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Government- Law

The Supreme Leader appoints the head of Iran's judiciary, who appoints the Head of the Supreme Court and chief public prosecutor. They have rev. courts which deal with categories of certain offenses, including crimes of national security. Also their decisions are final and can't be appealed. There is also a special clerical court that deals with crimes committed by clerics (a priest or religious leader). It operates indep. of the regular judicial framework and are accountable only to the Supreme Leader. All court findings are final and cant be appealed.

Government- Legislature

The leg. is called the Islamic Consultative Assembly. They are a unicameral body meaning that they have just 1 leg. chamber (unlike the US that has 2). It has 290 members that serve for 4 years. They draft leg, approves int. treaties, and approve the national budget. Every member is approved by the Guardian Council.

What was Iran previously called?


Early Modern Period- Safavid dynasty

1500s- Iran was under the Safavid dynasty, one of the most significant ruing dynasties of Iran. They established the Twelver school of Shia Islam as the official religion. Ismail I from Ardabil, or an city in Iranian Azerbaijan, extended his authority over all Iranian territories, and created an Iranian Hegemony (leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others) over vast regions, asserting Iranian identity within Greater Iran, which are the regions within Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, China, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan that have sig. cultural due to being under any Iranian empires previously or having extensive contact with them. Because of this, Iran has the highest Shia population in the world. The Safavid dynasty had a rivalry with the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. The Ottoman Empire had land in TURKEY and their leader was Shi'ite so they fought over religious diff. as well. They competed over control of Caucasus Anatolia and Iraq, 1587-1692 The Safavid Empire hit its peak under the rule of Abbas the Great, who surpassed the OTTOMAN rivals in strength and maing W. Eurasia a hub for sciences and arts. Caucasian societies were integrated into Iranian society, a lot of them settled in Iranian highlands. 1600-1700's showed a decline in the Empire due to ongoing war with the OTTOMANS, internal conflict,and foreign interference which was RUSSIAN. 1722- The Safavid Empire was taken over by the Pashtun rebels

Early Modern Period- Pashtun Rebels and Noah Shah

1729- The Pashtun rebels were taken out by Noah Shah, a genius and leader from Khorasan (land covering parts of Iran and Afghanistan). He took control of the Caucasian land that was controlled by the OTTOMANS and RUSSIA. During his reign, Iran reached the widest extent it has ever had, going from Caucasus and running a very powerful empire. late 1730's- Shah invaded INDIA and took New Delhi, but his terr. successes began to decline as he began to take over the Northern Caucasus region. He was assassinated, and subsequently, civil war and turmoil broke out until the Zand Dynasty took over.

Early Modern Period- Zand Dynasty

1750- Karim Khan of the Zand Dynasty took over Iran and it experienced a period of peace and prosperity. The reach of the dynasty was limited in comparison to the ones preceding it. Many terr. in the Caucasus gained de facto independence (existing in actuality, esp. when in existence or contrary to law) and was ruled by various Caucasus khanates who had control over their land via int. trade routes. But despite self-ruling, they remain subjects to the Zand King. 1779- Civil war broke out and Karim Khan was killed, ending the Zand dynasty.

Early Modern Period- Qajar dynasty.

1794- Aqa Mohammad Khan founded the Qajar dynasty. (apart from him, the Qajar dynasty is seen as a century of misrule) 1795- disobedience of GEORGIAN subjects with the help of RUSSIAN allies, caused the Qatars to drive the Russians out of the entire Caucasus, establishing Iranian suzerainty (situation where a powerful ppl control the fp and int. relations of a vassal state while allowing them autonomy; its diff from sov. as the terr is allowed limited self-rule) over the region.

From the 1800s to the 1940s- Russo Persian Wars

1804-1813 and 1826-1828 were the dates of the war b/t the RUSSIAN empire and IRAN. It resulted in huge terr loses for Iran in the Caucasus, including Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. 1813- The Treaty of Gulistan was created, confirming the ceding of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, and parts of N. Armenia. It also eventually led to the 1826 war. 1828- The Treaty of Turkmenchay was created, ceding over the rest of the Caucasus and setting the boundary b/t them at the Aras River. The Caucasian War starting with RUSSIA's fight for Caucasus with Iran, continued after they gained the terr. Russia took military action aganist many ethnic groups in Caucasia as Russia sought to expand southward. Many Transcaucasian and N. Caucasian Muslims moved towards Iran, esp. after the result of the Caucasian War (Caucasia's war with Russia). At the same time, Iran's ARMENIANS were encouraged to move to Russia's newly incorporated terr. causing sig. demographic shifts.

