Intro to Physical Security SPeD

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Interior barrier protectors

are used to protect against amateur intruders. These include an infrared beam or a trip wire.

Once you've determined your countermeasure options, you must make risk management decisions based on

the cost versus the benefit of protecting DoD assets.

Security systems include

• Interior intrusion detection systems (IDS) • Exterior IDS • Closed circuit television (CCTV) systems • Access control systems • Screening equipment • Two-way radios

Commanders must comply with and integrate

DoD physical security and installation access control policies into their FPCON plans.

Various types of physical security countermeasures include

Protective barriers • Site lighting • Security forces • Security systems • Facility access control • Lock and key systems • Storage containers and facilities

intrusion detection system (IDS)

Purpose is to deter, detect, document, and deny or delay intrusion. They detect changes in the environment which could be a result of an intruder, or something else that may require further investigation.

combination padlock

S&G 8077/AD, which is approved for storage of Secret or Confidential bulk or temporary indoor storage.

three types of approved combination locks used for the safeguarding of classified information.

The first type is a built-in electromechanical lock used to secure classified material in security containers, vaults and other secure rooms. The second type is the older style mechanical lock The third type is the combination padlock


The intelligence community uses this type of storage facility for the storage of their sensitive compartmented information

the outermost area of responsibility.

The perimeter of an installation or facility

three types of key-operated locks used for other purposes.

These are high and low security padlocks and mortise locks.

Fence disturbance sensors

They detect disturbances of the fence.

The Mission Assurance Senior Steering Group (MA SSG)

This group functions as an Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Joint Staff-level management and decision support forum with members of the Senior Executive Service and general or flag officers at the 1 and 2-star levels. Commanders of military installations and DoD facilities will ensure their ATEC communicates appropriate AT concerns through their Component chain of command or supervision to the MA SSG.

Antiterrorism Working Group (ATWG)

This group is responsible for assessing requirements for physical security, recommending and developing policy, preparing planning documents, and conducting criticality, vulnerability, and risk assessments. Members include the Antiterrorism Officer and representatives from all appropriate commands, organizations and tenant activities.

Threat Working Group (TWG)

This group is responsible for identifying foreign, domestic, and local threats and informing the installation commanding officer (CO) of current threat trends in the area of responsibility.

four types of interior IDS.

Volumetric detectors Operable opening switches Interior barrier protectors Proximity detectors

At a minimum, lock and key control procedures should include

a key register to list keys, document their issuance, return, and/or disposition.


a review conducted by members of your own organization, usually with the aid of a checklist.

Once you have identified the assets, threats, and vulnerabilities, you must then conduct

a risk analysis based on both the impact of an unwanted event and the likelihood that it could happen.

Doors are considered

a weak spot in a building. They are generally weaker than the building structure, making them less attack-resistant.

Force Protection is defined as

actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against DoD personnel, including family members, resources, facilities, and critical information.

The Mission Assurance Senior Steering Group (MA SSG) meets quarterly to provide

advocacy, coordination, and oversight to assist in both vertical and horizontal mission assurance alignment efforts on issues that cut across all DoD protection programs, including antiterrorism.

Secure rooms

are areas designated and authorized for the open storage of classified information. These facilities are usually built to commercial construction standards, and do not afford the extra security inherent with a "vault."

Restricted areas

are areas that require additional protection. Access is limited to authorized personnel and are designated for the security or safeguarding of property or material


are constructed to meet strict forcible entry standards. Characteristics that set vaults apart from secure rooms include reinforced concrete on all walls, ceilings, and floors, plus a hardened steel door.

Volumetric detectors

are designed to detect a change in the environment in a particular area. There are both active and passive volumetric detectors.

• Barriers and fencing

are integral parts of all physical security systems. They establish boundaries and deter individuals.

Security forces

are made up of DoD civilian personnel, military personnel, and contract personnel who are employees of a private or commercial source contracted by the federal government, and even trained dogs, all of whom play an active part in protecting our national security and other DoD assets.

Law enforcement officials

are responsible for effective liaison with local, state, and federal law enforcement officials. This is vital in fostering good working relationships to coordinate support for antiterrorism concerns and efforts, and emergency response, as well as to address criminal incidents. Coordination activities support mutual understanding of jurisdiction and authority.

CI support personnel

are responsible for providing information on the capabilities, intentions, and threats of our adversaries. They must pay particularly close attention to those adversaries associated with foreign intelligence entities. History has proven that we must always be vigilant. In addition, personnel are there to provide valuable assessments of counterintelligence considerations in support of physical security programs.

Operable opening switches

are used on doors, windows, and other similar openings. They work with a magnetic switch, balanced magnetic switch (BMS) or high security switch (HSS). The BMS and HSS should be used in areas requiring high security.


are weaknesses, characteristics, or circumstances that can be exploited by an adversary to gain access to or information from an asset.

