Intro To Structural Concepts

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What punctuation must always be used to indicate a German imperative form?

"!" (exclamation point)

Which of the following paraphrases accurately represents the way Arabic relative pronouns require a separate reference to the antecedent?

"This is the teacher that I had her last term."

Which of these words is a pronoun?


What is an auxiliary verb?

A "helping" verb used with the main verb to form a tense or a mode.

What is a clause?

A clause is a group of words in a sentence that must have a subject and a verb

What is an adverb?

A form used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

What is the comparative?

A form used to show greater than, less than, or equal to.

What is the superlative?

A form used to show the highest degree of a quality.

What is aspect?

A grammatical feature showing the flow of time in an action or event.

What is voice?

A grammatical feature showing the relationship between the action of the verb and the participants in an action.

What is tense?

A grammatical feature that locates a situation in time

What does a complex sentence consist of?

A main clause and a subordinate clause

What is a "mass noun"?

A noun referring to something that cannot be counted, such as air, water, or ham.

In Chinese, what structure is necessary for attributive adjectives?

A particle, 'de', is inserted between the adjective and the noun.

What is a noun phrase?

A phrase with the noun as the head, and optional modifiers such as adjectives and determiners.

In the sentence " He slept the whole night through", the word "through" is an example of what part of speech?

A postposition

What is a particle in Japanese?

A postposition

What is a relative pronoun?

A pronoun that introduces relative subordinate clauses.

What is an interrogative pronoun?

A pronoun that is used in a question.

What is a reflexive pronoun?

A pronoun that refers back to the subject.

What is a possessive pronoun?

A pronoun used to show who something belongs to.

What is a sentence in language study?

A sentence expresses a complete thought, and has at least a subject and a verb.

What is a phrase?

A sequence of two or more words

The main predicate in a Japanese sentence can be one of three items. They are:

A verb, the copula, an i-type adjective

What is an adjective?

A word describing a noun or pronoun.

What is a verb?

A word indicating the action of a sentence.

What two forms are used to join compound sentences in Japanese?

A word meaning 'but' and an ending (' te-form') meaning verb+'and'.

In Chinese predicate adjective structures, the verbal adjective must be preceded by what?

A word meaning 'very'; but it's weak, so it's not translated

What is a conjunction?

A word that links two or more words, groups of words, or sentences

What is a preposition?

A word that shows the relationship of one word (noun or pronoun) to a sentence or another word in a sentence.

What is a pronoun?

A word used in place of one or more nouns.

What are the two cases that follow prepositions in Latin?

Accusative and ablative

One set of German prepositions is called two-way prepositions. They take either the accusative or dative case. What does this depend on?

Accusative shows motion in a direction or across a boundary, while dative shows location or directionless motion.

What are the three types of voice?

Active, middle, passive

The technical term used to refer collectively to prepositions, postpositions, and circumpositions is what?


What is the passive voice in Chinese usually associated with?

Adversity or bad news

What is the passive voice in Japanese usually associated with?

Adversity or bad news

In terms of voice, what is the "doer of the action" called?


What word orders are allowed in Russian?

All of the above

How many living languages are spoken in the world today?

Almost 7,000

Where are Japanese particles located?

Always after the related noun or pronoun

The 'elative pattern' is used to make comparative and superlative adjectives in which language?


Some languages have gender as a feature of their noun system. Of those you have studied, which have gender?

Arabic, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Greek, Hebrew, Russian

How many adjectives can be used in a noun phrase in most languages (including English)?

As many as you want

What does Chinese use to show aspect?

Aspect markers - separate words, suffixes, or particles

Where does new or emphasized information go in a Russian sentence?

At the end

German compound tense forms are formed with auxiliary verbs, plus a participle or an infinitive. Where in the German sentence is the participle or infinitive placed?

At the end of the sentence

What is a key factor that makes Spanish wh-questions more complex?

Because they function both as determiners and pronouns, they may agree in gender and number with the noun they modify - or at least with number (singular/plural).

Where are object pronouns located in French and Italian

Before the verb

What is the basic distinction in aspect?

Bounded vs. non-bounded

What important question element does not exist in Chinese?

Chinese does not have words for "yes" and "no".

How does one make a difference between the present and the future using the Japanese nonpast tense?

Context or adverbs will show present or future meaning.

What are the two kinds of conjunctions?

Coordinating and subordinating

What is the difference in word order between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in German?

Coordinating conjunctions use normal word order, but subordinating conjunctions cause the verb to go to the end of the clause: " because she ice cream bought had."

What is conjugation?

Creation of derived forms of a verb from its principal parts by inflection (regular alteration according to rules of grammar)

Which of these words is an adjective?


Subordinate clause

Dependent clause

What is case?

Different forms of a word used depending on the word's function in a sentence.

English has three kinds of objects. What are they?

Direct object, indirect object, prepositional object.

What is the imperative mood?

Expresses a command

What is the subjunctive mood?

Expresses an attitude or feeling about the action of the verb

" Kayle took her keys and left." The sentence in quotation marks uses the passive voice.


