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(3)Which of the following statements are reasons that traditional brain imaging is insufficient in determining where a particular type of information processing occurs in the brain?

- Areas may become active for reasons correlated with information processing but not caused by it. - The region of the brain that is most active is not necessarily where the key processing occurs.

(7)error in reality monitoring examples

- Aïcha believes an argument she had in a dream happened in real life. - Jevonte clearly remembers having taken a cross-country road trip as a young child, but his father informs him he did not.

(3)technology that is noninvasive and poses minimal risk to the participant

- EEG, fMRI, MEG invasive: single-cell recording & CT Scan

(7)error in source monitoring examples

- Elna believes she's written a very good poem but hasn't realized that several lines come from a piece of popular music. - Damien knows that Finland once went to war with Russia but can't remember where he heard it from.

(5)Which of the following scenarios support the theory that hypnosis causes a state of dissociation?

- Following hypnosis, Berta was able to undergo dental surgery with milder anesthesia than she would normally have required. - Jomo has a phobia of snakes. While hypnotized, Jomo was shown an image of a snake. His visual cortex registered that an object had appeared, but Jomo did not have a fear reaction.

(12) Contemporary criticisms of Freud's theories

- Freud's theory is not scientifically testable. - Freud did not use empirical techniques to make his conclusions.

(10) Reasons stress increases the risk of heart disease

- SAM axis activation increases blood pressure. - The effect of stress on blood pressure causes a buildup of arterial plaque.

(7)Which of the following are aspects of long-term potentiation?

- Synaptic connections strengthen. - Postsynaptic activity increases.

(8)True of test anxiety

- Test anxiety is made up of two parts: emotionality and worry. - Certain groups of people are more susceptible to test anxiety. - Some elements of test anxiety actually make people perform better.

(8)What were some inherent flaws in the Stanford-Binet test?

- The designer was biased - The designer had an agenda other than studying human intelligence

(8)Facts about organ donation

- Whether donation is the default option or the opt-in option makes a big difference in donation rates. - Where organ donation is framed as the default, people were more likely to be an organ donor.

(10) personality characteristics associated with resilience to stressors

- a sense of personal control - high self-esteem - a happy disposition

(9) Bulimia nervosa:

- can lead to serious health problems - involves disordered eating behavior - is associated with compensatory behavior

(8)Truths about achievement gaps

- differ greatly from culture to culture - are persistent differences in educational outcomes of certain groups of people (often based on race or gender)

(9) Features associated with anorexia nervosa

- inaccurate perception of self - can be life threatening - an intense fear of gaining weight

(8)Features that are part of pragmatics (not all)

- intonation - hand gestures - use of eye contact

(1)Actions that are psychologically supported ways to improve your performance in your college courses.

- motivating yourself to attend class and complete assignments - focusing more on critically thinking about information than memorizing that information - using metacognition to improve your study habits

(5)Match each brain region to the mental process in which it is more active than usual.

- prefrontal medial cortex→mind wandering - brain stem→arousal - pre-SMA/anterior cingulate→selective attention

(9) examples of extrinsically rewarding

- repainting your kitchen - getting paid to mow someone's lawn - staying late at your job to receive overtime pay

(9) examples of intrinsically rewarding

- visiting a foreign country - watching a movie - playing a board game with your friends

(11) The psychosocial crises associated with Erikson's stages of psychosocial development in order from earliest to latest.

1. trust vs. mistrust 2. autonomy vs. shame + doubt 3. initiative vs. guilt 4. competence vs. inferiority 5. identity vs. role confusion 6. intimacy vs. isolation 7. productivity vs. stagnation 8. integrity vs. despair

(6)The groups in order from those who learned the most to those who learned the least

18-25 yo receiving positive feedback → 11-13 yo receiving negative feedback → 8-9 yo receiving positive feedback → 8-9 yo receiving negative feedback

(1) Identify each skill as either a benefit or not a benefit of studying psychology.

Benefits: - thinking critically about stories in the media - forming healthy habits - learning to study effectively Not Benefits: - diagnosing your own psychological disorders

(3)Match each substructure to the most specific brain structure to which it belongs.

Brainstem: - pons - medulla oblongata Midbrain: - tegmentum - ventral tegmental area

(3)Some patients who have received head injuries are unable to articulate language verbally but can still both hear and comprehend what they hear. Identify the brain regions that are likely to have been damaged in such patients.

Broca's area + motor cortex

(12) People's self-concepts are fairly consistent across most cultures.


(9) Genie's family moves to a new state, and she is forced to attend a new school. She notices that a small group of students have interests similar to hers, but they dress and act differently than Genie's friends at her last school. Place the following events in chronological order, based on research regarding the drive for social belonging.

