Islamic Art: UNIT II

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An endowment made by a Muslim to a religious, educational, or charitable cause. The return or yield is typically dedicated toward a certain end, for example, to the maintenance of the poor, a family, a village, or a mosque.

Portrait of a Painter. Ink, color, and gold on paper. H: 18.9 W: 12.8 cm, late 15th century. Ottoman Empire, probably reign of Mehmed II.

Ottomans Simple background solid colors no light source

Haci Ozbek Mosque, Iznik, Turkey, Ottoman Empire, 1333.

Ottomans • Dome covered square • Squinches • Circular dome on top • Could be simple like this squinches tile covered dome no minaret brick


mythical bird like a phoenix often described as a gigantic, fortuitous bird with colorful plumage and a magnificent tail. Its origins are not completely clear, but in Persian art after 1300, the simurgh was frequently akin to the Chinese fenghuang. In literature, it is associated with immortality, like the European phoenix, which when its end approaches immolates itself and a new phoenix rises from the ashes.


was a Muslim polymath: a scholar, inventor, mechanical engineer, artisan, artist and mathematician Well known for his work on the Automata- the book of knowledge and mechanical devices, for example a Hand Washing Machine


"Alexander the Great" of Macedonia Destroyed occuimented Persian Empire -Dies from illness Persian Belief: He was not Greek -> Persian Married daughter of Phillip Macedonia


City in Iran, the capital of the Safavids, location of the Maidan, dynamic of old and new parts of the city, and the mosque - Masjid-i-Shah


Ethnic group from Central Asia, conquered and held a vast empire that stretched from Pacific to Europe. In the Islamic world, the Sack of Baghdad in 1258 was significant, killing the Abbasid caliphate and his sons. Caliphate reconstituted in Cairo under the Mamluks and Ilkhanids. Convered to Islam after formerly belonging to Buddhist and Christians. Never able to conquer the Holy Lands, brought East Asian influences into Middle East/Islamic world.


Horse-like creature with human head body emerging from tail as well Carried Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem during the Miraj

Death of Iskandar, Shahnama, Ilkhanid Dynasty, 1330-1336. Ink and color on paper. (Pages 25 x 29 cm.)

Ilkhanids and Timurids *Alexander the Great* *Center:* Coffin People surrounding him The women are ripping out their hair = grief Alexander's mom has her back towards us Aristotle -> has the hankie (behind) Alexander the Great w/ Aristotle

Bahram Gur, Shahnama. Ilkhanid Dynasty. 1330-1336. Ink and color on paper. (Pages 25 x 29 cm.)

Ilkhanids and Timurids *Bahram Gur:* Sasanian King *Azaden* -> slave girl -> musical -> harp like -Accompanies him on his hunt *Challenges Bahram* Male -> Female: male gazelle 1. Slice off antlers with bow & arrow: Male -> Female 2. Arrows in head: Female -> Male 3. Animal's hooves to ears -> scratches -> pins *Bahram Gur* tramples *Azadeh* because he was angry (East Asian attitudes) Gazelles Ran over w/ horse

Buddha Sakyamuni Offers Fruit to the Devil, Jami' al-tawarikh (World History).

Ilkhanids and Timurids *Life of Buddha:* • Not from Buddhist tradition, but similar • Buddha -> India *Buddha:* • Aesthetic • People gave gifts to Buddha -> food • Buddha doesn't eat the food, but takes it & gives it to the Devilish creature • Buddha is not depicted like a normal Buddhist art piece: *Normally:* • Buddhist robe (red with one shoulder) • Turban on head • Seated (legs crossed: criss-cross applesauce) • Hair in bun

Zahhak on throne, Shahnama, Ilkhanid Dynasty, 1330-1336. Ink and color on paper.

Ilkhanids and Timurids *Shahnama:* "Book of Kings" Composed by Firdawsi between 977-1010 Persian language Evil King who reigned for a thousand years -With the help of Satan: Ahriman the forms coming off his shoulders-> serpents sprout only satisfied by eating humans - fantastical Eastern influence

Birth of Muhammad, Jami' al-tawarikh (World History). Ilkhanid Dynasty. c. 1314. Ink and color on paper.