From the 1800s to the 1940s- The Great Famine

1870-1871 the Great Famine happened and about 20-25% of the population died.

From the 1800s to the 1940s- Iranian Constitutional Revolution

1872-1905 A series of protests took place in response to the sale of concessions ( grant of rights, land or property by a government, local authority, corporation, individual or other legal entity. It can be public services such as water supply, or grants to public companies to have exclusive rights to operate) to foreigners by Qajar monarchs Nasser ed Din and Mozaffar ed Din leading to the rev. 1906- The first Constitution of Iran as well as the first parliament of Iran was created. What was also sig. was that the consti. recognized Iran's 3 religious minorities: Chr, Zoroastrians and Jews. 1909- Mohammad Ali Shah, the 6th King of the Qajar dynasty, was forced to abdicate. He was aganist the consti, saying it was aganist Islamic law and tried to undermine it and the parliament. Pro-consti marched to Tehran and deposed him. 1911- The RUSSIANS occupied N. Iran saying that they wanted to restore peace, and maintained a military presence there for years.

From the 1800s to the 1940s- World War I

1914?-1921- British forces occupied terr in W. Iran until they withdrew in 1921. 1914-1918- the Persian Campaign begun, in NW Iran when the OTTOMAN EMPIRE invaded against those of the BRITISH and RUSSIAN empire. It ended with the Armistice of Mudros as part of the Middle Eastern theatre of WWI. There were OTTOMAN hostilities across the borders and many Assyrians of Iran were massacred near the Iranian border with AZERBAIJAN.

From the 1800s to the 1940s-End of the Qajar Dynasty and Start of the the Pahlavi Dynasty

1921- The Persian Cossack Brigade, the most effective military force available to BRITAIN began a military coup. The dynasty was overthrown and Reza Khan, the former general of the Brigade, became the new Prime Minister of Iran. 1925- Reza Khan was declared the new monarch and called Reza Shah, starting the Pahlavi Dynasty.

From the 1800s to the 1940s- World War II

1941- Nazi Germany invaded the SOVIET UNION and began Operation Barbarossa, while breaking the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which was a neutrality pact between them made in 1939. Iran had declared neutrality in the conflicts, but the invasion changed this. 1941- An Anglo-Soviet Invasion occurred when the SOVIET UNION, BRITAIN, and the COMMONWEALTH (an intergovt. org of 52 member states that were mostly terr of the British Empire) . They wanted to secure Iranian oil fields and ensure Allied supply lines for the USSR . Reza Shah was forced to abdicate in favor of his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. 1943- At the Tehran Conference, the Allied Big 3 (Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill) issued the Tehran declaration to guarantee the postwar indep. and boundaries of Iran. Iran was a major conduit for BRITISH and AMERICAN aid to the USSR. until the end of the war in 1945. 1945- However, at the end of the war, Soviet troops remained in Iran and local pro-Soviet groups established two puppet states (a country that is officially independent, but not in practice. Puppet governments are usually kept in power by military force provided by an occupying country.) called the People's Govt. of AZERBAIJAN and the Republic of Mahabad. 1946- The USSR troops withdrew when receiving a concession of oil concessions. 1946- The Iran Crisis of 1946 happened when the KURDISH and the People's Govt of AZERBAIJAN, who had arms and training from The SOVIETS, started fighting Iranian forces. The Soviets withdrew following negotiation with the Iranian primer, Ahmad Qavam, and diplomatic pressure on the Soviets by the US. The 2 puppet states were overthrown and the oil concessions were revoked.

