Jean Inman Domain 1

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What is the equation for estimating energy needs for 4- to 6-month-olds?

(89 x Weight of infant [kg] - 100) + 56

NPU formula

(N intake - N output) / N intake

*formative* evaluation *answers* the question

*"How should we do it?"*

questions that *begin with* ___ elicit *better responses* than ___

*"Tell me about..."* (open/neutral); "Do you...?" (closed/leading)

___ questions may *indicate disapproval*, causing the client to feel *threatened* & be unwilling to reveal the answer


if an *oxidizing agent* is *added* to flour, it should be labeled

*"bleached"* (oxidizing agent + flour ==> oxidizes carotenoids in flour ==> changes color from soft yellow to white)

*TEF* or *DIT* is *also known as* ______ and usually comprises about _____% of *TEE*

*"calorigenic" effect of food*; *10%*

*gluten-free* foods *weight loss* foods

*"special dietary use"* functional foods

the definition of *"elderly" *has been *defined into 3 categories*, _____, ______, & _______ because

*"young old"*, *"aged"*, & *"oldest old"* because people are living longer

*proof* of an alcohol =

*% alcohol x 2* e.g. "80 proof" liquor= 40% alcohol

how to *calc. kcals* from *alcohol*

*(0.8)(proof)(ounces)* e.g. 1.5 oz of 40% alcohol liquor proof= 80% kcals= (0.8)(80)(1.5)= 96 kcals

the *formula to determine milliequivalents* (from mg) mEq =

*(mg / atomic weight) x valence*

when r = _____, *all points* lie *exactly on a straight line*

*+/- 1* r= 1 ==> exactly on a line with a positive slope Y axis increases as the x axis increases r= -1 ==> exactly on a line with a negative slope inverse relationship - x increases as y decreases Examples include a declining bank balance relative to increased spending habits and reduced gas mileage relative to increased average driving speed

*kcal needs* during *lactation*

*+330* kcals/day for 1st 6 months *+400* kcals/day for 6-12 months

calorie needs during pregnancy during *2nd trimester*

*+340* kcals/day

calorie needs during pregnancy during *3rd trimester*

*+452* kcals/day

a *HEALTHY person consuming protein in excess of their needs* will be in _____ *N balance*

*0* (will excrete the excess N to remain in 0 balance)

*healthy individuals* will be in __ or __ *nitrogen balance*

*0* or *positive*

this is the *age group* with the *highest BMR*

*0-2 years*

*weight for length* is used for children age

*0-24 months*

the *ADA* recommends *exclusive breast feeding* for first __-__ months and then *breastfeeding supplemented by weaning foods* for *AT LEAST up to* __ months Who among the following would have difficulty with breastfeeding? Infant with extrusion reflex Infant with cleft lip Infant with cleft palate Infant with colic

*0-6* (AAP recommends 1st 6 months); *12* months Babies born with cleft palates cannot create enough suction to withdraw milk from the breast. Infants with cleft lip have few feeding problems, extrusion reflex is normal , and there is no association between colic and feeding difficulties.

range of values for *r* that indicate a *very weak* linear relationship (correlation)


the *maximum p value* that shows a *significant difference*


range of values for *r* that indicate a *moderate* linear relationship (correlation)


RQ for oxidation of fat alone


range of values for *r* that indicate a *strong, high* linear relationship (correlation)


average *protein requirements* (for adults)

*0.8 g/kg* *10-15%* of total energy intake

we lose about ___-___ *L/day* of fluid by *insensible water loss*

*0.8-1.2* (~1 L/day)

*RQ* for oxidation of *protein alone*


*RQ* that indicates a *mixed intake* of fuel substrates (i.e. mixture of all or more than one macronutrient is being oxidized for energy)


*normal saline* is __% *NaCl*


*PDCAAS* for *tofu*

*0.99* (after correcting for tofu's digestibility, amino acids provided meet 99% of requirements)

a *#300 can* has how many cups

*1 3/4* 3-4 servings

how to make *cultured buttermilk* (recipe)

*1 Tbsp vinegar or lemon juice* (or *1 3/4 tsp cream of tartar*) then add *enough milk* to make *1 cup*

*recommended weight gain* during pregnancy is _____ for the *first 3 months* (first trimester) and then ______ *thereafter* (2nd & 3rd trimesters)

*1 lb/month*, then *1 lb/week*

*1 Tbsp* of *gelatin* will *gel* ___ of liquid

*1 pint*

*vitamin D requirement* is *met* if the infant receives *at least* _____ of standard (vitamin D fortified) *infant formula* daily

*1 quart* (32 oz)

the *RQ* for *carbohydrate alone* (i.e. "pure" carbohydrate as the energy source) is

*1* (# of CO2 molecules produced = # of O2 molecules utilized)

proteins that *provide amino acids EQUAL to or in EXCESS of requirements* receive a *score of* __ on the *PDCAAS* (protein digestibility corrected amino acid score) scale

*1* (ex. egg whites, casein)

age _____ *growth rate slows* age _____ *growth in spurts* and age _____ *growth slows* again

*1-3* yrs *4-6* yrs *7-10* yrs

normal range for *urine specific gravity* (formula uses *weight & volume*)


daily intake of *linolenic acid (n-3)* recommended during *lactation*


recommend ___ g/day of *linolenic acid (n-3)* including ____ mg *DHA* during *pregnancy*

*1.4g*/day ALA *300mg* DHA

*AI* for *sodium* for both men & women >19 yrs

*1.5 g*/day (3.8g NaCl)

*fluid needs* for infants *6-12 months*

*1.5 mL/kcal*

use ___ tsp baking powder *per cup of flour*

*1.5 tsp*

normal range for *serum Mg++* in *mEq/L*

*1.5-2.5* mEq/L (1.8-3 mg/dL)

limited research suggests ___ mL/kg of a *high sodium-containing beverage* (around _____ mEqNa/L) *BEFORE activity* that is *1-4 hrs* long, may *enhance maintenance of body core temp* in moderately to highly trained males age 23-46 yrs

*10 mL/kg*, *164* mEqNa/L

*iron needs* are the *same* for *boys & girls* up *through age* ____


*lard* and *oil* are ___% fat *butter* and *margarine* are ___% fat

*100%*, *80%*

*eggs* have a *BV* of ___ meaning that

*100*, 100% of the N absorbed is retained

*% composition* of *protein* in egg *white*


at age ___ is when *girls start needing more iron than boys*

*11* yrs

weight gain guidelines for *BMI ≥ 30* Obese

*11-20* lbs

*fluid needs* for infants *0-6 monthts*

*125-155 mL/kg*

*protein RDA* for age *1-3 yrs*

*13 g*

a *#10 can* has how many *cups*

*13* and 20-25 servings

*AI* for *calcium* in *pregnancy & lactation*

*1300 mg* for ≤18 yrs *1000 mg* for >18 yrs

normal range for *serum Na+* in *mEq/L*

*136-145* mEq/L

*pasteurize* milk by heating it to ___ for *30 minutes* or ___ for *15 seconds*

*145 F* or *160 F*

*minimum safe internal temperature* for *pork*, beef, veal, *lamb*, steaks, *roast* and *fish*


weight gain guidelines for *BMI 25-29.9* overweight

*15-25* lbs

*normal saline* (0.9% NaCl) contains _____ mEq *Na* and _____ mEq *Cl per L*

*154 mEq* Na, *154 mEq* Cl

*nitrogen* comprises ___% of the *amino acid* What is the nitrogen balance formula?

*16%* The formula for nitrogen balance is (protein intake in grams / 6.25) - (urinary urea nitrogen + 4). For example, (80 g protein intake / 6.25) - (26 + 4) = -17.2 = negative nitrogen balance. A negative nitrogen balance indicates erosion of body proteins and is associated with burns, serious injuries, fevers, hyperthyroidism, wasting diseases, and malnourishment. A positive nitrogen balance indicates a net gain of body proteins and is associated with periods of growth (infant, teenager, pregnancy, healing). A zero nitrogen balance indicates protein maintenance and equilibrium, such as in a healthy adult.

*meat, fish and poultry* are ___% *protein*


minimum internal temperature for *ground beef, ground veal* and *ground lamb*


minimum internal temperature for *turkey, chicken and duck* (poultry/birds)


*athletes* should drink how much fluid *after exercise*

*16oz* for *every 1 lb lost*

% composition of *protein* in egg *yolk*


% fat in *light or thin cream*


*brew coffee* at ___ (temp) for *best flavor*

*185-203* F

*protein RDA* for age *4-8 yrs*

*19 g*

*ratio* of *liquid to flour* in *pour* batters (e.g. waffles/pancakes)


*ratio* of *liquid to flour* in *drop* batters (e.g. muffins)


*ratio* of *liquid to flour* in *soft* doughs (e.g. bread)


*ratio* of *liquid to flour* in *stiff* doughs (e.g. pie crust)


a *#2 can* has how many cups

*2 1/2* 4-6 servings

*1.5-2.25%* milk fat

*2% milk*

*grains* are ___% *fat*


*BMI for age* percentiles are measured *starting at age* ___

*2* yrs

*muscle glycogen* is *depleted* in ____ hrs of continuous exercise at _____% VO2max

*2-3 hrs*, *60-80%

*carbohydrate loading* can facilitate *storage* of ____ *normal amt. of muscle glycogen*


when *introducing a campaign* to the community, develop __-__ *key messages* to serve as a focus


*weight for stature* is used for children age

*2-5 yrs* (2-20 yrs or >5 yrs use BMI-for-age)

*gastric emptying* of a *meal* usually takes between __-__ *hours*


having a *serum albumin LOWER than* ___ is often associated with *physical signs* of *fluid retention* (i.e. edema)


*human milk* contains ___ *kcal/oz*


*infant formula* is also __*kcal/oz* and babies need ___ *oz/lb/day*

*20* kcal/oz *2.5* oz/lb/day

*tannins from coffee* are *extracted* when brewed at *temps greater than*

*203* F

normal range for *HCO3*


*growth* usually *does NOT deviate by more than* _____ *percentile points* from the established pattern of growth


*fluid requirements* for *elderly* adults

*25-30* mL/kg

pregnancy weight gain guidelines for *BMI 18.5-24.9*

*25-35* lbs

*normal birth weight*

*2500-4000g* (5.5-8.8 lbs)

weight gain guidelines for *BMI < 18.5*

*28-40* lbs

*71g*/day is the minimum *protein requirement* for women at what times in the lifespan

*2nd half* of *pregnancy* & *lactation*

a *#2 1/2* can has how many cups

*3 1/2* and 6-8 servings

*fetal iron stores decrease* at around _____ months, at this age *need additional iron* from ___ or ___

*3-4 months*, *formula* or *supplemental foods* (cereal starting at 4-6 months)

normal range for *serum P* (only electrolyte measured in *mg/dL* vs mEq/L)


normal range for *serum K+* in *mEq/L*

*3.5-5* mEq/L

*supplements* recommended *during pregnancy*

*30 mg ferrous sulfate* during *2nd & 3rd trimesters* (taken between meals, not with milk, tea, or coffee) *400 mcg folic acid* (+200mcg estimated from foods=600)

*allow roast* to *stand* for ___ *before carving*

*30 minutes*

*maltase* and *sucrase* are *available* to the fetus at around ___

*30 weeks gestation*

% fat in *medium cream*


*MINIMUM fat* requirements for all infants *0-12 months*


___% of observations in a *normal distribution* lie *OUTSIDE* of the *range +/- 1 SD* from the mean

*32%* (16% lie <-1 SD, 16% lie >1 SD)

temp for *roasting*

*325 f*

*protein RDA* for age *9-13 yrs*

*34 g*

% fat in *whipped cream*


normal range for *pCO2*


measure *head circumference* (OCF occipital frontal circumference) *until age* ____

*36 months* (3 yrs)

*complete oxidation* of *1 molecule* of *glucose* yields ___ *ATP*

*38* ATP

nutritive value of *gelatin*

*4 kcal/g* (same as protein)

a pregnant woman is considered *at risk* regardless of her age if she *fails to gain* ____ *per month* during the *last half* of her pregnancy

*4 lbs* (1.8kg) per month

*fruit juice* should be *limited* to __ oz/day *up to age 6 yrs*

*4* oz/day (AAP recommends limit to 4-6 oz/day)

*Milk fat* is __-__% *trans* fat


normal range for *serum Ca++* in *mEq/L*

*4.5-5.5* mEq/L (9-11 mg/dL)

*casein* is *precipitated* at a *pH* of ___ which forms a *soft curd*


*NaCl* is __% *sodium*


*NPU* (net protein utilization *ranges from* ___ to ___, with protein from _____ *products scoring HIGHER* vs protein from _____

*40-94*, *animal* products score higher vs *vegetables*

*breastfed* infants must be *supplemented* with _______ daily starting at *birth* Within the first few weeks of life, what is the average recommended number of feedings for an infant in a 24-hour period?

*400 IU vitamin D* Until lactation is well established and infants are demonstrating adequate weight gain, infants should be fed every 2 to 3 hours and should receive 8 to 12 feedings in 24 hours.

in *vit D milk&, there are ___ *USP* units of *added vitamin D* per ____ of milk

*400*; *quart*

the only *2 supplements BREASTFED infants need* are

*400IU vit D* from *birth* & *0.25mg fluoride*/day *after 6 months* if fluoride in water supply is inadequate (<0.3 ppm)

*processed cheeses* have a *high moisture content* of ___%


bake *pastries* at ___ F for ___ minutes

*425-450*, *10-15*

*birth weight* should have *doubled* by ____

*4th-5th month*

a *#3 can* has how many cups

*5 3/4* and 12-15 servings

*women* have __-__% *lower BMR* than men


extremes in environmental temperature, such as a *tropical climate INCREASES metabolic rate* up to ___%


calorie, protein, water and fat needs for *0-6 months*

*520* kcals F and *570* kcals M *9.1* g protein *125-155 ml/kg* (based on age) minimum 30g of fat per day

__% of *protein* can be *converted to glucose*


__*% of protein* (amino acids) are *glucogenic*


*grade A* eggs can be *maintained* for _____ (how long) *in cold storage (29-32F)*

*6 months*

*pancreatic amylase remains LOW* for around ____ *after birth*

*6 months*

*1 serving* per day of *vitamin-C rich foods* is recommended for infants around _____ months to _____

*6 months*- to *enhance iron absorption* from *non-heme* sources

*newborn* initial ____% *loss of birthweight* should be *regained* by _____ *days*

*6%*, *10-14* days

introduce *large finger foods* (teething biscuits, *palmar grasp*) at _____ months that can be secured with palmar grasp

*6-8* months

*children* need *at least* _____ of *physical activity each day*

*60 minutes*

*evaporated* milk has ___% of *water removed*


*carbohydrate* is *needed as a fuel source* for exercise *above* _____% of *maximal oxygen uptake* (VO2max)


egg protein *coagulates* at a *temp* of _____

*62-70 C* (144F - 158F) (sets a custard)

*young old*

*65-74* yrs

calorie, protein, water and fat needs for 7-12 months

*676* kcals F and *743* kcals M *11* g *1.5 ml/kcal* minimum 30g of fat per day

about __% of *all observations* in a normal distribution lie *within 1 standard deviation* (+/- 1 SD) of the mean


in a *normal distribution*: ____% of observations lie within *+/- 1 SD* of the mean ____% of observations lie within *+/- 2 SD* of the mean ____% of observations lie within *+/- 3 SD* of the mean

*68%* *95%* *99.7%*

*1 tsp* of *salt* = ____g of *NaCl*


*BMR increases* ___% for *each* ____ degree *increase* in body *temp*

*7%*, *1 degree* increase

factors such as *caffeine*, *alcohol*, & *nicotine* may *increase metabolic rate* up to ___% What is the caffeine limit for children and adults? Which of the following is the recommended maximum amount of caffeine for healthy children aged 5 to 12? 5.5 mg/kg 3.5 mg/kg 2.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg

*7-15%* It is recommended that caffeine be limited to 100 mg/day for children. For 5- to 12-year-olds, the recommended limit is 3 mg/kg. Up to 400 mg/day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. Daily caffeine consumption should not exceed 2.5 mg/kg in children. A daily caffeine intake of 3 mg/kg is considered the adverse-effect level.

normal range for *blood pH*

*7.35-7.45* <7.4 ==> moving towards acidosis >7.4 ==> moving towards alkalosis

it is the *job* of the *kidneys and lungs* to return the body back to a balanced *pH* of ___

*7.4* (normal range 7.35-7.45)

