Islamic Civilization

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Who do Muslims believe Jesus was?

A prophet, not the son of God

Division of Islam: Opposition to Ali as Caliph

Aisha, along with her forces, opposed Ali as Caliph.

Who was Muhammad's favorite wife?


Division of Islam: Assassination of Ali

Ali was assassinated in An-Najaf, Iraq, leading to a split in Islam.

What happened to Muhammad's parents?

He was orphaned at age 6

Who were the group of people living in Medina that refused to accept Muhammad as their religious leader?


Who do Jews and Muslims descend from?

Jews from Isaac, Muslims from Ishmael

What were the spirits called in Arab belief?


Which clan did Muhammad belong to?

Hashim Clan of the Quraysh Tribe

What is the Hadith?

A guide for Muslims to live by.

What is an oasis?

A place with water in the desert

How many days are in the Islamic Calendar?

354 days

When and where was Muhammad born?

570 in Hejaz, Arabia

When does the Islamic Calendar begin?

622 AD

When were Muhammad and his followers driven out of Mecca?

622 AD

When did Muhammad's followers conquer Mecca?

630 AD

Who is Ibrahim?


Who did Muhammad claim to be in line with?

Abraham, Moses, and Jesus

Division of Islam: Battle of the Camel

Aisha's forces were defeated by the Shi Atu Ali (Shi'ites) at the Battle of the Camel.

Division of Islam: Fourth Caliph

Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, became the fourth Caliph.

Who did their daughter Fatima marry?

Ali, son of Abu Talib

What is the voluntary act of giving charity to the poor called?

Alms (charity).

Reason for Islam's expansion: Population increase in Arabia

Arabia's growing population contributed to the spread of Islam.

Where did Islam begin?

Arabian Peninsula

Who did not have to pay taxes in conquered areas?

Arabs and Mawali

How was society re-arranged in conquered areas?

Arabs on top

Reason for Islam's expansion: Discontent with land in Arabia

Arabs sought new territories due to the mostly desert landscape in Arabia.

How often are Muslims expected to make the Hajj?

At least once in their lifetime.

What happened in 619?

Both Khadija and Abu Talib died

What did Muhammad insist on being?

Both the religious and political leader

What trade was Muhammad involved in as a young man?

Caravan trade

What are the five times Muslims must pray?

Dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, evening, and night.

What did Muhammad do to the Jews living in Medina?

Drove them out of the city, killing several hundred

When do Muslims fast during the holy month of Ramadan?

From sunrise to sunset everyday.

What is the pilgrimage to Mecca called?


What is the emigration of Muhammad and his followers called?


Who did Muhammad live with after being orphaned?

His uncle Abu Talib, leader of the Hashim Clan

What is jihad?

Holy war.

When did Muhammad receive a visit from the angel Jabril?

In 610

Where are prayer services held on Fridays?

In a Mosque.

What is the religion founded by Muhammad called?


What does the Hegira mark the beginning of?

Islamic Calendar

Who did Muhammad marry?

Khadija, a wealthy widow

What is the book that contains Muhammad's teachings called?

Koran (Qur'an)

Who were the rulers called Caliphs?

Leaders of the Umma (community of believers).

What was the significance of the city of Mecca?

Major trade and religious center

What is the name of the city that was renamed to 'City of the Prophet'?


Who leads prayer services on Fridays?

Men called Imams.

What are the towers called where the call to prayer is issued?


Division of Islam: Muawiyah becomes Caliph

Muawiyah became Caliph and established the Umayyad Caliphate.

Division of Islam: Capital moved to Damascus

Muawiyah moved the capital from Medina to Damascus in Syria.

Division of Islam: Serious opposition to Ali from Muawiyah

Muawiyah, Othman's cousin and governor of Syria, strongly opposed Ali as Caliph.

Who were the first four caliphs related to?

Muhammad through blood or marriage.

What was the age difference between Muhammad and Khadija?

Muhammad was younger

What is a follower of Islam called?


How many times a day do Muslims pray?

Muslims pray five times a day.

Who was the new leader of the Hashim Clan?


Who were the mawali?

Newly converted

Does Islam have a priesthood?


Who gained control over the trade routes in Arabia?

Nomadic Bedouins

When did the Battle of Tours take place?

October 10, 732

Who were the dhimmi?

Peoples of the book (Jews and Christians)

What was the religion of the Arabs before Islam?


What is the most important duty for Muslims?

Prayer five times a day facing Mecca.

What did the angel command Muhammad to do?

Preach to the people of Mecca

Who is exempt from fasting during Ramadan?

Pregnant women and the sick.

Who founded Islam?

Prophet Muhammad

Reason for Islam's expansion: Religious disagreements in the Eastern Empire

Religious conflicts in the Eastern Empire made people more open to adopting a new religion like Islam.

What does Islam accept as holy scriptures?

Scriptures of Judaism and Christianity

Shi'ites' belief on leadership and interpretation of the Koran

Shi'ites believe that the right to lead and interpret the Koran should go to a descendant of Ali.

How many children did Muhammad and Khadija have?


Who were at the bottom of society in conquered areas?


Is jihad considered a pillar of Islam?

Some Muslims consider it to be.

Where were the Arabs forced back into?


What did Muhammad offer to the people of Mecca if they converted?

Spare their lives

What did Muhammad say was the only way to salvation?

Submit to Allah's will

What are the ways and sayings of the Prophet called?

Sunna and Hadith.

Largest group in Islam today

Sunnites are the largest group in Islam.

Sunnites' belief on leadership and interpretation of the Koran

Sunnites believe that anyone can lead and interpret the Koran.

Who invaded France?

The Arabs

Umayyad Caliphate: Failed attempts to capture Constantinople

The Arabs attacked Constantinople twice but were unsuccessful.

Umayyad Caliphate: Invasion of Spain in 711

The Arabs invaded Spain in 711.

Umayyad Caliphate: Conquest of part of India and all of North Africa

The Arabs successfully conquered part of India and all of North Africa.

Reason for Islam's expansion: Arabs as excellent soldiers

The Arabs' prowess in battle, coupled with the promise of instant reward in Heaven, contributed to the spread of Islam.

What were people coming to see in Mecca?

The Black Rock and the Kaaba

Who stopped the Arabs at the Battle of Tours?

The Germanic Franks

Umayyad Caliphate: Formation of a permanent army and navy

The Umayyads established a permanent army and navy, funded by taxing non-believers.

Reason for Islam's expansion: Weakened Byzantine and Sassanid Empires

The fighting between the Byzantine and Sassanid Empires left them vulnerable to Arab conquest.

Were there Jewish and Christian communities in Arabia?

Yes, brought in by trade

Division of Islam: Split into Sunnites and Shi'ites

The killing of Al-Husayn caused the final split of Islam into Sunnites and Shi'ites.

What is an important source of guidance for Muslims after the Koran?

The life of the Prophet.

Division of Islam: Feud between Hashim and Umayyad Clans

The ongoing feud between the Hashim and Umayyad Clans persisted.

What is the Koran considered as?

The word of Allah

Were the Caliphs both religious and political leaders?


What happened to most of their children?

They died young

When did Muhammad and his followers make the Hegira?

Thursday, June 17 to Friday, July 2, 622

What was the basic social unit in Arabia?


Why were trade routes diverted through Arabia in the 500s?

Wars between Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Persian Empire

Where did Muhammad and his followers go after leaving Mecca?


Division of Islam: Killing of Al-Husayn

Yazid, Muawiyah's son, killed Ali's son Al-Husayn in Karbala, Iraq.

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