InQuizitive Chapter 25

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In both pictures below, the protesters can be seen wearing their "Sunday best." What message are they trying to convey about their purpose by wearing their best clothes?

They are trying to show the seriousness and religious-like conviction of their endeavor.

What response did the Freedom Riders receive when they rode buses from Washington, D.C., through the Deep South?

They were violently attacked by a mob when they reached Alabama


This city was known as the "citadel of segregation."

Before Fidel Castro ousted Fulgencio Batista from Cuba, Cuba had been economically dependent on the United States. Why did the United States prove hesitant to support Castro's new regime?

When Castro came into power and announced his plan for Cuba, the United State became afraid that he would nationalize U.S. land holdings in Cuba

The Feminine Mystique

acknowledged that American society had lost a vast reservoir of human potential by suppressing women's personal growth in the 1950s

Engel v. Vitale (1962)

agnostics and atheists

Lyndon Johnson forcefully pushed a comprehensive civil rights bill through Congress. Identify the elements of this legislation.

banned racial discrimination in public accommodations prohibited gender discrimination prohibited discrimination by employers and unions

Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

citizens who are indicted on criminal charges

National Organization for Women

founded in 1966 to work actively for women's equality, after seeing the need for a civil rights organization specifically focused on women's rights

One of the leaders of the Free Speech Movement at UCLA was Ronald Reagan. His experience as a student leader of the movement gave Reagan the national exposure he needed to launch his political career.


The Peace Corps was a special unit of the Marine Corps designed, by John Kennedy's brother-in-law, to infiltrate rebel units in developing countries and fan the flames of revolution.


What was the significance of the Stonewall Inn riot as a source for the rights revolution of the late 1960s?

It was the advent of gay liberation when gays at the bar fought back against routine police brutality-they "left the closet"

Identify the statements that describe Freedom Summer of 1964.

A coalition of civil rights groups converged on Mississippi to register African-Americans to vote. The most infamous act of violence during the summer occurred near Philadelphia, Mississippi, when three college students were kidnapped and murdered.

While Kennedy focused on the Cold War for most of his administration, Johnson focused on domestic reform.

Cold War, domestic reform

By 1960, Kennedy's plan for Cuba had escalated from fanning a revolt to an amphibious landing by several hundred Cubans trained by the CIA in Guatemala. Identify the results of this planned expedition.

Cuba moved closer diplomatically and economically to the Soviet Union

In the 1960s, the issue of human trafficking came to the fore when Rachel Carson published her book, Silent Spring, about the mistreatment of seasonal migrant workers.


The Great Society was the most sweeping attempt at social and economic adjustment by the federal government since the New Deal during the Great Depression. Which of the following provisions were part of the Great Society?

Food Stamp program Medicare Head Start

Malcolm X argued that African-Americans must control the political and economic resources of their communities. Identify the statements that describe Malcolm X.

His work left a legacy that is still recognized and honored today. His racial vitriol was severely lessened after a trip to Mecca in 1964. He abandoned his last name to symbolize his break from his slave ancestry.

Identify the statements that describe the rise of Black Power.

It proposed an agenda of electing more black officials and leading a revolutionary fight for freedoms. The term was coined by Stokely Carmichael, the leader of SNCC, during a civil rights march. The idea of Black Power reflected the radicalization of young civil rights activists and an explosion of racial self-assertion.

Identify the statements that describe the Bay of Pigs invasion.

It was a CIA-led operation with Cuban exiles living in the United States. As a result of the failed operation, Cuba became even more closely tied to the Soviet Union.

Why did social and political upheaval reach global proportions in 1968?

Martin Luther King Jr., a leader of the civil rights movement, was assassinated. New Left students were protesting the Vietnam War in France and Italy. The international community was outraged over the Tet offensive in Vietnam.

In the election of 1964, Lyndon Johnson won by an electoral landslide. His opponent, ultra conservative Barry Goldwater, who had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, won the Deep South. What did this election demonstrate about the country?

Most Americans were ready to grant African-American rights

What social changes does NOW believe are necessary to enable women to enjoy equality and freedom?

NOW wanted more women to participate in the public sphere.

When North Vietnamese patrol boats fired on an American vessel, Johnson proclaimed that the United States was a victim of "aggression." In response, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, authorizing the president to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam. Only two members of the U.S. Senate voted against it and everyone in the House of Representatives approved it, giving Johnson a blank check in his attempt to expand military involvement in Indochina.

North Vietnamese, Gulf of Tonkin, and Indochina


Protesters attempted to march to the state capitol to demand voter registration fairness.


Riots occurred here when James Meredith enrolled at the University of Mississippi.

As early as August 1963, members of Johnson's cabinet were discussing whether they should withdraw from Vietnam. Why did Johnson's advisors recommend staying in Indochina?

The Truman administration was blamed for losing another Asian country, China, to communism, and it didn't want to experience the same fate. The advisors believed they could control the tide of Third World revolutions through intervention. It was an example of Cold War geopolitics as usual.

Washington, D.C.

The city in which A. Philip Randolph's march for "jobs and freedom" took place in August 1963.

Stonewall Inn

The rebellion/riot here is considered the beginning of the LGBT movement.

What does it reveal about public reaction to the president's death?

The shock of the president's death overshadowed the upcoming presidential election. The president's death captivated the nation.

New York Times v. Sullivan (1964)

journalists and newspaper editors

What made the New Left new was that it spoke of loneliness in the face of bureaucratic institutions and a hunger for authenticity that affluence could not provide.

loneliness, bureaucratic institutions, and authenticity

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)

married couples who wanted privacy

In the late 1960s, the American Indian Movement made great strides when it staged protests and occupied Alcatraz.

the American and Indian Movement, when it staged protests, and occupied

An unlikely coalition of individuals thought that the social institutions needed to be corrected. Because of their sheer numbers and the power of television, they believed direct confrontation could alter that imbalance. Which two groups made up that unlikely coalition?

the black freedom movement and white children of the middle class

Baker v. Carr (1962)

voters in cities

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