Genie feels depressed due to perceived isolation → Genie changes her style of dress and behavior to increase her acceptance → Genie has positive social interactions with the group, which yield positive emotions → positive emotions lead to increased social interactions, strengthening her sense of belonging

(2)The parts of a study in the order in which they should happen to maintain an ethical study, from first to last.

IRB approves study design→participants give informed consent→study occurs→researchers debrief participants

(2)correlation design

Investigates the association between two variables. These associations of variables are often displayed using a scatterplot.

(11) Jean Piaget vs. Lev Vygotsky

Piaget: - A child's development follows a universal, inborn pattern of stages. - A child's development can be understood by considering how the child interacts with inanimate objects. Vygotsky: - A child's development must be understood by considering how the child interacts with other people.

(1) Label each psychological discovery with the most relevant professional field.

Sports - Even minor hits to the head are associated with impairments to memory and self-regulation. Law - People can believe in false memories that never occurred. International relations - Showing people that personality is changeable can help change their perception of opposing groups. Education - Helping students feel like they belong at school improves their performance.

(7)Caleb remembers being taken on a flight in a helicopter as a child, but his parents insist that no such activity ever occurred. What can we assume about Caleb's false memory?

The memory is based on the gist of what a helicopter flight would be like

(7)Research indicates that cells in the medial temporal lobe fire selectively for stimuli associated with specific individuals, such as Clint Eastwood, for example. Which of the following statements best describes what these studies have shown?

These person-selective cells are also active when presented with stimuli, like locations, that are associated with those individuals

(12) Independence can be viewed negatively in some cultures.


(12) Self-esteem is positively correlated with life satisfaction regardless of culture.


(12) The Big Five is the most widely used model for understanding general personality traits.


(12) There are multiple assessment tools that use the five-factor model.


(6)Neurogenesis occurs first in prenatal development and continues past early development. In adult mammals, neurogenesis has been localized to specific areas in the brain. One of these areas, the hippocampus, is associated with learning and memory. The other area lines the brain's ventricles.


(4)True and false statements about gustation

True: - A person's expectation of a taste greatly influences whether they will like it. - Specific sections of the tongue do not specialize in particular tastes. False: - Like other sensory systems, taste signals are sent along one primary nerve. - All taste preferences are based on genetics.

(4)True and false statements about olfaction

True: - Humans use their visual sense to help them identify smells. - Anosmia occurs when the olfactory nerve is severed. False: - The human nose can pick up about 10,000 scents.

(6)True and false statements about Bandura's famous Bobo doll experiment

True: - Regardless of personality type, all children in the study mimicked the aggressive behavior modeled by the adult. - Children mimicked the adult's aggressive behavior without instruction to do so. False: - Only the children who were instructed to mimic the behavior of the adult model acted aggressively toward the Bobo doll. - Only the children assessed as having a medium to high propensity for aggressive behavior mimicked the aggressive behavior of the adult.

(2)Identify the true and false statements about statistical significance.

True: - The stronger an effect size is, the more likely it is to be statistically significant. False: - Small effect sizes are never statistically significant. - If an effect size is not statistically significant, the hypothesis should be abandoned. - If a result is statistically significant, it can be taken as fact.

(7)True and false statements about forgetting

True: - Without rehearsal of new information, we quickly forget much more than we remember. - According to trace decay theory, memories that we don't access can decay over time. False: - All memory disorders consist of either misremembering or not remembering enough. - It is always best to retain memories for as long as possible.

(1)Identify the true and false statements about the biological-neuroscience perspective.

True: - Measuring blood flow to brain regions can show us how mental processes work. - Studying dysfunctions of the brain helps us understand its normal functions. - All psychological processes are also biological. False: - Traits based on genes or biology are unchangeable.


a drug that makes it easier for the neurotransmitter to be absorbed by the neuron that released it


a drug that slightly widens certain synapses, allowing neurotransmitters to flow out of them more easily


a drug that slows down the rate at which cells break a neurotransmitter down

(10) according to the differential sensitivities hypothesis, which child would likely display the best long-term outcomes?

a highly sensitive child in a supportive environment

(11) qualitative development

abrupt steps

(5)Stimulants that are life-threatening when taken in large doses

cocaine + methamphetamine

(1) The phases of the human life cycle in chronological order

conception→birth→infancy→toddlerhood→childhood→adolescence→young adulthood→middle age→old age

(6)Which of the following factors are needed for an organism to be successfully classically conditioned?

contiguity + contingency

Place the parenting styles in order of the likelihood of children's positive developmental outcomes, from least likely to most likely to have positive outcomes.

disengaged → permissive → authoritative

(9) James-Lange Theory

emotional experience is derived from physiological response(s)

(10) Emotion-focused coping strategies are consistently more effective than problem-focused coping strategies.


(3)MRI scanners expose patients to dangerous radiation.


(3)Phrenology is another name for neuropsychology.


