Iowa Life Insurance

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In House

(Steps that the producer needs to complete when replacing a policy) Allow prior time credit for incontestable clause and suicide clause periods when the replacement is ___________

5 years

(Steps that the producer needs to complete when replacing a policy) Retain all replacement records for ______

30 day

(Steps that the producer needs to complete when replacing a policy) GIVE THE APPLICANT A ____ DAY "FREE LOOK"

5 days

(Steps that the producer needs to complete when replacing a policy) NOTIFY PRIOR INSURER WITHIN ____ DAYS

5 days

(Steps to by completed by existing insurer in a replacement transaction) The prior insurance company will send an in-force illustration within _________ of receiving notice of the replacement

Buyer's Guide

**Helps prospective buyers** decide how much and what type of life insurance they need. Describes term, whole life and endowment types with pros and cons of each. Difference between participating and non-participating policies


**RATE of earnings** the actuary will need to assume will be earned on the premiums paid to the life insurance


based on the insured's age

Interest-adjusted Method/Surrender Cost Index

3 methods are taken into account, the accumulated premium, accumulated dividend, and cash value surrender value. Premium and dividends are accumulated at 5% interest. Cash value and accumulated dividends are subtracted from accumulated premium. This result is then divided by an "annuity factor" to determine the annual factor for the index

Universal life (flexible premium policy)

A combination of pure protection (term) and cash values After making minimum initial payment, it allows policyowner to skip, pay less, or pay more premiums than scheduled as long as payment is enough to keep insurance portion in force Policy doesn't have nonforfeiture values It does allow for policy loans Interest is credited on cash values in the policy. Rate is based on investment performance in insurance company's general account. Term for this interest rate is "current rate" Death benefit may be increased (with evidence of insurability) or decreased as the owner wishes

Annual Renewal Term

A form or level term insurance which gives the policyholder **the right to renew the policy each year** up to a specified age (such as 65) or for a specified period of time (such as 10 years) and without proof of insurability. The premiums increase with each renewal because rates are based on insured newly attained age

Key person life insurance policy

A life insurance policy purchased by an employer on the life of a **key employee** - benefits are paid to employer

Single Premiums Whole Life

A lump sum premium pays the policy up in full, creating an immediate cash value

Life and Health Guarantee Association

Advertising by the insurer that suggests the insured is protected from financial loss by the Life and Health Guaranty Association is forbidden by state law

How 'Needs Approach' works

Agent assumes death is immediate then: calculates all financial needs of the client, subtracts all assets of the insured, recommends life insurance in the amount needed to fill in the gaps between needs and assets

Conversion Option

Allows insured to change to another type of policy form. Changes to forms requiring higher premiums may usually be made without evidence of insurability


An agent has the responsibility to sell suitable policies based upon the particular circumstances of the prospect


Any transaction in which new insurance or a new annuity is to be purchased and it is known or should be known to the proposing agent or broker or to the proposing insurer if there is no agent

6 pieces of information used for underwriting an insurance policy

Application Producer Report Attending Physician's Statement Investigative Consumer Report Medical Information Bureau Report Medical Examinations:

Three conditions that need to be met for a policy to be effective

Application for insurance is approved Policy is issued Policy is delivered

Policy Loans

Are stipulated in policies with cash value

Buy-Sell Agreement Policy

Provides the funds for partners, or shareholders, of a business to buy out interest of deceased partner or shareholder


Requires insured to pay back premiums plus interest and prove insurability if policy was not surrendered for its cash value

Settlement Options

Available to the beneficiary upon the death of the insured, or the cash surrender value can be used to provide retirement benefits by the living policyowner

Comparative Interest Rate Method

COMPARES INTEREST RATE that would be needed on the premiums and dividends paid to reach the policy cash value at the specified period. The policy with the highest rate would be considered preferable

Adjustable Life (flexible premium policy)

Cash Value growth, loan provisions, nonforfeiture options. settlement options, etc. Virtually any changes can be made in the policy at the discretion of the policyowner such as: amount of premiums paid, face value, loans, and types of plans All changes may be made without dropping or exchanging the existing policy An increase in the death benefit usually requires that the insured furnish evidence of insurability Cash values develop only when the premium is greater than cost of the pure protection provided by the policy Cash values may be used to lengthen the period of protection if the policy is in the term mode, or shorten the premium payment period if the plan is in the whole life mode

