Interpretation Book 1

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1, mental ridge 2. mandibular symphysis 3. mental foramen 4. mandibular bony 5. external oblique ridge 6. angle of the mandible 7. retromolar trigone 8. ramus 9. neck of the condyle 10. head of the condyle 11. sigmoid notch 12. coronoid process 13. mental sigmoid depression 14. mandibular foramen 15. lingula


1. All Porcelain Posterior Denture Teeth Porcelain Anterior Teeth W/ Metal Retention Studs Wire Mesh To Reinforce And Strengthen The Denture 2. Denture Acrylic Is Radiotransparent (Cant Be Seen)


1. Amalgam Restoration On 1st Molar Amalgam Fragments Rubber Dam Clamp 2. Rubber Dam Restoration (Acrylic) In 2nd Molar


1. Amalgam, Gold Foil, Cast Gold Inlay 2. Acrylic, Composite Resin, Slilicophosphate Cement


1. Chrome Cobalt, Gold 2. Radiolucent Acrylic 3. Radiopaque Cement


1. Gutta Percha And Screw-In Post In Distal Canal Silver Points And Root Canal Sealer Cement 2. Cervical Burnout


1. Ivory #9 Rubber Dam Clamp Root Canal File


1. Leaded-Glass Fragment Embedded In Lower Lip 2. Amalgam Tattoo, Scratched Emulsion, Metal Fragment


1. Maxillary Teeth Are The Porcelain Teeth Of A Maxillary Complete Denture


1. Patient Is Wearing Three Earrings 2. Ghost Image Of The Two Earrings On The Left Earlobe 3. Ghost Image Of The One earring On The Right Earlobe


1. Porcelain Jacket Crown 2. Radiopaque Cement Outlines The Preparation


1. Premolars: Composite Resin 2. Molar: Amalgam


1. Radiopaque Object Is A Wrought Wire Clasp To Retain An Acrylic Transitional Removable Partial Denture


1. accessory foramen 2. superior genial tubercle 3. accessory lingual foramen for lingual vessels 4. inferior genial tubercle 5. digastric fossa

7-1: structure 11

1. anterior nasal spine 2. interseptal bone 3. crestal alveolar bone 5. cartilaginous nasal septum 6. inferior process of the ethmoid bone 7. nasal fossa 8. infraorbital foramen 9. zygomatic process of the maxilla 10. mental ridge 11. mental foramen 12. external oblique ridge 13. retromolar trigone 14. zygomaticomaxillary suture 15. zygomatic bone 16. zygomaticotemporal suture 17. zygomatic process of the temporal bone 18. nasal bone 19, zygomaticofrontal bone


1. common carotid artery 2. external carotid artery 3. internal carotid artery 4. facial artery 5. inferior alveolar artery 6. internal maxillary artery 7. posterior superior alveolar arteries 8. infraorbital artery 9. labial artery 10. incisive artery

7-3: structure 5

1. coronoid process 2. sigmoid notch 3. head of the condyle 4. medial sigmoid depression 5. mandibluar foramen 6. angle of the mandible 7. inferior cortex of the mandible 8. digastric fossa 9. submandiblar fossa 10. mylohyoid ridge 11. inferior genial tubercles of the geniohyoid muscle 12. superior genial tubercle of the genioglossus msucle 13. accessory lingual foramen for lingual vessels


1. foramen of scarpa 2. foramen of stensen 3. median amxillary suture


1. hard palate 2. infundibulum 3. ostrium of the nasolacrimal canal 4. inferior turbinate 5. middle turbinate 6. nasal bone 7. nasolacrimal canal 8. frontal sinus 9. sphenoid sinus 10. pituitary fossa 11. medial pterygoid plate 12. lateral pterygoid plate 13. hamular process of the medial pterygoid plate 14. maxillary tuberosity 15. incisice foramen 16. median maxillary suture 17. palatal process of the maxilla 18. palatomaxillary suture 19. shadow of the nasalocrimal duct 20. palatine bone 21. greater palatine foramen 22. lesser palatine foramen 23. posterior nares 24. foramen of stensen 25. incisive canal 26. foramen of scarpa