(6)operant conditioning involves involuntary behavior


(11) quantitative development

gradual changes

(3)Julia is a somewhat forgetful person in general, but some of her memories are extremely vivid because they are so emotionally moving. Identify the brain structures that work together to make these memories unforgettable.

hippocampus + amygdala

(11) theory of mind

involves understanding that other people might have mental states that differ from your own


is an antagonist; it blocks the agonist effects of heroin

(11) research designs that allow researchers to conclude that any observed changes over time are due to developmental factors rather than cohort effects

longitudinal and sequential

(2)descriptive design

looks carefully at one variable

(2)which variables can be manipulated and which must be measured?

manipulated: - age - outdoor temperature measured: - hours spent studying - amount of medication

(3)How much are behavioral traits heritable

moderately: 30-60%

(3)Relatives in order from most to least likely to share genes with you

monozygotic twin→fraternal twin→grandparent→first cousin

(5)How do the reported comfort levels among American college students compare with the degree of comfort they perceive their peers as having?

most college students misperceive their peers as being more comfortable with alcohol than themselves

(3)The biological structures in order of increasing size and complexity, from smallest and least complex to largest and most complex.

neurons→nerves→spinal cord→nervous system

(2)Scientists can use large collections of online information, sometimes referred to as big data, to conduct electronic ___ research.


(4)The steps of olfaction in the order in which information about smell is processed

odor molecules enter the nasal cavity→olfactory receptors in the olfactory epithelium bind with the odor molecules→the olfactory receptors send neural signals to the olfactory bulb in the frontal cortex→the olfactory bulb transmits signals to the prefrontal cortex and limbic system

(4)Match each structure to the area of the ear in which it is located.

outer ear: ear canal middle ear: ossicles inner ear: basilar membrane + cilia

(10) Responsible for down-regulating, or suppressing, the body's response to stressful events

parasympathetic nervous system

(9) Schachter-Singer Theory

physiological responses also come with a judgment about why one's body is reacting

(2)observational measure

records behaviors or traces of behaviors

(2)psychological measure

records biological information from a living thing

(2)self-report measure

records how people say they feel about themselves

(9)Order the following controlled system processes a person would complete when using an online dating website to choose a potential partner.

select criteria on which to make judgments → give each criterion a relative weight → rate each partner option on each criterion

(7)The following events describing the acquisition and recall of a memory in chronological order.

sensation → encoding → storage → retrieval

(4)The steps of hearing in the order in which auditory information about a sound is processed, from first to last

sound waves enter the ear canal→the eardrum, or tympanic membrane, vibrates→the hammer, anvil, and stirrup amplify the vibrations, transferring them to the oval window→pressure from moving fluid in the cochlea stimulates hairlike cells→the auditory nerve carries information to the brainstem, where it is transferred to the thalamus and primary auditory cortex

(4)Which flavor is not a type of taste molecule, but rather a combination of sensory experiences?


(4)frequency theory

suggests that the speed with which the cilia fire neural impulses determines the pitch of sound that is conveyed

(4)place theory

suggests that where the cilia are located along the basilar membrane determines the pitch of sound they transmit - primary auditory cortex is organized according to tonotopic organization

(3)Following a life-threatening viral infection, Gustavo finds he is no longer able to make sense of how what he sees relates to what he hears. Although he retains some sense of hearing and vision, the two senses feel disconnected. Which brain region likely suffered damage as a result of his infection?


(8)After hearing a novel term (sebbing) to describe the mixing of confetti, young children were able to assign meaning to not only the word but variations on the word (a seb and some seb). What guided the children in creating such definitions?

the children used their understanding of grammar to identify whether a word was a noun or verb and singular or plural

(9) unit bias

the country or culture we live in can largely influence what we consider to be a normal portion of food

(5)How often people think about them when their minds wander, from most often to least often

the future→the past→problems or ideas→nothing (mind feels blank)


the lens of the eye becomes less elastic

(2)researchers use an established set of propositions, know as ___, to make a specific prediction (___)

theory, hypothesis

(9) Cannon-Bard Theory

there are simultaneous psychological and emotional responses

(10) Americans socialize and communicate twice as much on the weekend than on weekdays


(10) The average American spends over two hours a day watching tv


(10) non-game leisurely computer use is the only leisure activity people do more on weekdays than on weekends


(10) reading has the smallest difference between time spent on weekdays and weekends


(10) relaxing and thinking is the third most popular form of leisure on weekdays


(3)Without a myelin sheath, impulses travel down the axon of a neuron slower than a normal person's running speed.


(6)classical conditioning involves voluntary behavior


(2)mental processes that we cannot directly observe or influence are:


(6)Which schedule of reinforcement is most resistant to the extinction of learned responses?

variable schedule of reinforcement

(7)The types of encoding in order of how deeply the memories will be encoded, from shallowest to deepest (according to the levels-of-processing model)

visual → auditory → semantic → self-referential

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