Intelligence Midterm

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Espionage Act

1917, often used as the legal basis for leak prosecution

What year was the CIA created?


National Security Act

1947, gave legal basis to the intelligence community and made the intelligence function permanent; created the modern US national security apparatus, NSC, Joint Chiefs, CIA, foreign and domestic intelligence

What year was the NSA created?


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

1978, to undertake wiretaps in the US FBI must get court order

Yellow Cake

2003 State of the Union assertion that Iraq attempted to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger; investigation found no evidence to support hypothesis

Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act

2004, created DNI; national intelligence: foreign, domestic, and homeland security


9/11 conspirator; student at Minnesota flight school; FBI failed to mount an investigation despite his known jihadist beliefs, increase money in the bank, and suspicious travel record; "don't need to learn how to land a plane"

Bigot Lists

A list of personnel possessing appropriate security clearance and who are cleared to know details of a particular operation

What are vulnerabilities of satellites?

ASATs, Arms Control Treats, US dependency on satellites, debris fields, OSINT, proliferation, predictable movements, unable to defend against an attack

Senate Intelligence Rivalries

ASV v IC (internal)

Armed Services Intelligence Wings

Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard


Bureau of Intelligence and Research; cabinet position

What are the problems in counterintelligence?

CI penetration is clandestine, tendency to trust its own people, unwarranted suspicion, friction between CIA and FBI, suspicions may not always be proved

Armed Services Rivalries


Producers of Finishes / All Source Intelligence


NRO Rivalries

CIA (civilian v military)

DNI Rivalries

CIA (for power and access), DOD (for budget and power), director of NCTC (president), state (foreign policy goals and foreign service officers)

FBI Rivalries

CIA (foreign and domestic), State (legal attaches)

NGA Rivalries

CIA (military v civilian)

NSA Rivalries

CIA (military v civilian)

DIA Rivalries

CIA (military v civilian, HUMINT)

DOD Rivals

CIA (military v civilian, power), DNI (power and budget), NSA/NGA (responsibility to defense and DNI)

HUMINT Organizations


Analysis Organizations

CIA, DIA, FBI, INR, Homeland, Defense, DEA

President's Daily Brief

CIA, DIA, INR, NSA, NGA, and NIC all review articles that will go into the PDB, current intellience

Types of SIGINT Intercepts


DOD relationships

Congress (ASC)

DNI Relationships

Congress, President

Which agencies are under the control of Defense?

DIA, NSA, NRO, NGA, armed services

DHS Relationships


CIA Rivalries

DNI (for power), DOD (military v civilian), DIA (expansion of HUMINT), FBI (foreign and domestic), State (politicization, COSs)

INR Rivalries

DNI, CIA (politicization, COSs)

DHS Rivals


NSA Relationships


FBI Relationships


If the internet only yields 3-5% of typical OSINT take, where does the rest of it come from?

Deep Web

What are the methods of alternative analysis?

Devil's advocacy, A team/B team, red teams

Phoenix Memo

FBI noticed an inordinate number of individuals of investigative interest attending flight schools in Arizona; memo warned that bin Laden might be orchestrating a project and recommended closer investigation; FBI did not give memo to CIA

Collection Counterintelligence

Gaining information about an opponent's intelligence collection capabilities that may be aimed at one's own country


HUMINT source, reliability vouched for by Germans; fabricated WMDs to topple Hussein regime

DEA functions

HUMINT; collection, analysis, and dissemination of drug-related intelligence

Offensive Counterintelligence

Having identified an opponent's efforts against one's own system, trying to manipulate these attacks either by turning the opponent's agents into double agents or by feeding them false information

Aluminum Tubes

Iraq's illegal importation of aluminum tubes; many agencies concluded that tubes were to be used in centrifuges to produce enriched uranium; a few departments disagreed

National Security Letters

Is an administrative subpoena issued by the FBI in authorized national security investigations to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities; doesn't require judicial order; gag order

What orbits do satellites fly in?