DoDI 5200.08, Security of DoD Installations and Resources and the DoD Physical Security Review Board (PSRB)

authorizes commanders to issue regulations for the protection or security of property and places under their command.

• Warning signs

can be easily read by persons approaching on foot or in a vehicle. Restricted area perimeter boundaries should be posted in conspicuous and appropriate places to clearly identify the area.

Closed circuit television systems n.

can be implemented to provide further protection to national security and other DoD assets. They have a camera that captures a visual image, converts it to a video signal and transmits it to a remote location. At the remote location the image can be received, displayed, recorded, and printed.

two primary types of locks

combination and key-operated locks.

You must identify assets, threats and vulnerabilities before you can

conduct a risk analysis based on the impact and likelihood of an unwanted event happening.

There are several varieties of lighting used by DoD installations and facilities including .

continuous, standby, emergency, and movable lighting.

Restricted areas improve security by

controlling access and providing additional layers of security. Warning signs displaying "Restricted Area" must be posted at the boundary of each restricted area so they can be easily read by persons approaching on foot or in a vehicle.

Once you've calculated the risks, you must determine which

countermeasures you might employ to protect DoD assets by reducing vulnerabilities and mitigating threats.

Emergency lighting

depends on alternative power sources and is therefore reserved for times when regular lighting is not available

Invisible barrier protectors

detect motion within a specific area, using either microwave or infrared technology.

Properly designed and executed physical security programs should

deter or prevent, to the greatest degree possible, the loss of, theft of, or damage to an asset.

CCTV is an excellent means for

deterring and detecting loss, theft, or misuse of government property. It is is a reliable and a cost effective tool

The FPCON system allows commanders to be flexible and adaptable in

developing and implementing antiterrorism measures that are more stringent than those mandated by higher authorities whenever FPCONS are invoked.

Post orders establish

duties, roles, and responsibilities at individual assignments, checkpoints, gates, and guard posts.

The compliance inspection focuses on

ensuring regulatory requirements are being met, usually by someone who may be in your immediate chain of command or higher headquarters.

• Interior barriers

establish boundaries or lines of demarcation of different activities within an installation.

The OPSEC Officer

facilitates the process for identifying critical information, identifying threats to specific assets, assessing vulnerabilities to assets, analyzing risk to specific assets and to national security as a whole, and developing countermeasures against potential threats to national security and other DoD assets.

Access control is a process Access control is one of the inner layers in the overall security-in-depth approach.

for ensuring that only authorized personnel are allowed into a designated area. They are implemented to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering designated areas.

Point security

guarding a specific asset or resource

Facility access control procedures

include identification systems, methods of control, and entry and exit inspections, which include search procedures for packages, vehicles, and personal property.

High security key-operated padlocks

include the S&G 833C and the S&G 951 and are approved for high security protection


is a determination by the senior agency official that a facility's security program consists of layered and complementary security controls sufficient to deter, detect, and document unauthorized entry and movement within the facility. This is accomplished through the integration of active and passive complementary physical security measures.

The Antiterrorism Executive Committee (ATEC)

is an executive-level forum that meets at least semi-annually to develop and refine antiterrorism program guidance, policy, and standards and act upon recommendations of the Antiterrorism Working Group and Threat Working Group to determine resource allocation priorities and mitigate or eliminate terrorism-related vulnerabilities. When necessary, it integrates and aligns antiterrorism and mission assurance efforts, as the Mission Assurance Senior Steering Group does.

The Physical Security Officer

is charged with managing, implementing, aterm-20nd directing physical security programs. This person may also be responsible for the development and maintenance of physical security plans, instructions, regulations, and standard policies and procedures. They may also coordinate with local law enforcement agencies, antiterrorism officers, and loss prevention personnel.

An electric field sensor

is composed of multiple wires. One has a current running throughout and the other acts as a sensing mechanism. When something enters the electromagnetic field that is in the wire, the energy in the wire is disturbed and activates an alarm.

Physical security

is defined as that part of security concerned with active, as well as passive measures, designed to deter intruders, prevent unauthorized access, including theft and damage, to assets such as personnel, equipment, installations, materials, and information, and to safeguard these assets against threats such as espionage, sabotage, terrorism, damage, and criminal activity

Standby lighting

is similar to continuous lighting, except the lamps are not continuously lit. They are used when additional lighting is necessary

Continuous lighting

is the most common protective lighting system. It consists of a series of fixed lights arranged to flood an area continuously with overlapping cones of light.

Movable lighting

is used when supplemental lighting is necessary.

A buried line sensor

is, in essence, a chain link fence disturbance sensor, buried in the ground. It reacts to vibrations or pressure in a certain area.

The physical security officer is charged with

management, implementation, and direction of all physical security programs.

The Antiterrorism Officer

manages the installation or facility antiterrorism program. This program uses defensive measures to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property from terrorist attacks.