"Unless" is a preposition


"Word order" refers to the individual words in a sentence and the order they come in.


A compound tense form is only one word, with endings added to show tense.


A main clause does not express a complete thought.


A phrase always includes a subject and a verb.


Adjectives are invariable. Adverbs agree with nouns. T/F


Adverbs in Russian always change case and agree in gender and number with the verb they modify. T/F


All adjectives in Japanese do not inflect (take endings). T/F


All adpositions are prepositions


All interrogative words can always be used as topics as well as subjects.


All languages have only one participle form. T/F


All other languages have the same tenses as in English, and they are used in the same way as in English.


Although this dog only has two legs, he can run perfectly. The underlined item is the main clause.


Arabic particles are highly variable


Aspect is not an important grammatical category in Chinese.


Aspect is not an important grammatical category in Russian.


Because German marks gender on the article, there are three sets of adjective endings: masculine, feminine, and neuter. T/F


Chinese adverbs have separate comparative forms. T/F


Chinese uses the same comparative word regardless of the type of comparison. T/F


Coordinating conjunctions join dependent clauses to main clauses.


Declarative sentences usually end with a question mark.


English usage is an excellent guide to how to use to the Spanish subjunctive. The usage is almost identical.


Every single imperative form in Spanish is formed with the subjunctive mood.


Formal forms are always capitalized in all languages. T/F


Gender (masculine/feminine/neuter) has to be learned for the singular, but all plural forms are the same in all languages, so I don't have to worry about gender in the plural. T/F


German sentence structure is somewhat simpler than many other European languages.


German subjunctive is used much less frequently than the English subjunctive.


I forgot my coat in the office. The underlined item is a postposition.


I walked to school this morning. The underlined item is a conjunction.


In English, the subject must always come first in the sentence.


In French, the conjugated verb usually stands last in sentences or main clauses


In Italian, possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives take different forms. T/F


In Japanese, subjects, direct objects, and indirect objects are marked by particles that follow the verb.


In Russian, the passive is mostly used in informal, casual speech.


In compound sentences in Latin, the verb comes first.


It is never possible to omit pronouns in Latin.


It's not important to know the difference between conjunctions and prepositions.


It's not important to know the difference between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.


Italian and Spanish word order is much less flexible than English.


Japanese adjectives have comparative and superlative inflections. T/F


Japanese does not have a progressive construction


Jeremy left because he was late for class . The underlined item is the main clause.


Languages with case markings have very strict word order.


Latin adjectives have declension patterns like verbs. There is no need to memorize them. T/F


Many Arabic verbs function as prepositions.


Negative sentences do not include a grammatical element of negation.


Object pronouns are those used to contradict someone. T/F


One should always use the same structure of English auxiliary verbs in Spanish.


Particles are an important grammatical category in French, Italian, Spanish, and German.


Particles do not exist in Arabic


Personal pronouns only talk about me, nobody else. T/F


Prepositions always have the same meaning across all languages. You can simply think of a phrase in English and use the same preposition in any other language.


Prepositions and conjunctions always vary to show things like plural and gender.


Rashad left a voicemail for Meredith last night. He said he would try to call again soon. The tense of the underlined verb is absolute.


Some German verbs have separable prefixes, which always function as prepositions in addition to being part of the verb.


Subject pronouns are those ruled or governed by a monarchy. T/F


Subjects are always only one word long.


Subordinate clauses express complete thoughts and can stand alone as a complete sentence.


The German Subjunctive I verb form is only used to express things that happened hypothetically in the past.


The German verb is always the second word in a simple sentence.


The forms of the pronouns in French, Italian, and Spanish are completely different from each other, with no similarities at all. T/F


The main predicate in a Japanese sentence is always at the beginning of the sentence.


The passive voice in Spanish is used much more frequently than in English.


The plural marker in all of the languages in the world is -s, just as in English. This makes language learning easier. T/F


The principal parts of the verb in all languages are the same as in English. T/F


The progressive tense in Spanish is used much more frequently than in English.


The subjunctive mood forms in English are easily recognized as different from other forms.


The underlined item is an adverbial phrase Jimmy is a very nice person


The underlined word is a reflexive pronoun Their house is green. Ours is blue T/F


There is only one marker in Chinese for negation.


To join words, phrases, and clauses that are equal, we use subordinating conjunctions


Topic is a very prominent grammatical category in Russian.


When looking up a word, it's always a good idea to take the very first word in the entry. The rest of the entry is too complicated.


When translating into Latin, the English preposition will always be the same as the Latin preposition.


When trying to write a sentence in a foreign language, it is always important to keep the English structure - include the equivalent of do, does, or did in the foreign question.


The German "you" command has three different forms depending on the person. What are the persons of the German imperative?

Familiar singular, familiar plural, formal

Adjectives usually occur AFTER the noun in which languages?

French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, and Arabic

The forms for How much? in Spanish are cuánto and cuánta. What do you need to know in order to select the correct form?

