International mgmt final

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There are various categories of resources- both people and processes- which IHR managers and others must develop and maintain; in particular it is essential for them to ____.

develop effective global management teams

________ is the process in which people look for the explanation of another person's behavior.


________ describes the process of sharing meaning by transmitting messages through media such as words, behavior, or material artifacts.


________ is the phenomenon of the shifting of individual management styles to become more similar to one another.


________ is an outsider's seemingly natural ability to interpret someone's unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures in just the way that person's compatriots and colleagues would.

Cultural intelligence

_______ consists of specific learned norms based on attitudes, values, and beliefs of a group of people.


________ consists of specific learned norms based on attitudes, values, and beliefs of a group of people.


________ refers to the belief that the practices of one's own country are best no matter where or under what conditions they are applied.


Med-Tex, a large pharmaceutical firm based in Texas, wants to establish its presence by expanding overseas. The company's executives evaluate locations across the world for the most suitable place to build the latest Med-Tex manufacturing facility. Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that Med-Tex should build its new facility in Ireland?

Expanding into a similar culture reduces risks associated with different attitudes, values, and communication styles.

____ are employees assigned to a country other than their own.


Which of the following best explains the attrition rate for expatriates?

Expatriates feel unappreciated and dissatisfied both during and after the assignment and leave the company.

An event that affects all foreign firms doing business in a country or region is called a micropolitical risk event.


Cross-border allies usually collaborate effectively, and are most often associated with long lasting trust and loyalty.


Feelings of alienation due to the loss of contact with family, friends, and daily life speed up the resocialization process.


In an ascription-oriented society, the source of status and influence is based on how well one performs the job and what level of education and experience one has to offer.


In specific-oriented cultures, work spills over into personal relationships and vice versa.


Internal analysis is carried out to assess a firm's capabilities and critical success factors compared to those of its competitors.


Learning patience and tolerance, realizing that managers aboard are in the minority among local people and learning to communicate more with others and empathize with them implies that one executive has acquired considerable tolerance for ambiguity.


NAFTA is an agreement that came into force to lower tariffs to 25 percent within three to five years, and to eliminate them within seven years.


Organizational culture tends to be stronger than societal culture.


People with high uncertainty avoidance are motivated by more risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement.


Political risk insurance and local debt financing are forms of dependency.


The Mexican culture, generally, is "doing-oriented," compared to the "being-oriented" culture that prevails in the rest of North America.


The authoritative leader is one who delegates decision making and encourages subordinates to take responsibility.


The context of leadership comprises the attributes of the leader and the decisions to be made.


The critical factors necessary for successful leadership abroad have come to be known as the cultural quotient.


The increased complexity regarding the social responsibility and ethical behavior of firms across borders is brought about by the distance between the headquarters and its subsidiaries.


When a company is at the internationalization stage of strategic expansion, and has a centralized structure, it will likely use a polycentric staffing approach to fill key managerial positions.


Which of the following prohibits U.S. companies from making illegal payments or other gifts or political contributions to foreign government officials for the purposes of influencing them in business transactions?

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

____ is increasingly being recognized as a major determinant of success or failure in international business.

International human resource management

________ is one of the elements of nonverbal communication.

Kinesic behavior

Felix Johnson is a senior HR manager in a global conglomerate. He believes that an important factor contributing to international competitiveness is the ability of an organization to maximize its global human resource in the long run. With which of the following is Felix most likely to agree?

Maximizing long-term retention through career management increases the odds in favor of global competitiveness.

________ are partnerships between two or more firms that decide they can better pursue their mutual goals by combining their resources as well as their existing distinctive competitive advantages.

Strategic alliances

________ poses a severe and random political risk to company personnel and assets, and interrupts the conduct of business.


