Intro to the Visual Arts Midterm exam Flash cards 2022

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What does aesthetics concern themselves with?

Aesthetics concern themselves with our responses to the natural world , especially the world of art.

What pieces of art can show representation of Give Tangible Form to the Unknown?

•Hindu god Shiva - Lord of the Dance. •Shiva is shown dancing the destruction and rebirth of the world while surrounded by flames. •Meaning behind each arm: *small drum representing creation, *flame of destruction, *points to foot as a place worshipers may seek refuge, *palm towards viewer as a gesture meaning "fear not."

Reasons for using symmetrical balance?

•It expresses order, harmony and authority

What is going on in The Banjo Lesson?

•Tanner used size and placement to emphasize the figures of the old man and the young boy •Posed them so that their visual weights combine to form a single mass •Contrast in lighting •Directional lines to create a focal point •Subordinated the background -The focus is on the teacher and student and they draw the eye to the center of the painting by using color to draw your attention and washes out the background. He also uses size and measure to draw your attention.

What is going on in Executions of the Third of May?

•The bright colors , red, white and yellow, demand our attention •Goya creates a dramatic focal area against a dark background of earth tones and black •Goya uses psychological force to direct our attention and sympathy •Directional forces •Body gesture of both man about to be killed and of soldiers *The focal point is the man with the white shirt lantern lights him up and the artist also has the body movement of the men with the guns lunging at the man with his arms up . the artist dont focus on is the town in the background.

Vertical Axis

•The implied center of gravity is the vertical axis •vertical axis: It is an imaginary line drawn down the center of the composition. •Forms on either side of the axis correspond to one another in size, shape, and placement

What is going on in The Two Fridas?

•The left side of painting is the European Frida •The right side of painting is the Mexican Frida •Mexican Frida holds a tiny portrait of Diego Rivera •This work is symmetrical, but a symmetry that is breaking down •Shapes are symmetrical, but the colors are not

Looking and responding to art

•The role of the eyes in vision is purely mechanical •The mind's role in making sense of the information is highly subjective. •We do not have the same interpretation •We practice selective perception •The nature of perception suggests that the most important key to looking at art is to become aware of the process of looking

Feather baskets

•Traditionally Women would create the Baskets. •It was of ritual significance •Weaver includes a small imperfection in each basket. •The imperfection was to let in the good spirits and let out the bad ones.

Who is Maya Lin?

-Created the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC -Born in 1959 (22 year old) -Answered to an open call for proposals for the memorial -22 years old undergrad from yale -"I created places in which to think, without trying to dictate what to think."

Who is known for the drip paintings?

Jackson Pollock


Proportion is the relationship of one part of a whole to other parts.

Positive Shapes

A figure or foreground shape.

Asymmetrical Painting

Means that the two halves of the work of art are different, however, try to create balance. In other words, although the sides may not be exactly the same, there will be elements that interact in a way that makes each side equally important.


Pattern uses the elements of art in planned or random repetitions to enhance surfaces of paintings or sculptures.

two painting 'girl before a mirror' and ' the two fridas' are painted by?

Picasso and Kahlo


Space is a three -dimensional volume that can be empty or filled with objects.

What elements in Nocturne in Blue and Gold created a subdued emotional mood in this painting?

The Cool Colors

What was the purpose of the Chauvet paintings?

The painting served as a magical assistance to help with the hunt.

Looking Inward: The Human Experience

by Meta Warrick Fuller

warm colors

red, orange, yellow

Diego rivera

-Born in 1907 in Mexico -Mexican Muralist who created artworks in Mexico and the U.S. focusing on political messages.


An ability to adapt to new situations and to see their possibilities


Form describes objects that are three-dimensional, having length, width, and height.

Mets Warrick Fuller

Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller (1877-1968), an American sculptor, is known for her groundbreaking depictions of the African and African-American experience. Throughout the 1910s and 1920s, she created intimate portraits of friends and family, self-portraits, and commissioned works for national and international expositions.

cool colors

blue, green, violet

what are colors that are opposite called on the color wheel?


