Intro To Islam - Fredrick Mathewson Denny Chapters 1-7

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How the Qur'anic chapters were named?

114 Chapters Suras arranged longest to shortest besides the opening prayer, called by the unique word in the passage The Bee

The importance of renewer/savior in the cyclical understanding of ancient history?

15 in the part where judaism explained how people have listened to gods commands and so they need someone to bring them back cycle

The period of "rightly guided caliphs" (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali)

632-661 Ebu Bakr, Umar< Collapse of the Benbouian Tribes, civil unrest reuniting an expanding military territories and how to legally bring the dhimmi into the Islamic ruled society< they could stay no missionary work and pay taxes Uthman<compromise hated because of nepotism , Qur'an was 1st recorded, constructed 2 Garrison cities in Iraq and Egypt Ali< son in law and cousin of Muhammad married to Fatima, did not punish the assassins of Uthman , caused conflict within the umma which is unacceptable 2 battles for the protection of the umma from outside forces


661-750 Umayyad Caliphal Dynasty- Ali killed by kharijites strict tax code Empire spread all the way to Spain

Who were the Abbasids?

750- Arabic language becomes the majority language of Muslim community, Golden Age of Arabization, 1001 Arabian Nights written ended with the Mongol conquest


750-1258 Abbasid Caliphal Dynasty - change in language to Arabic all the way Arabization took over ended by Mongol invasion

Who are the dhimmis?

In Medina Christians Jews and Zoroastrians who had protected status within the Medina society , meaning they could have their own rules and govern as they liked as long as they did not interfere with the Constitution of Medina

When was the collection and codification of hadith completed?


What the ancient Egyptians belief in afterlife consisted of?

A trial of someones deeds in front of Gods that they would weigh your heart to decide that you were a good person and could spend eternity with the Gods

The similarity between Moses, Jesus and Muhammad in regard to their birth and early life?

All called to worship one God unified, little is known about their early lives except that they were all apart of a important genealogy


Angel that came to Muhammad and pressed him to Recite

Why the testimony of faith (shahada) suffices become a Muslim?

Because when you bear full witness to the presence of God there is no intervention by anything else , it is between you and God very personal


Chapter of the Qur'an

Waraqa ibn Nawfal

Christian priest who recognized Muhammad as the coming and last prophet

1.Who are "The People of the Book"?

Christians and Jews

What is the mark of the covenant between Abraham and God?


What is hadith?

Collection of writings detailing the actions and words of Muhammad



What is hadith qudsi?

Divine sayings of Muhammad collected in the Hadith

Ritual prayers (sallât) have to be performed at what times of day?

Early Morning , Noon, Mid-afternoon, Sunset, Evening

What is the significance of migration to Madina (2)?

Established the social and political importance of Islam , This is the beginning of the Islamic Lunar calender

What is the significance of the Ten Commandments?

First divine instructions

garrison cities

Fortified cities; tribes and military units settled here

Muslim congregational prayer: day, time, and obligation.

Friday Noon obligation for Men and not woman

1.When washing of the entire body is required?

Full body washing before full congregation meeting and praying, after sex menstrual cycle impure parts of animals passing gas sleeping < because while you sleep you do not have control over yourself you must wash completely, ritual purity must be achieved before one worships in anyway , must purify for contact between male and female if there is a chance of sexual arousal

What parts of the body have to be washed before performing prayer?

Hands Feet Forehead Nose Ears Head and Mouth,

Define the religion of pre-Islamic Arabians.

Hanifs < animists the spirits of places so many gods ...

Why Muhammad was initially seen as poet, soothsayer or simply madman (majnun)?

Illiterate, and un-important , had no power, not really miraculous, although considered trustworthy and wise that fact that a God is speaking to him sounds a little crazy

Who were the shi'at Ali?

Party of Ali - son in law and cousin of Muhammad now Shiites, married to Fatima

What is the difference between Meccan and Medinan suras?

Mecca: Early oaths and imagined Middle quite and serene Late Medinan: Legal and social commentary specific application to the ummas life

The community of Muslims from Mecca to Madina

Mecca: small community outsiders marginalized Medina: Majority that had political and social dominance that worked to defend a diverse community for the benefit of all in Medina

Why the Meccan society opposed Muhammad's message?