Ilkhanids and Timurids History of Arabs Early depiction of Muhammad Christian iconography Nativity of Christ • Angels are present at birth of Muhammad • 3 women-> midwives • Man-> grandfather of Muhammad • Muhammads mother not much imagery of Muhammed Long horizontal format thhree figures on side- three wise men for Jesus

Manafi Al-Hayawan (On the Usefulness of Animals) of Ibn Bakhtishu, Mountain goats, Ilkhanid Dynasty, 1290's, ink and color on paper.

Ilkhanids and Timurids Mountain goat-> losing its footing & falling Rocky projection (rocky forms) in which goat is standing Mountain fungus-> highly prized in Chinese paintings Forms of Chinese paintings

Manafi Al-Hayawan (On the Usefulness of Animals) of Ibn Bakhtishu, Simurgh, Ilkhanid Dynasty, 1290's, ink and color on paper.

Ilkhanids and Timurids Originally in Arabic-> Persian -text-> image Animals, mythological creatures *Simurgh*: Persian literature-> flying creature made of different curves Blue= water & the grass around the border Coiling forms various creatures being used Simurgh Persian Mythology Mongols w/ Eastern influence

The Seduction of Yusuf, Bustan, ink, color, and gold on paper, 1488. Timurid.

Ilkhanids and Timurids Religious story along with *Sufism:* • broader movement in Islam • many different lineages (Joseph -> Old Testament) • Joseph was sold into slavery by his half brothers • Sold to *Potiphar* • *Zulaykha:* Potiphar's wife • • tried to seduce Joseph -> deep inside the palace -> locked 7 rooms *Joseph:* God will know this -> God sees all. • Refuses advisees of his slavery • • Flaming figures over his head: *Halo* -> shows his power • Continued in *Sufism:* • 7 gate ways to Paradise

Tomb of Oljeitu, Sultaniyya, Iran, Ilkhanid Dynasty, 1307-1313.

Ilkhanids and Timurids Tomb is octantal 1313 became capital Baptize as Christian -> first to Islam (looks like the Dome of Rock: comparison was intentional) 8 Minarets has a mosque inside 38m diameters & 53m height Ornamented: use ceramic glazed tile -Blue & white -Geometric forms & Calligraphy (Interior) Tile work Ornate brick work Use of Stucka: White walls & inscription around dome -Inscriptions: reference the Holy lands: Jerusalem, Mecca, & Medina Mongos want to be in control & conquer - never successful _ tomb originally meant for Muhammed and family

Youthful Muhammad Recognized by the Monk Bahira, Jami' al-tawarikh (World History). Ilkhanid Dynasty. c. 1314. Ink and color on paper.

Ilkhanids and Timurids • 12 years old -> Muhammad • Uncle took him on merchant trip • Monk recognized that Muhammad would be the prophet. *In the picture:* • Muhammad • Several older men • All paying respect to future prophet • Person pointing = Monk • Camels are bowing • Blank background-> desert • The angel is coming out of the blue cloud & anointing Muhammad monk knew he'd be a prophet, angel

The Miraj, Jami' al-tawarikh (World History). Ilkhanid Dynasty. c. 1314. Ink and color on paper.

Ilkhanids and Timurids • Based on very short verse from Qu'ran -Mecca: furthest mosque (Jerusalem) *Buraq:* Horse-like creature, with human head • Is carrying Muhammad to Jerusalem -> Heaven (See past prophets) -> Hell (Various torments of Hell) • Angel(s) -> Angel Gabriel • receiving gifts • • Qu'ran: receiving the Holy book • • Food *Lands & Heavens:* • comes from Chinese art • little bit of color applied • Two angels are emerging • *Top left:* swirls (East Asian/ Chinese art)

The Torment of Those Who Squander the Inheritance of Orphans, Mirajnama, Herat, 1436. Timurid.

Ilkhanids and Timurids • Comes partly from the Qu'ran *Right side:* • Muhammad, Buraq, & Angel Gabriel • Separated from the black space from the fire *Left side:* • The *Squanders* -> being tormented • Devilish figures are holding pots that are pouring copper into mouths of *Squanders.* • Devilish Head Minister -> pointing to the devilish punishment. Hellfire torture

Jonah, Jami' al-tawarikh (World History). Ilkhanid Dynasty. c. 1314.Ink and color on paper.

Ilkhanids and Timurids • Jewish History • Jonah & The Whale

Dimna Visited in Prison by Kalila, Kalila va Dimna, Timurid Dynasty, 1429.