*dried FORTIFIED* eggs are __% *white* and __% *yolk*

*70%* white and *30%* yolk

*plant* protein *coefficient of digestibility*


minimum *protein needs* for women during *2nd half of pregnancy* and all of *lactation*

*71 g*

*dried whey* has ____% *lactose*


*grains* are __% *starch*

*75%* (mostly in the endosperm) and partially complete protein


*75-84* yrs

composition of *fruits and vegetables*

*75-93%* water carbohydrates (digestible and indigestible) some minerals (calcium in oranges/greens) vitamins C, A and some B

the protein in milk is __% *casein*


*butter* and *margarine* are both __% *fat*

*80* butter - milk fat margarine - veggie oil or animal fat

*oldest old*

*85+ yrs*

composition of *milk*

*87% water* 3.7% fat 4.9% cho (lactose) 3.5% protein (80% casein, 20% whey)

*reading level* for *general population* & audiences of *lower literacy* in written communication

*8th grade* level for general population *6th grade* level for lower literacy When creating written educational materials, the reading level should be around the 6th grade for audiences of lower literacy. For the general population, the reading level should be around 8th grade, for example, for a hospital serving a population with an average education level. When determining readability, the SMOG index is a useful tool for determining grade level, by finding the average number of polysyllabic words in a block of text.

introduce *small finger foods* (dry cereal, *pincer grasp*) at ______ months

*9-12* months

the *TCA cycle produces* __*% of the body's energy* as ATP


normal range for *serum Cl-* in *mEq/L*


*animal* protein *coefficient of digestibility*


most researchers will *not accept results* as *statistically significant unless p* is


*ELBW* (extremely low birth weight)

*<1000* grams

small for gestational age (*SGA*)

*<10th percentile* birth weight for GA

*VLBW* (very low birth weight)

*<1500 grams* (3.3lbs)

*age groups* who are most *at risk* during *pregnancy*

*<16* yrs *≥35* yrs

*LBW* (low birth weight)

*<2500 grams* (5.5lbs)

*dietary requirements* for *fat* is generally _____ of kcals


*p value* showing *not very significant* difference, results are *not reliable*

*> .05*

% fat in *heavy or thick cream*

*> 36%*

what is a *"high smoke point"* of an *oil*

*> 374f*

*Hgb* range for *7-24 mo* infants

*>10* mg/dL

% fat in *sour cream*


large for gestational age (*LGA*)

*>90th percentile* birth weight for GA GDM can cause this its called macrosomina

*grades* for *eggs*

*AA* *A* *B*

the ___ *tracks nutrition care outcomes* and *advances* evidence-based nutrition practice *research*

*ANDHII* (Academy of nutrition and dietetics health informatics infrastructure)

used to *evaluate validity* when *SEVERAL products compete against one another*

*ANOVA* (analysis of variance)

glucose-6-phosphate proceeding through the *pentose shunt* (PPP) *does NOT require* ___


*states* are *FEDERALLY graded* by the

*Agricultural Marketing Service* of the USDA

*Medicare* part __ *allows some services* provided by *RDNs* to be *offered via Telehealth* including _______ and _______

*B*- *MNT* and *diabetes self-management* training

*total energy expenditure* (TEE) includes

*BEE* (REE) + *EEPA* (AT) + *TEF* (DIT) BEE= basal/resting energy expenditure EEPA= energy expended in physical activity (activity thermogenesis) TEF= thermic effect of food (diet-induced thermogenesis)

*NPU* (net protein utilization) *includes* _____ and ______

*BV* of the protein (% of absorbed N utilized) & *digestibility* of the protein (% of N intake that does not appear in the feces)

a *global* effort to *increase incidence & duration of breastfeeding* hospital must show it implements *10 steps* to successful breastfeeding requires a *multidisciplinary team*

*Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative*

this outlines the *objectives* for the *hierarchy of learning* (objectives at lower level must be mastered before more complex learning can take place)

*Bloom's taxonomy*

objectives at *lower level* must be *mastered before* more *complex* learning can take place

*Bloom's taxonomy*, hierarchy of learning

hormone *released* by the duodenum *when fat enters* the SI stimulates *contraction of the gallbladder* ==> releases *bile* into the duodenum *stimulates pancreas* to secrete enzymes & pancreatic juice

*CCK* (cholecystokinin)

*normal fat metabolism* requires *adequate* _____ (for complete fat oxidation)


*colonic salvage* involves the anaerobic fermentation & absorption of the *end-products* of ____, ___, & _____ *breakdown*

*CHO*, *fiber*, & *amino acid*

providing ____ solutions is *more effective* in *maintaining hydration* status in *moderate/high humidity* vs non-CHO electrolyte solutions

*CHO-containing electrolyte* solutions

the action of *yeast* on *sugar* (fermentation) yields ______ and _______

*CO2* and *alcohol*

*all ketoacids* are *oxidized* to *produce* ___ and ___, which *releases heat* and _____

*CO2* and *water*, releases heat and *energy*

*Common criteria for clinical trials*

*CONSORT* (suggested companion criteria to evaluate clinical trials)

explain the *cake method* of mixing

*CREAM fat with sugar* add *egg* add *sifted dry ingredients* in portions *alternating* with portions of *milk*

*tests* whether or not there is a *real difference* between categories used with attributes that have *more than 2 categories* *compares* the *frequency* with which *we'd expect* certain observations to occur with the *frequency* that *actually occurred* chi-square statistic is one way to show a relationship between two categorical variables. Non parametric test Ex: A qualitative variable, also called a categorical variable, is a variable that isn't numerical. It describes data that fits into categories. For example: Eye colors (variables include: blue, green, brown, hazel). States (variables include: Florida, New Jersey, Washington). Dog breeds (variables include: Alaskan Malamute, German Shepherd, Siberian Husky, Shih tzu).


public policy advocacy & legislation that covers *NSLP*- National school lunch Program *SBP*- school breakfast program *CACFP*- child & adult care food programs *SFSP*- summer food service programs *SMP*- special milk program *WIC*- women, infants, & children

*Child Nutrition Reauthorization* bill

examples of *food and nutrition management softwares* (for institutional use)

*Computrition* *CBORD* *Dietary Manager* *ChefMax*

in the ___ *lactate* is *released from muscle*, transported to the *liver* and *converted back* to *pyruvate* (via gluconeogenesis)

*Cori cycle* - occurs when energy needs exceed supply of oxygen


*Current Procedural Terminology* ~ *codes* used in the medical setting to report services provided and procedures performed

this nutrient is needed for the *development* of the *fetal nervous system*

*DHA* (docosahexaenoic acid)

*anabolism* (synthesis) of *protein* is *regulated by* ___


method of *group decision-making* and *forecasting* that involves successively collecting the *judgments of experts*

*Delphi technique*

regulates *herbals*, *botanicals*, & *supplements* *clarifies marketing regulations* for *botanicals* & reclassifies them as dietary supplements allows *plant extracts, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, & hormonal products* available without rx to carry *"structure/function" claims* physiological effect can be noted, but *no claims about prevention/cure of specific conditions* can be made

*Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act* of 1994 (*DSHEA*)

*Evaluate* ________ in the *educational process*

*EACH STEP* (assessment, planning, implementation, & outcomes)

used to enter, store, retrieve, & manage info related to health care

*EHR* or *EMR* (electronic health/medical record)

*NADPH* generated by the *pentose shunt* is essential for which metabolic pathway

*FA synthesis*

T/F: when practicing *multicultural awareness*, always *assume similarities* until differences are proven

*FALSE*--always *assume DIFFERENCES* until similarities are proven

T/F: *retrogradation* of a gel is *desirable*

*FALSE*--retrogradation is *undesirable* because it *reduces the quality* of the food

T/F: The FDA has approved a legal definition of functional foods aka nutraceuticals

*FALSE*--there is currently NO legal definition of functional foods approved by the USDA; however the FDA DOES regulate claims that manufacturers make about functional foods' nutrient content & effects on disease, health, or body function

operating & enforcement agency that *licenses radio & TV*

*FCC* (Federal Communications Commission)

government agency that controls *food additives*


the *institutional review board* (IRB) *functions under* the ___


operating & enforcement agency that *ensures the safety* of some *domestic and imported food products*

*FDA* (Food & Drug Administration)

when calculating RQ, *VCO2 & VO2* can be *calculated* only after performing a *gas exchange analysis* to measure/calculate

*FIO2* & *FEO2* (fraction of inspired & expired oxygen) *FICO2* & *FECO2* (fraction of inspired & expired CO2) *VI* & *VE* (minute gas volume) From these tests, VCo2 & VO2 can be calculated

operating & enforcement agency that: -*regulates* the *content* of *food ads* -enforces *truth-in-labeling* -challenges *product claims* when a product *crosses state lines*

*FTC* (Federal Trade Commission)

a *hypothesis* should have all of the characteristics described by the acronym *FINER*:

*Feasible* *Interesting* *Novel* (innovative) *Ethical* *Relevant*

what is the program used to *analyze data* from *dietary surveys*

*Food and Nutrient Database* for *Dietary Studies* (FNDDS)

individuals on a *low-protein diet* should be given *mostly*

*HBV proteins*

___ is the *base* component of the buffer system that *measures kidney function*


*factors required* for *iron* absorption

*HCl* *calcium* (if oxalates present, binds oxalates)

lipoprotein *rich* in *PROTEIN*


___ *maintains the privacy* of *PHI* (protected health info)


pts' *right to their own health information*, privacy, & confidentiality pts *must be notified if their medical/other protected info* (address, email, income) is to be *shared* outside of the care process


theory *developed to explain why* people (especially HIGH-risk people) *fail to participate* in programs designed to *detect or prevent disease*

*Health Belief Model*

*body water* exists within *2 major compartments*

*ICW* (intracellular water) & *ECW* (extracellular water)

other *names* for the *IRB* (institutional review board)

*IEC*- *Independent Ethics Committee* *ERB*- *Ethical Review Board* *REB*- *Research Review Board* IRB= IEC= ERB= REB!

*IMPS* and *NAMP*

*Institutional* meat purchasing *specifications* (consensus-based purchasing specifications developed by the AMS Agricultural Marketing Service Branch of the USDA) *National Association of Meat Purveyors* (publishes the "Meat Buyer's Guide" according to the IMPS)

*differences between the 2 houses* (over a bill going through process of legislation) are *worked out* in a _________ *Committee*, which ultimately passes a __________ *bill*

*Joint House-Senate conference* Committee, *reconciliation* bill

*intracellular* electrolytes include

*K*, *Mg*, & *P* (all electrolytes monitored for RFS)

the *main INTRAcellular cation* (inside the cell) is


*smaller* lipoprotein contains *mostly cholesterol*


*carotenoids* are ___ *affected* by *changes in pH*

*LEAST* i.e. little effect of cooking in acidic/alkaline solution

*sorbitol* is slightly _____ *sweet* than *glucose*


a *slow-cooked* roast *yields* ........ *waste*


_____ releases glucose to *blood* to *maintain normal BG*

*LIVER glycogen*

*Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology*

*MOOSE* (companion standards that suggest common criteria for evaluation of meta-analyses that specifically focus on observational/epidemiological studies)

when subbing *butter* for *lard* in a pastry recipe, you should *use* ____

*MORE* (b/c there is less fat in butter vs the same amt. of lard)

predictive equation that predicts *RMR* within *10%* of *indirect calorimetry* use Mifflin with *normal weight* AND *obese* individuals use *actual body weight (ABW)* for formula for *all* individuals whether underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese

*Mifflin- St. Jeor*

*extracellular* electrolytes include

*Na*, *Cl*, *Ca*, *HCO3* (bicarbonate)

*aldosterone* increases *reabsorption* of _______ and increases *excretion* of ______

*Na*, *K*

one of several available resources that can be used to gather data about the *nutrient composition* of food

*National Nutrient Data Bank* (NNDB) by the *USDA*

food & nutrient analysis software/database developed by *USDA* which is the major source of *food composition* data

*National Nutrient Database for Standard reference*

when does the *brain* use *ketone bodies* for energy?

*ONLY* during *starvation*

_____ & _____ *agencies* are responsible for *carrying out* the law

*Operating & enforcement* agencies (FTC, FDA, FCC)

method of measuring energy metabolism (BMR) that is *NOT a nutritional assessment parameter*

*PBI* (protein bound iodine)

*cost* for chronic care is *reduced* *EMRs* are *essential* the team of providers changes as the needs of patients differ

*PCMH* (patient-centered medical homes) PCMH centers around five core principles and functions: comprehensive care, a patient-centered approach, coordinated care, accessibility of services, and quality and safety. of care, the PCMH is committed to quality improvement (QI), performance improvement, patient satisfaction, and population health management.

*focuses* on the reporting of *reviews evaluating RCTs* but *can also be used* as a basis for reporting systematic reviews of other types of research, particularly *evaluations of interventions*


an evidence based *minimum set of items for reporting* in *systematic reviews* and *meta-analyses*



*Patient Centered Medical Home*


*Personal Health Record* (maintained by the patient)

*PICO format* used to frame *evidence-based* research questions

*Population* *Intervention*/exposure *Comparison* *Outcome*

formula made from *casein hydrolysate*, for infants who *cannot tolerate cow's milk-based* or *soy products*

*Pregestimil* - made from casein hydrolystate Pregestimil is an infant formula designed for infants who experience fat malabsorption and who may also be sensitive to intact proteins.

___ *informs & educates consumers* about the *existence* of a *product* or *service*

*Program promotion*


*Protected Health Information* (individually identifiable health info)

represents *amino acid score* after *correcting for digestibility*

*Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score* (PDCAAS)

proposed *quality standards* for the review & monitoring of *systematic reviews* & *meta analyses* of *RCTs*

*QUOROM* (quality of reporting of meta-analyses)


*QUality Of Reporting Of Meta-Analyses*

*gold standard* study design in *clinical nutrition studies*, considered the *BEST* for *evaluating medical treatments* & interventions with one or more treatments It is used to demostrate the feasibility and safety of a treatment

*RCT* with a comparison *placebo control group*

in a *PCMH* (patient-centered medical home), the ___ should be *considered part* of the *medical home treatment plan*


*bacterial digestion* converts *malabsorbed CHO* and *fibers* into

*SCFAs* (short chain fatty acids) and *gases* (H2, N, CO2, CH4)

*objectives* must *be* _____

*SMART*: specific measurable attainable relevant time-bound

determines *reading level (readability)* of written text by finding the *average* number of *polysyllabic words*, gives grade level

*SMOG index*

_______ plays an *important role* in *starch-thickened recipes*


T/F: *alterations* in the *amt. of sugar* in a cake mix produces *many variations* in *cake characteristics*


T/F: both *anabolic* & *catabolic* reactions *require energy*

*TRUE* (anabolic uses energy, catabolic both uses & releases)

*behavior* involves a *series of stages*, need to determine client's stage to assess their *readiness for change*

*Transtheoretical* model (*Stages of Change*)

*eggs* are *graded* by the


*grading* is done by the


*inspection* of meat is *done by* the ___ *at* ___

*USDA* at time of *slaughter*

RQ =


lipoprotein that contains *about half TAGs* produced by the liver


___ *growth charts* are used from *0-2 years* of age and the ___ *growth charts* are used from *2-20 years* of age

*WHO* - The World Health Organization growth charts for children younger than age 2 are based on Infants who were primarily breastfed until at least 4 months of age and continued through 12 months *CDC*

______ *starches* are generally *better* (more effective) *thickening agents* in starch pastes vs. their standard counterparts

*Waxy* (waxy corn starch, waxy rice starch, or waxy sorghum starch)

*objectives* should *include*:

*What* it is (action) *Who* it is (target) *When* (time frame) & *measure of outcome*

when *milk* is *heated*

*Whey* protein *precipitates* out on bottom of pan or on surface of milk

*folate absorption* is *dependent* on which mineral

*Zinc*- cleaves polyglutamate ==> more absorbable *monoglutamate* form

the *pH* scale *measures*

*[H+]* (hydrogen ion concentration)

this nutrient is essential for *retinal function* and *brain development*

*a-linolenic* acid (n-3)

section of the research report that is a *condensation* of the *final report* It lists purpose of study, questions asked, scope and method, and summary of conclusions


*convenience* sampling method (taking units as they arrive with no attempt to control bias) is also called

*accidental* In snowball sampling, prospective interview subjects for a statistical study are culled from recommendations from an existing pool of interviewed subjects.

