IT Service Delivery and Support

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In large corporate networks having supply partners across the globe, network traffic may continue to rise. The infrastructure components in such environments should be scalable. Which of the following firewall architectures limits future scalability? A. Appliances B. Operating system-based C. Host-based D. Demilitarized

A. Appliances Answer: A Answer: A Explanation: The software for appliances is embedded into chips. Firmware-based firewall products cannot be moved to higher capacity servers. Firewall software that sits on an operating system can always be scalable due to its ability to enhance the power of servers. Hostbased firewalls operate on top of the server operating system and are scalable. A demilitarized zone is a model of firewall implementation and is not a firewall architecture.

Assuming this diagram represents an internal facility and the organization is implementing a firewall protection program, where should firewalls be installed? A. No firewalls are needed B. Op-3 location only C. MIS (Global) and NAT2 D. SMTP Gateway and op-3

D. SMIT Gateway and op-3 Answer: D Explanation: The objective of a firewall is to protect a trusted network from an untrusted network; therefore, locations needing firewall implementations would be at the existence of the external connections. All other answers are incomplete or represent internal connections.

Which of the following controls would be MOST effective in ensuring that production source code and object code are synchronized? A. Release-to-release source and object comparison reports B. Library control software restricting changes to source code C. Restricted access to source code and object code D. Date and time-stamp reviews of source and object code

d.Date and time- stamp review of source and object code. Answer: D Explanation: Date and time-stamp reviews of source and object code would ensure that source code, which has been compiled, matches the production object code. This is the most effective way to ensure that the approved production source code is compiled and is theone being used.

After installing a network, an organization installed a vulnerability assessment tool or security scanner to identify possible weaknesses. Which is the MOST serious risk associated with such tools? A. Differential reporting B. False-positive reporting C. False-negative reporting D. Less-detail reporting

.C. False-negative reporting Answer: C Explanation: False-negative reporting on weaknesses means the control weaknesses in the network are not identified and therefore may not be addressed, leaving the network vulnerable to attack. False-positive reporting is one in which the controls are in place, but are evaluated as weak, which should prompt a rechecking of the controls. Less-detail reporting and differential reporting functions provided by these tools compare scan results over a period of time.

Time constraints and expanded needs have been found by an IS auditor to be the root causes for recent violations of corporate data definition standards in a new business intelligence project. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate suggestion for an auditor to make? A. Achieve standards alignment through an increase of resources devoted to the project B. Align the data definition standards after completion of the project C. Delay the project until compliance with standards can be achieved D. Enforce standard compliance by adopting punitive measures against violators

A. Achieve standards alignment through an increase of resources devoted to the project. Answe: A Explanation: Provided that data architecture, technical, and operational requirements are sufficiently documented, the alignment to standards could be treated as a specific work package assigned to new project resources. The usage of nonstandard data definitionswould lower the efficiency of the new development, and increase the risk of errors in critical business decisions. To change data definition standards after project conclusion (choice B) is risky and is not a viable solution. On the other hand, punishing the violators (choice D) or delaying the project (choice C) would be an inappropriate suggestion because of the likely damage to the entire project profitability.

A review of wide area network (WAN) usage discovers that traffic on one communication line between sites, synchronously linking the master and standby database, peaks at 96 percent of the line capacity. An IS auditor should conclude that: A. analysis is required to determine if a pattern emerges that results in a service loss for a short period of time. B. WAN capacity is adequate for the maximum traffic demands since saturation has not been reached. C. the line should immediately be replaced by one with a larger capacity to provide approximately 85 percent saturation. D. users should be instructed to reduce their traffic demands or distribute them across all service hours to flatten bandwidth consumption.

A. Analysis is required to determine if a pattern emerges that results in a service loss for a short period of time. Answre: A Explanation: The peak at 96 percent could be the result of a one-off incident, e.g., a user downloading a large amount of data; therefore, analysis to establish whether this is a regular pattern and what causes this behavior should be carried out before expenditure on a larger line capacity is recommended. Since the link provides for a standby database, a short loss of this service should be acceptable. If the peak is established to be a regular occurrence without any other opportunities for mitigation (usage of bandwidth reservation protocol, or other types of prioritizing network traffic), the line should be replaced as there is the risk of loss of service as the traffic approaches 100 percent. If, however, the peak is a one-off or can be put in othertime frames, then user education may be an option.

In a small organization, developers may release emergency changes directly to production. Which of the following will BEST control the risk in this situation? A. Approve and document the change the next business day B. Limit developer access to production to a specific timeframe C. Obtain secondary approval before releasing to production D. Disable the compiler option in the production machine

A. Approve and document hte change the next business day. Answer: A Explanation: It may be appropriate to allow programmers to make emergency changes as long as they are documented and approved after the fact. Restricting release time frame may help somewhat; however, it would not apply to emergency changes and cannot prevent unauthorized release of the programs. Choices C and D are not relevant in an emergency situation.

Vendors have released patches fixing security flaws in their software. Which of the following should an IS auditor recommend in this situation? A. Assess the impact of patches prior to installation. B. Ask the vendors for a new software version with all fixes included. C. install the security patch immediately. D. Decline to deal with these vendors in the future

A. Assess the impcat of patches prior to installation. Answer: A Explanation: The effect of installing the patch should be immediately evaluated and installation should occur based on the results of the evaluation. To install the patch without knowing what it might affect could easily cause problems. New software versions withall fixes included are not always available and a full installation could be time consuming. Declining to deal with vendors does not take care of the flaw.

Which of the following is widely accepted as one of the critical components in networking management? A. Configuration management B. Topological mappings C. Application of monitoring tools D. Proxy server troubleshooting

A. Configuration management. Answer: A Explanation: Configuration management is widely accepted as one of the key components of any network, since it establishes how the network will function internally and externally, it also deals with the management of configuration and monitoring performance. Topological mappings provide outlines of the components of the network and its connectivity. Application monitoring is not essential and proxy server troubleshooting is used for troubleshooting purposes.

In what way is a common gateway interface (CGI) MOST often used on a webserver? A. Consistent way for transferring data to the application program and back to the user B. Computer graphics imaging method for movies and TV C. Graphic user interface for web design D. interface to access the private gateway domain

A. Consistent way for transferring data to the application program and back to the user. Answer: A Explanation: The common gateway interface (CGI) is a standard way for a web server to pass a user's request to an application program and to move data back and forth to the user. When the user requests a web page (for example, by clicking on a highlighted word orentering a web site address), the server sends back the requested page. However, when a user fills out a form on a web page and submits it, it usually needs to be processed by an application program. The web server typically passes the form information to a small application program that processes the data and may send back a confirmation message. This method, or convention, for passing data back and forth between the server and the application is called the common gateway interface (CGI). It is part of the web's HTTP protocol.

Change management procedures are established by IS management to: A. control the movement of applications from the test environment to the production environment. B. control the interruption of business operations from lack of attention to unresolved problems. C. ensure the uninterrupted operation of the business in the event of a disaster. D. verify that system changes are properly documented.

A. Control the movement of applicatons from the test environment to the production environment. Answer: A Explanation: Change management procedures are established by IS management to control the movement of applications from the test environment to the production environment. Problem escalation procedures control the interruption of business operations from lack of attention to unresolved problems, and quality assurance procedures verify that system changes are authorized and tested.

Which of the following would be an indicator of the effectiveness of a computer security incident response team? A. Financial impact per security incident B. Number of security vulnerabilities that were patched C. Percentage of business applications that are being protected D. Number of successful penetration tests

A. Financial impact per security incident. Anser: A Answer: A Explanation: The most important indicator is the financial impact per security incident. Choices B, C and D could be measures of effectiveness of security, but would not be a measure of the effectiveness of a response team.

In a relational database with referential integrity, the use of which of the following keys would prevent deletion of a row from a customer table as long as the customer number of that row is stored with live orders on the orders table? A. Foreign key B. Primary key C. Secondary key D. Public key

A. Foreign key Answer: A Answer: A Explanation: In a relational database with referential integrity, the use of foreign keys would prevent events such as primary key changes and record deletions, resulting in orphaned relations within the database. It should not be possible to delete a row from acustomer table when the customer number (primary key) of that row is stored with live orders on the orders table (the foreign key to the customer table). A primary key works in one table, so it is not able to provide/ensure referential integrity by itself. Secondary keys that are not foreign keys are not subject to referential integrity checks. Public key is related to encryption and not linked in any way to referential integrity.

