ism exam 2

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Your company uses a BYOD approach for smartphones. They're also implementing a new EMM program that will be mandatory. Scenario #1 -- the company wants to do EMM as cheaply as possible, ideally not spending any more money on software licenses than they already do. Which option fits this scenario best? Scenario #2 -- now suppose that the company wants to have an EMM system that will allow them to remotely wipe out all company data on employee smartphones without affecting employee data. What capability do they need for this scenario?

#1 lightweight approach & #2 containerization

Average 21-year-old has spent about ___________ hours on a mobile phone


Your company has adopted a "Locked, Well-Managed" PC management style, as characterized by this week's lectures. What is your annual TCO for only Direct Costs?


Your manager says that your company doesn't need to have a Facebook presence because "only kids use Facebook." You politely disagree, telling the manager that "Actually, about _____% of Facebook users in the United States are over age 45."


Roughly ___% of US Facebook users are aged 45+


Potential savings in electricity costs for PC's in a well-managed scenario: _____%


TCO meets environmental responsibility... according to Gartner Research, we can reduce electricity costs by about ______ in a well-managed scenario.


______% of the time that Americans spend on their smartphones is spent using apps, but the vast majority of that time is spent (85%) is spent on just ____ non-native apps installed from an app store.

90% spent using apps & 5 non-native apps

What are user account types and how are they different?

Administrator and Standard user Admin: full control, can install software and drivers, create and modify users, create passwords Standard user: logon, run programs that are already installed, customize their own account settings, save files, but prevented from making system wide changes.

What is an "image"? What is a "gold image"? How are images used? How do they impact TCO?

An image is a combination of the operating software, applications, & settings. Gold image: represents how all the other should be set up. Build once, test & tweak, and deploy repeatedly and automatically thousands of times They impact TCO by labor savings for IT, and increase productivity because they get it correctly and quickly

Be able to explain the key takeaways to REI's campaign.

Be authentic, be relevant, put your money where your mouth is, be bigger than social media Have campaigns that fit your brand, make a statement, they paid their employees to take the day off.

What three tips did Laura give for maximizing the chance that your audience will engage with your content?

Be awesomely relevant Be awesomely authentic Be awesomely impressive

Why is it difficult for companies to listen to public social networks?

Because there are so many conversations going on at all times.

How does maintenance compare for thin and thick clients

Break-fix, patching, new software installations, backups. Maintenance is cheaper for thin clients Maintenance varies for thick clients but more expensive


Bring your own device. The employee chooses which device they want to use and bring it

What is Patch Management? Why is it necessary? Who should do it?

Bugs happen, patches fix the bugs. Must patch OS and applications. Can't rely on users. Automated systems: labor savings and reporting.

what factors typically drive corporate purchases of IT?

Business requirements, what needs to get done and what are the right tools are needed. Multiple systems. Control costs.

For each managed print program term below, select the description that best matches it.

CPI: the fee you pay the vendor for each page printed SLA: guarantee the vendor makes about uptime, how quickly they repair printers, etc Duty Cycle: the number of pages/month the printer is designed to produce

Compare and contrast Thick Clients vs. Thin Clients.

Client: the device used by the user. Multiple forms desktop, laptop, mobile Thick clients: client is a traditional PC that you're using to access VDI environment. Powerful CPU, lots of RAM, lots of data storage, software. Complex & high TCO. BYOD. Example: UF apps Thin clients: all work is done on the server. Only input/output occurs at client, simple, cheap hardware. Many forms: desktop, notebook, tablet

What activities make up the Execution component?

Communications campaigns Social media campaigns: only social media The daily grind: reactive social media Event coverage

Why should companies listen to the buzz on public social networks like Facebook and Twitter?

Companies that closely monitor social media know when something bad might be about to happen or they can use it for good and get promotions like morton's. People base their purchasing decisions on social media

What is benchmarking? Who should you compare your organization against? What are you comparing?

Comparing how you're doing compared to your peers. Compare apples to apples. Identify your peers and their social media channels. How big of a following do you have compared to your peers, how does your weekly engagement compare, etc

What is the "Consumerization of IT"? What factors led to it? How does this impact corporate IT?

Consumer devices, iphones, ipads, andriods. Popular, faster, smaller, lighter than corporate devices. Could be cheaper due to volume drives down price. No one wants to carry two phones, tablets, or computers. People want to use their device. Impacts corporate IT with bring your own everything

How does the Consumerization of IT impact mobile devices in the corporate environment?

Consumerization of IT impacts mobile devices because whatever we buy are our consumer devices and we want to use that same device for our work.

