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195. What range on the glycemic index (GI) corresponds to a high glycemic impact food?

70 and above

15. What percentage of maximum heart rate is represented in Zone 3 cardiorespiratory intensity?

71 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate

168. Which of the following is a statement from the ISSA Code of Ethics for a fitness professional?

Accurately represent their services and what is reasonably expected from a training relationship with clients.

99. Lactic acid has been found to have many functions in the body, including which of the following?

It can promote the metabolism of glucose and glycogen over fats for faster energy production

133. What is an exercise regression?

Modifications to acute training variables that decrease the challenge of a movement pattern

186. Which heart structure is known as the pacemaker of the heart and initiates contraction of the right atrium?

Sinoatrial (SA) node

171. According to the size principle of motor recruitment, in what order will muscle fibers be recruited during activity?

Smallest and slowest firing rate to largest and fastest firing rate

64. Which of the following best describes the muscular endurance component of fitness?

The ability of a muscle or group of muscles to continuously exert force against resistance over time

148. In marketing, what is the definition of a "target market?"

The particular group(s) of consumers that a product or service targets

129. What is a split routine as it relates to resistance training?

The separation of training sessions based on physical recovery status

51. For a skinfold body composition assessment, what sites are used for the three-site body density method for females?

Triceps, suprailiac, thigh

69. Which element of fitness requires sensory input from the eyes, ears, and proprioceptors?

balance training

41. Which strength curve most accurately represents a biceps curl exercise?

bell-shaped strength curve

155. Which of the following is a benefit of small group training?

decrease client adherence to an exercise program

32. During cardiorespiratory training, how can the acute training variable of rest be manipulated to increase training intensity?

decrease rest time

146. What is the primary muscle involved in pulmonary ventilation?


54. In the alveoli of the lungs, air crosses into and out of the capillaries by what process?


163. Which advanced training technique is described as completing one set of an exercise until failure before immediately lowering the weight and continuing the set until failure again?

drop sets

98. Which of the following is equipment with a constant resistance?


150. What type of client assessment is the squat or overhead squat assessment?

dynamic movement assessment

194. What hormone can the ergogenic aid caffeine help to stimulate?


125. What is the prime mover at the hip during a hip hinge?

erector spinae

200. Which of the following is a risk factor for developing diabetes?


181. What additional health and fitness assessment is strongly recommended for a client with type 2 diabetes?

exercise stress test

84. Which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome is characterized by fatigue, weakness, and soreness?


76. Pain and stiffness, fatigue, anxiety, depression, headaches, and memory problems are possible symptoms for which arthritis-related chronic health condition?


65. What type of diabetes only affects pregnant women?

gestational diabetes

91. Which personal trainer best practice includes staying within the scope of practice and establishing boundaries with clients?

maintaining appropriate relationship boundaries

47. What stage of change is someone in if they are sustaining a new, healthy behavior for more than six months?


44. Where in the cell do the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain occur?


189. What is the name of the heart valves located between the atria and ventricles that keep blood moving in only one direction?

mitral valves

31. What type of muscular assessment is the bench press test?

muscular endurance assessment

71. What type of assessments are based on repeatable, measurable data?

objective assessments

131. What type of repetitions are completed with an intentionally reduced range of motion?

partial repetitions

180. What does the "S" in SMART goals stand for?


12. Which acute training variable accounts for the total time a muscle is engaged during a set of exercise?


119. Which of the following is an example of a complex carbohydrate?

whole grain bread

143. The PACER test is a fitness assessment used for what special population?


184. Which estimated maximum heart rate formula is used for clients with high blood pressure?

162 - (0.7 x age)

