IT Project Management Mid-Term (ch 1-6), IT Project Management Final (Ch. 7,8,9,10, & 12), Project Management Exam 2 - Teacher's guide, Project Management Exam 2 - Wiley Plus, Chapter 7, Chapter 6; Project Activity Planning, Project Management: PMI R...

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Project Management Plan

" The document that describes how a project will be executed, monitored, and controlled"

Critical Path Method

" The method used to estimate the minimum project duration and determine the amount of scheduling flexibility on the logical network paths within the schedule model" Longest Completion time EARLIEST START, EARLIEST FINISH

The authoritative leadership style can be summarized as:

"Come with me"

The pacesetting leadership style can be summarized as:

"Do as I do, now!"

The coercive leadership style can be summarized as:

"Do as I say"

Resource Usage

"Individual types of labor, kinds of materials, special facilities, pieces of equipment, and all inputs relevant to a project but limited in availability"

Step 1. Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)

"Technique used for constructing a schedule model in which the activites are represented by nodes and graphically linked by one or more logical relationships== (AON)

PERT Definition

"The technique for estimating that applies weighted average of optimistic, Pessimistic, and most likely estimates when there in uncertainty with the individual activity estimates"

The coaching leadership style can be summarized as:

"Try this"

The democratic leadership style can be summarized as:

"What do you think?"

Calculate the Net Present Value for a project with the following cash flows: Year 0: ($5,000) Year 1: $10,000 Year 2: $10,000 Year3: ($2,000). The discount rate is 5%.


In PERT networks, assuming a normal distribution about estimates of duration, the "pessimistic" time would be where there is a

1% chance the actual work time is greater.

Identify Risks Gathering Techniques (3)

1. Brainstorming 2. Delphi Technique 3. Root Cause Analysis

What is the process of creating a Scope Management Plan?

1. Collect Requirements 2. Define Scope 3. Create WBS

Example of Project Conditions

1. Concurrent multiple projects 2. Dependency on external participants outside the projects direct control

Advantages of Gantt Charts

1. Easy to ready method of indicating the actual current status for each set of tasks compared to the planned progress. 2. Helpful in expediting, sequencing, and reallocating resources among taks. 3. Contain a number of special symbolds to designate or highlight special concerns 4. Required frequent updating but easy to maintain.

Project Charter: Tools and Techniques

1. Expert Judgement 2. Facilitation

Plan Risk Responses: Strategies for Positive Risks or Opportunities (4)

1. Exploit: Exploit strategy is generally selected for risks with positive impacts where a company wishes to ensure that the opportunity is realized 2. Enhance: Often used to increase the probability, and/or positive effects of an opportunity 3. Share: Sharing a positive risk involves allocating some or all of the ownership of the opportunity to a third party who is best able to capture the opportunity for the benefit of the project 4. Accept: Accepting an opportunity involves being willing to take advantage of the opportunity if it arises, but not actively pursuing it.

Logical Activity Relationships

1. Finish-to-start 2. Finish-to-Finish 3. Start-to-Start 4.Start-to-Finish

What are the two techniques to constrained resource allocation problems? (2)

1. Heuristics 2. Optimization Model

What are the NINE Risk Management Plan Components?

1. Methodology 2.Roles and Responsibilities 3. Budgeting 4. Timing 5. Reporting Format 6. Tracking 7. Risk Categories 8. Definitions of Risk Probability and Impact 9. Probability and impact matrix

What are the SIX Processes of Project risk Management?

1. Plan Risk Management 2. Identify risk 3. Perform Qualitative Risk analysis 4. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis 5. Plan risk responses 6. Control Risk

What are the Three basic causes for change in projects?

1. Planners erred in their choice of suitable goal for the project or in their initial assessment of how to achieve it 2. Client/User or project teams learns more about the nature of the project deliverable or about setting for it use 3. Mandate: Change in the environment in which the project is being conducted.

Input of Project Charter

1. Project Statement of Work (SOW) 2. Business Case (BC) 3. Agreements 4.Enterprise Environmental Factors 5. Organizational Process Assests

Project Charter Elements (8)

1. Purpose 2.Objectives 3. Overview 4.Schedules 5.Resources 6.Personnel 7.Risk Management plans 8. Evaluation methods

What is the WBS a basis for?

1. Responsibility matrix 2. Network Scheduling 3. cost and Risk analysis 4. Organizational Structure 5. Coordination of Objectives 6. Control

Two Heuristic Operation Results (2)

1. The routine runs out of activities for the current period before it runs our of the resource 2. The routine runs out of resources before all the activities have been scheduled .

Time and Resource Trade-offs (2)

1. Time Limited 2. Resource Limited

Resource Types (3)

1. people 2. Materials 3. Equipment

In a WBS each hierarchical level should have about how many interrelated tasks?

2 to 20

During initial project planning, activities are identified and sorted. In completing this process, each level in the hierarchy should limit the number of activities to a range between __________.


In general control limits are set at + or - ________ standard deviations which provides ________ probability limits.

3, .001

Task F has a duration of 10 days and an earliest start date of 20 days. Therefore the early finish of task F is?

30 days

An activity being analyzed under PERT was judged to most likely have a duration of 40 days. When considering the time it would take to complete the activity if every relevant factor went well, it was estimated to be able to be doable in 20 days and even under the worst case imaginable, the task would be take 50 days. The estimates PERT duration of that activity is:


How many widgets would a company have to sell if their initial investment was $60,000 and widgets sold for $25? Materials to produce 100 widgets cost $1000. Direct labor costs $2.50 per widget. Total indirect costs & overhead is 10% of the selling price.


In a normal distribution we would expect to find _______ of all values with in + or - 1 standard deviation


Another important factor in the 1997 Mars Project cost savings was

70 percent of major procurements contracts were fixed-price rather than cost-plus

In a normal distribution we would expect to find _______ of all values with in + or - 2 standard deviation.


A node or event with duration of 0 days is

A Milestone

Project Charter

A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provided the project manager the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities

The process of managing risk in a project is ?

A dynamic process throughout the project cycle.

Technique: Delphi Technique

A facilitator uses a questionnaire so to solicit ideas from project risk experts about major project risks.

9. Probablility and Impact Matrix

A grid for mapping the probablilty of each risj occurence and its impact on a projects objectives if that risk occurs

Requirement Traceability Matrix

A grid that links project requirements from their origin to the deliverable that satisfy them. The implementation traceability matric helps ensure that each requirement documentation are fulfilled.

Project Network Techniques: Lags

A lag is the amount of time whereby a successor activity will be delayed with respect to a predecessor activity

Project Network Techniques: Leads

A lead is the amount of time whereby a successor activity can be advanced with respect to a precessor activity. Running tasks parallel to another.


A logical relationship in which a successor activity cant finish until a predecessor has finished ex. Writing a book (Predecessor) must finish until editing can finish (Successor)

What is an ISSUE?

A negative project risk that has occured is reffered to as an issue

Scheduling Compression Technique: Fast-Tracking

A technique in which activities or phases that are normally done in sequence are performed parallel for at least a portion of their duration. NO ADDED COSTS

Based upon the following diagram and activity durations, the Critical Path is: A2 B5 C4 D3 E1 F4 G3 H5 I5 J1


_______ is the most commercially available project management software applications.

AON Network

A task or set of tasks that are required by the project are called


The GANTT Chart shows which of the following?

Activities on Bars

The authors, when discussing networks, describe ________ as a specific task or set of tasks that are required by the project, use up resources, and take time to complete


What is more common in business project management today?

Activity on Node (AON)

Positive Risks offers Opportunites Example

Adopting an aggressive resource optimization method is a risk taken in anticipation of financial reward for using fewer resources

The leadership style that follows the attitude that "people come first" is the:

Affiliative style

_____centers of the value of the individual rather than goals and tasks and attempts to keep people happy by creating harmony.

Affiliative style

_______________ on the Critical Path

All activities; have zero slack.

Project planning typically is?

An interactive process involving multiple stakeholders.

Project Risk

An uncertain event or condition that if it occurs has a positive or negative effect on one or more project objective (Scope, Schedule, Cost, Quality)

Known Project Risks

Are those that have been identified and analyzed. Known risks that cannot be proactively managed can be assigned a CONTINGENCY RESERVE

What are positive and negative risks commonly reffered to as?

As Opportunities and Threats

How do organizations percieve risks?

As the effect of uncertainty on projects and company objectives

The phases of a learning cycle include all of the following except:

Assess risk

The PMBOK® area called project time management includes all of the following except:

Assign Activities

Advantages of Resource Smoothing/Leveling

Associated costs tend to be leveled. If resources use increases as time goes by and if resources are shifted closer to the present by leveling, cost will be shifted in the same way.

The leadership style where the leader outlines a clearly defined goal but empowers people to choose their own means for achieving it is the:

Authoritative style

The original plan, saved for later comparison with the revised or updated plan?


Which of the following statements are true?:

Baseline plans are approved project plans.

Why is Identifying Risks an iterative process?

Because new risks may evolve or be known as a project progresses. Frequency of iteration and participation in each cycle varies by situation

The EDP era ______________

Began in the 1960s when large organizations first purchased a centralized mainframe or minicomputer.

The Network era ____________

Began in the 1990s when many organizations sought to regain control of the IT deparment and hired a Chief Data Processing Officer

The Micro era _____________

Began in the early 1980s with the personal computer

Meeting schedule and cost goals without compromising performance is what type of problem

Both technical and human factors problem.

Negative Risks Offers Threats Example

Bringing on the best project manager with the understanding he may have to leave for a certain duration at the peak of your project

A _________ shows how the scope, features or functionality, or work is being completed over time.

Burn-down Chart

Unknown Risks

Cannot be managed proactively and therefore may be assigned a management reserve

_____ focuses on root-cause analysis and determining the cause of risks, as well as the effects of risks on the project.

Cause-and-Effect Diagrams

The approach to leadership where the leader is viewed as a pioneer who seeks out opportunities to innovate, grow, and improve is:

Challenge the process

_____ means recognizing and supporting good ideas, and making sure these ideas happen.

Challenge the process

Changes in the scope boundary are handled through a _____.

Change Control

The _____ will specify how the project's product will be integrated into the organizational environment.

Change Management Plan

Project Termination through "starvation" is an example of _____ .

Changed Priority

Trying to decide between three alternatives, a company employed a scoring model. Three criteria were chosen. Criteria A was believed to be the most important and so was given a weight of 50%. The other two were deemed to be equal to each other in importance. A relative scoring range of 0 to 10 was used. The table below shows each alternative and their scores. Which alternative should the company choose? Criteria Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C A 5 6 7 B 8 7 7 C 8 8 5

Choose alternative B

Organizing and archiving of all project deliverables and documentation occurs during _____ .

Closing the Project

The leadership style that helps people identify their unique strengths and weaknesses so that they can achieve their personal and career goals is the:

Coaching style

The leadership style that is most effective in a crisis situation is the:

Coercive style

Organizational Process Assets

Company Standards or policies

A gift from a vendor could cause the following ethical dilemma _____.

Conflict of interest

Which of the following would be an ethical dilemma where impartiality and trust come into question?

