IST 220 Chapter 1 Book

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One important characteristic of cable Internet access is that it is a

shared broadcast medium. -In particular, every packet sent by the head end travels downstream on every link to every home and every packet sent by a home travels on the upstream channel to the head end. -For this reason, if several users are simultaneously downloading a video file on the downstream channel, the actual rate at which each user receives its video file will be significantly lower than the aggregate cable downstream rate

Proponents of packet switching have always argued that circuit switching is wasteful because the dedicated circuits are idle during

silent periods

Protocol layering

"The concept of a protocol not simply being a set of rules but those rules being built up into very specific layers and those rule layers behind built on top of each other in a deliberate order creating a layered protocol stack. This results in the rules of a protocol being executed in a specific sequence as you move through the protocol stack."

Network Protocols header

A network protocol is similar to a human protocol, except that the entities exchanging messages and taking actions are hardware or software components of some device (for example, computer, smartphone, tablet, router, or other network-capable device). All activity in the Internet that involves two or more communicating remote entities is governed by a protocol. For example, hardware-implemented protocols in two physically connected computers control the flow of bits on the "wire" between the two network interface cards; congestion-control protocols in end systems control the rate at which packets are transmitted between sender and receiver; protocols in routers determine a packet's path from source to destination. Protocols are running everywhere in the Internet, and consequently much of this book is about computer network protocols.

The Bad Guys Can Attack Servers and Network Infrastructure header

Another broad class of security threats are known as denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. As the name suggests, a DoS attack renders a network, host, or other piece of infrastructure unusable by legitimate users. Web servers, e-mail servers, DNS servers (discussed in Chapter 2), and institutional networks can all be subject to DoS attacks. Internet DoS attacks are extremely common, with thousands of DoS attacks occurring every year [Moore 2001]. The site Digital Attack Map allows use to visualize the top daily DoS attacks worldwide [DAM 2016]. Most Internet DoS attacks fall into one of three categories: Vulnerability attack. This involves sending a few well-crafted messages to a vulnerable application or operating system running on a targeted host. If the right sequence of packets is sent to a vulnerable application or operating system, the service can stop or, worse, the host can crash. Bandwidth flooding. The attacker sends a deluge of packets to the targeted host—so many packets that the target's access link becomes clogged, preventing legitimate packets from reaching the server. Connection flooding. The attacker establishes a large number of half-open or fully open TCP connections (TCP connections are discussed in Chapter 3) at the target host. The host can become so bogged down with these bogus connections that it stops accepting legitimate connections.

Transmission Delay header

Assuming that packets are transmitted in a first-come-first-served manner, as is common in packetswitched networks, our packet can be transmitted only after all the packets that have arrived before it have been transmitted. Denote the length of the packet by L bits, and denote the transmission rate of the link from router A to router B by R bits/sec. For example, for a 10 Mbps Ethernet link, the rate is for a 100 Mbps Ethernet link, the rate is The transmission delay is L/R. This is the amount of time required to push (that is, transmit) all of the packet's bits into the link. Transmission delays are typically on the order of microseconds to milliseconds in practice

Queuing Delay header

At the queue, the packet experiences a queuing delay as it waits to be transmitted onto the link. The length of the queuing delay of a specific packet will depend on the number of earlier-arriving packets that are queued and waiting for transmission onto the link. If the queue is empty and no other packet is currently being transmitted, then our packet's queuing delay will be zero. On the other hand, if the traffic is heavy and many other packets are also waiting to be transmitted, the queuing delay will be long. We will see shortly that the number of packets that an arriving packet might expect to find is a function of the intensity and nature of the traffic arriving at the queue. Queuing delays can be on the order of microseconds to milliseconds in practice

encapsulation paragraph

At the sending host, an application-layer message (M in Figure 1.24) is passed to the transport layer. In the simplest case, the transport layer takes the message and appends additional information (so-called transport-layer header information, H in Figure 1.24) that will be used by the receiver-side transport layer. The application-layer message and the transport-layer header information together constitute the transportlayer segment. The transport-layer segment thus encapsulates the application-layer message. The added information might include information allowing the receiver-side transport layer to deliver the message up to the appropriate application, and error-detection bits that allow the receiver to determine whether bits in the message have been changed in route. The transport layer then passes the segment to the network layer, which adds network-layer header information (H in Figure 1.24) such as source and destination end system addresses, creating a network-layer datagram. The datagram is then passed to the link layer, which (of course!) will add its own link-layer header information and create a link-layer frame. Thus, we see that at each layer, a packet has two types of fields: header fields and a payload field. The payload is typically a packet from the layer above

1.7.3 A Proliferation of Networks: 1980-1990

By the end of the 1970s, approximately two hundred hosts were connected to the ARPAnet. By the end of the 1980s the number of hosts connected to the public Internet, a confederation of networks looking much like today's Internet, would reach a hundred thousand. The 1980s would be a time of tremendous growth. Much of that growth resulted from several distinct efforts to create computer networks linking universities together. BITNET provided e-mail and file transfers among several universities in the Northeast. CSNET (computer science network) was formed to link university researchers who did not have access to ARPAnet. In 1986, NSFNET was created to provide access to NSF-sponsored supercomputing centers. Starting with an initial backbone speed of 56 kbps, NSFNET's backbone would be running at 1.5 Mbps by the end of the decade and would serve as a primary backbone linking regional networks. In the ARPAnet community, many of the final pieces of today's Internet architecture were falling into place. January 1, 1983 saw the official deployment of TCP/IP as the new standard host protocol for ARPAnet (replacing the NCP protocol). The transition [RFC 801] from NCP to TCP/IP was a flag day event—all hosts were required to transfer over to TCP/IP as of that day. In the late 1980s, important extensions were made to TCP to implement host-based congestion control [Jacobson 1988]. The DNS, used to map between a human-readable Internet name (for example, and its 32-bit IP address, was also developed [RFC 1034]. Paralleling this development of the ARPAnet (which was for the most part a US effort), in the early 1980s the French launched the Minitel project, an ambitious plan to bring data networking into everyone's home. Sponsored by the French government, the Minitel system consisted of a public packet-switched network (based on the X.25 protocol suite), Minitel servers, and inexpensive terminals with built-in low-speed modems. The Minitel became a huge success in 1984 when the French government gave away a free Minitel terminal to each French household that wanted one. Minitel sites included free sites—such as a telephone directory site—as well as private sites, which collected a usage-based fee from each user. At its peak in the mid 1990s, it offered more than 20,000 services, ranging from home banking to specialized research databases. The Minitel was in a large proportion of French homes 10 years before most Americans had ever heard of the Internet

