Introduction to Human Resource Management Units 3-4

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What is a disadvantage of engaging in mergers and acquisitions?

A large number of employees must be integrated quickly

What can help the organization decrease the need for initial employee training?

A large pool of qualified job applicants

The quality of the forecast depends on the accuracy of information and the predictability of events. What kind of time frame gives more accurate information and more predictability of events?

A shorter time horizon

What is a way to acquire a large pool of highly qualified individuals quickly?

Acquisitions and mergers

Which of the following is not a standard for evaluating HRP?

Action plans vs. expected outcomes

Which of the following is not usually how job rotations are used?

As a permanent position

Criteria for evaluating HRP need to balance what is forecasted vs. what is actual. Which of the following is NOT a criterion that could be used to evaluate HRP?

Budget vs. desired rates

Why are traditional organizational structures not as workable as they once were?

Changes in workforce values

What is the most common source of external recruiting?

Company's website

What does an internal job posting not provide for the organization?

Compliance with affirmative action goals

Which of the following is NOT one of the purposes of HR forecasting and planning?

Coordinate HR programs that achieve the goals no matter the cost.

What is not an external environmental factor that affects the available labor market?

Current employees' skills and knowledge

What is the next step in human resource planning once the business plans are determined?

Decide how many and which employees are needed

What is typically the second phase of human resource planning (as shown in this topic)?

Establishing HR objectives and policies

What is the type and number of competitors' openings considered when looking at supply and demand within HR?

External labor demand

Which of the following is a valid reason for promoting from within a company?

External recruits are typically more expensive to hire than internal employees are to promote

True or False: Action programs designed to increase the supply of employees in the organization are used when supply exceeds demand.


True or False: Ads in newspapers are typically more creative than those in trade journals.


True or False: Advances in technology have been very effective and helpful to companies in many areas, but because human resource management works mostly with people, there is less use for technology in the HRM area.


True or False: Because human resource management is about managing the human capital needs within the organization, when implementing HRP, the organization only needs to focus on the organization's internal factors.


True or False: Data collection is important only as a means of control for HR plans and programs.


True or False: Employee characteristics and HR policies will be relatively the same for all organizations.


True or False: Employee referral programs extend an open invitation to all employees, through prominent display of notice, to apply for a job vacancy.


True or False: Employment websites are popular in North America only.


True or False: Few small- and medium-sized organizations can be successful without a formal process for estimating future human resource needs.


True or False: Forecasting creates certainties about the future of the company.


True or False: HR planning can still be very effective even if it fails to accurately forecast supply and demand.


True or False: HRP is very important to an organization to find out its needs, but it is a distant relation to other functions such as recruitment and selection, job performance, etc.


True or False: Human resource planning is all about the programs and policies that an organization is going to implement and so it is about training, not about restructuring the company.


True or False: Human resource planning is one of the last steps in creating a human resource program.


True or False: In most organizations the demand and supply of the firm's human capital needs are usually in pretty good balance.


True or False: Knowing the skills, abilities, interests, and preferences of the workforce is all that is needed to prepare an HR analysis for completing phase one of HR planning.


True or False: Many corporate executives are concluding that although human resources investment is important, it is not as important as the acquisition of equipment or materials.


True or False: One purpose of human resource planning is to help reduce costs by helping managers respond to shortages and surpluses of human resources at a moment's notice.


True or False: Recruiting has little to do with balancing supply and demand within a company.


True or False: Recruiting is only concerned with getting a large pool of potentially qualified applicants.


True or False: Simple linear regression works to predict future employment needs because when sales double, the level of employment necessary will always double as well.


True or False: The quantity of the workforce is often responsible for organizational performance.


True or False: Unions seem to prefer promotion and transfer based on ability and potential.


Which of the following is an example of an internal source for job applicants?

Former applicants

What occurs in the first stage of human resource planning as talked about earlier?

Gathering, analyzing and forecasting data

What is the 3rd stage in HR planning?

HR programming

What is the final phase in human resource planning?

HRP control and evaluation

What does HRP mean in this topic?

Human resource planning

What is the general purpose of recruitment?

Increase the pool of qualified applicants

Which of the following is not a purpose of recruitment?

Increasing the applicant pool, including maintaining an appropriate number of underqualified and overqualified job applicants

What is an advantage of the walk-in method of external recruiting?

Is relatively informal and inexpensive

What is an advantage of using an internal job posting for a job opening?

It facilitates a better matching of employee skills and needs

In recruitment, why is it important to be concerned about the needs of the job candidate?

It helps increase retention of good employees

Why is HRP one of the fastest growing and most important areas of human resource management?

It helps the company achieve its goals

Why is it important to know what an organization's learning curve is when forecasting demand?

It helps the company get a more accurate idea of how many employees will be needed in the future.

What process is used to identify the necessary KSAs and individual preferences, etc., for each job within the organization?

