Inorganic Chemistry

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This element decreases the coefficient of expansion in glass . Titanium Boron Iron Potassium


This buffer system is useful at alkaline pH and can be used in ophthalmic solutions , contact lens solution and as solvent for soluble fluorescein Gifford's buffer Feldman's buffer Atkins and Pantin buffer Sorensen phosphate buffer

Atkins and Pantin buffer

A solution that yields a white precipitate with excess reagent of ammonium carbonate indicates the presence of Group III cations Group II cations Group IV cations Group I cations

Group IV cations

This is used to provide an inert atmosphere to retard oxidation in cod liver oil , olive oil , and multiple vitamin preparations . Nitrogen Carbon dioxide Hydrogen Helium


What is the relationship between the oxidation number and acidity of the oxyacids of a given element in the case of the elements in Group VI ? Directly proportional Acidity and oxidation number have no relation at all None of the choices Inversely proportional

Directly proportional

Potassium alum is an example of a : Double salt Hydrogen salt Mixed salt Normal salt

Double salt

A type of laxative that acts as lubricant to facilitate the passage of compacted fecal material Stimulant laxative Saline cathartic Bulk former laxative Emollient laxative

Emollient laxative

Which of the following minerals is important in the antioxidant capabilities of Vitamin E ? Iron Silicon Selenium Zinc


The black precipitate produced in Marsh's test is Silver Lead Arsenic Hydrogen sulfide


Which of the following glass types makes use of water test type ? Type IV or NP Type I Type II Туре III

Type II

Pharmaceutical ingredient of Calamine that is responsible for the pink color . Zinc oxide Ferric oxide Zinc stearate Talc

Ferric oxide

These are substances that act as anti - perspirant , styptic and caustic . antiseptic astringent none of the choices . irrigation solution


Black ppt a . AgCl b . Ag2S C. AgBr d . Agl e . Ag3PO4

b . Ag2S

Forms a white gelatinous precipitate with NaOH Ag + a . Ni + 2 b . Al + 3 c . Fe + 3

b . Al + 3

Hard coal is a . Activated charcoal b . Anthracite c . Bituminous d . Charcoal

b . Anthracite

Ni ( OH ) 2 is a a . Blue ppt b . Apple green ppt c . White ppt d . Yellow ppt

b . Apple green ppt

Arsphenamine is a component of anti - syphilis treatment . Which of the following element is present in Arsphenamine ? a . Ar b . As c . Sn d . Sb

b . As

Temporary hard water caused by the presence in solution calcium or magnesium hydroxides sulfates bicarbonate chlorides


In what concentration of iodine is it effective to combat many common bacteria in distilled water a . 1 : 100 b . 1 : 1000 c . 1 : 5000 d . 1 : 50000

c . 1 : 5000

Which of the following is incorrectly paired ? a . St. Elmon's Fire : Phosphorus b . Beautiful Meadow : Bismuth c . Asoge : Arsenic d . Shining down : Gold

c . Asoge : Arsenic

A buret with rubber stopcock is used for a . Acids b . Oxidizing agents c . Bases d . Alcohol

c . Bases

Soft coal is a . Activated charcoal b . Anthracite c . Bituminous d . Charcoal

c . Bituminous

Which of the following exhibits " Trigonal Planar " geometry a . Phosphorous pentaflouride b . Sulfur hexaflouride c . Boron trifluoride d . Carbon dioxide

c . Boron trifluoride

Argyria can be removed by a . Potassium ferricyanide b . Sodium thiosulfate c . Both d . None of these

c . Both

Which electrolyte replacement therapy is preferred for patients with internal hemorrhage a . NaCl b . KCI c . CaCl2 d . MgCl2

c . CaCl2

Calomel is used as a . Antacid b . Adsorbent c . Cathartic d . Protectant

c . Cathartic

The first element discovered by means of spectroscope a . Technetium b . Rubidium c . Cesium d . None of the above

c . Cesium

Which of the following is an essential trace element a . Fluorine b . Strontium c . Cobalt d . Silver

c . Cobalt

Rays that have the speed of light a . Alpha b . Beta - c . Gamma d . A & C

c . Gamma

Introduced the " Raisin Bread " Model a . E. Rutherford b . N. Bohr c . JJ Thompson d . J. Chadwick

