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Match each metal ion with the correct Roman numeral that would be used when naming an ionic compound when appropriate (III) (II) none (I)

(III) Fe^3+ Iron is a transition metal with more than one oxidation state. The Roman numeral (III) indicates a +3 charge (II) Cr^2+ Chromium is a transition metal with more than one oxidation state. The Roman numeral (II) indicates a +2 charge none Zn^2+ Zinc only forms one cation and therefore Roman numerals should not be used (I) Cu+ Copper is a transition metal with more than one oxidation state. The Roman numeral (I) indicates a +1 charge

Which of the following statements correctly describe the process by which an ionic compound dissolves in water?

-The attraction between the H2O molecules and the ions is stronger than the attraction of the ions for each other -The positive ions are attracted to the partially negative O atom of the H2O -The positive and negative ions separate from each other

MCLs range from ____ ppm to less than ____ ppb

10, 1

What is the molarity of a solution that contains 5.0 ppm of tin?

4.2 x 10^-5M

Match each of the following polyatomic ions with its correct name

Acetate: C2H3O2^- Bicarbonate: HCO3^- Carbonate: CO3^2- Hypochlorite: CIO^- Ammonium: NH4^+

Which forms of sodium chloride (NaCl) conduct electricity?

An aqueous solution of sodium chloride Molten sodium Chloride

An atom may lose or gain electrons to form an ion An ion with more electrons than its neutral atom is called a ____ An ion with fewer electrons that its neutral atom is called a ____ The charge of an ion with more electrons than neutral atom is ___ The charge of an ion with fewer electrons than its neutral atom is ___

An ion with more electrons than its neutral atom is called a (anion) An ion with fewer electrons that its neutral atom is called a (cation) The charge of an ion with more electrons than neutral atom is (negative) The charge of an ion with fewer electrons than its neutral atom is (positive)

Which of the following formulas for ionic compounds are correct?

Ca3N2 CaO

Which of the following ion combinations will result in an ionic compound that has a balanced number of positive and negative charges?

Ca^2+ and 2F^- (note that the 2 is not part of the formula for F^-; the number indicates the number of F^- ions required to bond with 1 Ca^2+ ion) 2Li^+ and S^2- (note that the 2 is not part of the formula for Li^+; the number indicates that 2Li^+ are needed for every 1S^2- ion Na^+ and Br

What type of molecule is depicted in the illustration?

Chlorinated hydrocarbon

Match each element with the appropriate charge in its ionic form Cl Sr S Al

Cl: -1 Sr: +2 S: -2 Al: +3

match each type of bond to the correct description given: Covalent Bond Ionic Bond

Covalent Bond: attraction between two nuclei and a shared pair of electrons Ionic Bond:attraction between oppositely charged particles

What technique is being applied in this illustration?


True or False: All ionic compounds are soluble in water

False ( many ionic compounds are only slightly soluble or have extremely low solubilities. The differences in solubility are due to how strongly ions attract one another versus water molecules. Ion size and charge can also pay a role in solubility

True or False: Salt water is a viable means of hydration for humans

False (due to the high salt content, sea water is not suitable for human consumption)

Which of the following balanced equations correctly represents the dissolution of K2SO4 in water?

K2SO4 (s) -> 2K^+ (aq) + SO4^2- (aq)

Which of the following statements correctly describe LifeStraw?

LifeStraw is a pipe filter LifeStraw removes most bacteria, viruses, and parasites from water

Which of the following solvents is environmentally friendly?

Liquid carbon dioxide

Define: MCLG and MCL

MCLG: the max level of containment in drinking water at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on human health would occur, expressed in PPM or PPB MCL: the legal limit for the concentration of containment expressed in PPM or PPB

Match each type of element correctly to its typical electronegativity trend: Metal Nonmetal

Metals: low values for electronegativity Nonmetals: high values for electronegativity

Match each ion to the correct description of its solubility when combined with an ion opposite charge: Na+ SO4^2- CO3^2- Cl^-

Na+: soluble in all combination SO4^2- : solute expect with Sr^2+, Ba^2+, and Pb^2+ CO3^2-: insoluble expect with Group 1A cations or NH4^+ Cl^-: soluble expect with Ag^+ and Hg2^2+

Which of the following statements correctly describe cotton and the use of water int he cotton industry?

Novozymes created a process that reduces the water footprint of cotton Cotton has a significant water footprint

OH^- NO2^- NO3^- PO4^3- SO4^2- SO3^2-

OH^- hydroxide NO2^- nitrite NO3^- nitrate PO4^3- phosphate SO4^2- sulfate SO3^2- sulfite

Which of the following gives the best explanation for why oil and water do not mix?

Oil does not mix with water because oil is non polar and water is polar

What waste is present in sewage that makes it more complicated to treat than contaminants found in water in the water treatment process?

Organic Compounds Nitrate Ions

Define Osmosis and Reverse Osmosis

Osmosis: the passage of water through a semipermeable membrane from a solution that is less concentrated to a solution that is more concentrated Reverse Osmosis: Employing the use of press to force the movement of water through a semipermeable membrane from a solution that is more concentrated to one that is less concentrated

Which of the following statements correctly describe polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

PCBs are non polar PCBs are stored in the fatty tissues of animals PCBs are toxic

Which of the following compounds are soluble in water?

Pb(NO3)2 (Nitrates (NO3^-) are always soluble) NH4Cl (NH4^+ salts are always soluble)

Match each containment correctly to the description of its toxicity Pb^2+ NO3^- Biological Agents

Pb^2+ : Severe and permanent neurological problems NO3^-: Converted to a substance that limits blood's ability to carry oxygen Biological Agents: Diarrhea, cramps, nausea, vomiting

Which of the following containment's lead to a high BOD?