The PRIMARY objective of performing a postincident review is that it presents an opportunity to: A. improve internal control procedures. B. harden the network to industry best practices. C. highlight the importance of incident response management to management. D. improve employee awareness of the incident response process.

A. Improve internal control procedures Answer: A Explanation: A postincident review examines both the cause and response to an incident. The lessons learned from the review can be used to improve internal controls. Understanding the purpose and structure of postincident reviews and follow-up procedures enablesthe information security manager to continuously improve the security program. Improving the incident response plan based on the incident review is an internal (corrective) control. The network may already be hardened to industry best practices. Additionally, the network may not be the source of the incident. The primary objective is to improve internal control procedures, not to highlight the importance of incident response management (IRM), and an incident response (IR) review does not improveemployee awareness.

The most likely error to occur when implementing a firewall is: A. incorrectly configuring the access lists. B. compromising the passwords due to social engineering. C. connecting a modem to the computers in the network. D. inadequately protecting the network and server from virus attacks.

A. Incorretly configuring the access lists. Answer A Explanation: An updated and flawless access list is a significant challenge and, therefore, has the greatest chance for errors at the time of the initial installation. Passwords do not apply to firewalls, a modem bypasses a firewall and a virus attack is not an element in implementing a firewall.

An IS auditor should recommend the use of library control software to provide reasonable assurance that: A. program changes have been authorized. B. only thoroughly tested programs are released. C. modified programs are automatically moved to production. D. source and executable code integrity is maintained.

A. Program changes have been authorized Answer: A Explanation: Library control software should be used to separate test from production libraries in mainframe and/or client server environments. The main objective of library control software is to provide assurance that program changes have been authorized. Library control software is concerned with authorized program changes and would not automatically move modified programs into production and cannot determine whether programs have been thoroughly tested. Library control software provides reasonable assurance that the source code and executable code are matched at the time a source code is moved to production. However, subsequent events such as a hardware failure can result in a lack of consistency between source and executable code.

Web and e-mail filtering tools are PRIMARILY valuable to an organization because they: A. protect the organization from viruses and nonbusiness materials. B. maximize employee performance. C. safeguard the organization's image. D. assist the organization in preventing legal issues

A. Protect the organization from viruses and nonbusiness materials. Answer: A Explanation: The main reason for investing in web and e-mail filtering tools is that they significantly reduce risks related to viruses, spam, mail chains, recreational surfing and recreational email. Choice B could be true in some circumstances (i.e., it wouldneed to be implemented along with an awareness program, so that employee performance can be significantly improved). However, in such cases, it would not be as relevant as choice A. Choices C and D are secondary or indirect benefits.

Which of the following is the BEST audit procedure to determine if a firewall is configured in compliance with an organization's security policy? A. Review the parameter settings. B. Interview the firewall administrator. C. Review the actual procedures. D. Review the device's log file for recent attacks.

A. Revew the parameter setting. Answer: A Explanation: A review of the parameter settings will provide a good basis for comparison of the actual configuration to the security policy and will provide audit evidence documentation. The other choices do not provide audit evidence as strong as choice A.

Which of the following types of firewalls would BEST protect a network from an internet attack? A. Screened subnet firewall B. Application filtering gateway C. Packet filtering router D. Circuit-level gateway

A. Screened subnet firewall. Answer: A Explanation: A screened subnet firewall would provide the best protection. The screening router can be a commercial router or a node with routing capabilities and the ability to allow or avoid traffic between nets or nodes based on addresses, ports, protocols, interfaces, etc. Application-level gateways are mediators between two entities that want to communicate, also known as proxy gateways. The application level (proxy) works at the application level, not just at a package level. The screening controls atthe package level, addresses and ports, but does not see the contents of the package. A packet filtering router examines the header of every packet or data traveling between the internet and the corporate network.

Which of the following is a feature of Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) in wireless networks? A. Session keys are dynamic B. Private symmetric keys are used C. Keys are static and shared D. Source addresses are not encrypted or authenticated

A. Session keys are dynamic Answer: A Explanation: WPA uses dynamic session keys, achieving stronger encryption than wireless encryption privacy (WEP), which operates with static keys (same key is used for everyone in the wireless network). All other choices are weaknesses of WEP.

Which of the following protocols would be involved in the implementation of a router and an interconnectivity device monitoring system? A. Simple Network Management Protocol B. File Transfer Protocol C. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol D. Telnet

A. Simple network management protocol. Answer: A Explanation: The Simple Network Management Protocol provides a means to monitor and control network devices and to manage configurations and performance. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) transfers files from a computer on the Internet to the user's computer and does not have any functionality related to monitoring network devices. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a protocol for sending and receiving e-mail messages and does not provide any monitoring or management for network devices. Telnet is a standard terminal emulation protocol used for remote terminal connections, enabling users to log into remote systems and use resources as if they were connected to a local system; it does not provide any monitoring or management of network devices.

During the requirements definition phase for a database application, performance is listed as a top priority. To access the DBMS files, which of the following technologies should be recommended for optimal I/O performance? A. Storage area network (SAN) B. Network Attached Storage (NAS) C. Network file system (NFS v2) D. Common Internet File System (CIFS)

A. Storage area network (SAN) Answer: A Explanation: In contrast to the other options, in a SAN comprised of computers, FC switches or routers and storage devices, there is no computer system hosting and exporting its mounted file system for remote access, aside from special file systems. Access to information stored on the storage devices in a SAN is comparable to direct attached storage, which means that each block of data on a disk can be addressed directly, since the volumes of the storage device are handled as though they are local, thus providing optimal performance. The other options describe technologies in which a computer (or appliance) shares its information with other systems. To access the information, the complete file has to be read.

IT operations for a large organization have been outsourced. An IS auditor reviewing the outsourced operation should be MOST concerned about which of the following findings? A. The outsourcing contract does not cover disaster recovery for the outsourced IT operations. B. The service provider does not have incident handling procedures. C. Recently a corrupted database could not be recovered because of library management problems. D. incident logs are not being reviewed.

A. The outsourcing contract does not cover disaster recovery for the outsourced IT operations. Answer: A Answer: A Explanation: The lack of a disaster recovery provision presents a major business risk. Incorporating such a provision into the contract will provide the outsourcing organization leverage over the service provider. Choices B, C and D are problems that should be addressed by the service provider, but are not as important as contract requirements for disaster recovery.

The purpose of code signing is to provide assurance that: A. the software has not been subsequently modified. B. the application can safely interface with another signed application. C. the signer of the application is trusted. D. the private key of the signer has not been compromised.

A. The software has not been subsequently modified. Answer: A Explanation: Code signing can only ensure that the executable code has not been modified after being signed. The other choices are incorrect and actually represent potential and exploitable weaknesses of code signing.

When reviewing system parameters, an IS auditor's PRIMARY concern should be that: A. they are set to meet security and performance requirements. B. changes are recorded in an audit trail and periodically reviewed. C. changes are authorized and supported by appropriate documents. D. access to parameters in the system is restricted.

A. They are set to meet security and performance requirements. Answer: A Explanation: The primary concern is to find the balance between security and performance. Recording changes in an audit trail and periodically reviewing them is a detective control; however, if parameters are not set according to business rules, monitoring of changes may not be an effective control. Reviewing changes to ensure they are supported by appropriate documents is also a detective control, if parameters are set incorrectly, the related documentation and the fact that these are authorized does not reduce the impact. Restriction of access to parameters ensures that only authorized staff can access the parameters; however, if the parameters are set incorrectly, restricting access will still have an adverse impact.

The computer security incident response team (CSIRT) of an organization disseminates detailed descriptions of recent threats. An IS auditor's GREATEST concern should be that the users might: A. use this information to launch attacks. B. forward the security alert. C. implement individual solutions. D. fail to understand the threat.

