I.S. 4.2 Social Impact of Industrialism Assessment

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Define urbanization

Movement of people to cities

hazards of the factory system

12 to 16 hour shifts 6 to 7 days a week Factory whistle denounced time to eat if workers suffered accidents from machines they might lose a finger, limb, or their lives workers constantly breathe air filter filled with lint in textile mills (sick, lost job) factory work created a double burden for women - 12 hour shift and then taking care of their families

time span of the Russian communist government

1917 - 1991

what key social and economic changes did industrialization bring about, both for the better and for the worse? Explain your answer with evidence from the text

although the Industrial Revolution produced harsh and dangerous working and living conditions for many, it also brought about some positive social changes. The Industrial Revolution increased the standard of living for many by the big quantities of goods for lower prices produced by the factory system. Social Mobility became more accessible and increased political rights.

benefits of the Industrial Revolution

better standards of living: the factory system produced huge quantities of new Goods at lower prices than ever before, wages and working conditions improved, family Sage more varied diet, lived in Better Homes, and dressed an inexpensive, massed produced clothing, advances in medicine ensured healthier lives, new job opportunities opened up for skilled and unskilled workers (building of cities, railroads, and factories, demand for goods, railroads and eventually automobiles) new worlds for entrepreneurs: the new industrial world was more open to change and innovation, enterprising people opened new businesses and invented new products social and political impact: increased social Mobility (the ability of individuals or groups to move up the social scale) the middle class expanded, members pushed for political influence - working-class men gain the right to vote and women earned the right to vote later on. labor unions won the right to bargain with employers for better wages, hours, and working conditions

how did the Industrial Revolution impact the development of modern economic systems? In your answer, identify the economic systems that arose during that period.

laissez-faire economics later influenced free enterprise capitalism which pointed toward the success of the early Industrial Revolution as inspiration. John Stuart Mill embraced utilitarianism, believing some governmental intervention was necessary to help the working class. Today's democratic governments have adopted many of his and other utilitarian ideas. Socialism viewed capitalism as the culprit of Social and equality. In 1917 the Russian Revolution embraced communism which lasted until 1991. China, Cuba and many Asian and African countries adopted and experimented with Marxist ideas

what was life like for working-class women during the Industrial Revolution?

many working-class women works in the unhealthy Factory environment or the Dangerous Minds. After working 12 hours or more a day, these women then took care of the household and family needs

Robert Owen

refuse to use child labor, campaign vigorously for loss unlimited child labor and encourage the organization of labor unions. set up a model Community around a mill in new Lanark, Scotland - he built homes for workers, open to school for children, and treating employees well (wanted to show that an employer could offer decent living and working conditions and still run a profitable business)

what were the historical Origins and characteristics of the free enterprise system?

stemming from the enlightenment, the free market, as described in Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, would produce more Goods at lower prices, grow the economy into an entrepreneur friendly environment. Proponents of the system believe less government involvement is best for a thriving economy

how did the middle class live during the Industrial Revolution?

the middle class lived a comfortable Life by benefiting the most from the Industrial Revolution. Their homes were well-built and well-furnished, on paved streets with a constant water source. Middle-class women hired servants, didn't perform physical labor, or work away from home

goals of socialism

the people as a whole rather than private individuals will own and operate the means of production (Farms, factories, railways, and other large businesses that produced and distributed Goods)

conditions for children in the mines

wages were just enough to keep their families from starving sad all day in the dark, opening and closing air vents hauled coal karts in the extreme heat

dangers in the mines

worked in darkness coal destroyed their lungs dangers of explosions, flooding, and collapsing tunnels women and children worked in the mines

The Wealth of Nations

written by Adam Smith, promoted laissez-faire, free-market economy, and supply-and-demand economics

iron law of wages

written by David Ricardo, claimed that the poor had too many children and had a little chance to escape poverty.

an essay on the principle of population

written by Thomas Malthus, argued that population tended to increase more rapidly than food supply.

Karl Marx

founder of modern communism


greatest good for the greatest number advocated by Jeremy Bentham

what were the protesting workers from 1811 to 1813 called?


what were the new social classes and who occupied them? Lifestyles?

the middle class: composed of those who profit from the growth of industry in the rise of cities. middle class families lived in well-built, well furnished homes. They had paved streets and a steady water supply. Families dressed and ate well and took pride in their hard work and determination the working class: composed of farm laborers. the poor struggled to survive and foul-smelling slums and they packed into tiny rooms called tenements which had no running water

what gave many Working Class People comfort

the religious movement called methodism (John Wesley)

nickname for those who established communities in which all work was shared and all property was owned in common creating no difference between the rich and the poor

utopians (implied that they were impractical dreamers)

The Communist Manifesto

written by Karl Marx, and Friederich Engels, theorize that economics was the driving force of History. in the end workers would Dunta control of the means of production and set up a classless, come in a society in which the struggles of the past would end because wealth and power would be shared equally

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