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On my computers, the default font size in word is __


The _________ is the top triangle at the 0" mark on the horizontal ruler

1st line indent

Word can be instructed to indent the first line of a paragraph called __________ using the horizontal ruler

1st line indent

Plan to buy a computer that will last you for ___ years

2 to 3`years

How much RAM is recommended for a Game Home User


_________ are types of changes that occur when text has been omitted form a document and must be inserted later


Types of built in wireless network connections

Bluetooth wimax

A _____ is an erasable optical disc you can write on multiple times


The ________ shortcut keys remove character formatting


Types of mobile storage media

USB flash drive smart card

Word provides an _________ feature that automatically corrects some typing spelling capitalization or grammar errors as they typed in a document

auto correct

In the _________ letter style all components of the letter begin flush with the left margin

block style

When using the MLA style position explanatory notes either at the __________________

bottom of the page as footnotes or at the beginning of the paper as frontnotes

A tag name is an identifier that links a _____ to a source


The _________ feature can be used to format and enter text graphics and other items

click and type

Types of flash memory cards

compact flash memory stick secure digital

Types of e-commerce

consumer to consumer business to consumer business to business

Components of the central processing unit

control arithmetic/logic

To move to the end of the document press the ________ key

ctrl + end

In word ______ font is calibri


With __________ editing the selected item is moved to the new location and inserted there.

drag and drop

According to MLA style on each page of the research paper precede the page number by the title of the paper


In a business letter within the message paragraphs are double spaced with single spacing between paragraphs


To count words click the Word Count indicator on the Home tab to display the Word Count dialog box


To quit Word click the Restore button on the right side of the title bar


To remove a custom tab stop right click the tab marker on the ruler and then click Remove on the shortcut menu


When typing, the insertion point moves to the left, and when the end of a line is reached, it moves downward to the next line


When used properly, the Word Knowledgebase system can increase productivity and reduce frustrations by minimizing the time spent learning how to use Word


Wordwrap forces you to stop typin words and press the ENTER key at the end of each line


You can click the ruler at the right margin location to create a tab stop there


A saved document is referred to as a ____


Files containing _______ are available from a variety of sources


A _________ enables you to elaborate on positive points in your resume and to show a potential employer your writing

half stop

The default typing mode in word is _____ mode


In __________ as a character is tped word inserts the character and moves all the characters to the right of the typed character one postion to the right

insert mode

The small square at the 0" mark on the horizontal rules is the ________ which can be used to change the entire left margin

left indent marker

___________ is the amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document

line spacing

_______ is another term for document properties


A letterhead should contain all of the following EXCEPT an ________


_____________ is the process of changing the appearance of a paragraph

paragraph formatting

A __________ is a character that word displays on the screen but is not visible on a printed document

paragraph formatting mark

_______ is the process of copying an item from the clipboard into the document at the location of the insertion point


When three hypens, underscores, equal signs, asterisks, tildes or a number signs are typed and then the Enter key is press the auto format feat ______________

places a border above a paragraph

When word flags a possible spelling or grammar error it also changes the spelling and grammar check icon to a ____

red x

The MLA style uses the term _________ for the bibliographical list of sources


Using word you can easily change the ____ of text

shape color size

When the Tab key is pressed a _______ formatting mark appears in the empty space between tab stops

tab character

A ________ is a separate window that enables you to carry out some word task more efficiently

task pane

The status bar represents information about ____________

the document the status of certain commands the progress of current task

You can make one color in a graphic ________ that is removing its color


Although text cannot be seen once it scrolls off the screen it remains in the document


Each time the ENTER key is pressed any custom tab stops are carried forward to the next paragraph


Each time the ENTER key is pressed, Word creates a new paragraph


If the Research task pane does not display a dictionary entry for an ALT + CLICKED word, click the Search for box arrow and then click ALL Reference Books


In the MLA style notes are used only for optional explanatory notes


The MLA style requires that the works cited be listed in alphabetical order by the author last name or if the work has no author by the works title


The mouse pointer becomes different shapes depending on the task being performed in Word and the pointer's location on the screen


To delete the contents of a cell select the cell contents by pointing to the left edge of the cell and clicking when the mouse pointer changes direction and then press the DELETE key


To print a mailing label click the Labels tab in the Envelopes and Labels dialog box type the delivery address in the address box and then click the Print button in the dialog box


Using the MLA style of documentation the title of the paper is centered one double space below the writers name and course information


The main elements of the _________ include the Ribbon, mini toolbar, and office button

word window

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