Gender and number

French, Italian, and Spanish predicate adjectives and attributive adjectives do change form, differently than English. What do they agree with?

Gender and number of the noun

In order for a noun to be complete in Russian, it must have an ending that provides the following information:

Gender, number, and case

What case is the noun in a prepositional phrase in Arabic?


In Latin, what are the two groups of adjective declensions called?

Group A and Group B

The comparison of adverbs provides comparative information that includes:

How, how much, when, where

Which kind of pronouns are these? I She Him Them

I- Personal (subject) She-Personal (subject) Him-Personal (object) Them- Personal (object)

What is the term used for non-bounded aspect, where things are ongoing?

Imperfective aspect

In Spanish, ustedes is used as a formal form, but in some regions, also for the familiar plural form. Where does this occur?

In Latin America

In addition to main and subordinate clauses, what other distinction in sentence structure does Arabic make?

In addition to main and subordinate clauses, what other distinction in sentence structure does Arabic make?

In Spanish, where is the word no 'not' placed to negate a sentence?

In front of the conjugated verb.

Main clause

Independent clause

Coordinating conjunctions are followed by verbs in what mood in Arabic?


Spanish grammar only recognizes two moods. Which are they?

Indicative and subjunctive

Subordinating conjunctions are followed by verbs in what mood in Latin?

Indicative or subjunctive

What is declension?

Inflection of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and articles to indicate number (at least singular and plural), case (nominative or subjective, genitive or possessive, etc.), and gender

In Chinese, what is the class of words that modifies adverbs called?


_______ car are we taking? This space should be filled by which kind of pronoun?


_______ happened to your hand? This space should be filled by which kind of pronoun?


What is the difference between an interrogative determiner and an interrogative pronoun in Spanish?

Interrogative determiners precede and modify nouns; interrogative pronouns stand on their own.

What is an interrogative sentence?

It asks a question.

The four cases used in many of the languages that have case are Nominative, Genitive, Dative, and Accusative. What is the function of the Accusative case?

It is used as the recipient of the action (the patient).

The four cases used in many of the languages that have case are Nominative, Genitive, Dative, and Accusative. What is the function of the Genitive case?

It is used as to show relationship or possession.

The four cases used in many of the languages that have case are Nominative, Genitive, Dative, and Accusative. What is the function of the Dative case?

It is used for showing direction or the indirect recipient of the action.

The four cases used in many of the languages that have case are Nominative, Genitive, Dative, and Accusative. What is the function of the Nominative case?

It is used for subjects.

What is a declarative sentence?

It makes a statement or provides information.

What is the function of an object of a verb?

It receives the action of the verb.

What is an affirmative sentence?

It says that a fact (or situation) really is, or really exists.

When a noun describes another noun in Japanese, what happens?

It stays a noun - it does not change class into an adjective

Where does the verb almost always occur in Latin?


What is the best strategy for learning the gender of a noun?

Learn the gender along with each noun and practice, practice, practice!

What are the typical relationships shown by prepositions?

Location, direction, or time

What are the two kinds of clauses?

Main (independent) and subordinate (dependent) clauses

What is inflection?

Modification of a word to express different grammatical categories such as tense, grammatical mood, grammatical voice, aspect, person, number, gender and case

What is mood in grammar?

Mood shows the attitude of the speaker towards what the speaker is saying

How many living languages are spoken in the United States today?

More than 200

What are the most common negative words in Spanish?

Nada, nadie, nunca

How many tenses do Chinese verbs have?

None - Chinese verbs do not show tense as a grammatical category

Where are wh-question words placed in a Chinese sentence?

Not at the beginning of the sentence; placed where the missing information goes.

What are the most common negative words in English?

Nothing, nobody, no one, never

What are the five basic levels of language proficiency according to the ACTFL scale?

Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior, Distinguished

What does a simple sentence consist of?

One main clause

Russian has three different words that translate "where". How do they differ?

One means "where at", one means "where to", and one means "where from".

What is one major difference between English adjectives and other languages' adjectives?

Other languages' adjectives will match or "agree" in gender, number, etc. with the noun they modify.

What are the three subdivisions of tense?

Past, present, future

In terms of voice, what is the "target of the action" called?


People in this country who are over 18 can vote. The antecedent of the relative pronoun is :


Formal pronouns are used for which of the following groups?

People you don't know well, people you respect

What are the two aspects in Russian?

Perfective and imperfective

What is the term used for bounded aspect, where things are complete?

Perfective aspect

Frances called _______ in the middle of the night. This space should be filled by which kind of pronoun?

Personal (object)

Sylvia left _______ at home. This space should be filled by which kind of pronoun?

Personal (object)

_______ doesn't enjoy talking about politics. This space should be filled by which kind of pronoun?

Personal (subject)

What are the four main layers of language that must be learned?

Phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics

What factors must be taken into account in order to get the right Japanese tense form?

Polite/plain style, type of predicate, nonpast/past, affirmative/negative, main/subordinate clause

My pen is broken, can I borrow _______? This space should be filled by which kind of pronoun?