Contemporary Era- Iranian Coup d'etat

1951- Mohammad Mosaddegh was elected as Prime Minister. He was very popular after he nationalized Iran's petroleum industry and its reserves. 1953- Mosaddegh was deposed in the coup in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reva Pahlavi and was assisted by BRITAIN and the US. Also it was the 1st time the US overthrew a govt. during the Cold War. - After the coup the Shah position became more autocratic ( supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions are subject to neither external legal restraints nor regularized mechanisms of popular control) and sultanistic (extreme personal presence of the ruler in all elements of governance) and Iran entered a phase of controversial close relations with the US. -Pahlavi increasingly modernized Iran and claimed to retain it as a fully secular state, arbitrary arrests and torture by his secret police, SAVAK, was used to crush all forms of pol. opposition. Ruhollah Komeini, a radical Muslim Cleric, became an active critic of the Shah's far reaching series of reforms called the White Rev. where the Shah hoped to legitimize the Pahlavi Dynasty. He hoped to get rid of landlord's influence and create a new base of support amoung the peasants and working class. Khomeini publically denounced the govt, and was arrested and imprisoned for 18 months, then later exiled.

Contemporary Era- 1979 Revolution

1973- A spike in oil prices led the Iranian economy to be flooded with foreign currency which caused inflation. 1974- Iran had double digit inflation, corruption was rampant and caused large amounts of wastes. 1975-1976- There was an eco. recession which caused increased unemployment, esp. amoung millions of youths who migrated to the cities looking for construction jobs that boomed in the early 70's. 1978- many people opposed Pahlavi's regime and began to plan organizations aganist it. 1979- A year of strikes and demonstrations paralyzed Iran and Pahlavi fled Iran. Khomeini also returned from exile, forming a new govt. A referendum was held, and Iran formally became an Islamic Republic. Another referendum was held, and Iran also approved a theocratic consti. (a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God )

Contemporary Era- Iranian Hostage Crisis

1979- a group of Muslim students seized the US embassy and took its 52 personnel hostage after the US refused to return Pahlavi to Iran to face trial in the court of the new regime which guaranteed execution. Jimmy Carter's admin. tried to negotiate and failed, and also failed in a rescue attempt leading into Reagan's admin. On Carter's last day of office, the hostages were let free b/c of the Algier Accords with certain agreements: 1. US would not interfere pol. or militarily in internal Iranian affairs 2. US would remove a freeze on Iranian assets and trade sanctions on Iran 3. Both states would end litigation (lawsuits) aganist their govt. and citizens 4. The US would ensure that US court decisions regarding transfer of Pahlavi's possessions would be indep. of ' sov. immunity principles' and would be enforced 5. Iranian debts to US insti. would be paid.

Contemporary Era- 1979 Kurdish Rebellion

1979- uprisings aganist the new govt occurred, after the completion of the 1979 Iranian Rev. and became the largest amoung nationwide uprisings in Iran and one of the most intense Kurdish rebellions. At first, Kurdish movements were trying to align with the new govt. seeking to emphasize their Muslim id, and seek common ground with the Shias. Eventually they called for separatism and called for pol. autonomy. The uprisings were subdued in a violent way by the govt. Then the govt. began purging itself of non-Islamist pol opposition as well as Islamists who were not considered radical enough. Tens of thousands were executed by the new regime.

Contemporary Era- Cultural Revolution

1980- The Cultural Rev started, with an initial closure of Iran's universities for 3 years to perform an inspection and cleanup on the cultural policy of the education and training system. It was purged of Western and non-islamisc influences.

Contemporary Era- Iraqi-Iran War

1980- the IRAQI army invaded western Iran. It started after a long series of border disputes and fear that the Iranian Rev of 1979 would inspire insurgency(an active revolt or uprising.) amoung Iraq's long suppressed Shi'a minority as well as Iraq's desire to replace Iran as the main Persian state. 1982- Saddam Hussein made several large advances but the Iranian army was able to drive them back. IRAQ was thrown on the defensive, and Iran decided to invade Iraq and committed countless offenses to take Iraq terr and capture cities. 1988- The war ended when the IRAQI forces defeated the Iranian forces inside Iraq and pushed them back across the Iranian border. Khomeini accepted a treaty mediated by the UN

Contemporary Era- War Recovery

1989- Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the 4th president of Iran, concentrated on a pro-business policy of rebuilding and strengthening the eco. w/o making a big break to the regime of the revolution. 1999- Reformist Mohammad Khatami, who took over after Rafsanjani who unsuccessfully tried to make Iran more free and demo.

