Introduction to Leadership ~ Chapter 2

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Which of the following is an example of task-oriented leader behavior?

Checking the progress and quality of work

Which of the following is an important aspect that should be kept in mind by active leaders?

Competing points of view have to be managed, with some people left unsatisfied.

According to the trait approach to leadership, which of the following is categorized as a social characteristic of leaders?


Which of the following is an example of initiating structure behavior of leaders?

Directing tasks

Which of the following is an example of people-oriented leader behavior?

Displaying trust

Which of the following is an underlying dimension of job-centered leadership behavior?

Goal emphasis

Which of the following statements is true of individualized leadership?

It holds that leadership is a series of dyads or a series of two-person interactions.

Which of the following statements is true of honesty?

It implies an openness that followers welcome.

Which of the following statements is true of self-confidence?

It includes knowing and trusting in oneself.

Which of the following statements is true of individualized leadership?

It looks at the specific relationship between a leader and each individual follower.

Which of the following is a difference between leader behavior toward out-group members and in-group members?

Leaders give specific directives for how to accomplish tasks and attain goals to in-group subordinates whereas leaders trust out-group subordinates to use their own approaches in solving problems.

Which of the following statements is true of drive?

Leaders with drive seek achievement and have energy.

Which of the following statements is true of entrepreneurship?

Leaders with entrepreneurial traits exist within established organizations.

_____ refers to a tendency to see the positive side of things and expect that things will turn out well.


Which of the following is an example of the consideration behavior of leaders?

Seeking input from subordinates regarding important decisions

Which of the following statements is true of talents?

Talents can be turned into strengths by consciously enhancing them.

In the leader-member exchange research study on individualized leadership, leaders were trained to offer the opportunity for a high-quality relationship to all group members. According to this concept, which of the following is true of followers?

The followers who responded to the offer dramatically improved their performance.

Which of the following is a characteristic of entrepreneurial leaders?

They are concerned with innovation and creativity.

Which of the following statements is true of entrepreneurial leaders?

They are dissatisfied with the present.

Which of the following is a characteristic of collaborative leaders?

They don't have the strong position power of the collaborative role.

Which of the following is a characteristic of advisory leaders?

They possess the ability to influence others through communication, knowledge, and personal persuasion.

Which of the following characteristics was explored by the studies evaluating the characteristics of the leader-member exchange relationship?

Value agreement

People in organizations rise to the top because they:

can instill in others a sense of hope for the future.

According to the Leadership Grid, _____ occurs when primary emphasis is given to people rather than to work outputs.

country club management

Leaders who are drawn to new opportunities, are action oriented, and are more concerned with innovation, creativity, and creating new processes than with maintaining the status quo are known as:

entrepreneurial leaders.

The third phase of research in the development of the individualized leadership theory:

focused on whether leaders could develop positive relationships with a large number of followers.

High-quality leader-member exchange relationships:

have been found to lead to very positive outcomes for the organization.

Leader support and _____ are the two underlying dimensions of employee-centered leadership behavior.

interaction facilitation

Stage two in the development of the individualized leadership theory explored the _____ in more detail.

leader-member exchange

In the context of the trait approach to leadership, the diversity of traits that effective leaders possess indicates that:

leadership ability is not a genetic endowment.

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