Ite 115 ch 2

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Popular TLDs in the US

.biz (unrestricted use, but usually identifies businesses) , .com (commercial sites), .edu (academicians research sites like schools & universities), .gov (US gov org) , .int (international treaty org) , .mil (military org) , .mobi (sites optimized for mobile devices)

Check how reasonable a website is

1. Identify the purpose of the webpage 2. Evaluate whether the webpage offers more than one point of view 3. Emotional, persuasive, or biased language is often a sign that the author is not being fair or moderate. Even opinion should be expressed any a moderate tone 4. Look for a conflict of interest (ex. If author talks about a smartphone and sells that smartphone)

Evaluate webpage support

1. Look for links or citations to reputable sources or authorities 2. Check other webpages and print material on the topic to see if they cite the same sources 3. Look for quotations from experts 4. For photos or other reproduced content, a credit line should appear somewhere on the page that states the source in any necessary copyright information

Check website accuracy

1. verify its fax and claims 2. evaluate the information source 3. find out more about an organization that has no history, physical location, or staff 4. check to see if the source has a bias and evaluate the information with the bias in mind 5. check the webpage footer for the date the information was published or updated. For many topics, especially technology, you need current information

Navigation bar

A bar or menu list links to other major parts of the website


A collection of webpages (often short for pages) makes up this. Generally focused on one specific topic, business, or purpose


A column on the left or right of the webpage provide supplemental material, including social networking feeds, ads, and links (sometimes omit-able)


A global collection of millions of computers linked together to share information worldwide Side note: more than 3.2 billion people use the internet and the web

General search engine

A non-specialized search engine designed to find general results (ex. Google Bing and Yahoo)

Creative Commons (CC)

A nonprofit organization that helps content creators keep copyright to their materials while allowing others to use, copy, or distribute their work

Specialty search engine

A search engine that lets you search databases, news providers, podcast, and other online information sources that general search engines do not always access (ex. Google scholar)

Pros of web apps

Access web apps from any device with a browser and Internet connection, collaborate with others no matter their location, store your work on the apps website so you can access it anytime and anywhere, save storage space on your device.

Fair use doctrine

Allows you to use a sentence or paragraph of text without permission if you include a citation to the original source

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

An address that identifies the location of the page on the Internet


An app designed to display webpages (ex. Google, chrome, Apple safari, and Microsoft edge)

Web directory (subject directory)

An online guide to subjects or websites usually arranged in alphabetical order (better choice than a search engine if conducting online research)

Citation style

And a formal reference to a published work such as a book, journal, magazine, or website, the sequence of elements and the punctuation between them (MLA, APA, or Chicago)

Public Technical Identifiers (PTI)

Approves and controls TLD's

Web apps

Apps you can run entirely in a browser (ex. Microsoft Office, Google docs, slack & trello)


As you navigate websites, your browser keeps a copy of each webpage you view in this So that next time you go to the webpage it loads more quickly

Types of websites

Banking & finance, entertainment, blogs, gov org, health & fitness, science , mapping, retail & auctions, web apps and software as a service (SaaS), media sharing (social media)

Word stem

Base of a word. Used to broaden a search (ex. Instead of businesses use business. Also combine the word stem w/ * as in tech to find technology, technician and technique

Address bar

Browser displays the URL for the current webpage in this and can also be used to type the URL of the webpage you want to display

Types of e-commerce websites

Business to consumer (B2C), consumer to consumer (C2C) and business to business (B2B)

E-commerce (electronic commerce)

Business transactions on an electronica network such as the Internet (buying/selling goods or services online ex. Amazon)


Collaborative website where you and your colleagues can modify and publish content on a webpage. Specifically useful for group projects

Specialized search tools

Concentrate on specific resources, such as scholarly journals or the United States Congress (ex. Directory of open access journals, legislative search, and Google books)

Business-to-business (B2B)

Consist of businesses providing goods and services to other businesses (ex. Market research websites, ads, training, tech support, raw materials, machinery & electronics for a varying price)

electronic storefront

Contains product descriptions, images, and shopping cart to collect items you want to purchase


Database object that is created based on a field or combination of fields. Built from spiders/crawlers.

Web Server

Delivers webpages to computers requesting the pages through a browser


Electronic document that can contain text, graphics, sound, video, and links to other webpages


Exact (ex. "Augmented reality")


Find webpages within a range of numbers (ex. Augmented reality 1990...2000)

Search tool

Finds online information based on criteria you specifiy or selections you make


Formal reference to a source, such as published work


Gives authors and artist the legal right to sell, publish, or distribute an original work

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

Group that sets standards that allows devices, services, and applications to work together across the Internet (ex. Sets standards for IP addresses, routing data, securing websites, and dev. Guidelines for responsible internet use)

Major components of a webpage

Header or banner, navigation bar or menu, body, sidebar and footer

information literacy

How you find, evaluate, use and communicate online information

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Hundreds of organizations and experts that work together to write web standards (publishes standards on topics ranging from building webpages, to tech for enabling web access to any device, to browser and search engine design)

domain name

Identifies one or more IP addresses. URLs use this in the server address part of the URL to identify a particular website (ex.

