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1 How do you create a Revolve feature?

A Revolve feature is created by rotating a 2D profile around an axis of revolution. Sketch a profile on a 2D plane. Optionally sketch a centerline to be used as an axis. The profile must not cross the axis of revolution. Click the Revolved Boss/Base tool. Enter a rotation angle.

2 What special piece of sketch geometry is useful, but not required for a revolve feature?

A centerline.

1 What is a configuration?

A configuration is a way to create a family of similar parts within one file.

1 What is a design table?

A design table is a spreadsheet that lists the different values that are assigned to the various dimensions and features in a part. A design table is an easy way to create many configurations.

2 What is a design table?

A design table is a spreadsheet that lists the different values that are assigned to the various dimensions and features in a part. A design table is an easy way to create many configurations.

4 What are three key elements of a design table?

A design table requires configuration name, dimension name and dimensionvalues.

10 What is the advantage of creating a design table?

A design table saves design time and disk space by automatically driving the dimensions and features of an existing part to create multiple versions of that part. This is more efficient than building many separate part files.

7 What is the advantage of creating a design table?

A design table saves design time, disk space and automatically drives the dimensions and features of an existing part to create multiple configurations.

6 Examine the illustration of the ellipse at the right. The two axes are labeled A and B. Identify the two axes.

A is the major axis and B is the minor axis.

10 What is a section view?

A section view shows the part as if it were cut into two pieces. This displays the internal structure of the model.

8 How many components does an assembly contain?

An assembly contains two or more components.

2 List three elements of a design table.

Answers will vary but may include Configuration Name, Dimension Name and Dimension Values, Feature Name, Component Name (in assembly design tables).

3 A title block contains information about the part and/or assembly. Name five pieces of information that can be contained in a title block.

Answers will vary but may include company name, part number, part name, drawing number, revision number, sheet number, material & finish, tolerance, drawing scale, sheet size, revision block and drawn by.

6 A file where you where you combine parts together


7 A SolidWorks document that contains two or more parts


4 What color is the geometry of a fully defined sketch?


1 How do you start a SolidWorks session?

Click . Click All Programs. Click the SolidWorks folder. Click the SolidWorks application.

1 How do you open a drawing template?

Click File, New. Click the Draw icon.

4 Where can you find additional sketch tools that are not located on the Sketch Tools toolbar?

Click Tools, Sketch Entities from the main menu.

6 How do you move a drawing view?

Click inside the view boundary. Drag the view by its border.

1 How do you start a new Assembly document?

Click the New icon. Select a assembly template. Click OK.

1 How do you begin a new part document?

Click the New icon. Select a part template.

3 How do you start a new Part Document?

Click the New icon. Select a part template.

7 How do you open a sketch?

Click the Sketch icon on the Sketch toolbar.

2 What are components?

Components are parts or sub-assemblies contained in an assembly.

2 In an assembly, parts are referred to as


3 Design tables are used to create different _____________________________ of a part.


2 What two sketch tools did you use to create the extruded cut feature?

Convert Entities and Offset Entities.

1 ________ copies one or more curves into the active sketch by projecting them onto the sketch plane

Convert entities

3 The Convert Entities sketch tool projects selected geometry onto the ________ plane?

Current sketch.

2 Why do you create and use Document Templates?

Document Templates contain the units, grid and text settings for the model. You can create Metric and English templates each with different settings.

11 How do you change a dimension value?

Double-click on the dimension. Enter the new value in the Modify dialog box.

5 How can you change a dimension value?

Double-click on the dimension. Enter the new value in the Modify dialog box.

4 Method for moving a Toolbox part from the Toolbox Browser to the assembly

Drag and drop

2 What is the difference between Edit Sheet Format and Edit Sheet?

Edit Sheet Format provides the ability to change the title block size and text headings, incorporate a company logo and add drawing text. Edit Sheet provides the ability to add or modify views, dimensions and or text. Edit Sheet is used most of the time.

2 What is the difference between Edit Sheet Format and Edit Sheet?

Edit Sheet Format provides the ability to change the title block size and text headings. Edit Sheet provides the ability to add or modify views, dimensions and or text. 99+% of the time you will work in Edit Sheet mode.

8 What is the command used to move a sketch onto a different plane?

Edit Sketch Plan

1 What features did you use to create Tutor1?

Extruded Boss, Fillet, Shell and Extruded Cut.

4 What features did you use to create the box?

Extruded Boss, Fillet, Shell, and Extruded Cut.

1 What features did you use to create Tutor2?

Extruded base/boss, fillet, shell and extruded cut.