1. incisive foram 2. median maxillary suture 3. palatomaxillary suture 4. greater palatine foramen 5. lesser palatine foramen 6. posterior border of the hard palate 7. hamular process of the medial pterygoid plate 8. zygomatic process of the maxilla 9. zygomatic process of the temporal bone 10. zygomaucotemporal suture 11. palatal process of the maxilla 12. palatal bone 13. lateral pterygoid plate 14.medial pterygoid plate

7-17: structure 5

1. incisive foramen 2. median maxillary suture 3. incisive canal 4. superior foramen of the incisive canal (in floor of the nose) 5. bony margin of the nasal fOssa 6. soft tissue of the nasal septum 7. nasal septum 8. air space of the common meatus

7-15: structures 10 + 3

1. inferior cortex of the mandible 2. inferior alveolar canal 3. lamina dura (radiopaque thin white line) 4. periodontal membrane space (radiolucent thin black line) 5. coronal pulp space (pulp chamber, 6. interproximal contact point 7. dentin 8. enamel 9. interseptal alveolar bone (interradicular alveolar bone) 10. crestal plate (thin white radiopaque line) 11. root canal space (containing the dental pulp) 12. cementum


1. interdental goove 2. maxilla 3. certical process of the maxilla 4. floor of the nasal fossa 5. vomer bone 6. palatomaxillary suture 7. palatal bone 8. posterior nasal spine 9. sinus recess 10. maxillary sinus 11. bony septum of the maxillary sinus 12. anterior nasal spine


1. median maxillary suture 2. anterior nasal spine 3. bony margin of the nasal IOSSa 4. common meatus (air space in the nose) and part of the inferior meats beneath turbinate 5. soft tissue lining of the septum 6. soft tissue of the interior turbinate (thin turbinate bones can be seen within)


1. orifice of the nasolacrimal duct (at infundibulum of the infe- rior turbinate not seen) 2. bony margin of the nasal fossa 3. permanent canine 4. permanent 1st premolar 5. permanent 2nd premolar 6. permanent central 7. permanent lateral incisor 8. primary canine 9. primary Ist molar 10. primary 2nd molar


1. soft tissue shadow or the uppen 2. cervical margin (line) of the enamel 3. alveolar bone margin dark Dand between 2 and 3 is the root) 4. median maxillary suture 5. soft tissue outline of nose 6. incisive foramen


1. soft tissue outline of the nose 2. median maxillary suture 3. anterior nasal spine 4. bony margin of the nasal fossa 5. foramen of scarpa 6. superior foramen of the Incisive canal


Accessory canals


Cotton Roll Acrylic Of Bite Block Metal Of Bite Block


Figure A: 1. incisive foramen 2. median palatal suture 3. accessory foramina Figure B: 1. median maxillary suture 2. incisive foramen 3. edentuluois ridge crest Figure C: 1. medial maxillary suture 2. view into the incisive canal 3. foramen of stensen 4. foramen of scarpa

7-8: structure 1

Figure A: 1. mylohyoid ridge 2. submandibular fossa 3. inferior cortex or border of the mandible 4. mylohyoid (artery) groove 5. enamel 6. cementum 7. cemento-enamel junction 8. retromolar trigone (fossa) Figure B: 1. mylohyoid (internal oblique) ridge 2. submandiouarlossd 3. mandibuar foramen 4. lingula 5. angle of the mandible 6. inferior cortex Figure C: 1. external oblique ridge 2. retromolar trigone 3. mental toramen 4a. coronoid process, lateral view 4b. coronoid process, medial view 5a. mandibular condyle, lateral view 5b.mandibular condyle, medial vien 6. body of the mandible 7. ramus 8. angle of the mandible 9a. sigmoid notch, lateral view 9b. sigmoid notch, medial view 10.medial sigmoid depression