A. Use this information to launch attacks. Answer: A Explanation: An organization's computer security incident response team (CSIRT) should disseminate recent threats, security guidelines and security updates to the users to assist them in understanding the security risk of errors and omissions. However, this introduces the risk that the users may use this information to launch attacks, directly or indirectly. An IS auditor should ensure that the CSIRT is actively involved with users to assist them in mitigation of risks arising from security failures and to prevent additional security incidents resulting from the same threat. Forwarding the security alert is not harmful to the organization, implementing individual solutions is unlikely and users failing to understand the threat would not be a serious concern.

An IS auditor is performing a network security review of a telecom company that provides Internet connection services to shopping malls for their wireless customers. The company uses Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology for protecting their customer's payment information. The IS auditor should be MOST concerned if a hacker: A. compromises the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) gateway. B. installs a sniffing program in front of the server. C. steals a customer's PDA. D. listens to the wireless transmission.

A. compromises the wireless application protocol (WAP) gateway. Answer: A Explanation: In a WAP gateway, the encrypted messages from customers must be decrypted to transmit over the Internet and vice versA. Therefore, if the gateway is compromised, all of the messages would be exposed. SSL protects the messages from sniffing on the Internet, limiting disclosure of the customer's information. WTLS provides authentication, privacy and integrity and prevents messages from eavesdropping.

Reverse proxy technology for web servers should be deployed if: A. http servers' addresses must be hidden. B. accelerated access to all published pages is required. C. caching is needed for fault tolerance. D. bandwidth to the user is limited.

A. http servers' addresses must be hidden. Answer: A Explanation: Reverse proxies are primarily designed to hide physical and logical internal structures from outside access. Complete URLs or URIs can be partially or completely redirected without disclosing which internal or DMZ server is providing the requested datA. This technology might be used if a trade-off between security, performance and costs has to be achieved. Proxy servers cache some data but normally cannot cache all pages to be published because this depends on the kind of information the web servers provide. The ability to accelerate access depends on the speed of the back-end servers, i.e., those that are cached. Thus, without making further assumptions, a gain in speed cannot be assured, but visualization and hiding of internal structures can. If speed is an issue, a scale-out approach (avoiding adding additional delays by passing firewalls, involving more servers, etc.) would be a better solution. Due to the limited caching option, reverse proxies are not suitable for enhancing fault tolerance. User requests that are handled by reverse proxy servers are using exactly the same bandwidth as direct requests to the hosts providing the data

During maintenance of a relational database, several values of the foreign key in a transaction table of a relational database have been corrupted. The consequence is that: A. the detail of involved transactions may no longer be associated with master data, causing errors when these transactions are processed. B. there is no way of reconstructing the lost information, except by deleting the dangling tuples and reentering the transactions. C. the database will immediately stop execution and lose more information. D. the database will no longer accept input data.

A. the detail of involved transactions may no longer be associated with master daa. Answer: A Explanation: When the external key of a transaction is corrupted or lost, the application system will normally be incapable of directly attaching the master data to the transaction datA. This will normally cause the system to undertake a sequential search and slow down the processing. If the concerned files are big, this slowdown will be unacceptable. Choice B is incorrect, since a system can recover the corrupted external key by reindexing the table. Choices C and D would not result from a corrupted foreignkey.

The PRIMARY objective of service-level management (SLM) is to: A. define, agree, record and manage the required levels of service. B. ensure that services are managed to deliver the highest achievable level of availability. C. keep the costs associated with any service at a minimum. D. monitor and report any legal noncompliance to business management.

Answer: A Explanation: The objective of service-level management (SLM) is to negotiate, document and manage (i.e., provide and monitor) the services in the manner in which the customer requires those services. This does not necessarily ensure that services are delivered atthe highest achievable level of availability (e.g., redundancy and clustering). Although maximizing availability might be necessary for some critical services, it cannot be applied as a general rule of thumb. SLM cannot ensure that costs for all services will be kept at a low or minimum level, since costs associated with a service will directly reflect the customer's requirements. Monitoring and reporting legal noncompliance is not a part of SLM.

An IS auditor should review the configuration of which of the following protocols to detect unauthorized mappings between the IP address and the media access control (MAC) address? A. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) B. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) C. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) D. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

B. Address resolution protocol (ARP) Answer: B Explanation: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) provides dynamic address mapping between an IP address and hardware address. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a platformindependent XML-based protocol, enabling applications to communicate with each other over the Internet, and does not deal with media access control (MAC) addresses. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) specifies how routers exchange routing table information. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) enables two hosts to establish a connectionand exchange streams of data.

Reconfiguring which of the following firewall types will prevent inward downloading of files through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)? A. Circuit gateway B. Application gateway C. Packet filter D. Screening router

B. Application gateway Answer: B Answer: B Explanation: An application gateway firewall is effective in preventing applications, such as FTPs, from entering the organization network. A circuit gateway firewall is able to prevent paths or circuits, not applications, from entering the organization's network. A packet filter firewall or screening router will allow or prevent access based on IP packets/address.

Which of the following is MOST directly affected by network performance monitoring tools? A. Integrity B. Availability C. Completeness D. Confidentiality

B. Availability. Answer: B Answer: B Explanation: In case of a disruption in service, one of the key functions of network performance monitoring tools is to ensure that the information has remained unaltered. It is a function of security monitoring to assure confidentiality by using such tools as encryption. However, the most important aspect of network performance is assuring the ongoing dependence on connectivity to run the business. Therefore, the characteristic that benefits the most from network monitoring is availability.

Applying a retention date on a file will ensure that: A. data cannot be read until the date is set. B. data will not be deleted before that date. C. backup copies are not retained after that date. D. datasets having the same name are differentiated.

B. Data will not be deleted before the date. Answer: B Explanation: A retention date will ensure that a file cannot be overwritten before that date has passed. The retention date will not affect the ability to read the file. Backup copies would be expected to have a different retention date and therefore may be retained after the file has been overwritten. The creation date, not the retention date, will differentiate files with the same name.

An organization has recently installed a security patch, which crashed the production server. To minimize the probability of this occurring again, an IS auditor should: A. apply the patch according to the patch's release notes. B. ensure that a good change management process is in place. C. thoroughly test the patch before sending it to production. D. approve the patch after doing a risk assessment.

B. Ensure that a good change management process is in place. Answer: B Explanation: An IS auditor must review the change management process, including patch management procedures, and verify that the process has adequate controls and make suggestions accordingly. The other choices are part of a good change management process but arenot an IS auditor's responsibility.

An IS auditor discovers that developers have operator access to the command line of a production environment operating system. Which of the following controls wouId BEST mitigate the risk of undetected and unauthorized program changes to the production environment? A. Commands typed on the command line are logged B. Hash keys are calculated periodically for programs and matched against hash keys calculated for the most recent authorized versions of the programs C. Access to the operating system command line is granted through an access restriction tool with preapproved rights D. Software development tools and compilers have been removed from the production environment

B. Hash keys are caclculated periodically for programs and matched against hash keys. Answer: B Explanation: The matching of hash keys over time would allow detection of changes to files. Choice A is incorrect because having a log is not a control, reviewing the log is a control. Choice C is incorrect because the access was already granted-it does notmatter how. Choice D is wrong because files can be copied to and from the production environment.

The database administrator (DBA) suggests that DB efficiency can be improved by denormalizing some tables. This would result in: A. loss of confidentiality. B. increased redundancy. C. unauthorized accesses. D. application malfunctions.

B. Increaesd redundancy Answer: B Explanation: Normalization is a design or optimization process for a relational database (DB) that minimizes redundancy; therefore, denormalization would increase redundancy. Redundancy which is usually considered positive when it is a question of resource availability is negative in a database environment, since it demands additional and otherwise unnecessary data handling efforts. Denormalization is sometimes advisable for functional reasons. It should not cause loss of confidentiality, unauthorized accesses or application malfunctions.

An organization has outsourced its help desk. Which of the following indicators would be the best to include in the SLA? A. Overall number of users supported B. Percentage of incidents solved in the first call C. Number of incidents reported to the help desk D. Number of agents answering the phones

B. Percentage of incidents solved in the first clal. Answer: B Answer: B Explanation: Since it is about service level (performance) indicators, the percentage of incidents solved on the first call is the only option that is relevant. Choices A, C and D are not quality measures of the help desk service.