Conflict of interest

Typical problems in a Matrixed Organization happen because

Confusion exists due to project members reporting to multiple managers

A restriction, such as Must Start On or Finish No Later Than that you can place on the start or finish date of a task.


To develop a budget, The PM must

Consult a budget estimator

Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process ensuring that controls are in place to manage proposed scope changes once the project's scope is accepted?

Control Scope

The most difficult aspect of coordinating a complex project is...

Coordinating the various elements of the project to meet overall project goals.

Your employer has issued you a computer. Using this computer to trade stocks online could be considered which of the following ethical dilemmas?

Corporate resource


Cost Variance (CV)

One can estimate probabilistic CPM times and can ___ pert networks


Scheduling other projects so that resources may be shared is_____

Critical Chain Project Management

The technique used to find the sequence of tasks with zero slack (or float) is most closely associated with:

Critical Path Analysis

_____ can be defined as the shared beliefs, assumptions, and values that we learn from society or a group that guides or influences our behavior.


Project Scope Management

" Includes those processes required to ensure the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to be complete the project successfully"

5. Reporting Format

Define how the outcomes of the risk mangement process will be documented, analyzed, and communicated- it describes the content and formatting

An estimation technique characterized by the recruitment of multiple experts who provide rounds of estimates until a consensus estimate emerges.

Delphi Technique

Gaining consensus from a group of experts would be most closely associated with:

Delphi Technique

The _____ estimation method usually costs more and takes longer than other methods.

Delphi Technique


Dependent activity that logically comes after another activity in a schedule

Business Case (BC)

Describes the necessary information from business standpoint to determine whether or not the project is work the required investment

The cost of labor for using a resource are _____

Direct Costs

Which implemention approach usually entails the greatest level of risk especially if the system is not adequately tested?

Direct Cutover

_____ can be effective when quick delivery of the new system is critical or when the existing system must be replaced as soon as possible.

Direct Cutover

_____ is the implementation method where the old system is shut down and the new system is turned on at an agreed upon date.

Direct Cutover

_____ use only integer or whole numbers, where fractional values are not allowed or would not make sense.

Discrete Distribution

Organizational Breakdown structure is?

Displays the organizational units responsible for each of the various work elements in the WBS

Differences in nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, or generation is:


6. Tracking

Document how risk activities will be recorded for the benefit of the current project as well as how the risk management processes will be audited

Project Launch Meeting

Done after the development of project charter. The project is discussed in sufficient details so that the potential contributors develop a general understanding of what is needed. Success is determined by well-define objectives

If we know the Actual Cost of a WBS component, what other value do we need to know in order to calculate the cost performance index (CPI)?

Earned Value (EV)

A scheduling method in which the work or a task remains constants regardless of the number of resources assigned to it.

Effort driven

The approach to leadership that requires a leader to support collaboration and build trust among project stakeholders is:

Enable others to act

_____ means empowering people and motivating them to do their best, feel a sense of ownership, and take pride in what they do.

Enable others to act

Tools and Techniques: Facilitiation

Encompass broad applications in PM processes and guide the development of project charter. Ex. Brainstorming, Conflict resolution, problem Solving, and meeting management

The project team appears to be tired, disillusioned, frustrated, and willing to give up. The most appropriate leadership approach would be:

Encourage the heart

_____ means using simple gestures to show appreciation for people's contributions and recognition of accomplishments.

Encourage the heart

The metric that provides an estimate of the most likely total or final cost of the project based on the project's performance and any risks that should be considered is the:

Estimate at Completion (EAC)

3. Budgeting

Estimates funds required, based on assigned resources, and establishes the protocols for applying the contingency and management reserves

Risk Probability Assessment and Risk Impact assessment

Examines the likelyhood that each specific risk will occur. Risk impact assessment examines the potential effect on the project objective (schedule ,Costs)

A hypocritical leader could be described as someone who _______.

Extols the virtues of integrity and ethical conduct, but then engages in unethical behavior

Which termination circumstance is one in which the project is ended because the cost of completing it are greater than the potential benefits of completing it.


31) The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an industry consortium that oversees the assignment of domain names.


A cost variance (CV) can be positive or negative, but never zero.


A kick-off meeting is often held to develop the project plan.


A leader who "challenges the process" should also be critical of other people's ideas in order to challenge them to be more creative.


A milestone must have at least 1 day of duration. True/ False?


A person has only one leadership style that can never be changed.


A project sponsor is responsible for ensuring that all of the project management and technical development processes are in place and being carried out within a set of specific requirements, defined processes, and quality standards.


A project's scope is primarily a list of resources available to the project team.


A single organizational structure is best for all organizations regardless of strategy.


A start-to-finish activity is the most common relationship between two activities.


A tangible and verifiable piece of work is called a milestone


According to the PMBOK® area of scope management, one of the processes is scope planning which means ensuring that authority and resources are committed to developing a scope management plan.


According to the text, most real-world estimating is made using top-down estimating.


All cash flows over the useful life of a project alternative must be included in the payback method of analysis.


All of the project stakeholders should receive exactly the same information regarding the project's progress in order to eliminate any miscommunication.


An IT project manager's technical knowledge is much more important that his or her ability to communicate with people.


An action or decision that is legal is always ethical.


An exemplary leader who "encourages from the heart" should show appreciation for other's accomplishments by creating a culture of celebration even if it involves recognitions or celebrations that are insincere.


As a project manager, you would be pleased to see a Cost Performance Index CPI less than one (1) for your project.


Conducting the postmortem review is the responsibility of the project sponsor.


Constraints can be thought of as things that must go right in order for the project to be completed as planned.


Delivery, installation, and implementation of the information system indicate the sponsor's acceptance of the project.


For the sake of efficiency and unity of purpose and direction, it is usually advisable to have the project manager take sole responsibility for developing the business case.


Generally, the more metrics one adopts, the greater the project control.


Given the advances that have been made in telecommunications and IT technology in general, there is little value or necessity today for Face-to-Face (F2F) meetings.


Identifying the critical path is important because a project can only have one critical path and it never changes.


If a stakeholder has been judged to adversarial and having a vested interest in the failure of your project, it would probably be wise to keep him/her out of the communication loop.


In general, because of the similarities in IT projects, one can manage all projects and risks in the same manner.


In general, riskier project alternatives will have a lower breakeven point than less risky project alternatives.


Leadership is the same thing as management.


Most of the project documentation is completed during the development phase.


Most quality initiatives translate readily and require little if any corporate culture changes as evidenced by the Japanese adoption of Deming's quality philosophy.


Most team members are less critical of their own performance than the project manager.


Only the most successful projects are likely to lead to best practices


Only the most successful projects are likely to lead to best practices.


PMBOK® defines the major quality management processes as: conformance to requirements, fitness for use, and having a high degree of excellence.


PRINCE2® was originally developed for government projects in the United States.


Predecessor activities are activities that can be worked on at the same time as another activity.


Premature project closure is always a characteristic of a failed project.


Product scope is a statement detailing the deliverables and activities that support the IT methodology.


Project Quality Management (PQM) focuses on the project product and Project Control Management (PCM) focuses on the project process.


Project management processes include Scope, Schedule, Budget, and Quality


Project management processes include Scope, Schedule, Budget, and Quality.


Project risk management focuses solely on the downside of risk that results from unexpected problems or threats.


Project scope is a statement detailing the features and functions that must support the IT solution.


Projects are planned organizational change. Therefore, the project manager and team do not need to worry about the political climate within the organization because top management has a firm understanding of the organization's culture, environment, politics, etc.


Scope grope suggests a fundamental and significant change in the project scope.


Sensitivity analysis is used to determine the joint effects of multiple risky tasks, while Monte Carlo Simulation is used to measure which individual tasks pose the greatest project risk.


Since IT projects are developed in an environment that changes so rapidly and so extensively, there is little value in using past projects to guide our risk assessment of new ones.


Since adding features to a project will likely have a negative impact on schedules and budgets, once the project's scope has been defined, no new features should added.


Since risk arises from uncertainty, there can be no such category as known risks.


Software process maturity represents the expected results that can be achieved by following a particular software process.


Stakeholders have only a positive interest in the project's outcome.


Sunk costs include such things as rent, utilities, insurance, and other administrative costs.


The Delphi technique is a quick and economical way to estimate the duration and costs of project activities.


The MOV should be adjusted at each phase of a project to align with the realities of project execution.


The MOV should explicitly state the technology that will support the IT project.


The Micro Era that started in the 1980's provided a smooth transition from large centralized computers to the personal computer that was widely welcomed by data processing managers who believed the replication of data throughout the organization would provide added backup and security.


The PMBOK® definition of project quality management focuses on conformance to specifications.


The Pareto Diagram is based on the notion that 20 percent of the problems are based on 80 percent of the causes


The Socio-Technical Approach has been adopted by many organizations because successful projects require a pure technical approach that focuses on the tools, techniques, and methodologies of IT development.


The best time to plan for risk is during the project execution phase when risk can be assessed most accurately.


The critical path is the shortest path in the project network and also is the longest time in which the project can be completed.


The development of a work breakdown structure is an interim step to define detailed work packages used to estimate the project schedule and budget.


The direct costs of using a resource is the only type of cost that should be considered when developing the project budget.


The goal of a sound risk management is to completely avoid all risk.


The informal organizational structure is a published structure that defines the official lines of authority, responsibilities, and reporting relationships.


The most common error in guesstimating is to be pessimistic and to overestimate the time and resources necessary to complete a project.


The parallel implementation approach is generally considered to be the riskiest implementation approach.


The phased approach is generally the least expensive of the three implementation approaches.


The project MOV is usually readily determined at the close of the project.


The project audit is the generally conducted by the project manager and project team.


The scope boundary establishes only those elements that are a part of the project work to be completed by the project team.


The total cost of ownership (TCO) includes only the direct or up-front costs and ongoing expenditures.


Under PRINCE2®, any proposed changes to the project that the user wants should be approved and included.


Validation is a process-oriented activity that focuses on the deployment of specific development procedures.


Waterfall is an iterative development approach while Agile is a structured development approach.


Immediately after the implementation, the project's MOV can be determined.


Acknowledging the contributions of the project team would occur during _____.

Final Meeting and Presentation

The formal exchange of the project's product from the project team to the organization occurs during _____ .

Final Meeting and Presentation

The purpose of the _____ is to provide the project sponsor confidence that the project has been completed as outlined in the business case, project charter, and project plan.

Final Project Report

Under the Precedence Diagramming Method, the least common relationship between two activities which occurs when they must complete at the same time is called:

Finish-To-Finish (FF)

Under the Precedence Diagramming Method, the situation which occurs when two activities can start at different times, have different durations, but are planned to be completed at the same time is called:

Finish-To-Finish (FF)

Installing the operating system on a computer before loading any application packages is an example of:

Finish-To-Start (FS)

Under the Precedence Diagramming Method, the most common relationship between two activities which implies a logical sequence is called:

Finish-To-Start (FS)

What is the key purpose of risk analysis?

For the purpose of making risk-related decisions

A _________ predicts the future status or progress of the project.

Forecast report

Activity-on-Node (AON)

Form of PDM

________ is the person most closely associated with the scientific management approach.

Frederic Taylor

The condition of resources when the total work of his or her tasks assignments is exactly equal to his or her work capacity.