, one of the golden rules in traffic engineering is:

Design your system so that the traffic intensity is no greater than 1

The OSI Model Header

Having discussed the Internet protocol stack in detail, we should mention that it is not the only protocol stack around. In particular, back in the late 1970s, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) proposed that computer networks be organized around seven layers, called the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model [ISO 2016]. The OSI model took shape when the protocols that were to become the Internet protocols were in their infancy, and were but one of many different protocol suites under development; in fact, the inventors of the original OSI model probably did not have the Internet in mind when creating it. Nevertheless, beginning in the late 1970s, many training and university courses picked up on the ISO mandate and organized courses around the seven-layer model. Because of its early impact on networking education, the seven-layer model continues to linger on in some networking textbooks and training courses. The seven layers of the OSI reference model, shown in Figure 1.23(b), are: application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer, and physical layer. The functionality of five of these layers is roughly the same as their similarly named Internet counterparts. Thus, let's consider the two additional layers present in the OSI reference model—the presentation layer and the session layer. The role of the presentation layer is to provide services that allow communicating applications to interpret the meaning of data exchanged. These services include data compression and data encryption (which are self-explanatory) as well as data description (which frees the applications from having to worry about the internal format in which data are represented/stored—formats that may differ from one computer to another). The session layer provides for delimiting and synchronization of data exchange, including the means to build a checkpointing and recovery scheme. The fact that the Internet lacks two layers found in the OSI reference model poses a couple of interesting questions: Are the services provided by these layers unimportant? What if an application needs one of these services? The Internet's answer to both of these questions is the same—it's up to the application developer. It's up to the application developer to decide if a service is important, and if the service is important, it's up to the application developer to build that functionality into the application.

1.8 Summary

In this chapter we've covered a tremendous amount of material! We've looked at the various pieces of hardware and software that make up the Internet in particular and computer networks in general. We started at the edge of the network, looking at end systems and applications, and at the transport service provided to the applications running on the end systems. We also looked at the link-layer technologies and physical media typically found in the access network. We then dove deeper inside the network, into the network core, identifying packet switching and circuit switching as the two basic approaches for transporting data through a telecommunication network, and we examined the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. We also examined the structure of the global Internet, learning that the Internet is a network of networks. We saw that the Internet's hierarchical structure, consisting of higherand lower-tier ISPs, has allowed it to scale to include thousands of networks. In the second part of this introductory chapter, we examined several topics central to the field of computer networking. We first examined the causes of delay, throughput and packet loss in a packetswitched network. We developed simple quantitative models for transmission, propagation, and queuing delays as well as for throughput; we'll make extensive use of these delay models in the homework problems throughout this book. Next we examined protocol layering and service models, key architectural principles in networking that we will also refer back to throughout this book. We also surveyed some of the more prevalent security attacks in the Internet day. We finished our introduction to networking with a brief history of computer networking. The first chapter in itself constitutes a minicourse in computer networking. So, we have indeed covered a tremendous amount of ground in this first chapter! If you're a bit overwhelmed, don't worry. In the following chapters we'll revisit all of these ideas, covering them in much more detail (that's a promise, not a threat!). At this point, we hope you leave this chapter with a still-developing intuition for the pieces that make up a network, a still-developing command of the vocabulary of networking (don't be shy about referring back to this chapter), and an ever-growing desire to learn more about networking. That's the task ahead of us for the rest of this book. Road-Mapping This Book Before starting any trip, you should always glance at a road map in order to become familiar with the major roads and junctures that lie ahead. For the trip we are about to embark on, the ultimate destination is a deep understanding of the how, what, and why of computer networks

Wide-Area Wireless Access: 3G and LTE header

Increasingly, devices such as iPhones and Android devices are being used to message, share photos in social networks, watch movies, and stream music while on the run. These devices employ the same wireless infrastructure used for cellular telephony to send/receive packets through a base station that is operated by the cellular network provider. Unlike WiFi, a user need only be within a few tens of kilometers (as opposed to a few tens of meters) of the base station. Telecommunications companies have made enormous investments in so-called third-generation (3G) wireless, which provides packet-switched wide-area wireless Internet access at speeds in excess of 1 Mbps. But even higher-speed wide-area access technologies—a fourth-generation (4G) of wide-area wireless networks—are already being deployed. LTE (for "Long-Term Evolution"—a candidate for Bad Acronym of the Year Award) has its roots in 3G technology, and can achieve rates in excess of 10 Mbps. LTE downstream rates of many tens of Mbps have been reported in commercial deployments. We'll cover the basic principles of wireless networks and mobility, as well as WiFi, 3G, and LTE technologies