89. What is considered a normal body mass index (BMI)?


23. When using email marketing, what is the ideal weekly email frequency for marketing and communicating with clients?

2-3 per week

80. The adaptation of muscular endurance generally requires how much rest between sets of exercise?

30 to 60 seconds

30. Which of the following is a common fitness assessment used for senior fitness clients?

30-second chair stand

138. How soon after stopping a training program can muscle atrophy occur?

7 days

35. How many sets and repetitions are performed during German volume training?

10 sets of 10 repetitions

157. What is the ideal height of the step or platform used during the step test assessment?

12 inches

33. According to the American Heart Association, what is considered a 'normal' blood pressure?

120/80 mm Hg

117. Approximately what portion of the body's total water is intracellular?

2/3 of the body's total water

167. What is the daily fat intake recommendation for the average adult?

20 to 30 percent of daily calories

128. What is the average bodyfat percentage for females?

25 to 31

108. Which of the following training repetitions and tempos would have the greatest time under tension (TUT)?

3 repetitions at 10:0:10:0

111. At what average age does flexibility start to diminish for most people?

35 years

21. What is the daily fiber intake recommendation for the average male?

38 grams per day

105. What is the average vital capacity of the lungs in humans?

4000 to 6000 mL

107. For the average adult, what percentage of the diet should be carbohydrates?

45 to 65 percent of daily calories

1. During exercise, the average human's breathing rate increases to what range and varies based on exercise intensity?

50 to 60 breaths per minute

67. During resistance training, what is the recommended repetition range for the training goal of hypertrophy?

6 to 12

120. What training intensity is required during the working rounds in high-intensity interval training (HIIT)?

85 percent or more of V02 max

124. In email marketing, what is a relationship email?

An email used to engage with clients and prospects and build rapport

37. Which of the following is a physiological difference between children and adults?

Children have smaller airways and more soft tissue than adults

49. According to the CDC, what is the definition of cleaning?

Cleaning and killing germs on surfaces to bring the microbe level to an acceptable range

158. According to the CDC, what is the definition of sanitizing?

Killing germs and viruses on surfaces with the use of chemicals

38. According to the modified Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) chart, what intensity equates to deep and forceful breathing that makes it difficult or uncomfortable to speak during cardiorespiratory exercise?

RPE 10

170. What is the central nervous system (CNS) responsible for?

Receiving sensory input and organizing, analyzing, and processing neural information

18. The principle of progressive overload states that the body must encounter what type of stress to drive adaptation?

Stress that is greater than what is normally encountered

139. What is the definition of quickness as it relates to the element of reactive training?

The ability to react and change body position with maximum rate of force production

52. What is the definition of muscular power?

The amount of force exerted by a muscle or group of muscles in a given amount of time

39. What is the primary goal of Motivational Interviewing?

To help someone uncover their personal motivations

7. What is the purpose of a business plan?

To outline how a business will be operated

77. When a trainer is walking the gym floor, what should they be proactively doing or looking for?

Trip hazards and dirty or broken equipment

102. What is "synergistic dominance?"

When a synergist (helper) muscle takes over a movement pattern because the prime mover is weak or inhibited

190. How frequently should flexibility training be incorporated in a fitness routine to enhance an individual's flexibility?

a minimum of three days a week

159. What neural function is processed directly by the spinal cord and not the brain?

a reflex

74. Type, frequency, time, and rest are examples of what aspect of fitness?

acute training variables

87. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which of the following should be limited in the diet to promote optimal health?

added sugar

94. Which of the following acute training variable changes will increase training volume?

adding repetitions during a set

75. What type of fitness training can affect the hormone erythropoietin (EPO)?

altitude training

183. What are the building blocks of protein?

amino acids

179. What is the definition of hypertrophy?

an increase in muscular size

136. Which energy pathway is dominant when the body is at rest or during low-intensity, long-duration activity?

anaerobic glycolysis

140. Which region of the body is the most common location for a sprain?


166. Which relatively common chronic health condition is characterized by bronchial spasms that make it difficult to breathe effectively?


153. What muscle fiber arrangement can be seen in the soleus muscle?

bipennate muscle

101. What type of nonverbal communication involves gestures and body movements?

body language

160. Which body composition measuring system uses the volume of a controlled chamber compared to body volume to determine bodyfat percentage?

body mass index (BMI)

188. What type of exercise is ideal for a client who is new to strength training and learning new movement patterns?

bodyweight exercises

48. When considering exercise order, what should be a priority before completing accessory exercises?

compound exercises

176. What type of resistance exercises mimic the natural movements of the body, such as walking?

cross-body exercises

116. Microtearing that occurs during which muscle action is responsible for delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?


