International Marketing Exam 1

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Suppose you have a friend from India who is a lifelong vegetarian and who does not like McDonald's because the company sells hamburgers in many countries. Which of the following describes your friend?

"vegetarianism" represents a value, "dislike McDonald's" represents an attitude

The markets of Central and Eastern Europe present interesting opportunities and offer attractive opportunities for low-cost manufacturing due to:

) wage rates being lower than in Spain, Portugal and Greece

Which of the following is true about the innovation diffusion process in Asia?

1. A) Japan has a high-context culture with a relatively homogeneous population. 2. B) Because risk avoidance is a cultural value, there are fewer innovators in Asia than in the United States. 3. C) Once innovators in Asia have tried a product, early adopters and the early majority quickly follow suit. 4. D) After a new product has achieved success in one Asian market, it is likely to be adopted in other Asian markets at an even faster rate. 5. E) All of the above are true.

Which of the following is true of the arbitration framework created by the New York Convention?

1. A) Signatory countries can require parties to an arbitration agreement to actually use arbitration. 2. B) Signatory countries recognize and can enforce arbitration judgments. 3. C) There are limited grounds for appealing arbitration decisions. 4. D) The grounds that are recognized are different than the typical appeals that are permitted in a court of law. 5. E) all of the above

According to the authors of the Harvard Business Review article, "Serving the World's Poor, Profitably," which of the following is a mistaken assumption that global companies might have about the BOP (bottom of the pyramid)?

1. A) The poor have no money. 2. B) The poor are too concerned with fulfilling basic needs to "waste" money on nonessential goods. 3. C) People in BOP markets will be criticized for exploiting the poor. 4. D) People in BOP markets cannot use advanced technology. 5. E) All of the above are mistaken assumptions discussed by the authors.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has become more focused on global issues, social policy, and labor market regulations as seen by:

1. A) addressing the vexing problem of bribery. 2. B) requiring members to cooperate when pursuing bribery allegations. 3. C) helping members candidly assess their own economic policies. 4. D) member nations working together in committees to review social policies. 5. E) all of the above

Porsche relies on currency hedging rather than price increases in order to:

1. A) boost pretax profits on sales of its automobiles. 2. B) balance the relative value of the dollar compared to the euro. 3. C) protect all earnings from foreign-exchange movements.

Singapore banned the import, manufacture, and sales of chewing gum in the country since wads of gum were making a mess on sidewalks, buses, and subway trains. Violators are subject to severe penalties, and before buying a pack consumers must register their names and addresses. This, according to author William Greider, demonstrates that Singapore's government:

1. A) is harshly autocratic. 2. B) administers a paranoid control over Singaporeans. 3. C) administers a paranoid control over press and politics. 4. D) runs an effective welfare state. 5. E) all of the above

Because they are in transition, the markets of Central and Eastern Europe present interesting opportunities and challenges which include

1. A) new sources of growth. 2. B) first mover advantage. 3. C) exporting as an entry mode. 4. D) lower wage rate. 5. E) all of the above

Management strategic options pertaining to products that are facilitated by a single European market include:

1. A) standardized packaging and labeling. 2. B) consolidated production. 3. C) shift from brand to benefit segmentation. 4. D) seeking marketing economies. 5. E) all of the above

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is comprised of:

1. A) the 34 high-income countries. 2. B) countries that believe in market-allocation economic systems. 3. C) pluralistic democracies. 4. D) countries that demonstrate progress toward economic reform. 5. E) All of the above statements are applicable.

The fastest-growing sector of world trade includes:

1. A) travel and entertainment. 2. B) accounting and legal services. 3. C) royalties and license fees. 4. D) engineering services. 5. E) all of the above

Together, innovators and early adopters make up about ________ of the potential market for a new product


In accordance with GATT, new U.S. patents are granted for a period of ________ years from the filing date.


Upper-middle-income countries, also known as industrializing or developing countries are those with GNI per capita ranging from:

4,126 to $12,475.

Among the upper-middle-income countries, also known as industrializing or developing countries, the following aspects are observed except:

475. A) the CNI capita ranges from $4,126 to $12,475. 476. B) the percentage of the population engaged in agriculture drops sharply. 477. C) people move to the industrial sector. 478. D) the degree of urbanization increases. 479. E) none of the above

Which of the following would constitute a copyright violation?

