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Why do you want to teach in this school district?

(Highlight something you've learned from the research you've done).

What Elements of your professional practice do you believe have the strongest impact on student achievement?

A strong student teacher relationship. Students who like their teachers and have a good relationship with them are more likely to do better in school. It shapes the way children think and act in school. It is so important to be accepting and nurturing especially to Kindergarteners. They need order and security but above all they need to know you have their best intentions at heart. "students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" Theordore Rosevelt

What does it mean to be a successful teacher?

A successful teacher is one who is flexible and can move with the flow. No one day is the same and things are constantly changing. Another quality is fairness. A teacher should treat all students equally. Lastly teachers need to have positive attitudes all the time. I subbed in 6th grade and wasn't positive and I had a bad day. When I did it again I changed my attitude and it made a world of differences.

Do you believe you're qualified for this position?

Absolutely! I had a great experience in Centrals education program. They set me up with many philosophy's and methods courses. I have experienced every grade level whether it be from field experience, subbing, or student teaching.

What is your philosophy of teaching?

An educator builds a good relationship with his/her students and sets the tone for a classroom community. Providing students with the tools to be successful and allows freedom to express themselves and room to grow as human beings and learners. Students must have a welcoming safe classroom that is assessable to all students and celebrates diversity. Teachers must be enthusiastic for learning and have a desire to make contributions to her team of colleagues and to the field of education.

How would you describe the ideal teacher?

An ideal teacher is one who can teach both in and out of the classroom. Someone who is a friend to all students and listens to what everyone has to say. They are dedicated in their work and always looking for ways to improve. I strive to be this someone. Someone who is innovative, creative, inspiring, and most of all patient.

What are the essential traits of an effective educator?

Being an effective educator begins with developing a relationship with your students. It's all about being patient, caring, and kind. Being dedicated to your work and finding different methods to help all your students. It's about knowing how to engage your learners and creating a student based environment.

Compared with other student teachers. How would you rate yourself?

Compared to other student teachers I would rate myself a 4.5 out of 5. I set goals for myself and don't stop until I achieve them. My professor always loved that I took his advice and always made changes. I always am bettering myself and looking for new ways to improve. There is always room for development in any person.

What is your greatest strength as a teacher?

I am constantly reflecting on my teaching and always looking for ways to improve. If something doesn't go as planned or went okay but I thought it could be better I try to think of better ways I can fix it for the future. I'm always seeking advice from other teachers and trying to stay up to date on all the new technology and new techniques that will only help my students.

What motivates you to be a teacher?

I am motivated to be the best teacher I can be because everyday I try to focus on helping to make each student a little better than they were last year. I want their time spent at my school in my classroom to be time spent growing into a better person or citizen. There are so many ways to do this whether it is in what I teach and the discussions that show I care or in how I treat them when I see them in the halls or around town. They need to know that they matter. Some students are actually surprised when I remember a personal tidbit about them. They must think the teachers don't really focus on what they say or write. It flatters them.

What is the most important quality as a teacher?

I believe the most important quality of a teacher is flexibility. No one day is the same when teaching. You have to be able to roll with the punches and don't let the little things get you down. Most importantly you have to be there for the kids at all times no matter what. During my student teaching experiences my cooperating teacher went to open the door for a student and the student kicked the door shut on her head. She went down and almost passed out. She was taken out in wheel chair and out for months after that with a serious concussion. Her students had watched her fall to the ground and I had to immediately take over and calm everyone down. I had only seen her fall and to be honest it looked as if she was stabbed then they had shut the door so the students wouldn't see. As I was shaking because I was scared for Stacey and had no idea what had happened I had to gather the students from what they were doing. Have a quick explanation of how their teacher was going to be okay even though I didn't even know. But I had to stay as strong as possible for them. After that I taught a math lesson that was complete chaos nobody understood and it completely failed on me. I was getting observed that same day in the afternoon with the same exact lesson. I was freaking out. The stress of what had happened to Stacey and the stress of how bad my lesson went I bawled when my students went to lunch. I explained everything to my supervisor and was crying when he had arrived. He thought I was going to reschedule the lesson but instead when the students showed up I stayed strong for them. I read the book with enthusiasm and fixed my lesson so all the students were on the same track. My supervisor was beyond proud of how professional I was and how well my lesson went prior to what had previously happened.