Low earth orbit, medium earth orbit, geosynchronous orbits, sun-synchronous orbits, highly elliptical orbit

What were the intelligence failures of Iraq?

NIE 2002, collection issues, information reliability, HUMINT credibility, deduction, layering, imagination, confirmation bias, overlearning, clientelism

SIGINT Organizations



National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, part of DOD


National Reconnaissance Office, part of DOD

What is the usefulness of social media with regards to intelligence?

OSINT investigative tool to build profiles of targets of interest; data dump of information

Collection Disciplines


DHS intelligence branch

Office of Intelligence and Analysis; includes Coast Guard intelligence

Energy Department Intelligence Branch

Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence


Office of Strategic Services, created in 1942, director Major General William Donovan, father of CIA and special forces; propaganda, espionage, and subversion

Treasury Department Intelligence Branch

Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence

What are the 3 biggest intelligence products?


Who controls the largest portion of the intelligence community?

Secretary of Defense

INR Relationships

Secretary of State

Defensive Counterintelligence

Thwarting efforts by hostile intelligence services to penetrate one's service


a tactic used by the defense in a spy trial, involving the threat to expose government secrets unless charges against the defendant are dropped

What were the intelligence failures of 9/11?

actionable intelligence, tracking failures, organizational divides, intelligence sharing, wheat and chaff, HUMINT, collection issues, duty to warn, prioritization


activities designed to protect one's own intelligence operations from penetration and disruption by hostile services

What are the disadvantages of UAVs?

affected by weather, lower flying drones are susceptible to SAMs, susceptible to being hacked, geofence

Lowest Common Denominator Language

agencies come to a compromise

What is the analytical stovepipe problem?

all-source analytical groups exist to serve specific policymakers; the agencies tend to have a wary view of efforts by officials to deal with them as linked parts of greater analytical whole

What are gains to be made by the successful penetration of a hostile service?

an opponent's HUMINT capabilities and targets, strengths, weaknesses, and techniques; identity of clandestine service officers; opponent's main areas of intelligence interest; current shortfalls; possible internal penetrations; possible intelligence alliances; sudden changes in HUMINT operations

DHS Functions

analyses; charged with delivering intelligence to state, local, and private sector partners

Negation Search

analysts look at past imagery to determine when an activity commenced

On-the-Ground Knowledge

analysts' distance from the subjects being analyzed can be costly in terms of how their policy consumers view the intelligence they receive

Senate Intelligence Relationships

appropriations committees, DOD

Mirror Imaging

assumes that other leaders, states, and groups share motivations or goals similar to those most familiar to the analyst; they're just like us

Moderate Confidence Level

available information is susceptible to multiple interpretations or there may be alternative views or information is credible and plausible but not sufficiently corroborated

What is the importance of alternative analysis?

avoid groupthink, premature closing, or complacency

What issues are associated with briefings?

avoid making guesses, politicization and objectivity, avoid slipping into role of advocacy for policies

Non-Official Cover

avoids overt connection between officer and government but more difficult to keep in contact, full time job to explain presence, no diplomatic status, greater danger

What are some ways in which intelligence agencies reach consensus when developing products together?

back scratching and logrolling, false hostages, lowest common denominator language, footnote wars

Sun-Synchronous Orbit

better for commercial satellites, moves with Earth's rotation, always operate in daylight, easy to track

Brush Pass

brief encounter, where something is passed between a case officer and an agent

What are some problems with collection?

budget and expenses, long lead times, swarmball, stovepipe, competing priorities, vacuum cleaner problem


bulk collection of metadata; targets various internet communications of foreigners outside of US; providers handed information to US

Types of GEOINT Imagery

cameras, modern satellites, electro-optical systems, radar imagery, infrared imagery

What are some problems with SIGINT?