Fully Allocated.

_____ can be useful for tracking and monitoring project progress because they are simple and straightforward

Gantt Charts

_____ can be useful for tracking and monitoring project progress because they are simple and straightforward.

Gantt Charts

_____ is considered the most useful and widely used project management tool.

Gantt Charts

The first thing to consider when faced with an ethical dilemma would be _________.

Gather the facts

Common methods to select project forms are

Generally intuitive

Enterprise Environmental Factors

Government, Industry standards, market conditions, and firm cultures

An estimation technique characterized by picking numbers out of the air or "ballparking".


__________is an approach that breaks the planning task down into the activities that must be done in each managerial level of the organization. Typically, the upper level sets the objectives for the next lower level.

Hierarchical planning

The _____ will identify the process for staff acquisition and team development.

Human Resources Plan

A project manager who attempts to create a project environment in which people feel safe and appreciated is trying to ensure that which one of the following ethical dilemmas do not occur?

Human resource

Focusing on fairness in terms of equity, reciprocity, and impartiality is hoping to avoid which ethical dilemma?

Human resource


Human resources are classified by the skill they bring to the project (Engineer, IT)

Resource Calender

Identifies the working days and shifts on which each specific resource is available. Specifies when and how long the identifies project resource will be available

_____ involves deciding which risks can impact the project.

Identify Risks

All of the following are steps in developing the project MOV except:

Identify the available organizational resources.

The major resource roles of the project manager and the functional managers are different in Matrix organization. How?

In Matrixed organizations Project managers borrow resources as needed from the functional departments


Include aspects of the project or an organizations environment that contribute to the project risk Every project environment has some degree of uncertainty caused by factors that are internal or external to a project

Collect Requirments: Requirements

Include conditions or capabilities that are to be met by the project or present in the deliverable in order to satisfy an agreement or formally imposed specifications. Requirements include the quanitified and documented needs and expectations of the sponsor, customer, or stakeholder.


Includes a large spectrum (Chemicals, concrete, survey data)

Rent, utilities, insurance and administrative costs are examples of:

Indirect Costs

Discussing team members' next assignment is generally a part of:

Individual Performance Review

A company utilizes the payback method exclusively to select projects. Which of the following mutually exclusive (they can only do one of them) projects will they choose? (Assume cash flows occur in equal monthly installments)

Initial Investment:$100,000 Net Cash Flows: year 1:$1,000,000 year 2:$2,000,000 year 3:$2,000,000 each year thereafter:$0

_____ means understanding the needs, interests, and "speaking the language" of constituents.

Inspire a vision

Which of the following is NOT a traditional management activity?

Inspiring a vision

The intricate process of coordinating the work and timing of the different groups is called?

Integration Management.

The process of coordinating the work and the timing of the different PM groups is called ___________.

Integration Management.

____ can arise from the estimation process or the stability of the project team

Internal risks

An unethical leader could be described as someone who

Is a weak moral individual and a weak moral manager

What is the key benefit of Plan Risk Responses?

It addresses the risks by their priorities and inserting resources and activities into the PM plan

Key benefit of Define Scope

It describes the deliverable boundaries by defining which of the requirements collected will be inlcuded and excluded from the project scope.

What is the key benefit for Qualitative Risk Analysis?

It enables PM's to reduce the level of uncertainty and to focus on the high priority risks

What is a major advantage of the Functional Organization for a Project?

It offers maximum flexibility in use of personnel.

What is the key benefit of Performing Quantitative Risk Analysis?

It produces quantitative risk information to support decision making in order to reduce project uncertainty

Many organizations are mandating ethics training for their employees because

It's in the best interest for people in the organization and society

__________ published the Quality Control Handbook which viewed quality as "fitness for use" as perceived by the customer.

Joseph Juran

The following statements about knowledge management (KM) are true except:

KM is a well defined body of knowledge with an established theoretical base.

Scheduling Flexibility


According to the CHAOS studies, which of the following factors tend to be most prevelant for challenged or failed projects?

Lack of user input and incomplete requirements

Time and effort needed to gather experience on a technology or process are _____

Learning Curve Costs

Identifying what you know, what you think you know, and things you need to find out would be activities most closely associated with:

Learning Cycles

The fixed percentage each time production doubles?

Learning rate.

The CMM/CMMI level characterized by an immature software organization using ad hoc process is _______ ?

Level 1 Initial

The CMM/CMMI level which is the first to introduce key process areas is _________ ?

Level 2 Repeatable

The CMM/CMMI level which documents and standardizes software engineering and management processes throughout the organization is _________ ?

Level 3 Defined

The CMM/CMMI level which is characterized by the addition of Software Quality management and Quantitative Process Management is _________ ?

Level 4 Managed

The CMM/CMMI level which is the first to introduce technology change management _________ ?

Level 5 Optimizing


Logical relationship in which a successor activity cant finish until a predecessor has started ex. First security shift (successor) cant finish until the second shift (predecessor) has started Not common


Logical relationship in which a successor activity cant finish until a predecessor has started ex. Leveling Concrete (Successor) cant begin until pouring foundation (predecessor) begins

_____ may sometimes occur weeks or months after the project is complete in order to obtain an accurate assessment.

MOV Evaluation

An ethical leader could be described as someone who ________.

Makes it clear that bottom line results are important, but only if they can be achieved in an ethical manner

Most firms eventually adopt which organizational form for running their project


When a project requires input from several functional areas and uses a sophisticated technology, the recommended organizational structure is


Project Network Conditions: END

May Have Predecessors but no Successors

Project Network Conditions: START

May have a successor(S) by no Predecessors

Project Network Conditions: MIDDLE

May have both Predecessors and Successors

_____ is the core layer in the IT Project Risk Identification Framework.

Measurable Organizational Value

Scheduling Flexibility

Measured by the amount of time a schedule activity can be delayed or extended without negativley affecting other scheduling constraints (SLACK)

Risk Threshold

Measures at levels of uncertainty or impact at which stakeholder may have a specific interest (A STANDARD)

A value-driven approach to project management means _________

Measuring project success in terms of the value the project brings to the organization and not only in terms of meeting the project schedule and budget

A value-driven approach to project management means _________.

Measuring project success in terms of the value the project brings to the organization and not only in terms of meeting the project schedule and budget

The approach to leadership where a leader leads by example is:

Model the way

_____ randomly generates specific values for a variable with a specific probability distribution.

Monte Carlo Simulation

Project Statement of Work (SOW)

Narrative description of the project deliverable (Product, service, results) and entails the business needs, product scope, and strategic plan

Can any funds not expended for resources can be shifted without approval to all for other unplanned acquisition?


Why is it important for a project manager to consider risks associated with the project's external environment?

No project exists in its own world. Almost every aspect of a project is subject to external influences. The external environment of a project includes the parent organization's corporate culture. Corporate culture shows itself in overt and subtle ways. The project manager must know the environment in which he or she is operating in and also the environment of the stakeholders if there is any hope of understanding or meeting stakeholder expectations.

Which of the following is strongly recommended for managing projects?

No single tool is always recommended. The PM should investigate several appropriate tools.

A structured technique for identifying risks which requires participants to rank and prioritize ideas in round-robin fashion is most closely associated with:

Nominal Group Technique

Which implemention approach involves no risk?

None of these

What probability distribution is used to estimate the completion time for the critical path of a project?


Which termination circumstance is one in which the project is completed as planned?


Tools and Techniques: Expert judgement

Often used to asses the inputs used to develop the project charter. It is applied to all technical and management details during this process. Such expertise is provided by any group or person with specialized knowledge

Project success is judged by what criteria?

On time, within budget, to scope, and project impact on the organization

System Constrained

One or more task in a project require a fixed amount of time and know quantities of resourcesq

A(n) __________ displays the organizational units responsible for each of the various work elements in the WBS.

Organization breakdown structure (OBS)

Which of the following is the best MOV statement?

Our project should increase sales in the Dayton market by 15% next year to complete our company's Ohio expansion strategy.


Outlines the various schedules and lists all the milestone events and or phases. Summary tasks are listed with estimated dates

The condition of a resources when they are assigned to do or work than is exactly equal to his or her work capacity.


Project Charter vs Project Scope Statement

PC: Contains high-level information PSS: Contains details description of scope elements

The technique used to help manage the Polaris submarine project and which bases activity estimates on probabilistic estimates of three scenarios is most closely associated with:


_____ is well suited for developing simulations where the project manager can conduct sensitivity analysis for schedule planning and risk analysis.


___________ is responsible for management of all enterprise projects. True/False


The leadership style where poor performers are quickly identified and replaced if standards are not met is the:

Pacesetting style

Which implemention approach is usually the most expensive and least risky?


With _____, users may have to enter data into multiple systems to compare the outputs.


_____ is most appropriate when problems or the failure of a system can have a major impact on the organization.


_____ places more pressure on the user of the system.


A _____ is useful for identifying and investigating the most important problems by ranking them in descending order.

Pareto diagram

In a network, a ________ is a series of connected activities (or intermediate events) between any two events in a network


The series of connected activities or events between any two events in a network is called


________ provides the basis for continuous improvement by auditing and evaluating the results from quality control measurements so that appropriate quality standards and operational definitions are used.

Perform Quality Assurance

________ is monitoring and documenting the results of executing project quality activities to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance and implement new processes and techniques to improve project quality throughout the organization.

Perform Quality Control

_____ involves developing a probability distribution for understanding and responding to identified risks.

Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

Where is Quantitative Risk performed on?

Performed on risk that have been Prioritized (Qualitative Risk Analysis) as potentially and substantially impacting the projects competing demands

Another name for a runaway project is:


Clearly defining the Project MOV, Project Scope, and timely project reviews can reduce the risk of a _____ project .


These projects can result from delays or an unclear scope or MOV.


Which of the following distributions has mean which is equal to (a + 4b +c) / 6 where a, b, and c are denote optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimates respectively?:

Pert Distribution

______ creates a process by which to measure project progress, to keep projects on track and aligned with current strategy` and to keep senior management informed about the current state of projects carried out.

Phase Gates

Which implementation approach allows for implementation of modules in different departments or locations?


With the _____, the project team can learn from its experiences during the initial implementation so that later implementations run more smoothly.


________ is determining which quality requirements and/or standards are important for the project and the product and then documenting how compliance will be demonstrated.

Plan Quality

If you hired a consulting firm to develop a system which is estimated to take four months to complete with the tasks evenly divided over the four months and you agree to pay for the project with equal monthly installments, those payments would be called:

Planned Value (PV)

The budgeted cost of work scheduled for an activity or component of the WBS is the _____.

Planned Value (PV)

The total planned cost of the project is computed before the project work begins. This metric is called the:

Planned Value (PV)

Management Reserve

Planned amount money or time that is added to an estimate to address UNFORESEEABLE situations

Contingency Reserve

Planned amount of money or time that is added to an estimate to address a SPECIFIC risk

Obtaining cost estimates in done is the ________ phase of the project life cycle.

Planning Phase

Having the team review the project scope, schedule, budget, and quality objectives would most likely occur in the:

Postmortem Review

As a result of competitor's actions, a project was pushed to completion without all of the envisioned features. This project termination is termed __________ ?


What is the project scope management concerned about?

