J-Bible 2

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THE PURPLE TESTAMENT Seen here ... (audio not available on archivist's tape)


BIBLICAL NUMBERS The number of times the words "apple" & "snake" appear in the King James Version of Genesis

0 ("fruit" & "serpent" were used instead)

ROUND NUMBER, PLEASE Number of psalms in the Biblical book of Psalms


THE NEW TESTAMENT After he was baptized, Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan for this many days

40 days

THE BIBLE Of 40, 100 or 400, the one closest to the total years the Israelites were in captivity in Egypt


THE NEW TESTAMENT In Luke 9, even after "about" this number of "men... did eat and were all filled", there were 12 baskets of food left over


BIBLICAL NUMBERS The number of days it took God to create the universe & everything in it (not resting)


BIBLICAL ANIMALS Jesus called the Pharisees "Blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow" this

A camel

BODY LANGUAGE Derived from the Bible, it immediately follows "An eye for an eye"

A tooth for a tooth

CABLE TV This acronym for American Christian Television System is a book of the Bible, too


BIBLICAL FASHION Golden bells & pomegranates were to adorn the hem of the robe of this brother of Moses


THE BIBLE This brother of Moses was the first Jewish high priest


IN THE BIBLE This shepherd buys the farm in Genesis 4:8


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Cain's brother's horse barns

Abel's stables

BIBLICAL MULTIPLE CHOICE Of Amos, Andy, Lum or Abner, the cousin of King Saul


BIBLICAL PEOPLE & PLACES (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-03-30_DJ_26.jpg" target="_blank">Alex stands at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.</a>) The Western Wall is the only remnant of a retaining wall that was built to support the Temple Mount; now tradition says this mount was Moriah, the site where this patriarch prepared to sacrifice his son


BIBLICAL PEOPLE Ephron the Hittite sold this patriarch the field where he buried his wife Sarah


BIBLICAL POLICE BLOTTER We admire his faith, but it seems this guy almost knocked off his own son in Genesis 22


BIBLICAL QUOTES In Genesis 17:4 God told him, "Thou shalt be a father of many nations"


BOOK TITLES Bruce Feiler's biography of this Biblical figure is subtitled "A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths"


KING JAMES BIBLE After Sarah's death, he married Keturah, who bore him Zimran, Ishbak & others


NAME THAT DAD The Bible's Ishmael


OLD TESTAMENT PEOPLE The name of this first great patriarch of Israel means "father of a multitude"


TENTS IN THE BIBLE When asked "Where is Sarah thy wife?", he replied, "In the tent"


THE BIBLE God said this man, childless at the time, would have as many descendants as the number of stars in heaven


BIBLICAL FAMILIES Father & son depicted here

Abraham & Isaac

BIBLE QUOTES BY BOOK "Then Peter said, silver & gold I have none... in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk"


LET'S GET BIBLICAL Of the books in the King James Bible, this New Testament book is alphabetically first

Acts (of the Apostles)

THE TESTAMENT "After these things Paul departed from Athens, and came to Corinth"

Acts (of the Apostles)

NOW APPEARING IN A BIBLICAL BOOK NEAR YOU Other than the 4 Gospels, one of the 2 books in which Pontius Pilate appears

Acts (of the Apostles) (or 1 Timothy)

BIBLE BOOKS BY FAMOUS PHRASE "It is more blessed to give than to receive"

Acts of the Apostles

BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Alphabetically, the first book of the Bible is this New Testament book

Acts of the Apostles

THE BIBLE Alphabetically, it's the first book of the King James Bible

Acts of the Apostles

THE BIBLE Both the gospel of Luke & this book are addressed to someone named Theophilus

Acts of the Apostles

BIBLE HEROES He had 3 sons: Seth, Abel & Cain


BIBLICAL CLOTHES RACK In Genesis 3, God himself makes tunics out of animal skin for this man to wear


BIBLICAL DATING GAME "There was not found an help meet" for him until God played Jim Lange & provided one




BIBLICAL SPEAKERS "The woman who thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat"


BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh"


NOW WE ARE SIX Of the 6 prophets of Islam, Muhammad was the last & this early biblical guy was the first


OLD TESTAMENT HEROES This man said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman"


THE BIBLE In Genesis 3:7 they sew themselves aprons of fig leaves

Adam & Eve

BIBLICAL DEATH PENALTIES According to Leviticus 20:10, it's death to both parties involved who committeth this


SIN-EMA Julie London copes with a jealous husband in 1959's "A Question of" this Biblical sin


THE "A" LIST In the Bible he had a whale of a time as the husband of Jezebel


THE NEW TESTAMENT In chapter 22 of Revelation, Jesus spoke a little Greek, mentioning these 2 words

Alpha & Omega

THE OLD TESTAMENT Named for a prophet, it's alphabetically first among the Old Testament books


THE OLD TESTAMENT The book of this farmer-turned-prophet is the first alphabetically in the Old Testament


QUASI-RELATED PAIRS A Biblical Hebrew prophet with his own book & commentator Rooney

Amos & Andy

HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE It should prove to be a most interesting discussion

Amos (in a most)

THE NEW TESTAMENT John says Mary Magdalene looked into the tomb & saw two of these where Jesus' body had been


THE BIBLE Greek for "hidden books", Lutherans view these as non-canonical, but useful works


THE BIBLE The 12 disciples whom Jesus chose to be his special messengers were called these


CANADA ROCKS In 2007 this Montreal group was "aflame" with creativity on their album "Neon Bible"

Arcade Fire

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY This town is home to the Joseph who gave his tomb for Jesus' burial


CROSSWORD CLUES "A" Biblical boat (3)


THE OLD TESTAMENT God told Moses “And thou shalt put into†this object “the testimony which I shall give theeâ€

Ark of the Covenant

THE OLD TESTAMENT The cover, or mercy seat, of this box represented the throne of God

Ark of the Covenant

PLAINS Israel's Plain of Jezreel is said to be the site of this future Biblical battle


THE BIBLE It's the battlefield where good & evil will fight their final battle


THE OLD TESTAMENT In Esther 4:3, there was great mourning among the Jews, and many lay in sackcloth & these


BIBLICAL MEGADEATHS II Kings recounts the slaughter by an angel of the Lord of 185,000 soldiers of this kingdom to the north of Israel


IT'S IN THE BIBLE In 1 Samuel 17 he defeats Goliath


KNOW YOUR BIBLE By tradition, at least 70 psalms are attributed to this Biblical king


LESSER-KNOWN BIBLICAL FOLK Haggith was one of his wives, but she was no Bathsheba


MY BOYS The New Testament begins, "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of" this king


OLD TESTAMENT PEOPLE This young lyre player became King Saul's armor-bearer


PARENTS In the Bible, King Solomon takes the throne of this man, his father


NAME THE PARENTS The Old Testament's King Solomon

David & Bathsheba

BIBLICAL WORDS & PHRASES "Pale Horse" is a metaphor for the approach of this


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL BLANK 1 Corinthians 15:26 -- "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is ____"


NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES It's "The wages of sin"


THE NEW TESTAMENT In Revelation, it was the name of he who sat on a pale horse




QUICK LIT This 1952 Steinbeck novel has a biblical title & a biblical story

East of Eden

BIBLICAL NON-PROPHET Hosea, Haggai, Hannah


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL ____ In Luke 4: "Physician, ____ thyself"


BIBLICAL WORDS & PHRASES "Can the leopard change" these? means "it's impossible"

Its Spots

BIBLICAL SPEAKERS "I am Esau thy firstborn"


GO GO GAUGUIN Gauguin's 1888 painting "The Vision After the Sermon" shows this biblical figure "wrestling with the angel"


PHONE HOME! Biblical prophet Joesph, phone home! This man, your father, needs your investment advice


THE OLD TESTAMENT Psalm 122 says "Pray for the peace of" this city; "they shall prosper that love thee"


THE 4th The 4th Gospel of the New Testament


BIBLICAL PEOPLE After being delivered from the belly of the great fish, he warned Nineveh of its great evil


BIBLICAL PROPHETS This prophet's accomplishments include being "vomited out" of a great fish


BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "Out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice"


THE BIBLE (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2002-07-04_DJ_08.jpg" target="_blank">Hi. I'm Alan Dershowitz</a>.) In "The Genesis of Justice" I present as a case this Biblical character's abduction by his jealous brothers


DANTE'S INFERNO At the center of Hell, Satan is devouring Brutus, Cassius & this biblical figure


KNOWING HIM BIBLICALLY In John 6:70, Jesus says of him, "Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?"

Judas Iscariot

SMOOCHING IN SHAKESPEARE "Love's Labour's Lost" & "Henry VI, Part III" both mention the kiss of this Biblical traitor

Judas Iscariot

BOOKS OF THE BIBLE "Hey", this book comes between third John & Revelation


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE A victory ode, "The Song of Deborah" is found in this book


HEY THERE, DELILAH ...you won this round but people will remember Samson fondly in this book of the Bible; you, not so much


LET'S GET BIBLICAL Samson, Gideon & Deborah all make appearances in this biblical book with an occupational name


OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS IN OTHER WORDS Roy Bean & Kenesaw Mountain Landis


LET'S GET BIBLICAL Abigail got this king to spare her husband Nabal's life; about 10 days later Nabal died & she wed the king

King David

OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS After Solomon was born, this king captured the crown of Rabbah, which weighed about a talent, or 90 lbs.

King David

THE OLD TESTAMENT Twice, with an evil spirit upon him, this king tried to slay David with his javelin

King Saul

QUOTES FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE It is said that he "loved many strange women"; strange meaning foreign, like the Queen of Sheba

King Solomon

THE OLD TESTAMENT Later to reign for 40 years himself, he was David's son by Bathsheba

King Solomon

FILL IN THE BIBLICAL _____ 1 Thessalonians 1:3: "Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and _____ of love"


BIBLICAL PATRIARCHY In a dream, Jacob saw God at the top of one of these implements


LET'S GET BIBLICAL Jacob was shocked when he lifted the veil on his first bride & found her to be this woman


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Pillar of salt's hubby's collapsible beds

Lot's cots

BOOKS OF THE BIBLE This gospel is the first book of the New Testament


DOUBLE LETTERS It's the one of the 4 gospels in the New Testament that fits the category


THE BIBLE The 4 Gospels appear in this order

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

BIBLICAL CROSSWORD CLUES "M" Jesus as the "anointed one" (7)


BIBLE WHO'S WHO His first son, Lamech, was born when he was 187


BIBLICAL CROSSWORD CLUES "M" Noah's long-lived granddad (10)


BIBLICAL NAMES Trees with biblical names include the Joshua tree & the world's oldest tree, a 4,700-year-old pine named for him


BIBLICAL PEOPLE This longest-lived person in the Bible was Enoch's son & Noah's grandfather


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN The victory song of Aaron & this sister of Moses at the Red Sea is one of the earliest pieces of Hebrew literature


THE OLD TESTAMENT This sister of Aaron led the women in the victory song after the parting of the Red Sea


OPTICS Made of bronze in Biblical times, today they're often glass with a backing of a silver solution


KNOWING HIM BIBLICALLY Long before Joe Namath, this leader guaranteed a victory by holding up a hand in Exodus 17:11


LET'S GET BIBLICAL At the end of Deuteronomy, the events of this man's death are recounted


LET'S GET BIBLICAL In Exodus 18 he gets advice from his father-in-law Jethro


BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY Also called Horeb, experts aren't sure which mount it actually is: Serbal & Jebel Musa are guesses

Mount Sinai

THE OLD TESTAMENT "And the glory of the Lord abode upon" this mountain, "and the cloud covered it six days"

Mount Sinai

THE OLD TESTAMENT The Old Testament refers to it as Mount Horeb & the mountain of God

Mount Sinai

THE OLD TESTAMENT When Queen Jezebel vowed to execute Elijah, he fled to this holy mountain

Mount Sinai

UNIVERSITY STATE Dana College & Platte Valley Bible College


THE BIBLE Jonah was angry when this Assyrian city he prophesied against wasn't destroyed


BIBLE HEROES God warned him to get ready, which this man did, even though he was 600 years old when the flood finally came


LET'S GET READY TO ROOMBA! Roomba ate some Bible pages...fill in a quote for me? "And" he "lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years"


MESOPOTAMIA Utnapishtim, the Mesopotamian version of this Biblical man, is warned of the destruction of Shuruppak


MUSICAL THEATER Danny Kaye starred as this Biblical character in the 1970 show "Two By Two"


NAMES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT While on his boat, he sent out a dove to see if there was any dry land yet


THE OLD TESTAMENT This biblical patriarch was the son of Lamech & the grandson of Methuselah


WHO'S WHO IN THE BIBLE He was still virile at 500 years old when he begat Shem, Ham & Japheth


BIBLE TALES Some have deduced it took 120 years to build this & when it was completed only 8 people used it

Noah's Ark

THE GREAT CANADIAN NOVEL "Not Wanted on the Voyage" rewrites the story of this biblical vessel

Noah's Ark

THE OLD TESTAMENT Genesis says it was 300 cubits in length, making it about 500 feet long

Noah's ark

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME An ark builder's feathered neck accessories

Noah's boas

EXPRESSIONS Jonathan Swift turned this Biblical "land" into a synonym for sleep


RHYME SQUAD Land to which Cain fled in the Bible


THE OLD TESTAMENT After Abel's murder, Cain settled in this land east of Eden


LOTTO FEVER An illegal lottery, or the fourth book of the Old Testament


OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS In chapter 1 of this aptly named book, God orders that the first census of Israel be taken


REALLY OLD BOOKS In this Old Testament book, God orders Moses to count all the Israelites who are able to bear arms


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Ob-la-di ob-la-da, it's the shortest book of the Old Testament


LITERARY PETS This poetic Eliot feline has "lived many lives in succession" & is named for the 5th book of the Old Testament

Old Deuteronomy

BIBLICAL FOOD & DRINK The name Gethsemane comes from gath-shemen, Hebrew for oil press, probably one for this fruit


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN Ms. Winfrey was supposed to be called this, after a Moabite woman in the book of Ruth


BIBLICAL DATING GAME Tamar, whose name means the date type of this tree, "dated" 2 of Judah's sons & then Judah himself

Palm tree

BIBLICAL BOTANY Scholars have it down on paper that the bulrushes on the Nile were probably this plant


THE BIBLE Among these tales told by Jesus were those "of the net", "of the mustard seed" & "of the hidden treasures"


THE BIBLE In Exodus, this miracle occured after a strong east wind blew all night

Parting of the Red Sea

LESSER-KNOWN BIBLICAL FOLK Hoglah, a daughter of Zelophehad, could sing with Shirley & Keith, as her name means this


THE BIBLE In Exodus the feast of unleavened bread is combined with this holiday


BIBLE QUOTATIONS Apostle who in 1 Timothy wrote, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief"


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Prudhomme, Gauguin, Klee


BIBLICAL PEOPLE Once named Saul, he escaped Damascus by being let down a wall in a basket


BIBLICAL PEOPLE Romans & Thessalonians were among the people he addressed in his epistles


BIBLICAL PEOPLE This apostle, an effective missionary, is sometimes called the "second founder" of Christianity


LETTERS The seventh & eighth books of the New Testament are his epistles or letters to the Corinthians


MULTIPLE CHOICE Of Peter, Paul, or Mary, the one who converted Lydia in the Bible


RELIGION His letter to the Thessalonians, written about 51 A.D., is considered the earliest New Testament writing


TENTS IN THE BIBLE This apostle from Tarsus was a tentmaker by trade


THE BIBLE 13 of the New Testament's 27 books are attributed to him


THE BIBLE After Eutychus fell from a window to his death, he was restored to life by this apostle


THE BIBLE In 1 Corinthians, he wrote that "Your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God"


THE BIBLE In Acts 11 Barnabas brought this man to Antioch to assist his mission


THE BIBLE In writing to the Ephesians, he called himself "An Apostle of Jesus Christ by the Will of God"


THE BIBLE The first word in Romans 1:1 is his name


THE BIBLE This apostle inherited Roman citizenship from his father & was trained as a rabbi by Gamaliel


THE BIBLE To escape from Damascus, this "Apostle to the Gentiles" was lowered over the city walls in a basket


THE NEW TESTAMENT He described the Ephesians, one of the groups he wrote to, as "living unaware of spiritual riches"


THE NEW TESTAMENT On the road to Damascus, this future epistle writer was asked by Jesus, "Why persecutest thou me?"

Paul (or Saul of Tarsus)

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME The apostle to the Gentiles' journeys on his hands & knees

Paul's crawls

IT'S ALL GREEK TO ME From the Greek for "five scrolls", it's the term used for the first 5 books of the Bible


RELIGION BY THE NUMBERS It's the Greek term meaning "5 tools" that represents the 1st 5 books of the Bible


BIBLE STORIES On this festival, Galileans could suddenly talk like Parthians & Medes


WORDS FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE When this 10-letter word for plague is used, it usually means bubonic


BIBLICAL MILITARY MEN The Roman centurion Cornelius, possibly the first Gentile Christian, was converted by this fisherman


BIBLICAL PAINTINGS In a fresco at the Sistine Chapel, Pietro Perugino depicted "The Giving of the Keys" to him


BIBLICAL PEOPLE In one of this apostle's epistles, he uses the additional name Simon


BIBLICAL PEOPLE Jesus said of this disciple in John 1:42, "Thou shalt be called Cephas"


BIBLICAL QUOTES To this disciple, Jesus said, "Get thee behind me, Satan"


BIBLICAL VOICES This apostle "lifted up his voice" & addressed the crowd at Pentecost


GETTING BIBLICAL In Matthew 26:72 he denies his friendship with Jesus & claims, "I do not know the man"


NAME THAT BIBLE GUY "Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew"


QUOTES FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE In Matthew, Jesus said unto this disciple, "Get thee behind me, Satan"


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME The most prominent of the Apostles' warming devices

Peter's heaters

BIBLICAL CITIES Of the 10 most populous U.S. cities, the one that shares its name with a city mentioned in Revelation


BIBLICAL PEOPLE The gospel of Matthew says this governor of Judea "washed his hands" of the guilt for crucifying Jesus

Pontius Pilate

THE BIBLE In Luke, Jesus is tried both by Herod & by this Roman governor

Pontius Pilate

THE NEW TESTAMENT In Luke he is quoted as saying, "I, having examined him before you, have found no fault in this man"

Pontius Pilate

THE OLD TESTAMENT In Genesis, Joseph is imprisoned after accusations by the wife of this Egyptian


BIBLE BOOKS BY FAMOUS PHRASE "My cup runneth over"


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE "He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved"


DANCING IN THE BIBLE 2 of these that mention dancing are Number 30 & Number 149


HAPPY HANUKKAH Each morning during Hanukkah, selections known as Hallel from this Biblical book are sung in synagogues


MORE NASAL PASSAGES The heathens "have ears, but they hear not; noses have they, but they smell not" in no. 115 of this Biblical book


OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS It's sometimes referred to by the title "Sepher Tehillim", meaning "book of praises"


THE OLD TESTAMENT The first of these begins: "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly"


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS From the Greek "psallein", to pluck, we get this plucked type of zither that's mentioned in the Bible


THE PURPLE TESTAMENT The 1990 film "Graffiti Bridge" was the sequel to this 1984 hit film

Purple Rain

THE OLD TESTAMENT This queen gave Solomon 120 talents of gold & other precious items

Queen of Sheba

BIBLE MOVIES Set during Nero's reign, this film's title is a line uttered by Peter to Jesus & means "Where are you going?"

Quo Vadis

BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Ward, Weisz & "My Cousin"


THE BIBLE In Genesis Leah is described as "tender eyed" & this sister as "beautiful and well favored"


THE KISSING BOOTH In the Bible a rare instance of a man kissing a woman is when Jacob kissed her "and wept"


PUBLISHING After 7 years of planning, this magazine published a condensed version of the Bible in 1982

Reader's Digest

BODIES OF WATER Narrow Biblical sea between Saudi Arabia & Africa that's an intense blue-green in color

Red Sea

OLD TESTAMENT NAMES "Behold, a son", this firstborn son of Jacob


BIBLE BOOKS BY QUOTATION "And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour"


BIBLE QUOTES BY BOOK "And the armies which were in heaven followed him on white horses"


PROPHECIES & PREDICTIONS Attributed to the apostle John, this prophetic work is the last book of the New Testament

Revelation/The Apocalypse

THE PURPLE TESTAMENT A gunman named Lassiter is the hero of this Zane Grey novel

Riders of the Purple Sage

BODIES OF WATER According to the New Testament, it was the site of Jesus' baptism

River Jordan

THE "ROCKY"s He "checked into his room, only to find Gideon's Bible"

Rocky Raccoon

HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE From answers to questions; that's "Jeopardy!"

Romans (From answers)

THE OLD TESTAMENT Leviticus 23:24 sets this horn-blowing high holiday on the 1st day of the 7th month

Rosh Hashanah

BIRTHSTONES The Bible tells us "The price of wisdom is above" these red gems, July's birthstone


BIBLE PEOPLE MAGAZINE Boaz wanted her to glean his field & nobody else's


LET'S GET BIBLICAL They're the 2 books of the Bible named for women

Ruth & Esther

SAINTS This translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible is the patron saint of librarians

Saint Jerome

NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES His book begins, "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham"

Saint Matthew

FAMOUS FEMALES Depicted here is this legendary saint holding her famous Biblical fabric

Saint Veronica

GETTING BIBLICAL In the 1953 film version of this Biblical dancer's life, Rita Hayworth tries to save John the Baptist's life, not take it


HISTORY ON THE SCREEN She's the biblical seductress brought to sizzling life on the big screen here

Salome (played by Rita Hayworth)

BIBLICAL NON-PROPHET Nahum, Samson, Ezekiel


DID YOU READ YOUR BIBLE? In Judges 16 this strong man dies in Gaza, one of the Philistines' 5 strong cities


I'VE GOT A COMPLAINT Poet John Milton had this biblical strongman lamenting, "O loss of sight, of thee I most complain!"


SAM I AM Remarkably, using only the jawbone of an ass, he slew 1,000 men in the Old Testament


THE BIBLE He avenged his treatment by the Philistines, crashing their temple down on them


THE BIBLE He easily broke the bowstrings Delilah used to bind him


THE BIBLE This strongman carried the gates of Gaza about 40 miles to a hilltop named Hebron


THE OLD TESTAMENT He prayed to God for strength that "I may be at once avenged...for my two eyes"


THE OLD TESTAMENT Muscleman in the Ruben's work seen here:


THE OLD TESTAMENT One lie he told was "If they bind me with 7 green withs that were never dried, then shall I be weak"


THE OLD TESTAMENT This strongman's last prayer was that God give him the strength to collapse the temple of his Philistine captors


BIBLICAL PAIRS "Hairy" couple from Judges 16

Samson & Delilah

MIND YOUR BUSINESS The Shwayder brothers named their strong baggage product after this Biblical character

Samson (Samsonite)

PHOBIAS He's probably the Bible's most famous tonsurphobic

Samson (he was afraid of having his hair cut)

BIBLE MOVIES In 1949 Victor Mature & Hedy Lamarr played this dysfunctional Biblical couple with a penchant for barber-ism

Samson and Delilah

BRAND NAME ORIGINS This brand of luggage named for a Biblical man once used the slogan "Strong enough to stand on"


BIBLICAL PEOPLE Hagar was this woman's maidservant


WHO'S WHO IN THE BIBLE Isaac's mom, she's the woman most often mentioned by name in the Bible


THE OLD TESTAMENT In the Book of Job, this name means "accuser", & that was his role in God's court


BIBLE PEOPLE In I Samuel, David saved this king's life more than once


BIBLICAL VOICES In the first book of Samuel, he asked, "Is this thy voice, my son David?"


JERRY SPRINGER'S BIBLE SHOW David was hidden offstage when Jonathan told this man "Dad, Leave My Friends Alone!"


LESSER-KNOWN BIBLICAL FOLK Doeg the Edomite was a henchman of this man, Israel's first king


THE BIBLE This Tarsan was converted on the road to Damascus

Saul (or Paul)

BIBLICAL ART A painting by Caravaggio shows this man's "conversion on the way to Damascus"

Saul (or Saint Paul)

THE BIBLE In the New Testament, Jesus recruited apostles on the shore of this "sea" on which he later walked

Sea of Galilee

THE NEW TESTAMENT In Mark 4:39 Jesus calmed this body of water by saying, "Peace. Be still"

Sea of Galilee

THE OLD TESTAMENT -- BEFORE THE DELUGE After Cain slew Abel, "Adam knew his wife again, and she bare a son, and called his name" this


THE THIRD CATEGORY In the Bible, he's the third son born to Adam & Eve


BIBLES London printers of a 1631 Bible were fined 300 pounds for leaving the word "not" out of this fidelity commandment

Seventh ("Thou shalt not commit adultery")

BIBLE GUYS 1 of the 3 fireproof companions in Daniel 3

Shadrach (also Meshach or Abednego)

THE OLD TESTAMENT These 3 men were cast into a fiery furnace but "the fire had no power" over their bodies

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

BIBLICAL QUOTES These 3 friends of Daniel were bound & "cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace"

Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego

LAST WILLS & TESTAMENTS After his 1616 death, his will stipulated that his "second best bed" go to his wife, Anne, which does beg a question...


BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY In the Song of Solomon, a bride refers to herself as "the rose of" this plain between Joppa & Mount Carmel


OF ARABIA One of the earliest Arab kingdoms was Saba, which may be identical with this one mentioned in the Bible


BIBLICAL MULTIPLE CHOICE Of Michael, Peter, Micky or David, the one whose original name was also that of a singing chipmunk

Simon Peter

THE BIBLE The first 2 disciples Jesus called were Andrew & this man, his brother

Simon Peter

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY This mount "as altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire"


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL BLANK Isaiah 53:7 -- "He is brought as a lamb to the ____"


BIBLICAL CRIME BLOTTER Wanted in the case of fruit missing from the forbidden tree, this animal is considered long & dangerous


BIBLE STORIES Lot fled this city as God burned it behind him


BIBLICAL CITIES Lot's home was located in this wicked city


BIBLICAL PATRIARCHY Abraham tried to reason God out of destroying this city where his nephew Lot lived


CITIES OF THE BIBLE This city already had a bad reputation when Lot decided to settle there


PLACES IN THE BIBLE In Genesis 13 Lot chose this city as his residence; his wife would come to regret that real estate choice


TENTS IN THE BIBLE According to Genesis 13:12, "Lot pitched his tent toward" this city....uh-oh


THE LAND OF THE BIBLE Genesis says the lord overthrew these 2 wicked cities, making the land look like a smoking furnace

Sodom & Gomorrah

THE OLD TESTAMENT The Lord destroyed these 2 cities with fire & brimstone because "their sin is very grievous"

Sodom & Gomorrah

BIBLE MOVIES Stewart Granger played Lot & Pier Angeli was his salty wife Ildith in the 1962 film about these 2 title cities

Sodom and Gomorrah

BIBLE BROS David's son Adonijah asked to wed his late father's nurse; he was denied, & this brother of his had him whacked


BIBLE HEROES In 1 Kings 3, he wisely suggests cutting a child in two in order to reveal its true mother


BIBLE HEROES King David's wise son, he built the temple


BIBLE QUOTATIONS In 1 Kings 3:12 God said to him, "I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart"


BIBLICAL MILITARY MEN Benaiah was commander of this wise king's army


HANDEL 2 women dispute the parentage of a child in a scene from Handel's 1749 oratorio about this Biblical figure


IN THE BIBLE In I Kings 2, this man sat "upon the throne of David his father; and his kingdom was established greatly"


LITERATURE Modern novels with biblical titles include Jane Hamilton's "The Book of Ruth" & Toni Morrison's "Song of" him


THE BIBLE The first verse of the book of Proverbs attributes its authorship to this man


THE BIBLE This wise king of Israel had "Forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen"


THE BIBLE This wise successor of David is also called Jedidiah, meaning "Yahweh's beloved"


BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES Macon "Milkman" Dead is on a quest for his identity in this novel by Toni Morrison

Song of Solomon

LOVE This book of the Old Testament is basically a collection of love poems

Song of Solomon

THE OLD TESTAMENT This book is also called Canticles

Song of Solomon/Songs

THE POETRY OF LOVE This biblical "song" waxes poetic with lines like "As a lily among brambles, so is my love among maidens"

Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon)

THE BIBLE BELT These bubbled near the biblical Bethel & Siloam, & follow "Bethel" & "Siloam" in Southern U.S. place names


SAINTS During his reign St. Pius X revised this Latin version of the Bible

St. Jerome's or the Vulgate

PATRON SAINTS This beloved physician of the New Testament is the patron saint of painters

St. Luke

SAINTLY FIRSTS Though St. Mark probably wrote his book first, this saint gets first billing in the New Testament

St. Matthew

THE NEW TESTAMENT Jesus was referring to this fisherman when he said, "Upon this rock I will build my church"

St. Peter

THE BIBLE Some say this object was actually a conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn in the constellation of Pisces

Star of Bethlehem

THE BIBLE According to Luke 2, Jesus was wrapped in these clothes after birth

Swaddling Cloths

THE BIBLE Mary "brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in" these, "and laid him in a manger"

Swaddling clothes

BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW The 1999 removal of tons of rock & soil from this Jerusalem "mount" caused great archaeological controversy

Temple Mount

CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS Gideons International makes its home in this state, also home to Thomas Nelson, the Bible publisher


MR. X'S OBITUARY Mr. X was born Jul 14, 1923 in Knoxville in this state & attended Johnson Bible College there


DOCUMENTS Once, this document disposed of personal effects, while property was covered in the "last will"


THE BIBLE The book of Acts is also known by the longer title "The Acts of" these men

The Apostles

BIBLICAL POLICE BLOTTER We don't have to worry about collaring Uzzah; he was killed for touching this object in violation of divine law

The Ark of the Covenant

FOUR! In the New Testament, they symbolize war, conquest, famine & death

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

FAMOUS FIRSTS In 1908 the Superior Hotel in Montana became the first to have bibles placed there by this organization

The Gideons

THE BIBLE The Lord called Moses' people stiff-necked, meaning stubborn, for making this idol & worshiping it

The Golden Calf

HOLY WEEK In the term "Good Friday", "Good" means holy, as in this phrase for the Bible

The Good Book

THE BIBLE In a parable, this character aids a man wounded by thieves & pays for his recovery

The Good Samaritan

THE BIBLE This parable begins "A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves..."

The Good Samaritan

BIBLICAL BIG SCREEN One of the "Greatest" Bible epics, it has Max von Sydow as Jesus & David McCallum as Judas

The Greatest Story Ever Told

HANDEL Handel composed it in about 3 weeks in 1741; its text was adapted from the Bible & the Book of Common Prayer

The Messiah

MOVIE STUMPERS This 2004 biblical tale had the biggest U.S. gross of any film in a foreign language

The Passion of the Christ

THE BIBLE The 10 included flies, lice, frogs & locusts

The Plagues of Egypt

BOOKS & AUTHORS In the beginning was this Barbara Kingsolver saga of a Southern missionary & his family in the Belgian Congo

The Poisonwood Bible

COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Manitoba's Catherine Booth Bible College is affiliated with this charitable organization

The Salvation Army

BIBLE STUDY The Claude Lorrain painting, seen here, is of this event from Matthew's gospel; note the little Jesus up there

The Sermon on the Mount

THE BIBLE Jesus called it a den of thieves & ordered it cleansed, angering the priests

The Temple

FILM EPICS Cecil B. De Mille directed this biblical epic twice, once as a silent, the other in 1956 as a talkie

The Ten Commandments

NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES "The spirit indeed is willing but" this "is weak"

The flesh

DANCING IN THE BIBLE After seeing the Israelites dancing around this idol, an angry Moses broke his tablets

The golden calf

THE BIBLE While Moses was on Mount Sinai, his brother Aaron made this heathen idol for the Israelites to worship

The golden calf

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY If he had lived there back in 1000 B.C., Robin Hood might have been "Prince of" this chief city of upper Egypt


ODDPODGE Sworn in following an assassination, he's the only U.S. president who was not sworn in on a Bible

Theodore Roosevelt

THE BIBLE In the King James Version, it finishes the line "Blessed are the meek: for..."

They shall inherit the Earth

BIBLICAL PEOPLE He said he would not believe in Jesus' resurrection until he saw the nail holes in his hands


BIBLICAL QUOTES This disciple wouldn't believe Jesus' resurrection until he saw "in his hands the print of the nails"


THE BIBLE Type of event in Cana at which Jesus turned water into wine


KING JAMES BIBLE Psalm 22 begins with this question to God, later asked by Jesus & goes on to say, "I cry... but thou hearest not"

Why hast thou forsaken me?

THE "DEL"s It's another term for a flood, especially the biblical one

a deluge

BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS Completes the line from Luke 11:23, "He that is not with me is..."

against me

MEDICINE THROUGH THE YEARS First mentioned in Genesis, it's the only surgical procedure clearly described in the Bible


THE BIBLE St. Paul attended a conference in Jerusalem to decide if this "cutting" practice was required


BIBLICAL QUOTES The land of Canaan is described as "flowing with" these 2 items mentioned some 20 times in the Bible

milk & honey

THE OLD TESTAMENT Exodus 3:8 describes the Promised Land as "flowing with" these 2 items

milk and honey

THE BIBLE Exodus tells of its use for lighting; Ezekiel for cooking; & Psalms for anointing


BIBLICAL ZOO Yaanah in Hebrew, this big bird that lays a big egg pops up in Lamentations & Job


BIBLICAL ZOOLOGY A rule in Deuteronomy 22 says you shouldn't yoke an ass & this together to plow


THOSE PHABULOUS PHOENICIANS The ancient city of Byblos was known for its production of this material, hence bible, meaning book


THE BIBLE They're the stories by which Jesus taught--hey, did you hear the one about the sower & soils?


BIBLICAL ZOO According to 1 Kings 10, Solomon imported apes & these eye-tailed birds


IT'S IN THE BIBLE Luke 4:23 tells a person in this profession: "Heal thyself"


THE KING JAMES BIBLE TELLS ME SO Luke 4, to this person: "Heal thyself"




OLD TESTAMENT Joel calls for them to be made into swords & Isaiah calls for swords to be made into them


BIBLICAL FORGIVENESS According to the Book of Mark, until we have forgiven our brothers, we should cease this religious activity


BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS Remember the proverb, this "goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall"


SUNDAY SCHOOL In the Bible God often speaks through these people, like Isaiah & Jeremiah


THE BIBLE "The sun and the moon shall be darkened" is the forcast of Joel, one of the 12 minor these


BIBLE QUOTATIONS A familiar line from Matthew says, "What... God hath joined together, let not man" do this

put asunder

HAVE A "MENT" The Bible says the angel at Jesus' tomb wore this, meaning garments, that was "white as snow"




READ YOUR BIBLE For strength to "resist" this, try James 1:12, "Blessed is the man that endureth" it


THE NEW TESTAMENT A request in the Lord's Prayer is for God to "lead us not into" this


THE BIBLE According to the Psalm, "The days of our years are threescore years and" this


NAME THE CENTURY The King James version of the Bible is first published

the 17th century (1611)

THE YOU-NIVERSE (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2004-10-20_DJ_17.jpg" target="_blank">Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Top Secret <i>Jeopardy!</i> Science Lab wearing his official Clue Crew lab coat.</a>) Both men and women have this cartilage in the throat that has a biblical name

the Adam's apple

THE OLD TESTAMENT I Chronicles 15 reports even King David was dancing when he brought this container into Jerusalem

the Ark of the Covenant

FAMOUS VOYAGES Capt. Robert Fitzroy of this ship argued that its scientific discoveries supported the Bible

the Beagle

BIBLICAL PEOPLE & PLACES (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-03-30_DJ_30.jpg" target="_blank">Jimmy of the Clue Crew reads the clue from a church in Galilee in northern Israel.</a>) This Italian Franciscan church is dedicated to these 9 assertions Jesus made nearby about the blessed

the Beatitudes

THE NEW TESTAMENT “Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven†is the 1st of these declarations

the Beatitudes

BRITISH HISTORY DATEBOOK October 4, 1535: The first complete modern English version of this is published

the Bible

DRAMA In the Middle Ages, monks presented "mystery plays" to illustrate stories from this

the Bible

PUBLISHERS Thomas Nelson is the biggest publisher in English of this all-time bestseller

the Bible

RELIGION The first translation of this book printed in America was John Eliot's 1661-63 Algonquian one

the Bible

THE TESTAMENT "Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them. For their heart studieth destruction"

the Book of Proverbs

LIBRARIES Indiana University's Lilly Library hath a first edition of this, printed at London in 1611

the King James Bible

ON ROUTE 66 There are 66 books in this version of the Bible first published in 1611

the King James Version

IT'S GOOD TO BE "KING" This 17th century translation has become a standard for bibles

the King James version

THE BIBLE This book bewailing the destruction of Jerusalem is traditionally attributed to Jeremiah

the Lamentations

THE BIBLE Published in 1989, the NRSV is short for this

the New Revised Standard Version

THE BIBLE The longest of the 2 "Testaments"

the Old

NEW TESTAMENT "Blessed are" these "for they shall be called the children of God"

the peacemakers

BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "Intreat the Lord, that he may take away the frogs from me"

the pharoah

THE BIBLE God's promise to Noah of no more floods was sealed by the appearance of this in the sky

the rainbow

PHRASES IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE Proverbs actually says "He that spareth" this "hateth his son"

the rod

BIBLICAL GARDEN Isaiah predicted, "The desert shall rejoice & blossom as" this flower

the rose

BIBLICAL QUOTES Of the forbidden fruit, Eve said, this creature "beguiled me, and I did eat"

the serpent

THE BIBLE In Genesis God told this creature it would eat dust "all the days of thy life"

the serpent

WHO'S BIBLICALLY SPEAKING? "Ye shall not surely die... ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil"

the serpent

GET OUT YOUR BIBLES Jesus asked, if you have 100 of these animals & 1 is lost, don't you leave the 99 to go find the 1?

the sheep

THE BIBLE It takes 13 verses in Exodus 26 to tell how to make the curtains for this tent that held the Holy Ark

the tabernacle

LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS Benozzo Gozzoli made a unique <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-09-24_J_24.jpg" target="_blank">landscape</a> the backdrop for the biblical journey of <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-09-24_J_24a.jpg" target="_blank">this</a> trio

the three wise men (or the three magi)

BIBLICAL QUOTES "Yea, though I walk through" this valley, "I will fear no evil, for thou art with me"

the valley of the shadow of death

THE BIBLE When "Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho", these took a tumble

the walls

DAYS OF CREATION The Bible specifies that on the fifth day God created this "great" mammal

the whale

THE NEW TESTAMENT John 13 says Jesus got up from supper, took a towel & began washing these parts of his disciples

their feet

IN THE BIBLE Jesus cleansed the temple by casting out all that was sold within & said, "Ye have made it a den of" these






BIBLICAL QUOTES Ecclesiastes 11:1 says, "Cast" this "upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days"

thy bread

BIBLICAL TRANSPORTATION Numbers 7 mentions covered ones pulled by oxen


READ YOUR BIBLE It's the color of manna, as described in Exodus


OLD TESTAMENT According to Exodus 20:17, 3 of the 6 specific things of your neighbor's you're not supposed to covet

wife, house, ass (man servant, maid servant, ox)

BIBLICAL QUOTES Paul wrote to Timothy, "Drink no longer water, but use a little" this "for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities"


NEW TESTAMENT Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into this


THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO Job says the price of this quality "is above rubies", & our winning contestants have their share of it

wisdom (knowledge accepted)

BIBLICAL DEATH PENALTIES According to Exodus, "Thou shalt not suffer" one of these "to live"


KING JAMES BIBLE In the Gospel of Matthew, it's how Judas points out Jesus to be captured

with a kiss

KING JAMES BIBLE QUOTATIONS Job knows "though" these "destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God"


THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO Both Leviticus & Matthew say you should love this person as yourself

your neighbor

BIBLICAL QUOTES Completes the line from a parable, "Many are called…"

…but few are chosen

THE BIBLE After Ahab married Jezebel, he adopted her worship of this god


LET'S GET BIBLICAL We're not lyi


MY KINDA TOWN The first U.S. wireless station was set up in this New York town with a "talkative" biblical name


READ YOUR BIBLE Jeremiah spoke of the fall of Marduk when he predicted the downfall of this empire


BIBLICAL DONKEYS After it was smitten a third time the Lord opened its mouth & it spoke

Balaam's ass

BIBLICAL NON-PROPHET Jeremiah, Belshazzar, Malachi


BIBLICAL CITIES Joseph & Mary traveled to this city of Joseph's ancestors "to be taxed"


BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY Most of the book of Ruth is set in this town, the place Micah said the messiah would come from


DAVID Like another important biblical figure many years later, David was born in this small city just south of Jerusalem


THE BIBLE This city, the birthplace of Jesus, was also where Samuel anointed King David


THE BIBLE BELT It's Jerusalem to Isaiah, a peaceful "land" to John Bunyan, & a small "ville" in North Carolina


CROSSWORD CLUES "B" Bestselling book that has its own "belt" (5)


SOCIOLOGY It's a "cinch" you know this term for the area of the Midwest & South noted for its religious fundamentalism

Bible Belt

LIBRARIES Paris library whose beginning may be traced back to the 1300s, making it one of the world's oldest

Bibliotheque Nationale

BIBLICAL NON-PROPHET Obadiah, Jonah, Bildad


THE FABULOUS '50s This evangelist known for his "crusades" said he believed there is life on other planets & that the Bible hints at it

Billy Graham

BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW The 2000 discovery of 7,500-year-old artifacts deep in this "colorful" Asian sea suggests a deluge-like flood

Black Sea

THE NEW TESTAMENT Peter quotes Joel, who said "that before the final day, the sun will turn dark and the moon will turn into" this


THE BIBLE The Philistine king gave David this protection job for life; hey, Kevin Costner could play him in the movie


THE BIBLE The word "bible" comes from the ancient Greek word for this


POTPOURRI In Marriott hotels, this religious book is found in drawers along with the Gideon Bible

Book Of Mormon

IN THE DICTIONARY A bibliomaniac is obsessed with collecting these items


THE BIBLE I Corinthians 7:9 states, "It is better to marry than to" do this


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL BLANK Genesis 4:15 -- "And the Lord set a mark upon ____"


THE BIBLE John 2 relates this incident at Cana as Jesus' 1st miracle

Changing Water into Wine

BIBLICAL FASHION Envious of Joseph, his brothers stripped him of this garment & cast him into a pit

Coat (of many colors)

THE BIBLE It's what God "did there confound" to frustrate the building of the Tower of Babel

Confound their languages

LAST WILLS & TESTAMENTS This "commodore" willed $90 million to his son William, $7.5 million to his 4 grandsons, & to his 8 daughters... well, not as much

Cornelius Vanderbilt

THE BIBLE In Exodus 19, God says that if the children of Israel keep this bargain, they'll be a "peculiar treasure"


SPELLBOUND It's the fifth book of the Old Testament


BIBLICAL PAINTINGS One of the most popular paintings at the National Gallery of Art is this surrealist's "The Sacrament of the Last Supper"


CITIES OF THE BIBLE Elijah anoited Hazael king of Syria in the wilderness outside this capital


BOOK OF... E.L. Doctorow wrote a novel titled "The Book of" him, like a biblical book set in Babylon


BIBLICAL IMPERSONATORS Later to kill their champion, he pretends to be a madman in order to take refuge with the Philistines of Gath


BIBLICAL MULTIPLE CHOICE Of Alvin, Simon, Theodore or David, the person for whom the oldest part of Jerusalem is named


BIBLICAL PROPHETS Nathan's grim story about a slaughtered lamb made this king feel bad for the death of Uriah


THE "IGHT" STUFF In the King James Bible, it's the fourth word spoken by God

(Let there be) light

HOLY CROSS In the Bible, Luke writes that this many others were crucified with Jesus


RELIGIOUS NUMBERS The number of Old Testament books named for specific women


BIBLICAL NUMBERS The number of Hebrew Old Testament books named for specific women

2 (Ruth & Esther)

THE BIBLE Joseph was sold to the Ishmaelites for this price: two-thirds of what Judas got for betraying Jesus

20 pieces of silver

THE BIBLE Number of the psalm that begins "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want"


LET'S GET BIBLICAL The total number of Hebrew patriarchs or the number of times Peter denied knowing the Messiah


THE BIBLE This many friends of Daniel were thrown into the fiery furnace but saved by God


THE BIBLE Acts says Judas bought a plot of land & it only cost him this much

30 pieces (of silver)

SUPERHERO BEFORE & AFTER Judas' named biblical betrayal price was hanging ten & being confined to Earth by Galactus, the planet eater

30 pieces of Silver Surfer

THE BIBLE According to the Open Bible, this fee paid to Judas was worth over $3500

30 pieces of silver

BIBLICAL BEASTS It's the total number of legs on the 2 non-human animals whose words are quoted in the Old Testament


BIBLICAL NUMBERS The number of days Jesus fasted in the desert


NEW TESTAMENT Number of days from Christ's resurrection to his ascension


NUMBER PLEASE A common Biblical number of days; Jesus spent this many on Earth after the Resurrection


NUMBER, PLEASE In the Biblical flood, the rain lasted this many days; the water stayed 110 more


THE DEVIL In the Bible, Jesus is tempted by the Devil after this many days in the wilderness


CHRISTIANITY Of 66, 166 or 666, the number of books in the King James Version of the Bible


BIBLICAL NUMBERS The number of seals on the scroll mentioned in the book of Revelation


THE BIBLE Luke 8:2 talks of Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went this many devils


TENTS IN THE BIBLE Numbers 19:14 says if a man dieth in his tent, everything in it & all who enter are unclean for this length of time

7 days

NUMBER, PLEASE The Bible says the normal life span of man is threescore and ten, this many years


THE BIBLE According to the King James Version of the Bible, the number of people on Noah's Ark


BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES In Ecclesiastes this 1989 book title precedes "and a time to heal"

A Time to Kill

BIBLICAL CLOTHES RACK After the exodus, priestly clothes were given to this man, Moses' brother, & his sons


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Neville, Copland, Spelling


BIBLICAL WHO'S WHO He was Moses' brother as well as his personal spokesman


RODS In the Bible, his rod swallowed up the rods of Pharaoh's magicians


STARTS WITH THE SAME 2 LETTERS In the Bible he made the Golden Calf, disappointing his brother


THE BIBLE This brother of Moses often acted as his spokesman


THROWING A GOOD BOOK AT YOU The first entry in Reader's Digest's "Who's Who in the Bible" is this older brother of Moses


THE BIBLE Of the men mentioned in the King James Version, he's first alphabetically

Aaron (Moses' brother)

BIBLICAL PEOPLE The original name of this man, thrown in the fiery furnace, was Azariah


BIBLICAL FIRSTS Rachel is the first shepherdess mentioned & he's the first shepherd


OLD TESTAMENT PEOPLE Genesis 4:2 says he "was a keeper of sheep"


THE BIBLE He was the Bible's first murder victim


WHAT'S IN AN OLD TESTAMENT NAME? His name means "breath"; too bad Cain took it away from him


BIBLE BROS This biblical patriarch's brothers were Haran & Nahor, & he was Lot's uncle


BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW Some archaeologists think the site of this first Biblical patriarch's home was in Iraq, some in Turkey


BIBLICAL ART (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2012-01-05_DJ_26.jpg" target="_blank">Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.</a>) In this 17th-century painting, you see Sarah turn her back, as Hagar the handmaid & her son Ishmael are rejected & sent away by this patriarch


BIBLICAL DONKEYS In Genesis 22 he saddled up his ass & headed off with Isaac to make an offering -- of Isaac


OLD TESTAMENT Through sons Isaac & Ishmael both Jews & Arabs descend from him


OLD TESTAMENT WHO'S WHO In Genesis 17:4, God promised to make him "a father of many nations"


PHILOSOPHY Kierkegaard's "Fear & Trembling" deals with the ethical problem of this Biblical man asked to sacrifice his son


THE OLD TESTAMENT Hagar, carrying this man's baby, fled into the desert after harsh treatment from his wife


UR Chapter 11 of Genesis says that this Biblical patriarch hailed from Ur


WHAT'S IN AN OLD TESTAMENT NAME? The first of the Hebrew Patriarchs, his name means "father of many"


BIBLICAL NAMES At this man's inaugural, Mathew Brady took the first photo of a president being sworn in

Abraham Lincoln

BIBLICAL CRIME BLOTTER Wanted for treason against King David, he's known to have killed his half-brother for raping Tamar


BIBLICAL FAMILIES Joab helped David reconcile with this son


BIBLICAL NAMES The name of this rebellious young man of the Old Testament can be translated from the Hebrew as "father of peace"


THE BIBLE This rebellious son of King David seduced his father's concubines on the palace roof in full view of everyone


OLD TESTAMENT NAMES Chapter 2 of Genesis says God formed him "of the dust of the ground"


THE BIBLE Created from the earth, this man's name in Hebrew means "red earth"


THE BIBLE I Corinthians states, "As in" this man "all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive"


THE BIBLE Man's first job was as a gardener, as God told him to dress & keep the garden of Eden


THE BIBLE Nonagenarians live to 90; we're not sure what to call Seth & this father of his, who both reached 900


THE BIBLICAL SENSE In Genesis he tells God, "I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked"


THE OLD TESTAMENT Some say the screech owl in the King James Bible is Lilith, the name given his legendary first wife


BIBLICAL PAIRS Created by God to rule the Earth in Genesis

Adam & Eve

FAMOUS PAINTINGS You can see this Biblical couple in Masaccio's "The Expulsion from Paradise"

Adam & Eve

JERRY SPRINGER'S BIBLE SHOW These 2 were rather circumspect when Seth's letter got them on "Fig Leaf Makeovers"

Adam & Eve

OLD TESTAMENT NUDITY Hopefully when they sewed fig leaves together to cover their nakedness, it wasn't in a sweatshop

Adam & Eve

VOCABULARY These implied or indirect literary references are often made to Biblical or classical figures


BIBLICAL BOTANY Sometimes Aaron felt like a nut, especially when his rod budded & brought forth these


BIBLICAL PAIRS God & Jesus are called by these 2 Greek letters in Revelation

Alpha & Omega

PHRASES IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE Cain's 5-word question to God in Genesis 4:9, when asked of Abel's whereabouts

Am I my brother's keeper?