Ilkhanids and Timurids • Written in Sand Script -> translated into Persian culture -> then into Arabic • Becomes Arabic classic: • Animals used- acting like humans, moral & political implications, & fable • • Animals are in a cave • The text is bounded by a frame, *NOT* the actual picture • Black Abyss: Cave • Animals arms are tied up • Derived from East Asian foxes and fables

Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya)

Istanbul, Turkey, founded 537 Converted into a mosque by Mehmed II after the Fall of Constantinople 1453. Addition of minarets, stabilizing structures Important Mosque for Ottomans Redoing-> make it useful to Ottomans Covered up Mosaics

Iznik ware

Iznik, Turkey, a famous factory during 15th-16th century. Decorated ceramics, white clay painted with cobalt blue under heat. Blue and white ware, relationship and desirability of Chinese porcelain. Considered to be the best ceramic vessel, made to look like white clay

Layla and Majnun Sufism

Majnun wanted to marry Layla, but her father said no, so he goes walking through the desert -Careaban-> Layla & her family-- Layla is going to get married Majnun is unable to find her Majnun: left side with blue shirt open Layla: in the tent towards top & left -like a patch work quilt *Sufi relationship-> soul searching for the beauty


Major architect Christian-> Islam Traveled widely through empire valued military engineer Becomes state architect for Royal Architecture Tasked with objective to surpass Hagia Sophia, such as the Sulemaniye mosque (1556) and Selimiye mosque (1575).

Hand-Washing Machine, from al-Jazari, Automata, Egypt or Syria, 1315, 31.4 cm x 21.9 cm.

Mamluks -Ak-Jazari: Artist -Hand washing: -the al-ta-ma-tone -a towel is in the other hand -schematic diagram -gold paint -decoration of garment -adds to beauty of book --scientific manuscripts: 1206 out of book of knowledge Al Jazeeri

Mamluk Glass Oil Lamp, Egypt, c. 1329-1355, glass, polychrome enamel, and gold; height 14 1⁄2 " (35.9cm), Metroplitan Museum, New York.

Mamluks -Glass, polychrome enamel, & gold -the handles on the side; held it from the ceiling -divided into 9 separate registers -2 main fields have inscriptions -top register emblem- --Red cup: high rank of who owns the lamp -Patrum: top secret -Qu'ranic verse-on bottom --Ayat al Nur: verse of light: "Qu'ran 24:35" -the divine-> metaphor of light -in Mosque -giving light to religious colonist Surat Al- Nur nine sepperate tiers Circular medallions- symbol of high status and power

Mausoleum complex of Sultan Hasan al-Nasir, 1356-1362, Cairo.

Mamluks Mausoleum on left: waqf In the center courtyard: - 4 Iwan Plan -Congressional Mosque -Mausoleum -Hospital -Water Tower -Orphanage -Mosque had to point to Kibla --Awkward shape -Asymmetrical Shape Covered fountain in center The courtyard gives access to places -Madrasa

"Simonetti" Carpet, textile, c. 1500, 353 in. by 94 in., Cairo (?), Mamluk period. Mamluk carpet, textile, Late 15th century.

Mamluks One of the longest carpets "Simonetti"-> owner's name medallion carpets -geometrical forms-> dividing a circle up 6 or 8 -Red, blue, green, yellow(sometimes) -Borders: medallions &...... -complex geometrical patterns --Fooleit features: plants stems, & flowers major luxury export to Europe limited color pallet intricate geometric designs

Quran, illuminated by Ibrahim al-Amidi, Cairo, 1372

Mamluks Parchment Painting No figurative features -put patterns Medallions Vegetable foolage kurtif red & blue & gold


Movement within Islam, the beliefs and attitudes in mystical views or works, their own interpretations of art and expanded the development in Islamic religion. One of the metaphors were the beauty of God--> women

Attributed to Gentile Bellini, A Seated "Scribe," ink and color on paper, 18.2 x 14 cm. 1479-80.


Gentile Bellini (attr.), Portrait of Sultan Mehmed II, oil on canvas.