A) manufacturing and selling illegal videocassette copies of "Spiderman 2" B) manufacturing and selling illegal copies of Levi "501" jeans C) printing and selling illegal copies of Harry Potter books D) A, B, and C are copyright violations.

Which of the following is true about "coffee culture" in England?

American entrepreneurs found success in England with the Seattle Coffee Company which Starbucks later acquired.

As cultural differences become less relevant and disposable incomes become high, a trend towards greater consumption of the following type of foods is predicted.

American fast foods

Argentina was allowed to break from the CET and raise duties on consumer goods. This crisis had a silver lining, which is evident from all of the following points except:

Argentina became known for the world's most expensive wines.

Argentina provides a good example of how a country can emerge from an economic crisis as a stronger global competitor as per the following statement:

Argentina devalued its currency for exports and capital transactions.

There are several preferred trading arrangements in Latin America which include all of the following except:


The big emerging markets (BEMs), include

Brazil, Russia, and China

In West Africa, Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast and Senegal are former French colonies, while Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Ghana are former British colonies. Based on this information, which of the following would be correct?

Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast and Senegal are civil-code countries, while Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Ghana are common-law countries

Blackberry (formerly known as Research in Motion), the smartphone marketer, is based in:


The country that withdrew from the original members of the Andean Community is:


A Canadian-built Caterpillar grader tractor imported into Chile would not be subject to duty because:

Chile and Canada established an FTA.

All of the following facts pertain to China except

China has intellectual property rights

Nike produces only a small portion of its output in China, but when the firm refers to China as a "two-billion-foot market," it is referring to the fact that

China is a potential future market.

The top global merchandise exporter is:


Which of the following is true about protection of computer software?

Copyright laws protect the actual code, while patent laws protect the idea.

The only two countries where Coca-Cola is not available through authorized channels are:

Cuba and North Korea.

________ builds upon the elimination of internal tariff barriers, the establishment of common external barriers, and the free flow of factors

Customs union

The form of economic cooperation that calls for 1) eliminating internal barriers to trade and 2) establishing common external barriers is known as a(n):

Customs union.

Which two companies are sourcing product components from small-scale enterprises, which in turn are helping preserve old-growth forests as well as economic opportunities in Brazil?

Daimler AG and Hermes

The Walt Disney Company's decision to build a theme park in France provides an excellent vehicle to understanding SRC (Self-Reference Criterion). All of the statements listed below portray this meaning except

Disney executives were blinded by their prior success and ethnocentrism

Bureaucracy is listed as a political risk category by

EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit)

In order to form a free trade area, South Africa has signed a Trade, Development, and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA) with:


Which form of regional cooperation agreement, when fully implemented, entails creation of a unified central bank, the use of a single currency, and common policies on agriculture, social services, and welfare?

Economic union

Which one of the following nations fall in the lower-middle-income category?


A proposed merger between two Swiss-based global pharmaceutical companies, Ciba-Geigy AG and Sandoz AG, would be subject to review by regulators from which of the following?

European Commission

When John Brooks, a defender on the U.S. men's national soccer team, scored the winning goal against Ghana late in a first-round game of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) 2014 World Cup at Arena Amazonia, nearly 16 million American TV viewers were tuned in. Considering this statement, which of the following statements is incorrect?

FIFA has chosen Total Apparel Group (TAG) to boost soccer's visibility and popularity among Americans.

Which of the following statements does not reflect the changes that have taken place in Russia?

Faced with a financial crisis and a test of his political will, Putin responded by blaming the protestors for Russia's problems.

The form of economic cooperation that calls for countries to eliminate all internal barriers to trade among themselves even while maintaining independent trade policies vis-à-vis third countries is known as a(n

Free trade area

The World Trade Organization, which came into existence on January 1, 1995, is the successor of another organization with the abbreviation:


For the past 40 years Bhutan, a kingdom of 754,000 people in the Himalaya mountains, has relied on the following measure:


Which member of the Central American Integration System has both the largest economy and the largest population?


The Secretariat for Central American Integration is headquartered in:

Guatemala City.

The company receiving the most U.S. patents in 2013 was:


Which of the following statements is not accurate?

In India, 150 people out of 1,000 own cars.

