into to theater chapter 5-10
the term ____________ refers to the skill in stanislavski's system of acting whereby an actor focuses his or her entire attention on an object, person, or task to the exclusion of all else
technology has helped actors do all of the following except
connect to the audience during live performance
robert cohen uses an exercise called ____________ where students memorize the same text but the given circumstances are changed for the scene each time
contentless scene
at the same time that the english platform stage was taking shape in the courtyards of inns, the same ideas was also taking shape in spain. the name of the spanish theater, also performed in the courtyards of inns was
giacomo torelli developed this technological innovation for the proscenium stage
created a means to quickly move scenery on and off the stage
____________ gives visual and aural life to the production by creating an environment in which to place the play
the _____________ is responsible for rehearsing the actors and coordinating their work with other theatre artists such as the designers
a _____________ ____________ is a controlling idea, vision, or point of view that the director feels is appropriate to the play
directorial concept
the area of the stage that is closest to the audience is known as
also known as the literary manager the ________________ is responsible for finding exciting new plays, working with the playwrights on developing scripts and identifying significant but overlooked plays from the past
when actors are working as a unit aware of and in conjunction with their fellow actors this is called
ensemble playing
one way to implement the director's concept is to ___________________
fine a central or controlling image or metaphor
it is believed that one possible origin of the arena playing space evolved from the ancient _______ theater
which of the following best describes the work of jerzy grotowski
grotowski created different spaces that fit his plays rather than making the play fir the space
for new productions, the stage manager must keep organized rehearsal notes of potential script revisions to be later discussed between the director and the
the ______________ incorporates a point of view toward the material dramatized in the script, a comedy or tragedy for example, whereas the ______________ must understand this point of view and translate it in ways appropriate for the production
playwright; director
modern theater
productions that broke long held taboos by dealing with subject matter such as sexual content, the oppression of women, and questioning of religious leaders
postmodern theater
productions that deconstruct or take apart the text, abandon the linear plot structure, and empty cross gender and multicultural casting
the term prop comes from the word __________
__________ is the relationship of the actor in the set to his or her surroundings
the ________ designer determines what the visual world of the play will look like
the created or found spaces promoted by antonin artaud were meant to create a more direct communication between the actor or the spectacle and the ___________
what is another name for a through line of a role
using lofts, warehouses, basements, and breweries for performances spaces is different than converting unusual spaces into full-scale theaters because
the original architectural elements of the space remain intact
technical rehearsal
the performers are on stage with the realized scene, light, and costume designs for the first time in an effort to coordinate all the elements together
the production is tried out in front of a group of spectators so the director and performers can discover what is and is not working and make corrections accordingly
the director who chooses to cast an actor who in real life closely resembles the character to be enacted is referred to as
this is a low platform set on wheels that may be brought onstage electronically or by stagehands
the wagon stage
was used in the medieval age as a platform on wheels that moved through the town from place to place allowing the audience to stand on three sides
which of the following are examples of the kind of physical theater in which antonin artaud wished turn to in order to "abolish the stage and the auditorium and replace them by a single site without partition or barrier of any kind...."