Primariliy with defining and controlling what is and what is not needed in the project

The project launch meeting occurs when ?

Prior to beginning the project to show management commitment.

Defect arrival rate is an example of a:

Process Metric

What is the impact of project budget is overfunded or underfunded?

Produce waste and encourage slack management, Inhibit accomplishment and frustrate committed stakeholders

Customer found defects is an example of a: _________.

Product Metric

2. Estimate Duration: PERT

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (pert)

A communication plan, a quality management plan, and change management plan are all associated with which part of the project charter?

Project Administration

Within the Project Charter, _____ focuses on the knowledge areas, processes, and controls that will support the project and are separate subplans or strategies.

Project Administration

An outside party would be more likely to be called in for the:

Project Audit

________________ is developed to define the scope (goals of the project) and describe the project management processes.

Project Charter or Project Plan.

Demonstrating that all project deliverables have been completed occurs during _____.

Project Evaluation

The PMO is ?

Project Management Office

Scope and schedule are examples of:

Project Management objectives

Planning, executing, and monitoring and controlling are examples of:

Project Management process groups.

In the past decade a new type of organizational structure has become increasingly popular, It is called the

Project Organization.

The following are PMBOK® knowledge areas except:

Project Research Management

WBS Method: Hierarchical Planning System

Project is broken down into phase categories which are broken down into deliverable which are broken down into work packages.

The Plan must be designed in such a way that the _______ both direct and ancillary, as reflected by the project portfolio or other strategic selection process used to approve the project.

Project outcome meets the objectives of the parent organization.

A project plan must be designed so that the ______________ meet the criteria used to justify its selection.

Project outcomes

_____ is an uncertain event that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on project objectives.

Project risk

_____ are the processes of conducting risk management planning, identification, analysis, response planning, and monitoring and control on a project.

Project risk management

According to the CHAOS studies, which of the following statements about IT projects is true?

Project success is improving because of better project management tools and processes, smaller projects, and improved communication

Agile project planning and management methods should be used when?

Projects have a high degree of uncertainty.

The idea that there is a cost associated with using a resource is _____

Prorated Costs

7. Risk Categories

Provides a means for grouping potential causes of risk. Different approaches can be applies. Use of Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) helps the project team to look at many sources from which project risk may arise in a risk identification task

The Payoff Table would be used with which risk assessment technique ?

Qualitative Risk Analysis

The _____ details how quality planning, assurance, and control will be supported throughout the project life cycle

Quality Management Plan

This approach is used to identify the human resources needed for the project. It also shows interference between units that may require special managerial coordination

RACI Matrix (Responsible , Accountable, Consult, Inform)

Because the PM typically has no direct authority over project team members, s/he should motivate good performance how?

Recognition, achievement, challenging assignments, responsibility, chance to learn new skills, & the work itself.

Risk management today is.....

Reported to be practiced by over 71% of organizations

PERT has primarily been used for?

Research and development

Funds allocated for unexpected expenses are _____

Reserves Costs

_____is ensuring that project resources are not overallocated.

Resource leveling

What is the RACI Matrix?

Responsible, Accountable, Consult & Inform matrix.

_____ determines each identified risk's probability of occurrence and impact on the project.

Risk analysis

_____ prioritizes risks so that an effective risk strategy can be formulated.

Risk assessment

What is risk NOT?

Risk is not an outcome- the outcome has already occured, risk is the recognition that a particular outcome might occur.

List the seven subprocesses of project risk management.

Risk management planning Risk identification Qualitative risk analysis Quantitative risk analysis Risk response planning Risk monitoring and control Risk management register.

A _____ identifies threats and opportunities in the external environment as well as organizational strengths and weaknesses .

SWOT Analysis

The __________ of a project includes the objectives of the project as well as the time and cost required to complete the project to the customer's satisfaction.


________is the tendency for the project objectives to be changed with little or no discussion with other parties actively engaged in the project.

Scope Creep

The _____ describes how changes to the project's scope will be submitted, logged, and reviewed.

Scope Management Plan

Leadership includes _____ .

Setting a direction

Elements: Purpose

Short summary for senior manager and anyone unfamiliar with the project. Entails a statement of general goals and their relationship to firm objectives

Gantt Charts

Show planned and actual progess for a number of tasks displayed in bars against a horizontal time scale. Helpful in expediting, sequencing, and reallocation resources among taks.

Visionary leadership, influence, developing others, and communication are all associated with _____ of Emotional Intelligence.

Social skills

Technique: Root Cause Analysis

Specific technique use to identify a problem, discover the underlying causes that lead to it and develop preventive action

Under the Precedence Diagramming Method, the situation which occurs when task A cannot end until task B starts is called:

Start-To-Finish (SF)

Costs incurred prior to the current project are _____

Sunk Costs

To make a decision to attempt to build an application system based on what was left after a previous attempt ended in failure primarily because of the large investment the company made in the failed project most likely was made by a manager who did not fully understand:

Sunk Costs

Schedule Compression

Techniques used to shorten the schedule duration without reducing the project scope. In order to meet the schedule constraints or imposed dates

Increased flexibility, breadth and depth of knowledge and experience, and less duplication are advantages of:

The Functional Organization

The more traditional organizational form best describes:

The Functional Organization

_____ organizes resources to perform specialized tasks or activities in order to attain the goals of the organization.

The Functional Organization

The most complex organizational structure is the:

The Informal Organization

The structure that reveals most clearly how individuals in an organization relate is the:

The Informal Organization

Higher potential for conflict and poor response time are disadvantages of:

The Matrix Organization

What are resources ? What do they do for the project?

The allocation of resources indicates the degree to which different activities of an organization are supported fully.

SLACK (Free Float)

The amount of time a schedule activity can be delayed without delaying the early start date of a successor (LS-ES)

Who makes the project budget, and what is normally included?

The budgeter and it involves the forecasting of the level and type of resources needed to complete the project.

What is a schedule?

The conversion of a project WBS into an operating time table and serves as the basis for monitoring and controlling project activity

Risk Appetite

The degree of uncertainty an entity is WILLING to take on in anticipation of a reward

Risk Tolerance

The degree, amount, or volume of risk that an organization or individual WILL withstand

CPM: Earliest Finish

The earliest possible point in time when the uncompleted portion of a schedile activity can finish

CPM: Earliest Start

The earliest possible point in time when the uncompleted portions of a schedule activity can start

The success of the project launch meeting is dependent on?

The existence of a well-defined set of objectives.

Technique: Brainstorming

The goal is to obtain a comprehensive list of project risks, The project team does the branstorming

Scheduling Flexibility: Latest Finish

The latest possible point in time in which the uncompleted portions of a schedule activity can finish

Scheduling Flexibility: Latest Start

The latest possible point in time in which the uncompleted portions of a schedule activity can start

Project Boundary

The point in time at which the start or completion of the project or project phase is authorized

Process 1. Plan Risk Management

The process of defining how to conduct risk management for a project. The key benefit is ensuring that the degree, type, and visibility of risk management are corresponding with the risk and importance to the firm

Project Charter: Outputs

The project charter documents the business needs, assumptions, constraints, the understanding of the customers needs and high level requirements, and intended deliverable to satisfy

What is the Risk Management Plan a component of?

The risk management plan is a component of the project management plan and it communicates how risk management activities will be structured and performed

Identify two objections commonly raised by marketing organizations against the early participation by engineering and manufacturing in the selling process to external customers. Explain how you would counter these objections.

The sales arm of the organization is trained to sell. It is expected to be fully conversant with all technical aspects of the firm's products and services. In addition, salespeople are expected to be knowledgeable about design and manufacturing lead times and schedules. On the other hand, it is widely assumed by marketing that manufacturing and design engineers do not understand sales techniques. Moreover, there may be legitimate concerns about the appropriateness and effectiveness of interpersonal communications due to the lack of formal training in selling processes. And finally, it is expensive to invest high-priced technical talent for proposals with a relatively low probability of success.

Identify four important outcomes associated with the project launch meeting.

The technical scope should be established. Participants should accept the basic areas for performance responsibility. Tentative schedules and budgets are spelled out for the overall project. A group to manage risk has been created.

Elements: Resources

The three main aspects of this section include the budget, a complete list and description of contractual items, and the cost monitoring and control procedures

A work package in the WBS

The work package level is the lowest level of a work breakdown structure

Risk as Probability

There is a possibility (1%-99%) that the event will occur.

What happens if an uncertain event occurs?

There may be an impact on the project scope, cost, schedule, quality, or performance

What do Risk Responses need to be?

They need to be appropriate for the significance of the risk, cost-effective in meeting the challenge, realistic in the project context, agreed upon by all involved parties, and owned by a responsible individual. (Accountable)

What is always certain in projects?

Things will not go precisely as planned

Risk Management Plans

This covers potential problems and potential lucky breaks that could affect the project as well as plans to deal with favorable and unfavorable contingenies

WBS Procedure: Affinitity Diagram

This procedure is a brainstorming excersise that is used to organize ideas and group common themes. USE OF POST ITS

Elements: Overview

This section describes both managerial and technical approaches to the work

Evaluation Methods

This section should incorporate a brief description of the procedure to be followed in the monitoring, controlling, storing, auditing, and evaluating the project, as well as post-project (Lessons Learned)

Compare the risk response planning techniques for threats and opportunities.

Threat responses: 1.) avoid 2.) transfer 3.) mitigate 4.) accept Opportunity responses: 1.) exploit 2.) share 3.) enhance 4.) accept

_____ may result in long hours and frustration for the project team, which may lead to burnout.

Time Boxing

Project budgets and learning from experience.

Top-down budgeting

Which of the following distributions has mean which is equal to (a +b +c) / 3 where a, b, and c are denote optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimates respectively?:

Triangular Distribution

33) The Internet has its roots in ARPANET, a network of U.S. government and selected research and development firms in the private sector that grew to include educational institutions and other nonprofit organizations.


34) According to the textbook, traditional U.S. retailers that had developed a multichannel capability appeared to have an online B2C advantage by 2005.


A client offers you an expense-paid vacation to Aruba if you reduce the cost of the project by 10%. This would be an example of conflict of interest.


A good project metric should be understandable, quantifiable, cost effective, proven, and be effective.


A hypocritical leader extols the virtues of integrity and ethical conduct, but then engages in unethical behavior and may encourage others to do so as well.


A project metric should be obtained from observable, quantifiable data that allows the team and other stakeholders to gauge the efficiency and effectiveness of the work being done.


A reserve can provide a cushion when unexpected situations arise


A scoring model can combine both qualitative items reflected in the weights and scores that are based on people's judgments.


A significant deficiency of the payback method of analyzing alternatives is the failure to account for the time value of money.


A work breakdown structure (WBS) represents a logical decomposition of the work to be performed and how the product, service, or result is naturally subdivided.


According to the CHAOS studies, more IT projects are becoming increasing successful, but there is still a need to improve the likelihood of success


Basing an estimate of activity durations on experience gained from working on similar projects is called analogous estimation.


Before conducting the final project evaluation, one must be sure that information system delivered has not been changed by the users or support staff.


Budget At Completion (BAC) is the total planned cost of a project.


Constraints are factors that can limit the project and usually can have an impact on scope, schedule, budget, or quality.