capability of NSA and FBI to keep pace with technological changes; quantum cryptography; increasing number of hacking attempts

What are internal indicators of potential leaks?

changes in personal behavior or lifestyle, marital problems, increased use of alcohol or drugs, personal spending habits, large debts

What are the biggest analytical issues that lead to intelligence failures?

cherry picking and connecting the dots

Military IMINT

collected via satellites, UAEs, etc; allows ground force commanders to visualize their area of operations in real time


collection isn't linear

DOD function

collection, client manager, analyses

Types of Counterintelligence

collection, defensive, offensive

Vacuum Cleaner Problem

collectors sweep up a great deal of information that is often too much for analysts to process

CIA Functions

collects and analyzes foreign intelligence; HUMINT collection; covert action; foreign liaison; producer of all source intelligence

Highly Elliptical Orbit

comes close to Earth over southern hemisphere and much farther away from Earth over northern hemisphere; moves quickly where there are likely to be fewer targets and lingers as it moves across northern hemisphere; broad area collection


communications intelligence, interception of communications between two parties, insight into what is being said/planned/considered, provides content and texture

Organizational Barriers to Analysis

competitive analysis, consensus, institutional rivalry, careerism, clientelism, politicization

NIE 2002

concluded that unconventional weapons were most likely present in Iraq; assessment based on several inaccurate sources of information; rushed to completion

What intelligence failure was most prevalent in the lead up to Iraq?

confirmation bias and overcompensation

What new types of technological possibilities are now possible in espionage and intelligence?

contact chaining, locating, touch ID/face ID, commercially available devices can mimic phone base stations and intercept calls, data exhaust

Shutter Control

control over commercial satellites operated by US companies for reasons of national security; US reserves the right to limit collection and dissemination of commercial imagery

Processing and Exploitation

converting technically collected information into intelligence (translate, decrypt, signals translation, humint validation, report formats)

What are important skills for analysts?

cope with wheat v chaff problem, writing clear and concisely, managing their time so analysis is always ready, training about collection systems, objectivity, cultivating intelligence consumer without politicizing intelligence

Collection Expenses

costs always constraints the ability to operate a large number of collection systems at the same time


countering penetrations of one's service

Five Eyes

countries that have a common heritage and share a great deal of their intelligence; Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and US

How is changing technology making HUMINT more difficult?

covers, facial recognition software, closed-circuit televisions

Worldwide Intelligence Review

current intelligence

What are the benefits of counterespionage?

curtail some of their access without their becoming aware of it; feed them false information; create double agents

How do operations and intelligence functions blur with regards to cyberwarfare?

cyber technology can be used to implement operations/attacks on an enemy or gather intelligence (strategic and tactical)

Senate Armed Services Committee

defense oversight

Intelligence Requirements

defining those policy issues or areas to which intelligence is expected to make a contribution, agenda and priorities

Denial and Deception

denial: targeted nation can use knowledge about collection of an opponent to avoid collection deception: target can use same knowledge to transmit information to a collector

Weaknesses of COMINT

depends on presence of communications that can be intercepted, encryption, false transmissions, stenography, P&E, risk v take, foreign language capabilities

Military MASINT

detecting WMD, monitoring potential weapons development sites, and countering an adversary's tactics of denial and deception

Damage Assessment

determine what intelligence has been compromised

Treasury Department Functions

develops and implements US strategies to combat terrorist financing domestically and internationally; safeguard financial system against illicit use

Imagination in Iraq

didn't consider alternatives

DEA focus

drug cartels and counternarcotics

What are the challenges facing OSINT?

due to its open nature it can facilitate sharing, transparency v national security, organizing information flow

Echo / Circular Reporting

effect of single media story being picked up and repeated by other media sources until the story takes on a much large life of its own, appearing more important than it actually is

Six Disciplines of MASINT

electro-optical, geophysical, materials, nuclear radiation, radar, radio frequency


electronic intelligence & foreign instrumentation signals intelligence; refers to the pickup of electronic emissions from modern weapons and tracking systems