Emerson is a global manufacturing company headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. The company employs almost 130,000 workers at its 250 manufacturing facilities located on five different continents. Emerson manufactures a wide range of products including air-conditioning compressors, garbage disposers, and automotive parts. Emerson's Asian operations employ over 50,000 people at manufacturing facilities in Asia. Emerson needs to build a new manufacturing facility to produce automotive parts for cars manufactured in Detroit. Emerson executives are considering whether to build the new facility in China or in the United States. Which of the following, if true, supports the argument to build a new Emerson facility in China?

The Chinese courts recently ruled in favor of an MNC in an intellectual property rights lawsuit.

Which of the following is a true statement about China?

The Chinese government manipulates market activities for political purposes.

According to Lazarova and Tarique, which of the following conditions must be met for the successful transfer of knowledge between repatriates and firms?

The repatriates must have valuable knowledge to transfer.

_______, when placed in key positions, are perceived by employees as acceptable compromises between headquarters and local mangers.

Third-country nationals

Which of the following is the most likely result of regulations and restrictions enforced by a firm's home government that prove to be expensive for the firm's operations?

the firm searches for less restrictive operating environments overseas

Which of the following should ideally dictate the organizational structure and staffing needs of the firm?

the firm's strategy

Which of the following is one of the reasons that language frequently causes miscommunication during international business situations?

translating a local language too literally

All of the following would be examples of international joint ventures EXCEPT ________.

two Venezuelan companies sharing ownership of a company in Venezuela

Based on Hofstede's value dimensions, countries in which nationalism is less pronounced, protests are tolerated, and job mobility is common are high on ________.

uncertainty avoidance

The first step for an international manager toward cultural sensitivity should be to ________.

understand his or her own culture

Which of the following traits is considered an impediment to leadership effectiveness according to the GLOBE Project?


According to the GLOBE project, workers from countries that ranked low on performance orientation, e.g., Russia or Greece, ________.

do not take hard facts and figures seriously

Which of the following is NOT categorized as a sociocultural variable of culture?


McDonald's, a fast-food chain headquartered in the United States, applies the morality it practices in the United States to all foreign countries in which it operates. McDonald's is adhering to ________.


Dell is an American corporation that deals with computer technology. With its worldwide sourcing and fully merged production and marketing system, Dell is considered to be a ________.

globally integrated company

Which of the following is the primary benefit for a firm that fatefully manages its expatriates' careers?

retaining managers with global experience and skills

The psychological process of readapting to one's home culture after working in a host-country culture is called ____.

reverse culture shock

During a business meeting in the United States, a relaxed posture is acceptable, but in Europe or Asia such body language would most likely be interpreted as ________.


The process by which a firm's managers evaluate the future prospects of the firm and decide on appropriate strategies to achieve long-term objectives is called ________.

strategic planning

Which of the following is analyzed through the quantitative approach, qualitative approach, and the checklist approach?

the creditworthiness of a country

______ research focused on how come people are motivated by internal aspirations and life goals, whereas others are primarily motivated by the job conditions.

Frederick Herzberg's

________ is increasing the pace of both cultural diffusion and cultural change.


Which of the following countries is today known as the world's services supplier, providing highly skilled and educated workers to foreign companies?


________ is the chance that political forces may change a country's business environment in ways that lead investors to lose some or all of the value of their investment or be forced to accept a lower-than-projected rate of return.

Political risk

Which of the following is true with regard to the global staffing approach?

Recruiting third-country nationals is a common aspect of the global staffing strategy.

In the Middle East, ________ plays a role in all aspects of life, including work.


A ________ is an assessment of a firm's capabilities relative to those of its competitors as pertinent to the opportunities and threats in the environment for those firms.

SWOT analysis

________ refers to the assumption that every member of a society or subculture has the same characteristics or traits without regard to individual differences.


According to the study by Lazarova and Caligiuri, career planning sessions are associated with successful repatriation.


After clarifying the corporate mission and objectives, the first major step in weighing international strategic options is the environmental assessment.


Alliances can be formed for various purposes, e.g., sharing technology, marketing, or production joint ventures.


Building global corporate cultures and staffing organizations with global leaders are some of the major challenges faces by the HR function in the global arena.