c . JJ Thompson

Described acids as electron pair acceptors a . Arrhenius b . Bronsted Lowry c . Lewis d . None of the following

c . Lewis

Air is liquefied by low temperature and high pressure . a . L Process b . Lindth Process c . Linde Process d . Lindeasux Process

c . Linde Process

Noble gases are all a . Monoatomic b . Polyatomic c . Unreactive d . A & C

d . A & C

Which does not belong to alkali group a . K + b . Li + c . Na + d . Ag +

d . Ag +

Class / s of isotope a . Radioactive - b . Unstable c . Stable d . All of the above

d . All of the above

Use of sodium thiosulfate a . Antidote for cyanide poisoning b . Antidote for iodine poisonings c . Fixer in photographic films d . All of the above

d . All of the above

Calcium sulfate is a Gypsum b . Alabaster c . Satin spar d . All the above

d . All the above

Use / s of astringent a Styptic b . Antiperspirant c . Antiphlogistic d . All the above

d . All the above

It has am oligo - dynamic action a . Azotas argentious b . Cristales lunares c . Silver nitrate d . All the choices

d . All the choices

Contains Fe203 that gives the preparation a pink coloration a . Titanium dioxide b . Zinc stearate c . Talc d . Calamine

d . Calamine

Second to mercury for having the lowest melting point metal a . Thallium b . Indium c . Gadolium d . Gallium

d . Gallium

Which of the following buffer uses KCI to make it isotonic a . Phosphate buffer b . Feldman's c . Atkin's d . Gifford

d . Gifford

Amalgams are alloys of a . Fe b . Zn c . Cu d . Hg

d . Hg

Arsenite and magnesia mixture forms a . White precipitate b . Cream precipitate c . Brown precipitate d . No visible reaction

d . No visible reaction

Group of precipitant of Alkali group a . 3M HCI b . Saturate H2S C. NH4CI d . None

d . None

Which of the following conditions would decrease the solubility of a gas in a liquid ? high temperature , low pressure high temperature , high pressure low temperature , high pressure low temperature low pressure

high temperature , low pressure

An ion that shows expectorant action lodide Sodium Chlorine Fluorine


Complexes of iodine with carrier organic molecules serving as solubilizing agent to liberate iodine in solution . lodophor Starch - iodoform lodide lodates


Potassium iodide in strong iodine solution the colorant solubilizing agent antioxidant active ingredient

solubilizing agent

Radiopharmaceutical agent for scanning the liver and neoplastic suppressant . Sodium chromate Cr51 Sodium phosphate P32 Gold Au 198 Carbon C11

Gold Au 198

Lead subcaetate preparation is done by incorporating an ointment base containing wool fat , white wax white petrolatum and camphor . Goulard's cerates Goulard's extract White Lead Sugar of Lead

Goulard's extract

When too much fluoride is present in the tissue fluid , it can develop condition known as dental fluorosis which is manifested by Mottled enamel Mottled dentin Dental carries Mottled teeth

Mottled enamel

Emitted when neutrons exceed protons beyond a stable ratio that occurs mainly in the elements of atomic numbers above 63 Cyclotron Positron Alpha particles Negatron


This metal produces a bright red crystalline precipitate insoluble in ammonia with dimethylglyoxime reagent . Citrate Copper Cobalt Nickel


This metal produces a bright red crystalline precipitate insoluble with dimethylglyoxime reagent . Citrate Copper Cobalt Nickel


What is the oxidation number of sulfur in sodium thiosulfate ( Na2S203 ) ? +1 +2 +6 +4


Ringer's injection contains mEqs of potassium 130 mEq 4 mEq 147 mEq 2.7 mEq

4 mEq

An ion with 5 protons , 6 neutrons , and a charge of +3 has an atomic number of 6 5 11 8


Light yellow ppt a . AgCl b . Ag2S 6. AgBr d . Agl

6. AgBr

The reaction between lead nitrate and hydrogen sulfide will yield A yellow precipitate A white precipitate A blue solution A black precipitate

A black precipitate

A solution that yields a white precipitate with dilute HCI and dissolves in ammonia solution indicates the presence of Pb 2+ Hg ^ 2 Ag + Hg2 ^ + 2

Ag +

A white , curdy precipitate insoluble in HNO3 but soluble in an excess of ammonium hydroxide is AgCl BaSO4 CaCO4 NaCl