There are three main areas that the particle no is used. What are they?

Possessive, descriptive, or relative location.

Where does the modifying phrase occur in Chinese?

Precedes a noun or noun phrase

Some nouns or pronouns that occur after a verb (in English) are not objects. What are they?

Predicate words

Which tense in Russian can only be formed from imperfective verbs?


What are the four main aspects shown by Chinese?

Progressivity, experience, completion, change of state

In addition to nouns, what are the most common kinds of words showing gender matching that of the nouns?

Pronouns, determiners/articles, adjectives, sometimes verbs

What are the three main types of adverbs in Japanese?

Pure adverbs, those derived from adjectives/nouns, nouns used as adverbs

What are the areas of performance where language proficiency can be measured?

Reading, listening, speaking, writing, translating, interpreting, intercultural communication

What is used in Russian in order to avoid using the passive voice?

Reflexive particle or third-person plural active verb with no subject

When is the final exam due in this class?

Regular semester: Wednesday of finals week, at 11:59 p.m. Summer terms: Friday of the last week of classes, at 11:59 p.m.

You can't alway get _______ you want. This space should be filled by which kind of pronoun?


What does Russian use as conjunctions to create subordinate clauses?

Relative pronouns and interrogative

What is indirect discourse?

Reported speech - saying what someone said without quoting it

What are the two main types of word order in the languages of the world?

Restrictive (word order shows meaning) and flexible (inflection shows meaning)

What does the particle no mean in Japanese?

Roughly, it is the possessive, or of, in, at, etc.

What is the basic word order in statements in German?


What is the basic word order in statements in Russian?


here are six basic word orders for a transitive sentence. Using S for subject, V for verb, and O for object, what are the two most common orders in the world?


What are the three types of sentences?

Simple, compound, and complex

Match the types of sentences with their description

Simple- One main clause Compound- Two main clauses, coordinating conjunction Complex- Main clause and subordinate clause(s)

Jeremy eats popcorn at the movies. The underlined item is the


In Latin, there is a typical phrase order in a sentence with the acronym SIDAV. This stands for:

Subject, Indirect object, Direct object, Adverbials, Verb

What do the abbreviations S, DO, IO, and PO stand for?

Subject, direct object, indirect object, prepositional object

Which German subjunctive form is the most common?

Subjunctive II (from simple past)

What two parts of speech start a dependent clause?

Subordinating conjunctions and relative pronouns

What ways are used to mark gender relating to nouns?

Suffixes, endings, articles

Charlotte is 12. She is the oldest child.

Superlative form

She's also not the most patient person on earth.

Superlative form

What is relative tense?

Talking about when something happens from point of view of some other time discussed

What is absolute tense?

Talking about when something happens from the point of view of when something is said

What is the difference between tense and aspect?

Tense says when something happens in time, aspect says how something happens in time

What is the difference in function between Arabic and English relative pronouns?

The Arabic relative pronoun links two main clauses, while the English relative pronoun is part of a subordinate clause.

In German, the past tense is subdivided into two different types or forms based on how the past tense is being used. What is the difference in usage?

The Imperfekt (one-word past tense form) is used to narrate and write in the past tense, while the Perfekt (compound past tense form) is used for everyday conversation.

What is an infinitive?

The basic form of a verb indicating the activity without other ideas.

What is person?

The characteristic of a verb that shows the human or thing doing the action.

What are the two kinds of passive voice in Japanese?

The direct (or regular) passive and indirect (or adversative) passive

The Old English sentences Se cyning meteth thone biscop and Thone biscop meteth se cyning both mean "The king meets the bishop." Why?

The endings rather than the word order show how the words are functioning.

Consider the sentence "We drive the fast car fast." What is the function of the two underlined words?

The first fast is an adjective modifying "car", and the second fast is an adverb modifying "drive."

What information do you need to know in order to choose the right word for "it" (3 rd person singular) in German?

The gender of the noun (masculine, feminine, or neuter)

What is additional phrase type is used in Chinese?

The modifying phrase

What is the indicative mood?

The most common mood showing what is really happening

What is an antecedent?

The nouns referred to by a pronoun.

What is the special feature of German prepositions that is different from other languages?

The object of a German preposition is always in one of the object cases, accusative, dative, or genitive.

What is a complement?

The object of a preposition.

What is the difference between the way Spanish perfect tenses are formed and the way the Spanish passive voice is formed?

The perfect tenses use 'to have' + past participle, while the passive uses 'to be' + past participle.

What distinction does German make in the preposition marking the agent of a passive sentence?

The preposition for persons is different from the preposition for non-persons. Both are translated as 'by', but the distinction is important in German.

What is the difference between the Spanish preterite and Spanish imperfect?

The preterite refers to "what happened", while the imperfect refers to "how things used to be" or "what was going on".

What is the difference between plain subjects and topic subjects in Japanese?

The topic subject has a different particle, wa, than a plain subject, ga.