Contract closure ensures that all of the deliverables and agreed upon terms of the project have been completed and delivered.


Control charts are used to highlight statistically significant variation in processes.


Documenting lessons learned is an important part of continuous quality improvement.


Effective project risk management requires that each risk have an owner.


Failure to clearly define and agree on the project's MOV may lead to a runaway or perpetual project.


Failure to follow a formal risk management plan will often cause organizations to be reactive and find themselves in a state of perpetual crisis, a condition known as crisis management.


Fast tracking is defined as starting the next phase of a project before the current phase is complete.


For a project to be closed successfully, the product of the project must be formally accepted by the project sponsor or customer.


High potential for conflict and poor response time are disadvantages of the Matrix Organizational structure.


IT projects must provide value to an organization


IT projects must provide value to an organization.


Identifying the critical path is important because any change in the duration of the activities or tasks on the critical path will affect the project's schedule.


Identifying the project stakeholders is an important component of the project charter.


Individual performance reviews should provide a consensus on improving performance.


Information Technology Projects are organizational investments.


Installing a server before loading the operating system is an example of a finish-to-start relationship.


It never pays to ignore an element of project risk.


Learning cycles can be used as a tool for identifying threats and opportunities.


Management focuses activities related to planning, organizing, controlling staffing, evaluating, and monitoring.


Once the project is accepted by the sponsor or customer, a number of administrative closure processes remain.


Once the project schedule and budget are accepted by the client or sponsor, the project plan becomes the baseline plan that will be used as a benchmark to track the project's actual progress.


PMBOK® views project integration management as one of the most important because it coordinates the other nine knowledge areas.


PRINCE2® is similar to the PMBOK® Guide in that it follows the project life cycle and provides stakeholders with a common language and approach to managing projects.


Parallel activities can shorten the project schedule, but can have an impact on project resources if a resource is assigned to two tasks at the same time.


Project implementation focuses on installing or delivering the project's major deliverable in organization-the information system that was built or purchased.


Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements


Project team members should be chosen based upon their technology skills, business/organization skills, and interpersonal skills.


Scope change control is concerned with ensuring that any changes to the project scope will be beneficial, with determining that an actual scope change has occurred, and with managing the actual changes when and as they occur.


Scope change control procedures protect the scope boundary from expanding as a result of increasing featurism.


Socialization can take place through formal means such as training or mentoring and through less formal ones such as interaction with peers and supervisors.


Stakeholders are individuals, groups, or even organizations that have a stake or claim in the project's outcome.


Start-to-Start and Finish-to-Finish relationships allow activities to be worked on in parallel.


Taken together, the concepts of quality management, verification and validation, and quality control support the overall project quality management plan.


Task duration always equals work. True/False?


The Data Processing Era that began in the 1960's focused on automating many of the organizational transactions such as general accounting, inventory management, and production scheduling with the aid of a centralized mainframe or mini computers.


The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge provides a basis for identifying and describing the generally accepted principles of project management


The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge provides a basis for identifying and describing the generally accepted principles of project management.


The coaching style of leadership helps people identify their strengths and weakness so that long-term professional goals can be set.


The coercive style of leadership can be effective in a crisis situation.


The concept of expected value rests on the notion of a probability-weighted summation of component parts.


The critical path has zero slack (or float)


The critical path is the longest path in the project network and also is the shortest time in which the project can be completed.


The deployment of a specific risk management strategy is in part a function of risk tolerance levels of the stakeholders.


The direct cutover is the generally the least favored implementation approach.


The final project report may be circulated to key stakeholders prior to the final meeting and presentation.


The final test of project success is the evaluation of the project's MOV.


The fishbone or Ishikawa diagram is a form of cause and effect analysis diagramming. Correct Response


The integration of project management and systems development activities is one important component that distinguishes IT projects form other types of projects


The kick-off meeting brings closure to the planning phase of the project.


The main feature of the Matrix Organizational structure is the ability to integrate areas and resources throughout an organization.


The net present value method of project valuation takes into account all relevant cash flows as well as the company's required rate of return


The net present value method of project valuation takes into account all relevant cash flows as well as the company's required rate of return.


The pacesetting style of leadership may be appropriate in situations that require quick results from a highly motivated team.


The project budget is determined by the project schedule, the cost of the resources assigned to each of the tasks, and by any other direct or indirect costs and reserves.


The project charter serves as an agreement for all the project stakeholders.


The schedule variance (SV) shows the difference between the current progress of the project and its original or planned value.


The scope boundary establishes both what is, and what is not part of the project work to be completed by the project team.


The scope statement defines the project boundary.


The scope statement documents the sponsor's needs and expectations.


The total benefits of ownership (TBO) should address the benefits of an alternative over the course of its useful life.


Triggers or flags in the form of metrics should be identified to draw attention to a particular risk when it occurs.


Under PRINCE2®, the Project Board is accountable for the project's success or failure


Unknown-unknown risks are residual risks that we cannot even imagine happening.


Variations that fall more than three standard deviations from the mean are attributed to assignable cause.


Verification activities focus on asking the question of whether we followed the right procedures and processes.


Scope Creep

Uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time, costs, and resources. Happens Slowly and unnoticed

The _____ helps to identify the main functions or features of the system and the different users or external systems that interact with the system.

Use case diagram

When is resource leveling used?

Used when shared or critically required resources are only available at certain times or in limited quantities.

The following are components of the Agile Manifesto except:

User Involvement over Cost of Project

How are most heuristic models started?

Using Pert and CPM schedules and analyze the resource usage period by period, resource by resource


Usually represented by type, size, and quantity (tractor, lab equipment)

Which of the following is a product-oriented activity that attempts to determine if the system or project deliverable meets the customer or client's expectations?


A deviation from the schedule or budget established by the baseline plan.


Managing complex projects often involves use of multidisciplinary teams (MTs) including personnel from...

Various combinations of college majors, work units, subcontractors, and industry partners.

_________ introduced the control chart to better understand process variations.

Walter Shewhart

12) Which statement about Web 2.0 is true? A) the World Wide Web is used as a platform for sharing personal information B) the Web 2.0 browser is the one that succeeded Mosaic C) it is a new protocol that has been approved by the W3C D) it refers to the use of XML to replace EDI over the Internet


17) Which of the following was a pioneer in developing a superior online shopping experience for consumers? A) B) C) D)


18) Which of the following is not an example of an online intermediary? A) Dell B) e-Bay C) Facebook D) Google


According to the authors, any project plan must contain all of the following EXCEPT __________.

a "ballpark" estimates

One key reason for the 1997 Mars Project cost savings was

a project cash reserve was held back for time-phased release.

Sensitivity analysis/what if analysis

a useful tool to evaluate projects in conceptual stage is stimulation combined with sensitivity analysis.

The success of the project launch meeting is dependent on the existence of __________.

a well-defined set of objectives for the project

Which of these is an advantages of Matrixed Organizations? The project is the point of emphasis. b. The project has reasonable access to functional experts c. Team members have less anxiety about their fate after the project. d. The response to the client can be rapid as a stand-alone project. e. The project has reasonable access to administrative support. f. Firm's resources are better utilized. g. There is considerable flexibility in how a project is organized h. The organizations form violates the management principle of unity of command.

a. The project is the point of emphasis. b. The project has reasonable access to functional experts c. Team members have less anxiety about their fate after the project. d. The response to the client can be rapid as a stand-alone project. e. The project has reasonable access to administrative support. f. Firm's resources are better utilized. g. There is considerable flexibility in how a project is organized

Which of the following attributes is least important for sucessful project managers

ability to learn new technical skills

Project Cost Management

assures that the project budget is developed and completed as approved.

Once the project schedule and project budget are approved they become the _____

baseline plan

The set of physical elements required to build a project is called the __________.

bill of materials

Composite Organizational designs exist when

both functional and projectized divisions coexist in one firm.

Project success depends upon

both the technical skills of the team and the political and negotiating skills of the PM are critical.

14) Which statement about the usage of social media as a B2C platform is not true? A) companies are using social media to communicate with customers B) Fortune 500 companies are using Facebook, but not Twitter C) blogs are being used to help "brand" a company or products D) some companies have used online communities to generate and comment on product ideas


28) Which of the following is an example of a "first mover" success not always being valid? A) Google B) eBay C) Yahoo! D) Staples


Ambiguities in projects

can be managed to reduce their impact.

What is Monte Carlo Simulation used for?

can be managed to reduce their impact.

A __________ must be submitted for any changes requested after the project plan has been approved.

change order

Adding resources to an activity to shorten the critical path is called_____


All of the following are included in the Project Scope except:

deliverable structure chart

The physical items to be delivered from a project are called __________.


The first step in accurately estimating an IT application is to _____.

determine the size

A _____ is best developed by brainstorming with a learning cycle approach to identify and correct a particular problem.

fishbone diagram

Executing processes:

focus on integrating people and resources to carry out the planned activities.

The core values of quality programs proposed by Shewhart, Deming, Juran, Ishikawa, and Crosby include:

focus on the customer

Project Integration Management

focuses on coordinating the project plan's development, execution, and control of changes.

Which of these is not an advantage of a Projectized Organization. a. The PM has full line authority over the project. b. All the members of the project are directly responsible to the Pm. c. When the project is removed from the functional division, the lines of communication are shortened. d. When there are similar projects, theses organizations can maintain a permanent cadre of experts f. The project team that has a strong and separate identity of its own tends to develop a high level of commitment from its members. g. Projects take on a life of their own. h. These organizations support rapid decision-making i. Unity of command exist. j. These organizations are structurally simple and flexible. k. Pure projects support a holistic approach to the project.

g. Projects take on a life of their own.

The __________ chart is a tree diagram used to represent a hierarchical plan.


Expected Time to Completion (ETC) is __________

how much longer it will take to complete the project

Earned Value tells us __________

how much of the budget we really should have spent on the work completed so far

Actual Cost (AC) is __________

how much we actually spent for work completed

Budget At Completion (BAC) is __________

how much we budgeted to spend at the beginning of the project

Estimate at Completion (EAC) is __________

how much we spent to complete the project

Project Time Management

includes identifying the project phases and activities and estimating, sequencing, and assigning resources.

The process of coordinating the work and timing of the different groups working on multidisciplinary teams is called __________.

integration manangement

A project that improved operational effectiveness would impact the _____area of an organization


A project that improved operational effectiveness would impact the _____area of an organization.


Crystal Ball is a software program that

provides a distribution of potential outcomes with associated probabilities.

Common benefits of the Matrixed Organization include

rapid response to client needs and less anxiety over next job after project ends

A project that increased market share would impact the _____area of an organization.


Schedule Variance (SV) is __________

the difference between the current progress and the original schedule

The top factors to project success as reported by the CHAOS studies focus on:

user involvement and executive support

Develop Schedule

" Process of analyzing activity sequences, durations, resource requirements, and schedule constraints, to create the project schedule model


" Skilled human resources, services, equipment, supplies, commodities, material, budgets, or funds". Time is not a resource but a constraint

Calculate the ROI for a project with total expected costs of $40,000 and total expected benefits of 35,000.