3 ketone bodies produced from *combination* of *2 acetyl-CoA* (ketogenesis) in the *liver*

*acetoacetic acid* (acetoacetate) *beta-hydroxybutyric acid* (BHB) *acetone*

*MOST pyruvic acid* generated from glycolysis in the presence of oxygen (aerobic) is *converted* to form _______

*acetyl CoA*

_____ is the *common intermediate* of the breakdown of *carbohydrate, protein and fat*


___ *prevents enzymatic oxidation*


most *minerals* are *absorbed in* an ___ *medium*


the *carboxyl group (COOH)* is the

*acid* (COO-)

3 major types of *crystal inhibitors* (keep crystals small & smooth)

*acid* (cream of tartar, vinegar) *fat* (milk, chocolate) *protein* (egg whites, milk, gelatin)

___ and ___ also *increase tenderness* in meat by *increasing* the *water holding capacity*

*acid* (vinegar) and *salt*

in *chemical modification* of starch, _______ and ______ are added to change the starch's viscosity & ability to gel

*acids* & *enzymes*

tries to *make the change* (i removed the salt shaker from the kitchen table)


*acetyl-CoA* is also called What can acetyl-CoA be made from? (3)

*active acetate* It can be made from: 1. CHO (pyrvic acid) 2. Oxidation of fatty acids (Beta oxidation) 3. Carbon skeletons of AA (gluconeogenesis) AKA glucogenenic amino acids - tyrptophan, pheny, tyrosine, isolecuine, alanine, cystine, proline, glutamate, etc.

*MOST nutrients* (glucose, amino acids, NA, K, Mg, Ca, Fe) are *absorbed via* which mechanism

*active transport* (requiring carrier + ATP)

*focus* on the *thoughts & feelings of others* rather than on their own personal reactions

*active* or *reflective listening*

involves *absorbing what is being said* & *responding to* the person's *concerns*

*active* or *reflective listening*

*paraphrase* or *repeat back* what was just said

*active* or *reflective listening* In active listening, it's important to be mindful of posture, as body language can be misinterpreted. Toward that end, it is recommended that active listeners lean forward to demonstrate engagement. Maintaining eye contact, not interrupting, and withholding opinion and judgment are also important tenets of active listening.

*weight for length/stature* (age 0-5 yrs) *<5th percentile* may reflect

*acute illness* or *wasting*

*failure to thrive* (FTT) may result from

*acute or chronic illness* *restricted diet* or *poor appetite*

to *prevent milk* from *curdling*

*add acid* slowly and *agitate* Curdling occurs when acid is added too quickly, when acid is added overheat, or when milk or a milk product is overheated. To prevent curdling, add acid slowly and agitate at room temperature.

*cured* cheeses are *ripened* and have

*additional whey removed* and *salt added*

the *most active site* for *lipogenesis* (FAs + glycerol ==> TRG)

*adipose tissue*

at what point in the lifespan do *most dietary deficiencies* occur

*adolescence* (final growth spurt)

relate to their interests consider *peer pressure* and *attitudes towards authority*


purchased *print* or *electronic media* delivers a *targeted message* to *carefully-defined audience*


tools used for *program promotion* (4)

*advertising* *sales promotion* *personal promotion* *public relations* (publicity)

an *aggressive* form of action that *pleads the cause* of a *group*


acquisition of *attitudes* and *values* growth in *feelings* or *emotions*


it is often inconvenient to measure BMR directly- when this is the case, we can use a *BEE formula* to find the *calculated BMR* based on an individual's ____, ____, & ____

*age* *sex* *body surface area* (height & weight)

*2 primary factors* that *affect BMR* are

*age* and *sex* (then body comp/surface area & endocrine glands)

*retrogradation* may occur as a result of ______ or ______ a starch gel

*aging*, *freezing*

the *inner membrane of an egg contracts* leaving

*air space* in the large end Air space becomes larger with age

*foam cakes* use ___ as *leavening*


___ (leavening agent) *expands* when heated *before proteins coagulate* and retain it


*pound cake* leavening

*air* (creamed in during mixing) and *steam* (small amt. generated during baking) ==> relatively compact cake!

___ is the *MOST glucogenic* amino acid

*alanine* (alanine-glucose cycle, catabolized to pyruvate or Krebs' cycle intermediates)

*exercise releases* ___ *from muscle protein* which is then transported to the *liver* to be *deaminated* and converted ==> *glucose*

*alanine* (glucose-alanine/Cahill cycle)

serum *Na* is *reabsorbed* by ______ and *retained* by _____

*aldosterone* *steroids*

*straight dough* method

*all ingredients* are *mixed together & kneaded* BEFORE dough is allowed to rise

_________ and _______ flours *absorb LESS fat* during *frying* than does *cake* flour

*all-purpose* & *bread* flours

less gluten, 10.5% protein; blend of *hard + soft wheat*

*all-purpose* flour

*glucagon* is produced by the ___ cells of the *pancreas*

*alpha* cells

Which *food additive* is a *NATURAL antioxidant*?


after *NH2* is split off of the amino acid in deamination in the liver, it is *converted into* ______, which is *toxic*

*ammonia (NH3)*

*retrogradation* occurs in starches with a *high proportion* of ________


___ is responsible for *gelation* in cooled, cooked *pastes*


*starch* is composed of _______ and ______ molecules

*amylose*, *amylopectin*

*tests hypotheses* concerning the *effects of specific factors* of interest and allows causal associations to be determined (*can prove cause and effect*) Test hypotheses regarding causual relationships - perhaps a hypothesis generated from an earlier descriptive study Experimental designs are considered the gold standard of analytic research Some observational designs - such as prospective cohort and case control studies are analytic but not experimental.

*analytical* research

type of research that includes *clinical trials* & *follow-up* studies and case control studies

*analytical* research

*extreme, generalized edema* and *widespread swelling* of skin due to effusion of fluid *into extracellular space*


science of teaching adults--*adults* are *mutual partners in learning* more *problem-centered* than subject-centered *motivation* is *more internal* than external *self-directed learner*


types of *foam cakes*

*angel* cakes *sponge* cakes *chiffon* cakes

*clenched fists* indicate

*anger* or *anxiety*

an *event* or *environment* that *triggers* a *specific behavior* or response (e.g. like watching a TV commercial advertising french fries)


*2 classes* of *flavonoids*

*anthocyanin* (red, blue and purple) and *anthoxanthins or flavones* (colorless or white to yellow)

*calcium silicate* *mannitol*


Milk thistle

*antioxidant *stimulates production of new liver cells *reduces liver inflammation *used for liver and gallbladder disease

diets *high* in ______ may *delay development* of *cataracts*

*antioxidants* (b-carotene, selenium, C, E, & resveratrol)

*crossing & uncrossing legs* indiciates


food sources *low* in *potassium*

*apple*, *cranberry*, *blueberry*, *carrot*, *corn*

_________ and __________ permit the *greatest retention* of learned material

*application of information* & *active involvement* of the learner

i don't like to exercise

*appraisal of barriers* (appraisal= assessment)

10th-90th percentile birth weight for gestational age

*appropriate for gestational age* (*AGA*)

an ___ must be passed to *provide funding* for a piece of legislation

*appropriations bill*

amino acids *conditionally essential* during *catabolic stress*

*arginine* & *glutamine*

simple *average* (sum of the values of all observations in the data set divided by the number of observations)

*arithmetic mean*

what are the *3 measures* of *central tendency* - center of any mass of data

*arithmetic mean* *median* *mode*

chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa leading to loss of gastric glands & decreased gastric secretions relatively common in *elderly* necessitates vitamin *B6 & B12 supplementation*

*atrophic gastritis*

*direct eye contact* indicates


*learn* to *escape* from *unpleasant consequences* (i.e. improvement is motivated by desire to avoid criticism/negative consequences of poor performance)

*avoidance learning*

*sucrose* is added to (which type of eggs) *improve foaming ability*

*bakers special eggs*

*layer cake* leavening

*baking powder*

*provides both* the *acid* and the *alkali* needed for a reaction (to produce CO2 for leavening)

*baking powder* (= baking soda + dry acid (*sodium aluminum sulfate* reacts with soda to release CO2 or calcium phosphate) + cornstarch (keeps contents dry) Types are tartrate and SAS-phosphate

*poor volume* of a cake may result from *too little* ________ or an *improper level* of _____ or ______

*baking powder*; *sugar* or *fat*

in a *cake*, *more sugar* needs *more* ____

*baking time*

*minimum amount of energy* needed at *rest* in *fasting* state (amount needed to carry out *involuntary* work of the body, activity of internal organs, internal temperature) basal energy expenditure, minimum amount of energy needed to act at rest in fasting. More restrictive. Done on a patient that has gone without food for 12 hours, and has been laying down with no movement and in a constant temp enviroment overnight. However this is not practical in most enviroments.

*basal energy expenditure*, BEE (aka resting energy expenditure or REE)

the *amino group (NH2)* is the

*base* (NH3+)

method of mixing over and over to *smooth* and *incorporate air*


*methods of mixing* used to *incorporate air* (4):

*beat* *sift* *fold* or *cream*

*insert meat thermometer* __________ cooking


___ and ___ should be *washed just before serving*

*berries* and *mushrooms*

*insulin* is produced by the ___ cells of the *pancreas*

*beta* cells

the role of *kidneys* in *acid-base balance* is to *control* the supply of ___

*bicarbonate (base)*

legislation *enters* as a ____ or a _____

*bill*, *resolution*

uses N balance techniques to determine the *fraction of absorbed N* from a protein food that is *retained* for *growth* & *maintenance*

*biologic value* (BV)

the conversion of *pyruvate* ==> *oxaloacetate* (OAA) *requires* ___

*biotin* (B7)

*lactase* reaches *adult levels* at ___


for ___ and ___ females, *strive to achieve* the *UPPER END* of *weight gain guidelines* in pregnancy to *reduce risk*

*black* and *very young*

you can *find the cause (respiratory or metabolic)* of *acid-base imbalance* (acidosis or alkalosis) by measuring

*blood gas* levels (pCO2 & HCO3)

the *shell of an egg* is *covered* with ___ that *prevents excessive loss* and *protects contents*


*nitrogen balance* compares intake to output and *measures*

*body equilibrium*

*small amount* of *salted water* for a *short time*, *covered* pan unless otherwise indicated


*mass* of *masticated food*


the *shape of* ___ identifies the *cut*

*bone* round bone= leg T-bone= back/ribs

a bill *needs approval* from _______ and the ______

*both Houses* (senate & house of representatives), *president*

1) *flour meat* 2) *brown* 3) *cover* and *simmer in liquid*


strong gluten, *11.8% protein* (highest protein content of all flours)

*bread* (*hard* wheat) flour

the *surface of meat BROWNS* during cooking *due to*

*breakdown of pigments* (e.g. myoglobin)

form of *radiated heat*


______ and ______ are both *fruit-derived proteolytic enzymes* that *PREVENT gelation*

*bromelain* (pineapple) & *papain* (papya)

___ is an *enzyme* in fresh or frozen *pineapple* that *breaks down protein* and ___ gelation

*bromelain*; *prevents* gelation

*mixture* of *acid + base* components to protect against a strong acid or strong base


because it is *both* an *acid & a base*, *proteins* can serve as a ____


2nd step of the interview process, *1st step* when *facing the client* in an interview

*build rapport*

the *first step* when *engaging with a client* is to

*build rapport*

*least protein* and *weakest gluten*, more starch, 7.5% protein

*cake* flour (soft wheat)

the diets of *elderly* adults *often lack* ____ and ____ (decreased absorption due to *decreased HCl* with aging)

*calcium* & *iron*

the pregnant *adolescent* is at *high risk* and needs what *extra minerals*

*calcium*, *iron*, *zinc* (CaFeZn)

*muscle glycogen* ___ *contribute to free blood glucose* levels in the body

*canNOT* (muscle glycogen can only be used for energy by that muscle, lacks glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme)

2 examples of *diseases* in which *BMR* is *elevated*

*cancer* *hypertension (HTN)* (both characterized by increased cellular activity)

*phytochemicals* may contribute to the *prevention* or *treatment* of chronic diseases such as _______ and ________

*cancer*, *heart disease*

pass an egg in front of a bright light to view contents

*candling* (used for GRADING of eggs, to assess egg quality)

what is the *most UNsaturated* fat (incl. both MUFAs + PUFAs)

*canola* oil - has both omega 3 and 6

this substrate is *needed in the diet* so *oxidation of fat* can *proceed normally*


a sufficient amount of which *substrate* (macronutrient) is *needed* to *keep the TCA cycle going*


*TEF* is *greater* after consumption of which macronutrients?

*carbohydrates* & *protein* (both higher TEF vs fat)

the *major extracellular buffer* in the body is a *combination* of _______ and _____

*carbonic acid* (*H2CO3*) and *sodium bicarbonate* (*NaHCO3*)

food passes *into the stomach* via the esophagus *through the* ______ into the ____

*cardiac valve* (LES), fundus

the *color* of *flour* is due to


___ *prevents chocolate* from *sedimenting* in fat-free milk


*observational analytical* research study that focuses *focuses on a SPECIFIC disease* Investigates hypotheses of causal relationships. Asses exposure status after disease status is known and thus is retrospective.

*case control* study

type of research that is most helpful for *identifying variables* important to the *etiology, care, & outcomes* of a *particular condition* Exs include being used to document the beginning of an epidemic and/or tracking toxicity reports of new foods.

*case report*, case study, or case series

*report of observations* on one subject or more than one subject, which *describes quantitatively* the *experiences* of a *group of cases* with a *disease or condition in common*. Cannot prove cause and effect. These accounts can provide a basis for a more vigorous investigation using an analytic appproach.

*case report*, study, or series

study that compares a group of individuals *with the disease* to a group *without the disease*, but who are *otherwise similar* in characteristics (i.e. other characteristics are "controlled" for) *both* groups *recall past behaviors* to study how the groups differ These are less expensive to conduct and require less time then cohort studies. Control subjects should be representative of the population from which the cases arose.

*case-control* study

part of *cow's milk* that *does NOT have lactose*

*casein hydrolysate*

breakdown *uses AND releases energy* ==> creates a *constant energy deficit* which must be supplied by food


cook ___ for a *short time, covered*


*behavior modification techniques* are based on a __________ *explanation of behavior*

*cause-and-effect* explanation of behavior

*how the body produces energy*

*cellular oxidation*

alkalinity *softens*

*cellulose* (==> chlorophyllin bright green color, mushy texture)

polysaccharide that is *resistant* to the digestive enzyme *amylase* adds *bulk* (used as bulking agent- helps *stimulate peristalsis*)

*cellulose* (glucose linked by b1-4 glucosidic linkages)

___ are *yolk anchors*

*chalazae* (thick, twisted strands of albumin attached to the vitelline membrane that anchor the yolk in the center of the egg)

in *children* & *adolescents*, look for ________ as *potential risk*

*change in RATE of growth*

what are the *3 features* of *clinical significance*

*change* (or difference in outcomes) *someone cares about* *outcome* must be *relevant* (for pt care, public health, or the field of study) change *must be significant*, not due to chance

in the *closing* step of interviewing, *summarize* for the client to _________, and *tell the client* ________ and _________

*check accuracy*; *what will be done* with the info, *when he will be contacted* for teaching

Which type of *foam cake* also uses *baking powder* as the leavening agent & *oil* as a tenderizer?