In the 2c area of the diagram, there are three hubs connected to each other. What potential risk might this indicate? A. Virus attack B. Performance degradation C. Poor management controls D. Vulnerability to external hackers

B. Performance degradation Answer: B Explanation: Hubs are internal devices that usually have no direct external connectivity, and thus are not prone to hackers. There are no known viruses that are specific to hub attacks. While this situation may be an indicator of poor management controls, choiceB is more likely when the practice of stacking hubs and creating more terminal connections is used.

Doing which of the following during peak production hours could result in unexpected downtime? A. Performing data migration or tape backup B. Performing preventive maintenance on electrical systems C. Promoting applications from development to the staging environment D. Replacing a failed power supply in the core router of the data center

B. Performing preventive maintenance on electrical systems. Explanation: Choices A and C are processing events which may impact performance, but would not cause downtime. Enterprise-class routers have redundant hot-swappable power supplies, so replacing a failed power supply should not be an issue. Preventive maintenanceactivities should be scheduled for non-peak times of the day, and preferably during a maintenance window time period. A mishap or incident caused by a maintenance worker could result in unplanned downtime.

Which of the following procedures would MOST effectively detect the loading of illegal software packages onto a network? A. The use of diskless workstations B. Periodic checking of hard drives C. The use of current antivirus software D. Policies that result in instant dismissal if violated

B. Periodic checking of hard drives. Answer: B Explanation: The periodic checking of hard drives would be the most effective method of identifying illegal software packages loaded to the network. Antivirus software will not necessarily identify illegal software, unless the software contains a virus. Disklessworkstations act as a preventive control and are not effective, since users could still download software from other than diskless workstations. Policies lay out the rules about loading the software, but will not detect the actual occurrence.

In a client-server architecture, a domain name service (DNS) is MOST important because it provides the: A. address of the domain server. B. resolution service for the name/address. C. IP addresses for the internet. D. domain name system.

B. Resolution serivce for the name/address Answer: B Explanation: DNS is utilized primarily on the Internet for resolution of the name/address of the web site. It is an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. As names are alphabetic, they are easier to remember. However, the Internet is based on IP addresses. Every time a domain name is used, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. The DNS system has its own network, if one DNS server does not know how to translate a particular domain name, it asks another one, and so on, until the correct IP address is returned.

A programmer maliciously modified a production program to change data and then restored the original code. Which of the following would MOST effectively detect the malicious activity? A. Comparing source code B. Reviewing system log files C. Comparing object code D. Reviewing executable and source code integrity

B. Reviewing system log files. Answer: B Explanation: Reviewing system log files is the only trail that may provide information about the unauthorized activities in the production library. Source and object code comparisons are ineffective, because the original programs were restored and do not exist. Reviewing executable and source code integrity is an ineffective control, because integrity between the executable and source code is automatically maintained.

Receiving an EDI transaction and passing it through the communication's interface stage usually requires: A. translating and unbundling transactions. B. routing verification procedures. C. passing data to the appropriate application system. D. creating a point of receipt audit log.

B. Routing verification procedures. Answer: B Explanation: The communication's interface stage requires routing verification procedures. EDI or ANSI X12 is a standard that must be interpreted by an application for transactions to be processed and then to be invoiced, paid and sent, whether they are for merchandise or services. There is no point in sending and receiving EDI transactions if they cannot be processed by an internal system. Unpacking transactions and recording audit logs are important elements that help follow business rules and establish controls, but are not part of the communication's interface stage.

Which of the following would be the MOST secure firewall system? A. Screened-host firewall B. Screened-subnet firewall C. Dual-homed firewall D. Stateful-inspection firewall

B. Screeensed- subnet firewall. Answer: B Explanation: A screened-subnet firewall, also used as a demilitarized zone (DMZ), utilizes two packet filtering routers and a bastion host. This provides the most secure firewall system, since it supports both network- and application-level security while defining a separate DMZ network. A screened-host firewall utilizes a packet filtering router and a bastion host. This approach implements basic network layer security (packet filtering) and application server security (proxy services). A dual-homed firewall system is a more restrictive form of a screened-host firewall system, configuring one interface for information servers and another for private network host computers. A stateful-inspection firewall working at the transport layer keeps track of thedestination IP address of each packet that leaves the organization's internal network and allows a reply from the recorded IP addresses.

Which of the following will help detect changes made by an intruder to the system log of a server? A. Mirroring the system log on another server B. Simultaneously duplicating the system log on a write-once disk C. Write-protecting the directory containing the system log D. Storing the backup of the system log offsite

B. Simultaneously duplication the system log on a write-once disk. Answer: B Explanation: A write-once CD cannot be overwritten. Therefore, the system log duplicated on the disk could be compared to the original log to detect differences, which could be the result of changes made by an intruder. Write-protecting the system log does not prevent deletion or modification, since the superuser can override the write protection. Backup and mirroring may overwrite earlier files and may not be current.

Which of the following BEST reduces the ability of one device to capture the packets that are meant for another device? A. Filters B. Switches C. Routers D. Firewalls

B. Switches Answer: B Answer: B Explanation: Switches are at the lowest level of network security and transmit a packet to the device to which it is addressed. This reduces the ability of one device to capture the packets that are meant for another device. Filters allow for some basic isolationof network traffic based on the destination addresses. Routers allow packets to be given or denied access based on the addresses of the sender and receiver and the type of packet. Firewalls are a collection of computer and network equipment used toallow communications to flow out of the organization and restrict communications flowing into the organization.

An IS auditor evaluating the resilience of a high-availability network should be MOST concerned if: A. the setup is geographically dispersed. B. the network servers are clustered in a site. C. a hot site is ready for activation. D. diverse routing is implemented for the network.

B. The network servers are clustered in a site. Answer: B Explanation: A clustered setup in one location makes the entire network vulnerable to natural disasters or other disruptive events. Dispersed geographical locations and diverse routing provide backup if a site has been destroyed. A hot site would also be a good alternative for a single point-of-failure site.

When reviewing an implementation of a VoIP system over a corporate WAN, an IS auditor should expect to find: A. an integrated services digital network (ISDN) data link. B. traffic engineering. C. wired equivalent privacy (WEP) encryption of data. D. analog phone terminals.

B. Traffic Engineering. Answer: B Explanation: To ensure that quality of service requirements are achieved, the Voice-over IP (VoIP) service over the wide area network (WAN) should be protected from packet losses, latency or jitter. To reach this objective, the network performance can be managedusing statistical techniques such as traffic engineering. The standard bandwidth of an integrated services digital network (ISDN) data link would not provide the quality of services required for corporate VoIP services. WEP is an encryption scheme related to wireless networking. The VoIP phones are usually connected to a corporate local area network (LAN) and are not analog.

Which significant risk is introduced by running the file transfer protocol (FTP) service on a server in a demilitarized zone (DMZ)? A. A user from within could send a file to an unauthorized person. B. FTP services could allow a user to download files from unauthorized sources. C. A hacker may be able to use the FTP service to bypass the firewall. D. FTP could significantly reduce the performance of a DMZ server.

C. A hacker may be able to use the FTP service to bypass the firewall. Answer: C Explanation: Since file transfer protocol (FTP) is considered an insecure protocol, it should not be installed on a server in a demilitarized zone (DMZ). FTP could allow an unauthorized user to gain access to the network. Sending files to an unauthorized person and the risk of downloading unauthorized files are not as significant as having a firewall breach. The presence of the utility does not reduce the performance of a DMZ server; therefore, performance degradation is not a threat.

Which of the following is the BEST type of program for an organization to implement to aggregate, correlate and store different log and event files, and then produce weekly and monthly reports for IS auditors? A. A security information event management (SIEM) product B. An open-source correlation engine C. A log management tool D. An extract, transform, load (ETL) system

C. A log management tool. Answer: C Answer: C Explanation: A log management tool is a product designed to aggregate events from many log files (with distinct formats and from different sources), store them and typically correlate them offline to produce many reports (e.g., exception reports showing differentstatistics including anomalies and suspicious activities), and to answer time-based queries (e.g., how many users have entered the system between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. over the past three weeks?). A SIEM product has some similar features. It correlatesevents from log files, but does it online and normally is not oriented to storing many weeks of historical information and producing audit reports. A correlation engine is part of a SIEM product. It is oriented to making an online correlation of events. An extract, transform, load (ETL) is part of a business intelligence system, dedicated to extracting operational or production data, transforming that data and loading them to a central repository (data warehouse or data mart); an ETL does not correlate data or produce reports, and normally it does not have extractors to read log file formats.