7 True or False. A Base feature is always an Extrude feature.


8 True or False. A sketch must be fully defined in order to create a Revolve feature.


3 True or False: Parts from Toolbox automatically size to the components they are being placed on.


4 True or False. The Offset Entities sketch tool was used to copy the Cut-Extrude feature.


6 True or False. A fixed component is free to move.


6 True or False. To place a Toolbox part you have to specify the exact X, Y, Z coordinates.


9 True or False. It is possible to make a feature using an over defined sketch.


4 The symbol (f) in the FeatureManager design tree indicates a component is


8 You cannot move or rotate a fixed component unless you ________ it first


6 Name the three SolidWorks default planes.

Front, Top, and Right.

5 What three views are inserted into a drawing when you click Standard 3 View?

Front, Top, and Right. Note: This answer applies when the type of view projection is third angle (as is almost universally the case in the United States). Most European countries use first angle projection which creates Front, Top, and Left views.

5 How do you select a lock washer from Toolbox?

In the Toolbox Browser, select Ansi Inch (or other standard), Washers, and Spring Lock Washers.

3 Relationships that align and fit components together in an assembly


1 How would you determine the size of a screw to place in an assembly?

Measure the hole and the thickness of the material that the screw has to go through. The hole size determines the size of the screw. The thickness of the material determines the length of the screw.

4 How would you determine the correct length of a machine screw that fastens two parts using a washer, lock washer, and nut?

Measure the thickness of both parts, the washer, the lock washer, and nut. Use a screw that is the next size longer so that the threads of the screw engage all of the threads of the nut.

3 What additional Microsoft software application is required to create design tables in SolidWorks?

Microsoft Excel.

5 What Microsoft software application is required to create design tables in SolidWorks?

Microsoft Excel.

7 A component in an assembly displays a (-) prefix in the FeatureManager design tree. Is the component fully defined?

No. A component that contains the (-) prefix is not fully defined. Additional mates are required.

11 What type of parts lend themselves to using a design table?

Parts that have similar characteristics such as shape, but that have different values for their dimensions.

6 A SolidWorks 3D model consists of _________ _________ ________.

Parts, assemblies and drawings.

4 Why should you rename feature names and dimension names?

Renaming feature names and dimension names makes them more meaningful. Meaningful names make it easier to read the design table and to understand what dimensions and features are being controlled by it.

1 What features did you use to create the candlestick?

Revolved boss, swept boss, and extruded cut features.

6 How do you display all feature dimensions?

Right-click the Annotations Folder. Click Show Feature Dimensions.

8 How do you hide all dimensions of a feature?

Right-click the feature in the FeatureManager design tree, and select Hide All Dimensions.

1 View that lets you look at the assembly as if you took a saw and cut it open

Section view

6 When you make a component pattern, the component you are copying is called the_______ component


2 How do you open a sketch?

Select the desired sketch plane. Click the Sketch icon on the Sketch toolbar.

3 Common design practice that represents the screws and bolts showing outlines and few details


5 Examine the three illustrations at the right. Which one is not a valid sketch for a revolve feature? Why?

Sketch A is not a valid sketch for a revolve feature because the profile crosses the centerline.

11 A mechanical design automation software application


2 Type of hole that allows a screw or bolt to be screwed directly into it

Tapped hole

9 How is the ConfigurationManager used in SolidWorks?

The ConfigurationManager is used to switch from one configuration to another.

3 What does the Convert Entities sketch tool do?

The Convert Entities sketch tool creates curves in a sketch by projecting geometry onto the sketch plane.

10 What does the Cut-Extrude feature do?

The Cut-Extrude feature removes material.

8 What does the Fillet feature do?

The Fillet feature rounds sharp edges.

7 What is a fillet feature?

The Fillet feature rounds the edges or faces of a part at a specified radius.

9 Name four types of geometric relations you can add to a sketch?

The Geometric Relations you can add to a Sketch are: horizontal, vertical, collinear, coradial, perpendicular, parallel, tangent, concentric, midpoint, intersection, coincident, equal, symmetric, fix, pierce and merge points.

9 Study the illustration at the right. In the space provided, indicate what SolidWorks feature would be best to use for each part of the hand wheel.Answer:

The Hub: Revolve feature_____________ The Spoke: Sweep feature ____________ The Rim: Revolve feature ____________

4 What does the Offset Entities sketch tool do?

The Offset Entities sketch tool creates a curve from a selected edge at a specified distance.

9 What does the Shell feature do?

The Shell feature removes material from the selected face.

3 Examine the Before and After pictures at the right. What sketch tool should you use to delete the unwanted portions of the lines and circles?

The Trim tool.