*chiffon* cakes

the *green color* under the skin of a *potato* is due to

*chlorophyll* that develops when a potato is *exposed to light* during *storage*

example of a *fat crystal inhibitor* (2)

*chocolate* *milk*

*most cholesterol* is *absorbed with* ___, enzyme that *converts* free cholesterol into *cholesterol esters* that are *excreted by the LIVER as* ___

*cholesterol esterase*, CEs excreted as *bile*

___ is *found in all cells*, is important to *cell structure* and some (free form) is absorbed with bile salts


lipoprotein that transports *diet-derived fats* mostly *TAGs*


*dietary fat* can *enter the blood* as ___

*chylomicrons* (travel through lymph ==> *thoracic duct* ==> blood) this includes some phospholipids

rhythmic contractions of esophagus (peristalsis) force food into the stomach where it is *mixed with gastric juice* and is *reduced to* ___

*chyme* (acidic)

*oxaloacetate* reacts with *acetyl CoA* to *form* ___ which begins the TCA cycle

*citric acid* (citrate, 6C)

*pose a question* after an ambiguous client message used *to make previous message explicit*


*5 C's of communication*: messages should be

*clear* *complete* *concise* *concrete* *correct*

using *cornstarch* as the thickener results in a *white sauce* that is ______, _______, and _______

*clear*, *shiny*, *translucent*

___ ___ means that *decisions* are left to the *client*

*client autonomy* (practiced in motivational interviewing)

___ fruits *ripen POST-harvest*

*climacteric* (peach, pear, banana, apple, tomato)

more *restrictive* limits answers *gives you control* less time

*closed* questions

the *closer r* is to *1 or -1*, the ____ *the points tend to cluster about the line* and the ______ the *degree of linear relationship*

*closer*; *stronger*

*too much sugar* in baking results in

*coarse cells*, *thick walls*, a *shiny crust* and a *crumbly* product

what is the *MOST saturated* fat

*coconut oil*

*saturated* fats (from HIGHEST ==> lowest proportion of total fatty acids)

*coconut oil* palm kernel oil cocoa butter butter palm oil *canola* oil

enzyme *activators* includes some *vitamins* (namely B vitamins)


*assists* enzymes, *minerals*


*thoughts* or *perceptions* at a *particular moment in time* they can influence our behaviors and feelings cognitive change may effect a desired behavior change


based on an *assumption* that *behavior is learned* and *can be unlearned* as the client learns *new and adaptive responses*

*cognitive behavioral theory*

*cognitions* (thoughts & perceptions) can *influence* our *behaviors* & *feelings* therefore *cognitive change* may affect desired *behavior change*

*cognitive behavioral therapy* (CBT)

focusses on *identifying behaviors and thoughts* that have a *negative impact* on *desired behaviors and goals* and apply strategies to *change those*

*cognitive behavioral therapy* (CBT)

acquisition of *knowledge* or subject matter; focus on learning *factual information*


types or *domains of learning*

*cognitive* (knowledge, factual info) *affective* (attitudes/values, emotions or feelings) *psychomotor* (muscular skills)

study carried out over a *long period of time*

*cohort longitudinal* study

*future-oriented* study This design is more feasible for conditions that are relatively common in the population being studied. The direction of the study is always prospective, because the exposure is idenitifed before the disease is detected.

*cohort prospective* study

uses *existing data* and *look back* for relationship between exposure factors and outcomes

*cohort retrospective* cohort study

these are sometimes called *"incidence studies"* because they *track* the *frequency of new cases* (newly diagnosed) of a disease

*cohort studies*

type of study in which a group of *healthy people* are *followed* through time to *see if they develop a specific disease* The outcome studied is commonly a disease

*cohort study* (longitudinal, prospective)

*any group* whose *members have something in common* Descriptive study - watching people Observational analytic study designed to mimic the RCT. It does not involve investigator manipulation and thus is not an experimental study design. However it does test a hypothesis in the casual pathway, and thus is analytic in approach.


*structural* part of *tendon* that surrounds muscle


the sheet of *connective tissue* that holds fibers in bundles is made of ___ and ___ (*2 proteins*)

*collagen* and *elastin*

anaerobic *fermentation* (done by bacteria) and *absorption* of *end-products* of *CHO, fiber, & amino acid* breakdown

*colonic salvage*

when cooking with *egg substitutes* there will be ____________ compared to regular eggs

*color & flavor differences* Added caortenoid

*grading* of eggs *does NOT include*

*color of the shell* or *size* of the egg

a *change in one side* of the *kidney/lung buffer* brings about a ______ *change in the other side* to maintain balance (i.e. to maintain body pH of 7.4)


*advocacy* of a cause/legislation *usually results in*

*compromise* (be realistic)

___ can be *substituted for instructors* when used to learn *purely cognitive material*

*computers* or *programmed instruction* materials--leaves the instructor more time to develop affective & psychomotor learning

___ must always be *respected* in the counseling environment


a *fit* between the *program* and the *expected outcomes* based on the objectives


*thinking about* making a change (i was looking at the salt content in the foods i have at home; *I know what to do, but...*)


*commercial* process that *substitutes* intense *mechanical energy* to a large degree for *traditional bulk fermentation* (==> shortening fermentation time)

*continuous bread-making* method

the ___ *method* of preparing dough *reduces PROCESSING time* (overall bread-making time)

*continuous bread-making* method

this method of preparing dough is *NOT as affected* by *fermentation time and temp*

*continuous bread-making* method

measured on a *continuous scale*

*continuous* scores

*aging* can be *delayed* in *apples* stored in ___ ___

*controlled atmosphere* (reduced oxygen)

method of sampling that involves *taking units as they arrive* on the scene- *no attempt to control bias*

*convenience* or *accidental* sampling

the *slope* of the curve of a *normal distribution* (at its *peak*) is _______

*convex* (bulges outward)

___ are a type of *"modified" shortened cake*


what kind of *starch* is *used most often*?

*corn starch*

___ ___ *retards (slows) crystallization*, thus increasing viscosity and chewiness

*corn syrup*

*waxy starches* (100% amylopectin) include

*corn* *rice* *sorghum*

examples of *winterized oils*

*corn*, *soy* and *cottonseed* (all high in PUFAs)

to get a *clear, shiny*, translucent *white sauce* use ___ as *thickener*


when making a *sauce* that is *clear and shiny* you should use _______, why not *flour*?

*cornstarch*; *flour* yields an *opaque* product

comparing fish *consumption* and rate of breast cancer incidence would be an example of a _______ study

*correlation (ecological)* study

this kind of study *compares* the *frequency of events* (or disease rates) in different populations with the *per capita consumption* of certain *dietary factors* They do not show cause and effect. They only show relationships between a factor and a disease or condition. They are benefical for examining patterns relating to possible risk or causative factor to a disease. Often data from several countries are examined to identify these relationships.

*correlation study* (*ecological* study)

*relationships* between varying types of *data*


to *prevent a film from forming* when *heating milk*

*cover* or *beat* the milk to produce a foam

main difference between *cow's milk* & *human milk*

*cow's milk* has *more PROTEIN*

if a *custard* is *overcooked*, it *will not sag* it will ___


example of an *acid crystal inhibitor*

*cream of tartar* *vinegar*

working one or more foods until *soft and creamy*

*cream* (ex. cream fat into sugar)

*fudge* contains *more ingredients that interfere with crystallization* so it is ___


type of study that gives a *snap-shot look* of a population at *one point in time*, and describes *CURRENT events* (not past or future)

*cross-sectional (prevalence)* study

these are sometimes called *"prevalence" studies*

*cross-sectional* studies

*one-time data collection* counting *ALL of the cases of a specific disease* among a group of people at a particular rime Commonly used to provide evidence for possible risk factors for disease outcomes Both the exposure to a risk factor and disease outcome are deteremined at the same time.

*cross-sectional* study

___ designs are generally *longer*, but *each participant is "exposed" to all treatments*


*each participant* serves as *his own control*

*crossover* design

using *low protein flour* in *yeast dough* causes

*crumbly* products with *poor texture*

keep crystals *small & smooth*

*crystal inhibitors* (acid, fat, & protein)

*fixed, orderly pattern of molecules* or atoms

*crystalline* sugar

*fondant* and *fudge* are examples of ________ candies that contain ______ crystals

*crystalline* sugar; *small* crystals

*behavior modification therapy* can focus on the ____, the _____, or the _____

*cues* *behavior* itself *consequences* of the behavior

add *lactic acid bacteria* to *skimmed or partly skimmed* milk

*cultured buttermilk* (when using in place of regular milk in cooking, increase the baking soda)

*distribute fat* into *dry ingredients*


*keep records* of the _____ and _____ of *ongoing training/education sessions* for employees on file, including

*date*, *content *in-services* & off-the-job experiences e.g. *continuing education*

what is the *first step* in *protein catabolism*

*deamination*- splitting off NH2 by hydrolysis in the *liver*

effect on cholesterol levels if *linoleic acid* (n-6) replaces *CHOs*

*dec. LDL* cholesterol *inc. HDL* cholesterol

effect on cholesterol levels if *linoleic acid* (n-6) replaces *saturated fat*

*dec. TOTAL cholesterol* (including HDL) *dec. HDL*

effect of *a-linolenic acid* (n-3 FAs) on *blood lipids*

*dec. hepatic production of TRGs by inhibiting VLDL synthesis* little effect on total cholesterol levels

how *elderly nutrient requirements differ* from those of *younger adults*

*decreased kcal* needs *protein needs* are the *same* (1g/kg)

adding *bran* ___ the *volume* of the end *product*

*decreases* (b/c bran= heavy, weighs down structure)

*syrup* is measured in

*degrees Brix* by a *Brix hydrometer*

variable that represents the *outcomes* in the study

*dependent* variable (Y)

when practicing *multicultural awareness*, *emphasize* ______ rather than *interpretation* or *evaluation*

*description* (i.e. focus on getting a *complete description of what is wanted* vs. making judgments on how something was said)

*summarizes* & *describes* aspects of a set of data

*descriptive statistics* (organizes, summarizes, & simplifies data- e.g. measures of central tendency & dispersion, frequency distributions, proportions/percentiles)

*Research* can be *broadly defined* as ______ or ______

*descriptive* or *analytical*

provides *baseline data* & *monitors changes over time* establishes associations among factors, but *does NOT allow causal relationships* to be determined *generates hypotheses* regarding *determinants* of a *condition or disease*

*descriptive* research

research that DESCRIBES the *state of nature* at a *point in time* Cannot test or verify, only analytic research can evaluate hypotheses or ascertain cause and effect However, it can generate hypotheses, but then analytical research can test these hypotheses

*descriptive* research

this type of research *establishes associations* among factors but *does NOT allow causal relationships* to be determined

*descriptive* research

in communicating with the client, *discuss problems* ___ rather than evaluatively (judgmentally)


what happens when *eggs* are *held in the refrigerator* for *too long*

*deterioration* affects *appearance & use* *loss of co2* makes eggs more *alkaline* the *whites* become *watery* *yolks flatten* *odors* are *absorbed*

*age, education, social status, income, physical environment, genetics, gender, race, where you live* and *social support* are all

*determinants of health* status

MI principle that points out *incongruence* between *where the client is* & *where he wants to be*

*develop discrepancy*

*intermediate* of *starch breakdown* which is also classified as a polysaccharide


*feeding an infant cereal too early* (before 6 months) can lead to ___

*diarrhea* (because pancreatic amylase levels needed to digest complex carbohydrates remain low until 6 months!)

*only 2 events* are *possible* (heads, tails)

*dichotomous* scores

*sources of glucose* include

*dietary* glucose, *liver glycogen*, and products of *intermediate metabolism* (e.g. reconversion of lactic acid & pyruvic acid)

*whispering* indicates

*difficulty in disclosing*

theory that describes *how* an *innovation*, an *idea* or *behavior spreads*

*diffusion of innovation*

*particles* move from *more to less* concentrated side


method of measuring RMR that measures *heat produced* in *respiration chamber* (limited usefulness)

*direct* calorimetry

*always speak* ___ to the *client*


if the client *moves away*, this indicates


this is an *INTERPRETATION of the results*, *comparison* with other studies, may be combined with results Addresses the rearsch question, objective and hypothesis. places the results in context of existing science may include *implications* for future research/clinical practice, *limitations & strengths* of the study (may be combined with results section)


*arms folded across chest* indicates

*dislike* or *avoidance*

*quick-cooking* cereals have ___ ___ *added*

*disodium phosphate*

measures of ________ describe *how values are distributed* about the *mean*


*other means* of inhibiting formation of large crystals during candy-making (i.e. means of keeping *crystals small & smooth*)

*dissolve all sugar* allow no dust particles to remain on surface during cooling *cool until viscous* before agitation *continuously agitate*

*removes bias* from research; *neither the researcher nor the subject knows* which group is receiving the *treatment* and which the *placebo*

*double blind* study

no more then 1.5% milk fat*, keeps well

*dried skim* milk

*26% milk fat*, does not keep well

*dried whole* milk

the *most important advice* you could give an *athlete* would be to

*drink water* with exercise

3 separate compartments *add boiling water* to top and *let drip* through *brief contact* with grounds *FREE of bitterness*


*color change* occurs (e.g. browning of toast) when using which type of method to *cook starch*?

*dry heat* (due to dextrinization)

*cooking method* used when making *gravy*

*dry heat*--starch is *heated WITHOUT water*

the hormones *CCK* and *secretin* are *released from* the ___ when fat enters the SI


the *pancreas* lies *between* the _____ and the _____

*duodenum*, *stomach*

Which type of *wheat/flour* is used to make *pasta*?

*durum wheat* (or *semolina* flour, made from durum wheat)

*alimentary paste* with a *HIGH gluten* content

*durum* wheat

*opinion leaders* in community, *well-respected*

*early adopters* (e.g. "influencers")

*cautious* in adopting a new ides

*early majority*

*low serum protein* leads to ___ and ___

*edema* and *ascites*

*documentation* of *employee* ____ and ______ is *essential*

*education* & *training*

*angel* cake utilizes

*egg white foam*

*white* cake contains

*egg whites*

___ ___ is a naturally occurring *oil in water* emulsion

*egg yolk*

*noodles* contain either _____ or _____

*egg yolk* or *egg solids*

*gold* cake contains

*egg yolks*

___, ___ and ___ also *interfere* with *ice crystal formation* in ice cream

*egg* *gelatin* & *nonfat milk solids*

the *basic ingredients* in a *quick bread* are _____ and _____

*eggs*, *flour*

___ is *RESISTANT to heat* and shows *little change in cooking*


found in *ligaments, cartilage* and has a *yellow* color


*decreased attention span* audience *participation* to maintain interest *control questions* to stay on topic prefer *written material*


*short counseling sessions* work *best* in what *age population*



*electronic health record*


*electronic medical record*

being ___ rather than ___ *allows* you to respond *without giving advice*

*empathetic* vs. neutral

put yourself in the client's shoes, *do not give advice* but rather *focus* on the *client's need to talk* & express their *feelings/concerns*

*empathy* (ability to empathize with client)

the *protein* in an egg forms a *thin film around droplets of oil*, and stabilizes emulsion, this is called


the *fat* in the *egg yolk* is present in an ___ *form*


*processed cheeses* have an ___ *added*


*monoglycerides* *diglycerides* lecithin disodium phosphate

*emulsifiers* (prevent oil & water from separating)

*creatine* supplements *do NOT enhance* _____

*endurance* (not helpful for soccer player, marathon runner, etc)

*EEPA* or *AT*

*energy expended in physical activity* or *activity thermogenesis*--highly variable component of energy expenditure, depends on how active we are (*voluntary* energy expenditure)

*glucose* is *PRIMARILY used* for


the *capacity to do work*


*fat* contains *more carbon*, therefore it provides *more* ___

*energy* - more carbon atoms for oxidation

*chemical changes* during *ripening* are due to ___


proteins that act as organic catalysts that *control reactions*


when *onion or cabbage* are *cut*, ___ and ___ are *mixed*

*enzymes* + *sulfur*

___ *decreases* the *release of insulin* from the pancreas *during CATABOLIC STRESS*, which causes BG to RISE


hormone that stimulates the *sympathetic nervous system* stimulates muscle & liver *glycogenolysis (glyogen -> glucose* decreases release of insulin during *catabolic stress* ==> *inc. BG*

*epinephrine* (adrenal medulla)

*respect one's right* to *self-determine* a course of action and *independent decision-making*

*ethical principle* of *autonomy*

___ ___ *ACCELERATES ripening* of fruit during storage

*ethylene gas*

the *first step* of developing *multicultural awareness*

*evaluate our own beliefs & attitudes* and *become comfortable with differences* b/w our customs and those of our client

*ANOVA* (analysis of variance) is a statistical tool *used to*

*evaluate validity*- compares variance between groups to variance within groups

*make judgement* about person's feelings, or implies how he/she should feel *leads to offering ADVICE*, not problem solving, *seldom helpful*


"if you eat too much ice cream, i suggest you stop buying ice cream"

*evaluative* response (offers advice, is judgmental)

must contain *>/= 8% milk fat*

*evaporated milk*

*brown color* due to *caramelization* of *lactose* in canning

*evaporated* milk

the ___ branch may *veto* legislation or *sign it* into law

*executive* (president)

uses *experimental* & *control* groups target populations are *randomly chosen* to be in either group computes *differences between groups* program is successful if the experimental group has improved more than the control group

*experimental design*

different types of *analytical research*

*experimental model* *quasi-experimental* design *cohort studies* *case control* studies *cross-sectional* studies/*prevalence* Cohort and case control studies are examples of observational analytic study designs