Which of the following types of firewalls provide the GREATEST degree and granularity of control? A. Screening router B. Packet filter C. Application gateway D. Circuit gateway

C. Application gateway Answer: C Explanation: The application gateway is similar to a circuit gateway, but it has specific proxies for each service. To handle web services, it has an HTTP proxy that acts as an intermediary between externals and internals, but is specifically for HTTP. This meansthat it not only checks the packet IP addresses (layer 3) and the ports it is directed to (in this case port 80, or layer 4), it also checks every HTTP command (layers 5 and 7). Therefore, it works in a more detailed (granularity) way than the others. Screening router and packet filter (choices A and BJ work at the protocol, service and/or port level. This means that they analyze packets from layers 3 and 4, and not from higher levels. A circuit gateway (choice D) is based on a proxy or programthat acts as an intermediary between external and internal accesses. This means that during an external access, instead of opening a single connection to the internal server, two connections are established-one from the external server to the proxy(which conforms the circuit-gateway) and one from the proxy to the internal server. Layers 3 and 4 (IP and TCP) and some general features from higher protocols are used to perform these tasks.

To determine how data are accessed across different platforms in a heterogeneous environment, an IS auditor should FIRST review: A. business software. B. infrastructure platform tools. C. application services. D. system development tools.

C. Application services Answer: C Answer: C Explanation: Projects should identify the complexities of the IT Infrastructure that can be simplified or isolated by the development of application services. Application services isolate system developers from the complexities of the IT infrastructure and offercommon functionalities that are shared by many applications. Application services take the form of interfaces, middleware, etc. Business software focuses on business processes, whereas application services bridge the gap between applications and thelT Infrastructure components. Infrastructure platform tools are related to core hardware and software components required for development of the IT infrastructure. Systems development tools represent development components of the IT infrastructure development.

Neural networks are effective in detecting fraud because they can: A. discover new trends since they are inherently linear. B. solve problems where large and general sets of training data are not obtainable. C. attack problems that require consideration of a large number of input variables. D. make assumptions about the shape of any curve relating variables to the output.

C. Attack problems that require consideration of a large number of input variables. Answer: C Explanation: Neural networks can be used to attack problems that require consideration of numerous input variables. They are capable of capturing relationships and patterns often missed by other statistical methods, but they will not discover new trends. Neural networks are inherently nonlinear and make no assumption about the shape of any curve relating variables to the output. Neural networks will not work well at solving problems for which sufficiently large and general sets of training data are not obtainable.

An IS auditor finds that client requests were processed multiple times when received from different independent departmental databases, which are synchronized weekly. What would be the BEST recommendation? A. increase the frequency for data replication between the different department systems to ensure timely updates. B. Centralize all request processing in one department to avoid parallel processing of the same request. C. Change the application architecture so that common data are held in just one shared database for all departments. D. implement reconciliation controls to detect duplicates before orders are processed in the systems.

C. Change the application architecture so that common data are held in just one shared databse for all departments. Answer: C Explanation: Keeping the data in one place is the best way to ensure that data are stored without redundancy and that all users have the same data on their systems. Although increasing the frequency may help to minimize the problem, the risk of duplication cannotbe eliminated completely because parallel data entry is still possible. Business requirements will most likely dictate where data processing activities are performed. Changing the business structure to solve an IT problem is not practical or politically feasible. Detective controls do not solve the problem of duplicate processing, and would require that an additional process be implemented to handle the discovered duplicates.

During a human resources (HR) audit, an IS auditor is informed that there is a verbal agreement between the IT and HR departments as to the level of IT services expected. In this situation, what should the IS auditor do FIRST? A. Postpone the audit until the agreement is documented B. Report the existence of the undocumented agreement to senior management C. Confirm the content of the agreement with both departments D. Draft a service level agreement (SLA) for the two departments

C. Confirm the content of the agreement with both departments. Answer: C An IS auditor should first confirm and understand the current practice before making any recommendations. The agreement can be documented after it has been established that there is an agreement in place. The fact that there is not a written agreement does not justify postponing the audit, and reporting to senior management is not necessary at this stage of the audit. Drafting a service level agreement (SLA) is not the IS auditor's responsibility.

The MOST significant security concern when using flash memory (e.g., USB removable disk) is that the: A. contents are highly volatile. B. data cannot be backed up. C. data can be copied. D. device may not be compatible with other peripherals.

C. Data can be copied. Answer: C Explanation: Unless properly controlled, flash memory provides an avenue for anyone to copy any content with ease. The contents stored in flash memory are not volatile. Backing up flash memory data is not a control concern, as the data are sometimes stored as a backup. Flash memory will be accessed through a PC rather than any other peripheral; therefore, compatibility is not an issue.

An IS auditor notes that patches for the operating system used by an organization are deployed by the IT department as advised by the vendor. The MOST significant concern an IS auditor should have with this practice is the nonconsideration bylT of: A. the training needs for users after applying the patch. B. any beneficial impact of the patch on the operational systems. C. delaying deployment until testing the impact of the patch. D. the necessity of advising end users of new patches.

C. Delaying deployment until testing the impact of the patch. Answer: C Explanation: Deploying patches without testing exposes an organization to the risk of system disruption or failure. Normally, there is no need for training or advising users when a new operating system patch has been installed. Any beneficial impact is less important than the risk of unavailability that could be avoided with proper testing.

To determine if unauthorized changes have been made to production code the BEST audit procedure is to: A. examine the change control system records and trace them forward to object code files. B. review access control permissions operating within the production program libraries. C. examine object code to find instances of changes and trace them back to change control records. D. review change approved designations established within the change control system.

C. Examine object code to find instances of changes and trace them back to change control records. Anwer: C Explanation: The procedure of examining object code files to establish instances of code changes and tracing these back to change control system records is a substantive test that directly addresses the risk of unauthorized code changes. The other choices are valid procedures to apply in a change control audit but they do not directly address the risk of unauthorized code changes.

Which of the following types of transmission media provide the BEST security against unauthorized access? A. Copper wire B. Twisted pair C. Fiberoptic cables D. Coaxial cables

C. Fiberoptic cables. Answer: C Explanation: Fiberoptic cables have proven to be more secure than the other mediA. Satellite transmission and copper wire can be violated with inexpensive equipment. Coaxial cable can also be violated more easily than other transmission media.

The FIRST step in managing the risk of a cyber attack is to: A. assess the vulnerability impact. B. evaluate the likelihood of threats. C. identify critical information assets. D. estimate potential damage.

C. Identify critical information assets. Answer: C Explanation: The first step in managing risk is the identification and classification of critical information resources (assets). Once the assets have been identified, the process moves onto the identification of threats, vulnerabilities and calculation of potential damages.

When reviewing the implementation of a LAN, an IS auditor should FIRST review the: A. node list. B. acceptance test report. C. network diagram. D. user's list.

C. Network diagram. Answer: C Answer: CExplanation: To properly review a LAN implementation, an IS auditor should first verify the network diagram and confirm the approval. Verification of nodes from the node list and the network diagram would be next, followed by a review of the acceptance test report and then the user's list.

An IS auditor examining the configuration of an operating system to verify the controls should review the: A. transaction logs. B. authorization tables. C. parameter settings. D. routing tables.

C. Parameter settings. Answer: C Explanation: Parameters allow a standard piece of software to be customized for diverse environments and are important in determining how a system runs. The parameter settings should be appropriate to an organization's workload and control environment, improper implementation and/or monitoring of operating systems can result in undetected errors and corruption of the data being processed, as well as lead to unauthorized access and inaccurate logging of system usage. Transaction logs are used to analyze transactions in master and/or transaction files. Authorization tables are used to verify implementation of logical access controls and will not be of much help when reviewing control features of an operating system. Routing tables do not contain information about the operating system and, therefore, provide no information to aid in the evaluation of controls.