What skills or abilities do you still need to develop?

I'd like to continue working on my differentiating instruction skills. Every single child is different and needs different accommodations to help them. I learned a lot about differentiating instruction in my student teaching because we had many students who needed accommodations. I learned different strategies but I would like to learn more about it and more skills, so that I can better help each and every one of My students.

classroom management

I like to start by laying down my expectations. So they know exactly what I expect from them and what I am looking for. I am very consistent. I believe you have to stay consistent for the students to understand you are serious and building a routine is critical for students especially young ones. Making sure I am teaching them responsibility is super importan​t, it will make transitio​n times faster along with preparing them for their future. which will only benefit them for their future. I also believe strongly in positive reinforcement rather than always picking out the negatives. When you compliment one student the rest usually want a compliment as well, and they switch their behavior.

What are some of your hobbies or leisure time activities?

I love crafts especially painting. In my free time I like to paint and gift people my paintings. I mostly like to make kids paintings like I have done the cat in the hat, Piggie and Gerald. I love to relate them to kids books. I have made quite a few I want to put in my classroom one day. Depending on the grade I teach. Painting is a calming activity and I love I get so excited when I start one.

Why do you want to teach?

I love education. I think it is super important for our young minds especially. I think it is important to better yourself to constantly be learning and that's why I want to help others think that way too. I want kids to be excited to learn to be motivated and to take their knowledge somewhere amazing. Teachers prepare students for their lives outside of school. I will never forget my elementary teachers, because they taught me respect, and perseverance, and I grew up wanting to be just like those wonderful men and woman who taught me. I want to make a difference on children's lives and to be there for them.

What do you like best about teaching? What do you like least?

I love how rewarding this profession is. Seeing the students succeed and get so excited about it. You make a difference in these kids lives. You get to get to know the students On a more personal level and help shape their future. I remember all my teachers throughout school, especially my elementary school teachers. This career allows you to continue to grow and learn each day. You learn new strategies and skills. You learn more about yourself not only as a teacher but as a person. You learn how much you can handle each day. You also learn through professional development, which is essential in every teachers career. One thing I dislike in teaching is the amount of assessments there are. It's so hard to tell students that they have so ,any huge tests to take and to try there best. So many tears happen, because some students don't know much on the tests and that Is not their faults. But they get frustrated and start to break down. It's hard to put them through it, because I remember those tests when I was a kid. There were a lot less of them, but I dreaded them. They made me feel not smart and sad. The good things about these assessments though is the data teachers get from them so that they can form goals and help their students succeed.

Tell me something about yourself that I didn't know from reading your resume

I really like to volunteer my time. When I went to central my friend Catie and I volunteered our time at prudence Crandall which is a safe house for those who got domestically abused. I put a donation box in my town library and many people volunteered to help these woman and some men start a new and safe life. I got to listen to stories that were terrifying and I'm so happy I got to make a difference in these people's lives. They hosted a candle vigil for those who have died to dating abuse and it's such a common thing not many people realize it or help towards the cause. When I was in high school I volunteered every summer and did vacation bible school. I loved working with the kids and enjoyed my time doing it.

What do you think is wrong with education today? Pg. 93

I think the hardest thing about education today is how much differentiation each child needs and the lack of paras for some students. It is super important that each child gets what he/she needs. Para or not those students may need extra catering or challenging and that's up to the teacher to work one on one with them whenever he/she can.

What do you want to achieve as a teacher?

I want to see my students achieve. Reach goals they never thought were possible. I want them realize that learning in lifelong and school teaches you life lessons. I want them to be motivated to learn, persevere in their hardest times. I want to be someone who models, motivates, and inspires. I want to help them set goals and know important it is to have goals.