Contingency management requires managers to adapt to the local environment and people, and to manage accordingly.


Cultural intelligence is also known as cultural quotient.


Cultural noise is the cultural variables that undermine the communication of intended meaning.


Cultural sensitivity requires the willingness to put oneself in another's shoes.


Ethnocentric firms typically uses the same business practices in all cultures and markets


For a firm, the ability to develop a globally experienced top management team depends largely on the success of expatriates' assignments.


Global interdependence creates demands on international managers to take a positive stance on issues of social responsibility and ethical behavior.


Humane orientation measures the extent to which a society encourages and rewards people for being fair, altruistic, generous, caring, and kind.


In individualistic cultures, employees typically value their autonomy, and are unlikely to be motivated by fringe benefits and training provided by the employer.


In the United States, rewards usually fall into five categories: financial, social status, job content, career, and professional.


In the global staffing approach, the best managers are recruited from within or outside of the company, regardless of nationality.


Knowledge transfer is optimized when career opportunities provided by the organization are congruent with repatriate career goals and aspirations.


Low power distance implies that people would be more motivated by teamwork and relations with peers.


Managers around the world have similar needs but show differing levels of satisfaction of those needs derived from their jobs.


Most global manufacturers have equity alliances with suppliers, sub-assemblers, and distributors-forming a network of internal family and financial links. Risk-sharing is often the motive behind equity alliances.


One disadvantage of a polycentric staffing policy is the difficulty of coordinating activities and goals between the subsidiary and the parent company, including the potentially conflicting loyalties of the local manager.


People in countries with a high level of national individualism are more likely to be motivated by opportunities for personal advancement.


Small- and medium-sized enterprises contribute to their national economies by creating new jobs.


The degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual at any given point in time is known as work centrality.


The global mindset of successful leaders is characterized by personal autonomy and emotional resilience.


To maximize the long-term use of their global cadre, companies need to make sure that the foreign assignment and the reintegration process are positive experiences.


Uncertainty avoidance refers to the extent to which people in a society feel threatened by ambiguous situations.


Values are a society's ideas about what is good or bad.


When a member of one culture imposes his or her cultural practices on a member of another culture, cross cultural communication takes place.


In which of the following groups of trade blocs does most of today's world trade take place?

Western Europe, Asia, and the Americas

Which of the following helps explain why Maslow's higher-order needs are generally not very high on most Mexican workers' list of needs?

a relatively low standard of living for most workers

According to the GLOBE project, a coworker or subordinate from Sweden, a country ranking low on assertiveness, would most likely prefer ________.

a two-way dialogue

Which of the following significantly increases the complexity of social responsibility and ethical behavior of MNCs?

additional stakeholders associated with the firm's activities

In the context of needs, Eastern cultures tend to focus on _____.

all the needs of society

According to the GLOBE project, which of the following cultural dimensions refers to how much people in a society are expected to be tough, confrontational, and competitive versus modest and tender?


Which of the following terms is used to refer to the positive or negative evaluations, feelings, and tendencies that individuals harbor toward objects or concepts and effects the communication process?


When immigrants adopt some aspects of the local culture while keeping aspects of their culture of origin, this process is called ________.


Moral universalism is the need for a moral standard that is accepted by all ________.


A(n) ____ policy is likely to be used where a company notes the inadequacy of local managerial skills and determines a high need to maintain close communication and coordination with headquarters.


Which of the following terms refers to the continuous process of gathering and evaluating information about variables and events around the world that may pose threats or opportunities to the firm?

environmental assessment

Which of the following strategies is a firm most likely to use, if it initiates a joint venture with a local company in a foreign country, as a way of adapting to risk?

equity sharing

According to Harris and Moran's eight categories, a kinship system refers to the influence of ________.

family relationships

Which of the following best describes nationalization?

forced sale of an MNC's assets to local buyers

In which of the following staffing approaches, are the best managers recruited from within or outside of the company, regardless of nationality?

global staffing approach

Which of the following types of alliances can be formed between a company and a foreign government?

global strategic alliance

Which of the following is characterized by networks of international linkages that bind countries, institutions, and people in an interdependent economy?