In Spanish, reflexive verbs add a special unique reflexive form to regular verbs. What does this look like and what does it mean?

The unique reflexive form is se. It gets added directly to the verb, lavar--> laverse, and means "self."

What is the main sentence structure rule in German?

The verb always comes second and last

Where are prepositions located in Spanish, French, Italian, and German?

They are always located before the noun, never at the end. ("With whom are you going?", never "Who are you going with?").

What is the special feature of Italian subject pronouns?

They are usually omitted when referring to things.

What is the special feature of French possessive pronouns?

They have a definite article that agrees in gender and number with the noun possessed

How many prepositions are there in Arabic?

Thirteen, three prefixes and the rest words that can combine

How many tenses do Russian verbs have?


How many relative pronoun forms does Spanish have for subjects and objects?

Three: que for the indirect/prepositional object of things, and subjects and objects, and quien/quienes for persons

Which ONE verb is the only one used in Arabic "verbless sentences"?

To be

What is a wh-question used for?

To obtain information

"And" is a coordinating conjunction.


"George was called to the principal's office." The sentence in quotation marks uses the passive voice.


A phrase functions as a unit of meaning within a sentence.


A preposition is called this way because it is a word that is pre-positioned, that is, positioned before, a noun.


A simple tense form is only one word, with endings added to show tense.


A tag question turns a declarative sentence into a question by adding a short yes-no question at the end.


Adjective endings in Arabic are the same as noun endings. No need to learn separate endings. T/F


Adverb comparatives and superlatives generally follow the same rules as the comparative and superlative of adjectives in many of the languages we are studying. T/F


Arabic adjectives agree with the noun they modify. T/F


Arabic adjectives change to reflect gender. T/F


Arabic has three different types of conjunctions, i.e., single words, phrases, and single syllables.


Aspect is not an important grammatical category in German.


Aspect is not an important grammatical category in Japanese.


Aspect is not an important grammatical category in Spanish.


Chinese clauses do not always have a verb.


Chinese uses a term of negation to negate sentences.


Each preposition and its following noun phrase form a unit that must be used as a unit and moved as a unit within the sentence.


Edward is saving money so that he can go to India this summer. The underlined item is the main clause.


English is related to Sanskrit, a language in India. T/F


Formal forms in German, French, and Italian come from other forms, such as the 2nd person plural or the 3rd person singular. Essentially, you might be saying "Is He hungry?" to a person. T/F


German has two subjunctive forms, one derived from the infinitive, one from the simple past verb form.


German predicate adjectives do not change form, but attributive adjectives change form to agree with gender and number in each case. T/F


German prepositions should always be memorized along with information on the case that they control.


German, French, and Italian have a separate "formal" form that is used in the 2nd person to address people. T/F


I completely forgot that you were coming over. The underlined item is a noun clause.


I like cookies but I prefer ice cream . "But" here joins two coordinate clauses.


If a language does not use determiners/articles, context or other words will tell you whether a noun is singular or plural. T/F


If a language has irregular plural forms (like man/men, goose/geese, deer/deer) or irregular verb forms (like fly/flew/flown, drink/drank/drunk), it's a good idea to write a separate flashcard for it. T/F


If a noun is masculine, then the article used with that noun must also be the masculine form. T/F


If a sentence has more than one verb, each verb has its own subject.


If unit of meaning does not have a subject and a verb, it is a phrase


If unit of meaning has a subject and verb, it is a clause.


Imperfective aspect in Russian is used for things that are ongoing, incomplete, or habitual.


Imperfective aspect in Russian shows action as a process.


In Arabic, adding a particle to the beginning of a declarative sentence turns it into an interrogative sentence. The word order of the declarative sentence remains unchanged.


In Chinese, predicate adjectives replace the verb - there is no verb in a predicate adjective structure. T/F


In English, case is not very prominent. It is visible mostly only on the pronouns.


In English, the "conditional" is not a separate tense.


In English, the subject is the noun before the verb that answers the question who? or what?.


In English, there is no set position for the verb, but the subject usually comes before the verb.


In French, sometimes the preposition depends on the following noun. In this case, it's best to note the usage of the preposition on a flashcard for the NOUN, not the preposition.


In German, French, and Italian, some verbs are reflexive that are not reflexive in English (e.g., to take myself for a walk, or to recover (myself)). T/F


In Italian, sometimes the same English preposition is translated with a different preposition depending on the following noun. For example, "to go to Florence" uses "a", but "to go to Italy" uses "in".


In Japanese, it is impossible to know what the function of a pronoun is without looking at the following function particle. T/F


In Japanese, no matter what the main clause tense, the main predicate of the subordinate clause is either non-past with mae ni 'before' or past with ato de 'after'


In Latin, all adjectives that do not belong to Group A belong to Group B. T/F


In Latin, the relative pronoun ( qui, quae, quod, etc.) must agree in gender and number with the antecedent, and in function (case) with its function in its own sentence. T/F


In Latin, the verb normally occurs last.


In Russian, case is used extensively to show functions. This means that the word order can be more free.