TORAH! TORAH! TORAH! In the original Hebrew, this biblical question that Cain asks is "Hashomer akhi anokhi?"

Am I my brother's keeper?

MISCELLANY In the King James Version of the New Testament, it's the last word


BIBLICAL MULTIPLE CHOICE Of Amos, Andy, Lum or Abner, the one with his own Old Testament book


LET'S GET BIBLICAL This prophet is first alphabetically of the Bible's "minor prophets"


MISSING VOWELS Old Testament book: MS


HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE For hungry sandwich lovers, jam ostensibly makes the peanut butter better

Amos (jam ostensibly)

DON'T TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED This singer published a book of her own "Heart-to-Heart Bible Stories" for children

Amy Grant

BIBLE BROS The first called of Jesus' disciples, he was the brother of Simon Peter


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Jackson, Johnson, Carnegie


PLACES IN THE BIBLE "And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of" this place


PLACES IN THE BIBLE Paul spoke on Aeropagus, a hill of this capital city of Attica, Greece


THE OLD TESTAMENT In the first book of Kings, Elijah triumphs at Mt. Carmel in a contest with the prophets of this god


BIBLICAL CITIES Its name is derived from the fact that "The Lord did there confound the language of all the Earth"


CROSSWORD CLUES "B" Biblical tower town (5)


BIBLICAL BAD STUFF Daniel tells Belshazzar, ruler of this kingdom, you've "lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven"


BIBLICAL MADNESS Forced from this kingdom, Nebuchadnezzar ate grass & grew his hair until his reason returned


BIBLICAL PEOPLE & PLACES Ezra was the leader of the Jews who returned from this land, by whose waters they had sat down & wept


CITIES OF THE BIBLE As a captive in this city, Daniel was known by the name Belteshazzar


THE ANGEL GABRIEL In his second appearance in the Old Testament, Gabriel announces the coming end of the Jewish exile here


BIBLE PEOPLE This Biblical prophet of Pethor had a conversation with his beast of burden when it started to talk


DOUBLE A Biblical man with a talking ass


BIBLICAL PEOPLE According to Luke, this prisoner who was released instead of Jesus was a seditionist & a murderer


THE BIBLE At Passover, this thief was freed in place of Jesus


IN THE BOOKSTORE Her novels include "Animal Dreams", "The Bean Trees" & "The Poisonwood Bible"

Barbara Kingsolver

BIBLICAL BOTANY This grain that was cheaper than wheat was used to feed cattle & in the loaves that fed 5,000


FUN WITH OPERA In "Susannah", a Bible-inspired opera, the elders are scandalized when they see the nude Susannah doing this outside

Bathing in a creek

BIBLICAL PEOPLE Her 2 husbands were Uriah the Hittite & David the king


BIBLICAL WOMEN 2 Samuel says that this wife of David was "very beautiful to look upon"


LET'S GET BIBLICAL David first sees this bathing beauty from the roof of the king's house


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN When David first saw her, she was "washing herself, and" she "was very beautiful to look upon"


THE BIBLE David was instantly taken with this woman after he saw her bathing


BIBLICAL TIMES In Solomon's reign, she filled the new post of "queen mother"

Bathsheba (wife of David)

BIBLICAL ANIMALS An angry King David is compared to one of these animals robbed of her cubs



Beelzebub (Biblical term)

BIG WORDS The name of this giant Biblical animal is from Hebrew for "beasts"


LIBRARIES The website for this country's Bibliotheque Royale Albert I can be read in French & Dutch


HISTORICAL NOVELS Set in Biblical times, this "racy" classic by Civil War general Lew Wallace is subtitled "A Tale of the Christ"


WRITE ON, SOLDIER! Lew Wallace served as a Union Major General in the Civil War before penning this biblical epic

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ

BIBLE BROS Joseph had 10 half-brothers & only 1 full brother, him


THE BIBLE As Rachel died bearing him, she called him Benoni, "son of my suffering"; his father, Jacob, used this name


BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY Mary & Martha lived in this town & so did Lazarus, sometimes


THE BIBLE BELT Jesus visited Mary & Martha in this place--not the one of the same name in northern Missouri


BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES A collection of essays by Joan Didion is called "Slouching Towards" this biblical city


THE BIBLE God first appeared to Moses in this form

Burning Bush

BIBLICAL QUOTES Jesus told the Pharisees to give to this emperor the things that were his, "and to God the things that are God's"


NEW TESTAMENT This Roman emperor sent out a decree "that all the world should be taxed"

Caesar (Augustus)

GET OUT YOUR BIBLES In John, this high priest says, "One man should die for the people, and... the whole nation perish not"


BIBLE PEOPLE The first son of the first man


BIBLICAL BIG SCREEN Richard Harris played this murderous character from Genesis in 1966's "The Bible: In the Beginning"


BIBLICAL FAMILIES Comparing grammars of ancient Phoenician & Hebrew shows he may have been born before Adam & Eve left Eden


BIBLICAL POLICE BLOTTER Seems this perp was the first murderer in the Bible & to top it off he iced his own brother


LORD BYRON In a poetic drama, this biblical brother becomes a willing pupil of Lucifer


THE BIBLE He killed Abel because God rejected his offering of crops yet accepted Abel's firstborn sheep


THE BIBLE In Genesis 4 he lies about his brother's whereabouts--& to god, yet!


THE KILLERS Murderers are figuratively said to have the "mark" of this biblical man


THE KING JAMES BIBLE TELLS ME SO Genesis 4: "And the Lord set a mark upon" this man, "lest any finding him should kill him"


THE OLD TESTAMENT Of the first 2 people to make offerings to God, the one who had his rejected


FAMOUS PAIRS In the Bible, the first 2 brothers mentioned

Cain & Abel

THE NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLERS A best seller in 1980, this Jeffrey Archer novel sounds like the saga of biblical siblings

Cain and Abel

HOMOPHONIC DUOS Biblical killer's walking sticks

Cain's canes

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Abel's assassin's aches

Cain's pains

THE BIBLE Eve is the first woman mentioned in the Bible; this unnamed woman is second in Genesis 4:17

Cain's wife

BIBLICAL FOOD & DRINK According to Luke 15, the meat of choice for a special occasion came from a "fatted" one of these


IMBIBLERS In John 2, Jesus helps out the imbiblers of this Galilee village when a wedding party runs short of wine


THE VILLAGE In the Bible, only John's gospel mentions this village in Galilee as the site of Jesus' wedding feast miracle


I GOT 3 As, MOM! Any land of promise, it's the Biblical name of Palestine


WORLD CAPITALS The Biblioteca Nacional Venezuela is in this city


WILD WEST TALK A shepherd's bible was one of these; probably not the one from L.L. Bean


LAST WILLS & TESTAMENTS His will called for a "secret society" to take back the U.S. for Britain (his "scholarship" gets much more press)

Cecil Rhodes

THE BIBLE To build the temple, Solomon used wood from the fir, the olive & this tree of Lebanon


LESSER-KNOWN BIBLICAL FOLK Sisere commanded a fleet of 900 of these vehicles


NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is" this


THE NEW TESTAMENT In a letter to Corinth, Paul ranked this quality over faith & hope


THE BIBLE After Adam & Eve were expelled from Eden, this type of angel, not seraphim, made sure they stayed out


RELIGIOUS WORDS Surprisingly, this word appears only twice in the New Testament, once in Acts & once in the First Epistle of Peter


THE BIBLE The First & Second of these books cover the same period as Second Samuel & First & Second Kings


THE BIBLE The Hebrew title of this 2-part Old Testament book can be translated as "the events of the days"


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, THE NEW YORK TIMES This New York Times editor married to Margaret Truman had a biblical last name

Clifton Daniel

WORDS FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE After Jesus went through the Transfiguration, his raiment, or synonym for this, was white as light


BIBLICAL PEOPLE & PLACES It was the wealthiest Greek city in Paul's time; he founded a church there & wrote 2 letters to its Christians


THE BIBLE Paul wrote his first letter to the people of this Greek port after he spent a year & a half there


BIBLICAL PAINTINGS Object placed on Christ's head in the Bosch work seen here:

Crown of thorns

LIBRARIES This country's National Library, the Biblioteca Nacional Jose Marti, was financed by a tax on sugar


KNOW YOUR BIBLE Noah's Ark was made of gopher wood & measured 300 of these units in length


BIBLICAL BOTANY In the desert with Moses, the people still longed for this salad & tea sandwich veggie back in Egypt


THE OLD TESTAMENT Made of metal, tseltselim, the only percussion instruments in the temple orchestra, are these


BIBLICAL CITIES On the road to this city, Paul was struck blind for 3 days; he later preached there


BIBLICAL CITIES The apostle Paul escaped his enemies in this Syrian city by being lowered over a wall in a basket


BIBLE BOOK SHORTHAND Writing on the wall breaks up party


BIBLE QUOTES "They brought" him, "and cast him into the den of lions"


BIBLICAL GUYS Belshazzar's wise men couldn't explain the handwriting on the wall, but he could


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Ortega, Bernoulli, Boone


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem in the first verse of the book of this man


FAMILIAR PHRASES The phrase "handwriting on the wall" goes back to this book of the Old Testament


IF YOU CAN READ THIS... If you can read <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-10-25_DJ_08.jpg" target="_blank">this</a>, you can read chapter 3 of the Old Testament book of this man, in the original Aramaic; the <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-10-25_DJ_08a.jpg" target="_blank">first word</a> is "Nebuchadnezzar"


IN DENIAL Old Testament book


NAMES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT He interpreted dreams & survived a stay in a lions' den


NOW APPEARING IN A BIBLICAL BOOK NEAR YOU Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar appears in this book of the Bible where he has some dreams interpreted


OLD TESTAMENT Shortly after promoting him, Darius had him cast into a lion’s den


THE ANGEL GABRIEL In the Old Testament, when this man has a vision he can't understand, God sends Gabriel to explain it


THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART The National Gallery has a Rubens of this Old Testament prophet in the lions' den


THE OLD TESTAMENT He told King Darius, "My god hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths"


THE OLD TESTAMENT Nebuchadnezzar offered the governorship of the province of Babylon to this prophet, but he refused it


THE OLD TESTAMENT This prophet interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream


THE OLD TESTAMENT While in the court of Nebuchadnezzar, this visionary was given the name Belteshazzar


THOU ART DA MAN! "They brought" this Old Testament man, "and cast him into the den of lions"


THOU CANST BIBLICALLY QUOTE ME "My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths"


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Lion's den denizen's small dogs

Daniel's spaniels

BIBLE GUYS In I Samuel, he brings but 5 stones to a sword fight, wins anyway, then decapitates his opponent


BIBLE HEROES Goliath mocked him, saying, "Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves?"


BIBLE TALES The first time Samuel met this young shepherd, Samuel poured oil on the boy's head to anoint him


BIBLICAL ART For royal visits, a replica of this Michelangelo nudie at the Victoria & Albert Museum was formerly adorned with a fig leaf


BIBLICAL ART In 1991 a hammer-wielding madman broke one of this colossal statue's toes in Florence


BIBLICAL CLOTHES RACK In 1 Samuel 18, Jonathan gives his own robe to this man who earlier defeated a large Philistine warrior


BIBLICAL DATING GAME Abigail married this great king of Israel after pleading with him not to harm her husband


BIBLICAL WARRIORS Joab was this Israelite king's successful commander when he conquered Jerusalem around 1000 B.C.


COMPLETE THE BIBLE QUOTE "For unto you is born this day in the city of ___ a saviour"


DID YOU READ YOUR BIBLE? The subject of the second book of Samuel is this king's reign over Judah & all of Israel


EUROPEAN ART Bernini's 1623 statue of this Biblical hero has his privates covered, unlike Donatello's or Michelangelo's


FAMOUS FRIENDSHIPS In the Bible, Saul's son Jonathan becomes great friends with this future king after battling the Philistines


FAST FRIENDS Jonathan is the BFF (biblical fast friend) of this future king


FIRST NAMES Take a (sling)shot at this Old Testament name that may be from the Hebrew for "beloved"


IMBIBLERS This king gets Uriah the Hittite drunk before sending him to his death & stealing his wife


IT'S IN THE BIBLE This king's kids had sibling issues--Amnon attacked sister Tamar & was ordered killed by brother Absalom


NAME THAT BIBLE GUY He "put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it"


OLD TESTAMENT HEROES Because of the many psalms he wrote, this kind was called "The Sweet Psalmist of Israel"


QUOTES This Biblical shepherd asked, "Shall I go and smite these Philistines?"


READ YOUR BIBLE This Old Testament king's name is the first one mentioned after Jesus' in the New Testament


SCULPTURE Donatello sculpted 3 well-known statues of this biblical figure, 2 in marble & a nude bronze


SCULPTURE Donatello's earliest authenticated work is a marble of this biblical king


THE BIBLE Absalom was killed during a rebellion against this man, his father


THE BIBLE Elah, the valley where he killed Goliath, was protected by the cities of Libnah & Azekah


THE BIBLE Half of the Psalms are attributed to this king whose name means "Beloved (Of God)"


THE BIBLE In II Samuel he laments, "Would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!"


THE BIBLE Nathan was a prophet in the court of this king & anointed his successor


THE BIBLE This future king of Israel was summoned to soothe King Saul with his harp playing


THE GOOD BOOK In the Bible Jesse, the grandson of Boaz & Ruth, was the father of this giant-killer


THE OLD TESTAMENT After he slew Goliath, he cut off the giant's head


THE OLD TESTAMENT This man was given the armor, helmet & sword of the first king of Israel, but refused to use them


BIBLICAL KINGS These 2 men first meet in 1 Samuel 16 when one becomes aware of the musical talent of the other

David & Saul

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY Moab, Ruth's home, sits on the east side of this sea

Dead Sea

THE NEW TESTAMENT In the book of Revelation it is written, "Behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was" this


THE SIGN OF THE FOUR The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Bible are War, Pestilence, Famine & this


BIBLICAL PEOPLE It is believed that the Bible's oldest text is "The Song Of" this prophetess & judge


BIBLICAL PEOPLE This judge's general, Barak, refused to battle the Canaanites unless she accompanied him


BIBLICAL WARRIORS This female judge won an important battle against the Canaanites by luring them into marshland


BIBLICAL WOMEN The story of this woman, the only female to judge Israel, is told twice in Judges


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN Her story is told twice in Judges, in prose & in song


WHAT'S IN AN OLD TESTAMENT NAME? Not to judge, but the buzz is that her name comes from the Hebrew for "bee"


BIBLICAL CRIME BLOTTER This woman is wanted in connection with stolen hair & the kidnapping of her boyfriend by Philistines


BIBLICAL QUOTES She commanded Samson, "Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth"


BIBLICAL SPEAKERS BUREAU "Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth"


BIBLICAL WOMEN "And it came to pass" that Samson loved this "woman in the valley of Sorek"


BIBLICAL WOMEN She was the Philistine mistress of Samson who got him to tell the secret of his strength


BIBLICAL WOMEN When Samson wouldn't tell her the source of his strength, she said, "Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies"


DON'T BE AFRAID OF OPERA Gaza is the setting for a Biblical opera about Samson and this hussy


HERSTORY She's the Biblical woman in the book of Judges forever associated with Samson & the loss of his hair


JERRY SPRINGER'S BIBLE SHOW Samson brought the house down when she tricked him into appearing on the "No More Secrets!" show


OLD TESTAMENT NAMES Various sources list her name as meaning "temptress" & "seductive"


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN She was offered 1,100 pieces of silver from each Philistine lord for help in defeating Samson


THE OLD TESTAMENT After 3 attempts, she discovered the secret of Samson's strength & betrayed him to the Philistines


THE BIBLE The Lord's Prayer says, "And lead us not into temptation, but" do this

Deliver us from evil

HAS "MY" You have to "gimme five" to get to this book of the Old Testament


READ YOUR BIBLE The fifth book of the Old Testament, its name comes from a word meaning "second"


RELIGIOUS MATTERS Each year on the Jewish festival Simchat Torah, or "Torah rejoicing", the last part of this book of the Bible is read


TAKE THE FIFTH This fifth book of the Bible ends with the death of Moses


THE BIBLE The name of this final book of the Pentateuch means "second law"


THE OLD TESTAMENT Derived from Greek, the name of this book means "second law"


WHAT'S NEXT ON THE LIST? Books of the Bible: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers...


BIBLICAL DEATH PENALTIES Exodus 21:12 says if you smiteth a man so much that he does this, so do you


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Manoff, Washington, Shore


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN Leah bore Jacob 6 sons & this only known daughter; "someone's in the kitchen with" her


BIBLICAL ANIMALS For his last trip to Jerusalem, Jesus sent 2 disciples to Bethphage to get him one of these


THE KING JAMES BIBLE TELLS ME SO John 20: "Then saith he to" this man, "...be not faithless, but believing"

Doubting Thomas

NONFICTION AUTHORS First published in 1946, a book written by this man became the bestselling book in the U.S. after the Bible

Dr. Benjamin Spock (\"Baby and Child Care\")

CONTEMPORARY AUTHORS Anne Tyler entered this Durham, N.C. univ. at 16 & later became its library's Russian bibliographer

Duke University

DWIGHT BOY In 1889 this U.S. evangelist founded the Chicago Bible Institute that today bears his name

Dwight Moody

RELIGIOUS LEADERS American evangelist Dwight, who founded a church & a bible institute now named after him

Dwight Moody

BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS The other 5 categories on the board all take their titles from chapter 3 of this book


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE This book talks about "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace"


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE You'll find the quotation "To every thing there is a season" in Chapter 3 of this book


PROVERBS The saying "There is nothing new under the sun" is a variation of a proverb in this Old Testament book


RIGHT "E" Alphabetically, it's the first book of the Bible that starts with the letter "E"


STARTS WITH "E" Tradition says that King Solomon wrote this book of the Old Testament containing essays on life


THE 21st "There is no new thing under the sun", at least according to this 21st book of the Old Testament


THE BIBLE This Old Testament book opens "The words of the preacher, the son of David, King in Jerusalem"


ENDLESS SUMER The Sumerian name for the Mesopotamian plain may have given us this name of a Biblical garden


THE OLD TESTAMENT Genesis tells us that 4 rivers flowed out of this fabled place, including the river Gihon


OUT-OF-FASHION BABY NAMES Author Ferber might have known that this 4-letter female name is likely from the same root as a Biblical garden


BIBLICAL BIG SCREEN More known for his gangster roles, this actor played the weaselly Dathan in "The Ten Commandments"

Edward G. Robinson

BIBLICAL ABOMINATIONS In Genesis 46:34, every shepherd is an abomination unto this kingdom that was known as Kemet


FROGS According to the Bible, thousands of frogs, perhaps millions, plagued this country


LET'S GET BIBLICAL Isaiah 18 consists of prophecies against Ethiopia; Isaiah 19, of prophecies against this other African country


THE BIBLE God guided the Israelites out of this country with a pillar of cloud by day & of fire by night


HAIL TO THE CHIEF The family bible records his first 2 names as David Dwight, not Dwight David


BIBLE QUOTES "There appeared a chariot of fire" & he "went up by a whirlwind into heaven"


BIBLICAL PEOPLE & PLACES (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-03-30_DJ_28.jpg" target="_blank">Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands on the bank of the Jordan River in Israel.</a>) As depicted in art, after parting the River Jordan with his cloak, <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-03-30_DJ_28a.jpg" target="_blank">this</a> biblical prophet followed a chariot of fire into Heaven


LET'S GET BIBLICAL This Biblical prophet parted the River Jordan with his cloak & then followed a "chariot of fire" into heaven


OLD TESTAMENT NAMES On Passover, it's traditional to set aside a special cup of wine for this prophet who went to heaven in a chariot of fire


PROPHET SHARING In I Kings this fiery Biblical prophet won a contest with the prophets of Baal


THE OLD TESTAMENT After he went to heaven in a chariot of fire, his servant Elisha inherited his power


THE OLD TESTAMENT In a showdown with the prophets of Baal, his prayer for fire was answered; theirs weren't


THE RAVEN This Biblical prophet is known for being fed by ravens & flying to heaven in a chariot of fire


WHO WAS THAT MOSQUE MAN? This man with the same first name as a Biblical prophet led the Black Muslims from 1934 to 1975

Elijah Muhammad

LET'S GET BIBLICAL This similarly named man is there to witness Elijah being taken up into heaven


BIBLICAL CROSSWORD CLUES "E" John the Baptist's mom (9)


BIBLICAL PEOPLE Though advanced in years, she gave birth to John The Baptist


BIBLICAL QUOTES When the Virgin Mary arrived, John the Baptist "leaped in" this woman's "womb"


MAMMA MIA! In the Bible, the mother of John the Baptist


THE BIBLE Although elderly & barren, this cousin of Mary gave birth to John the Baptist


THE BIBLE This mother of John the Baptist was a descendant of Aaron


THE NEW TESTAMENT This mother of John The Baptist was well into old age when John was born




BIBLICAL PLACE NAMES In "Return of the Jedi", a planet shares its name with this home of a woman who summons a spirit for Saul


PLACES IN THE BIBLE A witch who survived Saul's witch hunt lived in this Canaanite city


RENAISSANCE MEN In 1516 this Dutch humanist published the first Greek version of the New Testament since the original text


BIBLE BROS In a move that came back to haunt him, this twin brother of Jacob sold his birthright for some lentil soup


BIBLICAL PAINTINGS (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-03-19_DJ_26.jpg" target="_blank">Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.</a>) In a 17th-century painting, Isaac, now blind in his old age, is blessing <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-03-19_DJ_26a.jpg" target="_blank">Jacob</a>, who, you'll notice, is wearing gloves to hide the fact that he isn't this hairier brother


BIBLICAL PATRIARCHY Ishmael's favorite son wasn't Jacob, but this hunter who brought him venison


BIBLICAL PEOPLE He's the elder of Isaac & Rebekah's twin sons


POTPOURRI The potage this Biblical character sold his birthright for was made from lentils


REBECCA The Biblical Rebecca bore twin sons: Jacob & this pottage-crazy hunter


THE BIBLE Isaac sent this hairy son, not Jacob, to go hunting for venison


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME A son of Isaac's teetertotters

Esau's see-saws

BIBLE PEOPLE MAGAZINE In Picks & Pans we find Ahasuerus rejecting Vashti as his queen, picking this cousin of Mordecai instead


BIBLE QUOTES BY BOOK "Then went Haman forth that day... with a glad heart, but when Haman saw Mordecai... he was full of indignation"




BIBLICAL MEGADEATHS This biblical book with a female name records the killing of 75,000 Persians by the Jews


BIBLICAL WHO'S WHO Hadassah was the Hebrew name of this queen


BOOKS OF THE APOCRYPHA Break out the hamantaschen--the apocrypha contains additions to her Old Testament book


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Her book tells the story of Purim


HOLIDAYS On Purim, the Biblical book named for this queen is read in synagogues


KING JAMES BIBLE Also known as Hadassah, this title woman is brought up by her relative Mordecai


LET'S GET BIBLICAL On Purim it's a tradition to read from this Bible book with a woman's name


OLD TESTAMENT Ahasuerus liked her better than all the other virgins so he made her queen in place of Vashti


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN Hadassah was the Hebrew name of this queen for whom an Old Testament book is named


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN In chapter 2 of the book named for her, she became queen of Persia


THE OLD TESTAMENT Mordecai is the hero of this book


THE OLD TESTAMENT This heroine for whom a Bible book is named was married to King Ahasuerus of Persia


WHAT'S IN AN OLD TESTAMENT NAME? Her name is from the Persian for "star"


THE OLD TESTAMENT They're the only 2 books of the Hebrew bible named for specific women

Esther & Ruth

HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Sending money was the best her friends could do for her

Esther (best her)

HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Yes there were many reasons to look at him

Esther (in Yes there)

THE OLD TESTAMENT -- BEFORE THE DELUGE Genesis 2:13 mentions this country that still exists on the eastern border of Sudan


BIBLICAL CROSSWORD CLUES "E" River that flowed fourth from Eden (9)


IN THE NEWS 1952 Her final testament, read in public after her death, asked for protection of the poor workers she called grasitas

Eva Peron

BIBLICAL PEOPLE She was created from a single rib


BIBLICAL WHO'S WHO In Genesis she's referred to as "The Mother of All Living"


BIBLICAL WOMEN Her name comes from the Hebrew word for "Life"


BIBLICAL WOMEN The serpent told her, "Ye shall not surely die" & "Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil"


LORD BYRON In Byron's Biblical drama "Cain", she's the first female character to speak


NORSE MYTHOLOGY In the Norse creation story, Embla is the equivalent of this biblical woman


THOU CANST BIBLICALLY QUOTE ME "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat"


WORD PLAY It's the first palindrome name mentioned in the Bible


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME The first woman's botanical wardrobe

Eve's leaves

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME First woman's annoyances

Eve's peeves

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME First woman's minor annoyances

Eve's peeves

BIBLE BOOKS BY QUOTATION "And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the lord"


BIBLE QUOTES BY BOOK "...The children of Israel came nigh: & he gave them in commandment all that the Lord had spoken with him in Mount Sinai"


BIBLICAL CROSSWORD CLUES "E" It follows Genesis (6)


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE "And Moses said unto the people, remember this day in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage..."