An example of an efflorescent substance is Blue vitriol Epsom salt Glauber's salt All of the choices

All of the choices

Oxygen and ozone are : Polymorphs Isobars Allotropes Isotopes


Native colloidal hydrated silicate is also known as : Talc Kaolin Siliceous earth Bentonite


Which of the following Group IA element causes Ebstein's Anomaly ? a . Sodium b . Hydrogen C. Lithium

C. Lithium

Addition diphenylcarbazide reagent to this cation produces a violet red color a . Potassium b . Calcium C. Magnesium d . Barium

C. Magnesium

Which anion evolves a gas with fruity odor when treated with concentrated sulfuric acid and ethanol ? BrO3 - CIO4 - CH3COO SO4 ^ 2


Which of the following is a Bronsted base ? H3O + CH3COO HCI NH4 +


A type of water that contains iron in solution or suspension and are characterized by a ferruginous taste Carbonated water Chalybeate water Lithia water Alkaline water

Chalybeate water

Thenard's blue is chemically known as : Sodium cobalt nitarate Cobalt meta - aluminate Aluminum carbonate Cupric sulfate

Cobalt meta - aluminate

Vogel reaction is used to test for: Cobaltous ions Nickel ions Ferrous ions Ammonium ions

Cobaltous ions

Which is not a protein precipitant Zinc Undecylenate Hypochlorous acid Antimony sodium tartrate USP Silver nitrate

Hypochlorous acid

Epsom salt , parenterally used as anticonvulsant drug and orally is administered in this manner to lessen its bitter taste . Cool Ice cold Warm Hot

Ice cold

The reason for BaSO4 being internally taken without any toxic effect is : The Gl fluids can neutralize it b. It dissociates in the GIT c. It is not soluble in the GIT d. It does not reach the GIT

It is not soluble in the GIT

Bordeaux Mixture contains what salt ? Magnesium sulfate Selenium sulfide Silver nitrate Cupric sulfate

Magnesium sulfate

Which of the following is an intrinsic property of matter ? a . Weight b . Volume c . Heat content Melting point

Melting point

The principal anion of the intracellular fluid compartment is Chloride Sulfate Phosphate Bicarbonate


Compounds which are capable of interfering with the passage of X rays are used as Enema Radioisotopes NOTA Radiopaques Chemotherapeutic agents


Increases osmotic load of the GIT : a. Saline cathartic b. Bulk - forming laxative c. Stimulant laxative

Saline cathartic

Metal used for the treatment . of schistosomiasis As Ta Sb Bi


This is used both as a diuretic and in the treatment of chronic acidosis to restore bicarbonate reserve . Sodium bicarbonate Sodium lactate Potassium bicarbonate Sodium citrate

Sodium citrate

A buffer system that has been modified to include NaCl to make it isotonic with physiological fluid : Feldman's Buffer Acid phthalate buffer Giffords buffer Sorensen phosphate buffer

Sorensen phosphate buffer

This element can replace calcium bone formation and has been used to hasten bone remineralization in diseases such as osteoporosis . Strontium Magnesium Beryllium Barium


It is used in surgical repairs of bones , nerves and muscles for it attaches itself to bones and is unaffected by the body fluids . Tantalum Iron Aluminum Tin


Preparations used for brain scanning to determine the presence and location of neo - plastic lesions Technetium Tc 99 Injection Gold Au 198 Injection Sodium Phosphate P32 Solution Chlormerodrin Hg 197 Injection

Technetium Tc 99 Injection

Which is a characteristic of a base ? a . Blue Red litmus b . Reacts with metal producing hydrogen gas c . Colorless with phenolphthalein Yellow with methyl orange