This separation of colors is known as dispersion. Once the colors in sunlight are separated by ____________, we are able to distinguish them in the splendor that


Color Theory

relationship between colors often based on their location on a color wheel

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?

•Born in Holland •At 27 began to take a serious interest in art •Within a decade, he created a large body of work • After a fight with artist Paul Gauguin, he cut a portion of his ear off •His best works were while he was in a mental institution •In 1890 he shot himself to death

Example of asymmetrical

•Gustav Klimt, Death and Life. Before 1911, finished 1915 •What links the two halves of the painting? Death and life •Where is the vertical axis of this painting? In Between death and life •What is it symbolic for? Representing both world of life and death.

Negative Shapes

A background or ground shape seen in relation to foreground or figure shape(s).

Task: Give Tangible Form to the Unknown

Artists portray what cannot be seen with the eyes or events that can only be imagined.

complementary colors

Colors located directly opposite one another on the color wheel

Which of the following is not considered an element of art? -Color -Light -Content -Texture -Mass


Tertiary colors

Created by mixing a primary color with a neighboring secondary color


Dots spaced close or far apart to suggest darker or lighter areas


Emphasis is the principle of creating a centered interest in an artwork, often achieved by color contrast and by lines which direct the eye to it. in the focal area of an artwork gives it importance.


Graphite is a metallic gray writing and drawing material most commonly used in pencil form - though graphite powder is also used by artists as a drawing material.

What movement was Andy Warhol apart of?

He was apart of the pop art movement.


Heightened awareness of what one sees, hears, and touches, as well as responsiveness to other people and their feelings

The emotional Effects of Color

How different uses of color impact the viewer emotionally or inspire a certain mood


Is a three-dimensional form that occupies a volume of space.


Is an area that is contained within an implied line, or is seen because of color or value changes. It Is a two-dimensional form, occupying an area with identifiable boundaries. Shapes have two dimensions, length and width, and can be geometric or organic.


Is the shape we detach and focus on.


Is the surrounding visual information the figure stands out from, the background.

What Materials where used to create the Chauvet Cave?

It is believed that the cave images were created using pigments from natural earth substances along with balck charcoal, mixed with animal fat, and applied with reed brush. Using the same material but not in powder form , they were most likely mouth blown on to the walls using the hollow reed.

What is Guernica's travel history?

It was displayed at the Museum of Modern Art in New York for 42 years, Guernica finally made its way to Spain in 1981. As a result of the death of dictator Francisco Franco.


Line is a malk made by a pointed tool- brush, pencil, pen , etc. it can vary in width, direction, curvation, length and color.


Most impressive and haunting works to survive in the south of England. Served as a sort of calendar. Served as a setting for public rituals and ceremonies. They were built overy many centuries. Tallest circle consisted of thirty gigantic upright stones, weighing some 50 tons each


Movement means the artist is taking viewers on a trip through the work by means of lines, edges, shapes, and colors often leading to the focal area.

What is pop art?

Pop art is all about making art by inspired by things from popular culture.


Rhythm is the repetition of shapes, lines, and forms.


Scale refers to the size of an object in relation to another, and is one of the principles of organization of structural elements in art and design.


The ability to generate ideas easily and frequently, and to follow through on those ideas.

Refraction of light

The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another

How many people was Maya Lin chosen out of?

Was chosen out of 14,000 entries

Monochromatic colors

all the hues (tints and shades) of a single color

Primary colors

red, yellow, blue

Meta Warrick Fuller

- Meta Warrick Fuller - African-American artist. Born in 1877 - Artistic training - in both the United States and Europe - Work: Talking Scull, 1937, Bronze

Mona Lisa

-A painting by Leonardo da Vinci of a woman with a mysterious smile. -It is now of the most readily recognized paintings in the world. -First time on view was in 1797 in Paris -Describes as a dangerous beauty, a fatal attraction -1911 painting was stolen from museum -At the louver, attracts over five million visitors a year - the Painting is Protected by bullet proof glass box

Georgia O'Keeffe

-Born 1887 in Wisconsin -American painter who was among the most influential figures in Modernism, best known for her large-format paintings of natural subjects, especially flowers and bones, and for her depictions of New York City skyscrapers and architectural and landscape forms unique to northern New Mexico.