Plan Risk Responses: Strategies for Negative Risks or Threats (4)

1. Avoid: Risk avoidance is a risk response strategy by whereby the project team acts to eliminate the threat or protect the project from it impact 2.Transfer: Risk Transference is a risk response strategy whereby the project team shifts the impact of the threat to a third party 3. Mitigate: Risk mitigation is a risk response strategy whereby the project team acts to reduce the probability of occurrence or impact of risk 4. Accept: Risk acceptance is strategy whereby the project team decides to acknowledge the risk and not take any actions unless the risk occurs

What does the Control Risk Process try to determine? (4)

1. Project assumptions are still valid 2. Analysis shows an assessed risk changed or can be retired 3.Risk Management policies/procedures are being followed 4. Contigency reserves should be modified to align risks

What are the three classifications of Risk Attitudes?

1. Risk Appetite 2. Risk tolerance 3.Risk Threshold

Project Network Conditions

1. Start 2.END 3. MIDDLE

Project Launch Meeting Expectations

1. Technical Scope must be established 2. Participants accept areas of performance responsibility 3. Any tentative delivery dates or budgets are clearly noted 4. A risk management group is created 5. Each individual/unit accepting a role should agree to deliver by the next meeting a detailed plan on how responsibilities will be accomplished

Which of the following statements about the business case is NOT true:

A business case provides a project budget.

RACI Matrix

A common type of responsibility matric that uses responsible, accountable, Consult, and Inform Statuses to define involvement of stakeholder in project activities

According to the authors, the task of risk identification will be horrendous if the risk management system has no memory. Discuss the important elements of a risk management system that would compensate for alack of memory by the organization.

A good risk management system should be a source of answers to the results and circumstances of previous projects. Such a system would record all the assumptions made at the outset of the project since these can be sources of risks. The system should also identify all the environments, external and internal, that can impact the project. If the organization has a risk management group, then all risks identified by that group should be recorded and easily accessible by all members of the project team. The data should be structured so that keyword searches can easily identify all categories of risks. Another key part of the system is a detailed listing of all qualitative and quantitative risk estimates along with an explanation of how the estimates were derived.

4. Resource Breakdown Structure

A hierachical list of resources related by category and resource type that is used to facilitate planning and controlling of project work. Each descending level represents an increasingly details description of the resource untill small enough to be used with the WBS.


A logical relationship in which a sucessor activity cant start until a predecessor activity has finished Ex. Award ceremony (successor)cant start until the race(Predecessor) is over


A person or group who provides resources and support for the project or program and is accountable for enabling success (e.g internal or external)

What is a WBS critical for?

A proper WBS is the most critical element in good scheduling and budgeting

Example of Risk CAUSE

A risk CAUSE could include the requirement of an environmental permit. The risk is that a permitting agency may take longer than planned to issue

Project Risk CAUSES

A risk may have one or more causes. A cause may be a given or potential requirement, assumption, constraint, or condition that creates the possibility of an outcome

Resource Leveling

A technique in which start and finish dates are adjusted based on resource constraints with the goal of balancing demand for resources with the available supply. Critical path increases

Scheduling Compression Technique: Crashing

A technique to shorten the schedule duration for the least incremental costs by adding resources. ADDS COSTS

Benefits of Developing Project Charter

A well defined project start and boundaries, a formal record of the project, and a direct way for senior managers to formally accept or commit to the project


Activity that logically comes before a dependent activity in a schedule

Cost Variance (CV) = Earned Value - ___________.

Actual Cost (AC)

The cost incurred for completing a scheduled task or WBS component is the

Actual Cost (AC)

A project plan includes which of the following:

All of these

Emotional intelligence

All of these

Many organizations have a kick-off meeting because _______.

All of these

Quality metrics should focus on __________.

All of these

The final project report should include:

All of these

A capability that outlines a specific set of competencies associated with emotional intelligence is:

All of these are capabilities associated with emotional intelligence

Which of the following would NOT be considered a complexity of international projects?

All of these are complexities of international projects

Information distribution includes all of the following EXCEPT:

All of these are examples of information distribution

Heuristic Model

Any approach to problem solving, learning, or discovery that employs a practical method not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect, but sufficient for immediate goals

Scope Change

Any change to the project scope. A scope change almost always requires adjustments to the project cost or schedule Know and accounted for

An estimation technique characterized by the dividing the project into smaller modules and then directly estimating the time and effort in terms of person-hours, person-weeks, or person-months for each module best describes

Bottom-Up Estimating

With _____, activity estimates are usually provided by the team members.

Bottom-Up Estimating

Initial generation of ideas without evaluation would be most closely associated with:


Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process centers on defining and documenting the stakeholders' needs to properly manage expectations?

Collect Requirements

Risk management's primary focus is on what type of activities?

Complex coordination of planning, risk identification, risk analysis, response planning, monitoring & control, and recording of incidents.

While working on an IT project, you learn that a particular department plans to reduce its staff by 50%. The manager of this department has asked the project team to keep this information secret until the plans are finalized. A good friend of yours works in this department and has asked you whether you heard of any news concerning the future of the department. This would be an example of which of the following ethical dilemmas?


Elements: Objectives

Contains a detailed statement of the general goals, what constitutes success, and how the porject will be terminated

Best Practice for Hierachical Planning system

Continue to break down work packages for the next planning horizon until is has less than 8 hours of effor and not more than 80 hours of effort.

Risk Management Register

Creating a permanent register of identified risks, methods used to mitigate/resolves them, and the results for all risk management activities.

3. Develop Schedule: CPM

Critical Path Method

What are some appropriate tools for managing projects?

Crystal Ball, Microsoft Project, & Excel.

Project Launch Meeting Agenda

Define the project, its purpose, and expected goals and deliverables. Introduce the project members and briefly discuss the role of each. PM must take charge and lead

Resource Loading

Defines the amounts of the individual resources a schedule requires during specific time periods. It gives a general understanding of the resource demands

1. Methodology

Defines the approaches, tools, and data sources that will be used to perform risk management

2. Roles and Responsibilities

Defines the lead, supporting, and team members for each type of activity in the risk management plan, and clarifies their responsibilites

4. Timing

Defines when and how often risk management process will be performed throughout the life cycle

A list of 14 points for quality is associated with __________.


The leadership style that would be least effective in a crisis situation would be the:

Democratic style

When using _____, the leader spends time getting other people's ideas, while building trust, respect, and commitment.

Democratic style

_____ is the least favored implementation approach due to the higher level of risk.

Direct Cutover

_____ may be appropriate for non mission critical applications.

Direct Cutover

_____ places more pressure on the project team.

Direct Cutover

An ethically neutral leader could be described as someone who _______.

Does not provide a clear message of the ethical conduct that is expected, so people interpret this to mean that the leader doesn't care how business goals are met - just that they are met.

Risk Attitude

Driven by perceptions, tolerances, and other biases.

32) An extranet is a private network operating within an organization that employs the TCP/IP protocol to provide information, applications, and other tools for use by the organization's employees.


According to the CHAOS studies most IT projects are completed on time and on budget.


Breaking a project down into phases increases the complexity and project risk.


Development of the project charter is the responsibility of the project sponsor.


Emotional intelligence is largely genetic just like a person's intelligence quotient (IQ).


Nominal Group Technique is a free form, unstructured process similar to Brainstorming.


One attribute of a good project metric is that it should be subjective so that a stakeholder can understand the project manager's personal opinion or insight as to how the project is progressing.


The area under the normal distribution curve that lies within 2 standard deviations of the mean (plus or minus) includes about 68% of all the values.


Project Risk Management

Includes that processes of conducting risk management planning, identification, analysis, response planning, and controlling project risk

What is the impact of increasing the time for completion of a project?

Increasing cost

What is the key benefit of Identifying Risks?

Is a report of exisiting risks and the knowledge/ability it provides to the project team to anticipate events

When the Project Scope grows through the addition of various features or functionality, it may lead to a _____ project.


Assessment of the project manager and project team occurs during the _____ .

Project Audit

In the final analysis, project success is determined in the:

Project Audit

In order to deal with the managerial and administrative issues in a way that meets the parent organization's rules for management and administration, many firms have created a ?

Project Management office.

Earned Value (EV) would be an example of a ______.

Project Metric

The tool most closely associated with activity bars across a horizontal time axis is:

Project Network Diagrams

_____ can help manage the Critical Path by providing information about which activities can be delayed without affecting the deadline target date.

Project Network Diagrams

_____ provide valuable information about the logical sequence and dependencies among the various activities and tasks:

Project Network Diagrams

The systematic process of identifying, analyzing and responding to project risk

Project Risk Management.

Within the Project Charter, _____defines the work to be completed.

Project Scope

The _____serves as the agreement and contract between the project sponsor and the project team including such items as the project MOV, infrastructure, and project plan details.

Project charter

Who negotiates with stakeholders to obtain project objectives?

Project management office.

A _________ is a formal or informal meeting that shows evidence of project work that has been completed and provides a forum for surfacing issues, problems, decision-making.

Project review

Time Constrained Project

Resources are added to ensure the project is completed on time (Resource Allocation)

People, equipment and material needed to complete the work on a plan.


Resource Constrained Project

Restricted resources cause delays

Briefly describe the six processes for risk management identified in the PMBOK Guidelines.

Risk management planning is focused on how to approach and plan the risk management activities for a project. In risk identification, the risks that can affect the project for better or for worse are identified. In qualitative risk analysis, non-numerical priorities are established for the risk events identified previously. In quantitative risk analysis, probability and impact are converted into expected monetary value. In risk response planning, contingency plans are established to capture opportunities and respond to threats. In risk monitoring and control, warning signs and triggers are used to determine when corrective actions are required to bring the project back on track.

The _______________ is the key input for establishing the monitoring and control systems for the projec


Elements: Personnel

Section identifies the expected personnel requirement of the project, particularly the PM and the sponsor/approver of the project

Initiating processes:

Signal the beginning of the project or phase.

The amount of time an activity can be delayed before affecting the project deadline is _____


Waiting to leave your shift until another person shows up is an example of:

Start-To-Finish (SF)

Under the Precedence Diagramming Method, the situation which occurs when a relationship between two tasks that can or must start at the same time is called:

Start-To-Start (SS)

The _____ is a narrative description of the product, service, or Information System.

Statement of Work

A _________ describes the present state of the project and provides compares the project's actual progress to the baseline plan.

Status report

Describe the general steps recommended by the authors for designing and using the WBS.

Step 1: Using information from the action plan, list the task breakdown in excessively finer levels of detail. Continue until all meaningful tasks for work packages have been identified. Each task should be at a level of detail such that it can be individually planned, budgeted, scheduled, monitored, and controlled. Step 2: For each work package, identify the data relevant to the WBS. It is helpful to construct a linear responsibility chart to show who is responsible for what. The LRC will help the PM keep track of who must approve what and who must report to whom. Step 3: All work package information should be reviewed with the individuals or organizations responsible for doing or supporting the work. This review should verify the WBS's accuracy. Step 4: The project budget should consist of four elements. They are: direct budgets from each task, an indirect costs budget for the project, a project contingency for unexpected emergencies, and any residual, which includes a profit derived from the project. Step 5: Schedule information and milestones should be integrated into a project master schedule. Step 6: During project execution, the project manager will compare actual resource usage by work element, work package, task and so on against the planned amounts for those items. This will enable the project manager to refine estimates and initiate appropriate corrective actions as necessary. Step 7: The schedule will be analyzed in the same manner as the budget.

