Interpersonal communication Midterm

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The French word "rue" and the American word "road" mean the same thing in their respective cultures. These different symbols used for the same thing remind us that language is...


All of the following are guidelines for improving self-concept EXCEPT...

avoid self-disclosure

Stanton is giving a speech for the first time. He thinks he is doing well, but his audience can tell that he is very insecure and nervous. This example can be categorized into which part of the Johari window?

Blind area

All of these statements provide good advice for improving nonverbal communication EXCEPT...

try to interpret a person's nonverbal communication independent of culture or setting

In which level of communication do people acknowledge one another as people but don't fully engage each other as unique individuals?

I-You communication

According to research discussed in Chapter 1, for intimates, talking about a vision of a shared future is...

the most powerful tie that links people

Assuming an attentive posture, holding eye contact, and nodding to show you understand what another person is saying are nonverbal behaviors that convey which dimension of relational-level meanings?


After performing a comprehensive job search, job seekers put together a resume, write a cover letter, and then go on job interviews. This situation best exemplifies...


The author of your text argues that...

self-esteem needs are influenced by individuals' interpersonal communication skills.

Jenna believes that she doesn't have an aptitude for statistics, so doesn't put much effort into her statistics class. She performs poorly in the class, supporting her initial belief. This is an example of a/n...

self-fulfilling prophecy

Telling ourselves that we're no good, we can't do something, or there's no point in trying to change is a hurtful form of self-talk called...


Janet says, "I didn't get a job offer because the interviewer was biased and it was a nasty day; it had nothing to do with my qualifications." This is an example of...

self-serving bias

Darryl thinks, "Marie was happy today because she's a cheerful person." Darryl's thought is a/n...

stable and specific attribution

A point of view shaped by political awareness of the social location of a group known as a ...


The sense of touch is...


In many Eastern cultures, silence indicates...


An example of physiological noise is...


Symbols are...

arbitrary, ambiguous, and abstract

The five symbolic abilities described in your textbook are...

definition, evaluation, organization, hypothetical thought, and self-reflection

Psychologists define ________ as rules for living and identity.

identity scripts

Members of his project group at work consistently comment on Ervin's excellent performance as team leader. Ervin begins to view himself as an effective leader and considers moving into a higher-level management position. The process through which Ervin developed this sense of self at work is called...

reflected appraisal

According to the book, all of the following are guidelines for interpersonal communication competence EXCEPT...

Encourage your imagination

The ________ model of interpersonal communication is most accurate because it emphasizes the multiple roles that people take during the communication process.


It is estimated that nonverbal communication accounts for what percentage of the total meaning in interpersonal communication?


Which psychologist first described the hierarchy of five human needs?

Abraham Maslow

In Bruno's car, he has many bumper stickers and several souvenirs from all the road trips that he has made in that car. What are Bruno's personal items examples of?​


Love would be placed in which level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?


When communicating online, it is a good idea to use ________ to communicate nonverbal information.


Jenema is walking in a mall and a homeless person approaches her and asks for money. Jenema keeps walking without speaking to or looking at the person. The relationship between Jenema and the homeless person is...


Monica and Chandler have an argument over whose turn it is to do clean their house. In the heat of the argument, Chandler calls Monica a "slob". Then, Monica calls Chandler a "self-centered moron". Later, after they have made up, Chandler tries to apologize to Monica. However, Monica is still hurt and complains that no matter what Chandler says now he must have meant what he said. According to the communication principles, Chandler doesn't realize that...

Interpersonal communication is irreversible

Jen and Mark are happily married. Recently, Mark had an affair. He tried to tell Jen about his infidelity. She is completely hurt by his actions. It doesn't matter what Mark says to her, she is very upset and cannot get over his betrayal. This is indicative of how interpersonal communication is...


Which model of communication views communication as flowing only in one direction, from sender to receiver?


Communication about communication is...


Manjeet notices that she is the only person who has not spoken in a group conversation. She reminds herself to be involved and to show she's interested in the group's talk, so she speaks up. Manjeet's noticing and changing her communication to be more effective in the situation is an example of...


Miguel tries to concentrate during a class lecture, but he can't get his mind off a personal problem. His preoccupation with his personal problem is an example of ________ noise.


Linnea's parents praise her for earning high marks in her first year in college. Linnea's parents are addressing her ________ needs.


Mariko used so much jargon in her presentation that most people in the audience couldn't understand her. This is an example of what kind of noise...


Which of the following is NOT a regulative rule of interpersonal communication?

Speaking is a way to show you care about issues

The ________ area of the Johari Window consists of your untapped resources, your untried talents, and your reactions to experiences you've never had.


A key foundation for improving your self-concept is...

accepting the self as in process and able to change

An example of psychological noise is...

being preoccupied with a problem

Verbal communication and nonverbal communication are similar in all of the following respects EXCEPT...

both are perceived as equally believable.

Girls and women are expected to be caring, whereas boys and men are expected to be...

both independent and self-assertive

Having to wait to see a physician or attorney, even if you have an appointment, conveys the message that the physician's time is more valuable than yours. This is an example of the importance of ________ in nonverbal communication.


Raul came to the United States from Mexico three months ago and he is still having trouble understanding Americans' tendency to rush all the time. He is also surprised when his teachers are irritated if he joins class a while after class has started. Raul's confusion about American pace of life is based on which aspect of nonverbal behavior?


Individuals who are more ________ are better able to integrate new information about others and situations.

cognitively complex

Some couples have a rule that prohibits the adults from arguing in front of their children. This requirement is a/n ________ rule


Individuals with ________ attachment styles tend to feel less hope, disclose less, and experience less satisfaction with relationships than people with other attachment styles.


All of the following are guidelines for improving perception and communication EXCEPT...

focus on inferences rather than facts

Paralanguage is communicated through all of these EXCEPT...

hand gestures

"One day, I won't have to worry about being single. One day, I'll be married." These statements illustrate how symbols allow for...

hypothetical thought

Corey thinks that people who are outgoing are also friendly, confident, and fun. Corey's assumption that outgoing people are also friendly, confident, and fun is an example of ________ at work.

implicit personality theory

Many scholars argue that race...

is a socially constructed category

All of the following are panes of the Johari Window EXCEPT...


The theory of linguistic determinism states that...

language determines what we can perceive and think

Assuming that we understand what another person thinks, feels or perceives is known as...

mind reading

All of the following are risks to self-disclosing communication EXCEPT...

others may increase closeness with us

Hate speech is language that...

radically dehumanizes members of a particular group

According to the process of human perception, the selection process includes all the following EXCEPT...

rational judgment

Morgan is a teacher and wants to make sure that her students respect one another. She has a rule that if a student wants to talk, then the student must raise his/her hand before speaking. This rule helps to...

regulate interaction

A cornerstone of effective interpersonal communication skills is...

respecting what others say about what they feel and think

In some military academies, such as West Point, using ________ is a recognized method of stripping a cadet of personhood if he or she is perceived as having broken the academy code...


Irene observes that on the most-recent test in her engineering class, only two students out of 60 earned higher scores than she did. She concludes that she is smarter than most of the others in class, at least in the subject of engineering. This is an example of a/n...

social comparison

Charles says, "I would never join a fraternity. All fraternities do is party." Charles' statement is an example of a/n...


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