Ottomans naturalistic Victor orbis archway

Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya), Istanbul, Turkey, founded 537. Converted into a mosque by Mehmed II

Ottomans Istanbul, Turkey, founded 537 Converted into a mosque by Mehmed II after the Fall of Constantinople 1453. Addition of minarets, stabilizing structures Important Mosque for Ottomans Redoing-> make it useful to Ottomans Covered up Mosaics *Interior Changes:* • Medallions • Installation of *Mihrab* • • Diagonal orientation • Originally a Cathedral (1453) -> Mosque (Closed 1931 : Museum 1935) • Mystical light penetrated into interior • Various windows-> dome is "floating" in the air • Enormous interior space & dome • Rounded domes & arches -> repetition • Look upward -> *Arabic Calligraphy* • Supported by: • • *Pendentives:* Byzantine • • *Squinches:* Ottomans • Major inspiration for architects Mehmed II- mosque 1453 Christian mosaics painted over, minbar and mihrab added. Mihrab is a little off center

Bertoldo di Giovanni, Medal of Mehmed II, 1480's (British Museum).

Ottomans Profile Bust Mars- God of War Statue of Victory Pulling conquered domains- Greece, Asia

Costanzo da Ferrara, Mehmed II, 1430-1481, Sultan of the Turks, c. 1481. Samuel H. Kress Collection

Ottomans Roman Coins

Sinan, Selimiye Mosque, Edirne, 1569-75. Ottoman Empire.

Ottomans • Dome is higher than Aya Sofya • Stacking upward • Religious colleges -> *Madressa* • Enormous prayer hall • Minarets are the tallest built in Islamic world • 8 supports: *squinches* -> octagonal support • • covered up, camouflage • • *Macarnas*-> smooth transition •Arabic Calligraphy • Symbol of the dome of Heaven • Bright & airy-> windows no squinches or pendentives, flatter dome Dome on Squinches on Piers with Mukarnas The squinches are the architectural support, decorated by the muqarnas, transition from the dome down to the eight piers. They allow the round base of the dome to join octagon formed by the piers. Butresses Pencil minarrets The architect had wanted to disprove claims that no architect could match Hagia Sophia.

Ahmed III watches dancers and comedians, Surname-yi Vehbi, c. 1720-32.

Ottomans • Flat areas of color • Tent like structures

Sinan, Süleymaniye Mosque, 1556, Ottoman Empire, exterior view.

Ottomans • Looks like Aya Sofya • Central dome • Pointed arches-> instead of rounded • Attempted to rival Aya Sofya • • Surpassing • Dome is slightly smaller than Aya Sofya • Use of *Butresses*-> keep dome from collapsing; support • Built upon the hill in the capital city • Minarets & Courtyards *Interior:* • Large number of windows -> light airy sense • Indentives: support the dome • *Vousares*-> stone decorations • Medallions-> Qu'ranic verses • Pointed & rounded arches Pendentives

Large Dish, ceramic, Iznik, Turkey. 1490-1525. Ottoman Empire.

Ottomans • Pottery • Government owned • *Ceramics:* • • Decorations & useful table essentials • Blue and white being pro-dominate •• Different shades of blue inspired by chinese ceramics floral motifs varying shades of blue

Siege of Vienna by Suleyman the Magnificent, Hunername, (f.257b), 1588.

Ottomans • Simplicity vs. Complexity • Flat areas of color used

Ulu Cami, Bursa, Ottoman Empire, 1396-9.

Ottomans • Squares-> modules repeated (5x4=20) • Rectangle • *Mihrab* -> along with open door (higher domes) • covered courtyard -> circular dome -> window -> light • *Pier:* provide support to the vaulting of structure • brightest part of complex-> fountain -> source of water -> cleansing -> before prayer hall • 99 names of Allah -> Calligraphy hich dates back to the early Islamic architecture, with a multidomed roof supported by numerous piers and columns and an ablution fountain, oculus above. Ornamented piers- 99 names of Allah

Iznik dish, later 16th century, Ottoman Empire.

Ottomans • Tulips & Carnations • Orange • Made for European audience high demand in Europe more colors

Mosque Lamp, 1549, glazed ceramic.

Ottomans •Greenish-blue, blue, & white • For the Restoration of the Dome of the Rock under Sultan Süleymaniye the Magnificent • Calligraphy, arabesque, handles • Not translucent -> doesn't let light in iznik ware, made for restoration of dome of the rock three bands of arabic calligraphy and three handles wasn't practical blues greens

Maqsud Kashani, Ardabil Carpet, textile, 36 x 18 ft. 1539-40.

Safavids *Important People:* •Shah Abbas • Shah Tahmasp • In London -> Victorian Museum •White, yellow, & blue • Framing border • Inscription -> show who made it -> @ top • Ornamented with Medallions & Flowers • Body of water in which the flowers are growing *OR* • Blue represents the sky & flowers -> Stars • Hanging lamps: one is smaller than the other -> Sun & moon -> Dome of Evan Heavens constellations the sun and stars lamps

Death of King Mirdas, Shahnama, c. 1525.

