Intro to Geography Test 2

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Throughout the world, fertility rates in urban as opposed to rural areas are?

sunni muslims make up 85%

Which of the following is true? -sunni muslims make up 85% -majority in Libya and Egypt


Which types of people best fits the description of a folk culture?

seeks converts

a universalizing religion proselytizes; therefore, it does what?

introduction of diseases new to the Americas

which of the following was a consequence of European migration to the Americas?

John Paul III

A new Roman Catholic Pope was elected in 2005. what is the name he took

Culture Realm

According to the PowerPOint lecture, the entire area throughout which the broadest unit of culture (like a family of related cultures) prevails is called a?


All a country's fixed assets, such as railroads, highways, pipelines, and the like are referred to as what?


Between 1990 and 2000, the rate of population increase was highest in which major division of the world?

country X

Country X has a crude birth rate of 26 and a crude death rate of 15, while country Y has a crude birth rate of 42 and a crude death rate of 19. Which country has a higher natural population increase rate?


European(western) model of culture is becoming pervasive throughout the world in all of the following areas except? -consumer goods -religion -architecture -industrial technology

all of the above

In hinduism, Brahman represents? -Brahma, Vishnu, & SHiva -great universal consciousness -kind of Hindu "Trinity" -all of the above


In the past, the Spanish government attempted to obliterate a certain language within its borders; however, in 1980 the language received official status in certain provinces. This language is?

number of people per unit area of land

India and the United Kingdom have approximately the same arithmetic population density. This means that they have approximately the same....

all of the above

Judaism, christianity, and islam are called related religions because..... all

Southern and Central Europe

Large numbers of immigrants arrived in the USA between 1880-1910 from where?

Southeast Asia

Large numbers of immigrants fled to the U.S in the 1970s and 1980s from where?

West Africa

Large numbers were brough to the U.S. in the 18th and 19th centuries from where?

"Great vehicle"

Mahayana Buddhism which spread north and northeast to Tibet, China, Korea and Japan was referred to as what?


Many immigrants enter the U.S illegally from where?

Worker's remittances

Money that these migrants send back home to their family members who have not migrated is what?


Most ancestors of Native Americans hare believed to have migrated to North America by way of what means?

C-Midlatitude Humid Climates

Most of the world's population is concentrated in which Koppen climate family?


Shinto is the ancient religion native to what country?

none of the above

Stage 2 of the demographic transition results in a great increase in population because... -birthrate increases greatly and rapidly -introduction of sanitation and basic health education reduces the death rate greatly -country is filling the refugees -none of the above

none of these

The Muslims accept Muhammad as Gods Prophets. Which of the following characters is not included among the prophets mentioned in the Quran? -adam -abraham -moses -jesus -none of these


The dominant ethnic group, at the tip of the Malay Peninsula, in Singapore is

Commercial Revolution

The global trade network developed by Europeans between 1650 and 1750 was part of the movement or development called the


The isolated farmstead settlement pattern is typical and characterizes agriculture in which countries?

primarily restricted to the rich countries of the world

The problems associated with rapidly aging population today are?


The process where aspects of culture (culture traits) move from their area of innovation to other areas is called what?


The single largest migration flow for the past 150 years has been to what part of the world?

age area principle

This principle stated that traits found most widely distributed around a geographical culture center are the oldest ones

the worlds rate of population increase was becoming higher than the development or growth of food supplies

Thomas Malthus concluded that.... -population increased arithmetically while food production increased geometrically -the worlds rate of population increase was becoming higher than the development or growth of food supplies -more restraint was producing lower crude birth rates

Increase similarity of social customs in different locations

What has been the main effect of modern communications on social customs has been to?


What was the point of origin of all humankind, at least according to some geneticists?


Where might one expect 40% or more of the population to be under the age of 15?


Which is the world's most populous country?

sound economy

Which of the following is NOT usually considered to be a push factor in migration decisions? -sound economy -religious intolerance -poverty -political repression

all of the above

Which of the following languages is correctly matched with the alphabet in which it is usually written? -Russian; Cyrillic -Urdu; Arabic -Hindi; Devanagari -all of the above

Central Asia

Which of the following major regions of the world does not possess a major concentration of population?


Which of the following native American language that has official status in at least one South American Country?

cold climates

Which of the following statements is TRUE? -population is usually sparse in cold climates -mountainous regions nearly always support a dense population

simple digging or hoe

Which system of livelihood was dominant in eastern North America in 1500?

Physiological Density

Which term is defined by this statement: The density of population per unit of cropland?