Yellow with methyl orange

What is the percentage of the liquefied phenol in Phenolated Calamine Lotion ? a . 1 % b . 2 % c . 3 % d . 4 %

a . 1 %

Form of hydrogen peroxide commonly used a bleach instead of cleansing wounds : a . 20 volumes b . 3 % c . 10 volumes d . 30 volumes

a . 20 volumes

Lugol's solution contains % 12 with Kl a . 5 b . 2 c . 0.05 d . 0.02

a . 5

Forms a white gelatinous precipitate with NaOH a . Ag + b . Bi + 3 c . Pb + 2 d . Hg2 + 2

a . Ag +

White ppt a . AgCl b . Ag2S c . AgBr d . Agl e . Ag3PO4

a . AgCl

Howe is a . Ammoniacal silver nitrate b . Ammoniated mercury c . Both d . None of the choices

a . Ammoniacal silver nitrate

Which of the following is true regarding antioxidants a . An antioxidant is oxidized in place of the constituent b . Antioxidant masks the constituents to prevent their oxidized c . Antioxidants reduce the constituent to prevent its oxidation d . All of the choice

a . An antioxidant is oxidized in place of the constituent

The deposition of free silver below the epidermis a . Argyria b . Argyrium c . Argyrina d . Argynium

a . Argyria

Tc 99m Etidronate is used for a . Bone imaging b . Brain imaging c . Thyroid imaging d . Kidney imaging

a . Bone imaging

Steel is an alloy of a . Carbon and iron b . Zinc and iron c . Zinc and brass d . Brass and aluminum

a . Carbon and iron

When phenolphthalein is added to a solution of vinegar , it produces : a . Colorless b . Pink c . Yellow d . None

a . Colorless

Which of the following is the use of Aqua fortis Buffer a . Destroys warts b . Gastric antiseptic . Sulfonating agent

a . Destroys warts

Sublime sulfur is a . Flowers of sulfur b . Liver of sulfur c . Milk of sulfur . Sulfurated Potash

a . Flowers of sulfur

Which of the following is the most non - metal a . Fluoride b . Chloride . c . Selenium d . Hydrogen

a . Fluoride

It is used to detect and measure radioactivity a . Geiger counter b . Photographic plate c . X - rays d . All the above

a . Geiger counter

Which element ent possess oligodynamic property ? Group IA a . Group IB b . Group IIA c . Group IIB

a . Group IB

Also known as Group O a . Group VIIIA b . Group VIIIB c . Group VIIA d . Group VIIB

a . Group VIIIA

Silver nitrate is toughened by adding a . HCI b . HF c . H2SO4 d . HI

a . HCI

Plaster of Paris is a calcium sulfate that is a . Hemihydrated b . Monohydrated c . Dihydrated d . Trihydrated

a . Hemihydrated

Misch metal " is 70 % cerium and 30 % a . Iron b . Calcium c . Magnesium d . Holmium

a . Iron

Which of the following is not a buffer constituent a . Magnesium b . Sodium c . Potassium d . Phosphate

a . Magnesium

Most abundant gas in the atmosphere a . Nitrogen b . Oxygen c . Carbon dioxide d . Hydrogen

a . Nitrogen

Borates in turmeric paper is colored a . Orange to red b . Olive c . White d . Green

a . Orange to red

Which of the following belongs to copper subgroup ? a . Pb + 2 b . Hg + 2 c . Ba + 2 d . Fe +2

a . Pb + 2

Less irritating iodine without losing antimicrobial effectiveness a . Povidone iodine b . lodine tincture c . lodine solution d . lodum

a . Povidone iodine

Fe4 [ Fe ( CN6 ) 13 appears as a . Prussian blue precipitate b . White precipitate → Gray precipitate c . Violet / purple layer d . Turnbull's blue precipitate

a . Prussian blue precipitate

The two scientist who isolated Krypton in liquid residues from argon a . Ramsay and Travers b . Rutherford and Solly c . Derek and Ramsay d . Ramsay and Collie

a . Ramsay and Travers

Argyria is the toxicity of which element a . Silver b . Gold c . Copper d . Calcium

a . Silver

Component of Lucas Reagent a . Silver b . Gold c . Copper d . Calcium

a . Silver

Patient EV is a 26 - year - old male with symptoms of fever , cough , and diarrhea . Upon further examination , the patient diagnosed with Schistosomiasis . Which of the following is used to destroy the causative agent ? a . Tartar emetic b . Milk of sulfur c . Arsphenamine d . Calomel

a . Tartar emetic

Flame test for K a . Violet b . Dull red c . Carmine red d . Intense yellow e . Colorless

a . Violet

Silver ion with HCI gives a . White curdy precipitate b . White crystalline precipitate c . A & B d . None of the choices

a . White curdy precipitate

To prepare White Lotion USP , sulfated potash is added to a . Zinc sulfate b . Zinc oxide c . Zinc sulfide d . None of the above