Job analysis

A statement of job responsibilities, tasks, and working conditions is called:

Job description

What recruitment document indicates which kind of people a business seeks?

Job specification

What size of recruiting pool helps an organization select those who will perform well?

Large - this way the company has a larger and more diverse group to choose from

Which of the following is the most common judgmental forecasting method for estimating HR demand?

Managerial estimates

Generally, all openings in a company are posted, but there is an exception. Which of the following is the type of job opening that is usually not posted the way others may be?

Managerial positions

What types of job applicants do private employment agencies tend not to serve?

Non-skilled workers

Values toward work are changing. Which of the following is not a change?

People now don't value work

What is redundancy planning?

Planning to lay off employees

When trying to incorporate an entrepreneurial strategy in an organization, what type of HR policies does that organization need to adopt?

Policies that emphasize innovation

Which of the following is not an HR policy that an organization would implement if they were looking at adopting an entrepreneurial strategy?

Policies that focus on highly repetitive behavior

Which of the following is a characteristic of traditional organization?

Primary focus on productivity

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the new organizational model that is shifting from the traditional model as reviewed in this topic?

Primary focus on productivity

There are six purposes of human resource planning talked about in this topic. Which of the following is not one of those purposes?

Provide more opportunities for women and majority groups in future growth

What type of HR policy would NOT enhance a rationalization/maximize-the-profit strategy?

Relaxed policies

What is a judgmental technique used by organizations to make supply forecasts?

Replacement planning

Which of the following is a strategy to forecast supply, but not demand?

Replacement planning

Which of the following is an advantage of an employee referral program?

The current employee can likely give a realistic job preview

There are many advantages that some skilled and semi-skilled individuals find with using temporary agencies. Which of the following is not an advantage?

They are able to achieve a consistent 40-hour-plus work week

Why are some organizations reluctant to use advertising sources such as television and radio as an external method of recruiting?

They feel they will look desperate

Which of the following is the purpose of Strategic Business Planning?

To determine the organization's goals, future products and services, etc.

What is the purpose of HR planning?

To understand the human capital needs of the organization

True or False: A firm must look at both internal and external needs to figure out what the organization's needs are.


True or False: Because knowing the estimates for the organization's human resource needs (e.g. supply and demand) is so critical, most small- and medium-sized organizations formally estimate these future human resource needs.


True or False: Being able to forecast demand and supply is crucial to remaining competitive in the marketplace.


True or False: Data collection is important so adjustments can be made, if needed, to the plans and programs being implemented.


True or False: Evaluating whether different recruiting techniques and locations are effective is part of the recruitment process.


True or False: Evaluation for HR plans and programs is important for demonstrating the HR department's role within the organization.


True or False: HR Planning does not only make a company look good, but also helps the company reduce expenses if done correctly.


True or False: HR planning is often assessed by how well its forecasts compared with reality. Another criterion is to see if the tools it uses and the activities it takes part in are linked to corporate goals.


True or False: HR planning may cause a company to redesign jobs or restructure work.


True or False: HRP activity can be assessed by whether the organization has the people it needs.


True or False: Human resource information systems help with control and evaluation by allowing more frequent and rapid collection of data.


True or False: Human resource management can overcome the roadblock of top-management not supporting HR planning by showing them data and bottom-line numbers that show it is effective.


True or False: Human resource planning is the process of making and executing plans to ensure that the right number of employees are available at the right time and place for the organization's needs.


True or False: Implementing the purposes of recruitment into a recruitment plan will help the organization avoid costly legal battles.


True or False: It is important to link HR planning and strategy as it fosters HR strategies that support the organization's business plans.


True or False: It is important to look at the type of applicant being sought before deciding which organization, such as a high school, should be used as sources for recruits.


True or False: Lack of support from line managers is a common roadblock to effective HR planning that can be overcome by involving line managers in the design, development and implementation of the HRP system.


True or False: Promoting from within can cause the organization to have a lack of perspectives and experiences.


True or False: Recruiting includes attracting enough qualified applicants for a job opening.


True or False: Recruiting is important in fulfilling the company's equal employment opportunity commitments.


True or False: There are many reasons for layoffs being more commonplace today.


True or False: Without effective HRP, an organization may end up with a plant or office, but without the right people to run it.


True or False: Workable structures serve the objective in planning and programming.


Organizational leaders are acknowledging many things about HR. Which of the following are corporate executives concluding about human resources?

Unqualified human resources is as serious a production bottleneck as scarcity of capital

Which of the following is not a question that HR professionals need to ask of internal managers when starting to forecast the organization's human resource needs?

What is it going to cost to implement the HR plans?

What is time series analysis?

When past staffing levels are used to project future HR needs.

Values about work are changing, which means that HR planning activities need to also change. Which of the following is something that the majority of today's workers are NOT valuing more?

Work that does not change - job security

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