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE "Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river" comes from this Old Testament book


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE During the Passover seder, events from this book are recalled, including the Plagues


FROM THE GREEK FOR... "Going out"; it's a book in the Bible


HEART & SOUL In this biblical book, God says, "I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs"


HODGEPODGE The Ten Commandments first appear in this book of the Bible


IT'S IN THE BIBLE The 10 Plagues, including locusts, appear in chapters 7 to 11 of this book of the Bible


MANNA FEST The book of the Bible where manna is first mentioned


MEET MY "EX" Named shared by a Leon Uris novel, a Bob Marley album & a book of the Bible


NAMETH THE BIBLE BOOK "Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in haste"


NOVELS This Leon Uris novel shares its name with a biblical book


NOW APPEARING IN A BIBLICAL BOOK NEAR YOU No hillbilly, Jethro appears in this book of the Bible as the companion & father-in-law of Moses


REGGAE Taking its name from an Old Testament book, this 1977 Bob Marley hit is about "Movement of jah people"


SCHOOL MOTTOES Biblical book that's the source of the Jewish Theological Seminary's "And The Bush Was Not Consumed"


SINAI Chapter 19 of this Biblical book says the Hebrews left Egypt & "The same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai"


SYNONYMS This book of the Bible is a synonym of departure


THE BIBLE It's the book in which Pharaoh says, "Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river"


THE BIBLE The 2nd book of the Old Testament


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE U.S. The first design of the reverse featured a scene from this biblical book with Moses on the shore of the Red Sea




THE OLD TESTAMENT (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2007-07-19_DJ_02.jpg" target="_blank">Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands at the head of a massive supine statue at Giza, Egypt.</a>) Many believe Ramses the Great, whose colossal statue rests <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2007-07-19_DJ_02a.jpg" target="_blank">here</a>, was the pharaoh to whom Moses said "Let my people go" in this book of the Bible


THE OLD TESTAMENT The feast of Passover is first mentioned in this book


THE TESTAMENT "Then said the Lord unto Moses, behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you"


WHICH BIBLE BOOK? Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, who is on the Lord's side?"


WITCHCRAFT Though it's not one of the 10 Commandments, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" is in this book of the Bible


HISTORY'S MYSTERIES This Biblical prophet tells of an odd sight resembling "a wheel in the middle of a wheel"




YAD VASHEM (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-03-09_DJ_26.wmv">Alex walks through the Valley of the Communities at Yad Vashem.</a>) The Valley of the Communities is a labyrinth of great walls with the names of over 5,000 communities, most of which no longer exist; now the architects were inspired by this biblical prophet's vision of the Valley of the Dry Bones


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Meeker, Cornell, Pound


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Pound, Cornell, Better Than


HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Top chefs know that Pez rarely makes it onto the menu

Ezra (pez rarely)

LAST WILLS & TESTAMENTS Item 6 in his will: "I give... unto my wife, Zelda... in the event she regain her sanity all of my household and kitchen furniture"

F. Scott Fitzgerald

DANCING IN THE BIBLE At the party for the Prodigal Son, there was music & dancing & this was killed for the catering

Fatted calf

BIBLICAL FASHION After realizing they were naked, Adam & Eve sewed these leaves together & made aprons

Fig Leaves

THE OLD TESTAMENT The Lord provided a pillar of this at night to provide light for the Israelites' exodus


CATCHPHRASES Biblical term for a menacing sermon, from 2 torments it depicts awaiting sinners

Fire & brimstone

MYTHOLOGY Like Noah's family in the Bible, the Greeks Deucalion & his wife were the only ones to survive this


NUMBERS Numbers appears at this number position in the order of the books of the Bible


BIBLICAL ANIMALS In the Song of Solomon, "The little" ones of these "spoil the vines"


WORDS FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE To produce a bunch of kids is to be this "and multiply and replenish the Earth"


CAN'T GET ENOUGH OPERA Sounds hot: a biblical opera based on the book of Daniel is called "The Burning Fiery" this


COMPOSERS His biblical oratorios include "Saul", "Jephtha", "Esther" & "Belshazzar"

G.F. Handel

THE BIBLE In the book of Luke, this angel announces the births of both John the Baptist & Jesus Christ


THE BIBLE The births of John & Jesus were heralded by this archangel


THE BIBLE This angel makes his only O.T. appearance when he interprets Daniel's vision of a ram & a goat


THE BIBLE This angel's announcement to Mary that she'd bear the Son of God appears only in Luke's gospel


THE NEW TESTAMENT In Luke, this angel told Zacharias that his wife Elisabeth would bear a son & "Thou shalt call him John"


THE NEW TESTAMENT This angel announced the coming births of both Jesus & John the Baptist


WHO'S BIBLICALLY SPEAKING? "Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women"


HAS ANYBODY SEEN MY "GAL" ? In this New Testament epistle, Paul argued that he was an apostle appointed by God


PLACES IN THE BIBLE To Isaiah a land of foreigners, it's home to Nazareth & a namesake sea


THE ART OF THE STEAL Rembrandt's biblical scene "Storm on the Sea of" this was stolen from a Boston museum in 1990


THE OLD TESTAMENT "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into" this place "to dress it and keep it"

Garden of Eden

THEATRE Shaw's play "Back to Methuselah" goes really, really far back; part I opens in this Biblical garden

Garden of Eden

BIBLICAL CITIES Samson was imprisoned & died in this Philistine city; today a "Strip" is named for it


BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY Before "sightseeing" in this city, Samson was stripped of his sight


BIBLE BOOKS BY FAMOUS PHRASE "Am I my brother's keeper?"


BIBLE BOOKS BY QUOTATION "And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark"


BIBLE QUOTES BY BOOK "...Two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive"


BOATING WITH NOAH It's the Biblical book in which Noah's story is told


BOOKS INTO MOVIES "The Bible", with George C. Scott as Abraham, restricts itself to this Biblical book


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE "And God blessed them, saying, be fruitful, and multiply..."


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE (Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Vatican City) The scenes down the center of the Sistine Chapel ceiling come from this book of the Bible


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE The flood & the birth of Isaac are covered in this book


CAIN & ABEL The story of Cain & Abel is told in this book of the Old Testament


ENGLISH LITERATURE Milton's "Paradise Lost" is based on this book of the Bible


HEY 19 Sodom & Gomorrah are destroyed in Chapter 19 of this Biblical book


KNOW YOUR BIBLE The question "Am I my brother's keeper?" is posed in this book of the Bible


NOW APPEARING IN A BIBLICAL BOOK NEAR YOU Ancestor of one of the 12 Tribes, Benjamin appears in this biblical book as his mom Rachel dies giving birth to him


OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS IN OTHER WORDS Mike Rutherford, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, et al.


RATED "G" The first book of the Bible, or a Phil Collins rock band


SODOM & GOMORRAH It's the book of the Bible that first tells the story of Sodom & Gomorrah


THE BIBLE In chronological order, this book of the Bible comes first




THE TESTAMENT "For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age at the set time of which God had spoken to him"


TIME The 7-day week is derived from this book of the Bible


WHICH BIBLE BOOK? "And Lamech lived after he begat Noah five hundred ninety and five years"


GIMME A "G"! Excluding the gospels, one of the 2 books of the King James Version of the Bible that fit the category

Genesis or Galatians

BIBLE MOVIES Before he was Patton, this man played Abraham in 1966's "The Bible"

George C. Scott

THE 16th CENTURY Martin Luther translated the Bible into this language


BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY Lying at the foot of the mount of olives, this garden was the site where Jesus was betrayed & arrested


THE NEW TESTAMENT The name of this garden is Hebrew for "oil press"; in ancient times it was the place where olives were pressed into oil


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL _____ Job 3:11: "Why did I not give up the _____ when I came out of the belly?"


NOVELS Ole Rolvaag's tale of Norwegian immigrants on the prairie whose title is from the Bible

Giants in the Earth

BIBLE WHO'S WHO In the Book of Judges, he's famous for blowing on his trumpet


BIBLICAL MEGADEATHS This judge didn't need his hotel Bible when he & his men killed 120,000 Midianites


BIBLICAL WARRIORS Later lending his name to a popular hotel Bible, he led a successful night attack against the Midianites


ORGANIZATIONS Since 1908 this group has distributed over 26 million Bibles to hotels & other institutions


HISTORIC SUPREME COURT DECISIONS? Hotel Bible disapprovingly tells the story of a nasty wagonmaker

Gideon v. wainwright

LYRICAL MOP UP The Beatles: "Rocky Raccoon checked into his room, only to find ___ ___"

Gideon's Bible

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY During Absalom's rebellion, David took refuge in this region that's east of the Jordan & known for its balm


THE BIBLE According to Jeremiah, this place seems to be short of balm & physicians


BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters"


FEAR The Bible says Job feared him, meaning Job was pious & "eschewed evil"


BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW A stele unearthed in 1993 in these "heights" bears the name of King David & may confirm his historic reality

Golan Heights

BIBLICAL PAINTINGS Object of worship in the Poussin painting seen here: (an idol)

Golden Calf

NEW TESTAMENT PLACES (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-02-05_J_30.wmv">Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Israel.</a>) The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is believed to be built over this hill, site of the crucifixion


THE BIBLE The Aramaic name for Calvary, the hill in Jerusalem on which Jesus was crucified


BIBLE HEROES In the first book of Samuel, David defeats this Philistine by hitting him with a rock


BIBLE WHO'S WHO If Gath had a basketball team, he would have been its star


BIBLICAL GUYS Up until his altercation with David, this big man from Gath had an excellent record


BIBLICAL MILITARY MEN This Philistine had a "helmet of brass" & a coat of mail weighing 5,000 shekels


IN THE BIBLE & in this corner, standing "six cubits and a span", from Gath & I Samuel 17, "The Philistine Fist" ...him!


OLD TESTAMENT WHO'S WHO He stood 6 cubits & a span & had a spear whose "head weighed six hundred shekels of iron"


THE OLD TESTAMENT This Philistine asked David, "Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves?"


REAL U.S. LOCALES This Ohio town shares its name with Hosea's Old Testament wife & the first name of a TV military hayseed


BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY From Joseph to Moses, the Israelites lived in the Land O' this, a part of Egypt


THE BIBLE When they were slaves, the Israelites lived in this part of the land O'Egypt


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Calamine & Jergens from the "land" where the Hebrews began the Exodus

Goshen's lotions

BIBLES The Septuagint is the oldest translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew to this language


LANGUAGES Paul's letters in the New Testament were written in a version of this language called Koine


THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS The scrolls are written in Hebrew, Aramaic & this, just like the Bible


THROWING THE BOOK AT YOU Heirs of billionaire Troy Phelan battle over his estate in "The Testament" by this author/lawyer


LIBRARIES Indiana University's Lilly Library contains many rare books including his 1450s New Testament


THAT'S EXPENSIVE! "Antiques Roadshow" veteran Kenneth Gloss put a $25-35 million price tag on a 1st edition Bible printed by this man


WE HAWK OLD INVENTIONS He got movable type moving, & there are only about 40 of his 1450s Bible left! Act now!


PIECES OF APRIL At an auction in April 1978, one of these books sold for $2 million, then a record for a printed book

Gutenberg Bible

THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Library's copy of this 15th century book is one of 3 perfect editions printed on vellum

Gutenberg Bible

NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES In Luke 11:2 the 4-word phrase that follows "Our father which art in heaven"

Hallowed be thy name

OH, BROTHER In the Bible, he saw Noah naked, & told his brothers Shem & Japheth--he knew something wasn't kosher


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Noah's son's marine mollusks

Ham's clams

THE BIBLE In the book of Esther, he was hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai


WORD & PHRASE ORIGINS The concept "an eye for an eye" didn't originate in the Bible, but in this Babylonian King's "Code"


HOLIDAYS Wintertime Jewish holiday that's mentioned in the New Testament but not in the Jewish Bible


FAMOUS FOLKS World Book's photo of Carry Nation shows her with a Bible in one hand & this in the other


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL ____ In I Samuel 13: "A man after his own ____"


LANGUAGES In its earliest form, this Old Testament language was probably identical to Phoenician


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Chapter 3 of the "Epistle to" these people explains why Christ is superior to Moses


HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Every morning she brews up a cup of hot tea

Hebrews (in she brews)

THE GIDEON BIBLE "What the Bible says about" this place is "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God"


BIBLES The Cranmer Bible of 1540 featured a Holbein woodcut of this king watching copies being passed out

Henry VIII

GREAT FEETS OF THE BIBLE At the Pharisee's house, a woman washed Jesus' feet with her tears & wiped them with this

Her hair

DANCING IN THE BIBLE Mark 6:22 says his stepdaughter's dance pleased him so much he offered her anything she wanted


MASADA Masada is dominated by the remains of the palace of this infamous New Testament king called "the Great"


READ YOUR BIBLE In the Book of Mark, John the Baptist called this king an adulterer; oops!


THE BIBLE In Matthew this ruler called for the deaths of all infant boys in Bethlehem: that's not so "great"


THE BIBLE The Wise Men, sent to Bethlehem by this king, were warned by God not to return to him


THE NEW TESTAMENT At the time of Jesus’ birth, he was the king of Judea


THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE ANCIENT ROME This "Great" king of the New Testament became King of Judea with Rome's help in 37 B.C.


GIMME AN "H" In the New Testament, he tells the Magi, "Go and search diligently for the young child..."

Herod (the Great)

UP WORDS In the King James Bible, Hilkiah is described as this type of priest

High priest

BIBLICAL PROPHETS Reclusive Ezekiel trimmed this with a sword & wove the trimmings into his robe

His hair

BIBLICAL QUOTES "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose" this

His own soul

THE BIBLE The musical instrument called a shofar was made from this part of a ram


LANGUAGES Gaspar Karolyi's translation of the Bible in 1590 was influential in the development of this as a national language


THE BIBLE The last word in the King James Version Old Testament is "curse" & this is the first word


FIRST THINGS FIRST The first word of the first book of the King James Version of the Bible

In (the beginning)

THE KING JAMES BIBLE A Gospel & a book of the Old Testament each start with these same 3 words

In the beginning

BIBLICAL ART Claude Lorrain painted a landscape with the marriage of Rebecca & him


BIBLICAL CLOTHES RACK Rebecca dresses Jacob in Esau's clothes in order to trick this man, her husband


BIBLICAL FATHERS & SONS Abraham was 100 years old & Sarah was 90 when this child was born to them


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Pitman, Mizrahi, Bashevis Singer


BIBLICAL VOICES This blind father recognized Jacob's voice but thought his goatskin-covered hands were those of Esau


IMBIBLERS In Genesis 27, this son of Abraham drinks wine before he blesses the wrong son


OLD TESTAMENT NAMES Though his name is from Hebrew for "laughter", he probably didn't laugh much while he was on that altar


THE BIBLE Deceived, he blessed his son Jacob rather than Esau


IN THE BOOKSTORE Among the books you'll find by this late author are "Understanding Physics", a "Guide to the Bible" & "I, Robot"

Isaac Asimov

BIBLICAL NAMES When <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/1986-11-13_J_22.mp3">the following song</a> went gold, so did the chains across this composer's chest:

Isaac Hayes

OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS It's the book abbreviated Is.


OLD TESTAMENT NUDITY Subject of the longest prophetic book, he once wandered nude & barefoot for three years


THE "I"S HAVE IT Named for a prophet, it's the only book of the bible that begins with an "I"


THE OLD TESTAMENT According to this Old Testament book, this "swords into plowshares" prophet walked naked for 3 years


BIBLICAL GUYS Muslims "call me" & Abraham the founders of the first Ka'aba at Mecca


BIBLICAL QUOTES This half brother of Isaac born of Abraham & Hagar was called "a wild man, his hand will be against every man"


UNFORGIVEN The name of this biblical son of Abraham who was cast away after the birth of Isaac now means "outcast"


BIBLICAL PATRIARCHY As the father of Ishmael, Abraham is also considered a patriarch of this religion


FROM HERE TO THERE Found in the Bible, the phrase "from Dan to Beersheba" refers to an area now within this country


IMBIBLERS In 1 Kings, the Syrian kings are getting drunk when the soldiers of this nation slaughter them


NAMES IN THE BIBLE Daniel means "God is my judge", Ezekiel, "God strengthens"; & this name in Genesis 32, "he strives with God"


THE BIBLE In Genesis 32 Jacob's name was changed to this, "For as a prince hast thou power with God and with men"


THE BIBLE Jacob wrestled this new name out of an angel


THE OLD TESTAMENT Jacob's other name was this, like the 12 tribes descended from him


BIBLICAL PEOPLE "The Prayer of" this obscure Biblical person topped bestseller lists in 2001


BIBLICAL DONKEYS He gave his brother Esau over 300 animals, including 20 female donkeys


BIBLICAL FIRSTS This disguised man was the first person to kiss someone in the Bible; he kissed his father


BIBLICAL GUYS He's known for his sheep & goat breeding, as well as his own -- he had 12 sons


GETTING BIBLICAL In Genesis he has an all-night wrestling match & ends up getting blessed


PAINTINGS IN THE PRADO Jose de Ribera's rendition of <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-07-22_DJ_11.jpg" target="_blank">this</a> Old Testament patriarch's dream is in the collection


POPULAR BABY NAMES Character names in a book & movie series, the top names for 2009 & 2010 were Isabella for girls & this biblical one for boys


THE BIBLE A ladder reaching to heaven appeared to him in a dream


THE BIBLE He wrestled with an angel "until the breaking of the day"


THE BIBLE Of her twin boys, Rebekah favored this one


THE BIBLE Rachel became jealous of Leah's fertility & told this husband, "Give me children, or else I die"


THE CHILDREN'S HOUR In the Bible, his sons gave their names to the tribes of Israel


WELLS Jesus chatted with a Samaritan woman at a well named for this Biblical patriarch


WHAT'S IN A NAME This biblical name climbed the ladder to become the most popular baby name for boys, 1993-2003


BIBLICAL PAIRS The sons of Rebekah

Jacob & Esau

THE OLD TESTAMENT Genesis 25 says these twin sons of Rebekah even struggled against each other in their mother's womb

Jacob & Esau

TWINS Biblical pair born to Isaac & Rebekah, one was red all over when he was born, like a hairy garment

Jacob & Esau

BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Baldwin, Thurber, Michener


THE BIBLE Herod had this apostle, the brother of John, killed with a sword


THE BIBLE While they were mending their nets, John & this brother were summoned by Jesus to become disciples


LONG LIVE THE KING! A translation of the Bible is named for this king of England & Scotland

James (I)

HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Drivers often got in a jam especially when it was raining

James (in jam especially)

THE PURPLE TESTAMENT Nicknamed the "Purple Heart Battalion", WWII's 442nd Regiment was made up of Americans of this ethnicity


OLD TESTAMENT WHO'S WHO "And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham and" him


BIBLICAL DONKEYS Donkey part Samson used to slay a thousand men

Jawbone (of an ass)

YAHWEH In the King James Bible, Yahweh, the personal name of God, is rendered as this


ORGANIZATIONS The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society is a legal agency of this religious group

Jehovah's Witnesses

RELIGION More common name for The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society

Jehovah's Witnesses

RELIGION This group's corporate bodies are the Watchtower Bible & Tract Societies of PA & NY

Jehovah's Witnesses

BIBLICAL WHO'S WHO He's the prophet portrayed here in a Rembrandt painting lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem


BIBLICAL WRATH & MADNESS A priest confronted this prophet & author of Lamentations with a letter that accused him of madness


OLD TESTAMENT Sorrowful O.T. prophet, his name now refers to predictors of doom


RELIGION This book of the Bible was named for a prophet & son of Hilkiah the priest, not a bullfrog


THE OLD TESTAMENT He's the one lamenting in the book of Lamentations


THE OLD TESTAMENT Sorrowful prophet who wrote the Old Testament book of Lamentations


BIBLICAL CITIES "And the Lord said unto Joshua, See, I have given unto thine hand" this city, "and the king thereof"


BIBLICAL CITIES The priests blew their trumpets, Joshua's people shouted, & this city's "wall fell down flat"


BIBLICAL FASHION Achan admitted to Joshua that from the spoils of this city he took a "Goodly Babylon Garment"


CITIES OF THE BIBLE After Joshua & the Israelites crossed the Jordan, this city locked its gates


LESSER-KNOWN BIBLICAL FOLK Achan went against Joshua's order not to take any spoils from this dis-walled city


LET'S GET BIBLICAL In the book of Joshua, this city is defeated when its walls fall down after trumpets are sounded


PLACES IN THE BIBLE Hiel loses 2 sons in 1 Kings, fulfilling the curse Joshua laid on anyone who re-established this walled city


THE BIBLE Things saved from this city were the gold & silver, the iron & brass vessels & Rahab & her family


THE OLD TESTAMENT Joshua could tell you this walled town was called the “city of palm treesâ€


THE OLD TESTAMENT The trumpets sounded, Joshua's people shouted & this city's "wall fell down flat"


BIBLE STUDY Psalm 147 says, "Praise the Lord, O" this city; "Praise thy God, O Zion"


BIBLICAL DONKEYS Zechariah predicted the Messiah would enter this city upon an ass


CITIES OF THE BIBLE After David captured this city's fortress, it was called the City of David


PLACES IN THE BIBLE David reigned for 7 1/2 years in Hebron, then moved to this city


THE BIBLE Though its name means "city of peace", it's seen over 30 wars, the last in 1967


THE OLD TESTAMENT The governor of Judea under the reign of Persian king Artaxerxes I, Nehemiah rebuilt this city's walls


THE OLD TESTAMENT This city was the site of Solomon's temple


BIBLICAL SPEAKERS BUREAU "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God"


BORN & DIED Harper's Bible Dictionary says he was born in 5 or 6 B.C. in Judea & died in 28 or 29 A.D.in Jerusalem


READ YOUR BIBLE In the New Testament, Zacchaeus climbs a tree to get a better view of this man


THE BIBLE He cast a "legion" of demons from a madman & put an end to his howling & raging


BIBLICAL BIG SCREEN Pop singer Yvonne Elliman played Mary Magdalene in this 1973 musical film

Jesus Christ Superstar

BIBLICAL CRIME BLOTTER Wife of Ahab, this Baal worshiper & harlot was last seen in Jezreel


BIBLICAL PEOPLE Elijah's prophecy that dogs would eat this wicked woman was fulfilled in 2 Kings


BIBLICAL PROPHETS Elijah told Ahab that this wicked woman, Ahab's wife, would be eaten by dogs...& she was


BIBLICAL WOMEN This Phoenician princess who married King Ahab was thrown out a window & her corpse devoured by dogs


CURSING IN THE BIBLE In 2 Kings, this wicked queen is referred to as "that cursed woman"


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN The Lord told Ahab, "The dogs shall eat" her "by the wall of Jezreel"


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN The name of this wicked idol worshipper is often applied to a shameful seductress


ROYALTEASE The biblical Ahaziah followed the evil ways of this mother, but luckily only ruled Israel briefly


THE BIBLE A believer in the pagan god Baal, her name has come to mean a wicked, shameless woman


THE OLD TESTAMENT When this wicked Phoenician princess married King Ahab, Ahab adopted her worship of Baal


BIBLE BOOKS BY QUOTATION "Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, doth (this man) fear God for nought?"


BIBLE HEROES In the Old Testament, God allows Satan to afflict this man in order to test his faith


BIBLE QUOTATIONS In his sorrow this Old Testament figure said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away"


BIBLE WHO'S WHO The object of a wager befween God & Satan; has a book named for him


BIBLICAL PEOPLE This patient man's name may mean "persecuted one" or "repentant one"


BIBLICAL SPEAKERS BUREAU "Miserable comforters are ye all"


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE "My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth"


CURSING IN THE BIBLE In chapter 3 of his book, this sufferer curses the day he was born


DANCE FORMERS Oh, the anguish! Ninette de Valois choreographed a 1931 work named for this biblical sufferer


HELLO MOTHER In the Bible, this unfortunate man remarks, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb"


IN THE BIBLE "Why hast thou set me as a mark against thee, so that I am a burden to myself?" he asks in chapter 7 of his book


KNOWING HIM BIBLICALLY According to his book, 42:16, this "patient" man lived 140 years after his troubles


NAMETH THE BIBLE BOOK "They bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him"


OLD TESTAMENT PEOPLE "The Lord answered" this persecuted man from Uz "out of the whirlwind"


OLD TESTAMENT The Lord told Satan, “There is none like him in the Earth, a perfect and an upright manâ€


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN After his patience was tested, he was rewarded with a new family including 3 girls, Jemima, Kezia & Kerenhappuch


THAT'S SO CLICHE! One who endures a severe & prolonged hardship has "the patience of" this Old Testament guy


THE BIBLE Ezekiel reported that God commended Daniel, Noah & this sufferer for their righteousness


THE BIBLE He asked God, "Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee?"