How would your supervisor or CT describe you?

I was close to both my CTs and supervisor. They would say that i am passionate in teaching and that Im very optimistic in the worst situations. Even in my hardest times I try to stay positive and keep my head up. I am always seeking advice on things that can make me. Better teacher.

How will you compliment this school?

I will compliment this school by being a team player. I am very good at collaborating and working with a team. I like to be involved and help wherever I can. I will be a great asset to this school for the students as well. (Add to this)

What kind of principal would you like to work for?

I would like to work for a caring and dedicated principle. Someone who comes to school everyday with the children's needs in mind. I want to have an honest relationship with my principle. I have learned to inform the principle early about things, so that they can better assist me. I believe this is critical in having both trust and good communication.

What three adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

I would say I am organized, passionate, flexible. I am extremely organized everything needs to be in its place, which is super important when teaching because there are so many important papers to keep track of everything needs its own place, so nothing gets lost or ends up in the wrong hands. I am a very passionate person. I strive to always do my best and put my students first at all times. I am responsible for their learning so I aim to give them my all. I am also extremely flexible. I am one to go with the flow about everything. If something bad happens you have to pick your feet up and try again no need to get upset about it. Every mistake is a learning opportunity. Everyday is different in a classroom and sometimes things will change out of the blue. Gotta roll with the punches and make the best of it.

How do you deal with stress

I'm a big believer in mindfulness. I believe a calm mind and body makes for a good day. I will give my students brain breaks so that they don't feel stressed all day long. For my own stress I like to read an relax and breath. I don't get stressed very often though.

What three things really make you angry?

It takes a lot to make me very angry. I'd rather use words like upset or even sad. I'm rarely angry. But things that would make me upset would be when a lesson I teach goes bad. Like that time I was student teaching and my lesson did not go as expected at all I was very upset. But mistakes are only learning moments. So the second time I taught that lesson I adjusted it and it was much better. Another thing that makes me upset is when I have a great lesson planned and we run out of time. Time management can be very difficult to plan sometimes, because each student learns at a different pace and you want to make sure each of your students are grasping the information. It makes me sad when time runs out during a great lesson and all the students are actively involved and into the subject. The school day goes so quickly that sometimes It's just impossible to do all the things I wanted to do. Lastly, what makes me upset is hearing about some of the children's home lives. I can only do so much as a teacher, but it really breaks my heart to see how some are treated at home or how some lack the basic necessities. It makes me angry that I can't do more for those children, but I try my hardest to make them feel loved and wanted at school.

How would your best friend describe you?

My best friend would say I am a kind and determined person. I set goals and I reach them. I never have anything bad to say about anyone, because I see the good in everyone. Everyone is perfect in my eyes except for myself. I am constantly picking on myself and trying to improve and make myself better. There are so many teachers I aspire to be and I am constantly working towards that goal.

Describe your teaching style

My teaching style is student based where the students use critical thinking and forming their own ideas. I love having children work together to problem solve. It allows children to have fun together but also foster critical interpersonal skills and learn how to work with a team. This is an essential skill they can carry with them for future jobs and relationships.

What two things would you like to improve about yourself?

One thing would be my attitude. Sometimes if I'm not in a good mood that day I will let it show in the classroom. I'm working on my attitude and trying to smile and be positive throughout the day. For example I have subbed for this one sixth grade class and they gave me a lot of trouble didn't like listening and would constantly talk over me no matter how many times I told them to stop. I would get mad and yell more. Then I decided if I had a better attitude smiled more maybe they would listen better and my day would be better. Sure enough my day went a lot better than the other two times I had subbed, because I changed my attitude. I'm a role model for those children and need to remember it. Another is time management. I want to be able to plan lessons perfectly so I get to everything on my schedule that day. Subbing has helped me be more conscious of time and make sure we are getting to everything that the teacher hS planned for that day.

How would you create opportunities for students to develop these traits in your classroom?