In Spanish, cuando 'when' is not used the same way as si 'if'!


In Spanish, positional prepositions usually have only one equivalent in English.


In Spanish, some conjunctions are followed by the subjunctive mood.


In Spanish, some verbs always require a specific preposition.


In a German subordinate clause, the verb is always in last position.


In complex sentence in Latin, the verb comes last.


In languages with gender, sometimes the ending on the noun can show what gender a noun is. T/F


In order to decide on the correct demonstrative form in French and Italian, it is necessary to know the gender and number of the antecedent. T/F


In some languages, the function of a preposition is performed by a word that comes AFTER the noun. This is called a post-position.


It is always necessary to find the antecedent in order to make the pronoun agree in gender, number, and case. T/F


Japanese descriptive words change like Japanese verbs, so they are not exactly adjectives. T/F


Japanese does not have a present perfect tense.


Japanese does not have possessive adjectives. T/F


Japanese particles have various meanings, including location, direction, time, indirect object, etc.


Main clauses express complete thoughts and can stand alone as a complete sentence.


Mark loves his dog but doesn't like _______ . This space can be filled by a personal pronoun. T/F


Most Chinese subordinate clauses come first (i.e., before the main clause).


One strategy for negation in Chinese is to use the pattern of "verb + negative marker + repeat verb" (i.e., "go-not-go").


One way of classifying sentences is by whether they state facts or deny facts (affirmative/negative).


Perfective aspect in Russian emphasizes single or momentary actions, or actions aiming towards completion.


Perfective aspect in Russian shows action as completion.


Postpositions in Japanese are usually called particles.


Pronouns in German must agree in gender, number, and case with the nouns they replace. T/F


Qué 'which' and cuánto 'how many' are Spanish words that function as both determiners and pronouns.


Reflexive pronouns refer to the same person as the subject. T/F


Russian has a different ending for almost every case and number. Therefore, when you look at a word you can be pretty sure what the function is.


Russian has two types of adjective endings - long-form, and short-form. T/F


Russian objects have endings that show function. Therefore, indirect objects can show function without using a separate word for for whom? or to whom?.


She said that she was finished . The underlined item is a subordinate clause.


Some Japanese verbs require a particle.


Some languages have a voice called the "middle voice". The middle voice falls between active and passive because the subject cannot be categorized as either the agent or the patient and may have elements of both.


Sometimes a verb in English needs a preposition, but it doesn't need a preposition in French. Or vice versa.


Sometimes the same English preposition turns into two or more different particles in Japanese, and vice versa.


Spanish has four different forms for the "you" command (at least in Spain): familiar singular, familiar plural, formal singular, and formal plural.


Spanish has more simple tense forms than English does.


Spanish possessive pronouns are similar to French possessive pronouns. They both use a form of the definite article along with a possessive pronoun, meaning "the mine", "the yours", etc. T/F


Spanish pronouns make a distinction between masculine and feminine in all of the plural pronouns. T/F


Subordinate clauses can come at the beginning or end of a sentence.


The "you" command in English uses the 'dictionary form' of the verb.


The 2 nd person personal pronoun 'you' in English is ambiguous. You can't tell whether you are talking to one person or more than one. T/F


The German formal imperative form uses the same forms as the indicative, and the pronoun is required: Speak you louder!


The Russian question words for "Which?" and "Whose?" have masculine, feminine, and neuter forms that must be used appropriately to match the following noun's gender.


The Spanish simple present tense form is used for all three of the English present tense forms.


The action expressed by a verb can be physical or mental activity, or a condition. T/F


The adjective endings in French, Italian, and Spanish match the gender of the noun/pronoun they are describing, regardless of whether attributive or predicate adjectives. T/F


The form "sich" is a special reflexive pronoun form in German for the 3 rd person singular and plural ("himself, herself, themselves"). T/F


The future tense in Spanish is a one-word (simple) form that just uses endings - no auxiliary.


The perfect tenses in Spanish are formed like in English with a form of the verb 'to have' plus a past participle.


The same word cannot be used as an adjective and an adverb in Japanese. T/F


The same word in English, e.g., before, will be translated differently depending on whether it is functioning as a conjunction or a preposition in Latin.


The subject in a Japanese sentence is usually omitted if understood in context.


The subjunctive mood in English is used for hypothetical or contrary-to-fact statements


The topic is shared information between the speaker and the listener.


The underlined item is an adjective phrase. Patsy Stone is absolutely fabulous.


There are two classes of conjunctions in Japanese, independent conjunctions and conjunctive particles.


There is only one form in Chinese for the word "self." T/F


There is only one tag question in Arabic, 'a-lays-a ka dhâlika, which asks 'Is it not so?' or 'Right?'.


Tim cut _______ . This space can be filled by a reflexive pronoun. T/F


Unlike English prepositions, some Japanese particles are attached to clauses and sentences.


Usually a language is said to "have cases" only if nouns change their form by declension to reflect their case


When using pronouns with German prepositions, we have to make a difference between usage with persons and usage with things or ideas.