Termination of Agent

ending the relationship for several reasons (unreliability, loss of access, change in requirements)

What is the role of commercial imagery in GEOINT?

expands collection capability and allows it to reserve more sophisticated imagery capabilities for those areas where they are most needed

What are the disadvantages of MASINT?

expensive; little understood by most users; requires great deal of P&E

Footnote Wars

expression of alternative views at the very bottom of the page

What are the disadvantages of briefings?

extremely limited time; providing necessary context and depth is difficult

What are the advantages of MASINT?

extremely useful for issues such as proliferation; can be done remotely

What are some themes in intelligence failures?

failure to share information, analyze collected material objectively, and failure of the customer to act on intelligence

What is the concern about when to warn?

fear is failing to pick up on indicators and give adequate warning but lowering the threshold and issuing warnings about everything will produce a lulling effect and cheapen its function


flaw that occurs when analysts become so immersed in their subjects, usually after working on an issue for too long that they lose their ability to view issues with the necessary criticality

What are the advantages of UAVs?

fly closer to areas of interest and loiter, don't put pilot lives at risk, produce real time images, conduct long-term surveillance, armed

Military HUMINT

focused on determining capabilities, threat characteristics, vulnerabilities, and intentions of threat and potential forces

DIA Functions

foreign military intelligence, overt and covert HUMINT, analysis

Assessing Agent

gaining agent's confident and assessing their weaknesses and susceptibility to be recruited; asset validation system

Energy Department functions

gathers intelligence for Energy Department; technical analysis of foreign intelligence; assessment of foreign nuclear weapons programs


geospatial intelligence; information about any object that can be observed or reference to the earth and has national security implications

How do crisis-driven requirements favor the ultimate victory of current intelligence needs?

given limited nature of collection and analytical resources, certain issues inevitably receive short shrift or no attention at all; IC has limited analytic resources and capacity to move assets to previously uncovered topics

Competing Priorities

given that the number of collection platforms is limited, policymakers must choose among competing collection requirements

Indications and Warnings

giving policymakers advance warning of significant, usually military, events

What are some advantages of GEOINT?

graphic and compelling; imagery is usually easily understood by policymakers; many targets self-reveal

What are some difficulties with leaks?

hard to pin down the source, legal basis, large amount of classified material, damage assessments, issue of relying on contractors, reliability of US as intelligence partner, leaks v whistle-blowing, responsibility of press

What is the importance of conveying uncertainty?

help bound policymakers uncertainty to give them a sense of different likely outcomes and to help them focus on the most pressing or urgent issues


human intelligence, espionage, spying

Competitive Analysis

idea that is based on the belief that by having analysts in several agencies with different backgrounds and perspectives work on the same issue

Targeting Agent

identifying individuals who have access to the information that the US may desire

Intelligence Process (list)

identifying requirements, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis and production, dissemination, consumption, feedback

What are some disadvantages of GEOINT?

image can be too compelling leading to hasty or ill-formed decisions; intelligence on an image may not be self-evident; it is only a snapshot; states can take steps to deceive collection

What are the advantages of foreign liaison relationships?

increases breadth and depth of available HUMINT, foreign intelligence service has greater familiarity with its own region, government may maintain a different pattern of relations with other states

Low Confidence Level

information is scant, questionable, or fragmented, leading to difficulties making solid analytic inferences; or is based on a source that may be problematic

Actionable Intelligence

information that leads to a tactical response; where, when, how an attack is going to take place

Intelligence Definition

information that meets the stated or understood needs of policymakers and has been collected, processed, and narrowed to meet those needs; processed and vetted

National Intelligence Program

intelligence budget, comprises programs that either transcend the bounds of an agency or are non-defense in nature, DNI is responsible, 2/3 total budget