What was Andy Warhol known for?

-He is famous for exploring popular culture in his work. Popular culture is anything from Coca Cola to pop stars to the clothes people like to wear. -He made a print of Campbell's Soup - a popular brand of soup in the United States.

Who is Andy Warhol?

-He was born Andrew Warhola in 1928 in Pennsylvania. -They moved to New York in the 1920s.

Frida Kahlo

-Mexican painter; international popularity with self-portraits; was married to Diego Rivera; influenced by Rivera, shared his Communist views -Born: July 6, 1907-July 13, 1954, Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico -Periods: Naïve art, Modern art, Surrealism, Magical Realism, Symbolism, Primitivism, Naturalism, Social realism, Cubism -Known for: Painting


A readiness to allow the free flow of ideas.


A sense of humor and an ability to experiment freely.

Analytical skill:

A talent for exploring problems, taking them apart, and finding out how things work.

What is the definition of Vanitas?

A vanitas is a symbolic work of art showing the transience of life, the futility of pleasure, and the certainty of death, often contrasting symbols of wealth and symbols of ephemerality and death.

Organizational skill:

Ability to put things back together in a coherent order.

What are creative Traits?

Sensitivity, Flexibility, Originality, Playfulness, Productivity, Fluency, Analytical skill, Organizational skill

What was Meta Warrick Fuller known for?

She was known for her paintings of "living pictures" as well as the creation of props, scenery, and masks. The Answer was an African-American stage production where Fuller designed costumes while also performing a small role.

Shiva Nataraja

Shiva as Lord of Dance

What is this place?


What can hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling be used for?

These techniques can create shading and highlights.

Chauvet Cave

This cave is the site of Old Stone Age cave paintings in southeastern France.More than 300 paintings and drawings were found. The cave was named after Jean-Marie Chauvet, who led the explorers.


Uncommon responses to situations and to solving problems.

Unity with Variety

Unity with Variety. Similar brush marks, clustered bird shapes, and cool colors provide unity. However, each bird is doing something different and each is different.


a Spanish town that was brutally bombed and was full of innocent civilians it was supposed to encourage fear, Picasso painted a famous painting capturing Guernica. Picasso wanted to depict his chaotic feelings.

Color wheel

a circle with different colored sectors used to show the relationship between colors.


charcoal is a form of a dry art medium made of finely ground organic materials that are held together by a gum or wax binder or produced without the use of binders by eliminating the oxygen inside the material during the production process.

analagous colors

colors that are next to each other on the color wheel

Executions of the Third of May 1808

depicts the Third of May execution was an indiscriminate killing of civilians by French soldiers in reprisal for a guerrilla attack the previous day. Goya's painting of the massacre, which shows terrified civilians facing a firing squad, was intended to arouse anger and hatred on the part of Spanish viewers.

Liquid media

is any material that is in liquid form, created by adding a liquid to a pigment. An advantage is that it tends to be durable. The disadvantages to using liquid media are that it can be costly and difficult to work with. Explain how fresco paintings are created.


is the branch of philosophy concerned with the feelings aroused in us by sensory experiences - experiences we have through sight, hearing , tates , touch, and smell.

Cross- Hatching:

lines going across each other


lines in one direction

Secondary colors

orange, green, violet


refers to the surface quality, both simulated and actual, of artwork.

What does Seated Woman with a Fan introduce us to?

seated woman holding a fan is the introduction to cubism

What elements in The Scream indicates horror in this painting?

the dark cool colors drawing the focal point to the screaming face

The word design applies to both 2d and 3d works true or false?


What Do Artist Do?

•Artists create places for some human purpose •Artists create extraordinary versions of ordinary objects •Artists record and commemorate •Artists give tangible form to the unknown •Artists give tangible form to feelings and ideas •Artists refresh our vision and help us see the world in new ways

What pieces of art can show representation of Give Tangible Form to Feelings and Ideas?

•Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night. 1889 •Van Gogh believed that people journeyed to a star after their death and continued their lives. "We take death to reach a star."

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