies in ways that differentiate its products from those of competitors and enable it to provide superior service or products. In defining a core competency, the business management can then determine ways to enable employees to understand and reach higher levels of quality production and service. For example, Smalltown Computer might define a core competency as being able to advise customers as to the types of system they really need, and Smalltown Computer could engage in knowledge gathering activities to help employees assess customer need.

A(n) ________ is software that handles all application operations between browser-based computers and a company's back-end business applications or databases.

Application server

_____________ provides a lightweight operating system for cloud computing using netbooks that are manufactured by Google partners such as Samsung and Acer. A.) Chrome OS B.) Android C.) iOS D.) Windows 8

Chrome OS

___________ refers to a model of computing that provides access to a shared pool of computing resources (computers, storage, applications, and services) over a network, often the internet

Cloud and mobile computing

What are cross-functional business processes? Give an example. LONG ANSWER

Cross-functional processes are those that require input, cooperation, or coordination between the major business functions in an organization. For instance, when a salesman takes an order, the major business functions of planning, production, inventory control, shipping, accounting, and customer relations will all be involved before the order is completed.

Management information systems typically support nonroutine decision making T/F?


Which common database challenge is illustrated by a person receiving multiple copies of an L.L. Bean catalog, each addressed to a slightly different variation of his or her full name? A.) data normalization B.) data accuracy C.) data redundancy D.) data inconsistency

Data inconsistency

DBMS typically include report-generating tools in order to A.) Retrieve and display data B.) Display data in an easier-to-read format C.) Display data in graphs D.) Perform predictive analysis

Display data in an easier-to-read format

______________ are representatives of departments outside of the information systems group for whom applications are developed

End users

A/An _________ describes a young, small firm in a fast-changing environment. It has a simple structure and is managed by an entrepreneur serving as its single chief executive officer. A.) Machine bureaucracy B.) Divisional bureaucracy C.) Entrepreneurial structure D.) Adhocracy

Entrepreneurial structure

A fully digital firm produces only digital goods or services T/F?


A grouping of characters into a word, a group of words, or a complete number is called a record. T/F?


A transparent marketplace means that there is high product differentiation. T/F?


Information systems literacy describes the behavioral approach to information systems, whereas computer literacy describes the technical approach. T/F?


Information technology (IT) consists of all the hardware that a firm needs to use in order to achieve its business objectives, whereas information systems consist of all the software and business processes needed T/F?


________________ Department is the formal organizational unit responsible for information technology services. A.) Programmer systems B.) end user systems C.) computer security systems D.) information systems

Information Systems

How does the technical view of organizations fall short of understanding the full impacts of information systems in a firm? A.) It sees information systems as a way to rearrange the inputs and outputs of the organization B.) It sees capital and labor as primary production factors C.) It sees the inputs and outputs, labor and capital, as being infinitely malleable D.) It sees the organization as a social structure similar to a machine

It sees the inputs and outputs, labor and capital, as being infinitely malleable

A company's business processes can be a source of competitive strength if they enable the company to innovate or to execute better than its rivals T/F?


You manage the IT department at a small startup Internet advertiser. You need to set up an inexpensive system that allows customers to see real-time statistics such as views and click-thoughts about their current banner ads. Which system will most efficiently provide a solution? A.) CRM B.) Enterprise System C.) Extranet D.) Intranet


Which type of computing refers to firms purchasing computing power from remote providers and paying only for the computing power they use? A.) on-demand B.) grid C.) edge D.) automatic


________ takes place when a firm contracts custom software development or maintenance of existing legacy programs to outside firms.


A field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record is called the A.) Primary key B.) Key field C.) Primary field D.) Unique ID

Primary key

Which of the following is NOT one of the main problems with a traditional file environment? A.) data inconsistency B.) Program-data independence C.) lack of flexibility in creating ad-hoc reports D.) poor security

Program-data independence

________ are highly trained technical specialists who write the software instructions for computers.


Order data for baseball tickets and bar code data are examples of A.) raw input B.) raw output C.) customer and product data D.) sales information

Raw Input

The emergence of the Internet as a full-blown international communications system has drastically____________________________________________. A.) reduced the costs of operating and transacting on a global scale B.) increased the costs of operating and transacting on a global scale C.) reduced the profits of operating and transacting on a global scale D.) increased the profits of operating and transacting on a global scale

Reduced the costs of operating and transacting on a global scale

_________________________— sometimes called standard operating procedures—are precise rules, procedures, and practices that have been developed to cope with virtually all expected situations.


