IPC (Exam Review)

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Create a line graph, a bar graph & circle graph. Tell when it is best to use each one.


Give an example of a safe laboratory procedure


Illustrate a group and a period on the periodic table


Write a chemical equation that accurately represents what happens when sulfur and oxygen react to form sulfur trioxide? _2__ S + __3_O2 __2__SO3


What are 5 centimeters equal to in km, m, dm & mm

0.00005 km 0.05 m 0.5dm 50mm

Atoms of the most reactive elements tend to have how many valence electrons?

1 or 7

Define an AMU

1/12 of a Carbon-12 Atom

What is the boiling point & melting point for WATER in Celsius?

100* is the boiling point & 0* is the melting (and freezing) point

Write the electron configuration for elements 16,17,18,19 and 20-

16-(S) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 17- (Cl) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 18-(Ar) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 19-(K) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 or [Ar] 4s1 20- (Ca) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 or [Ar] 4s2

In the name Carbon Dioxide, the prefix of the second word means that Carbon Dioxide contains:

2 oxygen atoms

Which groups on the periodic table include ONLY metals?


A member of the carbon family has four valence electrons, while a member of the halogen family has ...valence electrons


How is 0.00072 written in scientific notation?

7.2 x 10*-4

Which group of elements have stable electron configurations?

8A Noble Gases

Give an example of something that is NOT a pure substance?

A Mixture

Define science

A system of knowledge and the methods used to find that knowledge.

The unit for atomic mass is


According to.... all matter was made up of four elements — earth, air, fire, and water.


The Greek philosopher Democritus coined what word for a tiny piece of matter that cannot be divided?


How are science & technology related?

Advances in one can lead to advances in the other

Mendeleev arranged the known chemical elements in a table according to increasing

Atomic Mass

Moving from left to right across a row of the periodic table, what values increases by one each square?

Atomic Number

The number of protons in one atom of an element is that element's

Atomic Number

To find the number of neutrons in an atom, you would subtract

Atomic number (top) from Mass Number (bottom)

What are the building blocks of all matter?


If Beryllium (Be) and Chlorine (Cl) react with a one to two ratio, write the formula.

Be Cl2

The water molecule, H20 is polar because it contains two single polar bonds and

Because of its bent shape

Which analogy from nature describes an electron in an atomic orbital?

Bee in a jar

What happens during a chemical reaction? (about reactants and products)

Bonds in the reactants are broken and bonds in the products are formed

The total amount of energy before and after a chemical reaction is the same. Thus, energy is


If a structural formula contains a long dash, H-H you can assume the compound is:


Which element is found in most of the compounds in your body except for water?


When 2 atoms of the SAME non-metal react they form what?

Diatomic Molecules

What is the LIMITATION of a model?

Does not act like the real thing

What takes place during a redox reaction?

Electrons are gained and lost

Make a chart showing the properties and examples of an element compound and mixture. Be sure to list all the different types of mixtures we have learned about (Chapter 3)

Element |Compound |Mixture Pure Substance|Pure Substance|Not Pure Substance only 1 element |2 or more |made of many things Sodium-NA|elements in ratio |- NO FIXED RATIO |Sodium Chloride - |salad,dirt.pizza, air |NaCl |Heterogeneous , |Homogenous,Solutions | colloids,suspension

Name 2 things that are pure substances?

Elements & compounds

Define Pressure.

Force distributed over an area UNIT = PASCAL (Pa)

Which of the Group 1A elements is the most reactive according to periodic table trends?


What is the difference between an atom in the ground state and an atom in an excited state?

Ground state has electrons in lowest possible energy levels, excited state has electrons in higher levels-more unstable

What was John Dalton's model of the atom?

Hard solid sphere with a predictable mass that could not be divided. He did not know about subatomic particles.

In a laboratory procedure, you form a useful but highly reactive compound. How could you store the compound so that it will not react?


During a phase change, what happens to the temperature of a substance-


How are some highly reactive elements stored to keep them safe?

In oil or argon gas

Identify the axis that the independent & dependent variable belongs on.

Independent goes on the X & the Dependent goes on the Y.... known as DRY MIX

What did Democritus believe about matter?

It was made of tiny indivisible pieces

Fluorine (F) forms a binary ionic compound with Lithium (Li) what is the name of this compound?

Lithium Fluoride use rules for naming ionic compounds

What are some characteristic of a mixture?

Many elements, no fixed ratio can be classified based on the size of the particles

What is a mixture?

Many things mixed together, NOT in a specific ratio

List the phase changes and what happens to the matter in each

Melting-solid to a liquid-ENDOTHERMIC Freezing-liquid to a solid-EXOTHERMIC Vaporization-liquid to gas ENDOTHERMIC Condensation-gas to liquid EXOTHERMIC Sublimation-solid to gas ENDOTHERMIC Deposition- gas to solid EXOTHERMIC

Coaches at a track event used four different clocks to time an event. one had minutesand seconds and tenths of seconds and one had minutes, seconds, tenths of seconds and hundredths of seconds. Which coach the most precise?