1.7.5 The New MillenniumInnovation

Innovation in computer networking continues at a rapid pace. Advances are being made on all fronts, including deployments of faster routers and higher transmission speeds in both access networks and in network backbones. But the following developments merit special attention: Since the beginning of the millennium, we have been seeing aggressive deployment of broadband Internet access to homes—not only cable modems and DSL but also fiber to the home, as discussed in Section 1.2. This high-speed Internet access has set the stage for a wealth of video applications, including the distribution of user-generated video (for example, YouTube), on-demand streaming of movies and television shows (e.g., Netflix), and multi-person video conference (e.g., Skype, Facetime, and Google Hangouts). The increasing ubiquity of high-speed (54 Mbps and higher) public WiFi networks and mediumspeed (tens of Mbps) Internet access via 4G cellular telephony networks is not only making it possible to remain constantly connected while on the move, but also enabling new location-specific applications such as Yelp, Tinder, Yik Yak, and Waz. The number of wireless devices connecting to the Internet surpassed the number of wired devices in 2011. This high-speed wireless access has set the stage for the rapid emergence of hand-held computers (iPhones, Androids, iPads, and so on), which enjoy constant and untethered access to the Internet. Online social networks—such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and WeChat (hugely popular in China)—have created massive people networks on top of the Internet. Many of these social networks are extensively used for messaging as well as photo sharing. Many Internet users today "live" primarily within one or more social networks. Through their APIs, the online social networks create platforms for new networked applications and distributed games. As discussed in Section 1.3.3, online service providers, such as Google and Microsoft, have deployed their own extensive private networks, which not only connect together their globally distributed data centers, but are used to bypass the Internet as much as possible by peering directly with lower-tier ISPs. As a result, Google provides search results and e-mail access almost instantaneously, as if their data centers were running within one's own computer. Many Internet commerce companies are now running their applications in the "cloud"—such as in Amazon's EC2, in Google's Application Engine, or in Microsoft's Azure. Many companies and universities have also migrated their Internet applications (e.g., e-mail and Web hosting) to the cloud. Cloud companies not only provide applications scalable computing and storage environments, but also provide the applications implicit access to their high-performance private networks.

These lower-tier ISPs are interconnected through national and international upper-tier ISPs such as

Level 3 Communications, AT&T, Sprint, and NTT. -An upper-tier ISP consists of high-speed routers interconnected with high-speed fiber-optic links. -Each ISP network, whether upper-tier or lower-tier, is 21 managed independently, runs the IP protocol, and conforms to certain naming and address conventions

End systems access the Internet through

Internet Service Providers (ISPs), including residential ISPs such as local cable or telephone companies; corporate ISPs; university ISPs; ISPs that provide WiFi access in airports, hotels, coffee shops, and other public places; and cellular data ISPs, providing mobile access to our smartphones and other devices. -Each ISP is in itself a network of packet switches and communication links. ISPs provide a variety of types of network access to the end systems, including residential broadband access such as cable modem or DSL, high-speed local area network access, and mobile wireless access. -ISPs also provide Internet access to content providers, connecting Web sites and video servers directly to the Internet

The Bad Guys Can Masquerade as Someone You Trust header

It is surprisingly easy (you will have the knowledge to do so shortly as you proceed through this text!) to create a packet with an arbitrary source address, packet content, and destination address and then transmit this hand-crafted packet into the Internet, which will dutifully forward the packet to its destination. Imagine the unsuspecting receiver (say an Internet router) who receives such a packet, takes the (false) source address as being truthful, and then performs some command embedded in the packet's contents (say modifies its forwarding table). The ability to inject packets into the Internet with a false source address is known as IP spoofing, and is but one of many ways in which one user can masquerade as another user. To solve this problem, we will need end-point authentication, that is, a mechanism that will allow us to determine with certainty if a message originates from where we think it does

The Bad Guys Can Sniff Packets header

Many users today access the Internet via wireless devices, such as WiFi-connected laptops or handheld devices with cellular Internet connections (covered in Chapter 7). While ubiquitous Internet access is extremely convenient and enables marvelous new applications for mobile users, it also creates a major security vulnerability—by placing a passive receiver in the vicinity of the wireless transmitter, that receiver can obtain a copy of every packet that is transmitted! These packets can contain all kinds of sensitive information, including passwords, social security numbers, trade secrets, and private personal messages. A passive receiver that records a copy of every packet that flies by is called a packet sniffer. Sniffers can be deployed in wired environments as well. In wired broadcast environments, as in many Ethernet LANs, a packet sniffer can obtain copies of broadcast packets sent over the LAN. As described in Section 1.2, cable access technologies also broadcast packets and are thus vulnerable to sniffing. Furthermore, a bad guy who gains access to an institution's access router or access link to the Internet may be able to plant a sniffer that makes a copy of every packet going to/from the organization. Sniffed packets can then be analyzed offline for sensitive information. Packet-sniffing software is freely available at various Web sites and as commercial products. Professors teaching a networking course have been known to assign lab exercises that involve writing a packetsniffing and application-layer data reconstruction program. Indeed, the Wireshark [Wireshark 2016] labs associated with this text (see the introductory Wireshark lab at the end of this chapter) use exactly such a packet sniffer! Because packet sniffers are passive—that is, they do not inject packets into the channel—they are difficult to detect. So, when we send packets into a wireless channel, we must accept the possibility that some bad guy may be recording copies of our packets. As you may have guessed, some of the best defenses against packet sniffing involve cryptography.