A formal contract between customers and their service providers that outlines the specific responsibilities of the service provider and to the customer is called a(n) A.) SOA B.) SLA C.) TCO D.) RFQ


______ _________ makes long-range strategic decisions about the firm's products and services.

Senior management

What significant competitive force is challenging the publishing industry? A.) positioning and rivalry among competitors B.) low cost entry C.) substitute of products and services D.) customer's bargaining power

Substitute of products and services

A firm that must invest in new information systems capabilities in order to comply with federal legislation can be said to be investing to achieve what business objective? A.) Customer intimacy B.) Operational Excellence C.) survival D.) Improved reporting


E-government refers to the application of ________ to digitally enable government and public sector agencies' relationships with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. A.) The internet and working technologies B.) e-commerce C.) e-business D.) any computerized technology

The internet and working technologies

Identify and describe three basic operations used to extract useful sets of data from a relational database. LONG ANSWER

The select operation creates a subset consisting of all records (rows) in the table that meets stated criteria. The join operation combines relational tables to provide the user with more information than is available in individual tables. The project operation creates a subset consisting of columns in a table, permitting the user to create new tables that contain only the information required.

As referred to in the test, legacy systems are A.) Traditional mainframe-based business information systems B.) Electronic spreadsheets used on a PC C.) Any pre-1990 Wintel systems D.) Systems found on older ASPs

Traditional mainframe-based business information systems

The costs incurred when a firm buys on the marketplace what it cannot make itself are referred to as A.) switching costs B.) transaction costs C.) procurement D.) agency costs

Transaction costs

Which computing standard is significant because it made a suite of communications protocols and a common addressing scheme that enables millions of computers to connect together in one giant network (the Internet) A.) American Standard Code for Information Interchange B.) Common Business Oriented Language C.) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol D.) Ethernet

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

A business model describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells a product or service to create wealth. T/F?


A data warehouse may be updated by a legacy system T/F?


An application server may reside on the same computer as a Web server or on its own dedicated computer. T/F?


As transaction costs decrease, firm size (the number of employees) should shrink because it becomes easier and cheaper for the firm to contract for the purchase of goods and services in the marketplace rather than to make the product or offer the service itself. T/F?


Big data does not refer to any specific quantity but usually refers to data in the petabyte and exabyte range—in other words, billions to trillions of records, all from different sources. T/F?


Business processes are collections of standard operating procedures. T/F?


Decision-support systems use internal information as well as information from external sources. T/F?


Enterprise integration requires software that can link desperate applications and enable data to flow freely among different parts of the business T/F?


Enterprise systems often include transactions with customers and vendors. T/F?


From the point of view of economics, information systems technology can be viewed as a factor of production that can be substituted for traditional capital and labour. T/F?


Hypertext markup language specifies how text, graphics, video, and sound are placed on a Web page document. T/F?


In a relational database, complex groupings of data must be streamlined to eliminate awkward many-to-many relationships. T/F?


In green computing, reducing computer power consumption is a top priority. T/F?


You are starting a market research company with a single business partner and are planning the hardware and software need for the two of you. Which factors should play into your decision of how much to spend on these investments? LONG ANSWER

Using the competitive forces model for IT infrastructure investment, the most relevant factors in this decision are: ● The firm's business strategy. What capabilities will we want to have over the next five years? ● Alignment of IT strategy. How does our IT strategy match up with the business plan? ● IT assessment. What are the current technology levels for the services we are offering and our business type? We would probably not need to be at the bleeding edge, but not behind the times either. ● Competitor firm services. What technology-enabled capabilities do our competitors have? We would want to match services with our competitors. ● Competitor firm IT investments. How much are competitor firms investing in their technology? Because this is a startup, one other factor may not play such a large role: that of market demand for services. However, finding out the market demand for competitor's services may uncover ways that this new company could have a competitive advantage.

_____________ allows a single computing resource, such as a server, to appear to the user as multiple logical resources.


The ________ is a service provided by the Internet that uses universally accepted standards for storing, retrieving, formatting, and displaying information in a page format.

World Wide Web

A __________________ is a subset of a data warehouse in which a summarized or highly focused portion of the organization's data is placed in a separate database for a specific population of users.

data mart

The confusion created by ___________ makes it difficult for companies to create customer relationship management, supply chain management, or enterprise systems that integrate data from different sources. A.) batch processing B.) data redundancy C.) data independence D.) online processing

data redundancy

Which of the following is not one of the current changes taking place in information systems technology? A.) growing business use of "big data" B.) growth in cloud computing C.) development of videopresence software D.) emerging mobile platform

development of videopresence software

What is the most important function of an enterprise application? A.) increasing speed of communicating B.) enabling business functions and departments to share information C.) enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers D.) enabling cost-effective e-business processes

enabling business functions and departments to share information

__________ are designed to support organization-wide process coordination and integration. A.) decision-support systems B.) Management information systems C.) CRM systems D.) Enterprise applications

enterprise applications

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