151. Which type of neuron sends information from the central nervous system to the muscles to generate movement?

efferent neuron

17. What type of strength is defined as the ability to sustain a submaximal activity for a longer duration of time?

endurance stregnth

57. Which of the following is a common observation during the squat assessment?

excessive forward lean

58. Under the scope of practice for a Certified Personal Trainer, which of the following situations can a fitness professional help a client with?

exercise programming

173. Which glands of the endocrine system produce and release substances through ducts or openings on the body's surfaces?

exocrine glands

174. What type of motivation is driven by a reward, prize, or recognition?

extrinsic movement

113. Which type of bone protects internal organs and provides a large surface area for muscles to attach?

flat bone

141. What does the acronym FITT in the FITT principle stand for?

frequency, intensity, time, type

6. What resistance training style is a combination of partial repetitions and isometric holds?

functional isometrics

130. Which endocrine hormone promotes the release of glucose from the liver and into the bloodstream?


144. The process of glycolysis is the breakdown of what molecule in the body?


78. Which amino acid is the most abundant in the body?


123. What is the name for glucose that is stored in the body?


126. Which proprioceptive organ is targeted during myofascial release techniques?

golgi tendon organ

29. Which of the following emergency situations requires a fitness professional to call 911 immediately?

heavy bleeding

142. Body mass index (BMI) considers someone's weight and which of the following physical attributes?


161. What type of supplement can improve exercise performance and capacity?

herbal supplement

121. Which of the following is a primary risk factor for coronary heart disease?

high blood pressure

118. What are the primary joints involved in a squat movement pattern?

hip, knee, ankle

185. Which of the following is an effect of short-term cortisol elevation in the body?

increases blood pressure

109. Which endocrine hormone promotes the uptake of glucose from the blood by target tissues?


86. What medical emergency can occur when there is too much insulin in the body?

insulin shock

40. The calcaneus is an example of what type of bone?

irregular bone

96. Which of the following is true regarding an emergency exit plan?

it clearly labels all exit and entry doors, stairwells, and elevators

162. What term represents the six anatomical locations of predictable movement patterns where movement dysfunctions can be detected?

kinetic chain checkpoints

8. What postural and movement deviation occurs when the knees excessively bow inward toward the midline?

knee valgus

106. During the overhead squat assessment, which of the following muscles may likely be overactive (tight) if the arms fall forward?

latissimus dorsi

122. What intensity (percent of 1RM) is most closely associated with the training adaptation of muscle hypertrophy?

less than 67 percent of 1 RM

191. Which client form allows clients to understand and accept any and all risks associated with beginning an exercise program?

liability waiver

115. What type of training periodization progresses from low intensity to high intensity across a macrocycle?

linear periodization

53. Which spinal deviation is characterized by an excessive inward curvature of the lumbar spine and anterior pelvic tilt?


70. Which type of lipoprotein is known as the 'bad' lipoprotein?

low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

169. Which body region should be avoided during myofascial release techniques?

lumbar spine

13. Which category of nutrients is required in large quantities in the diet to support function and energy production?


82. What type of goal is based on measurable and quantifiable data?

objective goal

197. In the OARS model for behavior change, recapping the plan of action is part of which technique?

open-ended questions

147. Which digestive organ has both endocrine and exocrine functions?


4. What type of nonverbal communication are speech components like tone, pitch, facial expressions, and hesitation noises?


154. Which of the following is considered an incomplete protein?


110. What type of reactive exercises involve the repeated maximum stretching and contracting of muscles in the shortest amount of time?

plyometric training

93. Which flexibility technique may be assisted by or utilizes a stretching tool like a towel or stretching strap?

pre-contraction stretching

149. Which condition related to diabetes is described as elevated blood glucose, but not within the range for a diabetes diagnosis?


92. Which principle of fitness states that a training program must be specific for an individual's goals and desired adaptations?

principle of specificity

16. A ketogenic diet limits the intake of which macronutrient?


68. What is the term for blood circulation within the heart and lungs?

pulmonary circulation

103. Which of the following is a common site to measure the pulse in humans?

radial artery

156. Which type of blood cells make up approximately 40 percent of blood volume?

red blood cells

90. Which of the following is a benefit of static stretching after an exercise session?

reduces muscle soreness

3. What type of email communication reaches out to former clients and older prospects and encourages a reply?

reengagement email

66. In what plane of motion does elbow flexion occur?


2. Muscle cells contain which cellular fluid that is NOT a part of other human cells?


72. Which spinal deviation is characterized by the sideways curvature of the spine?


100. What psychological theory suggests that people are motivated by the need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness?

self-determination theory (SDT)

132. Which classification of neurons communicates tactile, auditory, and visual information?

sensory neurons

45. Which type of muscle is the most common in the human body?

skeletal muscle

145. Which body composition measurement utilizes calipers?

skinfold measurments

135. Which of the following is included in the axial skeleton?


79. Which type of muscle is the primary muscle tissue found in human organs?

smooth muscle

152. Which division of the peripheral nervous system controls voluntary movement like exercise?

somatic nervous system

34. SMART goal intentions, monitoring, and feedback are all part of what process?

stages of change

10. Which type of flexibility is most beneficial when performed during a cooldown or on a rest day?

static stretching

61. Which of the following exercises offer the most dynamic balance challenge for a client?

step up to balance on BOSU

164. What type of supplement can elevate heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure?


88. Flexibility, mobility, balance, and core training are all included in which category of training?

strength training

83. What term is described as the volume of blood the left ventricle pushes out in a single heartbeat?

stroke volume

25. As it relates to the GAS Principle, what is the post-training period when the trained function has a higher performance capacity than prior to the training period?