Propagation Delay header

Once a bit is pushed into the link, it needs to propagate to router B. The time required to propagate from the beginning of the link to router B is the propagation delay. The bit propagates at the propagation speed of the link. The propagation speed depends on the physical medium of the link (that is, fiber optics, twisted-pair copper wire, and so on

1.7.1 The Development of Packet Switching: 1961-1972

The field of computer networking and today's Internet trace their beginnings back to the early 1960s, when the telephone network was the world's dominant communication network. Recall from Section 1.3 that the telephone network uses circuit switching to transmit information from a sender to a receiver—an appropriate choice given that voice is transmitted at a constant rate between sender and receiver. Given the increasing importance of computers in the early 1960s and the advent of timeshared computers, it was perhaps natural to consider how to hook computers together so that they could be shared among geographically distributed users. The traffic generated by such users was likely to be bursty—intervals of activity, such as the sending of a command to a remote computer, followed by periods of inactivity while waiting for a reply or while contemplating the received response. Three research groups around the world, each unaware of the others' work [Leiner 1998], began inventing packet switching as an efficient and robust alternative to circuit switching. The first published work on packet-switching techniques was that of Leonard Kleinrock [Kleinrock 1961; Kleinrock 1964], then a graduate student at MIT. Using queuing theory, Kleinrock's work elegantly demonstrated the effectiveness of the packet-switching approach for bursty traffic sources. In 1964, Paul Baran [Baran 1964] at the Rand Institute had begun investigating the use of packet switching for secure voice over military networks, and at the National Physical Laboratory in England, Donald Davies and Roger Scantlebury were also developing their ideas on packet switching. The work at MIT, Rand, and the NPL laid the foundations for today's Internet. But the Internet also has a long history of a let's-build-it-and-demonstrate-it attitude that also dates back to the 1960s. J. C. R. Licklider [DEC 1990] and Lawrence Roberts, both colleagues of Kleinrock's at MIT, went on to lead the computer science program at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in the United States. Roberts published an overall plan for the ARPAnet [Roberts 1967], the first packet-switched computer network and a direct ancestor of today's public Internet. On Labor Day in 1969, the first packet switch was installed at UCLA under Kleinrock's supervision, and three additional packet switches were installed shortly thereafter at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah (Figure 1.26). The fledgling precursor to the Internet was four nodes large by the end of 1969. Kleinrock recalls the very first use of the network to perform a remote login from UCLA to SRI, crashing the system [Kleinrock 2004]. By 1972, ARPAnet had grown to approximately 15 nodes and was given its first public demonstration by Robert Kahn. The first host-to-host protocol between ARPAnet end systems, known as the networkcontrol protocol (NCP), was completed [RFC 001]. With an end-to-end protocol available, applications could now be written. Ray Tomlinson wrote the first e-mail program in 1972.

1.7.4 The Internet Explosion: The 1990s

The 1990s were ushered in with a number of events that symbolized the continued evolution and the soon-to-arrive commercialization of the Internet. ARPAnet, the progenitor of the Internet, ceased to exist. In 1991, NSFNET lifted its restrictions on the use of NSFNET for commercial purposes. NSFNET itself would be decommissioned in 1995, with Internet backbone traffic being carried by commercial Internet Service Providers. The main event of the 1990s was to be the emergence of the World Wide Web application, which brought the Internet into the homes and businesses of millions of people worldwide. The Web served as a platform for enabling and deploying hundreds of new applications that we take for granted today, including search (e.g., Google and Bing) Internet commerce (e.g., Amazon and eBay) and social networks (e.g., Facebook). The Web was invented at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee between 1989 and 1991 [Berners-Lee 1989], based on ideas originating in earlier work on hypertext from the 1940s by Vannevar Bush [Bush 1945] and since the 1960s by Ted Nelson [Xanadu 2012]. Berners-Lee and his associates developed initial versions of HTML, HTTP, a Web server, and a browser—the four key components of the Web. Around the end of 1993 there were about two hundred Web servers in operation, this collection of servers being just a harbinger of what was about to come. At about this time several researchers were developing Web browsers with GUI interfaces, including Marc Andreessen, who along with Jim Clark, formed Mosaic Communications, which later became Netscape Communications Corporation [Cusumano 1998; Quittner 1998]. By 1995, university students were using Netscape browsers to surf the Web on a daily basis. At about this time companies—big and small—began to operate Web servers and transact commerce over the Web. In 1996, Microsoft started to make browsers, which started the browser war between Netscape and Microsoft, which Microsoft won a few years later [Cusumano 1998]. The second half of the 1990s was a period of tremendous growth and innovation for the Internet, with major corporations and thousands of startups creating Internet products and services. By the end of the millennium the Internet was supporting hundreds of popular applications, including four killer applications: E-mail, including attachments and Web-accessible e-mail The Web, including Web browsing and Internet commerce Instant messaging, with contact lists Peer-to-peer file sharing of MP3s, pioneered by Napster Interestingly, the first two killer applications came from the research community, whereas the last two were created by a few young entrepreneurs. The period from 1995 to 2001 was a roller-coaster ride for the Internet in the financial markets. Before they were even profitable, hundreds of Internet startups made initial public offerings and started to be traded in a stock market. Many companies were valued in the billions of dollars without having any significant revenue streams. The Internet stocks collapsed in 2000-2001, and many startups shut down. Nevertheless, a number of companies emerged as big winners in the Internet space, including Microsoft, Cisco, Yahoo, e-Bay, Google, and Amazon

Network Layer header

The Internet's network layer is responsible for moving network-layer packets known as datagrams from one host to another. The Internet transport-layer protocol (TCP or UDP) in a source host passes a transport-layer segment and a destination address to the network layer, just as you would give the postal service a letter with a destination address. The network layer then provides the service of delivering the segment to the transport layer in the destination host. The Internet's network layer includes the celebrated IP protocol, which defines the fields in the datagram as well as how the end systems and routers act on these fields. There is only one IP protocol, and all Internet components that have a network layer must run the IP protocol. The Internet's network layer also contains routing protocols that determine the routes that datagrams take between sources and destinations. The Internet has many routing protocols. As we saw in Section 1.3, the Internet is a network of networks, and within a network, the network administrator can run any routing protocol desired. Although the network layer contains both the IP protocol and numerous routing protocols, it is often simply referred to as the IP layer, reflecting the fact that IP is the glue that binds the Internet together.