A benefit of quality of service (QoS) is that the: A. entire network's availability and performance will be significantly improved. B. telecom carrier will provide the company with accurate service-level compliance reports. C. participating applications will have guaranteed service levels. D. communications link will be supported by security controls to perform secure online transactions.

C. Participating applications will have guarenteed service levels. Answer: C Answer: C Explanation: The main function of QoS is to optimize network performance by assigning priority to business applications and end users, through the allocation of dedicated parts of the bandwidth to specific traffic. Choice A is not true because the communication itself will not be improved. While the speed of data exchange for specific applications could be faster, availability will not be improved. The QoS tools that many carriers are using do not provide reports of service levels; however, there are other tools that will generate service-level reports. Even when QoS is integrated with firewalls, VPNs, encryption tools and others, the tool itself is not intended to provide security controls.

For locations 3a, 1d and 3d, the diagram indicates hubs with lines that appear to be open and active. Assuming that is true, what control, if any, should be recommended to mitigate this weakness? A. Intelligent hub B. Physical security over the hubs C. Physical security and an intelligent hub D. No controls are necessary since this is not a weakness

C. Physical security and an intelligent hub. Answer: C Explanation: Open hubs represent a significant control weakness because of the potential to access a network connection easily. An intelligent hub would allow the deactivation of a single port while leaving the remaining ports active. Additionally, physical security would also provide reasonable protection over hubs with active ports.

In a small organization, an employee performs computer operations and, when the situation demands, program modifications. Which of the following should the IS auditor recommend? A. Automated logging of changes to development libraries B. Additional staff to provide separation of duties C. Procedures that verify that only approved program changes are implemented D. Access controls to prevent the operator from making program modifications

C. Procedures that verify that only approved program changes are implemented. Answer: C Explanation: While it would be preferred that strict separation of duties be adhered to and that additional staff is recruited as suggested in choice B, this practice is not always possible in small organizations. An IS auditor must look at recommended alternative processes. Of the choices, C is the only practical one that has an impact. An IS auditor should recommend processes that detect changes to production source and object code, such as code comparisons, so the changes can be reviewed on a regular basis by a third party. This would be a compensating control process. Choice A, involving logging of changes to development libraries, would not detect changes to production libraries. Choice D is in effect requiring a third party to do the changes, which may not be practical in a small organization.

IT best practices for the availability and continuity of IT services should: A. minimize costs associated with disaster-resilient components. B. provide for sufficient capacity to meet the agreed upon demands of the business. C. provide reasonable assurance that agreed upon obligations to customers can be met. D. produce timely performance metric reports.

C. Provide reasonable assurance that agreed upon obligations to customers can be met. Answer: C Explanation: It is important that negotiated and agreed commitments (i.e., service level agreements [SLAs]) can be fulfilled all the time. If this were not achievable, IT should not have agreed to these requirements, as entering into such a commitment would be misleading to the business. 'All the time' in this context directly relates to the 'agreed obligations' and does not imply that a service has to be available 100 percent of the time. Costs are a result of availability and service continuity management and may only be partially controllable. These costs directly reflect the agreed upon obligations. Capacity management is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition of availability. Despite the possibility that a lack of capacity may result in an availability issue, providing the capacity necessary for seamless operations of services would be done within capacity management, and not within availability management. Generating reports might be a task of availability and service continuity management, but that is true for many other areas of interest as well (e.g., incident, problem, capacity and change management).

Which of the following is a control over component communication failure/errors? A. Restricting operator access and maintaining audit trails B. Monitoring and reviewing system engineering activity C. Providing network redundancy D. Establishing physical barriers to the data transmitted over the network

C. Providing network redundnacy. Answer: C Explanation: Redundancy by building some form of duplication into the network components, such as a link, router or switch to prevent loss, delays or data duplication is a control over component communication failure or error. Other related controls are loop/echochecks to detect line errors, parity checks, error correction codes and sequence checks. Choices A, B and D are communication network controls.

While reviewing the IT infrastructure, an IS auditor notices that storage resources are continuously being added. The IS auditor should: A. recommend the use of disk mirroring. B. review the adequacy of offsite storage. C. review the capacity management process. D. recommend the use of a compression algorithm.

C. Review the capacity management process. Answer: C Explanation: Capacity management is the planning and monitoring of computer resources to ensure that available IT resources are used efficiently and effectively. Business criticality must be considered before recommending a disk mirroring solution and offsite storage is unrelated to the problem. Though data compression may save disk space, it could affect system performance.

To verify that the correct version of a data file was used for a production run, an IS auditor should review: A. operator problem reports. B. operator work schedules. C. system logs. D. output distribution reports.

C. System Logs Answer: C Explanation: System logs are automated reports which identify most of the activities performed on the computer. Programs that analyze the system log have been developed to report on specifically defined items. The auditor can then carry out tests to ensure that the correct file version was used for a production run. Operator problem reports are used by operators to log computer operation problems. Operator work schedules are maintained to assist in human resources planning. Output distribution reports identify all application reports generated and their distribution.

When reviewing the configuration of network devices, an IS auditor should FIRST identify: A. the best practices for the type of network devices deployed. B. whether components of the network are missing. C. the importance of the network device in the topology. D. whether subcomponents of the network are being used appropriately.

C. The importance of the network device in the topology. Answer: C Explanation: The first step is to understand the importance and role of the network device within the organization's network topology. After understanding the devices in the network, the best practice for using the device should be reviewed to ensure that there are no anomalies within the configuration. Identification of which component or subcomponent is missing or being used inappropriately can only be known upon reviewing and understanding the topology and the best practice for deployment of the device in the network.

Java applets and ActiveX controls are distributed executable programs that execute in the background of a web browser client. This practice is considered reasonable when: A. a firewall exists. B. a secure web connection is used. C. the source of the executable file is certain. D. the host web site is part of the organization.

C. The source of the executable file is certain. Answer: C Explanation: Acceptance of these mechanisms should be based on established trust. The control is provided by only knowing the source and then allowing the acceptance of the applets. Hostile applets can be received from anywhere. It is virtually impossible at thistime to filter at this level. A secure web connection or firewall is considered an external defense. A firewall will find it more difficult to filter a specific file from a trusted source. A secure web connection provides confidentiality. Neither asecure web connection nor a firewall can identify an executable file as friendly. Hosting the web site as part of the organization is impractical. Enabling the acceptance of Java applets and/or Active X controls is an all-or-nothing proposition. Theclient will accept the program if the parameters are established to do so.

Which of the following exposures associated with the spooling of sensitive reports for offline printing should an IS auditor consider to be the MOST serious? A. Sensitive data can be read by operators. B. Data can be amended without authorization. C. Unauthorized report copies can be printed. D. Output can be lost in the event of system failure.

C. Unauthorized report copies can be printed. Answer: C Explanation: Unless controlled, spooling for offline printing may enable additional copies to be printed. Print files are unlikely to be available for online reading by operators. Data on spool files are no easier to amend without authority than any other file. There is usually a lesser threat of unauthorized access to sensitive reports in the event of a system failure.

An IS auditor reviewing database controls discovered that changes to the database during normal working hours were handled through a standard set of procedures. However, changes made after normal hours required only an abbreviated number of steps. Inthis situation, which of the following would be considered an adequate set of compensating controls? A. Allow changes to be made only with the DBA user account. B. Make changes to the database after granting access to a normal user account. C. Use the DBA user account to make changes, log the changes and review the change log the following day. D. Use the normal user account to make changes, log the changes and review the change log the following day.

C. Use the DBA user acount to make changes, log the changes and review the change log the following day. Answer: C Explanation: The use of a database administrator (DBA) user account is normally set up to log all changes made and is most appropriate for changes made outside of normal hours. The use of a log, which records the changes, allows changes to be reviewed. The use ofthe DBA user account without logging would permit uncontrolled changes to be made to databases once access to the account was obtained. The use of a normal user account with no restrictions would allow uncontrolled changes to any of the databases. Logging would only provide information on changes made, but would not limit changes to only those that were authorized. Hence, logging coupled with review form an appropriate set of compensating controls.