5 How many mates were required to fully define the Tutor assembly?

The Tutor assembly required 3 Coincident Mates.

6 Describe the advantage of using geometric relations versus linear dimensions toposition the Knob feature on the Box feature.

The advantage of using a geometric relation is that a midpoint relation ensures the Knob is always positioned in the center of the Box. If linear dimensions were used, the Knob would be located in various positions relative to the Box.

8 When components are modified, describe the result to the assembly?

The assembly reflects the new component modifications.

3 What is the Base feature?

The base feature is the first feature of a part. It is the foundation of the part.

6 What is the difference between an extruded boss feature and an extruded cut feature?

The boss feature adds material. The cut feature removes material.

7 What command is used to import part dimensions into the drawing?

The command used to import part dimensions into a drawing is Insert, Model Items.

3 If you need a washer for a 3/8th diameter screw or bolt, is the inside dimension of the washer also 3/8th? If not, why not?

The inside diameter of washers is slightly larger than the outside dimension of the screw or bolt that it is combined with. This allows the screw or bolt to pass through it.

1 How do you establish a mate relationship between a Toolbox part and the part it is being placed on?

The mate relationship is established when the Toolbox part snaps to the other part. You do not have to explicitly define the relationship.

3 What is the minimum number of profiles for a Loft feature?

The minimum number of profiles for a Loft feature is two.

3 What is the minimum number of profiles required for a Loft feature?

The minimum number of profiles for a Loft feature is two.

3 Where on the drawing document would you find the name of the person who created the drawing?

The name of the person who created the drawing is located in the title block under "Drawn by."

9 When you modify an imported dimension on a drawing, what happens to the part?

The part is also modified to reflect the changes.

4 What information does the pointer provide while sketching an arc?

The pointer displays: arc angle in degrees, arc radius and inferences to model or sketch geometry.

11 Good engineering drawings should have all the views necessary to describe the object, but no unnecessary views. In the illustration at the right, cross out the unnecessary view.

The right side view is not necessary.

8 What is a shell feature?

The shell feature removes material by hollowing out the part.

2 What two sketches are required to create a Sweep feature?

The sweep feature requires a Sweep Path sketch and a Sweep Section sketch.

3 Unlike an extruded feature, a swept feature requires a minimum of two sketches. What are these two sketches?

The sweep section and the sweep path.

10 Name the mates required to fully define the switchplate-fastener assembly?

The switchplate-fastener assembly required 3 mates for each fastener: Concentric Mate, Coincident Mate and Parallel Mate.

6 Name the three standard drawing views.

The three standard drawing views are Front, Top, Right.

6 You have an offset plane. How do you change its Offset distance?

There are two acceptable answers: • Right-click the plane, and select Edit Feature from the shortcut menu. Set the Distance to a new value. Click OK. • Double-click the plane to display its dimension. Double-click the dimension and enter a new value in the Modify box. Click Rebuild

9 What mates are required for the Tutor assembly?

Three Coincident Mates are required for the Tutor assembly.

8 Type of hole that allows a screw or bolt into it, but is not tapped

Through hole

1 How do you begin a new drawing document?

To begin a new drawing document, click File, New. Select a drawing template.

5 How do you change the drawing standard from ISO to ANSI?

To change the drawing standard from ISO to ANSI, click Tools, Options. On the Document Properties tab, click Detailing. Click ANSI for the Drafting standard.

4 Describe the steps to copy a Sketch onto another plane.

To copy a Sketch to an existing reference plane: • Select the sketch in the FeatureManager design tree. • Click Copy on the Standard toolbar. • Select the new plane in the FeatureManager design tree. • Click Paste on the Standard toolbar.

2 Describe the steps required to create the first Loft feature for the chisel.

To create a first Loft feature: • Create the planes required for the profile sketches. • Sketch a profile on the first plane. • Sketch the remaining profiles on the corresponding planes. • Click Loft on the Features toolbar. • Select the profiles. • Review the connecting curve. • Click OK.

11 How do you create multiple views of a part?

To create multiple views of a part, drag one or both of the split boxes at the corners of the window to create panes. Adjust the pane size. Change the view

4 How do you modify the text size and text font of the part name in the title block?

To modify the title block part name, click Edit Sheet Format. Right-click Properties. Click Font.

8 How do you move dimensions that have been placed on a drawing?

To move a dimension, click on the dimension text and drag to a new location.

5 Area of Design Library Task Pane that contains all available Toolbox parts

Toolbox Browser

2 In which window do you find ready-to-use hardware components?

Toolbox Browser.