Link Layer Header

The Internet's network layer routes a datagram through a series of routers between the source and destination. To move a packet from one node (host or router) to the next node in the route, the network layer relies on the services of the link layer. In particular, at each node, the network layer passes the datagram down to the link layer, which delivers the datagram to the next node along the route. At this next node, the link layer passes the datagram up to the network layer. The services provided by the link layer depend on the specific link-layer protocol that is employed over the link. For example, some link-layer protocols provide reliable delivery, from transmitting node, over one link, to receiving node. Note that this reliable delivery service is different from the reliable delivery service of TCP, which provides reliable delivery from one end system to another. Examples of link-layer protocols include Ethernet, WiFi, and the cable access network's DOCSIS protocol. As datagrams typically need to traverse several links to travel from source to destination, a datagram may be handled by different link-layer protocols at different links along its route. For example, a datagram may be handled by Ethernet on one link and by PPP on the next link. The network layer will receive a different service from each of the different link-layer protocols. In this book, we'll refer to the link-layer packets as frames.

Transport Layer header

The Internet's transport layer transports application-layer messages between application endpoints. In the Internet there are two transport protocols, TCP and UDP, either of which can transport applicationlayer messages. TCP provides a connection-oriented service to its applications. This service includes guaranteed delivery of application-layer messages to the destination and flow control (that is, sender/receiver speed matching). TCP also breaks long messages into shorter segments and provides a congestion-control mechanism, so that a source throttles its transmission rate when the network is congested. The UDP protocol provides a connectionless service to its applications. This is a no-frills service that provides no reliability, no flow control, and no congestion control. In this book, we'll refer to a transport-layer packet as a segment.

Application Layer header

The application layer is where network applications and their application-layer protocols reside. The Internet's application layer includes many protocols, such as the HTTP protocol (which provides for Web document request and transfer), SMTP (which provides for the transfer of e-mail messages), and FTP (which provides for the transfer of files between two end systems). We'll see that certain network functions, such as the translation of human-friendly names for Internet end systems like to a 32-bit network address, are also done with the help of a specific application-layer protocol, namely, the domain name system (DNS) -An application-layer protocol is distributed over multiple end systems, with the application in one end system using the protocol to exchange packets of information with the application in another end system. We'll refer to this packet of information at the application layer as a message.

1.7.2 Proprietary Networks and Internetworking: 1972-1980

The initial ARPAnet was a single, closed network. In order to communicate with an ARPAnet host, one had to be actually attached to another ARPAnet IMP. In the early to mid-1970s, additional stand-alone packet-switching networks besides ARPAnet came into being: ALOHANet, a microwave network linking universities on the Hawaiian islands [Abramson 1970], as well as DARPA's packet-satellite and packet-radio networks [Kahn 1978]; Telenet, a BBN commercial packet-switching network based on ARPAnet technology; Cyclades, a French packet-switching network pioneered by Louis Pouzin [Think 2012]; Time-sharing networks such as Tymnet and the GE Information Services network, among others, in the late 1960s and early 1970s [Schwartz 1977]; IBM's SNA (1969-1974), which paralleled the ARPAnet work [Schwartz 1977]. The number of networks was growing. With perfect hindsight we can see that the time was ripe for developing an encompassing architecture for connecting networks together. Pioneering work on interconnecting networks (under the sponsorship of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)), in essence creating a network of networks, was done by Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn [Cerf 1974]; the term internetting was coined to describe this work. These architectural principles were embodied in TCP. The early versions of TCP, however, were quite different from today's TCP. The early versions of TCP combined a reliable in-sequence delivery of data via end-system retransmission (still part of today's TCP) with forwarding functions (which today are performed by IP). Early experimentation with TCP, combined with the recognition of the importance of an unreliable, non-flow-controlled, end-to-end transport service for applications such as packetized voice, led to the separation of IP out of TCP and the development of the UDP protocol. The three key Internet protocols that we see today—TCP, UDP, and IP—were conceptually in place by the end of the 1970s. In addition to the DARPA Internet-related research, many other important networking activities were underway. In Hawaii, Norman Abramson was developing ALOHAnet, a packet-based radio network that allowed multiple remote sites on the Hawaiian Islands to communicate with each other. The ALOHA protocol [Abramson 1970] was the first multiple-access protocol, allowing geographically distributed users to share a single broadcast communication medium (a radio frequency). Metcalfe and Boggs built on Abramson's multiple-access protocol work when they developed the Ethernet protocol [Metcalfe 1976] for wire-based shared broadcast networks. Interestingly, Metcalfe and Boggs' Ethernet protocol was motivated by the need to connect multiple PCs, printers, and shared disks [Perkins 1994]. Twentyfive years ago, well before the PC revolution and the explosion of networks, Metcalfe and Boggs were laying the foundation for today's PC LANs.