An IS auditor finds that, at certain times of the day, the data warehouse query performance decreases significantly. Which of the following controls would it be relevant for the IS auditor to review? A. Permanent table-space allocation B. Commitment and rollback controls C. User spool and database limit controls D. Read/write access log controls

C. User spool and database limit controls. Answer: C Explanation: User spool limits restrict the space available for running user queries. This prevents poorly formed queries from consuming excessive system resources and impacting general query performance. Limiting the space available to users in their own databases prevents them from building excessively large tables. This helps to control space utilization which itself acts to help performance by maintaining a buffer between the actual data volume stored and the physical device capacity. Additionally, it prevents users from consuming excessive resources in ad hoc table builds (as opposed to scheduled production loads that often can run overnight and are optimized for performance purposes), in a data warehouse, since you are not running online transactions, commitment and rollback does not have an impact on performance. The other choices are not as likely to be the root cause of this performance issue.

Which of the following BEST ensures the integrity of a server's operating system? A. Protecting the server in a secure location B. Setting a boot password C. Hardening the server configuration D. Implementing activity logging

C. hardening the server configuration. Answer: C Explanation: Hardening a system means to configure it in the most secure manner (install latest security patches, properly define the access authorization for users and administrators, disable insecure options and uninstall unused services) to prevent nonprivileged users from gaining the right to execute privileged instructions and thus take control of the entire machine, jeopardizing the OS's integrity. Protecting the server in a secure location and setting a boot password are good practices, but do not ensure that a user will not try to exploit logical vulnerabilities and compromise the OS. Activity logging has two weaknesses in this scenario-it is a detective control (not a preventive one), and the attacker who already gained privileged accesscan modify logs or disable them.

A database administrator has detected a performance problem with some tables which could be solved through denormalization. This situation will increase the risk of: A. concurrent access. B. deadlocks. C. unauthorized access to data. D. a loss of data integrity.

D. A loss of data integrity. Answer: D Answer: D Explanation: Normalization is the removal of redundant data elements from the database structure. Disabling normalization in relational databases will create redundancy and a risk of not maintaining consistency of data, with the consequent loss of data integrity. Deadlocks are not caused by denormalization. Access to data is controlled by defining user rights to information, and is not affected by denormalization.

A company is implementing a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP). Given that the following conditions exist, which represents the GREATEST concern? A. Most employees use laptops. B. A packet filtering firewall is used. C. The IP address space is smaller than the number of PCs. D. Access to a network port is not restricted.

D. Access to the network port is not restricted. Answer: D Explanation: Given physical access to a port, anyone can connect to the internal network. The other choices do not present the exposure that access to a port does. DHCP provides convenience (an advantage) to the laptop users. Sharing IP addresses and the existence of a firewall can be security measures.

Which of the following applet intrusion issues poses the GREATEST risk of disruption to an organization? A. A program that deposits a virus on a client machine B. Applets recording keystrokes and, therefore, passwords C. Downloaded code that reads files on a client's hard drive D. Applets opening connections from the client machine

D. Applets opening connections from a client machine. Answer: D Explanation: An applet is a program downloaded from a web server to the client, usually through a web browser that provides functionality for database access, interactive web pages and communications with other users. Applets opening connections from the client machine to other machines on the network and damaging those machines, as a denial-of-service attack, pose the greatest threat to an organization and could disrupt business continuity. A program that deposits a virus on a client machine is referred toas a malicious attack (i.e., specifically meant to cause harm to a client machine), but may not necessarily result in a disruption of service. Applets that record keystrokes, and therefore, passwords, and downloaded code that reads files on a client's hard drive relate more to organizational privacy issues, and although significant, are less likely to cause a significant disruption of service.

An IS auditor analyzing the audit log of a database management system (DBMS) finds that some transactions were partially executed as a result of an error, and are not rolled back. Which of the following transaction processing features has been violated? A. Consistency B. Isolation C. Durability D. Atomicity

D. Atomocity Answer: D Answer: D Explanation: Atomicity guarantees that either the entire transaction is processed or none of it is. Consistency ensures that the database is in a legal state when the transaction begins and ends, isolation means that, while in an intermediate state, the transaction data is invisible to external operations. Durability guarantees that a successful transaction will persist, and cannot be undone.

An installed Ethernet cable run in an unshielded twisted pair (UTP) network is more than 100 meters long. Which of the following could be caused by the length of the cable? A. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) B. Cross-talk C. Dispersion D. Attenuation

D. Attenuation. Answer: D Explanation: Attenuation is the weakening of signals during transmission. When the signal becomes weak, it begins to read a 1 for a 0, and the user may experience communication problems. UTP faces attenuation around 100 meters. Electromagnetic interference (EMl)is caused by outside electromagnetic waves affecting the desired signals, which is not the case here. Cross-talk has nothing to do with the length of the UTP cable.

Which of the following reports should an IS auditor use to check compliance with a service level agreement's (SLA) requirement for uptime? A. Utilization reports B. Hardware error reports C. System logs D. Availability reports

D. Availability reports. Answer: D Explanation: IS inactivity, such as downtime, is addressed by availability reports. These reports provide the time periods during which the computer was available for utilization by users or other processes. Utilization reports document the use of computer equipment, and can be used by management to predict how/where/when resources are required. Hardware error reports provide information to aid in detecting hardware failures and initiating corrective action. System logs are a recording of the system's activities.

Which of the following database controls would ensure that the integrity of transactions is maintained in an online transaction processing system's database? A. Authentication controls B. Data normalization controls C. Read/write access log controls D. Commitment and rollback controls

D. Commitment and rollback controls Answer: D Commitment and rollback controls are directly relevant to integrity. These controls ensure that database operations that form a logical transaction unit will complete in its entirety or not at all; i.e., if, for some reason, a transaction cannot be fully completed, then incomplete inserts/updates/deletes are rolled back so that the database returns to its pretransaction state. All other choices would not address transaction integrity.

Which of the following processes should an IS auditor recommend to assist in the recording of baselines for software releases? A. Change management B. Backup and recovery C. incident management D. Configuration management

D. Configuration management. Answer: D Explanation: The configuration management process may include automated tools that will provide an automated recording of software release baselines. Should the new release fail, the baseline will provide a point to which to return. The other choices do not provide the processes necessary for establishing software release baselines and are not related to software release baselines.

Which of the following line media would provide the BEST security for a telecommunication network? A. Broadband network digital transmission B. Baseband network C. Dial-up D. Dedicated lines

D. Dedicated lines. Answer: D Explanation: Dedicated lines are set apart for a particular user or organization. Since there is no sharing of lines or intermediate entry points, the risk of interception or disruption of telecommunications messages is lower.

An IS auditor reviewing a database application discovers that the current configuration does not match the originally designed structure. Which of the following should be the IS auditor's next action? A. Analyze the need for the structural change. B. Recommend restoration to the originally designed structure. C. Recommend the implementation of a change control process. D. Determine if the modifications were properly approved.

D. Determine if the modifications were properly approved. Answer: D Explanation: An IS auditor should first determine if the modifications were properly approved. Choices A, B and C are possible subsequent actions, should the IS auditor find that the structural modification had not been approved.

Which of the following should be of PRIMARY concern to an IS auditor reviewing the management of external IT service providers? A. Minimizing costs for the services provided B. Prohibiting the provider from subcontracting services C. Evaluating the process for transferring knowledge to the IT department D. Determining if the services were provided as contracted

D. Determining if the services were provided as contracted. Answer: D Answer: D Explanation: From an IS auditor's perspective, the primary objective of auditing the management of service providers should be to determine if the services that were requested were provided in a way that is acceptable, seamless and in line with contractual agreements. Minimizing costs, if applicable and achievable (depending on the customer's need) is traditionally not part of an IS auditor's job. This would normally be done by a line management function within the IT department. Furthermore, during an audit, it is too late to minimize the costs for existing provider arrangements. Subcontracting providers could be a concern, but it would not be the primary concern. Transferring knowledge to the internal IT department might be desirable under certain circumstances, but should not be the primary concern of an IS auditor when auditing IT service providers and the management thereof.

The MAIN criterion for determining the severity level of a service disruption incident is: A. cost of recovery. B. negative public opinion. C. geographic location. D. downtime.