MI principle that *suggests acceptance* & *summons feelings (evocation)*

*express empathy*

*develop media partnerships* with local *television* and *radio* stations because this

*extends* reach to *audiences* that may be *out of reach* due to *financial reasons*

tests whether or not a *generalization* can be made from the study *to a larger population*

*external* validity

behavior modification method used to *reduce undesired behavior*

*extinction* - Operant conditioning

when *albumin drops*, the *pressure drops*, causing fluid to leak out. of ______ and into _______ and this leads to *edema*

*extracellular (plasma)* into *interstitial space* (b/w & around cells)

*"third space" fluid* includes both ______ and _______ fluid

*extracellular* & *extravascular*

this is fluid within the *plasma*, *lymph*, *interstitial* or *intercellular* (around & between cells) Serves as a medium for cellular metabolism

*extracellular* water (*ECW*)

those *at risk* in *pregnancy*:

*fail to gain* at least *4lb/month* in *last half* of pregnancy *<16* yrs or *≥35* yrs *< 12 months between pregnancies*

*inner portion* of *wheat kernel*


*not adding enough ___ produces a *grainy* ice cream with *large crystals*


___ interferes with crystal formation in *ice cream*, making *ice crystals small and SMOOTH*


adds *tenderness* by *coating gluten particles*


during *low to moderate intensity* aerobic activity (*long-duration, steady pace*; endurance training), ____ is a *significant energy source*


*carbohydrates* are important for *regulating the metabolism* of which other macronutrient

*fat* (sufficient carb intake is essential for b-oxidation, carb restriction ==> ketosis)

*alcohol* is *metabolized as* ___

*fat* - atehlyde & H

*shortened cakes* have a *comparatively large amount* of ___ and use ___ for leavening

*fat* and *chemical agents* (i.e. not yeast)

fish has *LESS* ___ and *more* ___ than meat

*fat*, *moisture* (fewer calories)

*rich cakes* contain *higher amounts* of _____, _____, & _______, which

*fat*, *sugar*, and *egg*; increases the *keeping quality* of the cake

to *prevent lumps* when using *moist heat* cooking methods on a starch, *mix starch* with _____, _______, or ________

*fat*, *sugar*, or *cold liquid*

at *rest* and during *normal activities*, ___ are our *primary energy source*

*fats* (80-90% of energy)

examples of *derived fats*

*fatty acid* glycerol *steroid*

as the *intake of CHO decreases*, the *oxidation of* ___ is *increased*

*fatty acids*

___ and ___ *do NOT contribute* to the *body's glucose supply*

*fatty acids* and *MUSCLE glycogen*

includes details & rules that *interpret* & *operate* a law, putting a policy into effect- carries the *force of the law* but is *easier to change*

*federal regulation*

*info client gives back* to you as you are discussing and questioning lets you know *what he/she knows* and what he/she *understands about what you are saying*


examples of *modified* functional foods

*fermented dairy* products (probiotics, GI health) *fortified margarines* (plant sterols & stanols, lower TC & LDL) calcium-fortified OJ iodized salt folate-enriched breads

when eggs are *overcooked* or *allowed to cool slowly* and the surface of the yolk turns *green*, this is due to

*ferrous sulfide*

*skim milk*, *vegetable fat* (coconut oil) or *water*; illegal in some states

*filled* milk

*amount of fat cover* on a *carcass*


*low-fat* & *non-fat* cow's milks are *inappropriate* during the _____ of life

*first 2 years*

*colostrum* (yellowish transparent fluid secreted from breast during the first few days of life) *meets infant needs* during the

*first week* of life

*NO whole cow's milk* is recommended for the _____ *of life*

*first year*

*MAIN source* of *a-linolenic acid* comes from

*fish oils* (incl. DHA + EPA n-3's) Your body can't manufacture omega-3 fatty acids, so the best place to get them is through diet. There are two dietary sources: EPA and DHA are primarily found in fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and anchovies. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) comes from vegetable oils, nuts, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, and leafy vegetables. Most of the health benefits attributed to omega-3 fatty acids come from EPA and DHA. The body converts ALA into EPA, but only in very small amounts. The conversion from ALA to EPA is less than 5%, so it's very low. You pretty much can't get DHA except from fish.

*sugar* in baking *adds* ____ and ___

*flavor* & *browning*

4 *basic ingredients* of a *pastry*

*flour* *fat* *liquid* *SALT*

when *adding bran* to a flour mixture, *increase* _______ and _______ to *compensate*

*flour* & *liquid* (add flour to add more gluten & more liquid to develop the additional gluten ==> increase volume)

*during* & *after continuous endurance* physical activity, athletes need ___, ___ and ___

*fluid*, *CHO*, *sodium*

*air* is used as a *leavening agent* in

*foam cakes* (angel food cake & sponge cake; NOT chiffon cakes, which uses CO2 from baking powder)

method of *attaining information about a target group*, small group who talk about the *beliefs*, *opinions*, *attitudes*, and *problems*- contributes *attitudinal* data

*focus group*

in the *elderly*, *encourage* ___ -rich *foods* and *supplements* of ___ and ___ may be needed (due to atrophic gastritis)

*folate*-rich *B6* & *B12*

use in *foams*, a *down, across, up and across the top* motion, rotate bowl


the *additive influence* of *foods and constituents* which, when eaten, have *beneficial effect* on health

*food synergy*

The *FDA Total Diet Study Database* includes data on ____, _____, & _____

*foods*, *minerals*, & *chemicals*

when *advocating* for legislation, it is *important to know facts and arguments*

*for* AND *against* the issue

this type of *evaluation* is made *early or DURING* course of *education*


______ evaluations are often *qualitative*, with *data collection* by *observation* and *interviews*

*formative* Testing before a program begins, known as pilot testing, is a formative step in the educational process. This part of the process helps identify parts of the plan that may need revision. Other examples include focus groups and pretests.

helps pinpoint *parts mastered* & *parts not mastered* allows for *revision of plans* & *methods to improve* the process as you are teaching *client must be involved* (focus group, pre-test, pilot test) *frequent feedback* of results guides the rest of the educational process

*formative* evaluation

*modified* functional foods have been _____, _____, or ______

*fortified* *enriched* *enhanced*

what is a *derived* protein

*fragments* from simple or conjugated proteins

*retrogradation* is greatly *accelerated* by ___

*freezing* (b/c when the starch gel is later thawed, it loses water because it is unable to rebind the fragile spongey mass)

*shorter cooking time* than fresh because *blanching* and freezing have made them *tender*


sugars in order of descending sweetness (most ==> least sweet)

*fructose* invert sugar sucrose *glucose* *sorbitol* mannitol *galactose* maltose lactose

*sweetest* form of *sugar*

*fructose* (followed by invert sugar, then sucrose)

types of *dry heat* (4)

*frying* *broiling* *roasting* *grilling*

provide *more benefits* (i.e. additional health benefits) than the *basic nutritional benefits*

*functional foods aka *nutraceuticals

part of the *stomach* that *holds the bulk of the food* to be digested


*begin* with *broad, open* questions & proceed to *more restrictive* ones

*funnel sequence*

potential *green color* in *meat* is due to

*further myoglobin breakdown*

the *hepatic duct* from the liver *joins* the *cystic duct* from the _____


the following botanicals have *potential interactions* with *anticoagulants* (blood thinners like warfarin)

*garlic* *ginger* *ginseng* *ginkgo* balboa *black cohosh* (4 Gs and a B)

*vitamin B12* absorption requires *initial exposure to* ___ & must *bind to* ____ to be *absorbed in the* ____

*gastric HCl*, *intrinsic factor* (IF), *ileum*

*constipation* in *elderly* is common due to *decreased* ______ and _______

*gastric motility* & *HCl secretion* in stomach

hormone that *stimulates gastric secretions* & *gastric motility*


*changes liquid* into an *elastic solid*


*collagen* is *hydrolyzed* to ___ and *softens*


acts as a *foaming agent* in *marshmallows*


when making ice cream, first *hydrate* _________ in ______ *water*, then _______

*gelatin* in *cold* water; *heat*

___ is the *swelling* that occurs when *starch* is *heated in water* close to the boiling point


when *starches* are cooked with *moist heat* methods, _________ occurs

*gelatinization* (starch molecules swell & become translucent)

the *sum of an organism's genetic material*


part of the *grain* that contains *vitamin E*


the *2% of fat* in *grains* is found in the ____


_____, _______, & _______ are often the cause of *confusion* & *misinterpretation* (with different cultural communication styles)

*gestures*, *facial expressions*, & *postures* Good posture is a sign of respect

hormone produced in the *stomach and intestine* and *stimulates appetite* and *growth hormone* secretion from the pituitary


the *"hunger hormone"*


*heat* (cooking) *denatures* ___ and ___ is *oxidized*

*globin*, *iron*

*adrenal steroids* (hormones) that *stimulate protein catabolism* & gluconeogenesis (release of glucose from protein)


other *hormones* that *increase lipolysis* (rate of fat mobilization from adipose stores)

*glucocorticoids* *thyroxine* (T4) *ACTH* *epinephrine*

amino acids that behave like a carbohydrate enters *EMP* (glycolysis) at *pyruvate* or enters *TCA cycle* at *OAA* or *a-ketoglutarate*

*glucogenic* amino acids

*glucocorticoid* hormones mainly *upregulate* which metabolic pathway involving glucose

*gluconeogenesis* (protein ==> glucose, requires *pyridoxine*/vitamin *B6*)

the *brain* uses ___ *exclusively* as an *energy* source

*glucose* The brain uses 120g a glucose/d. Glucose is transported into brain cells by the glucose transporter GLUT3 Insulin is the principal hormone regulating glucose, and is required for glucose to move into cells. In normal glucose metabolism, the digestive tract breaks down most carbohydrates to glucose, and enters the bloodstream. Postprandial glucose levels rise, which triggers insulin to be released into the bloodstream by B-cells of the pancreas. Most cells require glucose as energy, however glucose cannot cross the cellular membrane of cells. To transport glucose into cells, a "glucose transport system" (GLUT) is used, and GLUT4 is the main transporter for insulin regulation GLUT 1 - erythrocyte/brain GLUT 2 - liver GLUT 3 - brain Only GLUT 4 is insulin dependent = presence of insulin increases the number of these transporters.

examples of *nutrients absorbed* via *active transport* (sodium pump)

*glucose* some *amino acids* *Na*, *K* *Mg*, *Ca*, *Fe*

*GLP-1* (glucagon-like peptide) & *GIP* (glucose-dependent insulinotropic factor) are *released from the intestine* when ____ & ____ *enter*

*glucose* & *fat*

most of the *sugar* in *honey* is ___ and ___

*glucose* and *fructose*

*starch* is made up of

*glucose* chains (hydrolysis of starch will ONLY yield glucose!)

gives *elastic properties*, forms *framework* and *holds in leavening agent*


*gluten* is made from _____ & ______ through the process of ______ & _______

*glutenin* & *gliadin* (proteins); *mixing* & *hydrating* (i.e. adding water)

*monoglyceride* that acts as a *humectant* (retains moisture), *increasing firmness* of foods

*glyceride monostearate* (GMS) also acts as an emulsifier b/c is a monoglyceride

example of a *humectant*

*glycerol monostearate*

*products of fat digestion* that can be *absorbed DIRECTLY* into portal blood

*glycerol* (water-soluble) *short-chained fatty acids* (<12 C) some *phospholipids* MCT

*gluconeogenesis* is the conversion of *non-carbohydrate* sources such as _____ and ______ into *glucose*

*glycerol*, *amino acids*

what is the *major storage form* of *glucose* in animals (aka "animal starch")?

*glycogen* Stored in muscle and liver

*insulin* is an *anabolic* hormone that increases cell permeability to glucose & *stimulates* ____ & _____ pathways

*glycogenesis* & *lipogenesis*

*storage* of *glucose* occurs through _____ and ______

*glycogenesis* (creation of glycogen in muscle & liver) *lipogenesis* (creation of adipose tissue)

*glucagon* is a *catabolic* hormone that *induces* _____, mainly in the ___

*glycogenolysis*, liver

*candling* of an egg is *used to*

*grade eggs* on their quality--to judge *thickness of white* and the *location and condition* of the *yolk*

entire grain, *use freshly ground*, (*spoils quickly* due to fat in germ)

*graham* (i.e. *whole wheat*) flour

*negotiating* is a type of ______ *process*


*percentile charts* used to evaluate growth of infants, children & adolescents based on *age*, *sex*, *height*, & *weight*

*growth charts*

based on relatively *small populations* should be *used along with CDC or WHO growth charts*

*growth charts* for *special needs* (cerebral palsy, down syndrome) Do not use American Acamdey of Pediatrics growth charts

*2 hormones* that act as *insulin antagonists*

*growth hormone* *ACTH* (adrenocorticotropic hormone)

*insulin antagonist* hormones that *stimulate lipolysis*

*growth hormone* (pituitary) *glucagon*

examples of *non-crystalline sugar* candies

*hard* candies (sourballs, butterscotch) *chewy* candy (taffy, caramels) *gummy* candy (gumdrops, jellies, marshmallows) *brittle* (peanut brittle)

*vinegar (acid)* and *salt* both *IMPROVE the shape* of an egg (i.e. during coddling/poaching) by

*hastening coagulation*

a *positive response* due to *special attention* that participants receive

*hawthorne effect*

giving a *placebo* to the *control group* gives the aura but not the substance of a service, *removing the possibility* of a ___

*hawthorne effect* (positive response due to special attention participants receive)

uses *behavior change models* & *motivational interviewing*, often involves some form of *telehealth*

*health coaching*

the *exchange of bicarbonate and carbonic acid* in the kidneys and lungs *occur readily when* the *lungs and kidneys* are ___

*healthy* (acid-base imbalance, i.e. acidosis or alkalosis, occurs when the kidneys or lungs FAIL to do their job)

*anasarca* is associated with ____, _____, & ____ *failure* and _______

*heart, liver, & renal* failure, *extreme PCM* (protein-calorie malnutrition)

to *prevent milk* from *coating on sides of pan*

*heat OVER water* (steam)

in ___, *collagen* is *hydrolyzed* to *gelatin* and becomes *tender*


when using a *modified starch*, ___ is *NOT necessary for activation*


______ meat *before dehydration* (e.g. to make jerky)

*heat* heat beef to 160 before dehydration (beef jerky) heat poultry to 165 before dehydration

___, ___ and ___ will *affect* the *stability* of swollen starch granules in a paste

*heat* *acid* & *agitation*

Both _______ & ______ added to a starch-thickened paste will *result in* a *THINNER paste*

*heat* & *acid* (both heat & acid break down starch to smaller molecules that can move freely throughout the paste ==> runny texture/thinner product)

*mechanism* of *gelatinization* of starch

*heat* ==> *dissociates H bonds* in the starch granule *water moves in* & *swells* granules *friction* is created ==> causes paste to *thicken*

with *age*, fruits and vegetables *increase* in ____ and ___

*hemicellulose* and *lignin* a non cho substance not softened by cooking

*complete proteins* (which contain all the *essential* amino acids in a *sufficient quantity & ratio* to maintain body tissues & promote growth) are touted with having a ___

*high biological value (HBV)*

an *indicator* of *good egg quality* is

*high proportion* of *THICK white*

______, _________ batters *absorb the MOST fat* when *deep fried*

*high-FAT*, *high-SUGAR*

______ foods and _____ (especially *soluble fiber*) *slow gastric emptying*

*high-fat* foods and *complex carbohydrates*

what type of *flour* should be used when making *yeast dough*?