What is a scope of a project subject to?

Subject to considerable uncertainty (Changes)

Which of the following is not likely a characteristic of a good project metric?:



Takes form of contracts (External) and memos

The activity that has a starting and finishing point.


Project goals or deliverables are normally the result of?

Team effort

Resource Smoothing

Technique that adjusts activities of a schedule model where requirements for resources on a project do not exceed certain predefined resource limits. Does not affect critical path

High level of integration, improved communication, and increased project focus are advantages of:

The Matrix Organization

High level of integration, improved communication, increased project focus, higher potential for conflict, and poorer response time are advantages and disadvantages of:

The Matrix Organization

Unity of command violations are most often associated with:

The Matrix Organization

Which structure will tend to work well when an organization cannot dedicate scarce resources to a project?

The Matrix Organization

_____ integrates areas and resources throughout the organization.

The Matrix Organization

MS project default dependency Finish to Start means when the success tasks _______

The Predecessor should have finished

Which member of the Project Team is generally in personal control of the Project Schedule?

The Project Manager

Clear authority and responsibility, improved communication, and a high level of integration are advantages of:

The Project Organization

Project isolation, duplication of effort, and projectitis are disadvantages of:

The Project Organization

Of the choices below, which tool has the most significant influence on the management of projects?

The Schedule

Which of the following statements about the work breakdown structure (WBS) is not true?

The WBS should be developed by the project manager.

Process 2. Identify Risk

The process of determining which risks may have an effect on the project and documenting their characteristics.

Scope management plan: Collect Requirements

The process of determining, documenting, and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet project objectives. Provided basis for defining and managing project scope.

Scope Management Plan: Define Scope

The process of developing a detailed description of the project. Since all of the requirements identified in the previous (Collect requirements).

Scope management is

The process of developing and managing a detailed description of the project and product. or The process of creating a scope management plan that documents how the project scope will be defined, validated, and controlled

Process 5. Plan Risk Responses

The process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to project objectives.

Process 6. Control Risk

The process of implementing risk response plans, tracking identifies risks, monitoring risidual risks, identifying new risks, and evaluating risk process effectiveness throughout the project

Process 4. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

The process of numerically analyzing the effect on identified risks on overall project objectives

Process 3. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

The process of prioritizing risks for further analysis or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurence and impact.

When should the Plan Risk Management Process end?

The process should be completed early during the projects planning.

When should the Plan Risk Management process begin?

The process should begin when the project is conceived

Resource Limited

The project must be finished as soon as possible but not exceeding some specific level of resource usage or some general resource constraint.

Time Limited

The project must be finished by a certain time, using as few resources as possible. Time is the most critical

Barring a change in project scope and given a Cost Performance Index (CPI) that is less than 1, the most reasonable inference to draw is that:

The project will likely cost more than planned

Barring a change in project scope and given a Schedule Performance Index (SPI) that is greater than 1, the most reasonable inference to draw is that:

The project will likely finish earlier than planned.

The overall goal and measure of project success is:

The project's MOV

Which of the following statements is the best indicator that the new software project was successful.

The project's product, a software system, was a week late and 2% over budget, but six months later was found to have met the company's goal of reducing service callbacks by 15%.

8. Definition of Risk Probability and Impact

The quality and credibility of the risk analysis requires that project specific levels of risk probablilty and impact defined

____ can be a very effective estimating technique by forcing examination of project risks so that specific budget or schedule targets can be achieved.

Top-Down Estimating

What is the difference between and bottoms up and top down budget?

Top-down involves developing a budget by comparing new project to past projects using judgement and experience of top & middle management but bottom-up involves developing budgets by asking the people who will perform the individual task for their estimates

A business case is a deliverable that documents the project's goal, as well as several alternatives or options.


A leader who "Models the Way" attempts to be an effective leader by setting an example so that he or she wins people's respect based on behavior and not title or position.


A methodology provides a systematic way to plan, manage, and execute projects


A parallel activity is a task that can be worked on at the same time as another activity.


A process that is shown to have eight successive values that are less than two standard deviations away from the mean might be correctly categorized as stable or in statistical control.


A project can be defined as a temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish a unique purpose


A project can be defined as a temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish a unique purpose.


According to the CHAOS studies, more IT projects are becoming increasing successful, but there is still a need to improve the likelihood of success.


According to the CHAOS studies, user involvement and executive support tend to be important factors for successful projects


According to the Standish Group, it appears that most project today fail not because of technology, but from a lack of user involvement and incomplete resources.


Although projects follow a project life cycle, the development of new products, services, or information systems follow a product life cycle


Although projects follow a project life cycle, the development of new products, services, or information systems follow a product life cycle.


An ethically neutral leader is someone who does not provide clear ethical guidance so others do not know what the leader's ethical beliefs are or whether he or she cares.


An over allocated resource would arise when Mary is assigned to work on two tasks scheduled at the same time.


An unethical leader is usually someone who is a morally weak individual and manager.


Assumptions are what we use to estimate scope, schedule and budget and to assess the risks of the project.


Assumptions can be thought of as things that must go right in order for the project to be completed as planned.


Defect arrival rates, Defects by phase, and Fix Response time are all process metrics.


Disadvantages of the Project Organizational structure include project isolation, duplication of effort, and projectitis.


During the Network Era, IT projects have focused primarily on the challenge of creating a scalable IT infrastructure to support many partners, strategic alliances, vendors, and customers.


Earned value provides a performance measurement that tells us how much of the budget we really should have spent for the work completed so far.


One practice of exemplary leadership is to inspire a shared vision so people become committed to a purpose.


One way to ensure that the WBS has the appropriate level of detail is to ensure that the people who do the work are involved in its development.


PERT was developed in the 1950s to create a visual representation of scheduled activities, their logical sequence, and interrelationships using a statistical probability distribution.


Planned value (PV) is the planned or budgeted cost of work scheduled for an activity or component of the WBS.


Predecessor activities are activities that must be completed before another activity can be started.


Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements.


Project network diagrams provide valuable information about the logical sequence and dependencies among the various activities and tasks so that a completion date or deadline can be determined


Project termination by starvation may result from changed priorities.


Qualitative risk analysis has as one of its strengths the ability to include subjective analysis based on experience and judgment.


Scoring models are useful because they allow for the inclusion of qualitative factors


The Estimate At Completion (EAC) is a project metric that can be used to estimate the most likely total or final cost of the project based on the project's performance and any risks that should be considered.


The Expected Time Complete (ETC) provides an estimate for completing the scheduled work that remains.


The Functional Organization is based upon organizing resources to perform specialized tasks or activities in order to attain the goals of the organization.


The PMBOK® are called project cost management includes estimate costs, determine budget, and control costs.


The PMBOK® definition of project risk suggests that a systematic process is needed to effectively manage the risk of a project.


The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) and PRojects IN Controlled Environments (PRINCE2®) are two popular and widely used project management methodologies.


The Project Organizational structure supports clear authority and responsibility, improved communication, and high levels of integration.


The Schedule Performance Index (SPI) for our project is greater than one (1) and so we would anticipate that all other things being equal, our project will finish ahead of schedule.


The four phases of a learning cycle include: Understand and frame the problem, plan, act, reflect and learn.


The project communications plan may be informal depending on the needs of the project stakeholders and the size of the project.


The project environment includes not only the physical space where the team will work, but also the project culture as well.


The project manager could be an employee or consultant from one of the enterprise's functional areas. true/False?


The project manager must have a clear picture of how the actual progress or work compares to the baseline plan in order to make well-informed decisions, take appropriate actions, or to make adjustments to the project plan.


The project schedule should have any holidays or other non-working time designated before the schedule is baselined.


The purpose of a project review is to not only show evidence that the project work is being completed, but also that the work is being completed according to various standards or agreed upon requirements.


The rise of islands of independent that replicated data throughout the organization during the Micro Era in the 1980's often challenged the centralized control of many data processing managers.


The work breakdown structure (WBS) decomposes, or subdivides, the project into smaller components and more manageable units of work called work packages.


Time boxing involves allocating a time segment for a task rather than attempting to estimate how long that task should take.


Which of the following focuses on the process-related activities of the project to ensure that the product or deliverable meets its specified requirements before final testing of the system begins?


Projects where work crosses time, space organizational, or cultural boundaries, which are facilitated by the use of internet and advanced communication technologies are called ?

Virtual Projects.

The __________is a list of the project activities with major activities broken down into subactivities.


Scope Management Plan: Create Work Breakdown Structure

WBS " Hierachical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish project objectives and create the required deliverables. Organizes the total work scope of a project in a which each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of work.

What are stakeholders and organization willing to accept?

Willing to accept a varying degree of risk depending on their risk attitude. Attitude toward risk influence the way they respond

Where is the location of a project in the "functional structure"?

Within one of the major divisions

The total schedule effort for a task, a resource, a resource assignment or an entire plan.


The identification of every task in the plan that reflects the task's location in the hierarchy of the plan.

Work breakdown structure

The major tool that a project manager uses during the planning phase is called the __________.

Work breakdown structure WBS

20) What term refers to web sites that were designed to be an initial point of access, or gateway, to other sites? A) Web portal B) Firewall C) Web browser D) Virus


22) Which is a major challenge that Facebook is continually facing? A) user trust for maintaining the privacy of their personal information B) finding more users C) branding D) none of the above


24) The 1999 end-of-year holiday season was considered a milestone in B2C e-business in the U.S. because online sales approached what percentage of total holiday sales? A) 1% B) 2% C) 5% D) 10%


7) Which of the following uses cryptography to ensure secure transmission over a public network? A) digital signatures B) communication protocols C) web browsers D) search engines


Request for Proposal (RFP) and statement of Work (SOW)

a document routinely employed in the field of project management. It defines project-specific activities, deliverables and timelines for a vendor providing services to the client. The SOW typically also includes detailed requirements and pricing, with standard regulatory and governance terms and conditions. It is often an important accompaniment to a request for proposal (RFP).

1. Which of these is the advantages of having a functional organization within the firm a. Maximum flexibility in the uses of stuff b. Individual experts can be utilized by many different projects c. All the members of the project are directly responsible to the PM. d. Specialist in the division can be grouped to share knowledge and experience. e. The client is not focus of activity. f. The functional division also serves as a base of technological continuity. g. The functional division contains the normal path of of advancement for the project team members whose expertise is in the functional area.

a. Maximum flexibility in the uses of stuff b. Individual experts can be utilized by many different projects d. Specialist in the division can be grouped to share knowledge and experience. f. The functional division also serves as a base of technological continuity. g. The functional division contains the normal path of of advancement for the project team members whose expertise is in the functional area.

Which of the following organizational variables can influence the selection of IT projects?

all of these

Monitoring and controlling processes:

allows for managing and measuring progress toward the project's MOV and scope, schedule, budget, and quality objectives

The project charter _________.

and the project plan should be developed together

1) A bricks-and-clicks company can be described as all of the following except: A) multichannel. B) pure-play. C) integrating offline and online business. D) click-and-mortar.