Minutes, seconds, tenths of seconds & hundredths of seconds.

What is a physical or mental representation of an object or an event?


Describe a polar covalent bond?

Molecule is bent and has a slight negative charge on one end and slight positive on the other

Show a formula that represents a compound whose molecules contain a triple bond


Protons and .... are found in the nucleus of an atom.


In which step of the scientific method is information obtained through the SENSES?


A(An)... change occurs when a material changes shape or size but the composition of the material does not change.


The Pascal is the SI unit for


list all types of physical & chemical changes.

Physical- cutting, tearing, rapping, any change off state. Chemical- burning, reaction with oxygen or other chemicals, rusting, tarnishing

Give clues for each of the above

Physical- it can be changed back easily, the substance does not lose its properties Chemical- light, heat, gas produced, new substance is formed, cant be changed back easily. Precipitate formed

Ninety-nine percent of all the matter in the universe is what?


What are the subatomic particles, where are they and what is the charge on each one?

Proton-Nucleus-Positive Neutron-Nucleus-Neutral Electron-Outside the nucleus-Negative KNOW THE QUARKS: UP, DOWN, TOP, BOTTOM, STRANGE, CHARMED

The substances that undergo change in a chemical reaction are called


An organized plan for gathering, organizing, and communicating information is called the


You are about to drink some chocolate milk but notice it says "shake well before serving." The chocolate milk is probably classified ad what type of mixture?


Name a substance that has high reactivity


Which group 1A element is found in nature only in compounds?


What is a heterogenous mixture?

Substance in which the particles look different-a jar of mixed candy

What is viscosity?

Substance's resistance to flowing

Explain the electron dot (Lewis Dot structure) diagram. What does the symbol stand for?


What can you assume has happened if an electron moves to a higher energy level?

That energy has been gained

What is the name for Group 7A (17) of the periodic table

The Halogens

What (on the periodic table) is unique for any given element?

The atomic number or number of protons (and electrons)

Which group of gases emit colors when an electric current is applied?


What does the electron cloud model describe?

The possible location of electrons

When a physical change in a sample occurs, what does NOT change?

The sample's composition or chemical makeup

Which statement is true about Carbon-12 and Carbon-14-

They are isotopes of carbon

Why are scientific models important?

They let study things that are large or too small to be observed directly

How do scientists who speak different languages communicate?

They use SI

Why do atoms gain or lose electrons?

To become STABLE

A measurement must include both a number and a(an)


What factors affects the pressure of an enclosed gas?

Volume, Temperature and number of particles

What is a chemical change?

When a new substance is formed

Define peer review

When scientists examine the work of other scientists to make sure the data is accurate & honest

Write a balanced chemical equation for the synthesis of NaBr from Na and Br2?

__2_NaBr _2__Na + ___Br2

A material that is malleable and conducts electricity is most likely

a metal

Define/describe a solid a liquid and a gas

a.solid-tightly packed particles that vibrate in place-does not change shape or volume b. liquid-particles can slide past one another-can change shape but not volume c. gas-particles very free can change shape and volume

Light is caused by electrons emitting energy

as they move back to lower energy levels. (like jumping DOWN stairs)

The usefulness of Mendeleev's periodic table was confirmed

by discovering elements Mendeleev predicted would be found

If a materail contains 3 elements joined in a fixed proportion it is a (an)


A sustthat is made up of only one 1 kind of atom is a(an)


If you move a substance from one container to another and its volume changes, the substance is a


At room temperature, none of the metals are


Alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and aluminum all form ions with positive charges equal to the

group number

A mixture that appears to contain only one substance is a

homogenous mixture-solutions are homogenous mixtures

Name some substances that are viscous

honey, syrup, motor lio

In an atomic model that includes a nucleus, positive charge is

in the center

onization Energies tend to

increase from left to right and bottom to top

As you move from left to right across a period, the number of valence electrons


The tendency of an element to react is closely related to

its number of valence electrons

In Niels Bohr's model of the atom, electrons move

like planets in a solar system

Matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape is a


Why is water a compound?

made of hydrogen and oxygen in a fixed proportion

What type of element is malleable?


In a periodic table, a set of properties repeats from

row to row

Filtration can be used to separate mixtures based on

size of particles

Define Flammability

substance's ability to burn in the presence of oxygen

A mixture can be classified as a solution suspension, or colloid based on

the size of the particles

In the compound MgCl2, the subscript 2 indicates that

there are 2 Chloride ions for every Magnesium

The formation of an ionic bond involves the

transfer of electrons

A substance has a melting point of 0ºC and a boiling point of 100ºC. The substance is most likely


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