Safavids *King Mirdas:* is father of *Zahka* *Ackomah:* The Devil • Convinces *Zahka* to kill father for throne • *King Mirdas* normally walks around the garden • • *Zahka* digs a hole in the garden and his father falls into it and dies • Looking into earth, seeing the dead king • Son looking down to make sure his father is dead • Things peaking out of doorways Aruman the devil convinces the son to convince his father to fall in the whole and die so he can ascend the throne. Prince Zahak Asian influence no negative space

Nurshivan Listens to Owls in a Ruined Palace, Nizami's Khamsa, 1539-43, ink, color, and gold on paper, Iran.

Safavids *Nizami:* 5 stories *King Nurshivan:* • Hunting • Two owls are carrying on a conversation: ••Negotiating a marriage between the two families ••Payment to marry daughter ••Ruined city -> *Dowa* •Architectural ruins: animals living in them •Minister riding a mule *Foreground:* •Two figures chopping wood ••Actually *Olive Trees* *You don't chop down Olive trees for wood -> *Disgrace* •Bright colors •Lumpy Rock forms cutting down olive trees

Majnun Eavesdrops on Layla's Camp, Haft Awrang, 1556-1565.

Safavids Majnun wanted to marry Layla, but her father said no, so he goes walking through the desert -Careaban-> Layla & her family-- Layla is going to get married Majnun is unable to find her Majnun: left side with blue shirt open Layla: in the tent towards top & left -like a patch work quilt *Sufi relationship-> soul searching for the beauty

Maidan, Isfahan, Iran. 1590-95.

Safavids • Capital under Seljuics (Isfahan) • Public palace • State ceremonies & sports • Enormous rectangle -> represents the old city • Around it -> 2 Story arcades Onion shaped dome courtyard four iwaan plan One very decorated iwaan

Masjid-i-Shah (Shah Mosque), Isfahan, Iran, 1612-1630.

Safavids • Four Iwan plan • Connected by triangular sectors • Two *Madrasen:* • • Courtyards & School *Dome & Minarets:* • Ceramic tiles • Blue glazd • *Arabesque:* interlacing plants, scroll like designs, patterns • Qu'ranic Calligraphy- highly abstract -> repeating: *No God but God, no God but Allah* *Portal Arch:* interior & exterior

Riza, Young Man in a Blue Coat, 1587. Ink and color on paper.

Safavids • Not a manuscript • Bright colors • Emphasis on blue coat & reddish under garment • Fluttery garment & Turban • Brownish background wind long elegant figures

Court of Gayumars, Shahnama, c. 1525.

Safavids • One of the *GREATS* *Gayumars:* • Name of first monarch • 1st King of Persian Empire • Clothing from Tiger skin • Devil told servants to go kill King & son • Animals & people • Rich colors • Mountains & Multicolor rocks • Son to the right -> killed • Wearing courtly robs -> tiger skin • Uncorrupted world @ the beginning of Humanization • Gold-flecked Gayumars was the first king clothed people in tiger skin loses son to war people and animals in line abstract and fantastical

Riza, Nashmi the Archer, 1622. Ink and color on paper.

Safavids • Riza-> painting low life people • Neutral background, plantlike forms, & swirling clouds *Archer* • In Safavid army • Pot-belly & wound on leg • Smoking Opeia • • Would be replaced by people who used fire arms • • Basically, *No long needO* more interesting characters guns, archers rendered useless


The ascent of the Prophet Muhammad into heaven 1o years after Muhammad became a prophet, resting near Kaaba. Gabriel approaches him riding a Buraq to the furthest mosque in Jerusalem. Taken to various Heavens, meeting previous prophets, Gods and Hells

Muhammad's ascent into heaven. Nizami's Khamsa, Tabriz, Iran, 1539-43.