THE BIBLE He said to his friends, "Miserable comforters are ye all"


THE BIBLE The first verse of this book says, "There was a man in the land of Uz that feared God and eschewed evil"


THE BIBLE When Eliphaz told him "Man is born unto trouble", he could have answered, "You're telling me!"


THE KING JAMES BIBLE TELLS ME SO James 5: "Ye have heard of the patience of" this man


THE SHORTIE IN THE GROUP Of Old Testament books


TROUBLE In the Old Testament, Eliphaz warns this patient guy that "man that is born of a woman is... full of trouble"


WHICH BIBLE BOOK? "But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face"


HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Fight the evil mojo by using your good voodoo

Job (mojo by)

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME "Perfect & upright" man's spherical models of the earth

Job's globes

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Patient & faithful Old Testament figure's ear parts

Job's lobes

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Long-suffering man's dressing gowns

Job's robes



HEMP The 42-line versions of the Bible he printed around 1450 were printed on hemp paper

Johannes Gutenberg

LIBRARIES The Lilly Library at Indiana University has one of this man's 1,453 printings of the New Testament

Johannes Gutenberg

MIDDLE AGE MEN His name is on none of his print jobs, so if you have one of his famous bibles from 1456, stop looking

Johannes Gutenberg

STARTS WITH "GU" If he'd kept his family name, he would have printed the Gensfleisch Bible

Johannes Gutenberg

WORLD HISTORY In 1455 Johann Fust won a judgment against this printer & took the type used to print his famous Bible

Johannes Gutenberg

INVENTORS In 1987 a copy of the Old Testament attributed to this printer sold for $5.39 million

Johannes Gutenburg

KEEP 'EM SEPARATED In the New Testament, it separates the book of Luke from the book of Acts


RELIGION IN CORPORATIONS Clothing chain Forever 21 puts this biblical book & the chapter & verse 3:16 on the bottom of bags


THE BIBLE "In the beginning was the word" are the beginning words of this gospel


THE BIBLE This 4th gospel writer begins his book with "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God..."


THE NEW TESTAMENT This apostle, the brother of James, is traditionally credited with writing a gospel


THE NEW TESTAMENT 1 of 2 brothers Jesus named the "Sons of Thunder"

John (or James)

ESTIMATED PROPHET The last book of the New Testament is a collection of prophetic visions by this man

John (the Divine)

BOOKS & AUTHORS An attorney must search the Brazilian rain forest for a missing heir in his novel "The Testament"

John Grisham

BRIT READ In Feb. 1999 his "The Testament" was London's top hardback & his "The Street Lawyer" was top paperback

John Grisham

WHERE THERE'S A WILL.... He appointed "Beloved Wife, Yoko Ono" to act as executor of his last will & testament

John Lennon

BRITISH POETS He wrote a 1671 poet about the biblical Samson, who like him suffered blindess

John Milton

THE MIDDLE AGES Wyclef Jean was a musician from the Fugees; this theologian inspired a 1382 English Bible translation

John Wycliffe

BIBLE HEROES In Luke, he is quoted as saying, "I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh"

John the Baptist

BIBLICAL FATHERS & SONS Zechariah, father of this forerunner of Christ, lost his voice for doubting God's word

John the Baptist

BIBLICAL MADNESS This man's diet of locusts & wild honey led some to think he was possessed

John the Baptist

BIBLICAL PEOPLE This man was imprisoned after denouncing Herod Antipas for marrying Herodias, his brother's wife

John the Baptist

BIBLICAL POLICE BLOTTER When Herodias' burlesque-dancing daughter said she wanted to get ahead, she meant the head of this man

John the Baptist

BIBLICAL QUOTES Herod thought that Jesus was this man "whom I beheaded: he is risen from the dead"

John the Baptist

BIBLICAL QUOTES Herodias' daughter said, "Give me here" his "head in a charger"

John the Baptist

BIBLICAL VOICES His was the "voice of one crying in the wilderness"

John the Baptist

DID YOU READ YOUR BIBLE? When Herod said he'd give his stepdaughter anything, she asked for his head on a platter

John the Baptist

NAME THAT BIBLE GUY When this man "saw many of the Pharisees ... come to his baptism, he said unto them, o generation of vipers"

John the Baptist

NEW TESTAMENT PLACES (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-02-05_J_26.wmv">Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands in flowing water in Israel.</a>) The book of Mark recounts how believers, including Jesus, were baptized in the Jordan River by this man

John the Baptist

NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES This man said "I have baptized you with water, but He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost"

John the Baptist

THE BIBLE Jesus said "Among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than" this man of the wilderness

John the Baptist

THE KING JAMES BIBLE TELLS ME SO Matthew 14: "Give me here" this man's "head in a charger"

John the Baptist

THE NEW TESTAMENT Mark 6:29 reports that his disciples collected his headless body & laid it in a tomb

John the Baptist

THE NEW TESTAMENT This baptizer was said to be “clothed with camel’s hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loinsâ€

John the Baptist

TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL A Michigan realtor claimed that this New Testament man (& his head) appeared to him 30 times between 1927 & 1933

John the Baptist

WHO'S BIBLICALLY SPEAKING? "I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh"

John the Baptist

BIBLE BOOKS BY QUOTATION "So they took up (him), and cast him forth into the sea"


BIBLE HEROES This prophet was actually swallowed by a "great fish", not a whale


BIBLICAL SPEAKERS "Take me up and cast me forth into the sea"


BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "Take me up. and cast me forth into the sea", for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you"


LET'S GET BIBLICAL God asked him, "Should not I spare Nineveh... wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons"


OLD TESTAMENT NAMES Oddly, his name means "dove" & not "he of the big fish"


QUICK MOBY-DICK The biblical prophet who's the subject of chapter 83


ROAD TO PERDITION In the Old Testament, he prays to God, "Out of the belly of Hell cried I, and Thou heardest my voice"


THE BIBLE "Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up" this man


THE BIBLE This book says Nineveh was so big it took 3 days to cross; that's a whale of a tale to us


THE BIBLE This prophet passed the time he spent inside a fish offering up prayers




THE OLD TESTAMENT He "was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights"


THE OLD TESTAMENT In his Biblical book, he's tossed overboard at his own request


THE OLD TESTAMENT While Encyclopedia Americana says this Old Testament book should be read as a parable, we say it’s a big fish story


THE OLD TESTAMENT “And the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited out†this man “upon the dry landâ€


THOU ART DA MAN! In his Bible book he "prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly"


THOU CANST BIBLICALLY QUOTE ME "Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea"


WHICH BIBLE BOOK? "For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas"


THE BIBLE David & this prince became good friends after routing the Philistines


THE BIBLE He was David's best friend & the son of David's worst enemy, King Saul


THE OLD TESTAMENT The oldest son of King Saul, he is best known for his friendship with David


BIBLICAL WARRIORS Saul & this son of his won many battles against the Philistines, but both died at the Battle of Mt. Gilboa


THE OLD TESTAMENT In Joshua the Israelites made a miraculous crossing of this river, much as they did at the Red Sea


BIBLICAL WORDS & PHRASES To "pass over" this river means to reach the promised land

Jordan River

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME An encirclement of the river that runs from Galilee to the Dead Sea

Jordan cordon

BIBLICAL CLOTHES RACK Reuben tore his clothes when he learned this man, his brother who traveled to Egypt, was missing from the pit


BIBLICAL FORGIVENESS An early instance of forgiveness is in Genesis 50, when this man forgives his many brothers who had wronged him


BIBLICAL PEOPLE Benjamin's only full brother was this wearer of the coat of many colors


BIBLICAL PEOPLE This husband of Mary may have died while Jesus was still a child


BIBLICAL PEOPLE This son of Jacob & Rachel was sold by his brothers to the Ishmaelites for 20 pieces of silver


BIBLICAL QUOTES "And they took" his "coat and killed a kid of the goats and dipped the coat in the blood"


BIBLICAL QUOTES Genesis 37:31 says that siblings took his "coat and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood"


BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "The dream of Pharaoh is one... the seven good kine are seven years; and the seven good ears are seven years"


DREAMERS A dream angel tells this New Testament man to "Take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt"


JERRY SPRINGER'S BIBLE SHOW He crowded onto the stage with his 11 brothers for the "Dad Likes You Best" show


OLD TESTAMENT HEROES His brothers took his coat of many colors & dipped it in goat's blood to make his father believe he had been killed


OLD TESTAMENT NAMES After stripping him of his coat of many colors, his brothers cast him into a pit, then sold him into slavery


PATRON SAINTS This biblical husband is the patron saint of carpenters


THE BIBLE After Jesus' death, this man of Arimathea obtained his body & buried it in his own tomb


THE BIBLE After Pharaoh put him in charge of Egypt, he gathered so much corn he lost track of how much he had


THE BIBLE Matthew 1:19 shows him as a just man by his refusal to divorce & humiliate the pregnant Mary


THE BIBLE The gospel according to Mark doesn't mention this husband of Mary by name


THE BIBLE This husband of Mary is not named in Mark's gospel


THE BIBLE This son of Jacob served under Potiphar, captain of Pharaoh's palace guard


THE OLD TESTAMENT The brothers of this son of Jacob dipped his robe in goat's blood & brought it back to their father


THE OLD TESTAMENT This son of Jacob was 30 years old when Pharaoh made him ruler of all Egypt


THE OLD TESTAMENT When this man's brother said that he was still alive, his father Jacob's "heart fainted, for he believed them not"


THOU CANST BIBLICALLY QUOTE ME "Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither"


BIBLICAL PAIRS Jesus' Earthly parents

Joseph & Mary

BIBLICAL JOURNEYS 2 names: A man journeying & his country of destination in both Genesis 39 & Matthew 2

Joseph and Egypt

BIBLICAL PEOPLE This wealthy man in whose tomb Jesus was placed may have been a member of the Sanhedrin

Joseph of Arimathea

BIBLE QUOTES The first chapter of this man's book says, "Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over... Jordan"


BIBLICAL IMPERSONATORS By pretending to be ambassadors from a distant country, the Gibeonites fooled this successor to Moses


BIBLICAL MILITARY MEN Moses designated him to defend Israel against Amalek; he later brought down the walls of Jericho


BIBLICAL PEOPLE Once Moses' aide, he led the Israelites into the promised land


BIBLICAL PEOPLE The Lord told him & his men to walk around Jericho once a day for 6 days


GREAT FEETS OF THE BIBLE This Jericho conqueror had his captains put their feet on the necks of 5 captured kings


NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS The photo <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-07-07_DJ_28.jpg" target="_blank">here</a> was taken in a national park; the distinctive <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-07-07_DJ_28a.jpg" target="_blank">trees</a> are named for this biblical man


OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS Chapter 6 of this book begins, "Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel"


OLD TESTAMENT HEROES After he told his people, "Shout, for the Lord hath given you the city", the walls of Jericho came tumbling down


THE OLD TESTAMENT Sound the trumpets! Before his death, Moses named this man his successor


WHO'S BIBLICALLY SPEAKING? "Ye shall return unto the land of your possession, and enjoy it, which Moses... gave you on this side Jordan"


TREES Its resemblance to a Biblical person gave this tree, seen here, its name: [video clue]

Joshua tree

BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Spade, Wedgwood, Bartlett


THINK ABOUT IT In a Spanish Bible, it's the name of the author of the fourth gospel


JEWISH HISTORY Biblical Palestine was divided into Israel & this kingdom named for one of Jacob's sons


THE BIBLE When the United Monarchy failed, Rehoboam became head of this kingdom in southern Palestine


RELIGION Religion whose Bible begins with the Book of Genesis & ends with II Chronicles


BIBLE WHO'S WHO His surname is likely a corruption of the Latin "sicarius", meaning "murderer"


LET'S GET BIBLICAL In the book of Matthew, all the other disciples call Jesus "Lord", but this man calls him "Rabbi"


NEW TESTAMENT PLACES (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-02-05_J_29.wmv">Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Israel.</a>) Here in the garden of Gethsemane, this disciple, accompanied by a group of armed men, approached Jesus and said, "Hail, master", then kissed him


READ YOUR BIBLE Luke 22:3 says that Satan entered into this apostle


THE BIBLE His price was 30 pieces of silver


THE NEW TESTAMENT He "went unto the chief priests and said unto them, what will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you?"


THE NEW TESTAMENT He asked the chief priests, "what will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you?"


START SPREADIN' THE NOOSE Tradition says this Biblical figure kissed himself off on a tree that now bears his name

Judas Iscariot

THE BIBLE One account says this disciple of Jesus hanged himself in remorse

Judas Iscariot

THE BIBLE This disciple's name may mean "Man of Kerioth"

Judas Iscariot

THE NEW TESTAMENT Always mentioned last in the list of Jesus' 12 Disciples, he was the treasurer of the group

Judas Iscariot

THE NEW TESTAMENT Jesus said to him, "Betrayest thou the Son of Man with a kiss?"

Judas Iscariot

THOU CANST BIBLICALLY QUOTE ME "I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood"

Judas Iscariot

THE BIBLE In the Latin Vulgate bible, this book is called "Liber Judicum"


THE BIBLE In the Old Testament, Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar & others collectively, but not Judy


THE BIBLE The Latin Vulgate calls this book of the Bible "Liber Judicum"


THE BIBLE The stories of Gideon & Samson are found in this book of the Bible




THE OLD TESTAMENT The Bible-stashing Gideons took their name from the leader of a small but devout band of men in this book


THERE WILL BE "UD" This Bible book covers the period between Joshua's death & Saul's accession to the throne


WITH THE GOOD BOOK This Old Testament book details the careers of Othniel, Gideon & Samson


BIBLICAL AKA This second king of Israel was "the sweet singer of Israel"

King David

BIBLICAL MADNESS This future king escaped from vengeful Philistines by pretending to be a drooling madman

King David

BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "O my son Absalom, o Absalom, my son, my son!"

King David

HARPS & HARPERS In the Bible, this ancient Hebrew king & psalmist played a harp called a kinnor

King David

OLD TESTAMENT NAMES Absalom, who was killed after his hair got caught in a tree, was a son of this king

King David

RICHARD GERE FILMS In a 1985 film Gere portrayed this Biblical ruler

King David

THE BIBLE Abner fought for Ish-Boseth against this king but later agreed to join him

King David

BIBLE STORIES This king got angry & killed all the babies in Bethlehem

King Herod

HISTORIC BOOKS Published in 1611, the Pilgrims in 1620 refused to bring it to America; they brought the Geneva version

King James Bible

PUBLISHING In the 17th century Oxford University Press got the right to print this "royal" version of the Bible, quite a cash cow

King James Bible

SECOND PEOPLE This king & Bible authorizer has been called "the wisest fool in Christendom" as well as "the second Solomon"

King James I

THE SHORT VERSION A translation of the Bible: KJV

King James Version

BIBLICAL QUOTES In I Samuel he admitted to David, "I have played the fool and have erred exceedingly"

King Saul

THE BIBLE In a parable, Jesus compared this kingdom to a grain of mustard seed

Kingdom of Heaven

BOOKS OF THE BIBLE You'll find this pair of books between First & Second Samuel & First & Second Chronicles


NAMETH THE BIBLE BOOK "Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne" (in First this)


NO E'S PLEASE In the Old Testament, there's a first & a second book of these


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE These 2 books chronicle the monarchs of Israel & Judah, beginning with David & ending with Jehoiachin

Kings I & II

THE BIBLE One given on taking leave is mentioned in Genesis 31; one of betrayal in Matthew 26


MUSIC In 1802 he wrote his famous "Heiligenstadt Testament" to his brothers

L.V. Beethoven

LAND OF LANDSCAPES The 1444 work "Miraculous Draught of Fishes" sets the biblical miracle on this Alpine lake

Lake Geneva

BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Probably written by Jeremiah, this book is in the form of a 5-poem dirge


DESTRUCTION This book of the Old Testament consists of 5 poems mourning the destruction of Jerusalem




THE "L" YOU ARE! Woe is me! This book follows Jeremiah in the Bible


THE BOOK OF REVELATION It's Revelation's place in order of books in the New Testament


IN THE BIBLE During the crucifixion, "This is the king of the Jews" was written in these 3 languages

Latin, Hebrew & Greek

BIBLICAL ART During his stay at a mental asylum in Saint-Remy, van Gogh painted "The Raising of" this man


BIBLICAL QUOTES This New Testament beggar "died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom"


BIBLICAL VOICES Jesus "cried out with a loud voice" & commanded this dead man to "come forth"


EUROPEAN ART The influence of Rembrandt can be seen in Carel Fabritius' painting "The Raising of" this biblical man


ITALIAN ART & ARTISTS Sebastiano's enormous painting of the "Raising of" this Biblical man is in the National Gallery in London


KNOWING HIM BIBLICALLY John 11 details the big comeback of this man, dead for 4 days


PITHY QUOTES The King James Bible's shortest verse, "Jesus wept", refers to the death of this man


THE ANIMAL KINGDOM The coelacanth & the ivory-billed woodpecker are sometimes referred to as this biblical man "species"


THE BIBLE 6 days before Passover Jesus had a supper with this man whom he had raised from the dead


THE BIBLE After he was called forth from the dead, he appeared "bound hand and foot with graveclothes"


THE NEW TESTAMENT The New Testament says "Jesus wept" prior to raising him from the dead


WEBSTER'S THIRD, PAGE 1282 Biblical beggar whose name gives us a synonym for "leper"


WHO'S WHO IN THE BIBLE "Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die," Jesus said before raising this man from the dead


BIBLICAL DATING GAME Jacob served 7 years to win the 'beautiful" Rachel, but had to take this "tender-eyed" sister first


BIBLICAL IMPERSONATORS She fooled Jacob by posing as her sister Rachel on his wedding night


BIBLICAL GARDEN Psalm 92 says, "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in" this country


BIBLICAL BOTANY Esau sold his birthright for a soup made with these similar to peas


BIBLICAL PROPHETS Elisha cured a general of this skin disease, then gave it to a servant


THE BIBLE In Luke 17 Jesus healed 10 men with this affliction, but only one thanked him


THE BIBLE When Miriam displeases God in Numbers 12, she comes down with a case of this dreaded skin disease


BIBLICAL QUOTES In Exodus Moses & Aaron inform pharaoh that the lord has this very strong 4-word suggestion

Let my people go

BIBLICAL MULTIPLE CHOICE Of Levi, Lee, Calvin or Sassoon, the one who got his genes from Jacob


THE OLD TESTAMENT Oddly, this tribe for whom the third book is named, is mentioned in only one passage there


PARADISE LOST The poem describes this Biblical beast as "hugest of living creatures, on the deep stretcht like a promontorie"


READ YOUR BIBLE In Job 41, God compares Job's abilities with this monster of the sea


TERMS FROM THE BIBLE In 2010 we heard of the discovery of the fossil of a 12 million-year-old giant sperm whale given this Biblical name by its finders


THE VERY MODE "L" Caste of priests after whom the third book of the Old Testament was named

Levites (Leviticus)

BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Chapters 8-10 of this Old Testament book continue the narrative from Exodus 29


THE LIBERTY BELL The quote on the bell, "proclaim liberty throughout all the land", comes from this third book of the Bible


BIBLICAL GARDEN 1963 Sidney Poitier film whose title comes from the flowers Jesus referred to in Matthew 6:28

Lilies of the Field

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY Babylon, where Iraq is now, was home to this famous feline-filled incarceration site

Lions' Den

BIBLE TALES When faced with Sodom's destruction, he asked God if he & his family could escape to Zoar, a nearby city


BIBLICAL POLICE BLOTTER Hey, we don't make the rules; this man's wife gazed back at Sodom against orders & was turned into a pillar of salt


HAD A WIFE & COULDN'T KEEP HER Instead of becoming a pillar of the community, this biblical man's wife became just a pillar


READ YOUR BIBLE Following the unusual death of his wife, his daughters became the mothers of the Moabites & the Ammonites


THE BIBLE Nephew whom Abraham rescued in Gen. 14, he also needed rescuing from Sodom by Gen. 19


THE OLD TESTAMENT After his wife became a pillar of salt, his daughters seduced him to preserve his seed


WIVES In the Bible, Jesus cautioned his followers to "Remember" this man's "wife" who turned to salt


FAMOUS PAIRS The Biblical message some might get from <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2006-05-18_J_08.jpg" target="_blank">this couple</a> is "Move forward and don't look back!"

Lot & his wife

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Abraham's nephew's square, granny & clove hitches

Lot's knots

OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN She looked back at Sodom & Gomorrah & "became a pillar of salt"

Lot's wife

FILL IN THE BIBLICAL BLANK 1 John 4:8 -- "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is ____"


MANY LOVES Bibliophilism

Love of books

THE NEW TESTAMENT According to Mark 12:31, the 2nd greatest commandment is "Thou shalt" do this "as thyself"

Love thy Neighbor

THE GOOD BOOK This rebellious archangel of the Bible first lights up the scene in Isaiah 14


MONEY TALKS It was an old translation of the Bible that turned "money obtained dishonestly" into "filthy" this


WHAT DOESN'T BELONG? The Bible: Moabites, Luddites, Ephraimites


BIBLE BOOKS BY FAMOUS PHRASE "Physician, heal thyself"


BIBLE GUYS Zacharias ministers in the temple in this book that comes before John & after Mark


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Wilson, Perry, Skywalker


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE The third & the longest of the four Gospels is the Gospel according to him


THE BIBLE Since he wasn't an eyewitness to the events, this doctor's gospel is all secondhand


THE NEW TESTAMENT Acts & this Gospel are credited to the same author


THE NEW TESTAMENT This "beloved physician" dedicated his gospel & the book of acts to a Christian named Theophilus




HIDDEN BOOKS OF THE BIBLE As long as Lulu kept singing the crowd would cheer

Luke (in Lulu kept)

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME The third gospel author's fists

Luke's dukes

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Gospel writer's quirks of fate

Luke's flukes

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME "Beloved physician"'s atomic weapons

Luke's nukes

MEN OF RELIGION Despite the Edict of Worms, he translated the Bible into German in secret in 1522


THE 16th CENTURY Frederick the Wise protected him in Wartburg so he could translate the Bible in defiance of the Edict of Worms


BIBLE PEOPLE MAGAZINE Star Tracks says that scholars believe these star-tracking fellows were astrologers from Persia

Magi/three wise men

BIBLICAL QUOTES Revelation says Satan will "deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the Earth, Gog and" this


ON THE "M"AP According to the New Testament, a battle of good versus evil will take place on a hill in this town Joshua captured


THE NEW TESTAMENT (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-01-01_J_29.wmv">Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.</a>) On his fourth and final missionary journey, Saint Paul sailed from Caesarea to Crete & was then shipwrecked on <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-01-01_J_29a.jpg" target="_blank">this</a> island the Bible calls Melita


THE BIBLE Famous quote from Jesus that precedes "But by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God"

Man does not live by bread alone

BIBLICAL FOOD & DRINK The only day it didn't fall from the sky was on the Sabbath


THE BIBLE It was like coriander seed, white; & the taste of it was like wafers made with honey


BIBLICAL CROSSWORD CLUES "M" The shortest of the four gospels (4)


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Rothko, Begich, Spitz


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE It's the second of the 4 gospels, as well as the shortest one


I THINK WE LEFT SOMEONE OUT The authors of the Bible's Gospels: Matthew, Luke, John &...


THE BIBLE This second gospel does not mention Jesus' birth; instead, it focuses on his public ministry


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME A gospel writer's small songbirds

Mark's larks

BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Stewart, Graham, Grimes


THE BIBLE She was busy with her housework while her sister Mary sat at Jesus' feet & listened to his teachings


EUROPEAN HISTORY While hidden at Wartburg Castle in 1521, this man began his German translation of the New Testament

Martin Luther

BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Leakey, McCarthy, Matalin


BIBLICAL WOMEN While pregnant, she had to travel with her husband, who had to pay taxes in the city of his ancestry


NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES In Luke, Elisabeth told her, "Blessed art thou amoung women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb"


THE BIBLE Cousin to whom Elisabeth said, "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb"


THE NEW TESTAMENT The 2 women who first saw the resurrected Jesus shared this name


NOTABLE WOMEN She said she healed from a near-fatal fall after reading a passage from the Bible in 1866

Mary Baker Eddy

BIBLICAL PEOPLE In Luke 8, Jesus is followed by Joanna, Susanna & this devoted woman out of whom devils were cast

Mary Magdalene

BIBLICAL PEOPLE The first person to see Jesus after he arose from his tomb was this woman

Mary Magdalene

BIBLICAL WOMEN The resurrected Jesus first appeared to this woman "out of whom he had cast seven devils"

Mary Magdalene

LET'S GET BIBLICAL She mistakes Jesus for a gardener & Jesus tells the bedeviled woman not to touch him

Mary Magdalene

MUSICAL VENUES Saint-Saens & Faure were organists at Paris' La Madeleine, the church of this Biblical woman

Mary Magdalene

NEW TESTAMENT After his resurrection, Jesus said to her, "Woman, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou?"