196. What type of resistance training scheme requires the completion of two exercises back-to-back followed by a short rest?


182. Which branch of the nervous system is responsible for "fight-or-flight"?

sympathetic nervous system

19. What should a client with an arthritic condition avoid doing before an exercise session?

taking pain medications

193. What is the Karvonen formula used to calculate?

target heart rate

56. Which kinetic chain checkpoint should be observed carefully because it controls the movement of the lower extremities?

the hip

198. The Stages of Change are known as what psychological model?

the transtheoretical model (TTM)

26. In which anatomical plane does the internal and external rotation of the shoulder occur?

transverse plane

36. During pulmonary circulation, which heart valve does blood pass through first?

tricuspid valve

43. Which type of muscle fiber derives its energy primarily from aerobic energy pathways?

type I muscle fibers

134. What sales technique encourages a client to purchase additional services, products, or add-ons at the point of sale?


192. Which heart rate zones are generally anaerobic in nature?

zones 2 and 3

5. The adaptation of power generally requires how much rest between sets of exercise?

1 to 2 minutes

55. For the training adaptation of maximum strength, what is the recommended number of repetitions per set?

1 to 6 repititions

199. How many vertebrae are present in the thoracic portion of a human spine?


14. What class of hormones is released by the adrenal glands during times of stress?


73. What information does the Client Intake Form gather?

Previous exercise experience, nutrition, and health conditions

112. Which term describes movement toward the midline of the body?


81. Which molecule is the "energy currency" of the cell?

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

85. Which of the following is the first step in a balance training progression?

balance pad: two legs

20. What is the process of breaking triglycerides down into fatty acids to be converted to acetyl-CoA during aerobic metabolism called?


28. Which style of personal training pairs two clients together during a workout?

buddy training

114. Which macronutrient is the primary source of energy for the body in most cases?


137. Which two macronutrients are the most preferred sources of energy in the body?

carbohydrate and fat

104. What calculation estimates the primary macronutrient the body uses for energy at a given point in time?

catabolic quotient

46. A movement that keeps the distal end of the body segment fixed in one location describes what type of kinetic chain movement?

closed kinetic chain movement

187. Which psychological need in the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is described as the basic need to feel effective and capable in one's actions?


178. What type of resistance exercises engage multiple joints and many muscle groups throughout the range of motion?

compound exercises

175. Which of the following is a category covered in a standard code of ethics?


59. What muscle fiber arrangement can be seen in the pectoralis major muscle?

convergent muscles

177. In the ATP/CP energy pathway, what molecule lends a phosphate group to ADP to regenerate ATP for future energy needs?

creatine phosphate (CP)

127. What type of warm-up intentionally mimics the movements that will be a part of the workout to follow it?

dynamic warm-up

42. When attracting new clients, which of the following is the most effective way for a trainer to find new prospects?

get referrals from clients

24. Which of the following is a risk factor for developing hypertension?

having diabetes

165. What is the condition of low blood pressure measuring 90/60 mm Hg or less?


60. Which of the following is a primary function of the cardiorespiratory system during exercise?

improvement of muscular coordination

27. Which digestive organ is responsible for the storage of fat-soluble vitamins and blood filtration and detoxification?


172. What type of goal is focused on the end result?

outcome goal

9. Which energy pathway produces the greatest amount of ATP?

oxidative energy pathway

22. What is defined as the amount of force that can be created by a muscle or group of muscles?


97. Which of the following is a symptom of a heart attack?

shortness of breath

95. On an incident report, which of the following information should be collected?

site of incident

62. Which organ is the largest lymphatic organ in the body?

the spleen

50. What does the anatomical term caudal mean?

toward the bottom

63. What term is described as the greatest volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs after taking the deepest breath possible?

vital capacity

11. What type of resistance training equipment has a fixed range of motion?

weight machines

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