Processing Delay header

The time required to examine the packet's header and determine where to direct the packet is part of the processing delay. The processing delay can also include other factors, such as the time needed to check for bit-level errors in the packet that occurred in transmitting the packet's bits from the upstream node to router A. Processing delays in high-speed routers are typically on the order of microseconds or less. After this nodal processing, the router directs the packet to the queue that precedes the link to router B

The Bad Guys Can Put Malware into Your Host Via the Internet header

We attach devices to the Internet because we want to receive/send data from/to the Internet. This includes all kinds of good stuff, including Instagram posts, Internet search results, streaming music, video conference calls, streaming movies, and so on. But, unfortunately, along with all that good stuff comes malicious stuff—collectively known as malware—that can also enter and infect our devices. Once malware infects our device it can do all kinds of devious things, including deleting our files and installing spyware that collects our private information, such as social security numbers, passwords, and keystrokes, and then sends this (over the Internet, of course!) back to the bad guys. Our compromised host may also be enrolled in a network of thousands of similarly compromised devices, collectively known as a botnet, which the bad guys control and leverage for spam e-mail distribution or distributed denial-of-service attacks (soon to be discussed) against targeted hosts. Much of the malware out there today is self-replicating: once it infects one host, from that host it seeks entry into other hosts over the Internet, and from the newly infected hosts, it seeks entry into yet more hosts. In this manner, self-replicating malware can spread exponentially fast. Malware can spread in the form of a virus or a worm. Viruses are malware that require some form of user interaction to infect the user's device. The classic example is an e-mail attachment containing malicious executable code. If a user receives and opens such an attachment, the user inadvertently runs the malware on the device. Typically, such e-mail viruses are self-replicating: once executed, the virus may send an identical message with an identical malicious attachment to, for example, every recipient in the user's address book. Worms are malware that can enter a device without any explicit user interaction. For example, a user may be running a vulnerable network application to which an attacker can send malware. In some cases, without any user intervention, the application may accept the malware from the Internet and run it, creating a worm. The worm in the newly infected device then scans the Internet, searching for other hosts running the same vulnerable network application. When it finds other vulnerable hosts, it sends a copy of itself to those hosts. Today, malware, is pervasive and costly to defend against

Physical Layer header

While the job of the link layer is to move entire frames from one network element to an adjacent network element, the job of the physical layer is to move the individual bits within the frame from one node to the next. The protocols in this layer are again link dependent and further depend on the actual transmission medium of the link (for example, twisted-pair copper wire, single-mode fiber optics). For example, Ethernet has many physical-layer protocols: one for twisted-pair copper wire, another for coaxial cable, another for fiber, and so on. In each case, a bit is moved across the link in a different way.

End systems are connected together by

a network of communication links and packet switches

An optical fiber is

a thin, flexible medium that conducts pulses of light, with each pulse representing a bit. - A single optical fiber can support tremendous bit rates, up to tens or even hundreds of gigabits per second. -They are immune to electromagnetic interference, have very low signal attenuation up to 100 kilometers, and are very hard to tap. -These characteristics have made fiber optics the preferred long haul guided transmission media, particularly for overseas links -Fiber optics is also prevalent in the backbone of the Interne

Since the amount of buffer space is finite, an

arriving packet may find that the buffer is completely full with other packets waiting for transmission. In this case, packet loss will occur—either the arriving packet or one of the already-queued packets will be dropped.

the Internet has a number of special routing protocols that are used to

automatically set the forwarding tables. A routing protocol may, for example, determine the shortest path from each router to each destination and use the shortest path results to configure the forwarding tables in the routers.

Two other access network technologies are also used to provide Internet access to the home. In locations where DSL, cable, and FTTH are not available (e.g., in some rural settings), a satellite link can

be used to connect a residence to the Internet at speeds of more than 1 Mbps; StarBand and HughesNet are two such satellite access providers

Different links can transmit data at different rates, with the transmission rate of a link measured in

bits/second. -When one end system has data to send to another end system, the sending end system segments the data and adds header bytes to each segment. -The resulting packages of information, known as packets in the jargon of computer networks, are then sent through the network to the destination end system, where they are reassembled into the original data

Cable internet access requires special modems, called

cable modems. -As with a DSL modem, the cable modem is typically an external device and connects to the home PC through an Ethernet port

There are two fundamental approaches to moving data through a network of links and switches:

circuit switching and packet switching. Having covered packet-switched networks in the previous subsection, we now turn our attention to circuit-switched networks

On corporate and university campuses, and increasingly in home settings, a local area network (LAN) is used to

connect an end system to the edge router. -Although there are many types of LAN technologies, Ethernet is by far the most prevalent access technology in corporate, university, and home networks

End systems, packet switches, and other pieces of the Internet run protocols that

control the sending and receiving of information within the Internet. -The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) are two of the most important protocols in the Internet. -The IP protocol specifies the format of the packets that are sent and received among routers and end systems. The Internet's principal protocols are collectively known as TCP/IP

In a network application, end systems exchange messages with each other. Messages can contain anything the application designer wants. Messages may perform a control function or can contain

data, such as an e-mail message, a JPEG image, or an MP3 audio file. To send a message from a source end system to a destination end system, the source breaks long messages into smaller chunks of data known as packets. -Between source and destination, each packet travels through communication links and packet switches (for which there are two predominant types, routers and link-layer switches). -Packets are transmitted over each communication link at a rate equal to the full transmission rate of the link

t there are many types of communication links, which are made up of

different types of physical media, including coaxial cable, copper wire, optical fiber, and radio spectrum

Today, the two most prevalent types of broadband residential access are

digital subscriber line (DSL) and cable. -A residence typically obtains DSL Internet access from the same local telephone company (telco) that provides its wired local phone access. Thus, when DSL is used, a customer's telco is also its ISP

Internet applications run on

end systems— they do not run in the packet switches in the network core. -Although packet switches facilitate the exchange of data among end systems, they are not concerned with the application that is the source or sink of data

When two hosts want to communicate, the network establishes a dedicated

end to-end connection between the two hosts. Thus, in order for Host A to communicate with Host B, the network must first reserve one circuit on each of two links. In this example, the dedicated end-to-end connection uses the second circuit in the first link and the fourth circuit in the second link

