Intro Exam

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What statement does the chapter suggest is the one historians are most likely to agree with?

"History enables us to understand the past better, no more, no less . . ."

Approximately how many countries in the world are there?


When is the world's population expected to reach 8 billion? Closest year to projection.


How many regions is the vast continent of Asia usually divided into?


How long ago did the gradual process of globalization start?

500 years ago with Western exploration

How many regions is the world divided into?


What percentage of earth's land mass did Europeans and their cultural offspring (American, Canadians, Australians) control in 1900?


When did the USA become the world's greatest power?

After World War II - 1945

Which response to global climate change is an example of mitigation?

Alternative energy sources

What term describes "an American worldview that proposes that all people have, or should have, opportunities to achieve material prosperity through hard work"?

American Dream

The political theory of realism refers to the "absence of government" which is called what?


In 1990, what was overturned in South Africa that denied blacks equal rights?


Which continent has the greatest percentage of the world's population?


Which country is studied for development economics?


What are the BRICS countries?

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

Which country has the most fresh water in the world?


What do Muslim women wear?

Chador, Burqa, Hijab

What are some of the cause of poverty in Africa?

Civil wars, corrupt leadership, and colonial exploitation

Marx believed that capitalism would collapse and a classless society called what would emerge?


Match the country to a political system: China


Which one is not a characteristic of present-day Central Asia?


What two subfields of political science pertain most to international studies?

Comparative politics and international relations

Politics involves power and what?


Which one is not an economic paradigm?


What are some communist countries?

Cuba, China, Vietnam

What is "a learned system of meanings by which people orient themselves in the world so that they can act in it; ________ relies on a universal human capacity to differentiate and to categorize experience"?


Match the country to a political system: USA


Why have Iran and the United States had such a difficult time coming to mutually agreeable and beneficial foreign policy decisions?

Each fails to see how the world looks from the other's viewpoint.

What is "The social science that studies, describes, models, and makes projections about flows of wealth in the process of the production, distribution, and consumption of scarce resources, by focusing on the choices made by individuals about alternative uses of scarce resources to satisfy needs and wants"?


What topics do the EU disagree with the USA on?

Economics, environment, and social issues

What is one India's largest challenge?


What is 0 degrees latitude called?


What is the best example of liberalism theory?

European Union

"The good life is composed of three transcultural core values, or goals, held in common by all people." What is not a value of development?


T/F: After World War II, Europe was divided in half - north and south - between democratic capitalists and communists.


T/F: All historians agree on the causation, interpretation, and significance of major events.


T/F: Both communism and fascism are together on the far left of the political spectrum.


T/F: Enculturation occurs through both formal and informal learning but mostly formal.


T/F: Even though learning culture is a lifelong process, culture does not change.


T/F: People tend to congregate in mountainous areas without access to freshwater.


T/F: The terms international studies and international relations are synonymous.


Match the country to a political system: Nazi Germany


Which country is not among the top CO2 contributors?


Which country passed a law prohibiting all religious expression in public schools like wearing the "hijab" and "niqab"?


What are liberal economics guided by?

Free markets

Anthropologists believe you should learn "about people" and what?

From people

"_____ is one of the best ways to understand human experience and the patterns of change within society."


What are solutions to the global refugee crisis?

Host countries help refugees gain employment, wealthy nations give more money for aid, and developed countries need to open their doors.

The Great Economic Crisis of 2008 involved:

Housing Market / Real-estate bubble and Banking deregulation

The great dams in the former Soviet Union, China, and US are examples of what?

Human determinism

Which country's population is growing faster than China?


What is true about Africa?

Infant-mortality rates are high, life expectancies are low, land of 1 billion

"A/An _____ approach is essential to fully understanding the historical, geographical, political, cultural, and economic dimensions of these global challenges...IST offers an integrative, comprehensive, and ____ approach to issues of global importance."


Which city lies at an intersection of regions - on the two continents of Asia and Europe?