- barn - warehouse - subway station
which of the following need to be combined in order to achieve integration of all aspects of acting
- believability - truthfulness - vocal and physical skill
an example of a non-theater structure which already has a space for performance and viewing and could be used as a found space with almost no architectural altercation is
- brewery - church - warehouse
during the rehearsal process the stage manager is responsible for:
- communicating with all members of the team - keeping daily reports and logs - taking notes - keeping track of blocking
which of the following are examples of personal roles we play in our everyday lives
- conspirator - task master - peacemaker
which of the following match the beliefs and teachings of stanislavski's later work
- emphasized action over emotion - emphasized psychophysical action
the director is responsible for shaping the structure of the production through movement, pace, and rhythm. with this in mind, the faults most often associated with poor direction are:
- failure to establish a clear rhythm that holds or maintains interest - when the audience fails to understand what is going on - when the audiences repeatedly misses the words being spoken
the factors that led to the development of stanislavski's system of acting included
- his work with anton chekhov - his desire to pass along ways to achieve believable acting - his observations of believable actors
which three questions did stanislavskibelieve an actor needed to answer about on stage action
- how - what - why
in the theater, style refers to
- how scenery looks - how a playwrights uses language - how actors portray characters - the way in which a work is done
the audience becomes aware of the environment of the performed event by noticing
- if it is an indoor or outdoor space - if the space is familiar or unfamiliar - if the space is formal or informal - whether it is a large or small space
the spaces for popular performances most often seek to
- maximize the number of audience members - create an electrifying interactive environment
what physical skills would an actor playing hamlet be expected to master in order to portray the role effectively
- moving with confidence - moving with precision - sword fighting
the thrust stage effectively combines some of the best features of which other stage types
- proscenium - arena
actors can use technology to
- rehearse for a role - prepare for auditions - find auditions
which of the following are examples of current approaches to actor training
- robert bendetti's emphasis on the beginning with the physical and then working inward for inner truth - robert cohen's emphasis on using the text to find all the important action of the scene
the design concept
- should have its own integrity - should add up to a complete visual universe for the play through its lines, shapes, and colours - must be consistent with the play
which of the following statements about acting on stage are true
- the actor must have an audience present - the actor plays characters that are not real but representations of people
circle theater and theater-in-the-round are two other names for the ________ stage
the successful lighting designer possesses
- a broad, creative visual imagination - a background in the technical and mechanical aspects of lighting - an ability to translate words and actions and feelings into color, direction, and intensity
what steps in the design process are not illustrated in these photographs
- a computerized or CAD design - a color rendering
the spine of the drama is
- a working hypothesis that gives the director a foundation on which to base their analysis and their work with the actors - determined by the primary objective or goal of the characters in the play
which of the following are examples of nonrealism
- allegory -expressionism
which of the following are examples of taking the actor into consideration when costuming him or her
- an actor must be able to do fight choreography safely - an actor performs better when they are comfortable - an actor must be able to move and dance if needed
what are the ways in which the gun shot sound effect could be created in the theater
- blank cartridges in a gun - recorded sound - hinged pieces of wood slammed together
the design work of creating a total environment can mean
- building an entire theater space out of a gymnasium or warehouse including seats - going beyond scenery and special effects to design an entire theater space, rearranging seats and orientating the stage to the audience
in addition to reading a script and noting all the places sound might be needed, a sound designer may need to also do what for a large-scale musical
- decide the number and type of microphones to be used - decide the placement of speakers throughout the theater
which of the following costume choices suggest the style of a production
- elegant gowns - ornate colours and fabrics - formal and dignified clothing
during the past two thousand years, there have been several sources of stage lighting. which of the following have been used to illuminate the stage
- incandescent lamps - sun - candles - oil lamps - gas light
which of the following are true of makeup
- includes paints and powders - used for age and other special facial features - is applied to the face and body
the scene design concept
- is arrived at in consultation with the director - is a unifying idea carried out visually - should complement the directorial concept
what information can we glean about a character from the costume he or she is wearing
- job they hold - gender identity - occasion they are enjoying - sense of style
which of the following are essential elements of the costume designer's work
- line - colour - accessories - fabric
which of the following are important aspects of fabric for the designer
- line - trims - colour
which of the following statements about scrims are accurate
- scrims are effective in scenes where ghosts appear - scrims are useful in memory plays when looking back on the past
a strong scene design