Hindsight Bias

intelligence can't follow everything but anything can be an intelligence failure

Mindhar and Hazmi

intelligence discovered travel patterns of 2 future hijackers, organizational boundaries prevented piecing together their flight plans, CIA took too long to put them on State Department watch list and didn't notify FBI

Strategic Military Intelligence

intelligence of military policymaking and strategy development; product of gathering information about foreign military capabilities, intentions, plans, dispositions, and equipment (WMDs, proliferation, NIE)

What are the advantages of briefings?

intelligence officer's ability to interact directly with policymaker to get a better idea of their preferences and reactions to intelligence

Decision Advantages

intelligence provides policymakers with an advantage that allows them to be better informed and understand more aspects of an issue

Military Tactical Intelligence

intelligence required to execute local operations or react to an adversary's actions; concerns information about enemy that is designed to help locate enemy and decide which tactics, units, and weapons will most likely contribute to victory (IED)

Opportunity Analysis

intelligence that helps policymakers advance their agenda and makes them actors not reactors; more difficult as it requires positing how foreign leaders will react to policy initiatives

Treasury Department Focus

international economic threats and terrorism and financial intelligence

Priority Creep

issues move up and down in a priority system

High Confidence Level

judgements based on high-quality information or the nature of the issue makes a solid judgment possible

Deduction in Iraq

judgments remained driven by circumstantial evidence of Iraqi behavior given how little direct and erroneous evidence there was and lack of HUMINT

Fallacy of Induction

jumping to conclusions; hasty generalizations

House Intelligence Committee

jurisdiction over the entire NIP, shared jurisdiction with ASC over MIP

What are the issues of UAV operation?

lack of P&E; UAVs as weapons platforms operated by civilians rather than military personnel; vulnerabilities; drone proliferation; permissive environments

What intelligence failure was most prevalent in the lead up to 9/11?

lack of intelligence sharing

Strategic Intelligence

long term thinking, forecast and estimate

Recruiting Agent

making a pitch to them, suggesting a relationship

Handling Agent

managing asset

Activity-Based Intelligence

means intelligence collection based on observed behaviors that are more likely to indicate that an activity of interest is taking place in that location


measurement and signatures intelligence; focuses primarily on weapons capabilities and industrial activities; collecting and identifying certain physical signatures or indicators of an activity or process

Information Sources of OSINT

media, public data, professional and academic, commercial imagery, world wide web, overt experts, casual observer

Red Teams

method of alternative analysis, become adversary and get into their heads to see things from their perspective

Devil's Advocacy

method of alternative analysis, develop contrary argument

A Team/B Team

method of alternative analysis, produce conflicting interpretations of evidence

Military Intelligence Program

military intelligence budget, consists of defense and service intelligence programs, Secretary of Defense is responsible, 1/3 of total budget

Cognitive Barriers to Analysis

mirror imaging, confirmation bias, wishful thinking, status quo biases, paradox of expertise, layering, premature closure, fallacy of induction

Intelligence Failures

mismatch between estimates and what later information reveals to have been true

What are the most frequent reasons an agent will betray their country?

money, ideology, compromise, ego (revenge and coercion)

Traffic Analysis

monitoring changes in communications, volume and pattern

NSA Functions

monitors SIGINT; intercepts various types of communications; offense and defense; counterintelligence

What are the advantages of OSINT?

more readily available and extremely useful as a place to start all collection

Third Party Rule

nation receiving foreign liaison intelligence will not share it with a third party without permission

What are the disadvantages of foreign liaison relationships?

never entirely sure of liaison partner's security procedures, different standards of operational limits and acceptable activities

What is an intelligence success?