*high-protein BREAD flour*

the *lower* the *p value*, the ___ the *significance* of your results


the *discussion method of teaching* is best used to help learners *master*

*higher-level cognitive subjects*

*block diagram* whose blocks are proportional in area to the frequency in each class or group (*frequency distribution* of data) *summarizes data* from a process that has been *collected over time* A histogram is a graphical display of data using bars of different heights. In a histogram, each bar groups numbers into ranges Histograms plot quantitative data with ranges of the data grouped into bins or intervals while bar charts plot categorical data.


state of *equilibrium* of the *internal environment* of the body


makes ice cream *smooth* by making it *easier to beat in air* during *freezing*


___ milk is *more susceptible* to the action of *lipase* but the process of pasteurization destroys lipase


*high pressure* breaks *fat globules* to *1/5 regular size* and a film of protein surrounds each globule

*homogenized* milk

chemical messengers that *trigger enzyme action*


substances *secreted* from the *endocrine glands*


uncontrolled anger or frustration may *antagonize* or *humiliate* client


"maybe you aren't losing weight because you aren't trying hard enough"

*hostile* response (antagonizes & humiliates the client)

the *outer layer* of a *grain* includes the ___ and ___

*hull* and *bran*

*one of the major reasons* for *large discrepancies* in *growth patterns* of children

*human error* in measurement

in communication, *emphasize* ______ *factors* like _____, _____ and _____

*human* factors; *feelings*, *anxieties* and *concerns*

*CHO- & Na-containing rehydration beverages* provided to adults *AFTER exercise* (continuous endurance lasting 1-2 hrs) in a volume of 100-150% of fluid lost during exercise are *more effective* for *improving* ________ and _______ *vs non-CHO electrolyte solutions*

*hydration* & *endurance capacity*

*reduction* of a *polyunsaturated fat* to *increase saturation* & *stability*

*hydrogenation* (addition of hydrogen to the double bonds in an unsaturated fat to make it more saturated)

at *room temp*, what leads to *flavor changes* in *butter*

*hydrolytic rancidity* (uptake of water)

*elevated unconjugated bilirubin level* within the *1st week of life*


___ can cause *cardiac irregularities*


causes of *respiratory ALKALOSIS* (loss of CO2 and H2O) Low carbonic acid (H2CO3)

*hyperventilation* *anxiety* and *severe exercise*

*food intake* is *centrally regulated* by *gluco-receptors* in the ___


key brain structure involved in the *control* of *food & energy intake* acts as a *satiety & feeding center*


a *prediction of a relationship*


often expressed as *more than*, *less than*, or *NOT equal to* (ex. men with high intakes of vitamins A & C have *lower* rates of cancer than do men with low intakes of vitamins A & C)

*hypothesis* (usually the "alternate" hypothesis, Ha)

causes of *respiratory ACIDOSIS* (CO2 retention) high carbonic acid (H2CO3)

*hypoventilation* emphysema

made from *casein derivatives* or *soybean protein* and *vegetable oils*

*imitation milk*

resembles milk but *contains NEITHER milk fat nor other important dairy ingredients*

*imitation milk*

in a research report, this section is where we *describe how the information might be applied in practice*


in *avoidance learning*, you can *avoid future criticism* by

*improving future performance*

*ongoing training sessions* can *include*

*in-services* *continuing education* (incl. off-the-job experiences)

gelatin is a _________ protein because it *does NOT contain* ___ and is *low* in ___ and ___

*incomplete*; no *Trp* (tryptophan) low in *Met* & *Lys*

*ineffective communication* can result in ___ and ___

*incorrect diagnoses* and *noncompliance* with treatment

to *lower* the *respiratory quotient* (RQ) you must

*increase FAT intake*

to produce a *smoother ice cream*, you need to

*increase FAT*

the *goal* of *motivational interviewing* is to _________ so that clients are *able to express the rationale for the changes* that need to be made

*increase motivation*

what is the *purpose* of *carbohydrate loading*

*increase muscle glycogen stores* ("glycogen load") to increase endurance potential

when using *buttermilk in place of regular milk* in a recipe

*increase* the *baking soda*

*treatments* for diseases are ___ *variables*

*independent* (you can change/manipulate the treatment to affect the disease)

a *practical* way of measuring *which nutrients are being used* for energy and *determining kcal needs* useful with burns and athletes Gold standard for measuring REE

*indirect calorimetry* (IC)

measures RMR by measuring *oxygen consumed* and *CO2 excreted* using a *portable machine* Indirect calorimetry (IC) is considered as the gold standard to measure REE, by measuring oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2)

*indirect* calorimetry

*phytochemicals* in *cruciferous vegetables* (e.g. broccoli, cabbage, contain *sulfur*) that contribute to *detoxification* of *carcinogens*

*indols* & *thiols*

a *positive nitrogen balance* is seen during times of *growth* including

*infancy*, *teen years* (adolescence), *pregnancy*, & *healing*

*age group* that requires the *most kcals, protein and water per unit of weight*

*infants* (0-12 months)

Often used to compare the differences between the treatment groups. Uses measurements from the sample of subjects in the experiment to compare the treatment groups and make generalizations about the larger population of subjects. Can be split into parametric vs non-parametric tests

*inferential statistics* Parametric tests are those that make assumptions about the parameters of the population distribution from which the sample is drawn. This is often the assumption that the population data are normally distributed. Non-parametric tests are "distribution-free" and, as such, can be used for non-Normal variables

*unstructured observation* of food selection & behaviors

*informal* evaluation

adopt an idea *readily*, usually *without input from others*


people fall into these *5 categories* in *Diffusion of Innovation*

*innovators* *early adopters* *early majority* *late majority* *laggards* (tailor your intervention to where client is in this process)

*NO PRE-SIFTING needed* with these flours

*instant blending* (aka *"agglomerated"* and *"instantized"*)

*committee* established to *review & approve research* involving *human subjects* to ensure it is conducted within all *ethical & federal guidelines*

*institutional review board (IRB)*

hormone that *stimulates lipogenesis* (anabolic)


what is the *ONLY hormone* that *lowers blood glucose*


tests whether the *difference between the two groups* is *real* (i.e. has the experimental group really performed differently?)

*internal* validity

4 tools that may be used to conduct *qualitative research*

*interviews* *observations* *questionnaires* *focus group*

*<18"*, very close friends, *business handshakes*

*intimate* zone

*milk* is *NOT a good source* of


___ *-fortified formula* is recommended for *all infants on formula*

*iron* (all infant formulas are iron-fortified)

when the surface of an *egg yolk* turns *green* due to overcooking or allowing to cool slowly, this is *due to* a *combination* of

*iron* from the yolk and *sulfur* from the whole egg which creates *ferrous sulfide*

*symptoms* of *lead poisoning* in children

*irritability*, *lethargy*, *anorexia*, vomiting, diarrhea, *anemia*

phytochemicals in *soybeans* that *lower elevated cholesterol*


the ___ branch *may discard a law* if it considers it in violation of a person's basic rights and freedoms


egg sizes (6)

*jumbo* 30oz extra large 27oz large 24oz medium 21oz small 18oz *peewee* 15oz

*agitation* during *ice cream making* is *essential* to ______________ & ____________

*keep ice crystals small* & *incorporate air*

fermented by *lactobacillus*, adds *co2*, about *3% alcohol*

*kefir* (fermented milk)

the *part of the protein* our bodies can *oxidize for energy* it is the *carbon chain ("skeleton")* remaining after ammonia is excreted


amino acids that behave like a fat enter *TCA cycle* at *acetyl-CoA*

*ketogenic* amino acids

*inadequate CHO* (starvation or uncontrolled diabetes) results in the *incomplete fat oxidation* and *buildup of* ____

*ketones* (ketosis- abnormal fat metabolism)

when the CHO intake decreases, the *shift to fat catabolism* plus the *decreased availability* of *oxaloacetate* leads to ___

*ketosis* (diversion of acetyl-CoA from TCA cycle to production of ketone bodies) if not enough oxaloacetate from CHOs

to *introduce a campaign* to the *community*, organize __________ and *develop* ____ *key messages* to serve as the focus

*kickoff events*; *2-4* key messages

*physical* communication behaviors (e.g. eye contact, arms folded, fists clenched, legs crossed)


*3 components* of *non-verbal communication*

*kinesics* (physical behaviors) *paralinguistics* (how message is delivered) *proxemics* (personal space)

used in *dough*; *push, pull, turn*


*4 components* of *Diffusion of Innovation*

*knowledge* *persuasion* *decision* *confirmation*

a *secondary cause* of *failure to thrive* is ___ which *leads to*

*lack of fiber* leads to *chronic constipation*, poor appetite & *diminished intake*

the *end product* of *anaerobic* glycolysis is What is this called?

*lactate* The Cori Cycle

*last to adopt* the idea


*rock candy*

*large crystals*, type of *crystalline* sugar candies

*skeptical*, adopt an idea *only through peer pressure*

*late majority*

types of *shortened cakes* (4)

*layer* cake *pound* cake *rich* cake *gold/white/yellow* cake

*reveals your bias*

*leading* questions

the *MOST tender* cuts come from the *___ used muscles*

*least* (loin, backbone)

effectiveness of eggs as a .............. depends on the *amount of air beaten in* & *retained*

*leavening agent*

when baking at *higher altitudes*, *steam develops sooner* so you *do not need as much* ______

*leavening* (i.e. baking powder--use less leavening agent & more liquid)

___ is the *key component* in *egg yolk* that allows it to act as an *emulsifier*


______ *functions* through the *enzyme LCAT* The LCAT enzyme helps transport cholesterol out of the blood and tissues by a process called cholesterol esterification. This enzyme plays a role in removing cholesterol from the blood and tissues. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is produced in the body and obtained from foods that come from animals (particularly egg yolks, meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products). The body needs this substance to build cell membranes, make certain hormones, and produce compounds that aid in fat digestion. Too much cholesterol, however, increases a person's risk of developing heart disease, and can also lead to buildup of cholesterol in other tissues.


in cell memberans Controls passage of compounds in and out of cell. compound fats that contain *choline* (lipotropic factor) helps *prevent fat accumulation* in the *liver* functions in the *transport & utilization* of *FAs & cholesterol* through the enzyme *LCAT* (lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase)

*lecithin* (phospholipid)

what is the *largest group* of *phospholipids*


teaching method used for *large groups* one-way flow of information presents a *large amount of material* in a *short time*


___ is the *interaction* between the *legislative, executive and judiciary branches*


the ___ branch may *introduce & enact a law* and *can override a veto* by the executive branch


a ___ ___ *acknowledges* that *there was a reason* for a behavior, indicating that the *response from the client* was *valid* (legitimate) "you have the right to feel upset, anybody would"

*legitimation statement*

hormone produced by *fat cells* in *response to food intake* increases *satiety* (suppresses appetite) and enhances energy expenditure


______ *random variation* results in *GREATER precision* in the measurement and _____ *reliability*

*less* random variation; *greater* reliability

*olive oil* is ____ *susceptible* to *rancidity* than soybean oil because

*less*; it has *more MONOunsaturated fat* (soybean is more polyunsaturated)

*written summary of info* about a *unit of instruction*

*lesson plan*

describes ALL aspects of instruction includes *plans for reassessment* include objectives, content, sequence, activities and time allotted provide *references* and *method of evaluation*

*lesson plan*

during *exercise*, the *oxidation of* ___ *increases*

*leucine* (a BCAA)

measures the *degree* to which the *points in a scatter diagram cluster about a straight line*

*linear correlation coefficient* (*r*)

a *lack of* ___ can create *eczema*, petechiae, and a *poor growth rate*

*linoleic acid* (n-6)

*NADPH* from the *pentose shunt* is required *for*

*lipogenesis* (specifically FA synthesis)

what is an example of a *conjugated protein*

*lipoprotein* (protein + lipid)

___ *stabilize* an *egg yolk emulsion* by *interacting at the surface of the oil droplets* to form a layer


*choline* and other ____ _____ *prevent fat accumulation* in the *liver* by

*lipotropic factors*; *produce lipoproteins* that transfer FAs out of the liver (for use/storage by peripheral tissues)

*promoting* the *physiological utilization* of *fat* These compounds are those that help catalyse the breakdown of fat during metabolism in the body. Choline is the major lipotrope in mammals and other known lipotropes are important only insofar as they contribute to the synthesis of choline.

*lipotropic* (e.g. choline, in the phospholipid lecithin, = a lipotropic factor b/c it functions in the transport & utilization of FAs & cholesterol through formation of lipoproteins)

the *MOST heart-healthy lipids* are _____ that have ______ and ______

*liquid plant oils* that have *0g trans* fat *NO partially-hydrogenated* oils

*chiffon* cake uses

*liquid yolks* + *egg white foam* baking powder & oil

___ *dissolves* salt & sugar, *gelatinizes starch*


___ *hydrates gluten* and *starts its development*


___ *starts* the action of *chemical leavening agent*


*interviewing* requires *strong* ________ and _________ *skills*

*listening*, *verbal communication*

there is ___ effect to *carotenoids* in an acid OR alkaline solution


there is ___ effect to *carotenoids* in an alkaline or acidic solution


*deamination* occurs in the


*glucose-6-phosphatase* is found *ONLY in the* ___


the _____ *stores glycogen* & *synthesizes glucose*


*simple sugars* (carbohydrates) are *absorbed* in the *small intestine*, then they go to the______ where they are *converted to* ___ or ___

*liver*, *glucose* or *glycogen*

*activities* aimed at *influencing public officials and legislators*


*most tender* cuts of meat come from the ___ and ___

*loin* and *backbone*

___ *cooking time* is required when baking at *high altitudes*


*hyperventilation* (e.g. anxiety, severe exercise) leads to the ___ of *acid*


*quick cooking cereals* should be *avoided* on ___ diets

*low sodium* diets (d/t disodium phosphate added to quick-cooking cereals)

_______ *ice cream* may have *large crystals* and a *grainy* texture


*0.5-2%* milk fat

*low-fat* milk

*treated with lactase* in processing or lactase added to regular milk and held in the refrigerator

*low-lactose* milk or *lactaid*

interests focus on *costs* and *traditional food habits* oriented towards *present* and towards *solving current problems*

*lower income* adults

*fish* is *MORE perishable* than meat so *store at* ___ *temps*


vinegar ____ the *pH* of meat and

*lowers*; *increases* the *WHC* (water holding capacity) of the muscle

when starch is *not mixed well* enough with *cold liquid* or is *added directly* to *hot liquid*

*lumps* form which *decreases thickening* (granules on the outside swell as they take up water while granules on the inside remain dry ==> decreases thickening)

the *2 organs* that *regulate acid-base balance* in the body

*lungs* & *kidneys*

contributes to the *red color* in tomatoes and watermelon and overtones in apricots grapefruit, watermelon, and papaya


*Tomatoes* have _______ which may reduce __________ risk

*lycopene*, *prostate cancer*

the *concentration of electrolytes* is *expressed* in units of ___

*mEq* (milliequivalents)

*glucose* enters the cell by aid of insulin, then combines with phosphorus (catalyzed by hexo-/glucokinase) *in the presence of* ______ to *form glucose-6-phosphate*


*old potatoes* cook to a *darker brown*, this is called the ___ ___

*maillard reaction*

*sustains* the change for *6 months or longer* (i found a website that helps me plan family low sodium meals)


*inspection* of meat is ___


the *research report* is also called the


the *fat deposited around organs* and *in muscles* is referred to as


*trans fats* are often found in

*margarines* *shortenings* *frying* fats - as product of partial hydrogenation of PUFA

stage of legislation when a *committee revises* the bill & puts it into *final form* for approval

*markup session*

*food emulsion* stabilized by *egg yolk* (i.e. in which egg yolk is the emulsifying agent)


the *hypothesis* of a study should be _______ & should *specify*

*measurable*; should specify/define the: -*population* being studied -*time frame* -*type of relationship* being examined -*variables* being studied -& *level of significance* (that will be used to interpret results)

food sources *high* in *potassium*

*meats* - clams, fish *fruits & vegetables*--e.g. bananas, oranges, potatoes, *tomato*, & *cantaloupe, apricots, spinach, dried fruit, artichoke, veggie juices, broccoli, pumpkin nuts, beans dairy - milk and yogurt Low-potassium foods - less than 100 mg Medium-potassium foods - 101-200 mg High-potassium foods - 201-300 mg Very high-potassium foods - over 300 mg

the *midpoint* of a set of data (with observations arranged from low to high)


*PKU formulas* (free of phenylalanine) are an example of a _______ functional food


*imitation* ice cream


a *formal, defined system* that *combines* the results of *numerous small studies* to *increase the strength* of belief in the observed effect

*meta analysis*

studies are of *similar design*, have *defined inclusion and exclusion criteria* and are *published, peer-reviewed* studies

*meta analysis*

*kidneys* either *produce or retain too much H+* leading to an increase in production of carbonic acid *or* the kidneys may *excrete too much bicarbonate* (base)

*metabolic acidosis*

*failure of the renal system* to maintain acid-base balance leads to

*metabolic acidosis* or *alkalosis*

*loss of hydrogen* (due to loss of acid) *or* an *increased retention of bicarbonate* (base)

*metabolic alkalosis*

*soybeans* are *low* in what amino acid


what essential *amino acid* is *missing* in *most vegetables*


amino acids that contain *sulfur*

*methionine* *cysteine* *cystine* (note: methionine is converted ==> cysteine)

*gelatin* (incomplete animal protein derived from collagen) is *low* in _____ and _____ and contains *no* _____

