Intermediate Algebra Chapter 1

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The vertical axis of the coordinate plane

no correlation

There does not appear to be a relationship between two sets of data

order of operations

1. Perform any operation(s) inside grouping symbols 2. Simplify powers 3. Multiply and divide in order from left to right 4. Add and subtract in order from left to right

coordinate plane

A plane formed by two number lines that intersect at right angles

open sentence

A equation that contains one or more variables

scatter plot

A graph that relates data of two different sets. The two sets of data are displayed as ordered pairs

trend line

A line on a scatter plot drawn near the points. It shows a correlation

algebraic expressions

A mathematical phrase that can include numbers, variables, and operation symbols


A mathematical sentence that compares the values of two expressions using an inequality symbol


A mathematical sentence that uses an equal sign

irrational numbers

A number that cannot be written as a ratio of two integers. Irrational numbers in decimal form are nonterminating and nonrepeating

real numbers

A number that is either rational or irrational


A number that is multiplied repeatedly


A number that is the same distance from zero on the number line as a given number, but lies in the opposite direction


A number that shows repeated multiplication


A number, variable, or the product or quotient of a number and one or more variables

deductive reasoning

A process of reasoning logically from given facts to a conclution

rational numbers

A real number that can be written as a ratio of two integers. Rational numbers in decimal form are terminating or repeating


A rectangular arrangement of number. The number of rows and columns of a matrix determines its size. Each item in a matrix is an element


A symbol, usually a letter, that represents one or more numbers


A term that has no variable factor


An item in a matrix


Any example that proves the statement false

multiplicative inverse

Given a nonzero rational number a/b, the multiplicative inverse, or reciprocal, is b/a. The product of a nonzero number and its multiplicative inverse is 1


Given a nonzero rational number a/b, the reciprocal, or multiplicative inverse, is b/a. The product of a nonzero number and its reciprocal is 1


Replace an expression with its simplest name or form


Substitute a given number for each variable, and then simplify

like terms

Terms with exactly the same variable factors in a variable expression


The base and the exponent of an expression form a^n

natural numbers

The counting numbers

absolute value

The distance that a number is from zero on a number line


The four parts into which the coordinate plane is divided by its axes


The horizontal axis of the coordinate plane


The location on the x-axis of a point on a coordinate plane


The location on the y-axis of a point on a coordinate plane

whole numbers

The nonnegative integers


The numbers that make an ordered pair and identify the location of a point


The numerical factor when a term has a variable

additive inverse

The opposite of a number. Additive inverses sum to 0


The point at which the axes of the coordinate plane intersect

positive correlation

The relationship between two sets of data in which both sets of data increase together

negative correlation

The relationship between two sets of data, in which one set of data decreases as the other set of data increases

ordered pair

Two numbers that identify the location of a point


Whole numbers and their opposites

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