The original six members of the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) included all of the following countries except


Upper-middle-income countries are also known as

Industrializing countries.

Other than tariffs, there are certain problems that restrict free trade between the European Union and the United States which includes all of the following except:

Internet usage.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) includes all of the following countries except:


Any western country doing business in Malaysia or the Middle East should have an understanding of

Islamic law

Which of the following statement is not true related to the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA)?

It is designed to help African nations that help neighboring countries in need

All of the following facts pertain to Brazil except

It lacks logistics software, horse-drawn carts are still a common sight on many roads.

Cultural influences are also quite apparent in food preparation and consumption patterns and habits. Domino's Pizza, the world's largest pizza-delivery company, pulled out of Italy because:

Italians perceived its products to be "too American."

The United Nations designates 50 countries in the bottom ranks of the low-income category named as:

LDCs (least-developed countries).

The new country which joined the EU at the beginning of 2015 is:


The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is fully adopted by all U.S. states except


The Middle East and North Africa are sometimes viewed as a regional entity referred to as:


One Friday a few years ago, the Big Mac Index suggested that the yen was overvalued relative to the dollar by 70%. When currency markets opened on the following Monday, anyone using the Big Mac Index would conclude that the yen was only 20% overvalued relative to the dollar. What is the most likely explanation for this?

McDonald's Japan reduced the yen price of a Big Mac.

The "Common Market of the South" in Latin America is used to describe:


________ is gaining a reputation as a manufacturing center as well as the world's number one producer of flat-screen TV sets.


Myanmar is considered as one of the emerging markets open for business. All of the following facts pertain to Myanmar except:

Myanmar is one of the countries considered as "Stans."

Upper-middle-income countries that achieve the highest rates of economic growth are sometimes referred to collectively as:


Product and market opportunities in a postindustrial society are more heavily dependent upon new products and innovations than in industrial societies. An example of this would be:

New e-commerce markets for interactive forms of electronic communication.

The world's newest common market includes all of the following countries except


Various types of political risk insurance to U.S. companies is provided by

OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation).

Implementation of the Central American Free Trade Agreement with the United States created a free trade area known as DR-CAFTA that includes all SICA members except:


Which of the following is true about revised U.S. patent laws?

Patents are valid for 20 years after the filing date of the application.

There is nothing inherently "good" or "bad" about any color of the spectrum and all associations and perceptions regarding color arise from culture. Which of the following statements is not true?

Red color is highly preferred in some African countries.

The term "Expanded Triad" includes all of the following countries or regions except:


The German civil-law tradition prevails in all of the following countries except:


Which of the following ASEAN countries alone accounts for more than one-third of 2014 two-way trade exports with the United States?


Which one of the ASEAN members has the World's second-largest container port?


According to Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index scores for 2014, the country which was listed as most corrupt was:


Which country was upgraded from "emerging" to "developed" status by the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) in 2009?

South Korea

Consten, a French company, had exclusive rights to import and distribute German Grundig's electronic products into France. One of the competitors started bringing "parallel imports" into France illegally, importing Grundig product bought from a foreign supplier. Which of the following does not represent an action taken by different legal bodies?

The European Commission ruled that German Grundig was in violation of the laws of the Common Market.

Which of the following statements is correct?

The Paris Convention protects patents, the Berne Convention protects copyrights.

Prahalad and Hammond have identified several assumptions and misconceptions about the "bottom of the pyramid" (BOP) that need to be corrected. All of the following mistaken assumptions are correct except:

The goods sold in developing markets are so expensive that there is no room for a new market entrant to make a profit

What happens if a nation has allowed a case against it to be brought before the ICJ (International Court of Justice) and then refuses to accept a judgment against it?

The plaintiff nation can seek recourse through the UN Security Council.

Which of the following best sums up the experience of Walt Disney Company executives when creating Disney's theme park in Paris?

They fell victim to the self-reference criterion

What do value added taxes (VAT) encourage in countries such as China?

They result in cross-border shopping and smuggling

Which of the following best describes the legal basis for protection of trade secrets, patents, and copyrights in the United States?

Trade secrets are protected by state law, while patents and copyrights are protected by federal statutes.

Which of the following is true about the Triad?

Triad countries account for approximately 75% of world income as measured by GNP.