- sets the tone and style of a production - informs the audience as to where or when the action takes place - harmonizes with other elements of the production
to indicate a production's style is nonrealistic rather than realistic, a lighting designer may use
- shafts of light that cut through the dark - lights in unnatural colours to create mood or atmosphere - a hard-edged spotlight on one performer
because early rock concerts were staged in multi-use spaces with pre-existing grids, the lighting design for those concerts during the early days of touring were focused on which elements
- slight changes of colour - creating a sense of movement - clear illumination
which of the following are social roles we play in our everyday livea
- step mother - ceo - doctor
colours are chosen by a lighting designer to
- support choices made by the costume designer - support choices made by the scenic designer - support the varies action of the play
which of the following is true of the accessories of costume design
- they can suggest period and locale - each must be unified with the design as a whole - they add the magic of the theater
which of the following is true of hairstyle and wigs
- they can suggest status - they are just as important for men - they are period specific
identify true statements about theater deign and execution in all areas, including millinery, accessories, and craft
- they make the visual world of the play compelling for the audiences - they rely heavily on extensive details
which of the following are true of costumes
- they require special technical skills - they can suggest point of view - they must be integrated as part of the whole - they are crucial in helping an actor create a character
rank the steps of the process of costume design in the order of a costume designer would preform them when designing costumes
1. read the script 2. meet with the director and other designers 3. preliminary sketches 4. coloured renderings with swatches 5. meetings with actors
today, computer-assisted design, known by the acronym ________________, is often used to create ground plans as well as three-dimensional models of what a set will look like when completed
in addition to giving the audience factual information about a character, a costume also can convey ____________ or a theme of the playwright
abstract ideas
from the audience perspective, we should
be conscious of the specific aural and visual signals that are continually being sent
brightness can be controlled by dimmers making the lights brighter or darker
when a costume designer creates costumes by designing and sewing them is called
which of the following tools of a costume designer can separate characters from those around them, help the audience understand mood and tone, and show character development
property designer
creates and executes all props including special furniture, and devising magical equipment
numerous lighting changes, from 75 to 150 to many more, created ahead of time that range from blackouts to fades to cross-fades
the objectives of a costume designer must meet seven requirements which help the audience gain a/an _____________ understanding of the play
costume choices in colour, fabric, richness and style can help the audience ___________ characters
the various design elements in the theater most often closely parallel those found in
everyday life
lights positioned near the stage floor can help create a special effect of
exaggerated shadows under the eyes and chin causing a ghost-like quality
true or false: for men in theater, hairstyles are insignificant
true or false: the costume design is of less importance to production design because it only effects the actors and not the production as a whole
true or false: unlike other designers the costume designer works alone and has little interaction with others until final dress rehearsal
the area from the which scenery can be dropped from above the stage is called a
fly loft
in theater lighting __________ refers to the fact that beams of light are aimed at a particular area
for general illumination, this instrument bathes a section of the stage or scenery in a smooth, diffused wash of light or is used to illuminate the cyclorama at the rear end of the stage
this kind of activist theater is focused on bringing political issues to the people with the purpose of getting us more engaged
technical director
in charge of making certain that all designs are executed as conceived by the scene designer
a property of stage lighting is brightness or
this refers to a set design that should develop and adapt as a performance progresses rather than function independently of the actors
kinetic stage
which types of theatrical productions have incorporated the visual aesthetic of rock concerts for their performances
large-scale musicals
the purpose of this plan is to show the location, color, and type of every instrument used in the lighting design
light plot
in an effort to enhance the visual world of the play by revealing the shape and form of three-dimensional objects, the lighting designer
lights the performers from the side, top, and behind
the cut of the fabric for a costume is called
scenic charge artist
makes sure that sets are built and painted according to the specifications of the scene designer
projection _____________ allows projection to be designed and viewed on a computer and then projected on various three-dimensional objects on the stage
_____________ which date back over 2500 years, were using in the classical greek theater, in classical asian theaters, the italian commedia dell'arte, and are rarely employed in the contemporary theateer
blending sound by balancing all the elements from the various microphones with the master sound recording in order to achieve an overall balance of sound is called ____________
one of the newer jobs among the lighting designer's collaborators is that of the ____________ which is because the complexity of programming has grown exponentially with automated fixtures and other digital accessories, requiring technical specialty.