______ are places names that sometimes reveal something of a region's earlier inhabitants


______ believe in one Supreme Consciousness

Roman Catholicism

_______ _______ has more adherents than any other religion or denomination in the US


_______ changes with the opening of new transport routes or modifications in transportation technology


_______ claims to have been the 1st monotheistic religion


_______ is largely composed of learned behavior


________ includes approximately 15% of all learned human behavior


a form of government in which the church rules directly or laws must conform to religious teachings?


a type of world map drawn so that the size of each country is the reflection of the size of its population rather than its size in land area is called

How they perceive the world

humans base their decisions on how they will act in the real world based on?

23 years

if the annual growth rate of a population is 3%, approximately how many years would it take for that population to double?


in africa, the migration which had the most far-reaching consequences was the or none?

all of the above

in the 20th century, English became the world lingua franca because..... all


in the context of religion, the strictest adherence to traditional beliefs is called?

language family

languages that are related by descent from a common proto-language is called what?


of the 3 religions that claim that their foundation was the covenant between abraham and god, which one is the youngest religion?

Cultural Imperialism

substituting a set of cultural customs for others by force or by degrading those who fail to acculturate and by rewarding those who do, is called?

migration chain

successful immigrants write letters home speaking favorably of their new land, and they provide employment and financial assistance to later migrants. This creates a(n)


the force that resists change and attempts to keep patterns and activities stable on the landscape is called?


the forced migration flow out of Africa in the 17t-19th centuries was largest to?


the hearth of Indo-European languages, according to the text, was probably located in?


the leading Muslim country in the world today in terms of population?


the line on a map that separates the different pronunciations of various words is a(n)?


the physical environment____what humans can do

hearth area

the place where a distinctive culture originates is called the?

syncretic religion

the practice of religions that combine an introduced religion with traditional practices, like Christianity in Peru, called?


the predominant world lingua franca is.....


the process of adopting some aspect of another culture is


the tendency to judge other groups, usually negatively, by the standards of one's own culture is

standard language

the way any language is spoken and written according to formal rules of diction and grammar called?

converted to Christianity from Rome

what are modern western European languages written in the roman alphabet?


what is the language of the Quran (Koran)?

mandarin Chinese

what is the language with the most speakers in the world?

all of the above

which of the following countries is properly matched with the sect of christianity that is most practiced there? -serbia; orthodoxy -ethiopia; coptic -all of the above


which of the following four countries has, in recent years, had the highest natural population increase rate? -china -canada -denmark -kenya

Stage 2 is characterized by rapid growth

which of the following is TRUE of the demographic transition model explained in your text and in the PowerPoint slides? -Stage 1 is characterized by rapid growth -Stage 2 is characterized by rapid growth -stage 1 usually exists in prosperous countries

the use of zero among the mayas and ancient hindus

which of the following is an example of independent invention? -bronze metallurgy in china and india -the use of zero among the mayas and ancient hindus -use of the plow in europe and india


which of the following is not a universalizing religion?

avoid the wadi

which of the following is not one of the 5 pillars of Islam? -fast during Ramadan -make a hajj -avoid the wadi -almsgivig to the needy

all od the above are true

which of the following is true regarding birth control policies in other countries? -in china, they have generally followed one child per family policy -in india the major means of birth control had been sterilization, preferably of men -Iran began serious birth control in 1993 -all of the above are true

Mustafa Kemal of Turkey

which of the following persons is the best example of a head of state who made a major effort to westernized his country?

all of the above

which of the following phenomena might be examined in the process of defining and delineating culture realms? -building materials -settlement patterns -religion -all of the above

as countries developed, leading causes of death change from infectious and parasitic diseases to degenerative diseases

which of the following statement is TRUE? -death rates inclined in Russia during the 1990s -as countries developed, leading causes of death change from infectious and parasitic diseases to degenerative diseases -tobacco-related deaths

subsistence agriculturalists raise food for themselves

which of the following statements is TRUE? -in commercial agriculture, farmers raise crops only for their own personal consumption -subsistence agriculturalists raise food for themselves -carl sauer debunked Aristotle's theory of human stages

a crude death rate of 24 exists in Niger

which of the following statements is logical and most likely to be true? -a crude death rate of 24 exists in Niger -a rude birth rate of 43 exists in Sweden -a total fertility rate of 6.8 in Canada is causing a population boom

its average annual increase in 1990-95 was 1.5%

which of the following statements is true of world population? -it is now nearly 4 billion -it was 1 billion in 1 C.E -its average annual increase in 1990-95 was 1.5%

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