Perseverance, I constantly tell my students to try there best and that is all I'm looking for. Motivated, making things into games or fun learning. Students don't want to hear you talk all day to them they want to be hands on and enjoying learning. Respect, I really like the Second Step program that a lot of schools have brought in. I also like to reinterat​e it throughout the day, setting expectation, hands to self is a huge one. consequences for students who can't be respectful.

What are the three top traits of a successful learner?

Perseverance, one thing I love to teach my students is to never give up. Always do your best though. Mistakes only teach you lessons. Everyone is going to fail in their lifetime it's about picking yourself up and trying it again. Motivated, Being motivated is super important to be a successful learner. The student needs to like the activity and be excited about it. I try to always make things fun and more of a game than a task. Respectful, I feel I grew up in an era of respect. My parents taught me to respect everyone. In my classroom I really belive in respect and getting my stduents to respect one another. I try to get them to think about how others are feeling and have them put themselves in others shoes. My third graders weren't respecting one another and I did a whole lesson on it, because that really makes me sad. I don't think children can learn or be motivated without feeling safe at school

How do you define success?

Success is based on the person or student. I want each student to succeed to the best of his/her abilities. My goals are to determine each students strengths and weaknesses and provide differentiation that will ensure maximum growth and development both in academics and life skills as well.

We have a number of applicants interviewing for this position why should we hire you?

Teaching is my passion. It is my top priority in my life. I worked so hard throughout college and I have been dreaming about this day since I was a little girl. I will give this job my 110% and I am always constantly trying to improve. I recognize my mistakes and I always fix them. I belive ​I will be a great assett to this classroom

What is the greatest asset you will bring to the teaching profession?

The greatest asset I will bring to the teaching profession is a positive attitude. I am one who believes in a new day is a fresh start. Whether that be with myself or the students. I always try to be positive, because being negative gets you no where and just makes you angry. With a positive attitude it will not only affect the way I teach but affect how the students learn. A positive attitude is also important when working with other colleagues and working in a team. Finally a positive attitude must be communicated with families. Families of your students may be the best partners in helping students succeed.

What skills do you think are the most critical to this position?

The skills I think are most critical to teaching would be classroom management and to create a classroom environment that supports students and helps them succeed with high expectations. Time management is another huge aspect to teaching. Being able to manage your time for students to effectively learn all subjects.

What are the Three courses you took that will shape the teacher you will be?

This methods math course. I still keep in touch with my professor. She taught methods for elementary math. It was the one class I had that she taught us how to teach, she gave us over 100 lesson plans that we did in class for all grade levels. She made me extremely excited about learning and teaching. EDEL class with my professor Bartone. He had very strong beliefs and we were all scared of his grading policies, but he shaped the way I will teach by being so picky. He always said when you write a lesson always thing Whats the Purpose? Now every time I write a lesson I think those words. Are the children going to take out of this lesson what I want them to take out of it? Reading: She was a phenomenal teacher. She taught me all about reading, and reading strategies, some games we can play with the kids, and how to teach reading to the students. She told me I was on the cusp of failing my readings foundations test, but I worked really hard with her and passed with flying colors. She made me proud of myself. As you noticed here I didn't mention the courses much I mentioned the professor. In college it was all who I had as a professor not the course I took. Just like in grade level school. It's the teacher you have thats going to make the content interesting and who's going to get you motivated to learn.

What motivates you as a teacher?

Throughout my schooling and subbing there are many teachers I aspire to be. They all have such positive attitudes and are truest there for their students and helping them succeed to the best of their ability. Teaching is such a rewarding experience, especially when a student is struggling and you try and explain something in every possible way you can then they just get it. The light bulb goes off and they're so excited. That is such a rewarding experience, because you know you made a difference. I went back to visit my students from student teaching and they were so excited to see me they screamed my name and ran to give me hugs even some of them cried. Goes to show how important I am in their lives and how much of a difference I made while I was there. It made me realize how I couldn't image myself doing anything else.

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