Word order in Latin is flexible. Different words can be put first for emphasis.


Writing foreign language vocabulary on flashcards helps you learn it. T/F


Yes/no questions in German always have the verb first, e.g., "Comes he?"


Yes/no questions in Russian don't change the word order. They just use intonation to make a question.


What is the difference between true prepositions and nouns functioning as prepositions in Arabic?

True prepositions are invariable, while noun-prepositions change case sometimes

How many tenses do Japanese main predicates have?


What does a compound sentence consist of?

Two main clauses with a coordinating conjunction

Which kind of pronouns are these? Us Ours Itself I

Us- Personal (object) Ours- Possessive Itself-Reflexive I-Personal (subject)

What differentiation in usage must be made in Spanish in the conditional perfect "if" clauses (condition + result)?

Use cuando 'when/whenever' for ongoing conditions and si 'if' for contrary-to-fact. The two are never switched in Spanish.

How are Spanish declarative sentences turned into interrogatives?

Using inversion

How are complex English prepositions expressed in Japanese?

Using no + noun + particle

What is the relationship between the grammatical gender of a noun and the meaning, i.e., the thing that the word refers to?

Usually none. The gender must be memorized because it is often unpredictable.

What are the three types of Japanese predicates where tense appears?

Verbs, copula, i-type adjectives

What kind of pronouns are these? We Her What Theirs

We- Personal pronoun (subject) Her- Personal pronoun (object) What- Interrogative pronoun Theirs- Possessive pronoun

What are the five W's?

Who, what, when, where, why (and how)

What are the five expression types that need the subjunctive?

Wishing/wanting, doubt/uncertainty, impersonal, advice/command, emotion

What are the three types of interrogative questions in English?

Yes-or-no, wh-questions, tag questions

What kind of pronouns are these? Yourselves Its Which Whomever

Yourselves- Reflexive Its- Possessive Which- Interrogative Whomever- Relative

George forgot his umbrella. The underlined item is

a direct object

Larry showed me his stamp collection . The underlined item is

a direct object

Eaten by mosquitoes, I wished I had packed some insect repellant. The underlined item is

a participial phrase

I'm looking for my keys. The underlined item is

a preposition

They love ice cream. The underlined item is

a pronoun

People applauded the woman who dared to drive. The underlined item is

a relative clause

Johan is telling me that he left his bag in the cafeteria. The tense of the underlined verb is:


Frank arrived late because he had missed his bus. The underlined item is

an adverbial clause

My mother gave me ten dollars. The underlined item

an indirect objec

What statement best describes how adverbs work in Chinese? English adverbs are expressed in Chinese

by adverbs, by adjectives, and by intensifiers, depending on meaning.

Chris was studying when his mother called. The form of the underlined verb is


Complete the phrase: "The topic is the sentence element that"

expresses what the sentence is about.

What are the two formal types of Japanese adjectives?

i-type adjectives and na-type adjectives

Tio had been skipping piano lessons. The aspect of the underlined verb is:


She slept on the plane. The underlined verb is


Suzan bought a new phone today. The underlined item is the


Paula likes him The underlined item is in the

objective case

What happened to them ? The underlined item is in the

objective case

"Sandra has been studying quite a bit, lately." In that sentence, the aspect is:

perfect progressive

Complete the phrase: "A subject is the person or thing in a sentence that"

performs the action of the verb.

This woman's shoes are very fashionable. The underlined item is in the

possessive case

"Jen will be taking a few classes this summer." In that sentence, the aspect is:


"She is preparing for her finals." In that sentence, the aspect is:


"Mark likes to cook." In that sentence, the aspect is:


I think that she doesn't want to leave. The underlined item is in the

subjective case

What is the essential part of a phrase called?

the head

My dog gives me trouble. The underlined verb is


Tommy is waiting for you . The underlined item is


Conjugation is the creation of derived forms of a


What is "number" in a noun?

A category that shows how many - singular, plural, dual

What is a Romance language?

A language descended from Latin, the language of Rome

What is conjugation?

A list of all the possible forms of a verb, which 'agree' with the subject.

What is a noun?

A person, animal, place, thing, or abstract idea

What is grammatical gender?

A system for assigning nouns to classes

What is a modal verb?

A type of auxiliary verb that complements the meaning of the main verb with modes such as possibility, probability, necessity, or ability.

Her friends have always thought that it was a refreshing quality.


Julia is hyperactive . She never plays the same game for more than 5 minutes.


Louis is an extremely pleasant person.


Charlotte is always very calm.


Dan loves music. He can sing beautifully .


But sometimes, they wish she were a bit nicer .

Comparative form

All foreign languages are equally difficult for all humans to learn. T/F


Chinese has a complete set of possessive pronouns that match gender, number, and case in all of the different language functions for masculine, feminine, and neuter. T/F


Each language is independent of all the others. There is no relationship between separate languages. T/F


French, Italian, and Spanish verbs are completely different from each other, with nothing in common. T/F


Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic do not have capital letters. What effect does this have on nouns?