a . Zinc sulfate

Its tincture may be used to disinfect drinking water a . lodine b . Fluorine c . Potassium d . None of the above

a . lodine

It is a dark purple crystalline compound , opaque transmitted light and blue metallic luster in reflected light a Potassium permanganate b . Sodium hypochlorite c . Silver nitrate d . Ammoniated mercury

a Potassium permanganate

Simethicone is used as antiflatulence digestive anti - ulcer antacid


Which of the following characteristics increase as it moves from right to left of the periodic table a . Electronegativity b . Atomic radius c . Electron affinity d . lonization potential

b . Atomic radius

Which of the following is used for extemporaneous compounding of MI injection a . Sterile water for injection b . Bacteriostatic water for injection c . Water for injection d . Purified water for injection

b . Bacteriostatic water for injection

Members of the Silver group , except a . Ag + b . Bi + 3 c . Pb + 2 d . Hg2 + 2

b . Bi + 3

Which non - essential causes CNS depression ? Cadmium a . Lead b . Bromine c . Strontium

b . Bromine

Which of the following is a polyatomic molecule and a compound ? a . O b . CO₂ c . CO d . CO²-

b . CO₂

The following calcium compounds are used as a calcium supplement , except ? a . Calcium oxalate . Calcium chlorate Calcium gluconate c . Calcium phosphate

b . Calcium chlorate

Which of the following does not affect chemical equilibrium ? a . Concentration . Catalyst c . Temperature d . Volume

b . Catalyst

Influences osmotic pressure a . Calcium b . Chloride c . Magnesium d . Phosphorus

b . Chloride

This is used to differentiate tartrate from citrate a . Magneson I reagent b . Denige's reagent c . Lunge test d . B & C

b . Denige's reagent

Purest native form of uncombined carbon a . Coal b . Diamond c . Graphite d . Lamp black

b . Diamond

Antidote for Gold Poisoning a . Activated charcoal b . Dimercapro c . EDTA d . Penicillamine

b . Dimercapro

Flame test for Ca a . Violet b . Dull red c . Carmine red d . Intense yellow e . Colorless

b . Dull red

It is considered to be less irritating to the GI tract than any other iron preparations a . Ferrous acetate b . Ferrous fumarate c . Ferrous sulfate d . Ferrous lactate

b . Ferrous fumarate

Which of the following alloy does not contain lead and tin ? a . Wood metal b . German silver c . Rose metals d . Solder's

b . German silver

The following elements do not have medicinal use , except a . Neon b . Germanium c . Uranium d . Beryllium

b . Germanium

A common side effect of oral gold preparation a . Gl disturbance b . Glossitis c . Blurred vision d . Cough

b . Glossitis

Cr ( OH ) 3 is a . Green solutionb . Grayish green ppt c . White amorphous ppt d . Black ppt

b . Grayish green ppt

Used as an antidote for Digitalis poisoning a . CaC12 H2O b . KCI c . NaCl d . MgCl2

b . KCI

Causes encephalopathy a . Cadmium b . Lead c . Arsenic d . Chromium

b . Lead

Acts by increasing the osmotic load of the GI tract a . Methylcellulose b . Magnesium citrate c . Bisacodyl d . Mineral oil

b . Magnesium citrate

Once described as " liquid silver " or " quick silver " a . Iron b . Mercury c . Tungsten d . Zinc

b . Mercury

All of the following ions are present in the intracellular ions except : a . K + b . Na + c . Mg + d . HPO4-2

b . Na +

Radon is a synthetic gas used for the treatment of cervical cancer . Which of the following is not a characteristic of Radon ? a . Monoatomic b . Occurs free in the atmosphere c . Colorless d . Odorless

b . Occurs free in the atmosphere

Which element serves as an activator of several enzymes ? a . Sodium b . Potassium c . Lithium d . Cesium

b . Potassium

Flashlight powders are mixture of potassium chlorate or barium peroxide and a . Powdered Beryllium b . Powdered Magnesium c . Powdered Potassium d . Powdered Strontium

b . Powdered Magnesium

This silicon preparation is used as a gastric protectant a . Attapulgite b . Simethicone c . Talc d . Silicon dioxide