D. Downtime. Answer: D Answer: D Explanation: The longer the period of time a client cannot be serviced, the greater the severity of the incident. The cost of recovery could be minimal yet the service downtime could have a major impact. Negative public opinion is a symptom of an incident. Geographic location does not determine the severity of the incident.

The BEST way to minimize the risk of communication failures in an e-commerce environment would be to use: A. compression software to minimize transmission duration. B. functional or message acknowledgments. C. a packet-filtering firewall to reroute messages. D. leased asynchronous transfer mode lines.

D. Leased aynchronous transfer mode lines. Answer: D Explanation: Leased asynchronous transfer mode lines are a way to avoid using public and shared infrastructures from the carrier or Internet service provider that have a greater number of communication failures. Choice A, compression software, is a valid way to reduce the problem, but is not as good as leased asynchronous transfer mode lines. Choice B is a control based on higher protocol layers and helps if communication lines are introducing noise, but not if a link is down. Choice C, a packet-filtering firewall, does not reroute messages.

In regard to moving an application program from the test environment to the production environment, the BEST control would be to have the: A. application programmer copy the source program and compiled object module to the production libraries. B. application programmer copy the source program to the production libraries and then have the production control group compile the program. C. production control group compile the object module to the production libraries using the source program in the test environment. D. production control group copy the source program to the production libraries and then compile the program.

D. Production control group copy the source program to the production libraries and then compile the program. Answer: D Explanation: The best control would be provided by having the production control group copy the source program to the production libraries and then compile the program.

Which of the following is a network diagnostic tool that monitors and records network information? A. Online monitor B. Downtime report C. Help desk report D. Protocol analyzer

D. Protocol analyzer Answer: D Explanation: Protocol analyzers are network diagnostic tools that monitor and record network information from packets traveling in the link to which the analyzer is attached. Online monitors (choice A) measure telecommunications transmissions and determine whether transmissions were accurate and complete. Downtime reports (choice B) track the availability of telecommunication lines and circuits. Help desk reports (choice C) are prepared by the help desk, which is staffed or supported by IS technical support personnel trained to handle problems occurring during the course of IS operations.

Which of the following will prevent dangling tuples in a database? A. Cyclic integrity B. Domain integrity C. Relational integrity D. Referential integrity

D. Referential integrity. Answer: D Explanation: Referential integrity ensures that a foreign key in one table will equal null or the value of a primary in the other table. For every tuple in a table having a referenced/foreign key, there should be a corresponding tuple in another table, i.e., forexistence of all foreign keys in the original tables, if this condition is not satisfied, then it results in a dangling tuple. Cyclical checking is the control technique for the regular checking of accumulated data on a file against authorized sourcedocumentation. There is no cyclical integrity testing. Domain integrity testing ensures that a data item has a legitimate value in the correct range or set. Relational integrity is performed at the record level and is ensured by calculating and verifying specific fields.

When performing a database review, an IS auditor notices that some tables in the database are not normalized. The IS auditor should next: A. recommend that the database be normalized. B. review the conceptual data model. C. review the stored procedures. D. review the justification.

D. Review the justification. Answer: D Explanation: If the database is not normalized, the IS auditor should review the justification since, in some situations, denormalization is recommended for performance reasons. The IS auditor should not recommend normalizing the database until further investigation takes place. Reviewing the conceptual data model or the stored procedures will not provide information about normalization

Which of the following would BEST maintain the integrity of a firewall log? A. Granting access to log information only to administrators B. Capturing log events in the operating system layer C. Writing dual logs onto separate storage media D. Sending log information to a dedicated third-party log server

D. Sending log information to a dedicated third-party log server. Answer: D Explanation: Establishing a dedicated third-party log server and logging events in it is the best procedure for maintaining the integrity of a firewall log. When access control to the log server is adequately maintained, the risk of unauthorized log modification will be mitigated, therefore improving the integrity of log information. To enforce segregation of duties, administrators should not have access to log files. This primarily contributes to the assurance of confidentiality rather than integrity. Thereare many ways to capture log information: through the application layer, network layer, operating systems layer, etc.; however, there is no log integrity advantage in capturing events in the operating systems layer. If it is a highly mission-critical information system, it may be nice to run the system with a dual log mode. Having logs in two different storage devices will primarily contribute to the assurance of the availability of log information, rather than to maintaining its integrity.

Which of the following is the MOST effective method for dealing with the spreading of a network worm that exploits vulnerability in a protocol? A. Install the vendor's security fix for the vulnerability. B. Block the protocol traffic in the perimeter firewall. C. Block the protocol traffic between internal network segments. D. Stop the service until an appropriate security fix is installed.

D. Stop the service until an appropriate security fix is installed. Answer: D Explanation: Stopping the service and installing the security fix is the safest way to prevent the worm from spreading, if the service is not stopped, installing the fix is not the most effective method because the worm continues spreading until the fix becomes effective. Blocking the protocol on the perimeter does not stop the worm from spreading to the internal network(s). Blocking the protocol helps to slow down the spreading but also prohibits any software that utilizes it from working between segments.

Which of the following would be considered an essential feature of a network management system? A. A graphical interface to map the network topology B. Capacity to interact with the Internet to solve the problems C. Connectivity to a help desk for advice on difficult issues D. An export facility for piping data to spreadsheets

A. A graphical interface to map the network topology. Answer: A Explanation: To trace the topology of the network, a graphical interface would be essential. It is not necessary that each network be on the internet and connected to a help desk, while the ability to export to a spreadsheet is not an essential element.

Which of the following would an IS auditor consider to be the MOST helpful when evaluating the effectiveness and adequacy of a computer preventive maintenance program? A. A system downtime log B. Vendors' reliability figures C. Regularly scheduled maintenance log D. A written preventive maintenance schedule

A. A system downtime log. Answer: A Explanation: A system downtime log provides information regarding the effectiveness and adequacy of computer preventive maintenance programs.

Which of the following network components is PRIMARILY set up to serve as a security measure by preventing unauthorized traffic between different segments of the network? A. Firewalls B. Routers C. Layer 2 switches D. VLANs

A. Firewalls Answer: A Answer: A Explanation: Firewall systems are the primary tool that enable an organization to prevent unauthorized access between networks. An organization may choose to deploy one or more systems that function as firewalls. Routers can filter packets based on parameters, such as source address, but are not primarily a security tool. Based on Media Access Control (MAC) addresses, layer 2 switches separate traffic in a port as different segments and without determining if it is authorized or unauthorized traffic. A virtual LAN (VLAN) is a functionality of some switches that allows them to switch the traffic between different ports as if they are in the same LAN. Nevertheless, they do not deal with authorized vs. unauthorized traffic.

Which of the following controls will MOST effectively detect the presence of bursts of errors in network transmissions? A. Parity check B. Echo check C. Block sum check D. Cyclic redundancy check

Answer: D Explanation: The cyclic redundancy check (CRC) can check for a block of transmitted datA. The workstations generate the CRC and transmit it with the datA. The receiving workstation computes a CRC and compares it to the transmitted CRC. if both of them are equal.then the block is assumed error free, in this case (such as in parity error or echo check), multiple errors can be detected. In general, CRC can detect all single-bit and bubble-bit errors. Parity check (known as vertical redundancy check) also involves adding a bit (known as the parity bit) to each character during transmission. In this case, where there is a presence of bursts of errors (i.e., impulsing noise during high transmission rates), it has a reliability of approximately 50 percent. Inhigher transmission rates, this limitation is significant. Echo checks detect line errors by retransmitting data to the sending device for comparison with the original transmission.

Which of the following controls would provide the GREATEST assurance of database integrity? A. Audit log procedures B. Table link/reference checks C. Query/table access time checks D. Rollback and rollforward database features

B. Table link reference checks. Answer: B Explanation: Performing table link/reference checks serves to detect table linking errors (such as completeness and accuracy of the contents of the database), and thus provides the greatest assurance of database integrity. Audit log procedures enable recording ofall events that have been identified and help in tracing the events. However, they only point to the event and do not ensure completeness or accuracy of the database's contents. Querying/monitoring table access time checks helps designers improve database performance, but not integrity. Rollback and rollforward database features ensure recovery from an abnormal disruption. They assure the integrity of the transaction that was being processed at the time of disruption, but do not provide assurance on the integrity of the contents of the database.

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