moving light programmer
a musical in which characters sing and dance; a play like shakespeare's macbeth because it has a ghost and soliloquies; language that is poetic. these are examples of
placing a material or "gel" in slots in front of the lighting instrument
everything in the production that conforms to the observation of the world around us from the way characters speak and the clothes they wear to the physical environment is called
when an actor is able to let go of unwanted tension both vocally and physically this is called
a more complete sketch, usually in color, based on discussions between the director and the designer is called a _________
by choreographing shifts in light in a time continuum, the designer can help the director establish ______________
shifting the audience's focus as it is carried from place to place such as when lights go down in one area and comes up in another
a microphone that is highly directional and aimed from a distance at a specific area is called a ___________ mike, whereas one that picks up sounds in a general area toward which it is aimed is called a _____________ mike
shotgun; general
___________ ___________ have always been an important and necessary element of the sound design of a theater production whether created live through the use of mechanical devices developed to make sounds or recorded
sound effects
this classification of sound design amplifies sounds made by a performer or musical instrument
sound reinforcement
when a character is wearing the uniform of a general or the rags of the peasant the audience can glean information about the character's ______________ by the clothes that they wear
the person responsible for solving overall technical problems but is also in charge of scheduling, consulting, and painting scenery and in general making sure that all designs are executed as conceived by the scene designer is called the
technical director
the design concept is closely related to
the idea of a central image or metaphor
the most popular spotlight uses a lens that dissipates heat but can create only a soft edge beam of light; it is often used for toplighting or backlighting and to cover a large area on the stage
elliposidal reflector spotlight
the most widely used fixture, it creates a bright, hard-edge spot or softened focus that can be hung from almost any position in the theater
the position and type of lighting instrument as well as angle at which the light strikes the performer
scene design becomes more complex and ornate with the development of this feature of theater architecture
the proscenium
which of the following statements reflect contemporary sound effects practice in theater
the use of digitally recorded sound is easily accessible on the internet and widely used onstage
through silhouette, fabric and other specifics costumes can and should indicate the ___________ and location of a play
time period
during which era were women allowed to perform as actors on stage
todays theater
true or false: the thrust stage is the most widely used of all the other stage spaces
"intelligent" costumes are costumes that
use wireless network communication to create special effects
___________ or illumination is the most important function of lighting
the emergence of the director as a separate creative figure in the theater during the nineteenth century coincided with:
- an increase in communication technologies - the breakdown of established social, religious, and political concepts
the all-purpose or "black box" space can be transformed into which of these other kinds of theater stages
- arena - proscenium - thrust
which of the following are situations for which an actor must receive extensive physical and/or vocal training
- musical theater - shakespearian plays - modern on stage violence - sword fights
the following are examples of specific theatrical performances that require specialized actor training beyond realistic training
- pantomime - experimental theater - avant garde theater - musical theater
what elements of the proscenium theater are reflected in the photo and illustration
- the auditorium slants downward toward the stage - all the seats face the same direction toward the performance space - the performance space is defined by a proscenium arch or a picture frame opening
another term for the proscenium type of stage is
- the fourth wall space - the picture frame space
what are the characteristics found in this photograph of the thrust theater at the mark taper forum in los angeles
- the seating is on three sides of the stage - the wraparound feeling creates a closer relationship between the audience and the performers
what does the rundown automobile in the photo tell us is the central concept of this production
- the truck overstuffed with possessions suggests that the characters are constantly moving from place to place - the old, beat up truck suggests the futility of trying to find a better life in the dust bowl of the 1930s
which of the following are ways the scene designer can influence the mood or the feelings of the audience when they come into a theater space
- use lights, colours, and banners to create an uplifting atmosphere - close the rear of the orchestra if the space is too large - create a greater sense of intimacy by blocking off the balcony