Store-and-forward transmission means that the packet switch must receive the

entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link.

a third-party company can create an Internet Exchange Point (IXP), which is

s a meeting point where multiple ISPs can peer together

A packet switch takes a packet arriving on one of its incoming communication links and

forwards that packet on one of its outgoing communication links. -Packet switches come in many shapes and flavors, but the two most prominent types in today's Internet are routers and link-layer switches. -Both types of switches forward packets toward their ultimate destinations. -Link-layer switches are typically used in access networks, while routers are typically used in the network core. -The sequence of communication links and packet switches traversed by a packet from the sending end system to the receiving end system is known as a route or path through the network

A circuit in a link is implemented with either

frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) or time-division multiplexing (TDM). With FDM, the frequency spectrum of a link is divided up among the connections established across the link

terms hosts and end systems interchangeably; that is

host = end system. -Hosts are sometimes further divided into two categories: clients and servers. -Informally, clients tend to be desktop and mobile PCs, smartphones, and so on, whereas servers tend to be more powerful machines that store and distribute Web pages, stream video, relay e-mail, and so on. -Today, most of the servers from which we receive search results, e-mail, Web pages, and videos reside in large data center

The Internet is a computer network that

interconnects billions of computing devices throughout the world -Not too long ago, these computing devices were primarily traditional desktop PCs, Linux workstations, and so-called servers that store and transmit information such as Web pages and e-mail messages. -Increasingly, however, nontraditional Internet "things" such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, TVs, gaming consoles, thermostats, home security systems, home appliances, watches, eye glasses, cars, traffic control systems and more are being connected to the Internet -In Internet jargon, all of these devices are called hosts or end system

A protocol defines the format and the order of

messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities, as well as the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message or other event.

LEO satellites are placed

much closer to Earth and do not remain permanently above one spot on Earth. They rotate around Earth (just as the Moon does) and may communicate with each other, as well as with ground stations. -To provide continuous coverage to an area, many satellites need to be placed in orbit. There are currently many low-altitude communication systems in development. -LEO satellite technology may be used for Internet access sometime in the future

In a distributed DoS (DDoS) attack, the attacker controls

multiple sources and has each source blast traffic at the target. With this approach, the aggregate traffic rate across all the controlled sources needs to be approximately R to cripple the service. DDoS attacks leveraging botnets with thousands of comprised hosts are a common occurrence today. DDos attacks are much harder to detect and defend against than a DoS attack from a single host

The most important of these delays are the nodal processing delay, queuing delay, transmission delay, and propagation delay; together, these delays accumulate to give a total

nodal delay. -The performance of many Internet applications—such as search, Web browsing, e-mail, maps, instant messaging, and voice-over-IP—are greatly affected by network delays. In order to acquire a deep understanding of packet switching and computer networks, we must understand the nature and importance of these delays

, each router has a forwarding table that maps destination addresses (or portions of the destination addresses) to

o that router's outbound links. When a packet arrives at a router, the router examines the address and searches its forwarding table, using this destination address, to find the appropriate outbound link. The router then directs the packet to this outbound link

A communication satellite links two or more Earth-based microwave transmitter/ receivers, known as ground stations. The satellite receives transmissions on

one frequency band, regenerates the signal using a repeater (discussed below), and transmits the signal on another frequency. -Two types of satellites are used in communications: geostationary satellites and low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellites

a pair of nearby ISPs at the same level of the hierarchy can

peer, that is, they can directly connect their networks together so that all the traffic between them passes over the direct connection rather than through upstream intermediaries. When two ISPs peer, it is typically settlement-free, that is, neither ISP pays the other

For each transmitterreceiver pair, the bit is sent by propagating electromagnetic waves or optical pulses across a

physical medium. The physical medium can take many shapes and forms and does not have to be of the same type for each transmitter-receiver pair along the path. -Examples of physical media include twisted-pair copper wire, coaxial cable, multimode fiber-optic cable, terrestrial radio spectrum, and satellite radio spectrum. -Physical media fall into two categories: guided media and unguided media. -With guided media, the waves are guided along a solid medium, such as a fiber-optic cable, a twisted-pair copper wire, or a coaxial cable. -With unguided media, the waves propagate in the atmosphere and in outer space, such as in a wireless LAN or a digital satellite channel

access network—the network that

physically connects an end system to the first router

When taken together, the protocols of the various layers are called the

protocol stack -The Internet protocol stack consists of five layers: the physical, link, network, transport, and application layers

Since the access ISP pays the global transit ISP, the access ISP is said to be a customer and the global transit ISP is said to be a


we can also describe the Internet from an entirely different angle—namely, as an infrastructure that

provides services to applications. -In addition to traditional applications such as e-mail and Web surfing, Internet applications include mobile smartphone and tablet applications, including Internet messaging, mapping with real-time road-traffic information, music streaming from the cloud, movie and television streaming, online social networks, video conferencing, multi-person games, and location-based recommendation systems. -The applications are said to be distributed applications, since they involve multiple end systems that exchange data with each other

In reality, although some ISPs do have impressive global coverage and do directly connect with many access ISPs, no ISP has presence in each and every city in the world. Instead, in any given region, there may be a

regional ISP to which the access ISPs in the region connect. Each regional ISP then connects to tier-1 ISPs. Tier-1 ISPs are similar to our (imaginary) global transit ISP; but tier-1 ISPs, which actually do exist, do not have a presence in every city in the world.