A threat can be a

n indication, circumstance, or event with the potential to cause loss of, or damage to, an asset or capability

DoD assets include

people, information, equipment, facilities, activities, and operations.


people, information, equipment, facilities, activities, and operations.

Commanders will fully implement the FPCON measures according to

policy and remind their personnel to be alert for suspicious activities, such as the presence of unfamiliar personnel and vehicles, suspicious parcels, and possible surveillance attempts, and to report those activities

The two primary purposes of physical security

protection and prevention.

Area security

protects an entire area of the installation or facility.

Proximity detectors

provide point security, and are used to protect items inside a building. They are composed of a capacitance detector and a pressure mat.

Executive Order 10421

provided physical security for facilities deemed important to the national defense mission.

CI support is responsible for

providing valuable information on the capabilities, intentions, and threats of adversaries.

different methods used to secure large volumes of classified information.

secure rooms, vaults, and sensitive compartmented information facilities (SCIFs).

Countermeasures include

security measures that you employ in up-front facility design, in the day-to-day protection of DoD assets, and in times when threat levels increase.

The number of entrances and exits

should always be limited to the minimum necessary for mission accomplishment, as well as for emergency evacuation.

• Protective lighting

should enable guard force personnel to observe activities around or inside an installation without disclosing their presence. Adequate lighting discourages unauthorized personnel from entering a facility. Properly trained military working dogs supplement and enhance the capabilities of security forces and, therefore, facility protection.

Doors are a weak spot on a building and can be made of

solid steel to make them more attack-resistant.

Low security padlocks

sometimes referred to as secondary locks, are used for administrative control, on gates barring access to production facilities, for securing weapons racks contained within secured areas, and where secondary locks are specified. These locks provide only minimal resistance to forced or surreptitious entry and must not be used to secure classified material

At a minimum physical security plans should include

special and general guard orders, access and material control, protective barriers, lighting systems, locks, and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).

• Natural defenses

such as waterways, forestations, and ditches, or manmade obstacles such as barricades and vehicle barriers provide for difficult approaches or exit routes.

SOPs provide

supplemental guidance for physical security programs and establish procedures for emergency events as well as operational and administrative procedures.

The TWG is comprised of

the Antiterrorism Officer, counterintelligence representative, law enforcement representative, operations security officer, information operations representative, and a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosives (CBRNE) representative.

DoD 5200.08-R

the Physical Security Program regulation

older style mechanical lock

the S&G 2937, which met prior standards and in some cases may still be used for classified storage.

The protection of national security and other DoD assets is accomplished through

the application of active and passive complementary security controls.

When identifying and assessing an asset, you must determine

the nature and value of that asset and the degree of impact if the asset is damaged or lost.

A threat is

the perceived imminence of intended aggression by a capable entity to harm a nation, a government, or its instrumentalities, such as intelligence, programs, operations, people, installations, or facilities.

Installation Commanders or Facility Directors who serve in management or leadership positions are responsible for

the safety and protection of the people and property under their command, the planning, coordinating, and integrating of all physical security matters into their installation, and the identification of mission essential capabilities.

Antiterrorism is defined as

those defensive measures used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist attacks, to include limited response and containment. Antiterrorism physical security measures integrate facilities, equipment, trained personnel, and procedures into a comprehensive effort designed to provide maximum protection to personnel and other DoD assets.

The OPSEC officer analyzes

threats to assets and their vulnerabilities.

Site lighting is used

to enable guard force personnel to observe activities inside or outside the installation.

The goal of area security is to

try and consolidate as many assets as possible into one area. This is to intensify the protection efforts while maximizing the effectiveness of response forces.

Two-way radios

typically serve as the primary means of communication between response forces and their respective control centers, as well as communication between response force members.

electromechanical lock

used to secure classified material in security containers, vaults and other secure rooms. These locks meet the FF-L-2740 series federal specification which includes the Kaba Mas X-07, X-08, X-09, X-10, CDX-07, CDX-08, CDX-09 and CDX-10 locks as well as the Sargent and Greenleaf (S&G) 2740, 2740B, and 2890 Pedestrian Door Locks.

The first line of defense in any physical security system is

usually some form of perimeter protection system.

Emergency lighting is used

when regular lighting is not available. Standby lighting is used when additional lighting is necessary.

Mortise locks

which include deadbolt and cylindrical locks, are typically found in general office areas considered low security locking devices.

It is important for you to be familiar with the various coordinating activities that play a part in the physical security of DoD assets. These groups include the:

• Antiterrorism Executive Committee (ATEC) • Antiterrorism Working Group (ATWG) • Threat Working Group (TWG) • Mission Assurance Senior Steering Group (MA SSG)

The steps in the risk management process are:

• Identify assets • Identify threats • Identify vulnerabilities • Conduct risk analysis • Determine countermeasure options • Make risk management decisions

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