Energy Department focus

nuclear weapons, nuclear proliferation, nuclear energy, energy security, radioactive waste

What are the advantages of HUMINT?

offers insights into plans and intentions; relatively inexpensive

What are the advantages of SIGINT?

offers insights into plans and intentions; voluminous material; military targets communicate in regular patterns; done remotely


officers inserted into the target country but spend time integrating themselves and do not become active immediately

False Hostages

one agency stakes out false position to bargain later with trade-offs


open source intelligence; collection, processing, analysis, production, classification, and dissemination of information derived from sources and by means openly available to and legally accessible by the public

DNI Functions

oversees, collects, presents, and manages; sets intelligence priorities; ensures use of alternative analysis; briefs president daily

House Intelligence Functions

oversight, budget, broader jurisdiction than Senate

Senate Intelligence Function

oversight, confirmations of DNI and DCIA

Cover Stories

overt lives that give officers a plausible reason for being in that foreign nation


penetration agent, deep cover agent, long-term spy, recruited before having access to secret information

What is the potential pitfall of consensus driven products?

policymakers prefer consensus views but this might lead to groupthink

What is the primary problem in strategic intelligence?

political disbelief

What are the dangers of alternative analysis?

politicized (cherry-pick), limited resources, institutionalized, greater ambiguity, redundancy

Who are the biggest clients of intelligence?

president and NSC

Clientelism in Iraq

pressure by Bush administration, white house ready to accept convenient findings of IC that ran parallel to its own policy ambitions

Linear Thinking

problem is that analysts need to be constantly on the watch for discontinuities, for nonlinear events and counter complacency

Automatic Change Extraction

process of computers comparing images


process of moving intelligence from producers to consumers

NGA Functions

processes and exploits IMINT and GEOINT; charts and maps physical earth; intelligence agency and combat support agency

INR Functions

producer of all source intelligence; analysis for Secretary of State; collects for itself and others via its embassies


produces intelligence


program monitored metadata of telephone calls

FBI Functions

protects homeland from foreign intelligence operations in US; combines intelligence, CI, and CT; HUMINT; analyses

Military OSINT

provides background cultural or biographical information relevant to a commander's requirements

Intelligence Analysis

provides civil and military policymakers with information directly related to the issues they face and decisions they have to make

What are methods to convey uncertainty?

range of likelihood outcomes (remote/unlikely/probably/almost certainly), confidence levels (high/moderate/low)


reaction to Snowden leaks, more oversight by DNI, generally prohibits bulk collection program

Content Analysis

reading messages and analyzing what they mean, relies on regular behavior of those being collected against

Full Motion Video

refers to the long-duration, close-in video that can be collected by UAVs and to capabilities designated to derive as much intelligence as possible from this video

Risk Versus Take

refers to the need to consider the value of intelligence that is going to be collected against the risk of discovery


refers to the tendency of all collectors to collect on an issue that is deemed important, whether or not they bring anything useful to the table


refers to the use of judgements or assumptions made in one analysis as the factual basis for judgments in another analysis without also carrying over the uncertainties involved; assumptions on assumptions

What are the problems associated with strategic intelligence?

reflexivity, false alarms, threat fluctuation, deception, doctrinal surprises

National Intelligence Estimates

represents considered opinion of the entire IC and is presented to the president, strategic intelligence

Official Cover

resident spy, hold another government job, easier for agent to maintain contact with superiors, raises risk of being suspected as agent, diplomatic status


revealing US individuals named in surveillance reports

What are the disadvantages of HUMINT?

riskier in terms of lives and political fallout; can't be done remotely; requires more time to acquire and validate sources; fragility of human relationships

What is the importance of managing analysts?

rotating analysts to prevent work from becoming stale and expands their expertise, retention is important

Dead Drop

secret location where materials, info, money can be left for another party to retrieve

Quantum Cryptography

sender will know if a message has been intercepted and it cannot be hacked as the message self-destructs upon identifying an interception attempt

House Armed Services Committee

shared jurisdiction with IC over MIP

What obstacles does new technology post to traditional tradecraft?

sheer volume of information, data is harder to trace, communication apps have their own protocol, encryption is standard