A PoP is

simply a group of one or more routers (at the same location) in the provider's network where customer ISPs can connect into the provider ISP. For a customer network to connect to a provider's PoP, it can lease a high-speed link from a third-party telecommunications provider to directly connect one of its routers to a router at the PoP. Any ISP (except for tier-1 ISPs) may choose to multi-home, that is, to connect to two or more provider ISP

End systems attached to the Internet provide a socket interface that

specifies how a program running on one end system asks the Internet infrastructure to deliver data to a specific destination program running on another end system -This Internet socket interface is a set of rules that the sending program must follow so that the Internet can deliver the data to the destination program

Each packet switch has multiple links attached to it. For each attached link, the packet switch has an output buffer (also called an output queue), which

stores packets that the router is about to send into that link. The output buffers play a key role in packet switching. If an arriving packet needs to be transmitted onto a link but finds the link busy with the transmission of another packet, the arriving packet must wait in the output buffer. -Thus, in addition to the store-and-forward delays, packets suffer output buffer queuing delays. These delays are variable and depend on the level of congestion in the network.

y. Internet standards are developed by

the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). -The IETF standards documents are called requests for comments (RFCs). -RFCs started out as general requests for comments (hence the name) to resolve network and protocol design problems that faced the precursor to the Internet. RFCs tend to be quite technical and detailed

While DSL makes use of the telco's existing local telephone infrastructure, cable Internet access makes use of

the cable television company's existing cable television infrastructure

Radio channels carry signals in

the electromagnetic spectrum. -They are an attractive medium because they require no physical wire to be installed, can penetrate walls, provide connectivity to a mobile user, and can potentially carry a signal for long distances. -The characteristics of a radio channel depend significantly on the propagation environment and the distance over which a signal is to be carried

In a wireless LAN setting, wireless users transmit/receive packets to/from an access point that is connected into

the enterprise's network (most likely using wired Ethernet), which in turn is connected to the wired Internet. -A wireless LAN user must typically be within a few tens of meters of the access point. Wireless LAN access based on IEEE 802.11 technology, more colloquially known as WiFi, is now just about everywhere

an up-and-coming technology that provides even higher speeds is fiber to

the home (FTTH). -As the name suggests, the FTTH concept is simple—provide an optical fiber path from the CO directly to the home

The propagation delay is the distance between two routers divided by

the propagation speed.

The instantaneous throughput at any instant of time is

the rate (in bits/sec) at which Host B is receiving the file. (Many applications, including many P2P file sharing systems, display the instantaneous throughput during downloads in the user interface—perhaps you have observed this before!) If the file consists of F bits and the transfer takes T seconds for Host B to receive all F bits, then the average throughput of the file transfer is F/T bits/sec.

Geostationary satellites permanently remain above

the same spot on Earth. This stationary presence is achieved by placing the satellite in orbit at 36,000 kilometers above Earth's surface. -This huge distance from ground station through satellite back to ground station introduces a substantial signal propagation delay of 280 milliseconds. -Nevertheless, satellite links, which can operate at speeds of hundreds of Mbps, are often used in areas without access to DSL or cable-based Internet access

End systems are also referred to as hosts because

they host (that is, run) application programs such as a Web browser program, a Web server program, an e-mail client program, or an e-mail server program

Terrestrial radio channels can be broadly classified into three groups:

those that operate over very short distance (e.g., with one or two meters); those that operate in local areas, typically spanning from ten to a few hundred meters; and those that operate in the wide area, spanning tens of kilometers.

In summary, today's Internet—a network of networks—is complex, consisting of a dozen or so

tier-1 ISPs and hundreds of thousands of lower-tier ISPs. The ISPs are diverse in their coverage, with some spanning multiple continents and oceans, and others limited to narrow geographic regions. The lowertier ISPs connect to the higher-tier ISPs, and the higher-tier ISPs interconnect with one another. Users and content providers are customers of lower-tier ISPs, and lower-tier ISPs are customers of higher-tier ISPs. In recent years, major content providers have also created their own networks and connect directly into lower-tier ISPs where possible.

The DSL standards define multiple transmission rates, including 12 Mbps downstream and 1.8 Mbps upstream, and 55 Mbps downstream and 15 Mbps upstream. Because the downstream and upstream rates are different, the access is said

to be asymmetric. The actual downstream and upstream transmission rates achieved may be less than the rates noted above, as the DSL provider may purposefully limit a residential rate when tiered service (different rates, available at different prices) are offered. The maximum rate is also limited by the distance between the home and the CO, the gauge of the twisted-pair line and the degree of electrical interference

Packet-switched networks (which transport packets) are in many ways similar to

transportation networks of highways, roads, and intersections (which transport vehicles).

packets are analogous to

trucks, communication links are analogous to highways and roads, packet switches are analogous to intersections, and end systems are analogous to buildings

The least expensive and most commonly used guided transmission medium is

twisted-pair copper wire -Twisted pair consists of two insulated copper wires, each about 1 mm thick, arranged in a regular spiral pattern. -The wires are twisted together to reduce the electrical interference from similar pairs close by. Typically, a number of pairs are bundled together in a cable by wrapping the pairs in a protective shield. A wire pair constitutes a single communication link. -Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) is commonly used for computer networks within a building, that is, for LANs

Cable modems divide the HFC network into

two channels, a downstream and an upstream channel. As with DSL, access is typically asymmetric, with the downstream channel typically allocated a higher transmission rate than the upstream channel

Like twisted pair, coaxial cable consists of

two copper conductors, but the two conductors are concentric rather than parallel. -With this construction and special insulation and shielding, coaxial cable can achieve high data transmission rates. Coaxial cable is quite common in cable television systems. -In cable television and cable Internet access, the transmitter shifts the digital signal to a specific frequency band, and the resulting analog signal is sent from the transmitter to one or more receivers. -Coaxial cable can be used as a guided shared medium. Specifically, a number of end systems can be connected directly to the cable, with each of the end systems receiving whatever is sent by the other end systems

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