Cash Accumulation

Cash values can be used to provide retirement benefits and can be used as collateral for loans and can provide death benefits even when payments are stopped

Characteristics of Group Plans

Certificates, not policies, are issued to the employees No evidence of insurability required The employer pays premiums. Occassionally, premiums may be shared with employees by employee party of premium through payroll deduction Average ages and sex is used to determine the premium Premium costs are lower since the employer handles many of the administrative duties normally done by the insurance company A minimum number of employees must participate Group must not be formed solely for the purpose of purchasing insurance Grace period of 31 days Conversion to individual plan within 31 days of terminating employment Experience rating is used which means average claims for that group over several years establishes the premium

Executive Bonuses Policy

Company purchases life insurance and names itself as beneficiary. If employee dies before retirement, life insurance benefit is paid to the employer who pays the employee's heirs. If employee lives to retirement, policy is **cashed in to pay the deferred BONUS**

Entire Contract

Consists of the policy, application (if attached; including any reinstatement application) and any riders attached to the policy

Endows by age 100

Death benefit paid to living insured at maturity date at age 100

Policy Summary

Describes the main benefits, features, and exclusions of the policy. Must include agent's & agency's name and address, and at least 5 years of premium and benefit patterns. Will also show the life insurance policy cost comparison information

Decreasing Term

Designed to decrease the face value over the duration of the policy. Commonly used for any need that decreased over time, such as family dependency income, home loan, or auto loan (debt), etc.

Cash, Loan, Nonforfeiture Values

Develop by policy year 3 and continue to increase to age 100

Non-participating insurance

Does NOT pay a dividend; issued by a stock insurance company

Salary Office Expenses Commission

Expenses include: (**hint** S.O.C.)

Level Premium Term Life

Face (death) value and premiums remain constant during the duration of the policy. It is usually sold in 5 or 10 year duration or for a specified period, such as age 65. To renew the coverage, a new policy with new medical evidence is applied for and issued

Permanent Protection

Face value or death benefit **remains level**

Low Premiums

For largest amount of coverage (at younger ages)

Represent policy as anything other than life insurance Mislead about non-guaranteed features Use the term "Vanishing Premium" Use incomplete illustrations

Four activities insurers are prohibited from doing with illustrations

Use of life insurance Agents/funeral home relationship Merch guarantees Nonpayment of premium outcome

Four items that need to be disclosed in a funeral prearrangement

Survivor Protection

Funds to help replace the financial losses resulting from death for SURVIVORS who depend on income of insured

Limited Payment Life

Increases the amount of premium results in a shorter premium results in a shorter premium payment period

Name of insurer Name and address of producer Name, age, and sex of proposed insured Underwriting classification Name and type of policy Initial death benefit

Information required in a life illustration


Insurance commissioner must approve any _________ used (in advertising)


Insured's lifetime right: receive all cash values, receive loans, receive dividend payments, receive other benefits, change benefits, exercise all options

Variable Products

Invested in some type of security; their values **fluctuate** based upon stock market performance


Is replacing an existing policy with another detriment of the policyholder

Business uses of life insurance:

Key person Buy-Sell Agreement policy Executive Bonuses

Lump sum financial needs upon death:

Last expenses, Emergency fund for survivors A fund for readjustment Money to pay estate and inheritance taxes Mortgage payoff fund Education fund

Single Employer Group Labor Union Groups Debtor-Creditor Groups Multiple Employer Trusts

List four Group Plan sponsors

Gross Annual Premium

Merely adds the load (expense) factor to the net single premium

10 persons and 100% participate

Minimum participation requirements for Non-Contributory Plan

10 persons and 75% participate

Minimum participation requirements for a Contributory Plan

Formula for Life Rates

Mortality - Interest = Net Premium + Loading (expenses) = Gross Premium


Must meet stringent state requirements of accuracy and truthfulness and clarity. Words like "investment", "profit", "savings", and "retirement plan" are PROHIBITED. "Vanishing Deductible" must be associated with guaranteed rates. Paid endorsements must be disclaimed

Term Policy

Offers only death benefits and lasts for a **specific period** of time

Income needs:

Replacing salary or lost services of the deceased Social security income "blackout" period Liquidation vs Retention of Capital

Level Term

Option A death benefit is a

Level Death Benefit

Option B death benefit is a

Individual Insurance

Owned by the INDIVIDUAL; evidence is required; premiums are based on individual age

Group Insurance

Owned by the employer; evidence is NOT required; premiums are based on average age

Face Value

Paid to beneficiary if death occurs during policy term. Settlement options can be used to pay out benefits

Participating Insurance

Pays a dividend; issued by a mutual insurance company

"Last to Die" Insurance

Pays on the death of the last insured to die

Pure Protection

Pays only for death with no cash value of its own


Predicting the number in an age group that will die in a 12 month period

Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annually Yearly

Premium Modes:

Ordinary Insurance

Premiums are payable until death or **age 100**. The amount of the premium will NEVER increase

Industrial Insurance

Sold in smaller amounts of protection. Premiums are collected on weekly or monthly basis

HIV Testing Rules

State code requires applicants give consent for HIV testing. A release form must be given which explains the purpose, consent, use, and meaning of test and disclosure of results


States the the insurer cannot contest statements contained in the application after policy has been in force 2 years

1) Furnish the insurer, on a statement signed by the applicant and producer, info about the existence of insurance or annuity contracts 2) Read to the applicant from a statement called "Notice Regarding Replacement" or get consent of applicant not to read the statement; a signed copy of notice furnished to applicant 3) Leave sales material used in presentation with the applicant 4) Send copies of the sales materials to insurer or send a signed statement to the insurer that only materials furnished by insurer were used

Steps that the producer needs to complete when replacing a policy:

Payment of Premiums

Stipulates when premiums are due, how often they are to be paid (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually), and to whom

Personal Uses for life insurance

Survivor protection Estate creation Cash accumulation Liquidity Estate conservation

Net Single Premium

Takes into account ONLY interest and mortality factors

Human Life Value

The amount of income earning ability, which would be lost by the insured's death. This value is established by taking into account the potential insured's: Net annual salary, annual expenses, number of working years expected, and the value of the dollar over time

Social Security "BLACKOUT" Period

The period between the loss of survivor benefit and beginning of retirement benefit

Insurable Interest

The possibility of financial loss.


The right of the insured to convert to any "permanent" policy without evidence of insurability and with the premium based on attained age


The right of the insured to renew on the renewal date without proving insurability and with the premium based on attained age

Grace Period

The time after premium due date before the policy lapses (30 days) if insured dies during this period, death benefit is payable. Death proceeds are reduced by amount of premium due

Estate Creation

The value of assets owned by the insured inCREAses at the death of the insured in the amount of insurance owed

Fixed Product

These DO NOT fluctuate with stock market. Insurer accepts all risks of investment losses

"First to Die" Insurance

This insurance pays on the death of the first insured to die


Transfer of right of ownership to another party. It may adjust the order of beneficiaries. There are two types used: Collateral (partial) and Absolute (Entire Face Value)

Permanent Policy

Usually a **lifetime** policy which offers cash value in addition to death benefits

Backdating a policy more than 6 months is prohibited

What are the rules about backdating a policy?

Application completed and medical exam completed

What are the two conditions that need to be met for the application to be covered if a conditional receipt has been issued?

Why the insurance is needed How it will be used Who will have access to it Assurance that the information obtained will be confidential

What does the producer need to tell the applicant about the use and disclosure information?:

When the error that has been corrected has been initialed by the applicant

When can the application be changed?

Before an application may be accepted

When is a Buyer's Guide furnished?

Before delivering the policy

When is a statement of good health required?

At time of application but not at time of loss

When must insurable interest exist for life insurance?

At time of loss

When must insurable interest exist for property & casual insurance?


When the insured dies, the contract makes cash in the amount of the death benefit available IMMEDIATELY

The agent

Who completes the insurance application?

Estate Conservation

Without a cash source, the estate may be forced to sell assets at "fire sale" prices to accumulate cash to meet these debt and tax obligations

Temporary Protection

Written for a specified period of time

Cash Value

____ in the policy increases as premiums are paid and interest is earned. Interest is credited at a guaranteed rate

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