Bordered by:

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.


Iran has a coast on the Caspian sea to the North and the Arabian Sea to the South. It is one of the world's most mountainous states. It has lots of basins, mountains and plateaus Iran also has dense rain forests in the north called Shomal. To Iran's east is a large desert.


Iran has a lot of issues with its biodiversity. It has the critically endangered Asiatic Cheetah. Its Asiatic Lions and Tigers went extinct already About 74 of Iran's species are on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, b/c they are very endangered. Ira's Parliament has been showing disregard for the wildlife by passing laws that allow the Ministry of Industries and Mines to exploit Iran's mines w/o the involvement of the Department of Enviro. They allow approve large development projects without seeing how they will affect the enviro.

Government- Foreign Relations

Iran has had 2 major foreign relations goals since the 1979 rev: 1. eliminating outside influences in the region 2. pursuing extensive diplomatic relations with developing and non-aligning states. 2005- Iran's nuclear program has been a huge subject of contention w/ the int. community after earlier quotes by its leadership saying that Iran would use its atomic bombs aganist its enemies, esp. ISRAEL. Many countries have expressed worry that Iran could divert its nuclear tech. from civilian use to weaponry. This caused the UN SECURITY COUNCIL to impose economic sanctions aganist Iran

Regions, Provinces, and Cities

Iran is divided into 5 regions, with 31 provinces in total, each w/ an appointed governor Iran has one of the highest urban growth rates ww. The UN predicts that by 2080, 80% of the pop will be urban. Tehran is the capital and largest city. Its the eco. and cultural center of Iran as well as the hub for transport. Its 2nd largest city is Mashhad, which is a holy city in Shia Islam. It holds the Imam Reza Shrine which has 10-20 million visitors a year.


Western Asia

Government- Bodies

The pol. system of the Islamic Republic is based on the 1979 Constitution and has several governing bodies. The Leader of the Rev. is also called the Supreme Leader of Iran and is the highest rel, and pol ranking. They are responsible for the delineation and supervision of all policies that are made. They are also Commander-in-Chief, controls all military and security operations and have the sole power to declare war/peace. -The current Supreme Leader is Ali Khamenei. Hes the 2nd Supreme Leader and has been for 28 years after Khomeini's death. The highest authority after the Supreme Leader is the President of Iran. He is popularly elected and answers to the Supreme Leader. He is approved by the Guardian Council before he can run. He signs treaties and enacts agreements w/ foreign states and int. org. He also administers national planning and budget affairs as well as state employment affairs. He also selects govt. policies to be placed before the leg. He is subject to the approval of Majlis. Unlike in other states, He does not have full control of anything even foreign affairs. He has a 4 year term and cant serve more than 2 consecutive terms. The Guardian Council of the Rev. is a 12 member council that wields power and influence. It must be made up of 6 faqihs who are ppl conscious of the presents needs/issues/events and are appointed by the Supreme Leader and 6 jurists, specializing in different areas of the law, who are appointed by the Head of Judicial Power in the Majlis, or the Iranian Parliament. They interpret Iran's consti. supervise elections, and approve candidates to the Assembly of Experts, the President and Majlis. They also may veto the Majlis is a law is deemed incompatible with Sharia law. -They commonly disqualify reform-minded candidates from running for office and veto laws from the Majlis. The Assembly of Experts has 88 members of Mujtahids, or Islamic theologians who are charged with electing or removing the Supreme Leader and supervising his activites. They are elected by public vote for 8 year terms. They have to be approved by the Guardian Council and half of their members are selected by the Supreme Leader. They only meet for one week annually. It is also illegal for them to completely supervise Khamenei. The Expediency Council is an admin. assembly appointed by the Supreme Leader. They resolve any issues b/t the Majlis and the Guardian Council. They also act as an advisory council to the Supreme Leader. They serve 5 year terms.

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