JavaScript Review - If/else, switch-case, loops, loop control, functions
return statement
A JavaScript function can have an optional ____________________________________. This statement should be the last statement in a function.
A ___________________ is a group of reusable code that can be called anywhere in your program.
If a function has parameters, they will be located inside the ______________________ located after the name of the function.
if-else statement
If the resulting value is true, the given statement(s) in the 'if' block, are executed. If the expression is false, then the given statement(s) in the else block are executed.
In a switch statement, the ______________ statements indicate the end of a particular case. If they were omitted, the interpreter would continue executing each statement in each of the following cases.
In a switch statement, the interpreter checks each _____________ against the value of the expression until a match is found. If nothing matches, a default condition will be used.
break statement
In loop control, the ________________ is used to exit a loop early, breaking out of the enclosing curly braces.
switch statement
Instead of using multiple if...else...if statements, it is usually better, and much more efficient to us this: ______________________________
if statement if...else statement if...else if... statement
JavaScript supports the following 3 forms of if...else statements:
continue statement
Loop control associated with "pause" or "skip"
break statement
Loop control associated with "stop"
The 'for' loop is the most __________________ form of looping.
loop initialization test statement iteration statement
The For Loop includes the following three important parts: ____________ ______________ _____________ You can put all the three parts in a single line separated by semicolons. loop
The __________________ is used to loop through an object's properties.
most basic loop
The ____________________ in JavaScript is the while loop.
continue statement
The _________________________ tells the interpreter to immediately start the next iteration of the loop and skip the remaining code block.
do...while loop; false
The _____________________________ is similar to the while loop except that the condition check happens at the end of the loop. This means that the loop will always be executed at least once, even if the condition is _____________________.
if..else statements
These are conditional statements which are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
if-else-if statement
This is just a series of if statements, where each if is a part of the else clause of the previous statement. Statement(s) are executed based on the true condition, if none of the conditions is true, then the else block is executed.
called; invoked
To execute a function it must be ______________ or __________________.
Used in loop control, A __________ is simply an identifier followed by a colon (:) that is applied to a statement or a block of code.
Function() constructor
You can define your function dynamically using ________________________________ along with the "new" operator.
small; manageable
The main benefit of a function is that it allows a programmer to divide a big program into a number of __________________ and ___________________ functions.
while loop
The purpose of a ____________________ is to execute a statement or code block repeatedly as long as an expression is true. Once the expression becomes false, the loop terminates.
The return statement is required if you want to return a ____________________ from a function.
'if' statement
The________________ is the fundamental control statement that allows JavaScript to make decisions and execute statements conditionally. If the statement is true, the given statement in the "if" block is executed.