Tactical Intelligence

short term, discrete forms of action

Cognitive Biases

shortcuts to process information

What are the disadvantages of SIGINT?

signals encrypted or encoded; voluminous material; communications silence; expensive


signals intelligence, can be gathered by earth based collectors or satellites, NSA is responsible

Unattended Ground Sensors

small acoustic seismic sensors to detect motion

Senate Intelligence Committee

sole jurisdiction over DNI, CIA, NIC; confirms DNI and DCIA

What is the problem with the center approach?

some issues or some nations do not fit easily into the center construct; centers are focusing more tactically instead of strategically; competitive analysis

Double Agents

spy for multiple organizations but working for the enemy

Geosynchronous Orbits

stay over the same spot on Earth, early warning

What defines Pearl Harbor as an intelligence failure?

strategic surprise; misjudged threat

Big CI

strategy; determine reasons why he or she went after specific information; reveal nature of the penetration and the goals of the nation running the spy

What are external indicators of potential leaks?

sudden loss of spy network overseas, change in military exercise patterns that corresponds to satellite tracks, botched operation or failed espionage meeting

Military Operational Intelligence

support to planning operations at the national or regional level, required for planning and conducting campaigns and major operations to accomplish strategic objectives

Little CI

tactics; specific issues surrounding penetration such as how it happened, how long it has been going on, who is responsible, and what information is compromised

Agent Acquisition Cycle

targeting, assessing, recruiting, handling, termination

Long Lead Times

technical collection systems have to be able to collect desired data, store it, and send it to a location where it can be processed; systems have to be rugged enough to endure difficult conditions; collection satellites are extremely complex to build and launching them takes time


telemetry intelligence; refers to the pickup of data relayed by weapons during tests

Confirmation Bias

tendency to process information by looking for or interpreting information that is consistent with one's own beliefs

Why are terrorist targets so difficult to follow?

they shape their capabilities to our vulnerabilities

Analytic Penetration

thinking longer and harder about the issue, perhaps making suppositions of what is most likely

What makes intelligence unique?

time constraints, uncertainty, consequences, problems (secrecy v sharing; accuracy v timeliness; current v long term)

What makes for good intelligence?

timely, tailored, digestible, clear about known and unknown

Why do we have intelligence agencies?

to avoid strategic surprise, to provide long-term expertise, to support the policy process, to maintain the secrecy of information, needs, and methods

What is the aim of the US intelligence community?

to produce all source intelligence

NRO Functions

top builder of technical collection systems; designs, builds, launches, and maintains spy satellites

Back Scratching and Logrolling


Analysis and Production

turn intelligence into reports that respond to the needs of the policymakers; from information to intelligence

Low Earth Orbit

used by imagery satellites as this allows a more detailed view of earth

Diplomatic Pouches and Couriers

used to hand carry confidential and sensitive information from country to count, ensures communication is not compromised

Military SIGINT

used to provide early warning of pending enemy attacks or disposition of forces

Military Intelligence

uses information collection and analysis to provide guidance and direction to support frontline troops, importance of timeliness and accuracy


virtual barrier to prevent drone flights within a certain area via GPS, radio frequencies, or other technologies; "jam" signaling in certain areas

What are the disadvantages of OSINT?

voluminous and less likely to offer insights available from clandestine collection


volunteer HUMINT sources


walk-ins as a means of entrapment

Tyranny of the Ad Hocs

when an unexpected issue arises, some policymakers and officers exert pressure to give the new issue priority high enough to compete with other high priorities; loss of control over priorities

Analyst Fungibility

when requirements change or when crises break out analysts must be shifted to areas of greater need but they may not have the proper training or expertise in that area

What is the difficulty of HUMINT covers?

within HUMINT there are trade-offs between ease of command and control, access, degree of cover, and relative exposure

Confirmation Bias in Iraq

yellow cake, aluminum tubes, negative evidence presented ignored, Dr. Peter

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