Intro to Business Final Exam Fall 17 Ch 11-13

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A grievance is:

A charge by employees that management isn't abiding by the terms of negotiated agreement


A fringe benefit plan where employees choose the package of benefits they want up to a certain dollar amount is called a __________ plan

People with unsatisfied wants and needs who have both the ability and the willingness to buy are:

A market

The ____________ protects individuals over the age of 40 from discrimination based on age with respect to issues such as hiring, promotions, job benefits, and assignments

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

The Civil Rights Act of 1991:

Allows victims of discrimination to seek punitive damages

A market is defined as people with unmet wants and needs who have both the resources (purchasing power) and the willingness to buy.

Although the high school students are people who have an unmet want they are likely unable to afford to eat at the restaurant for lunch. The senior citizens have both the desire to cruise to the Bahamas and the resources to satisfy their desire.

A key difference between a mediator and an arbitrator is that:

An arbitrator can settle a labor-management dispute by rendering a binding decision, while a mediator can only make suggestions and encourage the two sides in a dispute to continue negotiating

If management and union officials cannot resolve a grievance, a(n) _________ is asked to listen to the arguments of each side and to make a decision that both sides will have to comply with


As the workforce of the U.S. ages, a greater percentage of workers will have to concern themselves with:

Caring for older relatives

Salespeople often are paid a _______ based on a percentage of their sales


A widely used technique commonly used for collecting primary data is

Conducting a survey

Under the provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act, the president can ask for a(n) ___________ to prevent a strike in a critical industry

Cooling-off period

At this time, about 50% of all union workers are:

Employed by governments

The ultimate resource of a firm is its:


Advertisements, public and private employment agencies, and college placement bureaus are all ________ sources that human resource managers can use in the recruiting efforts.


A ________ group consists of a small group of people who meet under the direction of a discussion leader to discuss opinions about an organization, its products, or other issues.


In recent years some unions have granted concessions and given up benefits secured in earlier contract negotiations in an attempt to save jobs. These concessions are called:


Harassment that creates an intimidating or offensive work environment falls under the type of sexual harassment known as a(n):

Hostile work environment

Employers must verify that employment candidates are eligible to work in the U.S. as mandated by the:

Immigration Reform and Control Act

The Industrial Revolution was characterized by a(n):

Increased emphasis on production, resulting in longer hours and less job security for most workers

A(n) ___________ is a court order directing someone to do something or to refrain from doing something.


CareerBuilder and Monster are examples of:

Internet services firms can use to recruit employees

The Equal Employment Opportunity Act gave the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission the authority to:

Issue guidelines for employer conduct in administering equal employment opportunity programs

According to business observers, ______________ is a reason for labor's decline.

Labor's success in seeing issues it championed become law

A(n) ___________ occurs when management temporarily closes a business to deny employment to workers.


The significant increase in consumer demand following World War II marked the beginning of the:

Marketing concept era

While the four Ps help us remember the basics components of the ________, they don't have significant relevance in the marketing process.

Marketing mix

"Selling to everybody and listening to nobody" might be the result of a firm that uses a ________ marketing strategy


Labor unions were largely responsible for:

Minimum wage laws and laws against child labor

The _____________ outlawed the use of yellow-dog contracts and prohibited courts from issuing injunctions against nonviolent union activities.

Norris-LaGuardia Act

If a union is present in a firm that has a(n) _________ shop arrangement, workers may join the union if they wish, but they are not required to join or pay a union fee in order to keep their jobs.


Membership in the Knights of Labor was

Open to all working people, including employers

A firm gathers ___________ data by conducting surveys, interviewing customers, or mailing out questionnaires


The business philosophy of "produce as much as you can because there is a limitless market" is consistent with which of the following marketing eras?

Production era

The most likely reason a firm would pay its sales representatives a commission rather than a salary is that it wants to:

Provide sales representatives with strong incentive to generate more sales for the company

According to U.S. business law, accommodation means:

Providing services for employees according to their special needs

A firm's marketing mix consists of 4 major components, which are generally referred to as the four:


One of the key functions of human resource management is:


A(n) ___________ is a union official who works permanently in an organization and represents employee interests on a daily basis.

Shop steward

Historically, the most potent union tactic when collective bargaining efforts break down has been the:


___________ are workers a company hires to replace workers who are out on strike


Closed shops were declared illegal by the:

Taft-Hartley Act

The first national labor organization in the United States was the:

The Knights of Labor

A job ___________ is a statement that identifies the objectives of a job, the type of work to be done, the responsibilities and duties that are associated with the job, the working conditions, and the relationship of the job to other functions.


An assessment of elder care needs in the United States suggests that:

employees who must care for elderly parents are often in positions that are more critical to the firm's success than workers with concerns about child care

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. It generally applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including federal, state, and local governments.

The presence of formal labor organizations in the United States dates back to the:

late 1700s

Determining the brand name for a new product is part of the

marketing process.

Compared to consumer markets, B2B markets:

rely less on intermediaries

The tragedy at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company caused:

the number of union workers to increase

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