Phosphates Nitrates

Which of the following elements with form a cation?

Rb Ca

The chlorine-containing chemicals (HCIO, CIO^-, and CI2) that remain in the water after the chlorination step in the water treatment process are called ____ chlorine


Which techniques are used to desalinate water?

Reverse Osmosis Distillation

Match each type of ionic compound correctly to its source and the environmental consequence of its solubility: Salt Deposits Agricultural Fertilizers Metal Ores Mining Waste

Salt Deposit: soluble sodium and potassium halides. dissolve and wash into the sea Agricultural Fertilizers: double nitrates. these substances can be toxic and contaminate surface and groundwater. Metal Ore: insoluble sulfides and oxides. since these deposits containing iron, copper, and zinc are insoluble they can be mined Mining Waste: insoluble mercury and lead containing compounds. although these compounds are insoluble they may slowly leach out and contaminate the water supply

What is the correct systematic name for the compound Na2CO3?

Sodium Carbonate

A _____, also sometimes called a wetting agent, is a compound that helps polar and non polar compounds mix


Which of the following options correctly describe how to name an ionic compound?

The cation is named first and the anion is second When naming the anionic potion of the ionic compound, the element name is changed to end in -ide

Which of the following options describe the correct format used to represent a chemical compound?

The number of atoms/ions in the formula is indicated by a subscript In the formula of an ionic compound the cation is always placed first

Which of the following options describe the correct formate used to represent a chemical compound?

The number of atoms/ions in the formula is indicated by a subscript In the formula of an ionic compound the cation is always placed first

Which of the following statements describe the drawbacks of using chlorine-containing chemicals in the water treatment process?

The taste and odor of residual calorie is objectionable Chlorine can react with organic matter to form trihalomethane (THMs)

Which of the following are alternative disinfectants to chorine-containing compounds used in water treatments?

UV radiation Ozone (O3)

Which statement correctly describes the procedure used to predict the ion formed by a main group element?

a metal loses enough electrons to attain the same number as its nearest noble gas

the increase in concentration of certain persistent chemical in successively higher levels of the foot chain is called ____


Liquid ___________ under high pressure has been offered as a green alternative to using organic solvents. However, by itself it does not effectively dissolve oils, waxes, and grease. Therefore, in order for it to be a viable green solvent a ____ must be added

carbon dioxide, surfactant

An ionic compound is composed of ____ and anions that are present in _____ proportions and arranged in a regular, geometric structure

cations, fixed

Which of the following options are correct systemic names for ionic compounds?

copper (II) oxide potassium chloride

Non polar solvents are used for which of the following applications?

dry cleaning solvents drug production

The aim of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) is to

ensure potable water to those depending on community water supplies

A low BOD is an indication of ____ quality water


What is the correct systematic name for the ionic compound Li3N?

lithium nitride

The aim of the Clean Water Act (CWA) is to reduce ____ water pollution


Which of the following are consequences of the CWA?

the CWA has reduced the amount of cleanup needed for public drinking water the CWA has established legal limits on the amounts of pollutants produced by industry the CWA has provided a more healthful environment for ecosystems

An ion compound will produce an aqueous solution when the attraction between the ____ molecules and the ions is greater than the attraction between the ____ themselves. Ion size and charge can also play a role in the solubility of ionic compounds

water, ions

Which of the following statements about the use of Roman numerals in naming and writing chemical formulas are correct?

-the ion designated Fe(III) has a charge of +3 -a roman numeral is included for any metal that can form more than one monatomic cation

Which of the following options correctly defines an electrolyte?

A substance that conducts an electric current in aqueous solution (an electrolyte is a substance that forms ions when dissolved in water, and its aqueous solution will therefore conduct an electric current)

Which of the following compounds is insoluble in water?


Match each set of reagents used in the water treatment process with their purpose Al2(SO4)3 and Ca(OH)2 Cl2, NaCIO, or Ca(CIO)2 F

Al2(SO4)3 and Ca(OH)2: Flocculating Agents Cl2, NaCIO, or Ca(CIO)2: Antibacterial Agents F: Prevents tooth decay

The compounds depicted in the illustration are classified as what type of compound?


Match each containment founding drinking water correctly to its main source of containment in the US

Pb^2+: Water Pipes NO3^-: Fertilizer Runoff Biological Agents: Fecal Containment

When an ionic compound is added to water, the ____ will be attracted to the partially positive H atom of water and the ____ will be attracted to the partially negative O atom of water. As the compound dissolves the ions will ____ from each other

anion, cations, separate

The molecule depicted in the illustration is an example of a chlorinated hydrocarbon. These compounds have serious health consequences and have been classified as ______, cancer-causing agents


When naming an ionic compound, the ____ is always named first. To name the anion, the root of the nonmetal names added to the suffix -____

cation, ide

An electric current requires movement of ____ particles, which could be electrons or ions. An electrolyte produces ____ in solution is therefore conductive

charged, ions

An electric current requires movement of ____ particles, which could be electrons or ions. An electrolyte produces ____ in solutions is therefore conductive

charged, ions

In general, covalent compounds that are polar ____ will be soluble in water. These compounds do not ____ into ion are therefore non electrolytes

polar, dissociate

The general solubility rule "like dissolves like" explains why polar solutes are soluble in ____ solvents and non polar solutes are soluble in ____ solvents

polar, nonpolar

A unit that contains two or more elements covalently bonded together but that has an overall charge is called a ____ ion. Many _____ compounds contain such units

polyatomic, ionic

Consider the formula for the ionic compound Na2O. Which of the following statements correctly interpret this formula?

the cation in this compound is Na^+ the compound contains 2Na^+ ions for every O^2- ion

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