It is impossible to mark proper nouns such as names of people, places, etc.

Some languages have a feature called gender that classifies the nouns into two or three groups, usually called masculine, feminine and (sometimes) neuter. Why is it important to learn the gender along with the noun?

The gender of a noun often controls its endings. If you use the wrong gender with a noun, you'll wind up with the wrong endings.

What are particles and markers used for in Chinese?

They add meaning to verbs and sentences that are reflected in English in the verb. They are not translated separately.

"First person" means the speaker is doing the action ("I sing" or "we sing"). T/F


A gerund is a type of participle. T/F


A participle can be used as an adjective. T/F


In the Russian sentence "This play bad, but that (one) good," the words this and that are demonstrative pronouns. T/F


It's the endings which convey much of the grammar in an inflected language, not the prepositions. T/F


Learning a foreign language effectively requires daily, focused practice. T/F


Learning correct pronunciation is extremely important and requires frequent practice. T/F


Arabic uses three-consonant roots as its basic "Form System", and puts vowels into the roots in different places to make different forms. T/F


Arabic verbs have many more conjugation forms than English, including both prefixes and suffixes. T/F


Auxiliary verbs in French, Italian, and Spanish are similar to English, using 'to have' and 'to be' to form different tenses. T/F


Because Japanese does not mark the singular/plural distinction on nouns, the phrases "the company's president" and "the companies' presidents" are identical in Japanese. You can only tell the meaning from context. T/F


Chinese verbs always have only one form. T/F


In languages with gender, you always need to know the gender in order to use nouns. T/F


Morphology relates to the various endings on words that change meanings. T/F


Russian has five different types of pronouns for objects, depending on their function in a sentence. T/F


Some languages classify nouns into gender using the classes "animate/inanimate," "human/non-human," or "human/animal/inanimate." T/F


Some languages classify nouns into gender using the classes "masculine/feminine" or "masculine/feminine/neuter." T/F


Some languages do not have infinitive forms (e.g, Arabic, Chinese). T/F


Pronouns are not necessary and can or must be left out in some languages (always in Latin, usually in Italian and Spanish). Why are they unnecessary?

Unlike English, the conjugated form of the verb in these languages unambiguously shows the person and number (e.g., 2nd plural), so the verb already shows most or all of the information. The pronoun is redundant.

What is reference of a noun?

Whether a noun is definite/indefinite, closer/farther, specific, or quantities

How are "counter" suffixes used in Japanese?

With count nouns and mass nouns to show type and shape of the noun being counted (three bottles of wine)

What is a participle?

A verb form used to form some tenses, or as an adjective.

What is the copula?

A verb or form that connects a subject to something identical to or describing the subject.

What is a determiner/article?

A word, phrase, or affix used together with a noun to show reference

Victoria and Louis have three highly energetic children: Charlotte, Julia, and Dan


"Person" for a verb is a form showing who/what is doing the action of the verb. T/F


"Third person" means the speaker is talking to someone, not about them. T/F


A transitive verb does not take a direct object. T/F


Grammatical gender relates to the biological sex of a noun. T/F


Learning vocabulary is unimportant-you can get by with about 100 words in any language as long as you know the endings. T/F


The infinitive form in English is always "to" + the DICTIONARY FORM (i.e., to dance). Therefore, other languages must always be used with "to" as well. T/F


There are many language families in the world. All of them have the feature of gender. T/F


What are the three categories of language difficulty as classified by the U.S. Foreign Service Institute?

. Category I (world), Category II (hard), Category III (super hard)

His wife, however, can be somewhat mean.


She is generally brutally honest.


She likes to read quietly in her room.


Victoria and Louis have three highly energetic children: Charlotte, Julia, and Dan


What are the various functions of suffixes?

All of the above

What is the most important study strategy for learning foreign language vocabulary?

All of the above

When studying morphology (endings) and syntax (word order), it is important to:

All of the above

What is natural gender?

Assigning grammatical gender to a noun based on biological sex of the person or animal

What languages we have studied do not use determiners/articles?

Chinese, Japanese, Latin, Russian

Julia and Dan are both younger than Charlotte.

Comparative form

They wished she were a bit more gentle when she expresses her opinion.

Comparative form

In English, we use the form be + -ing (e.g., I am going, cows are mooing). We know that English structures cannot be transferred automatically into any foreign language. What would languages like Latin, French, Italian, or Spanish use instead?

These languages would use a simple verb to express this structure. Students must retrain their thinking to use this form.

To show plural, Chinese uses classifiers with a number, while Japanese uses a number plus a counter. What do the classifiers or counters do?

They show categories of things, such as bound objects, long skinny things, people, animals

Arabic demonstrative pronouns differ in meaning from English. How does Arabic divide up the idea of demonstrative?

Thing close to speaker or person spoken to VS. thing far from both

All Arabic verbs are regular. This makes learning the verbal system easier in Arabic, since you only have to learn one conjugation pattern for all the verbs. T/F


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