Mary Magdalene

THE DA VINCI CODE Robert says Ariel's flowing red hair in Disney's "Little Mermaid" is an allusion to this Biblical woman

Mary Magdalene

WHO'S WHO IN THE BIBLE According to John's gospel, she was the first person to notice Jesus' empty tomb

Mary Magdalene

BIBLICAL ART She's the penitent in the Donatello sculpture seen <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-06-27_DJ_04.jpg" target="_blank">here</a>; her hands perhaps <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-06-27_DJ_04a.jpg" target="_blank">raised</a> in prayer

Mary Magdelene

BIBLICAL NAMES In 1818, she "gave birth" to the world's most famous monster

Mary Shelley

BIBLE BOOKS BY FAMOUS PHRASE "Many are called, but few are chosen"


BIBLE HEROES When Jesus saw this tax collector & first Gospel writer, he told him to "follow me"


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Henson, Perry, McConaughey


BIBLICAL PEOPLE This first gospel writer had a feast at his house for his fellow tax collectors with Jesus as the honored guest


NEW TESTAMENT It's the first book of the New Testament & the first of the 4 Gospels


THE BIBLE Jesus asked this disciple to follow him as he sat in his tax office


THE BIBLE Of the four authors of the gospels, the one who was a tax collector


THE BIBLE This gospel writer was a tax collector at Capernaum when Jesus 1st met him


THE TESTAMENT "There came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying, where is he that is born king of the Jews?"


LET'S GET BIBLICAL One of the 2 gospels in which the Beatitudes appear

Matthew or Luke

FOUR-PLAY These 4 Biblical writers are symbolized by a man, a lion, an ox & an eagle

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

NORWAY'S CULTURE & HISTORY (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2012-01-17_DJ_23.jpg" target="_blank">Sarah of the Clue Crew stands in front of a large house at the Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo, Norway.</a>) About 30 stave churches from the 12th and 13th century still stand here in Norway. The four corner posts, or staves, may represent these first four books of the New Testament

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY In Ezekiel this capital of Egypt is called Noph, & the Lord promises to "destroy the idols" there (he didn't mean Elvis)


OLD TESTAMENT HEROES He became the father of Lamech at the age of 187 & lived for another 782 years


PHRASES IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE Genesis says "all the days of" this guy were 969 years, so if you're "as old as" him, you're really old


THE BIBLE At 969, he was the Bible's longest-lived man


THE BIBLE He lived to be 969 years old


THE OLD TESTAMENT -- BEFORE THE DELUGE This 969-year-old died in the year of the flood


OLD TESTAMENT WHO'S WHO Daniel 12:1 says that this archangel is a caretaker of the Jewish people


THE BIBLE He, not Gabriel, is the only one in the Bible who's specifically called an "archangel"


BIBLICAL FOOD & DRINK In Proverbs Agur says, "Surely the churning of" this "bringeth forth butter"


THE OLD TESTAMENT The promised land of Canaan was said to be flowing with these 2 things

Milk & honey

THE "MINOR"s In the Bible they run alphabetically from Amos to Zephaniah

Minor Prophets

OLD TESTAMENT WHO'S WHO After the Israelites passed through the Red Sea, this sister of Moses led the women in song & dance


THE PURPLE TESTAMENT It's the answer to the classic joke "What's big & purple & swims in the ocean?"

Moby Grape

BIBLE GUYS He says, "I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt"


BIBLE HEROES At the burning bush, God told him he was "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob"


BIBLE HEROES In Exodus 5:1 he demands, "Let my people go"


BIBLE HEROES This man asked Pharaoh to let his people go


BIBLE MOVIES Vitagraph's 1909 "Life of" this Biblical hero included a $10,000 scene of the parting of the Red Sea


BIBLE PEOPLE Pharaoh's daughter finds him floating in a basket in the Nile & raises him as her own son


BIBLE STUDY This Israelite leader's last lines, in Deuteronomy 33, predict his people's conquest of their enemies


BIBLE TALES When Pharaoh's daughter found this baby, she unknowingly chose his real mother as his nurse


BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES "The Bear" is one of the stories in Faulkner's collection called "Go Down," him


BIBLICAL FAMILIES His mother Jochebed was hired to be his nurse by Pharaoh's daughter


BIBLICAL NAMES This biblical figure's name comes from the Hebrew word meaning "to be drawn" from the water


BIBLICAL PAINTINGS Old Testament leader depicted here by Philippe de Champaigne: (holding Ten Commandments)


BIBLICAL QUOTES The Lord told him to "Lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it"


BIBLICAL SPEAKERS BUREAU "But I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue"


BIBLICAL TRANSPORTATION In Exodus he floated on the Nile in a bulrush basket


BIBLICAL WRATH & MADNESS He was so angry at the Israelites, he pulverized their golden calf & made them devour it


BROTHERS & SISTERS In the Bible, Aaron was this brother's mouthpiece in dealing with Pharaoh


CROSSING JORDAN You can cross over the Dead Sea on your way to Jordan's Mount Nebo, where this biblical figure is said to have died


GETTING TICKED OFF When this Bible guy came down from the mountain & saw his people dancing before the golden calf, boy, was he upset!


GREAT FEETS OF THE BIBLE He had to bare his feet before the burning bush because, as God said, he was on holy ground


HISTORY OLDER THAN YOU Around 1200 B.C. this Biblical man led his people to Canaan after their escape from slavery


IT'S IN THE BIBLE This 120-year-old man reported, "The Lord hath said unto me, thou shalt not go over" the Jordan


JERRY SPRINGER'S BIBLE SHOW Miriam & Aaron answered this man's questions on the "Who's My Real Mother?" episode


NAME THAT BIBLE GUY "He returned to the land of Egypt: and (he) took the rod of God in his hand"


NAMES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Jochebed, this Egyptian prince's real mother, was the one who put him into the river in a basket


OLD TESTAMENT God's sending him up Sinai & Nebo made quite a mountain climber out of this sheepherder


SCULPTURE Michelangelo's works for Pope Julius II's tomb included an 8'4" statue of this Biblical lawgiver


THE BIBLE In Exodus 24:12 God said to him, "I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments..."


THE BIBLE The pharaoh's daughter found him in an ark made of bulrushes


THE BIBLE This boy escaped Pharaoh's order to kill all male Hebrew babies


THE BIBLE When chosen by God to lead the Israelites, he said "But I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue"


THE NEW TESTAMENT Hebrews 3 says Jesus "was counted worthy of more glory than" this Old Testament man


THE OLD TESTAMENT Miriam & Aaron criticized this man, their brother, for marrying an Ethiopian


THE OLD TESTAMENT Recipient of God's bad news "Thou shalt see the land before thee; but thou shalt not go thither"


THE OLD TESTAMENT While living in Midian, he married Zipporah


YOU CAN QUOTE ME! In the Bible: "Let my people go!"


THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO The rods of both these brothers were turned into snakes by God

Moses & Aaron

BIBLICAL NAMES Pro basketball's MVP in 1979, '82, + '83

Moses Malone

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY Some of Armenia's banknotes feature this Biblical mountain, a national symbol

Mount Ararat

MOUNTAINS According to the Bible, Moses saw the Promised Land from this mountain in Jordan's Pisgah Range

Mount Nebo

FILL IN THE BIBLICAL _____ Psalm 8:2: "Out of the ______ of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength"


MOUNTAINS You can reach the top of this biblical mountain by taking the path of Moses, a stairway of nearly 4,000 steps

Mt. Sinai

BIBLICAL BOTANY Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to this seed

Mustard seed

BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Judd, Campbell, Watts


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Watts, Campbell, Judd


BIBLICAL PEOPLE After her husband died, Ruth moved to Bethlehem with this woman, her mother-in-law


I'M GETTING TOO OLD FOR THIS STUFF In the Bible, she tells daughter-in-law Ruth to leave her, "For I am too old" to have a husband


QUOTES FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE Ruth told her, "Whither thou goest, I will go"


BIBLICAL CITIES This city in Lower Galilee was the hometown of Mary & Joseph


PLACES IN THE BIBLE John 1:46 asks whether any good thing can come out of this town in Galilee in northern Israel; we can think of 1


THE BIBLE BELT To fulfill a prophecy, in the Gospels Joseph moved to this place--not the one of the same name in Kentucky


THE BIBLE Early in his ministry, Jesus was thrust out of this city "Where he had been brought up"


THE BIBLE Though born in Bethlehem, Jesus was raised in this town in Galilee


THE NEW TESTAMENT After Herod died, Joseph, Mary & Jesus left Egypt & returned to this Galiliean city


THE NEW TESTAMENT After Joseph, Mary & Jesus returned from Egypt, they settled in this town in Galilee


THE NEW TESTAMENT Jesus grew up in this town in the Southern part of Galilee


LET'S GET BIBLICAL Samson was a member of this group that didn't drink booze, didn't cut their hair & never touched dead bodies


OLD TESTAMENT PEOPLE Daniel told this king, "They shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field"


THE "BUC"s This monarch has a troubling dream in the Bible's Book of Daniel


THE BIBLE This king cast Shedrach, Meshach & Abednego into a fiery furnace


THE BIBLE Under the command of this Babylonian king, Nebuzaradan burned "All the houses of Jerusalem"


THE BIBLE While this king was boasting about Babylon, a voice from heaven said, "The kingdom is departed from thee"


THE BIBLE The NRSV is short for this, published in 1989

New Revised Standard Version

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY In Exodus the waters of this river were turned into blood


WHAT'S IN AN OLD TESTAMENT NAME? Hunt around & you'll find that the name of this great-grandson of Noah may mean "rebel"


BIBLE GUYS In Genesis 7 we learn "The windows of heaven were opened" in the 600th year of this man's life


BIBLE PEOPLE MAGAZINE The cover story covers how this 600-year-old man built a 450-foot-long boat


BIBLICAL FATHERS & SONS His son Ham was the father of the Canaanites


BIBLICAL FIRSTS He's the first person in the Bible to build a ship


BIBLICAL GUYS Anglo-Saxon legend says his third son Japheth is an ancestor of the kings of Wessex & England


BIBLICAL PEOPLE (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2006-07-03_J_24.jpg" target="_blank">Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from a vineyard.</a>) The first Biblical man who plants a specific crop, in Genesis he planted a vineyard & promptly drank too much wine


BIBLICAL PEOPLE And the Lord said unto him, "Make thee an ark of gopher wood"


BIBLICAL PEOPLE The Lord told him, "Come thou and all thy house unto the ark"


BIBLICAL QUOTES "And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that" he "opened the window of the ark which he had made"


BIBLICAL QUOTES He was "Six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the Earth"


CONSTELLATIONS Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius named Columba for the dove sent out by this Biblical character


FIRST NAMES This Biblical name might mean "rest", perhaps after a flood


IMBIBLERS In Genesis 9, this guy gets drunk & passes out naked inside his tent; thank heavens it was after the flood


KNOWING HIM BIBLICALLY He "sent forth a raven, which went forth... until the waters were dried up from off the earth" in Genesis 8:7


LESSER-KNOWN MUSICALS Danny Kaye's career "ark" included this Biblical role in "Two By Two"


OLD TESTAMENT NUDITY Shem & Japheth covered him up after Ham found him drunk & naked


TENTS IN THE BIBLE His son Ham discovered him drunk & naked in his tent


THE BIBLE God actually told him to transport 7 pairs of each clean animal


THE BIBLE He sent out a dove & the dove did not return, indicating that "the face of the ground was dry"


THE BIBLE This ark builder was the grandson of Methuselah


THE OLD TESTAMENT He cursed his grandson Canaan, saying, "A servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren"


THE OLD TESTAMENT He was a son of Lamech & a grandson of Methuselah


THE OLD TESTAMENT It's to whom God said, "The end of all flesh is come before me"


BIBLICAL WEIGHTS AND MEASURES As described in the Bible, the total volume of this was 450,000 cubic cubits

Noah's Ark

DON'T ROCK THE... This large barge of the Bible carried passengers in pairs

Noah's Ark

RELIGION IN ART Famous for his "Peaceable Kingdom" series, Edward Hicks depicted <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2006-10-11_J_06.jpg" target="_blank">this</a> <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2006-10-11_J_06a.jpg" target="_blank">Biblical event</a> in the early 19th century

Noah's Ark

BIBLICAL TRANSPORTATION In Genesis 6 God said it should be pitched within & without with pitch

Noah's Ark (the ark accepted)

OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS IN OTHER WORDS Slang term for an illegal lottery run by organized crime


THE BIBLE The English title of this book is a translation of the Greek word "arithmoi"


THE BIBLE Shamgar the judge passed sentences on 600 Philistines by killing them with a goad for this animal


NEW TESTAMENT In Galatians he wrote, "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ"


NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES Before his conversion on the road to Damascus, he "persecuted the church of God, and wasted it"


THE BIBLE Festus interrupted a speech by this apostle claiming, "Much learning doth make thee mad"


THE BIBLE He wrote in his epistle to the Galatians, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"


THE NEW TESTAMENT In a letter, he wrote, "I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are at Rome also"


THE NEW TESTAMENT This author of Corinthans is very proud of the fact he's multilingual


NEW TESTAMENT In Damascus, "the scales fell from his eyes"

Paul (Saul)

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Biblical epistle writer's shopping centers

Paul's malls

BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Benchley, Boyle, O'Toole


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Principle, Marshall, Pumpkin Eater


BIBLICAL WHO'S WHO Choosing this fisherman as a disciple, Jesus told him, "Henceforth thou shalt catch men"


CURSING IN THE BIBLE This apostle curses at those saying he knew Jesus; then the cock crows


THE BIBLE This New Testament apostle is also called Simon, Simeon or Cephas


THE NEW TESTAMENT Acts reports that John & he were arrested under suspicion of promoting resurrection of the dead


THE NEW TESTAMENT At the Sea of Galilee, Jesus told Andrew & this brother to follow him & "I will make you to become fishers of men"


THE NEW TESTAMENT In Gethsemane, this apostle drew a sword & cut off Malchus' ear


THE NEW TESTAMENT In John 21, "when" he "heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him... & did cast himself into the sea"


BIBLICAL PEOPLE The 2 brothers to whom Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men"

Peter & Andrew

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Fisherman-apostle's high-frequency hi-fi speakers

Peter's tweeters

BIBLICAL CRIME BLOTTER This Egyptian crime boss is wanted in connection with ordering the death of all male Jewish children


BIBLICAL TIMES Vipers & Whited Sepulchers were Jesus' terms for this group, whose name comes from a word for "separatist"


NOT IN THERE The Old Testament: Nahum, Philemon, Zephaniah


BIBLE TALES Prior to bringing down their temple, Samson killed 1,000 of them with a jawbone


BIBLICAL QUOTES Samson took hold of two pillars and said "Let me die with" these people


GETTING BIBLICAL Ebenezer is a stone Samuel put between Mizpeh & Shen after the Israelites smote these people


THE BIBLE Judge Shamgar slew 600 of these people with an ox goad; David slew just one with a sling & a stone


THE OLD TESTAMENT As a bride price, Saul asked David to kill 100 of these people & bring back proof


THE OLD TESTAMENT In 1 Samuel 4, these people captured the Ark of the Covenant after defeating Israel in battle


WORDS FROM THE BIBLE A 17th C. sermon on the book of Judges led to this group's name being applied to uneducated townspeople


PHRASES IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE Not just for sick M.D.s, this 3-word proverb suggests Jesus should work miracles in his hometown as he did abroad

Physician, heal thyself!

BIBLICAL ANIMALS Proverbs compares "A fair woman...without discretion" to a jewel in this animal's snout


BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the Passover"


READ YOUR BIBLE In Matthew 27, this Roman washes his hands to ritually absolve himself of Jesus' conviction & execution


THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE In the Bible this Roman governor asks Jesus, "What is truth?"


WHO'S BIBLICALLY SPEAKING? "Art thou the king of the Jews?"


BIBLICAL FOOD & DRINK These nuts are mentioned only once in the Bible: Genesis 43, Verse 11:


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL ____ In Revelation 9: "The bottomless ____"


BIBLE QUOTATIONS He admitted in Luke 23:14 that "I, having examined him before you, have found no fault in this man..."

Pontius Pilate

BIBLICAL PEOPLE According to Mark, he bent to the will of the mob in sending Jesus to the cross

Pontius Pilate

BIBLICAL PEOPLE The headquarters of this Roman governor of Judea was at Caesarea rather than at Jerusalem

Pontius Pilate

BIBLICAL SPEAKERS "Take ye him and crucify him: for I find no fault in him"

Pontius Pilate

BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "What evil hath he done? I have found no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him, and let him go"

Pontius Pilate

THE BIBLE Governor of Judea who asked Jesus, "Art thou the king of the Jews?"

Pontius Pilate

BIBLICAL PAINTINGS He's returning in Rembrandt's illustration of a parable:

Prodigal Son

THE OLD TESTAMENT Habakkuk doesn't call himself plain old Habakkuk but "Habakkuk the" this


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Obadiah, the shortest Old Testament book with 21 verses, is the fourth of the 12 "minor" ones of these


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE The sayings in this book include "When pride cometh, then cometh shame; but with the lowly is wisdom"


I PITY THE FOOL This book of the Bible says, "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit"


KING JAMES BIBLE QUOTATIONS "A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger" is one of this book's adages


NAMETH THE BIBLE BOOK "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction"


OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS IN OTHER WORDS Short pithy sayings espousing fundamental truths




THE OLD TESTAMENT This collection of sayings is sometimes referred to as the "Book of Wisdom"


WHICH BIBLE BOOK? "A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother"


OLD TESTAMENT Korah was killed for rebelling against Moses but his descendants wrote some of the 150 of these


SYMPHONIES For a choral symphony, Stravinsky wrote settings for the 39th, 40th & 150th of these Biblical songs


THE BIBLE Containing 150 songs of praise including "The Lord is my shepherd...", it's the Bible's longest book


THE BIBLE The 27th of these begins, "The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?"




QUEEN ME In the Bible's first book of Kings, this queen calls on King Solomon

Queen of Sheba

QUEENS IN OPERA In a Goldmark opera, King Solomon's favorite courtier falls for this Biblical queen

Queen of Sheba

OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN Not to belabor the fact, but this wife of Jacob died after giving birth to Benjamin


EGYPTIAN CINEMA Indy seeks to solve a biblical mystery in this 1981 film that features a quest from Nepal to Cairo

Raiders of the Lost Ark

NOT QUITE BEFORE & AFTER Indiana Jones works hard to recover a Biblical artifact misplaced somewhere in Little Rock

Raiders of the Lost Arkansas

THE OLD TESTAMENT It was God's sign to Noah that he would never again flood the Earth


BIBLICAL PATRIARCHY Fearing the Philistines, Isaac tried to pass off this woman, his wife, as his sister


BIBLICAL WOMEN By offering water to Abraham's servant, she identified herself as the bride appointed by God for Isaac


THE OLD TESTAMENT To escape the pursuing Egyptians, the Israelites went into the midst of this sea "upon the dry ground"

Red Sea

BOOKS OF THE BIBLE "And when he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour"


JEOPARDY! DRINKING GAMES If you add the incorrect "S" to this last book of the Bible that tells of the opening of 6 seals, down a whole cup


LET'S GET BIBLICAL In this biblical book, war rides a red horse


MANNA FEST The last Biblical mention of manna comes in this New Testament book where it is promised to the faithful


NAMETH THE BIBLE BOOK "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake"


NOTES TO FUTURE CONTESTANTS It may have 22 chapters, but this last book of the Bible doesn't have an "s" at the end of its name, so don't add one


NOW APPEARING IN A BIBLICAL BOOK NEAR YOU Scary 7-headed beasts are a vision to behold in this book


THE BIBLE The dragon, the false prophet & the beast are all mentioned in this book


THE NEW TESTAMENT Chapter 6 of this New Testament book describes 4 horses as being white. red, black & pale


BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES One of Oprah's picks was Jane Hamilton's novel "The Book of" her; sounds just like an Old Testament book


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Rendell, Warrick, Bader Ginsburg


BIBLICAL PEOPLE The Old Testament book about this "virtuous woman" begins, "Now it came to pass in the day when the judges ruled"


BIBLICAL WOMEN According to a late addition to her book of the Bible, her son Obed was the grandfather of David


BIBLICAL WOMEN After her husband died, she & her mother-in-law Naomi moved to Bethlehem


BIBLICAL WOMEN She told her mother-in-law Naomi, "whither thou goest, I will go...thy people shall be my people"


OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS In the book named for her, she gleans about an ephah, or 2/3 of a bushel of barley from Boaz' field


OLD TESTAMENT Boaz gave this daughter-in-law of Naomi 6 measures of barley after she slept at his feet


OLD TESTAMENT NAMES Hebrew for "friend" or "companion", she was the companion & daughter-in-law of Naomi


OLD TESTAMENT NAMES This woman from Moab has her own Old Testament book; it comes after Judges


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN "So Boaz took" this woman "and she was his wife"; she was also the great-grandmother of David


RELIGION The Biblical book bearing her name begins by saying it took place "in the days when the judges ruled"


THE BIBLE Naomi's daughter-in-law, she not only gleaned Boaz's wheat, she married him


THE EIGHTH This eighth book of the Old Testament is named for a Moabite woman


DID YOU READ YOUR BIBLE? 1 of the 2 women with their own books in the standard King James Bible

Ruth (or Esther)

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Naomi's daughter-in-law's tanning rooms

Ruth's booths

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Boaz' wife's detectives

Ruth's sleuths

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Verified facts of Naomi's daughter-in-law

Ruth's truths

BIBLICAL FASHION It was the garb of the penitent & those in mourning & was often worn with ashes


SAINTS BE PRAISED This New Testament martyr is the patron saint of bricklayers

Saint Stephen

THE NEW TESTAMENT Never mentioned by name in the Bible, this daughter of Herodias is one of the most famous women in it


BIBLE HEROES In Judges he said, "With the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men"


BIBLE HEROES The 14th chapter of Judges reports that he killed a lion with his bare hands


BIBLE PEOPLE MAGAZINE Blinded after losing his strength, he was put to work in the prison in Gaza


BIBLICAL ART In separate works, Rembrandt painted this man "Threatening His Father-In-Law" & and also portrayed his "Blinding"


BIBLICAL FAMILIES This long-haired son of Manoah was always having run-ins with Philistines


BIBLICAL FATHERS & SONS This strongman was killed destroying a Philistine temple & was interred in his father's burying place


BIBLICAL FIRSTS This strongman told the first riddle; it concerned a honey-filled lion


BIBLICAL PEOPLE He said, "If I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak"


BIBLICAL PEOPLE The Philistines made sport of him "and they set him between the pillars"


BIBLICAL QUOTES "There hath not come a razor upon mine head, for I have been a Nazarite unto God," he told Delilah


BIBLICAL QUOTES The Philistines took him "and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass"


IN THE BIBLE Before killing 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass, he set 300 foxes' tails afire; does PETA know about this?