What are "Containers"? What's the benefit to the company? To the user?

Containers separate personal from business- apps, data, email Benefits: selective wipe, encrypt work container, barrier between containers

What are DaaS and VDI? How are they similar? How are they different?

Desktops as a Service: virtualizing a user desktop system so instead of having the power on the computer everything happens on the server Virtual Desktop Infrastructure: on premises VDI you do it yourself on premises but daas is in the cloud we pay someone else to do it for us

What is the purpose of PC instrumentation? How does IT learn about PC problems?

Detect and report problems before it causes problems for the users SMART

What are Direct Costs and Indirect Costs?

Direct costs show up on the organizations budget as an IT cost. Computer purchase price. Indirect costs not as easily discernable, not shown on budget as IT cost. HR department staff labor when your staff's computer is broken for a few hours

What is Microsoft Group Policy? What is its role in managing systems at work?

Example of an operational setting. Infrastructure that allows you to implement specific configurations for user's computers

What are the characteristics of a BYOD program? What are the benefits of BYOD?

Gives employees an allowance, employee owns the byod device, employee is responsible for the device, consumerization of IT, bring your own everything devices, software, apps Benefits: shared cost, employee satisfaction, consumerization

How are goals and strategies different?

Goals: the destination Strategy: how are we getting there

What hardware and software can help solve ergonomic problems?

Hardware: ergonomic keyboard, pointing devices (mice, touchpads, touch screen), monitors Software: speech recognition, keyboard hotkeys replaying mouse, breaks- reminder, auto detect, exercise

what is duty cycle?

Heavy duty or light duty? how many pages it can print in a certain amount of time

Who should review a social media policy before implementing it?

Human resource department and a lawyer

What single component of Direct Costs can bring the biggest savings if it is locked and well-managed?

IT support cost (software)

What two key questions should an organization ask when selecting social media platforms?

Is my audience on this platform? & can I accomplish some of my communications goals for my audience on this platform?

Why is it important that the Team be a real job assignment? What are the team's goals?

It confirms the importance of social media to the company Goals: leadership in use of social media, establish consistency in message, mentor, develop and communicate policies

What is meant by "engagement feeds reach"?

It means the more people engage the more people will see it

How does Facebook's social media algorithm determine whether your post is seen by your audience?

It orders the content for people based on what matters most to them Relevancy score: 1- who posted that 2- when was it posted 3- interactions 4- type of post

How does user account types impact TCO?

It prevents users from messing up your settings and machines, however it can increase indirect costs

What does Laura mean when she says, "it's never about the tools"? What's really important?

It's all about what the tools can do for you. Decide what you want to do then which tool can help you

What "world-class" system was mentioned for managing Macs?


Your company has a lot of Macintosh computers. In an effort to contain TCO, management wants to implement a world-class system for managing its Macintosh computers. Which of the systems below best fits that business requirement?


what are the key capabilities of EMM?

Key capabilities: security- password enforcement, inactivity lock, device wipe, audit trail/logging, jailbreak detection. Software distribution- app downloader, app verification, app update support, app patch support. Policy/compliance management- deny noncompliant devices, external storage blocking, restrict new apps, control web access, cost containment. Inventory management

How can social media help - or hurt - your personal brand?

Making it look clean and professional can help your personal brand

What tools/tips did Laura suggest for monitoring/researching your audience?

Monitor specific hashtags on twitter and Instagram Add followers to twitter lists Follow your audiences' influencers See what is trending on twitter, facebook, etc

What are the two components of "Response"?

Monitoring & engagement

What are the typical characteristics of a "Managed Print Program" such as UF's PrintSmart program?

Network printers, onsite support and spare parts, potential for significant savings. UF claims 60%

What factors typically drive personal purchases of IT?

Occur infrequently, style, it might be cool, or new, or on sale. Momentary influences. Some people have a max it out philosophy, hot rod syndrome

Methods for application deployment and their implications for TCO

Old school: sneakernet techs install software manually individually Automated workflow: push or pull. Automatic and quick. Increases productivity and reduces tco

What factors impact Printer TCO?

Printer acquisition, consumables- ink & paper, repairs- warranty & duty cycle, maintenance- DIY vs contract & remote monitoring, user support

What are the IT-related risk factors?

Repetitive stress, bad posture can be bad on your body

What are the three R's of social media policy?

Representation, responsibility, respect

What activities make up the Development component?

Research: figure out and learn what people are talking about. Peer research, industry research Strategy: big picture, campaign, plans Management: talking with people

Laura Vickery described a social media manager's work in terms of two key components. The Development side of her job includes tasks like Researching a peer organization's Facebook page to see what they're doing . The Execution side of her job includes tasks like Launching a social media project to strengthen the organization's brand .