the director underscores the meaning of specific scenes through the physical arrangement of actors on the stage. this is called
- visual composition - stage pictures
dress rehearsal
all the production elements are pulled together with the full involvement of the actors and performed as if the audience were present with no stopping
which style of nonrealism is the representation of an abstract theme or subject through symbolic characters, actions, or other elements of a production, such as scenery
performers may be seen before and after they make their entrances and exits, and the minimal use of scenery represent two characteristics associated with this type of theater space
a director who dramatically alters or transforms every element in a production is considered an ________ director
in order to help an actor with his or her through line of a role stanislavski suggested that the actors split the play into smaller parts called
deciding where the actors are positioned on the stage as well as when they move is referred to as
believable acting requires that the audience believe in the
character portrayed
the stage designer's blueprint or ____________ ___________ helps illustrate to the director, performers, and stage technicians the exact locations of furniture, walls, windows, doors, and other scenic elements
ground plan
when we take on the characteristics of another person for amusement or to tell a story is it called: ___________
identify the three main challenges of acting: 1: believable, truthful acting, 2: advanced vocal and physical skills and 3: ____________ or synthesis
one of the many responsibilities of the stage manager is to
keep organized rehearsal documentation of potential script revisions to be discussed later between the director and the playwright
the first theater practitioner to put together a system of acting that could be taught to others in order to reproduce truth on stage was
konstantin stanislavski
match the definitions of the elements of design with its term
line --> the outline or silhouette onstage mass --> the overall bulk or weight of scenic elements composition --> the balance and arrangement of elements texture --> the "feel" projected by surfaces and fabrics colour --> the shadings and contrasts of chromatic combinations
stanislavski recognized that the ____ _____ could activate an actor's imagination and transport him or her to new places, times, and situations based on his or her belief.
magic if
in noncommercial theater, this person is charged with the maintenance of the theater building overseeing marketing, and managing all budgets
managing director
which kind of puppets are operated by a sting attached to the head, arms, and legs, and are operated from above
match the twentieth century acting teacher and their methods
meyerhold --> biomechanics copeau --> commedia del arte lecoq --> clowning bogart --> viewpoints suzuki --> stomping
because it allows you to look where you want to look, a three ring circus is a good example of what kind of performance space
previously referred to as color blind casting, the casting of performers without considering their ethnicity, gender, transgender identity, or disability is now more inclusively called _______________ casting
why is it helpful to remember that the director stands in, or serves as a substitute for the audience
other than the critic or reviewer, only the director sees the production from the audience's point of view
which of the following outlines responsibilities of the producer
oversees the business and publicity side of the production, raises capital for the production, hires the director and oversees marketing
a large scale broadway musical such as phantom of the opera or the lion king is more ideally suited to this space
large scale musicals that employ incredible visual effects such as those found in the lion king, wicked, and the phantom of the opera are more likely produced on this kind stage space
sometimes called the picture-frame stage, the ____________ is the most familiar type of stage
the picture-frame stage is also referred to as the ___________ stage
______________ action is stanislavski's term for purposeful action
stanislavski believed that all action performed on stage must have a(n) __________
stanislavski developed a ____________ by which he could teach future generations the secrets of realistic, believable acting
a popular actor training method that comes from Asian martial arts training is called
tai chi
the _______________ rehearsal occurs before the public performances are held. all actors are on stage, in costume, with scenery and lighting and a full run through of the show from beginning to end
technical rehearsal
if an actor's projection is not good or if they move awkwardly on stage we can surmrise that they have not mastered the ___________ of physical and vocal acting
whether large or small, indoors or outdoors, familiar or unfamiliar, the first thing the audience should become aware of is
the environment in which an event takes place
identify the characteristics most closely associated with a black box space
the seats, lights, and platforms can be adapted in almost endless configurations including proscenium, thrust arena, and multifocus spaces
the too-common practice of having white actors play other races is referred to as
the starting point for the traditional text-based director is to
work with the script