IN THE BIBLE In the Book of Judges, his Nazirite vows brought him great power but his passions brought his downfall


MILTON In one Milton poem this Biblical hero speaks of the strength he had "while I preserved these locks unshorn"


MORE OPERATIC DEMISES In a biblical opera, this shorn strongman really brings down the house; his audience was just crushed


MUSIC APPRECIATION Handel wrote a 1743 oratorio about this Biblical guy who got a famous haircut


OLD TESTAMENT Delilah gave him a real trimming


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE In the first book of this man, he anoints Saul as king


LET'S GET BIBLICAL Hannah is featured in an Old Testament book named for her son, this Hebrew prophet


WORLD CAPITALS The Biblioteca Nacional in this capital of Chile is one of South America's largest libraries


BIBLICAL DATING GAME Fearing he'd be killed by jealous men, Abraham falsely said he was this woman's brother


BIBLICAL QUOTES God told Abraham that he would bless this wife "and she shall be a mother of nations"


BIBLICAL WOMEN Married to Abraham, she became the "Mother of Nations" when she was 90 years old


MOTHER'S DAY In the Bible there was a heck of a generation gap between her & her son Isaac; she was 91 when she bore him


NAMES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT In Genesis she posed as her husband's sister when they traveled to Egypt


OLD TESTAMENT WOMEN When told she was going to have a child by Abraham, she "laughed within herself"


THE BIBLE While barren, she gave her Egyptian maid Hagar to Abraham to bear his children


THE OLD TESTAMENT According to the Bible, she was not only Abraham's wife, she was also his half-sister


THE OLD TESTAMENT She laughed when told she was going to have a child, but Isaac was born a year later when she was about 91


BIBLE QUOTES Matthew & Luke both give us the line "Get thee behind me", thee being him


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL _____ Matthew 4:10: "Get the hence, ______"


THE NEW TESTAMENT Jesus referred to him as the Prince of this world & the Father of Lies


BIBLICAL FATHERS & SONS When informed that this king & his son Jonathan had been killed, David said, "How are the mighty fallen"


BIBLICAL PEOPLE This man anointed the 1st king of Israel was the son of Kish, a wealthy Benjaminite


BIBLICAL PEOPLE When David said, "How the mighty have fallen!", he was referring to the deaths of this king & his son Jonathan


BIBLICAL WRATH & MADNESS David plays the harp to calm this tormented king in the Rembrandt painting seen <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/1998-04-07_DJ_28.jpg" target="_blank">here</a>:


OLD TESTAMENT NUDITY After prophesying, this 1st king of Israel stayed in bed, undressed, for a whole day


THE OLD TESTAMENT In 1 Samuel 31 this king falls upon his own sword, opening the way for David to become king


WHO'S WHO IN THE BIBLE In 1 Samuel 28 this king consulted the witch of Endor


THE LAND OF THE BIBLE The queen of this place, thought by modern scholars to be roughly present-day Yemen, blessed Solomon & the god of Israel


BIBLICAL QUOTES "Beware of false prophets which come to you in" this garment

Sheep's Clothing

BIBLICAL PEOPLE This oldest son of Noah was the ancestor of the Semites


THINK OF THE CHILDREN! Noah & an unnamed Biblical woman: Japheth & these 2 other fellas

Shem & Ham

BIBLICAL RHYME TIME Precious stones belonging to Noah's oldest son

Shem's gems

THE MINOR PROPHETS At 21 verses, the book of Obadiah holds this distinction in the Old Testament

Shortest book

BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW Recent studies of this historic Biblical linen have focused on pollens imbedded in it

Shroud of Turin

SHAKESPEAREAN I.M.s Told Antonio usury wuz kewl w/ examples from Bible... GTG. Check my site @ italianmoneyguy.com


BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Baker, LeBon, Wiesenthal


NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES Upon this Cyrenian "They laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus"


THE BIBLE In Acts 15:14 this apostle is referred to as Simeon

Simon (Peter)

HISTORIC LEADERS His 1830 last testament read, "I aspire to no other glory than the consolidation of Colombia"

Simon Bolivar

BIBLICAL PEOPLE After Jesus' resurrection, this fisherman was the first disciple to whom Jesus chose to appear

Simon Peter

BIBLICAL QUOTES Jesus called to this fisherman & his brother Andrew, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men"

Simon Peter

THE NEW TESTAMENT The 2 Apostles to whom Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of menâ€

Simon Peter & Andrew

THE OLD TESTAMENT Because not even 10 good people could be found in this wicked city, the Lord destroyed it


BIBLICAL CITIES Lot fled to Zoar as destruction rained upon Admah, Zeboiim & these 2 cities in the Vale of Siddim

Sodom & Gomorrah

BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS In his short book, Jude describes this pair of cities as "suffering the vengeance of eternal fire"

Sodom & Gomorrah

THE BIBLE Jeremiah compared the false prophets he'd seen to the sinners of these 2 cities

Sodom & Gomorrah

BIBLICAL MADNESS This king is credited with writing in Ecclesiastes, "I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness"


BIBLICAL QUOTES In Proverbs this king writes, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge"


BIBLICAL QUOTES This king said, "Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other"


BIBLICAL SPEAKERS "Divide the living child in two and give half to the one and half to the other"


BOOKS OF THE APOCRYPHA You can read his "Song" in the Old Testament & his "Wisdom" in the apocrypha


CROSSWORD CLUES "S" Biblical wise guy (7)


FURNITURE The Bible says this wise king had a throne of ivory overlaid with gold & decorated with lions


GO GREYHOUND In Proverbs 30:31 this son of David wrote about a greyhound, the only dog breed mentioned in the Old Testament


GOLDEN RULER An island group east of New Guinea is named for the biblical king famous for his legendary gold mines


MEDALS & DECORATIONS Ethiopia's Order of this wise Biblical king is usually reserved for monarchs & heads of state


NAME THAT BIBLE GUY He "said, give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she is the mother thereof"


OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS The Song of Songs is also called the Song of him


OLD TESTAMENT He said, “Divide the living child in two & give half to the one (mother) & half to the otherâ€


READ YOUR BIBLE Rehoboam, king of Israel, was a son of this wise king by an Ammonite mother


THE ARABIAN HORSE According to legend, the Arabian is descended from ancestors picked by this Biblical king, son of David


THE BIBLE In Biblical book titles in English, the only "song" is the "Song of" this wise king


THE BIBLE King whose reign was so rich that silver was said to have been as common as stones in Jerusalem


THE BIBLE Name of this king, who had a peaceful reign, derives from "Shalom", meaning "peace"


THE BIBLE The Queen of Sheba told this king, "Thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard"


THE BIBLE The book of Ecclesiastes is traditionally ascribed to this wise king


THE BIBLE The book of Proverbs is "The Proverbs of" this man, "The Son of David, King of Israel"


THE BIBLICAL SENSE His "Song" says, "the vines with the tender grape give a good smell"


THE OLD TESTAMENT David gave this son & successor advice & plans for building the temple in Jerusalem


THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGES This biblical king had 700 wives & 300 concubines; when did he find time to write all those songs?


THE SISTINE CHAPEL The chapel was built to the dimensions of this man's temple, as described in the Old Testament


TICKLE THE IVORIES The Bible says this wise king's ships went to Tarshish to bring back "gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks"


BIBLICAL NAMES According to the nursery rhyme, he was born on a Monday & buried on Sunday

Solomon Grundy

ISLAND HOPPING This island nation is the only one named for a biblical king

Solomon Islands

CURSING IN THE BIBLE In his epistle to the Galatians he declares that those who preach a false gospel will be cursed

St. Paul

BIBLICAL QUOTES As this first Christian martyr was being martyred, he prayed, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge"

St. Stephen

THE BIBLE This first Christian martyr saw "the heavens opened" right before he was stoned to death


THE NEW TESTAMENT As he was being stoned, he prayed with his dying breath, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge"


BIBLICAL DEATH PENALTIES St. Stephen became the first Christian martyr after being killed by this method


BIBLICAL WORDS & PHRASES Robert Heinlein used this phrase from Exodus 2:22 as the title of one of his novels

Stranger In A Strange Land

THE BIBLE Because he was short, Zacchaeus climbed one of these to see Jesus over the crowd around him

Sycamore tree

THE BIBLE While carting this, Uzza touched it to right it after the oxen stumbled, & the Lord smote him

The Ark of the Covenant

GOING FOR BAROQUE Oratorios & passions were vocal dramatizations of stories from this source

The Bible

OLD AMERICAN HISTORY In 1663 John Eliot's translation of this, both the old & new parts, appeared in Algonquin

The Bible

TATTOOS Some versions of this ancient book command "You shall not...tattoo any marks upon you"

The Bible

WEIGHTS & MEASURES Names of various champagne bottles larger than a magnum are taken from this book

The Bible

RELIGION Mormons regard both of these books as the word of God

The Bible & The Book of Mormon

DENZEL WASHINGTON FILMS A man who has memorized the Bible

The Book of Eli

BOOK OF... Once almost as popular as the Bible was John Foxe's "Book of" these people who suffered for their (Protestant) faith

The Book of Martyrs

OPRAH'S BOOK CLUB This coming-of-age story by Jane Hamilton about a small-town Illinois girl sounds like an Old Testament book

The Book of Ruth

THE BIBLE Paul's first & second epistles to these Greeks immediately follow his epistle to the Romans

The Corinthians

CLASSICAL MUSIC Joseph Haydn based this 1798 oratorio on the Bible & Milton's "Paradise Lost"

The Creation

LITERARY BEFORE & AFTER Norman Mailer's true story of Gary Gilmore, a key player in Toni Morrison's "biblical" novel

The Executioner's Song of Solomon

BLACK AMERICAN HISTORY An 1879 mass movement of Southern blacks to the West was known by this Biblical name

The Exodus

THE BIBLE This event is also called the deluge

The Flood

THE BIBLE Some Biblical scholars believe it was an orange or a quince -- or possibly an apricot

The Forbidden Fruit

MARK TWAIN: BOOK LOVER A copy of the New Testament in Arabic was given to Twain during the cruise that inspired this 1869 travel classic

The Innocents Abroad

ITALIAN ART Andrea del Sarto's 1527 version of this Biblical banquet is similar to that of Leonardo, a man he admired

The Last Supper

MEL BROOKS MOVIES "History of the World -- Part I" featured Mel as Moses, Torquemada & the waiter at this Biblical dinner

The Last Supper

BIBLICAL BIG SCREEN Harvey Keitel played the role of Judas Iscariot in this controversial 1988 film

The Last Temptation of Christ

HODGEPODGE This Lillian Hellman play gets its title from a Bible verse

The Little Foxes

BIBLICAL DEATH PENALTIES Blasphemeth his name & it's bye-bye you

The Lord

HAVE YOU HEARD THE "NEWS"? It's been "the Bible of Baseball" since 1886

The Sporting News

RELIGION Biblically speaking, they're also called the Decalogue

The Ten Commandments

THE FILM VAULT Cecil B. De Mille directed 2 versions of this Biblical epic, one in 1923 & one in 1956

The Ten Commandments

YUL TIDE FILMS Yul played Solomon in "Solomon And Sheba" & Rameses in this Biblical epic

The Ten Commandments

JOHN GRISHAM'S LAW BOOKS Its prequel might be "The Last Will"

The Testament

FICTIONAL CHARACTERS The Morlocks in this H.G. Wells novel may be named for Moloch, a heathen god in the Bible

The Time Machine

POPES NAMED CLEM Clement VIII ordered revisions of the breviary, the missal & this standard Latin bible

The Vulgate Bible

THE "THE" In the Bible, St. Paul wrote 2 letters to them


THE BIBLE They're 1 of the 2 groups of people who require a second epistle from Paul, due to backsliding after the first

Thessalonians (or Corinthians)

THE BIBLE Biblical prophecy portrayed by this N.Y. <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/1986-10-14_J_23.jpg" target="_blank">sculpture</a>:

They shall beat their swords into plowshares.

BIBLICAL WHO SAID IT? "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails... and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe"


FIRST-NAME BASIS We don't "doubt" you know that this Biblical name is Aramaic for "twin"


THE BIBLE Apostle who said to Jesus, "Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?"


THE NEW TESTAMENT No "doubt", John 20:24 notes this disciple was absent when Jesus appeared to the others after his resurrection


THE NEW TESTAMENT The book of John records him as saying, "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails... I will not believe"


THE BIBLE He wanted to put his finger into the nail marks in Jesus' palms

Thomas (or Didymus)

HAIL TO THE CHIEF His last will & testament left his Virginia estate Monticello to his daughter Martha

Thomas Jefferson

WORLD LITERATURE "Joseph & His Brothers", a group of novels based on a Bible story, is this German author's longest work

Thomas Mann

FILL IN THE BIBLICAL ____ In Isaiah 65: "I am holier than ____"


SKATEBOARDERS Of Cruiser, Thrasher, or Grinder, the magazine that's the bible of rad skateboard culture


THE BIBLE Though much of Leviticus is ritual, chapter 19 has the sweeping "Thou shalt love" this person "as thyself"

Thy neighbor

BIBLICAL NAME'S THE SAME Dalton, Hutton, Leary


GET OUT YOUR BIBLES Paul wrote 2 Epistles to the Corinthians, 2 to the Thessalonians & 2 to this individual


THE NEW TESTAMENT This son of a Jewish mother & a Greek father is also called Timotheus


BIBLICAL PAINTINGS "Vain" glorious structure shown here in a Peter Bruegel work:

Tower of Babel

PLACES IN THE BIBLE According to Genesis 11, this famous structure was built on the Plain of Shinar

Tower of Babel

THE BIBLE The story of this Biblical structure begins, "And the whole Earth was of one language & of one speech."

Tower of Babel

THE TOWER Old Testament structure built on the Plain of Shinar

Tower of Babel

THE BIBLE These structures mentioned included those of Penuel, Eder, Hananel & of course, of Babel


THE OLD TESTAMENT God told Adam, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of" this one

Tree of the knowledge of good & evil

DANCING IN THE BIBLE Adapted from Ecclesiastes, the line "A time to dance, a time to mourn" is part of this Pete Seeger song

Turn, Turn, Turn

WORDS FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE Psalm 37 says "Mark the perfect man and behold" this one, the honest or just one, not the vertical piano


THE OLD TESTAMENT Job lived in Uz; Abraham lived in this city of the Chaldees


BIBLICAL MILITARY MEN This Hittite soldier was sent to the front lines of battle so that David could take his wife Bathsheba


BIBLICAL NON-PROPHET Uriah, Elijah, Zechariah


THE BIBLE After seducing Bathsheba, David plotted to have this man, her husband, killed in battle

Uriah the Hittite

BIBLES The Geneva Bible of 1560 was the first English Bible in which the chapters were divided into these


FAMOUS KENTUCKIANS In the '40s & '50s this Kentucky-born hunk starred in biblical films like "The Robe" & "Samson and Delilah"

Victor Mature

HEDY LAMARR-VELOUS In 1949 Hedy played Delilah to this actor's Samson in Cecil B. DeMille's epic version of this Biblical story

Victor Mature

BIBLICAL WORDS & PHRASES Unworthy or sinful people are known as a "generation of" these poisonous creatures


BIBLES It's the name given to the Latin version of the Bible authorized by the Roman Catholic Church


POTPOURRI St. Jerome prepared this Latin version of the Bible at the end of the 4th century

Vulgate Bible

FILL IN THE BIBLICAL BLANK Mark 2:9 -- "Arise, and take up thy bed, and ____"


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL _____ Psalm 23:1: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not ______"


FILL IN THE BIBLICAL ____ In Daniel 5: "Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found ____"


LAST WILLS & TESTAMENTS This Chief Justice of the United States from 1969 to 1986 left a self-written 176-word will with no provisions for estate taxes; oops

Warren Burger

THE BIBLE This came out of the rock at Horeb after Moses struck it with his rod


THAT'LL HOLD WATER In the Bible Rebekah first appears at one of these outside the city of Nahor


BRITISH HISTORY In the 1560s, Richard Davies, Bishop of St. David's, helped translate the New Testament into this language


HISTORIC QUOTATIONS (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2007-04-06_J_05.jpg" target="_blank">Jon of the Clue Crew reports.</a>) I've put together a <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2007-04-06_J_05a.jpg" target="_blank">device</a> similar to the one used by Samuel Morse on May 24, 1844, and I'll send this same historic message quoted from the Bible

What hath God wrought?

MAY DAYS The first message sent by telegraph was this 4-word Biblical phrase sent by Samuel F.B. Morse on May 24, 1844

What hath God wrought?

THE OLD TESTAMENT Proverbs 31 says an ideal one is industrious, helps the needy & gives advice to those less wise


NEWSPAPERS They call themselves "The Bible of the garment industry"

Women's Wear Daily

VERY CROSS WORD CLUES According to the King James Bible, "A soft answer turneth" it "away"


THE IVY LEAGUE Perhaps to match rival Harvard, this school has a Gutenberg Bible too, at the Beinecke Rare Book Library


BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Leviticus 16 describes the day of this, the holiest & most solemn in the Jewish calendar

Yom Kippur

CATCHING SOME "Z"s In the Bible, the father of the Apostles James & John


CATCHING SOME "Z"s One of the 2 Old Testament minor prophets who fit the category

Zechariah & Zephaniah

THE BIBLE BELT In Psalms "We wept, when we remembered" this, also preceding a "Crossroads" near Charlottesville, Virginia


GENEALOGY A family one of these can help--not because you descend from Noah, but because births & deaths were written in it

a Bible

JAY LENO'S HEADLINES This centuries-old book for sale: "Original signed copy, poor shape, very holy , $20"

a Bible

GO OLD WEST, YOUNG MAN "Cowpuncher" was a term for a cowboy; this "puncher" was a preacher

a Bible puncher

THE BIBLE Solomon proposed that this object of contention be divided between 2 women

a baby

LIP GLOSS Chapstick is a lip type of this, a product of the biblical Gilead

a balm

BIBLICAL ZOO Shades of Davy Crockett, David killed him one of these when he was a lad; it was attacking his sheep

a bear

FROM THE GREEK It's a list of source materials used in the preparation of a work, like a term paper

a bibliography

FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES German bibliophiles know that a Buchhandlung is this type of retail store

a bookstore

BIBLICAL GARDEN Moses saw one of these burning but not consumed

a bush

THIS & THAT In the Bible, Jacob's gift of this to his son Joseph aroused the envy of Joseph's brothers

a coat of many colors

SOUNDS LIKE A PRESCRIPTION DRUG Specific term for a supplement to your last will & testament

a codicil

BIBLE STORIES In Mark 1, the Holy Spirit came to Jesus like this bird

a dove

THE BIBLE Isaiah 40:15 says, "Behold, the nations are as" one of these "of a bucket"

a drop

BIBLICAL ZOO Samson caught 300 of these sly creatures, put firebrands on their tails & sent them into enemy cornfields

a fox

THE BIBLE John 1:29 calls Jesus this animal "of God, which taketh away the sin of the world"

a lamb

KING JAMES BIBLE BEASTS You'll "spot" this feline variety in Jeremiah 13:23

a leopard

BIBLICAL CROSSWORD CLUES "M" Water turned to wine (7)

a miracle

THE BIBLE In Matthew the value of entering the Kingdom of Heaven is likened to this gem

a pearl

THE OLD TESTAMENT While fleeing the destruction of Sodom, Lot's wife "looked back from behind him, and she became" this

a pillar of salt

JOB DESCRIPTION The biblical Habakkuk was a "minor" one

a prophet

JONAH'S DRUTHERS Like Hosea & Malachi, Jonah is delighted to be considered a "minor" one of these Biblical speakers

a prophet

PSILENT "P" A sacred song or hymn, especially in a Bible book

a psalm

SILENT "P" A sacred song or poem of the Bible

a psalm

YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! Quoth the Bible, Noah released 2 birds from the Ark to test for dry land, a dove & one of these

a raven

BIBLICAL ZOO According to Deuteronomy 17:1, if your bullock is blemished you can't use it as this

a sacrifice

CROSSWORD CLUES "S" Biblical blame bearer (9)

a scapegoat

BIBLICAL QUOTES "To every thing there is" this, "and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

a season

KING JAMES BIBLE BEASTS In Exodus 29 God demands a rump roast from a male one of these as tribute

a sheep

NATIONAL CURRENCIES A biblical unit of weight equal to about a half ounce developed into this Israeli unit of currency

a shekel

WORLD CURRENCY In 1980 Israel adopted this currency that shares its name with a biblical unit of weight

a shekel

READ YOUR BIBLE Mary Magdalene wonders how she'll move this huge object from the door of Jesus' tomb, but things work out

a stone

THE BIBLE Matthew 10:34 recounts that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, "came not to send peace, but" this instead

a sword

THE OLD TESTAMENT -- BEFORE THE DELUGE After God expelled Adam & Eve from the Garden of Eden, cherubim & this flaming weapon were put at its entrance

a sword

STARTS & ENDS WITH "T" It's a special ability, perhaps drawing or playing the piano, or a biblical measure of silver or gold

a talent

BIBLICAL ZOO Symbolic animals in the KJV include the dragon & this single-horned animal mentioned in Numbers 23:22

a unicorn

IT'S IN THE BIBLE Back in the Old Testament, Isaiah said, "Behold", one of these "shall conceive, and bear a son"

a virgin

THE OLD TESTAMENT -- BEFORE THE DELUGE The first specific animal mentioned in the King James Bible is this great sea mammal

a whale

THEY CALL THE WIND... The King James Bible says that Elijah went up into heaven by one of these, also called a dust devil

a whirlwind

LET'S GET BIBLICAL Like an ox, Jeremiah wore this neck bar, to symbolize Babylonian captivity

a yoke

BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS The "he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" quotation concerned this crime


HINTS FROM HELOISE... TO ABELARD "The punishment you suffered would have been proper vengeance for men caught" committing this, a biblical no-no


OLD TESTAMENT NUDITY Exodus 20 says you can't build one of these out of hewed stone & priests cannot be naked on it

an altar

INSECTS The Bible says a sluggard should consider this industrious insect

an ant

HOMOPHONIC PAIRS The semicircular path taken by a biblical boat

an ark arc

BIBLICAL ABOMINATIONS Leviticus 11:13 declares that this bird of prey, later a symbol of Roman legions, is an abomination

an eagle

E_____E Any one apostolic letter in the New Testament

an epistle

BIBLICAL BOTANY Jacob took idols & hid them under this mighty tree where, we assume, little idols don't grow

an oak

LANGUAGES Language in which the Bible's New Testament was written

ancient Greek

COMPLETE THE BIBLE QUOTE "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained ____ unawares"


THE BIBLE When morning arose, 2 of these beings warned Lot to leave Sodom quickly with his wife & daughters


THE OLD TESTAMENT Samuel took a horn of oil & did this to David amidst his brethren


IN THE DICTIONARY This 4-syllable adjective can refer to non-canonical parts of the Vulgate Bible or to any documents of doubtful origin


HOMOPHONES It's part of a circle, or a big Biblical boat


NEW TESTAMENT According to both New & Old Testaments, how "thou shalt love they neighbor"

as thyself

THE BIBLE When the Jews of Persia are ordered killed, Mordecai puts on a sackcloth accessorized with these


THE FAMILY BIBLE Word used over 25 times in Genesis 11, it's the Biblically polite way of saying "fathered"


THE GIDEON BIBLE If you can't sleep, try counting this 5-letter word meaning "fathered" -- we got 39 in Matthew 1


I "GET" IT In the Bible it means to make children


I'M GOING "INN" It's the third word in the first book of the Bible


YOU'VE "GOT" Fathered, biblically speaking


MS. PLUMLY'S COMPOSITION CLASS Ms. Plumly doesn't use this word for a list of sources because it implies they're all books


OLOGIES It refers to the history of books, or the study of the Bible


BIBLICAL FORGIVENESS Jesus says there's forgiveness for this, from the Greek for "evil speech", but not if it's against the Holy Ghost


THE OLD TESTAMENT Evil men at Lot's house were smitten with this affliction "so that they wearied themselves to find the door"


NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES Jesus said in John 6:55, "For my flesh is meat indeed, and" this "is drink indeed"


OF THE NILE The first of the 10 Biblical plagues of Egypt occurred when the waters of the Nile were turned into this


THE BIBLE In chapter 7 of Exodus, God turns the waters of the Nile into this


CRAFTS Edge guilding is a common technique in this bibliophilic craft


WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? Bibliophobia, a fear of these, might hurt you if you want to continue your studies


BIBLICAL PROVERBS: FILL IN THE BLANK "The ____ is servant to the lender"




BIBLICAL QUOTES In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said to Peter, "Upon this rock I will" do this

build my church

DID YOU READ YOUR BIBLE? Because Joab wouldn't take Absalom to meet the king, Absalom had this done to Joab's field

burnt it

BIBLICAL QUOTES "It is easier for" this animal "to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"


BIBLICAL QUOTES "It is easier for" this animal "to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God"


BIBLICAL ZOOLOGY Abraham owned the dromedary type of this animal


BIBLICAL TRANSPORTATION Genesis 24 explains how to care for these, water them, feed them & make them kneel


BIBLICAL ZOO The Pharaoh gave Abraham's wife some asses & some of these desert draft animals


LET'S GET BIBLICAL Lamentations recounts that during a siege of Israel, many people resorted to this for food


THE BIBLE Jesus said that only "he that is without sin" could do this

cast the first stone

BIBLICAL ZOOLOGY Worshipped by the ancient Egyptians as Bast, there's not one mention of this animal in the Bible


BIBLICAL BOTANY The first Temple of Solomon was built from this wood of Lebanon


THE OLD TESTAMENT Job tells us that the behemoth "eateth grass as an ox" & "moveth his tail like" one of these Lebanese trees

cedar (of Lebanon)

BIBLICAL TRANSPORTATION In Judges 1:19 these war vehicles are "of iron"


LOVE 28 times in the King James New Testament the greek word "agape", meaning love, is trans- lated as this


READ YOUR BIBLE Sometimes depicted with the bodies of lions, these temple angels were also found on top of the Ark of the Covenant


COMPLETE THE BIBLE QUOTE "But when I became a man, I put away ____ things"


THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO A psalm says "happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them"; Bach must have been ecstatic, as he had 20


ISAAC In the Bible Isaac was the first to have this procedure done at the age of 8 days, still a Jewish custom


FINISH THE OLD TESTAMENT QUOTE Psalms: "Thy rod and thy staff they..."

comfort me

THE GIDEON BIBLE Jesus said "The first & greatest of" these is to love God with all your heart, soul & mind


HEART-FELT WORDS This word refers to an alphabetical index of words in a book, like the Bible


THE OLD TESTAMENT According to the 10th Commandment, you shouldn’t do this to a neighbor’s ox, servant or wife


KING JAMES BIBLE BEASTS Since Leviticus 19:19 expressly forbids this, mules are not allowed


BIBLICAL FORGIVENESS Matthew 6 says you should pray, "Forgive us our" these "as we forgive our" these-ors


THE RAIN This term for a heavy downpour also refers specifically to the Biblical flood


BIBLICAL PROVERBS: FILL IN THE BLANK "Pride goeth before ____" (& don't say "a fall")


FAMILIAR PHRASES The biblical phrase "give up the ghost" means this


THE FAMILY BIBLE Deuteronomy 24 provides a no fault legal procedure for this, but only for men


BIBLICAL ZOO They licked the sores of Lazarus & ate the flesh of Jezebel


READ YOUR BIBLE According to 1 Kings, after her death, Queen Jezebel's body would be eaten in the street by these animals


BIBLICAL MADNESS When Balaam went astray, he got into an argument with one of these animals


READ YOUR BIBLE Proverbs 30 speaks of 4 things difficult to understand, including the flight of this bird of prey


BIBLICAL ZOO According to Deuteronomy, you can't do this to a bat, even if it's been batter-dipped

eat it

THE BIBLE Ecclesiastes says "A man hath no better thing under the sun than to" do these 3 "hedonistic" things

eat, drink, & be merry

LETTERS 21 Bible books are this type of letter intended for many people


TERM PAPYRUS Written on papyrus, 21 books of the New Testament were these formal instructive letters


BIBLICAL QUOTES "Now" this "is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"


OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS On a ship to Italy, Paul found himself in deep water, about 20 of these units still in use today


OLD DEUTERONOMY Though its name is derived from the Greek for "two", Deuteronomy is this book of the Bible


READ YOUR BIBLE Andrew tells Jesus that a boy has "five barley loaves, and two" of these but "what are they among so many?"