All of the following statements are true regarding services provided by Uber except

Uber is considered as an "information-society service" in 250 cities where it operates

Danes generally are not afraid of taking chances; they are comfortable doing things that are not carefully thought out or planned. Denmark's "flexicurity" policy combines free labor markets with adjustable welfare benefits. This is an example of the application of Hofstede's typology under the values which highlight:

Uncertainty Avoidance.

European consumers have faced a number of food-related issues, including an outbreak of hoof-and-mouth disease and continuing concerns over mad cow disease. As a result, many are skeptical about GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) and the benefits of eating food products that incorporate genetically-engineered ingredients. As one French citizen noted recently, "We have a very risk-averse society that has been completely traumatized by food scares." Thinking about this situation in terms of Hofstede's cultural values framework, one might reasonably interpret this remark to indicate that France ranks relatively high in:

Uncertainty Avoidance.

Located in The Hague, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the judicial arm of the

United Nations

Two countries that score low in uncertainty avoidance are:

United States and Switzerland

The five original members of the Central American Integration System did not include


To the extent that a country sells more goods and services abroad than it buys, there will be:

a greater demand for its currency.

Considering Hofstede's notion of culture as "the collective programming of the mind," then attitudes can be defined as:

a learned tendency to respond in a consistent way to a given object or entity.

Coca-Cola billboards were recently put up near the Piazza San Marco in Venice, which has numerous historical landmarks. The major reason for allowing the billboards at a prominent historical site is:

a severe lack of funds for historic renovation.

Political and social instability in the Middle Eastern region can primarily be attributed to

a wide gap between rich and poor nations due to oil revenues.

The lesson that SRC (Self-Reference Criterion) teaches can be summarized as

an unbiased perception is a vital and critical skill in global marketing

Trade ministers representing the WTO member nations meet ________ to work on improving world trade.


As part of their alliance relationship, Northwest Airlines and KLM Royal Dutch set air fare prices jointly and coordinate flight schedules. Normally, such behavior would be considered harmful to competition, but the U.S. government has granted the two airlines special exemptions from laws concerning


Italy recently introduced the Reguzzoni-Versace Law which is intended to regulate trade in textiles, leather, and footwear. All of the following statements pertaining to the law are correct except:

at least four stages of production should occur in Italy for the product to be labeled as "Made in Italy."

One of the basic elements of sociologist Everett Roger's Diffusion theory is the concept of an "adoption process." The first step in this adoption process is


Which of the following shows the correct order of the product adoption process?


When Walt Disney Company's executives were planning to build a theme park in France, they firmly believed that the success of McDonald's and Coke as well as their own success in Tokyo ensured the runaway success of their plans. Disney policies prohibit sale or consumption of alcohol inside their theme parks which they also implemented in France. This proved to be a failure since consuming wine with the midday meal is a long-established custom in France. This is most likely a classical example of:

being victim to the self-reference criterion.

The use of the color ________ dates back millennia as seen by artisans in ancient Egypt, China, and Mayan civilizations and is now associated with royalty and divinity.


Traditionally economists identified main types of economic systems, which include all of the following except:

centrally planned nationalism

For decades, the economies of China, the former Soviet Union, and India functioned according to the tenets of

centrally planned socialism

The Swedish government has significant holdings in key business sectors and has a hybrid economic system that incorporates:

centrally planned socialism and capitalism.

Uber's rapid growth is an example that the ________ is gaining traction

collaborative consumption

The sales of the Apple watch increased when customers were informed about various functions of the watch. This change in sales reflects which of the following characteristics of innovation?


The demise of communism as an economic and political system can be explained by all of the following facts except:

communism works when the currency exchange rate is weak

In the 1990s, Philips Electronics developed a new consumer electronics product called the Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) player. DCC allowed users to record and playback in a new digital format; DCC was also designed to play the older, analog cassette tapes that many people own. This latter feature reflects which of the following characteristics of innovations?


The rate of adoption of the new Apple watch is slow, particularly in developing country markets with low rates of literacy. This can generally be attributed to which characteristics of innovation?


After Fidel Castro took power in Cuba in 1959, his government seized control of American property without paying compensation. Coca-Cola, DuPont, Texaco, and dozens of other American companies have filed claims against Cuba seeking financial settlements. Which of the following terms most specifically describes the action Castro took against these companies?