Which of the following is the most common reactive reason for a firm to extend its operations overseas?

globalization of competitors

Payments to expedite routine transactions are often referred to as ________.

grease money

In recent years, which of the following has lessened the criticisms of MNCs?

greater emphasis on social responsibility by MNCs

A company subscribing to ethical relativism would implement the morality of the ________.

host country

Which of the following is the first step in developing a successful export strategy?

identification of a potential market

Which of the following is a business benefit from corporate social responsibility?

increase in brand value

Understanding foreign languages is especially important for international managers because of ________.

increased diversity in the global workforce

An organization where employees typically wear casual clothes and interact casually is most likely to have a(n) ________ organizational culture.


With regard to transitioning economy in Russia, Russian managers primarily emphasize ______.

job security

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the ethnocentric staffing approach?

lack of managerial effectiveness of PCNs in foreign countries.

Which of the following is NOT one of the typical characteristics of a successful leader with a global mindset?

low cultural quotient

At which three levels should firms ideally perform global environmental analysis?

multinational, regional, and local

Lauryn, an American national, was semi to Japan on an assignment. According to her, it was during this time that she learned to understand situations from the viewpoint of local employees and business people. As an expatriate, which of the following skills did Lauryn attain.

multiple perspectives

Which of the following is generally viewed as the most risky entry strategy?

new, fully-owned subsidiaries

Anything that serves to undermine the communication of the intended meaning is known as ________.


Transparency International is best described as a(n) ________.

nongovernmental organization that fights corruption

The term ________ refers to behavior that communicates without words.

nonverbal communication

Based on Trompenaars's value dimensions, which of the following is a characteristic of the particularistic approach?

obligation toward relationships

Subtle differences in eye behavior are known as ________.


Which of the following represents the expectations, norms, and goals held in common by members of a specific company or group?

organizational culture

Kelly Roberts, an American, is a senior manager at her firm's headquarters in New York. Kelly is a(n) ______.

parent-county national

Which staffing approach will most likely be effecting when implementing a global strategy of "acting local"?


According to Hofstede, societies that accept strong hierarchical boss-subordinate relationships are high on ________.

power distance

Which of the following is a cultural dimension identified by the GLOBE Project team?

power distance

In order to maximize a firm's global human resources, IHR managers need to ___.

promote the role of women in international management

Which of the following is one of the standards of SA8000?

providing a safe work environment

Which of the following is a form of protectionist policies?


Which of the following subsystems is most likely to underlie both moral and economic norms?

religious system

In addition to the global war for talent, there are considerable strategic competitive challenges for firms. Which of the following is one such challenge?

relocating operations around the world

Which of the following is the quickest and cheapest way to develop a global strategy?

strategic alliances

Jamie decides to plan his strategies for starting an electric equipment manufacturing company. His main aim is to ensure that it runs efficiently. He decides to do this in two phases: the planning phase and the implementation phase. Which of the following processes is Jamie employing?

strategic management

A company's choice to operate in a business or businesses and the ways in which it differentiates itself from its competitors is called its ________.


Canada consists of distinct groups such as Anglophones, Francophones, and indigenous Canadians. This is an example of ________.


Effective human resource management of a company's global cadre ends with ____.

successful repatriation of the executive into company headquarters.

The content of leadership comprises _______.

the attributes of the leader

The Anti-Sweatshop Code of Conduct requires companies to provide a healthy and safe work environment and ________.

to pay the prevailing local minimum wage

Which of the following is NOT a typical reason for forming cross-border alliances?

to test marketing campaigns overseas

Which of the following terms refers to a society's ideas and convictions about what is good or bad and right or wrong?


Which of the following is considered the primary problem for MNCs attempting to define their corporate-wide ethics?

variations in ethical standards around the world

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