Safavids •Riding Buraq •Going to meet various Prophets • Angels are surrounding Muhammad •• Gifts & Light •Swirling cloud like forms •East Asian art •Mecca -> Jerusalem -> Heaven -> Hell •Use of Gold •Fire & Flames •Halos- Muhammad, Buraq, & Angel Gabriel *Muhammad's face is veiled* buraq clouds are reminiscent to those of chinese art

Rashid al-din

Son of Jewish parents, later converts to Islam, becomes a high ranking minister under Ghazan & Oljeitu Commissioned by Ghazan to oversee a history of the Mongols then expanded into world history by Oljeitu, the Jami al-Tawarikh "Compendium of Chronicles" Accused of poisoning Oljeitu: executed and foundation plundered, copies were dispersed and very few remain, believed to have 1200 pages and 500 paintings

Kalila wa Dimna

Story of two foxes, Dimna imprisoned witih Kalila visiting the prison, and abstracted landscape an allegory of the human journey, during Timurid dynasty

Great Mosque at Cordoba, Umayyads in Spain, 961.

The Muslim West -Had to be expanded to hold everyone. -Voussoir -Maqsura: reserved for ruler to worship -Interior of dome before Mihrab: --Byzantine Artist orientation; Arabic --Squinches --the arches (X) -Mihrab: separate room exterior mosaic Qu'ran verses-> Calligraphy Spoiliation Geometrics Cordaba 1236 conquered-> Christian Rule -Cathedral: Christian Church --Gothic style in prayer hall from hypostyle mosque structure (minaret-courtyard-gothic style cathedral) Spolia- take characteristics from other monuments and add to it Voussoirs-are the stone or materials used in an arch Maqsura- an area in a mosque reserved for a ruler Squinches used and ornamented with mosaic buttresses The mihrab in the Great Mosque of Cordoba is framed by an exquisitely decorated arch behind which is an unusually large space, the size of a small room. Gold tesserae (small pieces of glass with gold and color backing) create a dazzling combination of dark blues, reddish browns, yellows and golds that form intricate calligraphic bands and vegetal motifs that adorn the arch. -Following the overthrow of his family (the Umayyads) in Damascus by the incoming Abbasids, Prince Abd al-Rahman I escaped to southern Spain. Once there, he established control over almost all of the Iberian Peninsula and attempted to recreate the grandeur of Damascus in his new capital, Cordoba The Great Mosque of Cordoba is a prime example of the Muslim world's ability to brilliantly develop architectural styles based on pre-existing regional traditions. Here is an extraordinary combination of the familiar and the innovative, a formal stylistic vocabulary that can be recognized as "Islamic" even today.

Muqarnas Vault, Hall of the Abencerrajes, Palace of the Lions, Alhambra, Granada, Spain. 1354-91, carved stucco

The Muslim West 5,000 or more niches in Stucca -Star ornamentation -light-> gives different ideas behind Muqarnas Outside: looks totally different -> simple!

Muqarnas Vault (over 5000 cells), Hall of the Two Sisters, Palace of the Lions, Alhambra, Granada, Spain 1354-91, carved stucco

The Muslim West Located at The Alhambra -Carved stucco prism like- dome of Heaven -light coming through windows -squinches -octangle dome additional Murqarnas squinches it is ironic then to see throughout the complex in the carved stucco, the words, " conqueror, but God" left by those that had once conquered Granada, and would themselves be conquered. It is a testament to the Alhambra that the Catholic monarchs who besieged and ultimately took the city left this complex largely intact.

Court of the Lions, Palace of the Lions, Alhambra, Granada, Spain 1354-91

The Muslim West Located at The Alhambra: the red (red stone) 12 lions carved out of stone unusually Islamic art- 3rd sculpted art (large) -Stone sculpture (European Land) Covered walk way -Orientation Stucca: --mixture of lime and sand --easier to carve than stone *Mucarnas: 3-D patterns in arches & domes One of four palaces


The leader of the Mongols who destroyed the Abbasid empire and sacked Baghdad and founded the Persian ilkhanate

Ayat al-Nur

The verse of light from the Qu'ran 24:35 "God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass."


Used for support for domes Byzantine Transition to domes, like the squinch. Byzantine-style, triangular segment of a sphere, a converted triangle, square room and dome, more often Roman architecture


Wife of Potiphar, the half brother of Yusuf, from the Quran. tried to seduced Joseph -deep inside the palace 7 rooms -> locked doors

Houghton Shahnama (Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp)

c. 1525-35 742 large folios with gold-flecked margins 258 paintings "Book of Kings", marks the revival of Persian culture. Composed by Firdawsi between 977-1010 in the Persian language. Great national epic of Persian civilization, pseudo-mythological, historical account of Persian history from ancient mythology to the advent of Islam under Ilkhanids and Safavids


geometricized vegetal ornament Interlacing plants, scroll like designs, patterns, on minarets and on domes.

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