A key word(s) in conducting business in the Middle East is:


The allure of the Latin American market has been its:

considerable size

In many parts of the world, sales of unauthorized videos of Hollywood movies cost the movie studios billions of dollars. When illegal copies of movies are made, what form of intellectual property has been wrongly appropriated?


Markets of Central and Eastern Europe present interesting opportunities and challenges. Companies such as 3M International, McDonald's, Philips Electronics, and Henkel are moving into the region for all of the following reasons except:

core products and Western brand names need changes are appropriate for business.

A vice-president of an American software company introduced himself to a group of Korean partners and added "you may just call me John." Although this verbal cue shows the underlying reality that Americans have a high value on informality and equality, it needs adaptation due to the reason that:

customs, hierarchies, and class structure of Korean culture have to be respected.

In China, Dell had to find a meaningful interpretation of "direct sales." A literal translation results in zhi xiao which is the Chinese term for "illegal pyramid marketing schemes." To counteract the negative connotation, Dell's sales representatives began using the phrase zhi xiao ding gou, which translates as:

direct orders

What type of international disputes would be taken before the International Court of Justice?

disputes between two nations

Bhutan has relied on a measure besides economic growth, namely, gross national happiness (GNH). The GNH Index includes all of the following indicators except:

economic vitality

The introduction of the euro by EU resulted in multifaceted advantages which include:

elimination of costs associated with currency conversion.

To speed adoption of a new product, a marketing team should

ensure that features and benefits can be communicated or demonstrated

The high level of political risk currently evident in Russia can be attributed in part to

excessively high taxes on business operations

The governmental action to dispossess a foreign company or investor is known as


In 2014, the EU filed a complaint that the government of Washington state violated international trade rules by:

extending tax incentives to Boeing for in-state manufacture of the 777x jetliner

The following criminal penalties may be imposed for violations of the FCPA'S (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) antibribery provisions except:

fines imposed on individuals can be paid by their employer or principal.

Which of the following is arranged starting with the highest level of environmental sensitivity and ending with the lowest level?

food→computers→integrated circuits

Key characteristics of the Anglo Saxon model market system consists of private ownership and:

free enterprise economy

Arrange the following in order from lowest to highest level of economic integration

free trade area→customs union→common market→economic union

There are barriers in Japan for global marketers in terms of attitudes as well as laws. Barriers include all of the following except:

goods marketed should have a semblance of western products and services

Research in Motion (RIM), a Canadian company which markets BlackBerry Messenger, is very popular with politicians and business people because it offers advance encryption that provides data security. This can be a disadvantage for some countries because

governments use strict control for security reasons

The ________ the level of environmental sensitivity for a given product, the ________ the need for managers to address country-specific economic, regulatory, technological, social, and cultural environmental conditions.

greater, greater

While some food preferences remain deeply embedded in culture, there is plenty of evidence that global dietary preferences are converging. Examples of such a change can be predicted from the:

growing number of McDonald's restaurants globally.

Anheuser-Busch and Miller Brewing both experienced market failures in the United Kingdom when they used the phrase "light beer" which was misinterpreted as:

having reduced alcohol levels.

Pursuing alternative sources of energy, such as wind and solar power, is important due to the fact that:

heavy reliance on fossil fuels contributes to global warming.

Which of the following can negatively influence the rate of diffusion of an innovation?

high complexity

In Great Britain, the Wine and Spirit Association estimates that, on average, cars returning from France are loaded with 80 bottles of wine. This is most likely due to

high excise and VAT taxes

Low-income countries have a GNI per capita of $1,045 or less. The general characteristics shared by countries at this income level include all of the following except:

high literacy rates

Comparing and contrasting the diffusion of innovations in Western countries and in Asia, one can say that:

in Asia, the adoption process begins more slowly but ramps up more rapidly than it does in Western countries

Market capitalism is an economic system in which:

individuals and firms allocate resources that are privately owned.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a measure of a nation's economic activity, is calculated by all of the following factors except:

industry purchases

A few years ago, Philips Electronics developed a new consumer electronics product called the Digital Compact Cassette player. DCC did more than allow users to record and playback in a new digital format; DCC was also designed to play the older, analog cassette tapes that many people own. However, die-hard audio buffs were the only ones to buy DCC and Philips ultimately discontinued the product. Which of the following statements based on adopter categories describes this?

innovators bought, but early adopters didn't

Adopter categories are classifications of individuals within a market on the basis of their innovativeness. When Apple introduced the Apple watch people waited in long lines before the doors opened. According to experts, those people can be categorized as


The European Commission has jurisdiction over European-based companies as well as non-European ones that generate significant revenues in Europe. If Microsoft applies in Europe, the Commission has a right to all of the following except:

it can refer serious matters to the UN Security Council.