9 Properties — such as size, length, thread length, display type — that describe a Toolbox part

Toolbox definition

2 What does Edit Toolbox Definition enable you to change?

Toolbox part properties such as size, thread display, and length.

7 Hardware — such as screws, nuts, washers, and lock washers — that you can select from the Toolbox Browser

Toolbox parts

10 Name the primary drawing views used to display a model.

Top, Front, Right and Isometric views.

4 True or False: Toolbox parts can only be added to assemblies.


9 True or False. Screw threads are always displayed in Schematic mode — showing all details.


4 True or False. Right-click Edit Sheet Format to modify title block information.


5 True or False. Link Values equates a dimension value to a shared variable name.


5 True or False. SolidWorks is used by designers and engineers.


6 True or False. Edges and faces can be selected items for Mates in an assembly.


7 True or False. Dimensions used to detail the Tutor2 drawing were created in the part.


7 True or False. Mates are relationships that align and fit components together in an assembly.


7 True or False. The location where you select each profile determines how the Loft feature is created.


8 True or False. Dimensions must be clearly positioned on the drawing.


8 True or False. In a fully defined sketch, geometry is displayed in black.


1 What features were used to create the chisel?

Two Loft features and a Flex feature.

5 The symbol (-) indicates a component is


8 How would you measure hole size?

Use either the Measure or Dimension commands.

5 How can you resize components as you are placing them?

Use the window that pops up to change the part properties.

5 Where are the display buttons located?

View toolbar.

5 What is the command to view all reference planes?

View, Planes

10 What three types of information are found on engineering drawings?

Views, which communicate the shape of an object; dimensions which communicate the size of an object, and notes, which communicate non-graphic information about an object.

7 How do you specify the location of a Toolbox part?

You place Toolbox parts by dragging them and dropping them in the assembly.

7 Examine the part shown at the right. The design intent is that the width of the three slots, A, B, and C must always be the same. To do this, should you use Link Values or the geometric relation Equal?

You should use Link Values. An Equal geometric relation will not work because Equal only works inside a sketch. Features A, B, and C cannot be in the same sketch.

4 Name three view commands in SolidWorks.

Zoom to Fit, Rotate View, and Pan.

18 An implied centerline that runs through the center of every cylindrical feature


9 The first feature in a part is called the ______ feature.


16 A feature that adds material to a part


5 Multiple choice. Examine the illustration at the right. How should you create this object?a. Use a Revolve feature b. Use a Sweep feature c. Use an Extrude feature with the option Draft while extruding.


5 In an assembly, parts are referred to as _______________.


14 Two circles or arcs that share the same center are


17 A feature that removes material from a part


12 The boundary of a face


10 The outside surface or skin of a part


15 The shapes and operations that are the building blocks of a part


3 A feature used to round off sharp corners


2 The intersection of the three default reference planes


13 Two straight lines that are always the same distance apart are


4 The three types of documents that make up a SolidWorks model

parts, assemblies, drawings

8 Two lines that are at right angles (90°) to each other are


3 What does the Shell feature do?

removes material from the selected face.

2 What does the Fillet feature do?

rounds sharp edges and faces.

5 A feature used to hollow out a part


7 Forms the basis of all extruded features


6 Controls the units, grid, text, and other settings of the document


1 The corner or point where edges meet


2 Describe the steps required to create a Loft feature.

• Create the planes required for the profile sketches. • Sketch a profile on the first plane. • Sketch the remaining profiles on the corresponding planes. • Click Loft on the Features toolbar. • Select the profiles. • Review the connecting curve. • Click OK.

9 Give four rules for good dimensioning practice.

• For flat pieces, give the thickness dimension in the edge view, and all other dimensions in the outline view. • Dimension features in the view where they can be seen true size and shape. • Use diameter dimensions for circles. • Use radial dimensions for arcs.

7 The SolidWorks default planes correspond to what principle drawing views? Answer:

• Front = Front or Back view • Top = Top or Bottom view • Right = Right or Left view

4 Describe the steps to copy a sketch onto a different plane.

• Select the sketch in the FeatureManager design tree or the graphics area. • Click Copy on the Standard toolbar. (Or use Ctrl+C.) • Select the new plane in the FeatureManager design tree or the graphics area. • Click Paste on the Standard toolbar. (Or use Ctrl+V.)

9 What actions do you perform when an edge or face is too small to be selected by the pointer?

• Use Zoom options from the View toolbar to increase the geometry size • Use Selection Filters • Right-click and choose Select Other

1 What are two methods for creating an offset plane?

• Use the command Insert, Reference Geometry, Plane • Hold down the Ctrl key and drag a copy of an existing plane.

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