How long as the history of the oppressed been around?

It has always existed.

What is true about the European Union?

It is abbreviated as EU, Europe has regained its international importance, and it was created by Westerners

What happened to Europe as a result of WWII?

Its global power decreased, It was divided in half east and west, and it was divided by capitalists and communists

Which country is the economic leader in Asia?


Which country was not divided due to the Cold War?


Which country is progressing economically?


All political theory emerges from what two classical traditions?

Liberalism and Realism

Compared to the average global citizen, the average American uses how much water?

Lots more

What are most national histories concerned with?

Making the nation appear infallible and righteous

The diffusion of ideas, technologies, and practices occurs through what types of contact?

Mass Media, War, and Trade

What is true about the statement "insh'allah"?

Means "if God wills", Muslims use this expression, Christians in the Middle East use this expression?

Which map preserves shape and orientation, has lines of latitude and longitude at right angles, and is excellent for navigation?

Mercator projection

What "is concerned with studying specific market systems on a smallscale, such as the economic behavior of individuals, firms, and industries, to understand the relative prices of goods and services and the alternative uses to which resources can be put in a particular market system"?


Match the country to a political system: Great Britain, Japan


What is true about the world's population?

Most people live in cities

What is the common language of Central Asia?


What was impacted by the Great Economic Crisis of 2008?

Nearly the entire world

Which country in South Asia was never joined with the other countries?


What is the name of the 2015 agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?


Which country did the USA colonize in 1898?


What is a nonrenewable resource?

Plastic, Aluminum, and Fossil Fuels

How have the victors in power struggles passed down most of recorded history?

Political agendas filter out dissonant evidence, Histories often glorify political leaders, Political powerful have access to records.

"Mississippi is south of Tennessee" is an example of what?

Relative location = MS is west of Alabama.

What is the primary reason for cultural diversity in East Asia?


What major geographic feature divides Africa in half?

Sahara Desert

What are some of the effects of global climate change?

Sea levels rising, Ice caps melting, and Extreme weather occurring

How does Africa compare to the rest of the continents geographically?

Second largest

What is the veil controversy linked with?

Security, Immigration, and Oppression

What are the traits of culture?

Shared, Adaptive, Learned, Symbolic

What is the name of the Road in Central Asia that connects East to West?


Match the country to a political system: Canada, most European countries


What happened as a result of Western domination over Africa?

Suffered an identity crisis, was dominated for several hundred years, and lost gold, ivory, slaves, rubber, timber, palm oil, cocoa, minerals, uranium, and diamonds

What "refers to the capacity of a political economic system to meet the needs of present communities without reducing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"?


The word, "history," comes from the Latin word meaning what?

To inquire.

T/F: "Neoliberalism is the economic theory and ideology that has served as the primary backdrop to what is commonly referred to as globalization."


T/F: Around the world, most stereotypes about Americans come from entertainment like soap operas and sitcoms.


T/F: Geography is not just about maps. It is a rich and varied discipline, that now more than ever, is vital to understanding the connections between our global economy, environment and diverse cultures.


T/F: In Karl Marx's theory, socialism was a stage on the road to full communism.


T/F: Maps can be used as propaganda to misinform. The propagandist uses maps to manipulate political opinion. Maps are used as icons to stake out a national territory.


What is true about the USA's population?

USA is in the top five countries by population.

What influenced European domination?

Unifying Judeo-Christian tradition, Temperate climate, abundant rainfall, and Military power, maritime technology, and scientific knowledge

Terrorism is not new to Europe. Which country in Europe has been dealing with the IRA terrorist group?

United Kingdom

The global refugee crisis is the largest amount of displaced people since what world event?


Where does America's wealth come from?

Well-developed infrastructure, Abundant natural resources, and High productivity

Who or what encouraged America to be involved in world affairs?

Westward Expansion

What do you call "assumptions people have about the structure of the universe" or "an encompassing picture of reality"?


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