In a recent case, Revlon sued United Overseas Limited (UOL) in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for breach of contract. UOL countered by asking the court to dismiss the claim since they are not operating in that area. Revlon cited the presence of a UOL sign above the entrance to the offices of a New York company in which UOL had a 50-percent ownership. The court dismissed UOL's claim. This is an issue related to


The general characteristics shared by low-income countries do not include:

lack of genuine market opportunities

According to Geert Hofstede, which of the following is a key cultural dimension that helps account for rapid economic growth in Asia?

long-term orientation

Measuring elevator populations in countries measured as units installed per thousand people gives an estimate of the market for elevators. That China has about one-half an elevator per thousand people is indicative of:

low product saturation level.

Insisting on competitive bidding can cause complications in:

low-context cultures

Lawyers are more important in:

low-context cultures.

The power distance dimension reflects the degree of trust among members of society. Thus, the higher the power distance (PDI) the:

lower is the level of trust.

When countries or regions experience currency and/or economic stress, all of the following events can take place except:

lower local currency financing costs.

The majority of the world's population is included in the following economic category:

lower-middle-income countries

Global marketers should take note of the fact that almost half of the world's population is located in:

lower-middle-income countries.

With a 2013 GNI per capital of $1,570, India has transitioned out from the former category and now is classified as a(n):

lower-middle-income country.

Which of the following actions were approved both by the Antitrust Review in the EU as well as in the United States?

merger of Sony Music (Japan) and BMG (Germany)

In 2005, representatives from several wine regions in the United States and the EU signed a Joint Declaration to Protect Wine Place & Origin. In addition, a Wine Accord signed by the United States and EU bans the:

misuse of place names by marketers of wine products that do not originate in those places.

Linguists have divided the study of languages into four main areas. The system of word formation is referred to as:


If a marketing manager plans to enter newly industrializing-countries (NICs) or other Asia markets with a product that has proved to be successful in the home market, the product's diffusion processes are likely to be

much faster than in the home market

Custom unions or a common market does not create a free trade area as compared to NAFTA due to:

no common external tariffs

According to Hofstede, a cultural dimension which describes a society in which the social roles of men and women overlap, with neither gender exhibiting overly ambitious or competitive behavior is known as:


While marketers should be secure in their own convictions and traditions, ________ are required to appreciate the integrity and value of other ways of life and points of view.

open mind and absence of prejudice

A formal legal document that gives an inventor the exclusive right to make, use, and sell an invention for a specified period of time is known as a


Engineers at a company in a developing country study an American computer chip design, copy it, and produce identical chips that are then sold to local computer makers. What form of intellectual property has been wrongly appropriated?


Giving business cards with the left hand in Malaysia, showing soles of shoes to a host in Saudi Arabia, and winking one eye in India are all considered impolite interpersonal communication due to the fact that:

people pick up nonverbal cues and understand intuitively without being told.

The Washington, D.C.-based Heritage Foundation survey consists of over 178 countries ranked by degree of economic freedom. The key economic variables considered for this ranking include all of the following except

percent foreign ownership.

When the Coca-Cola Company was developing its new Dasani bottled water brand, linguists helped guide the naming process. For example, the recurring "a" was chosen because it has a soothing sound. In linguistics, issues pertaining to letters and sounds are a matter of:


Colgate discovered that in Spanish colgate is a verb form that means "go hang yourself." Whirlpool found that consumers in Italy, France, and Germany had trouble pronouncing the name. These are examples which show the importance of ________ in global marketing.

phonology and morphology

The unauthorized publication or reproduction of copyrighted work is referred to as


Any company doing business outside the home country should first carefully study the ________ in the target country.

political culture

Despite the positive publicity, the phrases used to describe the arbitrary exercise of state power in Russia include all of the following except:

political culture

Categories of political risk listed by EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) include all of the following except:

political turmoil

In high-context cultures, time is:


The "balance of payments" is a record of all economic transactions between the residents of a country and the rest of the world. It is divided into the current and capital accounts. Current accounts include all of the following except:

portfolio investments.

