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Who devised the practice of using domains to classify organisms?

Carolus Linneaus (Carl Linne

Which form of adaptive immunity involves the activation of cells to destroy invaders?


Which form of adaptive immunity uses T cells?


Mneumonic for taxonomy

Dashing King Phillip Came Over From Geneva Spain

Which kingdom contains the more common "germ" bacteria?


Which domain contains eukaryotes?


Which kingdom contains the heterotrophic yeasts and mushrooms?


What theory proposes that specific microbes are the agents of specific diseases?

Germ theory

Which language is used to assign names to organisms? Latin Why is it used?

It is a dead language meaning that it is not currently used by population of people so the words/meanings do not change

Who used cowpox material to vaccinate people against smallpox?


Who proved the germ theory and devised a set of steps or postulates to connect a specific microbe to a specific disease?


Which language is used to assign names to organisms?


Who showed the importance of oxygen to life?


Who revolutionized surgical practices by using antiseptics to sterilize surgical equipment?


What occurs when your lymphocytes recognize foreign particles in your body?

Lymphocytes recognize the particles as foreign and initiate the immune response

What is the name of the group of molecules on cells that identify them?

MHCS (major histocompatibility complexes)

What term refers to a vaccine that is aimed at more than one microbe?


Who was a proponent of spontancous generation and demonstrated that nutrient broth had been heated to kill the microbes but when it cooled microbes spontaneously appeared?


Who discovered how vaccines work and created the rabies vaccine?


Who discovered that microbes caused wine to spoil?


Who disproved spontaneous generation of microbes using S-shaped curved necked flasks that let oxygen in but kept microbes out?


Who is given credit for discovering the benefits of pasteurization?


Who proposed that if microbes can create the physical and chemical changes associated with wine spoilage that they could also create the changes associated with diseases?


Who was one of the early people to devise aseptic techniques to prevent the contamination by unwanted microbes?


9Name a medicine that we have because of a microbe:

Penicillin from fungus Penicillium notatum

Who suggested that microbes from the air had entered the boiled solutions and microbes had not spontaneously generated in the heated/cooled broths?


What theory stated that life could arise from non-living matter?

Spontaneous generation

The study of viruses is called


Name four agencies/sources of microbiological information:


Which type of immunity is aimed at specific pathogens?

adaptive (third line)

.What does the word "antigen" mean?

antibody generating

The mercury in the vaccine preservative thimerosol was/is thought to cause


The study of bacteria is called


The use of a two-word name for each organism is called

binomial nomenclature.

What theory stated that life comes only from life?


The use of bacteria/microbes to clean up toxins such as oil spills is called


Which taxon is the most inclusive?


Arrange the classification categories (taxons) in order from domain to species:

domain, kingdom, phylum/division, class, order, family, genus, species

Tracing the path of a disease is the study of


Are animals, plants, fungi, and protists: prokaryotic or eukaryotic?


Which group of microorganisms has members that have a nucleus, have membrane-bound organelles, and are larger and more complex than bacteria?


The process of yeast turning sugar into alcohol is called


Name some second line of defense mechanisms:

fever, inflammation, interferon, phagocytosis

Which word of an organism's name is capitalized?


The first word of an organism's name indicates the organism's


Which form of adaptive immunity uses B cells (B lymphocytes)?


The ability of an organism to recognize and repel disease is called


Each word should either be underlined separately or


Which group of cells roamed your body before you were born to learn to recognize your cells as "self"?

lymphocytes (white blood cells)

The genes of microbes are manipulated in genetic engineering to enable

microbes to have beneficial properties like producing insulin and digesting oil.

Organisms so small that they must be viewed with a microscope are called


The study of microbes is called


The discovery of microbes is linked to the invention of the


List some foods that we have because of microbes:

mushrooms, breads wines, yogurt, cheeses

The study of fungi is called


Bacteria that take nitrogen from the air and convert it into compounds useful to plants are called

nitrogen fixers

Which type of immunity is aimed at all pathogens?

non-specific (innate) (first& second lines)

Microbes that live on or in our body, that are normally harmless, and that occupy space and use food so they resist or inhibit pathogens are called

normal flora.

The use of heat to kill microbes to prevent spoilage is called


Disease-causing organisms are called


The study of algae is called


Microbes that are ingested to provide a normal flora to help the body perform functions like digesting food are referred to as


Because some photosynthetic microbes produce food and oxygen, they are referred to as


Are bacteria: prokaryotic or eukaryotic?


Which group of microorganisms has members that have no nucleus, no membrane-bound organelles, and are small?


The study of protozoans is called


Bacteria are used in waste water treatment plants to remove wastes to

purify water

Organisms that break down material are called decomposers or


The process of assigning names to organisms is called

scientific nomenclature or binomial nomenclature

What happens to some people who receive vaccines?

side-effects, autoimmune disorders

Name some first line of defense mechanisms:

skin, mucous membranes tears, saliva, urine, sweat

The second word of an organism's name indicates the organism's


Which taxon is the least inclusive?


The organizing of organisms into related groups is called

taxonomy or classification.

The groups or categories that organisms are placed in are referred to as


A dead, weakened, or part ofa microbe that will illicit an immune response is called a


Dead, weakened, or parts of microbes that are used to induce immunity are called


Who first observed living microbes in pond water & saliva calling them "animalcules"?

van Leeuwenhoek

Yeasts turn sugar into alcohol and some bacteria turn alcohol into

vinegar (acid).

Which group of microorganisms has non-cellular, non-living members?


Give five examples of microbes (microorganisms):

viruses, fungi, algae, bacteria, protozoans

What does the term "attenuated" mean?


Is it currently required by law to vaccinate your children?


Name the six kingdoms:

Animalia, Plantae, Protista, Fungi, Eubacteria, Archaebacteria

Which domain contains the bacteria that do not have peptidoglycan in their cell walls?


List the three domains

Archaea, Bacteria Eukarya

Which kingdom contains the bacteria that live in extreme environments?


Which domain contains the bacteria that have peptidoglycan in their cell walls?


How many domains are there?


7What percentage of microbes are pathogenic?


Who viewed cork through a microscope, discovered and named cells?


Which form of adaptive immunity involves the production of antibodies?

Humoral (B cells)

What is added to some vaccines to prevent bacterial contamination?


Which kingdom contains the algae and protozoans (protists)?


Who was an opponent of spontaneous generation and demonstrated that maggots do not arise spontaneously from decaying meat?


Who traced a cholera epidemic outbreak to a town well pump handle showing that a disease could be traced back to its origin?


Be able to recognize Koch's postulates:

The causative microbe must be present in the diseased organisms and absent in the healthy organisms. The causative microbe must be isolated from the diseased organism and grown pure e. When the microbe from the pure culture is inoculated into a healthy organism, that healthy organism should get the disease. The microbe should be re-isolated from the experimentally infected organism and shown to be identical to the original. Then, that specific microbe can be said to be the cause of that particular disease.

Why are viruses not classified in a kingdom?

They are not considered to be alive.

Why are viruses not considered to be living organisms

They cannot reproduce on their own

Why are saprophytes important to the environment?

They recycle nutrients

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