Researching a peer organization's Facebook page to see what they're doing & Launching a social media project to strengthen the organization's brand

What are the implications of Mobile Device BYOD for Business?

Securing corporate data and email Ensuring regulatory compliance: company has to make sure that an employee's use on their personal device doesn't go against their laws Cost of supporting BYOD

what is an SLA?

Service Level Agreement: contractual agreement that says the provider must make sure that each device has a certain amount of uptime.

Why is it important for an organization to have a social media policy?

Sets the stage and defines the area users can play in. & it protects your organization in the event of legal trouble

What can a "lightweight approach" to EMM do for you? What does it require?

Simple approach that takes advantage of most features built into most mobile phones. Sometimes it's all you need, easy, lower support costs, happier user, no additional license fees It requires: PINs- enhanced security, can require encryption, remote wipe

Define the acronym S.M.A.R.T.

Social Media Awareness and Response Team

How can social media advertising help an organization reach its goals?

Social media goals: more interaction with a post, more followers, more engagement Business goals: website clicks, conversion rates

The lecture provides recommendations for choosing thick vs. thin clients in for several business use cases. Understand the reasoning for each so that you can evaluate business scenarios and provide recommendations.

Temporary employees: DaaS or BYOD Task oriented worker: DaaS corporate thin client Power User: could be either thick or thin. Thick could give advantage if they have a powerful computer but you could also use DaaS for high storage

Define ergonomics

The science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population

Why do organizations need both "goals" and "strategy" for social media?

They need both goals and strategy because they need to determine what they want to accomplish and how they want to accomplish it

How do acquisition costs compare for thin and thick clients? Software costs?

Thick: management licensing Thin: VDI licensing

what are the characteristics of thin & thick clients

Thick: powerful CPU, lots of ram & storage Thin: only input/output occurs, simple, cheap

Where does the work happen on thin and thick clients? Where is the software? Where is the data?

Think: traditional pc that can access VDI Thin: all work is done on the server

Why is ergonomics important?

To make sure the job fits and respects the capabilities of our bodies. Making sure there are no risks of illness and injury, increase productivity and employee satisfaction

Briefly, what are the three motivations for properly managing computers at work?

Total cost of ownership: saving money on each machine by managing them well Compliance: we must carefully manage machines and have records that prove we were compliant with laws Security: you can't secure something unless you're managing it

"Awareness" - What risks are posed by unaware users? How can S.M.A.R.T. help fix that?

Unaware users could use personal use or be untrained, create bad habits Smart creates a team of trained professionals who know how to communicate, and know the risks, opportunities, and policies

What are the characteristics of the two different PC management styles - Unmanaged vs. Managed

Unmanaged: could care less about control of costs, buy whatever and drive however Managed: choose what you want and how to run it. Buying diesel trucks, put governors on your trucks, etc

System settings - contrast user settings vs. computer settings

User settings follow the user no matter which specific computer they are using Computer settings affects how the computer operates no matter who is using it Security settings are things like how long your password has to be, or what apps can be running at a certain time Operational settings automatically set up various network storage locations, or automatically configures the printer and drivers.

What should an organization consider when deciding which social media platform to use for advertising? Understand the reasoning behind the examples that Laura provided in the lecture.

What are you advertising & who are you advertising to? Food advertising works good on Instagram because people can visually see it Home Depot might advertise on Pinterest because of DIY projects

What questions can be answered using audience research?

What are your audiences interested in? what types of content are similar audiences interested in?

What can you learn from looking at your peers' social media activities?

What your competitors are doing & how you compare to them. What are your competitors talking about, generally: what types of content. Specifically: answer a question Benchmark your performance

What are the key rules for ergonomic computer work areas? (Monitor location, sitting posture, etc.)

Workstation layout: distance to monitor, monitor height-top of the monitor at eyelevel. Good sitting posture: upper back straight, arms roughly 90-degree angle, knees 90 degrees, feet flat. Standing might be better

What questions should you ask yourself about your social media presence?

Would my social media presence hurt my career opportunities?

How does the "hybrid" scenario work?

You can use it as a traditional PC and a thin client. BYOD access apps in VDI

how would someone use the passive approach to self-branding

You making sure that there is nothing on social media that can hurt you or your career Survey what's out there. Google yourself, dig into your social media pasts, look at your profile picture, look at photos you're tagged in. Be smart. Clean house, don't post anything illegal, avoid posting photos that may give potential employers a negative impression, avoid being excessively opinionated, be honest.