A massive effort dubbed as "Mose Project" is underway in Venice in order to:

prevent flooding

Companies such as Caterpillar have been unable to protect critical innovations in Japan because

products very similar to those made by U.S. companies can be patented without fear of infringement

Which is not considered as a long-term value?

search for truth

Procter & Gamble's introduction of All-Temperature Cheer laundry detergent in Japan was a flop at first. The problem was that Japanese women wash clothes in cold water-either tap water or leftover bath water-so they don't care about all-temperature washing (which is a big selling point in the United States). Also, Cheer was first introduced in Japan at a time when the market for fabric softeners in Japan was rapidly expanding. However, when Japanese housewives added lots of fabric softener to the water, Cheer didn't produce many suds (Americans don't use as much fabric softener). P&G reformulated the product so it wouldn't be affected by fabric softeners, and ads for Cheer in Japan pledged superior cleaning in cold water, not all temperatures. Which of the following might have helped P&G avoid the initial problems with Cheer?

self-reference criterion

An intern from the United Kingdom was working in an American software company during summers. One day her boss gave her a memo asking her to post it, with the intention of having it put on the bulletin board. To her boss's surprise the letter was mailed by the intern since the word "post" means "mail" in British English. In communication terms this error can be attributed due to:


One of the major issues in trade relations between the high- and lower-income countries is trade in:


OPEC can be considered as a "cartel" which is a group of separate companies that collectively:

sets prices, controls output, or takes other actions to maximize profits.

The enlargement of the EU has impacted marketing strategies in the Eurozone countries by:

shifting products from one market to another in the event of shortages.

According to EU regulations, Kraft parmesan cheese cannot be sold in Europe because:

terms such as "Parmesan" is used on the package labels

The Big Mac Index shows that the price of the Big Mac in China converted from the local currency, the yuan, to be $2.18, whereas its price in the United States is $3.73. This shows that:

the Chinese yuan is undervalued against the US $.

Islamic law is a comprehensive code based in part on

the Koran

A company stands a better chance of having an international arbitration award upheld if its home-country government has signed:

the New York Convention.

European countries will definitely benefit by having an FTA with the United States. However there are some sticky points which need resolution. All of the following points need consideration except:

the US government would like easing of restrictions for purchasing European goods.

The English-speaking CARICOM members in the eastern Caribbean are concerned with defending their privileged trading position with:

the United States.

The Maastricht Treaty called for

the creation of an economic and monetary union in Europe

If an American tourist in Tokyo pays more in dollars for the same amount of yen that she bought last week, then:

the dollar has depreciated relative to the yen.

One of the most exciting projects in the Central American region in 2014 was:

the enlargement of the Panama Canal.

The U.S. Justice Department objected to a recent patent license agreement between S.C. Johnson & Sons and Bayer AG. The antitrust unit at the Justice department objected to:

the exclusive nature of the license agreement.

NAFTA creates a free trade area, as opposed to a customs union or a common market, due to the fact that

the governments of all three nations decided to eliminate tariffs.

The United States has more lawyers than any other country in the world and is arguably the most litigious nation on earth. This is a reflection of:

the low-context nature of the American culture.

A characteristic of a low-context culture which is prevalent in the United States, Switzerland, and Germany is that:

the messages are explicit and specific

The United States' growing trade deficit reflects a number of factors which exclude

the services trade surplus

During the past two decades, the world economic environment has become increasingly dynamic. To achieve success, executives and marketers must take into account all of the following realities except:

the struggle between capitalism and socialism continues.

Counterfeiting is

the unauthorized copying or production of a product

In spite of having about 45% of the world's known oil reserves, Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries post current-account deficits, largely because:

they must import most of the goods and services

When companies operate abroad in the absence of home-country legal constraints, the best choice for ethical conduct would be:

to have a product that is clearly superior to that of the competition.

Harley-Davidson has applied for federal protection of an unusual form of intellectual property; the "soul-pleasing rumble" produced by its motorcycles. What type of protection is Harley-Davidson seeking?


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