11) Which type of e-business is most dependent upon the number of individuals having Internet access? A) B2B B) B2C C) G2G D) C2B


16) Which of the following was NOT a pioneer in providing online customers with the ability to order customized products through their Web site? A) Lands' End B) Blockbuster C) Dell D) all of the above


19) Providing customized content to the user based on the actual geographic location of their handheld device is a form of: A) C2C B) M-commerce C) EDI D) none of the above


2) Which law describes the relative value of a network as proportional to the square of the number of its members? A) Moore's Law B) Metcalfe's Law C) M-commerce Law D) McAffe's Law


21) In what industries are companies that serve as online B2B intermediaries more likely to have a sustainable business model? A) those with lots of buyers and few sellers B) those with lots of buyers and lots of sellers C) those with few buyers and lots of sellers D) none of the above


23) Which of the following is NOT a difference in e-business after the U.S. dot-com meltdown when compared with before the meltdown? A) less venture capital B) pure-play businesses no longer exist C) company valuations based on potential for earnings and profits D) some state sales taxes


30) Which of the following countries has a national policy that requires that all web sites be registered and in compliance with national guidelines about certain content? A) Japan B) China C) U.S. D) U.K.


6) Which statement about the growth of e-business in the 1990s is not true? A) the U.S. Congress did not impose a sales tax on purchases via the Internet B) credit card processing for online purchases was available even before the web browser C) DSL and cable modems to U.S. homes increased the download speeds for web sites D) search engines enabled users to find web sites without keying in their URLs


3) According to the textbook, which statement about electronic data interchange (EDI) is not true? A) EDI involves computer-to-computer communications between trading partners. B) EDI saves costs due to automated transaction handling and the elimination of paper documents. C) EDI requires an Internet connection. D) Some EDI standards are industry-specific.


9) According to Porter's model, which of the following is not one of the competitive forces that business organizations typically face? A) supplier power B) threat of new entrants C) threat of government regulation D) threat of substitute products


A _____ is a structured tool that identifies risks that have occurred in the past.


A _____ provides a picture of how a particular process is behaving over time by providing a chart with a center line and limits on either side of the center line.

control chart

The __________ is a graph showing how a statistic is changing over time compared to its average and selected control limits.

control chart

A project that provided customers better products and services would impact the _____area of an organization.


10) According to Porter (2001), the Internet has had which kind of competitive impact? A) widening of geographic markets to increase the reach to potential customers B) increased difficulties in keeping a product or service offering proprietary C) reduction in switching costs for customers D) all of the above


13) A potential seller benefit from B2C applications is: A) lower costs from online channels. B) multimedia opportunities for marketing. C) new ways to research potential markets. D) all of the above


15) Which of the following businesses have a Web site that promotes a sense of "community" by their consumers? A) Amazon B) Netflix C) TD Ameritrade D) both A and B


25) Which of the following is included in the 7Cs framework for evaluating B2C web sites by Rayport and Jaworski? A) content (site layout and design) B) context (usage of text and other media) C) community (enabling feelings of membership and shared interest) D) all of the above


26) Which of the following companies uses the Web for both B2B and B2C? A) Dell B) Facebook C) Staples D) both A and C


27) Which of the following statements about Google is not true? A) Google's profitability has been based on revenues from targeted advertising B) YouTube was purchased by Google C) an open operating system platform for mobile devices, named Android, is a Google product D) none of the above


29) Why would a consumer want to see a TRUSTe seal on a web site? A) TRUSTe is a government organization concerned with consumer trust B) a TRUSTe seal signifies that the company's website has a clear privacy policy C) the company is affiliated with Apple computer D) sites that do not display this seal are not trustworthy


4) In the first half of the 1990s, which of the following paved the way for today's Internet? A) The National Science Foundation lifted the ban on commercial usage of the Internet. B) A commercial web browser was available. C) Google bought PayPal. D) both A and B


5) Which of the following was the first commercial Web browser? A) Mosaic B) Opera C) Internet Explorer D) Netscape Navigator


8) Which of the following are likely to have Web portals? A) news sites B) search engines C) companies D) all of the above


The second (1997) Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner Rover project achieved a 94 percent cost reduction over the earlier (1976) Mars-lander mission due to

design-to-cost method replacing the earlier design-to-performance method.

The budget for a work element includes?

direct costs plus overhead and G&A charges

In a "Projectized" organization ?

each project includes a full set of the functions needed for its operation

In a "Projectized" organization

each project manager has full line authority so there is unity of command.

Which of the following was NOT given as a reason for recruiting a core team to develop the business case?

early identification of project team.

__________ is a measure of project progress frequently related to the planned cost of tasks accomplished.

earned value

Evaluating the feasibility of an alternative in terms of the funds and resources available to support a project for the organization is a measure of _____.

economic feasibility

The final step in determining the cost of an activity is:

ensuring resources are leveled

Project Communications Management

entails providing timely and accurate information about the project to stakeholders.

Typical responsibilities of the PMO include

establishing PM procedures, offering training, mentoring project managers, keeping reports of projects activities.

In well-understood, routine projects, such as highway construction, budgeting is

estimating by scaling the various cost elements based on historical data

Learning curves are important for

estimating performance improvement as workers become experienced.

This element of the project plan contains a brief description of the procedure to be followed in monitoring, collecting, storing, and evaluating the history of the project.

evaluation methods

Product-oriented processes will define all of the sub-phases and deliverables associated with the ______ project management life cycle phase

execute and control

Which of the following is not a type of quantitative risk analysis?

expert opinion

In risk response planning, where the goal of the project manager is to increase the probability the opportunity will occur, the project manager must __________


The democratic style of leadership is most effective in a crisis situation.


Completing activities in parallel is called_____

fast tracking

A project that increased profits would impact the _____area of an organization


A project that increased profits would impact the _____area of an organization.


Project Human Resource Management

focuses on creating and developing the project team

Project Risk Management

focuses on identifying and responding appropriately to risks that can impact the project

Project Quality Management

focuses on planning, developing, and managing the quality environment allowing the project to meet or exceed stakeholder expectations.

Closing processes:

formally accepts the project's product, service, or end result so the project or phase can be brought to an orderly close.

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is ?

is a basic project document that describes all the work that must be done to complete the project and forms the basis for costing, scheduling, and work responsibility.

The Project Management Body of Knowledge

is a generally accepted set of principles and practices for project management

A project ______________

is a temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish a unique product, service, or result

Project Procurement Management

is concerned with acquiring project resources that are outside the organization

Receiving a much larger than usual gas utility bill because of an early spring cold spell is an example of what type of risk?

known-unknown risk

Starting the next task before the first task is complete is _____


If projects include repetitive tasks with significant human input, the ________ rate should be factored into the cost estimate.


The __________ is a specialized view of the action plan that focuses on who has what responsibility for each project task.

linear responsibility chart

A significant event or achievement that provides evidence that a deliverable is complete is called a _____


The significant event at the conclusion of each phase is called _____.


A type of risk response planning where the idea is to soften the danger of the threat, by reducing the likelihood it will occur, or through reducing its impact if it does occur, implies that the project manager must __________.


Reserves and contingency plans would be used in which risk strategy ?


The Project Budget is

not a sufficient measure of project's progress or value to the organization.

This project plan element should include profit and competitive goals as well as technical goals.


The most important requirement for project closure under normal circumstances is:

obtaining the project sponsor's acceptance of the project.

The use of Monte Carlo Simulation

only provides a description of project uncertainties, but does not remove risk.

Determining whether employees will be able to adapt to the planned change is _____

organizational feasibility

Determining whether employees will be able to adapt to the planned change is _____.

organizational feasibility

One of the challenges project managers face is to ensure that managers do not mix __________.

outcomes with the specific tasks needed to produce them

This project plan element describes both the managerial and the technical approaches to the work. The technical discussion describes the relationship of the project to available technologies.


Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) is based on the idea that

people often inflate or add cushioning to their time estimates

Rolling wave planning is:

preparing a summary plan and developing incremental detailed schedules

A _____ refers to the activities, methods, materials, and measurements used to produce the product or service.


Project Scope Management

provides assurance that the project's work is defined accurately and completed as planned

The technical expert is ____________

provides the technical solution to the organizational problem and may include systems analysts, network specialists, or programmers.

The Value-Driven Approach focuses on ___________.

providing value to the organization.

The major responsibility of professional cost estimators is to

reduce the level of uncertainty in cost estimates.

Estimating Project budgets involves?

resource forecast, quantity and cost required including the effects of potential price inflation.

The project manager is ____________.

responsible for ensuring that all management and technical processes are in place and carried out.

RACI stands for

responsible, accountable, consult, inform

_____involves determining the likelihood and project impact of a risk.

risk assessment

____ lead to lessons learned to determine how the risk was handled.

risk evaluation

_____ lead to lessons learned to determine how the risk was handled.

risk evaluation

_____requires determining the true problem, or cause, of the risk.

risk identification

Through _____, the project manager will scan the project environment to watch for risks as they may arise.

risk monitoring and control

The first step in managing IT project risk is _____.

risk planning

The first step in managing IT project risk is _____. Incorrect Response

risk planning

Once a risk is made known, _____ will execute the planned risk strategy.

risk response

_____determines how to deal with the occurrence of a risk.

risk strategies

This project plan element lists all milestone events. It identifies the estimated time for each task and is used to construct the master project schedule.


__________ is the tendency for the project objectives to be changed with little or no discussion with other parties actively engaged in the project.

scope creep

Risks may be positive or negative. For a positive risk, a project manager would want to _____.

share ownership

Agile IT project teams are typically __________ and located at __________.

small // a single site

A project that provided cleaner air would impact the _____area of an organization.


In an agile project, teams are given several requirements but only deal with one at a time, with each iteration being referred to as a __________.


Successful risk management requires _____

stakeholder responsibility

Planning processes:

supports planning of the entire project and each individual phase

Determining whether the proposed solution will work within the software architecture is a measure of _____.

technical feasibility

The project sponsor is ____________.

the client, customer, or organizational manager who acts as the project champion and provides organizational resources and direction.

The benefits, described in the text, of using a project management approach to developing information systems include all of the following except:

the coupling of project success to the selection of team members and the skill sets and resources that they bring to the project.

Cost Variance (CV) is __________

the difference between the estimated cost and how much we have actually spent

The Critical Path is:

the longest path in the project network.

The project plan must be designed in such a way that the project outcome meets __________.

the objectives of the parent organization

The subject matter expert is ___________

the user or client who has specific knowledge, expertise, or insight in a specific functional area needed to support the project

The desire to fund a project should be based upon ___________

the value the completed project will provide to an organization

Project success will be determined in large part by _____

thinking carefully through activities and estimating their durations.

Verification and validation of project deliverables should be carried out _____

throughout the project

The project manager needs to be more concerned with risks or issues which potentially impact the ______


The Socio-Technical Approach focuses on ________

using technology to meet the needs of the business.

Which of the following is not one of the risk management subprocesses?

work breakdown schedule

In Project Management, Parkinson's Law states that

work expands to fill the time allotted.

The Work Breakdown Structure is subdivided into smaller components called:

work packages

The __________ provides a description of a task that defines all the work required to accomplish it, including inputs and desired outputs.

work statement

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