Suppose that you're a busy social media manager working for a chain of craft stores called CraftWorld. Below are some of the things you did today. Select the term that best describes each of those activities. Your top competitor is HobbyHeaven. You compare your Facebook following versus theirs to determine who has more likes, more fans, and more posts. This is an example of benchmarking You sell a lot of product to school teachers, so you decide to check Twitter and Instagram for the hashtag #TeacherLife to see what they're posting in hopes of learning more about what's interesting them right now. This is an example of audience research

benchmarking & audience research

Based on content presented this week, select all of the following factors which are likely to motivate corporate technology purchasing.

business requirements & minimizing TCO

One of your friends watched Laura Vickery's lectures and has decided to use the passive approach to self-branding. Several actions are listed below. Select all of the actions that are appropriate given your friend's desire to use the passive approach to self-branding.

clean house-get rid of potentially damaging online content & make sure that your online content is honest in the way it portrays you

What is CPI?

cost per impression

Based on content presented this week, select all of the following which are typical characteristics of BYOD programs.

employees responsible for maintaining their own IT & employees provided an equipment purchase allowance

What is EMM?

enterprise mobility management

true or false: One key takeaway from REI's #OptOutdoors campaign is that the timing of a social media campaign is not very important.


true or false: The Old Guard platforms are fading out, so social media managers should begin deleting those accounts and moving to new platforms


What best practice does Mr. Olson recommend for user account types?

give standard accounts for each and every user

Which comes first goals or strategies?


What is "remote wipe"? How is it different for lightweight approach vs. full EMM suite?

if device gets lost you can erase entire device.

What ergonomic problems face notebook/laptop computer users?

if your monitor is at eye level then your hands are too high, toting around can be heavy with chargers

When considering the TCO of corporate PC ownership, which of the following are components of indirect cost?

lost user productivity due to downtime

What is Microsoft's solution for leading management systems

microsoft system center configuration manager

Do more Americans access the Internet using a mobile device or a traditional computer?

mobile device

the 1000 PC is a _______


Should organizations abandon the Old Guard tools in favor of the newer platforms? Why / why not?

no because they still have a use

What power reliability problems affect our IT devices?

problems: surges, brownouts, blackouts

What are the 3 R's of Social Media Policy? Select them all from the list below.

responsibility, representation, & respect

what is the single most expensive component of direct cost?


You need to reduce PC support costs. Fortunately, ou remember from ISM3004 that assigning users to the ______________ account type is a commonly-used best practice that typically reduces support costs.

standard user

What solutions address those power reliability problems?

surge protector, UPS, generators

One of the other managers at work says that a PC costs the business $1,000. How would you respond to that comment?

the 1000 PC is a myth

How is the active approach different from the passive approach?

the key to the active approach is you're actually doing things to help your career opportunities

You have been asked to setup an ergonomically-correct workstation for a new employee. How should the monitor be positioned?

the top of the monitor should be at eye level

Mr. Olson is mighty fond of his new MacBook Pro 13. It's the lightest, most powerful laptop he's ever owned. It's so powerful that he doesn't even have a desktop computer any more. That device is an example of a ___________.

thick client

Scenario: Your company needs to hire about 100 short-term contract workers. They start work in a few weeks and will only work for the company for 90 days. You make the call! Which of the options below makes the most sense for this use case?

thin client with DaaS

what is TCO?

total cost of ownership

true or false: Thin clients typically have lower break-fix cost than thick clients, especially when you consider both direct and indirect costs


how do standardized purchasing agreements reduce IT acquisition costs?

volume discounts. Standardization drives volume and volume drives lower purchase prices. It saves money also in the long run through the lifetime of the system through support, maintenance, & training.

rough annual TCO numbers for the following scenarios, as well as the percentage savings

well managed: TCO direct only- 1700 both direct & indirect- 3300 unmanaged: TCO direct only- 2000 both direct & indirect- 6400 percent savings for well managed direct only- 15% both- 43%

Social Media advertising is increasingly prevalent. Laura suggested that you ask yourself two questions before you spend money on social media advertising. These questions are intended to make sure you spend money on the right channel and get the best results. Select those two questions from the list below.

who are we advertising? & who is our target audience?

What are the 3 questions you should consider when creating your active self-branding campaign?

who is your audience? Why? Answer your audiences why questions such as why should we hire you, why are you special, why should we interview you What do you want them to see?

Select all of the answers below that help determine a Facebook relevancy score.

who posted the content? what type of content was posted? number of other users who interacted with the post & when was it posted?

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