Determine credibility of a website

Identify the author of the webpage and check their credentials this information is often listed on the contact us page or the about page, if you have biographical information, read it to learn whether the author has a degree in a field related to the topic, use a search engine such as Google or the professional networking site linked in to search for the authors name and see whether the author is an expert on the subject


Include the names of the folders containing the file, the file name, and its extension (ex. student/index.html or htm which specifies a file named index.html and folder student)

Navigation bar

Includes button such as back and forward that you can use to revisit webpages along the breadcrumb path


Informal websites with time stamped articles, or post, and a diary or journal format

Business-to-consumer (B2C)

Involves the sale of goods and services to the general public (ex. Shopping website)

intellectual property rights

Legal rights protecting those who create work such as photos, art, writing, inventions, and music


Located at the bottom of the webpage. Contains links to other parts of the website and list information about the webpage such as when it was last updated


Located at the top of a webpage and usually includes a logo to identify the organization sponsoring the webpage and a title to indicate the topic or purpose of the webpage. Can also provide search tool for searching the website


Main content area of the webpage and can provide texts, images, audio, and video

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Most common way to transfer information around the web to retrieve the page


Most relevant results


Move from one webpage to another

What you can do with information literacy

Navigate many sources of information including the Internet, online library's, and popular media sites, select the right to for finding the information you need, recognize that not all information is created equal, evaluate whether information is misleading, biased, or out of date, manage information to become a knowledgeable decision maker

- hyphen

Not (ex. Augmented reality- virtual)

Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

Occurs when one consumer sells directly to another (ex. Online auctions like eBay)

| vertical bar

Or (ex. Augmented | reality)


Placeholder for any number of characters (augment* reality)

Website use

Play games, access news, weather, and sports information, download or read books, participate in online training, attend classes, etc.

Hyper Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

Protocol used to make a secure connection to a computer ; identified by the HTTPS prefix in a URL and often used by banks and retail stores

URL parts

Protocol-standardized procedure computers use to exchange information (ex. Http://) Server address-The address of the server storing the webpage (ex. Pathname-The address to the folder containing the webpage (ex. /student/index.html) File name-The name of the webpage file (ex. index.html)


Restate an idea using words different from those used in the original text


Search Engine Results Page


Search term Side note: A general search engine refers to its database index and then list pages that match your search term ranked by how closely they answer your _____.

Wolfram Alpha

Search tool that answers factual questions directly, without listing webpages that might contain the answer

Ask a Librarian

Search tool that connects you to librarians at the library of Congress and other library's; allows you to engage in an online chat or submit your question in an online form


Search tool that does a reverse search for submitted images, rather than keywords to locate the original image and match it with other indexed images


Search tool that finds videos or other multimedia; uses speech recognition to match the audio part of a video with your search term

Cons of e-commerce

Security (risk of credit card info being compromised), fraud (fraudulent shopping websites made to look real) & indirect experience (can't experience a product directly to verify quality, color or texture & lose social interaction)


Security method that scrambles or codes data as it is transmitted over a network so it is not readable until it is decrypted


Set of moral principles that govern peoples behavior

content aggregator

Site that gathers, organizes, and then distributes web content to subscribers (ex. News360 or Flipboard)

Media sharing site

Site where you can manage media such as photos, videos, and music and share them with other site members (ex. Youtube or Flickr)


Small text files generated by a web server that act like a storage bin for the items you placed in your shopping cart that store shopping cart item numbers, saved preferences, and other information.

Search engine

Software design to find webpages based on your search criteria. Also used to solve math equations, define words, find flights and more.

Spiders or crawlers

Software that combs the web to find webpages and add new data about them to the database

Application (app)

Software you use to perform a task

3D secure

Standard protocol for securing credit card transactions over the Internet using both encryption and digital certificates (ex. Sites that use Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode & American Express SafeKey)

To get the most out of a web search:

State what kind of information you are seeking as specifically as possible, phrase the search term as a question as in "how do businesses use augmented reality?", Identify the keywords or phrases that could answer the question, select an appropriate search tool

Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Techniques such as authentication, copy protection, or encryption that limit access to proprietary materials

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Technology used to encrypt data that helps protect consumers and businesses from fraud and identity theft when conducting commerce on the Internet

Digital certificate

Technology used to verify users identity by using a digital key and that has been "signed" by a trusted third-party. The third-party verifies the owner and that the key belongs to that owner

Public Domain

The item, such as a photo, is available and accessible to the public without requiring permission to use, and therefore not subject to copyright


The path you followed to display a webpage

top-level domain (TLD)

The three letter extension after the period in a web address (ex: .com, .edu, and .gov)

Internet Protocol (IP) address

Unique number that consist of four sets of numbers from 0 to 255 separated by periods or dots which identifies every computer on the internet (ex.


Using the work or ideas of someone else and claiming them as your own

Pros of e-commerce

Variety (choose good from any vendor in the world), convenience (shop no matter your location, the time or weather conditions) & budget (compare prices & find one that meets your budget)

Home page (start page)

Webpage that appears when you open a browser or main page in a website

web portal (portal)

Website that combines pages from many sources and provides access to those pages (ex. your bank might create this and include snapshots of your accounts and access to financial info)

online social network (social networking site or social media site)

Website that encourages members to share their interest, ideas, stories, photos, music, and videos online with other registered users (ex. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Tumblr)

Usage rights

When you can use, share, or modify the images you find online

Web app server or cloud (cloud storage)

When you use a web app you usually store your data on this (ex. Dropbox & Skype)

Hyperlink (link)

Words or graphics you can click to display a webpage or other resources on the Internet such as a file


Words that describe what you want to find and produce a list of results that include the words or phrase


World Wide Web, part of the internet

Cons of web apps

You must be online to use web apps, your files are more vulnerable to security and privacy violations, if the web app provider has technical problems you might not be able to access your work, if the web app provider goes out of business you can lose your files

Search operators (Boolean operators)

characteristics, words, or symbols that focus the search (ex. Quotation marks " , vertical bar | , hyphen - , astrick* , #..#)

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