Figure A: 1. orbit 2. nasal bone 3. "root" of the zygomatic or malar process 4. anterior nasal spine 5. palatal process of the maxill. 6. internal oblique ridge 7. buccal cortex of the mandible 8. lingual cortex of the mandible 9. hody of the hyoid bone 10. body of €4 11. greater horn of the hyoid bone 12. vertebral body of C3 13. intervertebral space 14. body of C2, the axis 15. odontoid process of C2, the axis 16. pedicle of C1, the atlas 17. anterior arch of C1, the atlas 18. ramus of the mandible 19. clivus 20. pituitary fossa 21. posterior clinoid process of the sella turcica Figure B: 1. orthodontic appliance 2. digastric fossa 3. genial tubercle; there may be tour of these for the attach- ments of the genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles 4. inferior border of the body of the mandible 5. body of the hyoid bone 6. greater horn of the hyoid bone 7. mandibular condyle 8. vertebral foramen for vertebral artery 9. tip of the odontoid process of C2 10. pedicle area of the cervical "s


Figure A: 1. accessory foramina 2. genial tubercles; (normally four tubercles serving as the attachments of the genioglossus (upper tubercles] or geniohyoid [lower tubercles] muscle) 3. accessory lingual foramen 4. digastric fossae (attachment of the digastric muscles) 5. fenestration; loss of bone covering the root without marginal involvement Figure B: 1. anterior nasal spine 2. fenestration (with involvement of the bone at crestal mar- gin; condition is termed dehiscence) 3. zygomaticomaxillary suture 4. zygomatic process of the maxillary bone 5. maxillary tuberosity 6. hamular process of the medial pterygoid plate 7. lateral pterygoid plate 8. maxilla serving as the anterolateral will of the maxillary sinus Figure C: 1. anterior nares (openings) of the nasal fossae 2. nasal septum 3. anterior nasap spine 4. diastema 5. crown, ename 6. root, cementum 7. interproximal crestal alveolar bone 8. right and left nasal fossae 9. bony core of the inferior turbinate


Figure A: 1. orbit with greater wing of sphenoid bone 2. inferior orbital rim 3. zygomatic process of maxilla 4. zygomatic process of the temporal bone 5. zygomaticomaxillary suture 6. clivus in the middle cranial fossa 7. anterior nasal spine 8. bilateral impacted maxillary canines 9. fenestration 10. alveolar process the maxilla 11. external oblique ridge 12. posterior border of the ramus of the mandible 13. angle of the mandible 14. body of the mandible 15. digastric tossa on lingual surface 16.mental foramen 17. retromolar trigone Figure B: 1. superior orbital rim 2. frontomaxilarv suture 3. nasal bone 4. lamina papyracea is the medial wall of the orbit and is the lateral wall of the ethmoid sinuses 5. zygomatic process of the maxilla 6. U-shaped malar process, the 'root" of the zygoma 7. alveolar process of the maxilla 8. orthodontic appliance 9. mental foramen 10. digastric fossa on lingual surface 11. body of the mandible 12. posterior clinoid process of the sella turcica 13. z

8-19: part B (what materials)

Healing caps have been exposed surgically and replaced TiRA The appliance that 19 screwed into the implant The appliances have been prepared to receive crowns, Temporary acrylic cron ens are In place but cannot be seen; how. ever me radiopaque cement holding them in place can be seen


Lingual Pits Were Routinely Filled With Amalgam. Radiolucent Restorations Are Most Likely On The Buccal Aspect And Consist Of Older Radiolucent Composite Material


Okay, You Wanted Newer Radiopaque Anterior Composites.


Some Fragments Resembled Rusted Metal While Other Were Completely Blackened. Most Likely There Were Two Different Metals Here And Unlike Amalgam Were Not Tissue Compatible And Over Time Probably Contributes The Servere Bone Loss.


Space Maintainer

7-53: structure 2

developing permanent canine

7-25: structure 3

floor of the maxillary sinus

8-14: materials on max 1st molar

gutta percha and 5-screw- in retentve pins

7-29: structure 4

incisive foramen

7-55: structure 4

inferior alveolar canal

7-49: structure 1


8-18: compare and contrast eh treatment and materials in the upper and lower primary 2nd molars

maxillary - pulpotomy and pulpotomy cement and stainless steel crown mandibular: occlusal amalglam

7-45: structure 3

sinus recess

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