*methionine* & *lysine* no *tryptophan*

meat *CUT determines* the

*method of cooking*

section of the research report that includes *statement of hypothesis* & a discussion of the *methods used*


the process of *decaffeinating coffee* uses

*methylene chloride*

*goal-oriented* (future) consider activities they can't relate to as a waste of time

*middle* & *upper income* adults

*most digestion* is *completed* by the

*middle* of the *jejunum*

example of a *protein crystal inhibitor* (3)

*milk* *egg whites* *gelatin*

_____________ is a *separation method* that *improves baking qualities* (of grains) by *separating large flour particles* from *fine particles*

*milling* (i.e. *"air classification"*)

the *most frequently occurring value*


the *prediction most likely to be right* for a set of data


*air is removed* and *replaced with gases* prevents deterioration by *slowing respiration*

*modified atmosphere packaging* (MAP)

type of *modified starch* used to *stabilize frozen gravies* (2)

*modified cornstarch* or *waxy maize*

starch that has undergone *physical OR chemical changes* to alter its *viscosity* & *ability to gel*

*modified starch*

*calcium fortified OJ*, *iodized salt* and *folate-enriched breads* are all examples of

*modified* functional foods

*cooking method* used for *less tender* cuts with more connective tissue (bottom round, chuck, brisket)

*moist heat*

use ___ or ___ *heat* for *cooking fish*

*moist* OR *dry*

the *porous shell* of an *egg* allows for *exchanges of* ___ and ___

*moisture* and *gases*

*proprionate* *sodium benzoate* (soda)

*mold inhibitor*

*folic acid* in *fortified foods & supplements* is present as ____

*monoglutamate* (absorable form)

*products of fat digestion* that must combine with *bile salts* (which act as wetting agents) to *form micelles* for absorption into enterocytes in the SI These go into the lymph

*monoglycerides* *diglycerides* *LONG-chained fatty acids* (12+ C's) (all less water-soluble)

what are the *end products* of *fat digestion*

*monoglycerides* *diglycerides* glycerol fatty acids

___ have *LOWER smoke points*

*monoglycerides* (shortening)

*simple sugars*


*flavor enhancer* that provides *umami* (savory) taste

*monosodium glutamate* (MSG)

state of *disease*


*tailoring intervention* to the client's *stage of change* is

*more effective*

*colostrum* is different from normal human milk because it has

*more protein* less CHO/fat *antibodies* Colostrum is high in carotenoids, which is why it tends to be yellowish in color; it is low in lactose and fat and rich in protein and antibodies

the *more sugar* in a cake, the ____ *time* needed to reach the ______ *coagulation temperature* of the *gluten*

*more* time; *elevated* coagulation temp

rate of *death*


___ *eases transition* to *new behaviors*


*client-centered* method for *enhancing INTRINSIC motivation* *guides* rather than directs *does NOT give advice* to the client *client autonomy*--decisions are left to the client

*motivational interviewing*

helps clients *recognize* and *begin to resolve* their *concerns and problems* What are probing, evaluation, understanding and clarification questions that are used in MI?

*motivational interviewing* (MI) Probing questions are about more than clarifying specific details; instead, these questions dig deeper under the surface by attempting to gain more information. An effective probing question helps get a person to talk more about their personal opinions and feelings and promotes critical thinking. The questions often begin with "what" or "how." Evaluation questions often lead to offering advice or making judgments about a person's feelings, and often do not lead to resolution. For example, "If you think you make poor choices when dining out, I suggest you not go to restaurants." Understanding questions attempt to "put yourself in someone else's shoes," by recreating or paraphrasing the person's message. An understanding question is one of the most effective ways to respond to clients because it usually leads to more cooperation and acceptance on the part of the client. For example, "You seem to be saying that you feel poor menu choices are leading to your weight gain..." Clarification questions are simple questions of fact. These questions clarify the issue so the counselor can then ask good probing questions and provide feedback. For example, "Did I understand you when said you are making poor menu choices when eating out?"

*mechanical/muscular* digestion *begins* in the ___

*mouth* (chewing/mastication produces bolus)

you *do NOT want* a *smooth batter* when making

*muffins* (or other quick breads such as biscuits or popovers)

pyruvic acid can proceed to form *lactic acid* to be *used for* _______ when *energy needs > O2 supply* (conditions of __ ____)

*muscle contractions*, *oxygen debt* When there is no oxygen pyruvate turns into lactic acid

what happens to the *texture* of chlorophyll containing foods in an *alkaline* solution

*mushy*, hemicellulose is broken down

*muscle* is composed of *bundles of fibers* called


main contributor to *meat color*

*myoglobin* red ==heat/oxidation==> brown ===further oxidation==> greenish

this measures the *amount of protein actually USED*

*net protein utilization* (NPU)

preferred--*do NOT reveal* your *bias*

*neutral* questions

*acidic chyme enters* the *duodenum* where it mixes with pancreatic fluids, enzymes, and *bicarbonate ions* which ___ the acid


fixes *color* (pink color in cured meats) *inhibits spores* of clostridium *botulinum*


*cured meats* are *pink* from

*nitrites* (prevent botulism)

why are *proteins* an *inefficient energy source*?

*nitrogen must be removed first* (before the rest can be used/oxidized for energy)

*dried eggs* can be *vacuum packed* in ___ *gas*


the *null hypothesis* (H0) should *show* _____ in the population of data

*no relationship* (any difference is the result of sampling error)

Qualitative - Types of discrete variables *variables* that fit into a *category* with *no special order* (ex. gender, race, marital status, present or absent) on the other hand, involves arranging information in a specific order, i.e. in comparison to one another and "rank" each parameter (variable). For example, after a customer shops from a retail outlet, he/she is asked to fill out a kiosk survey: "On a scale of 1-5, how was your shopping experience?"

*nominal* (non-ordered) Ordinal (ordered)

candies that are *amorphous* and *glasslike*

*non-crystalline* sugar

test that *does NOT depend* on a *normal distribution*

*non-parametric* test 1. Mann-Whitney U Test The Mann-Whitney U Test is a nonparametric version of the independent samples t-test. The test primarily deals with two independent samples that contain ordinal data. 2. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test is a nonparametric counterpart of the paired samples t-test. The test compares two dependent samples with ordinal data. 3. The Kruskal-Wallis Test The Kruskal-Wallis Test is a nonparametric alternative to the one-way ANOVA. The Kruskal-Wallis test is used to compare more than two independent groups with ordinal data. 4. Chi square test

*no way of forecasting* that *each element* in the population will be *represented* in the sample


when an *outcome* is *significant*, it means that it was

*not due to chance*

"men with high intakes of vitamin A & C have the *same* rates of cancer as do men with low intakes of vitamins A & C" this statement is an example of a ______

*null hypothesis* (predicts there is NO relationship between the 2 variables)

the *amount of DNA* in a cell *indicates* the ______, thus *helps determine* _______

*number of cells per organ*; helps determine *stages of growth*

*meat specifications* uses a ___ *system* for the *ordering* of *wholesale cuts*


*a-linolenic* acid (n-3) *deficiency* will result in *neurological changes* such as ______ and _______

*numbness*, *blurred vision* An omega-3 deficiency results in neurological changes such as numbness and blurred vision and changes in retinal function and brain development.

the *intersection* between *nutrition*, *information* and *technology*

*nutrition informatics*

the *use of technology* in *spreading information*

*nutrition informatics*

focuses on *diet & lifestyle-related disorders* resulting from the *interaction* between the *genome* & *environmental factors*, such as nutrients, toxins, physical activities, sleep, & stress

*nutritional genomics*

______ tests are *NOT well-suited* for the *clinic* or *community* settings

*objective* (type of formal evaluation)

a *lesson plan* is a written summary of information that describes *all aspects of instruction*, including

*objectives* *content* *sequence* *activities* *time allotted* *references* *method of evaluation* & *plans for reassessment*

*evaluation strategies* (formal/informal, formative/summative) are *developed* once

*objectives* are established


*occipital frontal circumference* (head circumference measurement for children age 0-36 months)

___ ___ *keeps the door open* for client to *add information*

*offering options* (offering alternatives provisionally to the client)

*tenderness* (vs. flakiness) in *pie crust* is *enhanced* by using

*oil* *soft fats* or *fat* cut into *very small pieces*

what is the *MOST monounsaturated* fat

*olive* oil

*monounsaturated* fats (from HIGHEST ==> lowest proportion of total fatty acids)

*olive* oil *canola* oil peanut oil sunflower oil *coconut* oil

*broad* gives freedom in responding gives you a chance to listen & observe takes *more time* but *less threatening*

*open-ended* questions

*types of questions* that may be used in *collecting data* during an interview

*open-ended* questions *closed* questions *primary* questions (new topic) *secondary* questions (follow-up) *neutral* questions (do not reveal bias; leading questions which reveal bias) *funneling* questions ("funnel sequence")

*collect data* during interviews using ______, _______ *questions*

*open-ended*, *non-judgmental*

the dilution from secreted fluids, especially the *bicarbonate* from the *pancreas*, helps to *neutralize the acidic chyme* and *allows* the *enzymes* of the small intestine and pancreas to

*operate* at a more *neutral pH*

more *personal*, encourages *two-way communication*


utilizing a ___ *ensures* that *everything the employee needs to know* has been *communicated*

*orientation checklist*

*fluid* moves from *less to more* concentrated (in terms of solutes) side of membrane


process by which *water* can *move in and out of a cell*


*crispness* (state of turgor) is due to

*osmotic pressure* of water-filled vacuoles

*avoid* ___ when making *pastries*


*surfaces of yolk* turn *green* when eggs are ___ or ___

*overcooked* or allowed to *cool slowly*

the *increase in volume* from *freezing and whipping* the mixture in making *ice cream*


if there is *not enough* ______ coming *from CHO* to *maintain the TCA cycle* efficiently, *acetyl-CoA *coming in from fat cannot be handled properly and is diverted to *form ketone bodies*

*oxaloacetate* (OAA) (pyruvate from CHO (+biotin)==> OAA , therefore if not enough CHOs ==> insufficient OAA ==> dec. TCA cycle activity ==> ketosis)

*natural agents* cause ___ during *storage* and turn flour from ___ to ___

*oxidation*; *creamy yellow* to *white*

*UNsaturated oils* (e.g. healthy vegetable oils, esp. PUFAs e.g. soybean oil) are *more subject* to

*oxidative rancidity* (soybean oil)

*BMR* gives a measure of energy utilization by *measuring*

*oxygen consumed*

*level of significance*

*p value*

probability that the outcome occurred due to chance vs. a real effect of the treatment, or the *probability* of *rejecting the null hypothesis* during a t-test

*p value*, level of significance

____ is a measure of the *carbonic acid* component of the buffer system and reflects *lung function*


*coenzymes* that are *essential* for *energy production*

*pantothenic acid* B5 *thiamin* B1 *riboflavin* B2 *niacin* B3 (B1, B2, B3, & B5)

___ is a *proteolytic enzyme* from *papaya* that will *prevent gelation*


the *proteolytic enzyme* ___ *tenderizes* meat

*papain* (papaya + salt)

*how* the client's *message is delivered* (eg. stuttering, whispering)


method of *testing reliability* (of a test) which uses *2 separate but similar forms* of the *same test* at the *same time*- reliability is determined by the *degree to which the sets of scores coincide*

*parallel forms*

participants are randomly assigned to a particular treatment group and *remain on that treatment throughout the study*

*parallel* design

*salivary glands* in the *mouth* (secrete saliva that mixes with food as it is chewed)

*parotid* gland *submaxillary* (submandibular) gland *sublingual* glands

absorption that *requires a carrier* but *no energy* is required

*passive diffusion*

*water-soluble nutrients* canNOT penetrate the lipid-rich membrane of the cell and therefore are *absorbed through* ___

*passive diffusion* (facilitated by a carrier protein)

*heat* treatment process that *destroys pathogenic bacteria*


*weaker gluten*, 7.9% protein

*pastry* flour (soft wheat)

the *PCMH focuses* on the *relationship* between the ____ and their _____

*patient*; *personal physician*

art and science of *teaching children* *teachers* are *authority* figures


what is an example of a *derived protein*


single container, covered basket with stem gives *stronger* and *bitter* coffee *water is hotter* and *repeatedly* passes through fresh grounds


the client is asked to *complete task based on learning objectives*

*performance test*

______ tests (type of formal test) *DO work well* for the *clinic* or *community* setting

*performance* tests

____ help *control resources* and *adhere* to the *planning schedule*

*periodic budget reviews*

*acetoacetate* & *BHB* produced from acetyl-CoA in the liver enter the blood & are *taken to the* ____ to be *converted back* to *Acetyl-CoA* & *oxidized as fuel*

*peripheral tissues*

*rhythmic movements* of the *small intestine* that move chyme through the GIT


used by the *consumer* to *maintain health information*

*personal health record* (PHR)

formal/informal *presentations* *health fairs* *cooking demos* media *interviews* *direct contact* provides *positive feedback*

*personal* promotion

*18"-4'* when *giving instructions* or working closely

*personal* zone

*potatoes* have ___ ___ which cause *color changes* in raw, peeled or bruised potatoes

*phenolic compounds*

*PKU formulas* are *free* of


what is an example of a *compound* fat

*phospholipid* (lecithin, aka phosphatidylcholine)

*riboflavin* is *absorbed with* _____


___ largely *determines nutrient needs* for *adults*

*physical activity*

what *does NOT increase tenderness* of meat

*physical activity* of the animal most-used muscles= LEAST tender cuts

comfortable temperature, lighting, & chairs *maintain eye contact* free from outside noise

*physical* environment

*pre-gelatinized* starch used in *instant puddings* is an example of _______ modification of starch

*physical* modification

in a *PCMH*, the _____ takes *full responsibility* for *ALL aspects* of the *health care* for the patient & coordinates/communicates with other providers as needed (e.g. if specialty care is needed, they are responsible for ensuring that the transition is seamless)


*biologically active*, naturally occurring chemical compound in *plant foods* that acts as a *natural defense for the plant* Naturally occurring compounds, known as phytochemicals (phyto means plant in Greek) are thought to be largely responsible for the protective health benefits of these plant-based foods and beverages, beyond those conferred by their vitamin and mineral contents. These phytochemicals, which are part of a large and varied group of chemical compounds, also are responsible for the color, flavor, and odor of plant foods, such as blueberries' dark hue, broccoli's bitter taste, and garlic's pungent odor. Research strongly suggests that consuming foods rich in phytochemicals provides health benefits, but not enough information exists to make specific recommendations for phytochemical intake. The terminology used to describe phytochemicals (flavonoids, flavonols, flavanols, proanthocyanidins, procyanidins) can be confusing. Phytochemicals include compounds such as salicylates, phytosterols, saponins, glucosinolates, polyphenols, protease inhibitors, monoterpenes, phytoestrogens, sulphides, terpenes, lectins, and many more. The Phytochemical Family Tree (see below) shows the major groups of phytochemicals found in foods. Flavonoids are the largest, most varied, and most studied group of phytochemicals. In fact, more than 6,000 flavonoids that occur in plant foods have been described.11 Plants typically produce several phytochemicals that act as a protective mechanism against environmental stressors; the more environmental stressors, the more phytochemicals a plant produces.12 As a result, phytochemical content can vary with growing conditions.


*scaled-down version* of the *larger investigation* includes every step in the study but is done on a *small test group* will the study plan work? *is it feasible? are goals realistic & attainable?