NEW TESTAMENT PLACES (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-02-05_J_27.wmv">Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Israel.</a>) This boat from the early Christian era is the type that Peter & Andrew may have been in when Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you" these

fishers of men

FINISH THE OLD TESTAMENT QUOTE Genesis: "Bone of my bones, and...."

flesh of my flesh

THE OLD TESTAMENT Of the Tower of Babel, the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, or the flood, the one that occurred 1st


KING JAMES BIBLE QUOTATIONS Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "Let no man think me" one of these; "for ye" suffer these "gladly"


KING JAMES BIBLE BEASTS The Song of Solomon 2:15 tells of these "little" critters "that spoil the vines"


BIBLICAL BOTANY In Exodus, the Lord told Moses, not the 3 kings, to bring this gum resin that was used in embalming


EUROPEAN ART & ARTISTS The Nazarenes of 19th c. Germany wore biblical clothes & hairstyles & aimed to revive this wall painting method


BIBLICAL ZOO The 2nd of Egypt's plagues was hoards of this amphibian


THE BIBLE During the second plague these amphibians came out of the water


HOAXES The Bible's "There were" these "in the Earth" inspired George Hull to create the phony prehistoric "Cardiff" one


THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO According to Genesis 6:4, "There were" these "in the earth in those days"; so they had some basketball team


THE NEW TESTAMENT Jesus said "the wicked will be cast into a furnace of fire, where there shall be wailing &" this

gnashing of the teeth

BIBLICAL ZOO The curtains of the Tabernacle were made of the hair of this animal that Jesus separated from the sheep


BIBLICAL ZOOLOGY In one of Jesus' parables these were separated from the sheep & herded on the unfavorable left side


BIBLICAL BAD STUFF Moloch, Ashtoreth & Baal were all Canaanite these


ELEMENTARY The Bible tells us of this element being beaten into plates, cut into wires & worked into the clothing worn by Aaron


BIBLICAL PROVERBS: FILL IN THE BLANK "As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is ____ news from a far country"


LET'S GET BIBLICAL Genesis tells us that Noah's Ark was made out of this "beastly" wood

gopher wood

THE BIBLE God instructed Noah to use this kind of wood to build the ark

gopher wood

BIBLICAL RELATIONS Methuselah, to Noah


WHAT KIN ARE YOU TO ME? In the Bible, Abraham was this to Jacob


LET'S GET BIBLICAL In the King James version of Deuteronomy 4:16, these images are a no-no

graven images

QUOTES FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down" here

green pastures

BIBLICAL BAD STUFF This 7th of the 10 plagues returned in Munich in 1984, damaging 250,000 cars & costing $1 billion


IT'S IN THE BIBLE Numbers chapter 6 gives rules for the Nazarites, like Samson, including not cutting this


GET OUT YOUR BIBLES The last Psalm begins & ends, "Praise ye the Lord", a translation of this Hebrew word


NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES The 4 words that follow "When ye pray, say, 'Our Father which art in heaven'"

hallowed be thy name

THE OLD TESTAMENT Like John Henry, Jael had this in her hand & used it to nail Sisera's head to the ground


NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES Jesus told those in the synagogue, "Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, physician" do this

heal thyself

BIBLICAL PROVERBS: FILL IN THE BLANK "Lust not after her beauty in thine ____"


BIBLICAL BOTANY Socrates could warn you about turning "the fruit of righteousness" into this poisonous herb


I FEEL LIKE SUCH AN IDIOM <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2009-10-29_J_08.wmv">This idiom, meaning to show extreme modesty, has its origin in the Bible's book of Matthew</a>

hiding your light under a bushel (keeping your light underneath a bushel accepted)

THE NEW TESTAMENT "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for" them

his friends

BIBLICAL QUOTES "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose" this

his own soul

MANNA FEST The taste of manna is described in the Bible as that of "wafers made with" this


KING JAMES BIBLE BEASTS I Kings 10 tells us that these were imported from Egypt at 150 shekels each; the chariots were extra


GIMME AN "H" A biblical proverb says,"Before honor is" this, the opposite of pride




IN THE BIBLE According to Deuteronomy 7:25, neither the silver nor gold of these shall be desired, for they are an abomination

idols (or graven images)

PLURALS Easton's Bible Dictionary says to add these 2 letters to the end of "cherub" to get its plural


BIBLICAL ABOMINATIONS Potpourri is not mentioned, but this burning perfume is an abomination according to Isaiah 1:13


IT'S IN THE BIBLE Problem for which couples Hannah & Elkanah and Abraham & Sarah would likely have sought medical help


QUOTES FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE According to Proverbs, "He that troubleth his own house shall" do this

inherit the wind

VERBS This short form of a Biblical name can also mean to banter with or tease


BIBLE STUDY Ehud, the second of these officials listed in the Bible, killed the king of Moab with a dagger, not a gavel


BIBLICAL ZOO Joseph explained Pharaoh's dreams of 7 clean ones who ate 7 fat ones but still remained lean

kine or cows (or cattle)

THE NEW TESTAMENT Jesus said while on the mount, "Seek and ye shall find"; do this "and it shall be opened unto you"


WORDS IN THE BIBLE In Genesis 2:24 these 2 words are what a man shall do to his parents & then to his wife; add a letter to 1 to get the other

leave & cleave

BIBLICAL ZOO Jeremiah rhetorically asked, "can it change its spots?"


GETTING BIBLICAL The prophet Jeremiah rhetorically queries, can this animal change his spots?


THE NEW TESTAMENT In Luke 17 Jesus cleansed 10 of these people, but only one came back to thank him


SCIENCE GUYS In the 19th century Gerhard Hansen found out what causes this disease that goes back to Biblical times


SPANISH CLASS You can find libros at una libreria y una biblioteca, these 2 related places

library & bookstore

BIBLICAL ZOO Samson killed one of these with his bare hands


BIBLICAL ZOOLOGY Daniel probably would have preferred it if Darius had a big-screen TV in his den instead of these


BIBLICAL ABOMINATIONS Leviticus 11 says most insects that creep or fly are an abomination, but this 8th plague is kosher


BIBLICAL ZOO The eighth plague on Egypt not only came down like a plague of these, it was a plague of these


ENDS IN "RE", NOT ER The Tyndale Bible translated a Greek passage meaning "shameful gain", as "filthy" this


BIBLICAL RHYME TIME The person who would put fresh sheets on Baby Jesus' bed

manger changer

BIBLICAL CROSSWORD CLUES "M" Food from heaven (5)


OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS God told the Israelites to gather about an omer per person of this food He provided in the desert


THE BIBLICAL SENSE Exodus 16:31 says the taste of this bread that rained down on the Israelites "was like wafers made with honey"


THE OLD TESTAMENT During the Exodus God provided the Israelites with this food which tasted "like wafers made with honey"


BIBLICAL QUOTES These 4 words were the handwriting Belshazzar saw on the wall of his palace

mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

BIBLICAL QUOTES "No man can serve two masters...ye cannot serve God and" this


LET'S MAKE THIS This crafty term can be a tiled decorative image or, as an adjective, describe a biblical lawgiver


THE BIBLE Relationship of Naomi to Ruth


BIBLICAL ZOO A major threat to the clothing of the time, even Jesus talked of its threat to man's savings for the future


MATHEMATICS Mathematical function people in the Bible were always going forth & doing


BIBLICAL BAD STUFF Abimelech, Lamech & Cain all commit this crime


THE BIBLE A 1631 edition was known as "the wicked Bible"; it had left this word out of the 7th Commandment in Exodus 20:14






THE BIBLE The sun is made to rise on the evil & the good & this is sent "on the just and on the unjust"


THE BIBLE This happens several times, as in I Kings 17 & Acts 20; the most famous time, it's done by Jesus in John 11

raising the dead

THE BIBLE In the King James Version, these large black birds fed Elijah in hiding by the brook Cherith


COME TO GATHER Completes the Biblical quote "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also..."


THE OLD TESTAMENT Moses couldn't enter the promised land after striking this to produce water instead of speaking to it


GEMS The Bible tells us "The price of wisdom is above" these gems, July's birthstone


LITERARY GEMS The Bible asks, "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above" these red gems


PHRASES IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE Matthew 5:13 says that "ye are" this mineral phrase, meaning representative of the best of society

salt of the earth

WHAT A GEM! This blue gem has been prized since biblical times; tradition holds the tablets of the ten commandments were made of it


BIBLICAL ABOMINATIONS Leviticus 11:10 says "all that have not fins and" these "in the seas" shall be an abomination


THE OLD TESTAMENT Let's all flock to read Psalm 95, in which humans are compared to these animals


YOU'RE HERDING ME! The biblical Abel herded these


THE BIBLICAL SENSE In John 9, Jesus restores this sense to a man who had been missing it since birth




LETTERS IN TOMATOES Struck mightily, in the Bible


CLEANUP TIME Type of product inspired by the Biblical passage "Thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes...out of the ivory palaces"


COMPLETE THE BIBLE QUOTE "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own ____"


FINISH THE OLD TESTAMENT QUOTE Exodus: "I have been a stranger in a..."

strange land

COMPLETE THE BIBLE QUOTE "She brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in ____ clothes"


BIBLICAL PROVERBS: FILL IN THE BLANK "To the hungry soul every bitter thing is ____"


WHAT POSSESSED THEM? Indicating that even animals can be possessed, the Bible features the fate of these bewitched animals in Matthew 8:30-32

swine (or hogs)

THE BIBLE Isaiah 2:4 speaks of beating these into plowshares; Joel 3:10 says to do the reverse


FINISH THE OLD TESTAMENT QUOTE Job: "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath..."

taken away

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS The timbrel mentioned in the Bible, it consists of a parchment stretched over a wooden hoop with metal jingles


THE NEW TESTAMENT Matthew was a publican, meaning he collected these


LBJ When Lyndon took his oath of office in 1965, his wife had a firm grip on this book

the (family) Bible

IT'S IN THE BIBLE Jesus' last quoted words, known as the "Great Commission", are in the book called these "of the Apostles"

the Acts

THE FIFTH DIMENSION It's the fifth book of the Bible's New Testament

the Acts of the Apostles

READ YOUR BIBLE Found in some Bibles but not in others, this collection of writings is from the Greek for "hidden things"

the Apocrypha

BIBLICAL MEGADEATHS The Lord himself slew 50,070 "raiders" of Beth Shemesh for looking into this holy object

the Ark of the Covenant

THE BIBLE God told Moses to place the 10 Commandments in this container

the Ark of the Covenant

THE BIBLE It brought the Philistines such bad luck that they returned it to the Israelites after 7 months

the Ark of the Covenant

THE BIBLE Tradition states that it contained Aaron's miraculous rod as well as the tablets of the law

the Ark of the Covenant

THE LAND OF THE BIBLE (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-10-17_J_22.jpg" target="_blank">Sarah of the Clue Crew stands in the Jordan River in Israel.</a>) In the Book of Joshua, as soon as the men carrying this holy object set foot here in the Jordan River, it dried up, allowing them to cross

the Ark of the Covenant

THE OLD TESTAMENT After the golden calf was destroyed, Moses was directed to make this; it was later set up in the tabernacle

the Ark of the Covenant

RELIGIOUS MATTERS The "Good News" version of this "Good Book" debuted in 1976

the Bible

REMAKES Released in 2002, "Today's New International Version" is a non-gender specific translation of this

the Bible

BROTHERS ON BROTHERS In the "complex" named for this Biblical man, one brother must de-identify with another to avoid angry competition

the Cain complex

BIBLICAL ART The first 2 paintings in Rembrandt's Passion Series are "The Raising of" & "The Descent from" this

the Cross

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY Genesis calls it "the salt sea" perhaps because its salinity reaches 4 times that of ocean water

the Dead Sea

PHOTO OP Part of this important Biblical discovery of the 1940s is seen here

the Dead Sea Scrolls

THE BIBLE Isaiah quotes the Lord as saying "Heaven is my throne, &" this "is my footstool"

the Earth

THE OLD TESTAMENT In Leviticus, Israelite woman Shelomith had a son with a man of this North African people

the Egyptians

OLD TESTAMENT According to II Chronicles 2, over 153,000 people worked on its construction in Jerusalem

the First Temple (Solomon's Temple)

I'M GETTING "HORSE" This fearsome biblical quartet appears in Revelation 6

the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

IT'S ALL A LEGEND When Columbus saw the mouth of the Orinoco River, he thought it flowed from this legendary biblical garden

the Garden of Eden

THE LAND OF THE BIBLE Some think that it was in the area at the head of the Persian Gulf; Genesis 2:8 says God planted it "eastward"

the Garden of Eden

YOU "GO" FIRST Israel's only ski resort is in this area named for a Biblical city of refuge

the Golan Heights

BIBLICAL ART (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-06-27_DJ_18.jpg" target="_blank">Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.</a>) In a painting based on a parable in Luke, a man has been robbed and injured; no one stops until <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2011-06-27_DJ_18a.jpg" target="_blank">this</a> helpful man comes to his aid

the Good Samaritan

HEY, MATTHEWS St. Matthew wrote the first of these New Testament books

the Gospel

THE BIBLE The Book of Revelation equates Christ with alpha & omega, the first and last letters of this alphabet

the Greek alphabet

LIBRARIES Among this San Marino, California library's exhibits are a 15th century manuscript of "The Canterbury Tales" & a Gutenberg Bible

the Huntington Library

BIBLICAL WARRIORS Joshua's conquest of Canaan began with the taking of Jericho, a city in this river's valley

the Jordan

LAKES & RIVERS In chapter 3 of the Biblical book named for him, Joshua leads the Israelites across this river

the Jordan

LAKES & RIVERS River mentioned most often in the Bible

the Jordan

LET'S GET BIBLICAL The book of Mark recounts how John the Baptist baptized believers, including Jesus, in this river

the Jordan

NAMES IN NATURE It's said the Mormons named this desert plant, seen here, for its resemblance to a Biblical prophet with arms lifted

the Joshua Tree

CHRISTIANITY This work published in 1611 had a dedication "to the most high & mighty prince James by the grace of God"

the King James Bible

LET'S GET BIBLICAL Philip the Apostle turns up when food's around: at the feeding of the multitude & at this meal in Luke 22:14

the Last Supper

WORLD RELIGION Biblical event commemorated by the taking of communion in Christian ceremonies

the Last Supper

PLACES IN THE BIBLE (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-12-27_DJ_03.jpg" target="_blank">Alex overlooks Jerusalem from a hillside</a>) This Mount, overlooking Jerusalem, appears often in the Bible, as in the end of days in Zachariah, when the Lord fights against the nations, and his feet shall stand upon it

the Mount of Olives

HIT THE LIBRARY Since 1537 it's been the legal depository for all books published in France--en francais, s'il vous plait!

the National Library (Bibliotheque Nationale)

BIBLE PEOPLE Goliath of Gath was the champion of these people

the Philistines

BIBLE STORIES King Saul didn't let his people eat until they destroyed these enemies

the Philistines

BIBLICAL MEGADEATHS During the time of Samuel, the Israelites lost 30,000 soldiers fighting this neighboring group

the Philistines

OLD TESTAMENT The name "Palestine" comes from these Biblical enemies of Israel

the Philistines

READ YOUR BIBLE As recounted in 1 Samuel, in Saul's time this marauding people drove the Israelites into living in caves

the Philistines

THE OLD TESTAMENT In Samuel 28, the prophet Samuel appears to king Saul & predicts his defeat by this group

the Philistines

THE OLD TESTAMENT These brought unto Egypt included hail, locusts & darkness

the Plagues

BIBLICAL FORGIVENESS In a parable recounted in Luke 15, he confesses his riotous living to his father & is forgiven

the Prodigal Son

THE BIBLE The 117th of these has only 33 words, including 3 "praise"s & 3 "Lord"s

the Psalms

THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The LOC holds the oldest book printed in North America, a 1640 translation of these Biblical verses

the Psalms

THE OLD TESTAMENT 57 of the 150 of these were meant to be accompanied by a stringed instrument

the Psalms

BIBLE QUOTES When this queen "heard of the fame of Solomon... she came to prove him with hard questions"

the Queen of Sheba

KINGS & QUEENS The Old Testament says she visited King Solomon in order to test him by asking him to solve several riddles

the Queen of Sheba

NAMES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT The Queen of this place made a visit to king Solomon & praised his wisdom

the Queen of Sheba

QUEENS According to Ethiopian tradition, the name of this Biblical queen was Makeda

the Queen of Sheba

WHO'S FOR DESSERT? Pass the dessert that the French call Reine de Saba; we know it in English as this Biblical woman's cake

the Queen of Sheba

BIBLICAL ZOO After crossing this, Miriam led a chorus of "The Horse and His Rider Hath He Thrown into the Sea"

the Red Sea

GET OUT YOUR BIBLES It's the sea in the line from Exodus "The sea covered them, they sank as lead in the mighty waters"

the Red Sea

OLD TESTAMENT In Hebrew its name means "Sea of Reeds"

the Red Sea

YOU CAN SAIL THE 7 SEAS It's the biblical sea <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2009-09-30_DJ_14.jpg" target="_blank">depicted</a> <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2009-09-30_DJ_14a.jpg" target="_blank">here</a>

the Red Sea

BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Immediately following Acts is Paul's Epistle to these people

the Romans

THE BIBLE In the New Testament order, Paul's first epistle goes to this group, not friends or countrymen

the Romans

THE BIBLE The single longest of Paul's epistles is addressed to these people

the Romans

THE BIBLE The Jews held these people in low esteem, so they're made to look "good" in Luke

the Samaritans

NEW TESTAMENT The "sea" that Jesus walked on

the Sea of Galilee

NEW TESTAMENT PLACES (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-02-05_J_28.wmv">Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Israel.</a>) The Church of the Beatitudes is on the hilltop long considered the site where Jesus delivered this, which contained the Beatitudes

the Sermon on the Mount

BIBLICAL SPEAKERS BUREAU "Your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil"

the Serpant

THE BIBLE In Genesis, it's to whom God said "Thou art cursed above all cattle"

the Serpent

THE NEW TESTAMENT Object opened in Revelation 8, or a Bergman film that opened in 1957

the Seventh Seal

COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD This island nation is the only country in the world named for a biblical king

the Solomon Islands

MINI-COUNTRIES Discoverers of these South Sea islands named them for wise Biblical king whose wealth they sought

the Solomon Islands

LET'S GET BIBLICAL "Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples" is found in this O.T. "song" book

the Song of Solomon

LOVABLE QUOTES "Love is strong as death: jealousy is cruel as the grave" is from this biblical "song" book

the Song of Solomon

THE GIDEON BIBLE One "Historical Highlight" is the dedication of this by Solomon, found in 2 Chronicles

the Temple in Jerusalem

THE BIBLE It's referred to in the New Testament as the Scriptures

the Torah (or the Pentateuch)

THE LAND OF THE BIBLE People of Shinar built a structure called this "because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth"

the Tower of Babel

QUAKER OATHS William Penn wrote "No Cross, No Crown", a testament of his Quaker beliefs, while in this British prison

the Tower of London

LIBRARIES Raffaele Farina, known as Bibliothecarius XLVI, is its head librarian

the Vatican

THE VATICAN ONLINE A quote from Erasmus about a "Bibliothecam" is logically found on this institution's home page

the Vatican Library

IT HAPPENED IN '05 405: St. Jerome completes this Latin version of the Bible

the Vulgate

POPE-ULARITY CONTEST In 1592 the standard version of this Latin Bible was issued under the reign of Clement VIII

the Vulgate Bible

THE REPLACEMENTS George Williams founded the association familiarly known as this to replace life on the street with Bible study

the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)

HEROD'S LOST TOMB The Bible tells us Herod was troubled by the news of <a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2008-11-21_DJ_09.wmv">this</a> great event and was soon dead in 4 B.C.

the birth of Jesus

THE BIBLE In Exodus 3, it burned but wouldn't burn up

the burning bush

THE NEW TESTAMENT Among miracles in Capernaum was healing the servant of this Roman soldier who displayed deep faith in him

the centurion

GOVERNMENT WORK Barry C. Black holds this job; his duties include teaching Senate Bible-study groups

the chaplain

BUILDING VOCABULARY The Bible says that the stone the builders rejected has become this, found at intersecting walls

the cornerstone

MEN OF TRINITY COLLEGE Biblical research by Bishop Ussher, a 17th century Trinity prof, dated this event to Oct. 23, 4004 B.C.

the creation of the world

BIBLICAL IMPERSONATORS According to Paul in the New Testament, this personage masquerades as an angel of light

the devil (Satan)

BIBLICAL BAD STUFF For rebelling against Moses & Aaron, Dathan & Abiram were swallowed up by this

the earth

IN THE BIBLE On the first day God created this "and" it "was without form, and void"

the earth

OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS Noah measured the ark in cubits of about 20 inches, or the distance from your middle finger to this joint

the elbow

THE BIBLE In Jesus' parable, this is killed for a feast when the prodigal son returns

the fatted calf

THE OLD TESTAMENT Deuteronomy may mean "second law", but it's this number book of the Old Testament

the fifth


the fifth book of the Bible

BIBLICAL GARDEN In Mark chapter 11, Jesus found 1 of these trees w/out fruit & said, "No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever"

the fig tree

THE BIBLE Adam & Eve sewed leaves of this tree "together, and made themselves aprons"

the fig tree

NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but" this "is weak"

the flesh

THE BIBLE According to the Bible, it wasn't necessarily an apple

the forbidden fruit (or the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge)

THE BIBLE It's the numerical name for the principal works of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

the four gospels

THE BIBLE Image of worship built of old jewelry while Moses was on the mountain

the golden calf

THE GIDEON BIBLE For late-night comfort, turn to Psalm 23, which ends, "And I will dwell in" this place "for ever"

the house of the Lord

NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES Jesus told Thomas, "I am the way, the truth, and" this; "No man cometh unto the father, but by me"

the life

BIBLICAL ZOO The Old Testament talks about the jungle on the Jordan's banks & this animal roaring within

the lion

IT'S IN THE BIBLE Several proverbs mock the slothful man who won't leave his house for fear of being eaten by this animal

the lion

BIBLE STUDY Mahershalalhasbaz, son of the prophet Isaiah, has this distinction in the Bible

the longest name

DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT In the Bible it's not money itself but this that's "the root of all evil"

the love of money

THE BIBLE According to 1st Timothy, it is the "root of all evil"

the love of money

THE NEW TESTAMENT This miracle that happens in all 4 gospels, including Mark 6 & Luke 9, has elements that symbolically represent Jesus

the miracle of the loaves and fishes

DOWN IN THE "VALLEY" In the King James Bible, the Book of Psalms says, "Yea, though I walk through" this, "I will fear no evil"

the valley of the shadow of death

NEW TESTAMENT QUOTES (<a href="http://www.j-archive.com/media/2010-07-02_J_21.jpg" target="_blank">Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Jesus Museum in Israel.</a>) The Jesus Boat is very much like those in which he sailed, as in Mark chapter 4 when there arose a great storm, & He rebuked this

the wind

THE BIBLE In the King James Bible, "They shall beat their swords into plowshares &" these "into pruninghooks"

their spears

I BELIEVE WEBSTER'S DEFINES IT AS... "pron... archaic... a nominative pronoun of the second person singular esp. in biblical... language"


BIBLICAL QUOTES In the 23rd Psalm, David referred to these two items of God's, saying "they comfort me"

thy rod and thy staff

FINISH THE OLD TESTAMENT QUOTE Leviticus: "Love thy neighbor as..."


BIBLICAL FIRSTS God's first instructions to human beings were "be fruitful and" do this

to multiply

THE NEW TESTAMENT On Pentecost the Apostles amazed people when they "began to speak with other" these


KING JAMES BIBLE QUOTATIONS In Exodus it's "eye for eye," this for this, "hand for hand, foot for foot"

tooth for tooth

THE BIBLICAL SENSE In Genesis 3, God warns Eve away from some fruit, saying, "Ye shall not eat of it" nor do this to it

touch it

KING JAMES BIBLE QUOTATIONS The motto of Johns Hopkins U., from John's gospel, is "Veritas vos liberabit", this "shall make you free"


BIBLICAL BOTANY Absinthe lovers are forewarned in Amos about "Ye who turn judgment to" this bitter, aromatic plant


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