b . Simethicone

Fe + 2 + K3Fe ( CN ) 6 → a . Brown solution b . Turnbull's blue ppt c . Prussian blue ppt d . Brown ppt

b . Turnbull's blue ppt

Basic mercury ( II ) amidonitrate exist as a . Black ppt b . White ppt c . Gray ppt d . Colorless gas

b . White ppt

Basic mercury ( II ) amidonitrate exists as a . Black ppt b . White ppt c . Gray ppt d . Colorless gas

b . White ppt

Inhalation of this compound can cause pulmonary inflammation a . Titanium dioxide b . Zinc stearate c . Potassium permanganate d . lodine

b . Zinc stearate

The production of Paracetamol tablets was haltered due to the production of defective units . Upon organoleptic inspection , the tablets produced exhibit sticking . Which ingredient is to be added to the formulation to resolve the defect ? a . Talc b . Starch c . Magnesium stearate d . Methylcellulose .

c . Magnesium stearate

Madhatter's disease is the the chronic poisoning caused by which element ? a . Silver b . Gold c . Mercury d . Aluminum

c . Mercury

Patient GD is a 30 - years - old who went to the dentist for a scheduled wisdom tooth extraction . Which of the following inhalational gases is administered to the patients ? a . Oxygen b . Helium c . Nitrous oxide d . Carbon dioxide

c . Nitrous oxide

Named as " acid former " by Lavoisier a . Carbon b . Hydrogen c . Oxygen d . Nitrogen

c . Oxygen

MnS is a a . Black ppt b . Blue ash c . Salmon ppt d . Colorless solution

c . Salmon ppt

Antidote for Zinc poisoning a . Copper sulfate b . Dimercaprol c . Sodium bicarbonate d . All of the above

c . Sodium bicarbonate

Chemical antidote for cyanide poisoning a . Sodium nitrite b . Sodium nitrate c . Sodium thiosulfate d . Cupric sulfate

c . Sodium thiosulfate

Azufre a . Precipitant sulfur b . Sulfurated potash c . Sublimed Sulfur d . Selenium sulfide

c . Sublimed Sulfur

Constituent of heparin a . Iron b . Copper c . Sulfur d . Zinc

c . Sulfur

A metal which is unaffected by body fluid and attaches itself to bones , is now used in surgical repair of bones , nerve and muscles a . Aluminum b . Iron c . Tantalum d . Tin-

c . Tantalum

Which iodine preparation is used to visualize the gall bladder ? a . Lugol's solution b . Boulton Solution c . lopanoic acid d . Povidone lodine Solution

c . lopanoic acid

Controls the action of the active ingredient in an antimicrobial / astringent preparation except a . Adjust the concentration b . Complexation with a ligand c . Synthesize into insoluble form d . None of the above

d . None of the above

Substance added to glass to increase its refractive index a . MnO2 b . K c . B d . Pb

d . Pb

Dental abrasive a . Sodium fluoride b . Stannous fluoride c . Tin difluoride d . Pumice

d . Pumice

Used as a volumetric solution for iodometry a . Potassium permanganate b . Sodium hydroxide c . Ferric alum d . Sodium thiocyanate

d . Sodium thiocyanate

Properties of hydrogen peroxide solution except a . Has odor resembling that of ozone b . Acidic to litmus and taste c . Produces a froth in the mouth d . Sweetish astringent taste

d . Sweetish astringent taste

Used in the treatment of schistosonomiasis a . Selenium disulfide b . Zinc chloride c . Aluminum oxide d . Tartar emetic

d . Tartar emetic

It has a high refractive index that contributes to its opacity a . Zinc oxide b . Zirconium oxide c . Magnesium oxide d . Titanium dioxide

d . Titanium dioxide

Chlorine containing compounds except a Dakin's solution b Labarraque's solution c Chloramines d . lodinum

d . lodinum

Kl present in a . Mayer's solution b . Wagner's solution c . Nessler's solution d . All the above

d All the above

Yellow ppt a . AgCl b . Ag2S c . AgBr d . Agl e . Ag3PO4

e . Ag3PO4

Canary yellow ppt a AgCl b . Ag2S c . Ag3PO4 d . AgBr e . Agl

e . Agl

Flame test result for Mpg a . Violet b . Dull red c . Carmine red d . Intense yellow e . Colorless

e . Colorless

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