Introduction of managment pharmacy

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Evolution of Management Thought

1- classical approach 2-behavioral approach 3- the management science approach 4- the situational approach 5- the systems approach

◼ Limitations to the classical approach:

1-it did not adequately emphasize the human variable 2- critical interpersonal areas such as conflict communication leadership motivation were not seriously considered

The classical approach

1-the lower management analysis 2-comprehensive analysis of management functions


A person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.

Management includes

Achievement of organizational goals ◼ Working in groups with and through people ◼ Performing interrelated tasks that indicates some functions ◼ The efficient use of organizational resources ◼ The transformation of organizational resources into products.


Coordinate between different departments


Evaluate the performance of manger


Give direct orders and make descions


Give gulildines and principles that employees should follow


Hard work Smart work Patience Out of box thinking Reading and acquiring knowledge Ethical consciousness Collaborative relationships Perseverance

open system

Influenced by and continuously interact with its environment

closed system

Not effected by and doesn't interact with it environment

Def. System

Number of interrelated parts functioning as a unfied whole for a specific purpose

The systems approach

Organizations must be viewed as total systems, with each part linked to every part of it.

The lower management analysis by fredrick Taylor

Replacing rules of thumb with science, creating group harmony and cooperation, achieving maximum output and developing workers. ◼ Determining the level of output by using time and motion studies ◼ Determining the quickest ways to perform tasks ◼ Trying to make managers and workers activities more predictable and more controllable

IV. The Situational Approach:

There is no best way to plan Manger should find different ways to fit different situations A highly effective method in one situation might not work with other situations

The behavior approach

Understand of people and their needs If managers understand their subordinates and adapt their organization to them organization success will follow

Managers set priorities based on

Urgency Relevance Impact Future consequences


Work with suppliers distributors and labor unions

Resource allocator

allocate organizational resources among different tasks and departments of the organization


being the official person to give out information


communicate information to organization

Managerial Skills

conceptual, human, technical

Decisional Roles

entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator

Interpersonal Roles

figurehead, leader, liaison

Manager's Role

interpersonal, informational, decisional

Definition of Management

is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling organizational resources.

Informational role

monitor, disseminator, spokesperson

Types of systems

open and closed

disturbance handler

take corrective action to deals with unexpected problems

Types of Managers

top managers, middle managers, first-line managers,

Characteristics of operations research approach:

◼ Management Problems studies are so complicated and need analysis of many variables. ◼ It uses economic implications as guidelines for making particular decisions. ◼ The use of mathematical models to investigate the decision situation. ◼ The use of computers is essential for a management science analyst.

Comprehensive analysis of management functions by henry fayol

◼ Principles of management: 1. Division of work 2. Delegation of authority and responsibility 3. Discipline 4. Unity of command 5. Unity of direction 6. Subordination of individual interests to the general interests 7. Remuneration of personnel 8. Centralization 9. Scalar chain( line of authority) 10. Order 11. Equity 12. Stability of personnel 13. Initiative, and 14. Espirit de corps

conceptual skills

➢ Ability of an individual to analyze complex situations and to rationally process and interpret available information.

human skills

➢ involves the ability to build cooperation within team.

technical skills

➢ involves the ability to use specialized knowledge and expertise in executing work-related techniques and procedures.

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