Muhammad was perceived to threaten the prosperity people became upset No belief in resurrection and the genealogies had not religious significance, no understanding as life as eternal

Describe briefly the method of transmission of hadith?

Originates with someone who had met or knew Muhammad, then passed on orally through a couple of generations then a scholar will write it down and valid and truthful

Osiris - the cult of

Osiris , first god like figure and also the most revered in the ancient Egyptian culture, killed by his jealous brother and put back together by his wife, and built temples where she found the body parts < sacred story , scared because it it s place of religious devotion

Qur'an (meaning)


List the five pillars of Islam.

Salat: Worship Service Zakat: almsgiving is important to be provide purification and legitimacy for the giving Sawm: Fasting During the Month of Ramadan Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca Jihad: Lesser and Greater, acts of worship in the way of the God

What is one unforgivable sin according to the Qur'an (related to the belief)?

Shirk - association with anything except God like idols, idolatry

1.What is the meaning of the word "islam?

Submission to God

What kind of stories about Muhammad's life were preserved in legendary accounts, as different than the Prophetic sunna (tradition?)

Sunna meaning custom of the Prophet and the Hadith is the collection of authenticated actions of the Prophet in a book, Sunna isn't always from Hadith, must always be taken back to the time of Muhammad and his companions, everyone in the chain of transmission must be trustworthy


The Holy Month of Fasting

How is Muslims calculate time?

With the lunar calender began in 622 the year when Muhammad went to Medina


The leading tribe in Mecca at the time of Muhammad which he was apart of


The lesser ablution or washing before Salat and Qur'an recitation

The similarity between Moses and Muhammad in regard to the message they received (p.15)?

The message that they received was similar in that if they follow God they will be made great and have a great nation following them

Write an account of hajj (pilgrimage)

The pilgrimage to Mecca happens during the last month of the lunar year , enter Mecca through a number of check points renew intention of making the hajj, don certain clothing, enter sanctuary they do rituals for a couple of day lead by a guide, Kiss the rock that the Muhammad used to touch, leave mecca go to Mina to meditate go back to mecca, sacrifice animals then feast for 2 days, get their haircut then they stone the devil and perform the farewell

What are the reasons for zakât (obligatory almsgiving)?

almsgiving is important to be provide purification and legitimacy for the giving


apostle to Jesus that used to persecute them then had a conversion which can be related to that one guy who did the similar thing with Muhammad, second founder of the Christian tradition adapting the teachings for both Gentile and Jew making the teachings for all , saved through faith not actions in accordance to the Torah Laws


built temples where she found the body parts, then reassembled him and was able to become impregnated by him which she had Horus< falcon god (oversees all ) and avenged the death of Osiris by killing Seth

What other religious performance has to be preceded by ritual purification?

conscious dedication of you mind to the time of prayer, full attention to prayer

Explain the concept of divine justice in the Abrahamic religions (p.16-17)

ethical monotheism: God is the one and is the conviction , just and good and requires righteous behavior from all of his creatures


exertion and striving for a holy purpose


first Caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty. After the conquest of Mecca by the Muslims, Muawiyah's family converted to Islam. Muawiyah became a scribe for Muhammad,

1.What is the significance of the "Constitution of Medina"?

first legal document composed in under Islamic leaders < showed that they worked as a tribal confederation using customs to solve problems , transitional document did not inspire any documents beyond that time considered "old-fashioned"


kharijites (The one who moves himself out of the group), radical egalitarian Muslims who also included that Muslims should act upon those who are lead astray

The two different approaches to leadership in the early Islam


Transmission of the Qur'an ways and significance



person of sincerity and knowledge 9 years old, Z< she was wife of his adopted son and Muhammad married her besides legal issues


pre-Islamic times know as the time of ignorance



What is the major science of the Qur'an?

tafsir commentary or explanation


the first Emperor that served as a uniting force for religions

The religion in the traditional agriculture-based civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt (topocosm)

topo=place cosm= world structure , meaning AG and its regularity for survival are related to the how the whole universe works including God , how one sees themselves time society and their future is based off of AG seasons and fortunes


trial and tribulation, disorder, anarchy , and intrigues

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