*pilot study*

the *control group* does NOT receive the treatment but *may receive* a ___

*placebo* (agent that gives the aura, but not the substance of a service)

*negotiating techniques* include

*plan strategy in advance* (know what you are willing to accept before opening discussion) *do NOT start* with the *hard issues* be *direct*, *clear*, *calm*, *patient*, and *tolerant*

*budgeting* is *closely linked* to ___

*planning*. All expenses must be accounted for

*fortified margarines* (e.g. "Benecol") contain ___ and ___ which reduce _______ cholesterol

*plant sterols* and *stanol esters*; *total & LDL*

use a *high quality egg* when ___ or ___ because *appearance is important*

*poaching* or *coddling*

*point* in a *normal distribution* at which the *slope* of the curve begins to *level off* & the curve *becomes concave* (bulging INWARD)

*point of inflection*

*complex* carbohydrates


most critical *barrier* to *oral communication* is

*poor listening* skills

Ex.'s of foods for which *steam* is used as the primary *leavening agent* are ___ and ___

*popovers* and *creampuffs* ("puffy" foods)

the end products of fat digestion are *absorbed into the* ___ (directly or packaged into micelles) and *carried to the* ___

*portal blood*, to the *liver*

*encourages repetition* of a given behavior (ex. giving praise)

*positive reinforcement*

a __ *nitrogen balance* indicates *growth* a ___ nitrogen balance indicates maintenace, nitrogen eqillibrum a ____ nitogen balance indicates erosion of body protein, inadequate intake

*positive* (+) 0 negative (-)

example of *summative* evaluation


due to its *extreme thickening ability*, you can use the *smallest amount* of ___ *starch* in a recipe to thicken


*Thickening ability* of *starches* in order of effectiveness (*MOST ==> least* effective)

*potato* (GREATEST thickening ability, therefore least amount needs to be added for desired effect) waxy corn waxy rice waxy sorghum tapioca pure wheat starch *wheat flour*

the action of adding an *acid* to *milk*

*precipitates CASEIN*

the *amount of variation* that occurs *randomly*


*unaware* or *not interested* in making a change (i did not know salt had any effect on my blood pressure)


*5 stages of change* (transtheoretical model of behavior)

*precontemplation* *contemplation* *preparation* *action* *maintenance*

pregnant women should *avoid excess intake* of which vitamin

*preformed vitamin A* (e.g. retinoid medications- cause birth defects)

may be given a selection of several *pregnant women* and be asked *who is MOST at risk*, look for the

*pregnant teen*

*lowering eyes/looking away* indicates


*collect background information* - age, weight, height, diet history *establish objectives* for collecting info during the interview


*decides to change* and *plans* the change (i bought a cookbook on low salt cooking)


in which step of the interviewing process should the interviewer *clearly define* the *purpose & goals of the interview*?


retains *color and flavor*, cut *small*

*pressure cooking*

*goals* must be *based on* ___ and ___

*previous learning* (assessment of client knowledge) the *characteristics of the group* being instructed

introduces *new topics*

*primary* questions

grades of meat

*prime* *choice* *select* *standard* (also commercial, utility, cutter, & canner--these grades are not sold commercially in foodservice, rather usually used in processing)

*Bloom's taxonomy* asks if the *level of learning* is *appropriate* based on the group's ______ and _______

*prior learning* & *present ability*

*each segment of the population* will be *represented* in the sample

*probability* (in sampling)

attempt to *clarify* or *gain more info* as they recall details may *encourage conversation*

*probing* response

"can you tell me more about that?" "what do you do next?"

*probing* responses (attempt to gather more info, details)

*fermented dairy* products have ___ which support *GI health*


be _________ rather than manipulative, this is more *straightforward* & *authentic*


*blend* of *several natural cheeses* (+ an emulsifier)

*processed* cheese

hormone that *develops the placenta* after implantation


when creating a *budget*, consider (4)

*project funding* *expenditures to date* current *estimated costs to complete* the project & *anticipated profit & loss*

2 major *maternal hormones* from *pituitary* gland

*prolactin* (stimulates milk production) *oxytocin* (moves milk through ducts)

*nutritional genomics* provides a greater understanding of *how to use nutrition therapy* to _____ and ____

*promote health* and *prevent disease*

the *sponge method* of dough preparation *shortens* _________

*proofing time* (i.e. time it takes for dough to rise during fermentation, fermentation time) final rise of the dough use strong flour thats high in protein (bread flour)

a client who *sits behind* or *next to* an *object* seeks


the *yolk* is *more concentrated* than the white, it has more

*protein (by weight)*, fat, *vitamins and minerals*

test used to *measure BMR* (resting *energy metabolism*) that measures the *activity of the thyroid gland*

*protein bound iodine* (*PBI*)

estimates *% of protein* in *each food category* (i.e. animal vs plant proteins) that is *actually digested*

*protein coefficient of digestibility*

*wheat flour* is even *LESS effective* than *pure wheat starch* because of its ______

*protein content*

*DNA* forms *RNA* on *ribosomes* *RNA* forms the *template* (mold) which *carries the "plan"* to the *cytoplasm*

*protein synthesis*

the starchy *endosperm* of a grain is *rich in*


*pepsin action* on proteins in the *stomach* produces _____ & ______

*proteose*, *peptones*

*offer alternatives* ___ rather than _______ (commanding)

*provisionally* (unofficially); dogmatically

*personal space* (moves away/closer, sits behind/next to an object)


*openness* *informal* encourage questions supportive

*psychological* environment

acquisition of *muscular skills* (exercises, food prep)


where *testimony* is heard from the *bill's sponsors* (nutritionists can present views here or in earlier planning stages)

*public hearings*

organized effort to *promote a favorable image* through the *news coverage* or *goodwill*

*public relations* (publicity)

*> 12'*, very formal interaction

*public* zone

a *small amount* of the *ammonia* (NH3) generated from the amino group of AAs in protein catabolism is *converted into* ____, and *some* is *used to make* _____ via ______

*purines* (==> uric acid) *non-essential amino acids* via *transamination*

food is forced *into the SI through* the ____ of the stomach

*pyloric valve* (pyloric sphincter)

*most digestion* in the *stomach* occurs in the _______ region

*pyloric* (lower)

micronutrient involved in *protein catabolism*

*pyridoxine* (B6)

the *catabolism of protein* by action of *glucocorticoids* requires which vitamin

*pyridoxine* (B6)

micronutrient *needed* for the *transport* of *amino acids* Which steps of the TCA are reverisble?

*pyridoxine* (B6) The below are reversible: Glucose-6-phosphate to glycogen Glucose 6 phosphate to pyrvic acid Cori cycle Acteyl Coa to fatty acids

____ is the *MAIN substrate* for energy production within *Kreb's cycle*


the *end product* of *aerobic* glycolysis is


the *purpose* of *glycolysis* is to produce ___ for the Kreb's cycle by breaking down glucose Where does it occur? What is glycolysis also called?

*pyruvate* Occurs in cytoplasmic matrix Glycolysis is also called EMP (Embden Meyerhof Glycolytic Pathway)

*glycolysis* can occur *with or without oxygen* to produce ___ or ___, respectively

*pyruvate* or *lactate*

during *prolonged exercise*, we *rely on CHO* to provide ___ for _____

*pyruvate*, continued *lipid oxidation*

substrates for *gluconeogenesis* include

*pyruvic acid* *lactic acid* glycerol (10% of fat) glucogenic AAs (58% of protein)

by *2 years*, *birth weight* should have ____ and *length* should have *increased* ____%

*quadrupled*, *75%*

generates *narrative data* (vs numerical data/numbers) collected through *interviews*, *observations*, or *questionnaires*; may use a *focus group* (Delphi technique), nominal group process Narrative data is described in words instead of #s The Delphi is a survey technique for decision making among isolated respondents while the nominal group technique (NGT) is a highly controlled small group process for the generation of ideas.

*qualitative* research

type of research that often *precedes other research* *purpose* is to *explore a phenomenon* of interest as a *prelude* to *theory development* Can be seen in program planning, indeification of population needs, and development of educational materials.

*qualitative* research

research that asks *why* and *how*

*qualitative* research (*subjective*)

*grading* of meat indicates ___ and is completely ___

*quality*, *voluntary*

*summative* evaluation uses ___ *approaches* to *appraise results, outcomes or quality*


research that asks *how many*, *how often*

*quantitative* research (*objective*)

*series of measurements* at *periodic intervals BEFORE* the program begins *and AFTER the program* ends It shows whether measurements before and after the programs are a continuation of previous patterns or whether they indicate a noteworthy change

*quasi-experimental* design (time series)

leavened with *steam, air or chemical leavening* agents, *NOT yeast*

*quick breads* (e.g. muffins, biscuits, popovers)

*select units* in the *same ratio* as they are *found* in the *general population*


*dividing people* into treatment or control groups *without bias*


method of *selecting a sample* from the whole population *so that* the *characteristics* of *each of the units* in the sample *approximates* the characteristics of the *whole population* (i.e. ensuring the sample is REPRESENTATIVE of the population of interest)


*difference* between the *lowest and highest values* in the distribution, based only on extreme values


measures of *dispersion* include

*range* variance *standard deviation*

type of variable that includes observations that have been *compared with each other* and *put in order* (perhaps from best to worst or stage of disease from 1-4)

*rank order*

*lungs* control the supply of *carbonic acid* (CO2, H2O) by altering the _______, while the *kidneys* control *bicarbonate* (base) by altering ________ and ______

*rate & depth of breathing* (i.e. hypo- vs hyperventilation) *H+ secretion* & *bicarbonate reabsorption*

may *make it difficult to solve the client's problem* or discuss it further *suggests the problem does not exist* client is *prevented* from *working through feelings* little attempt is made to understand the needs of the client


"don't worry about making changes... it just takes time"

*reassuring* response (little attempt made to understand client's needs, prevents client from working through feelings)

*heat* changes on the *apperance* of the *interior of meat* from

*red* ==> *pink* ==> *brown* ==> *gray*

*uncured* cheeses *must be*

*refrigerated immediately* (cottage cheese, cream cheese)

*Most produce* can be *stored* in the ______________

*refrigerator* (34-36 F)

*extinction* is the *absence* of ______ *following* a(n) ________

*reinforcement*; *undesired behavior* (idea is that if the undesired behavior is ignored, (i.e. if extinction is repeated) it will eventually become "extinct")

another term for *validity*

*relevance* (ability to measure what it purports ot measure)

the *consistency* or *reproducibility* of test results test, then retest later; are the results similar? (i.e. does it produce the same/consistent results when the same thing is measured at different times?)

*reliability* For example, a blood glucose meter providing readings within a 5-point range every day for a month would be a reliable measurement A reliable test gives the same results when the test is repeated on the same person several times.

*precision* is a *measure of* the _______ of a test

*reliability* (consistency/reproducibility of results)

*skills* to develop as a *group leader*

*relieve social concerns* of the group (all must feel accepted, ensure everyone participates) *tolerate silence* *guide* and *encourage interactions* know when & how to resume control *reinforce "multi-sided" nature* of *conversation* ("how do you feel about that?") exercise control over talkative participants encourage silent members halt side conversations by engaging the distractors help group stay on topic *avoid showing your preference* *negotiating techniques* synergy

*eggs* can be *frozen* whole or in parts but you must *first* _______

*remove from the shell*

the *methodology* used to *solve the problem* (in research)

*research protocol*

a *clear, simple statement* in a few words to describe *who*, *what*, & *how*; complete grammatical statement

*research question*

the *discussion* of results should *address* the ______, ______, & ______

*research question*, *objective*, & *hypothesis*

*retention of CO2* by lungs (hypoventilation)

*respiratory acidosis*

*failure of the pulmonary system* to maintain acid-base balance leads to

*respiratory acidosis* or *alkalosis*

excess *loss of carbonic acid* (hyperventilation)

*respiratory alkalosis*

To determine indirect calorimetery, use RQ the *ratio* of *CO2 produced* to *O2 consumed* during aerobic metabolism Formula - VCO2 (CO2 expired) /VO2 (oxygen consumed)

*respiratory quotient* (RQ)

this section in a research report details *specific labs* and *clinical, objective or subjective findings*


the *most important parts* of a *research report* (to us) are the ______ and _____

*results* and *discussion*

*grape juice* and *red wine* have ___ which reduces ___ ___

*resveratrol*, *platelet aggregation*

*hypoventilation* (e.g. emphysema) leads to the ___ of *acid*


after a starch paste has been *cooled* or *chilled*, it may become *less soluble* and *recrystallizes* to form a *solid, rigid gel*. this recrystallization is called


section of the research report that includes a *summary* of *different points of view*

*review of existing literature*

food is *forced into the stomach* by

*rhythmic contractions* (peristalsis) of the *esophagus*

type of *carbohydrate needed* to form *DNA & RNA*


a *small amount of glucose* is *converted* into *other CHO compounds* like ___

*ribose* (HMP shunt/PPP)

*glucose-6-phosphate* enters the *pentose shunt* (PPP/HMP shunt, side-channeling of glucose) to *produce* _____ and ____

*ribose* (pentose sugars) needed for nucleotide synthesis, *NADPH* (containing niacin) needed for FA synthesis

MI principle that *acknowledges* the client's *reluctance & ambivalence* to change and *offers new info & alternative* to consider

*roll with resistance*

egg whites at ___ ___ *whip more quickly* and yield a *larger volume* due to ___

*room temp*; *lower surface tension* In order for a liquid to foam, the liquid must have low surface tension. For example, egg whites at room temperature whip quicker and yield a larger volume due to the low surface tension. If the egg whites were cold, the surface tension would be higher and the mixture would collapse. If the egg whites had a high vapor content, the mixture would also collapse.

*characteristics* of a *good muffin*

*round, pebbled top* *symmetrical* shape *NO* long narrow *tunnels*

what is the *best source* of *linoleic* acid (n-6)

*safflower* oil

what is the *MOST polyunsaturated* fat

*safflower* oil - lots of omega 6 no omega 3

*winterized oil* is often found in

*salad dressings*

*short-term incentives* to encourage purchases (*coupons*)

*sales promotion*

___ *adds flavor* and *keeps yeast from sticking* (during kneading)


____ or ____ can be added to *egg yolks* when *freezing* to act as *stabilizers*

*salt* or *sugar*

*any difference* in the *null hypothesis* is a *result of* _______

*sampling error*

all available bonds of carbon chain are filled with hydrogen *solid at room temp*

*saturated* fat

cooking *broccoli* in the *microwave* will

*save time* same flavor *retains color slightly better* better *retention* of *vit c* no large difference in eating quality

in the *germ*, the ______ contains most of the *thiamin*


obtain more info, *follow-up*

*secondary* questions

hormone released by the duodenum *stimulates the flow* of *pancreatic juice* (*bicarbonate* + pancreatic enzymes) & water into the duodenum *inhibits gastric acid secretion*


if the client *moves closer*, this indicates they are

*seeking more interaction*

*conviction* that *you can successfully execute the behavior* required to produce the outcomes (i can join the gym close to work)

*self efficacy*

*negative thoughts* that *INHIBIT behavioral change* "i have no willpower. i look fat"

*self talk* or *internal dialogue*

after bran and germ are removed from *durum wheat*, starch is ground to make _______ *flour*


proportion of *affected individuals* who *test positive*


*tests* (used to evaluate tests) used if the protocol involves *screening* for a particular condition, *evaluates* the *CUT-OFF being used*

*sensitivity* & *specificity*

*hesitations, stuttering* indicates

*sensitivity* &/or *anxiety*

*LOW levels* of ___ (neurotransmitter) *increase CHO appetite*

*serotonin* (produced from Trp in CHO-rich foods)

*tryptophan* is a *precursor* for ___ and ___ and ____

*serotonin* and *niacin* and melatonin The liver can also use tryptophan to produce niacin (vitamin B3), which is needed for energy metabolism and DNA production. In order for tryptophan in the diet to be changed into niacin, the body needs to have enough: Iron Riboflavin Vitamin B6 The body uses tryptophan to help make melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle, and serotonin is thought to help regulate appetite, sleep, mood, and pain.

___ ___ is the *BEST assessment parameter* for *fluid status*

*serum Na*

cook *bottom round* in *water* for ___ ___

*several hours*

according to the *Health Belief Model*, a person *must perceive* the _____ and their ______ to the threat for the *threat* to be a *behavior-motivating factor*

*severity*; *susceptibility*

if a meat has been *graded* it will *appear on* a ___


*stimulate water & sodium reabsorption* in the colon provide *substrates* for *energy production*

*short chain fatty acids* (produced from bacterial digestion of malabsorbed CHOs & fiber in the colon)

______ *educational sessions* and ______ *materials* are *best* for educating *elderly* adults

*short* (have decreased attention span), *written*

*medium tender* meats come from the

*shoulder* (chuck)

*high temperatures* increase ___ which *toughen*


*heat in water* to *170-185f* with appearance of bubbles


move from *higher to lower concentration* *no carrier or ATP* required

*simple diffusion*

*triglycerides* (3 FAs + 1 glycerol, most food fat) are an example of what type of *fat* Most food fat are TRIs

*simple* fat

what are the *3 types* of *fats*

*simple*, *compound* and *derived*

a *fresh egg* will ___ and has a ____, ___ shell

*sink to the bottom* of a pan of cold water; *dull, rough*

begin to *add solid foods* at *4-6 months* when ___ and ___

*sitting posture can be sustained* *extrusion reflex diminishes*

___ of an egg is *not* part of grading

*size* (& color of shell)

*<0.5%* milk fat

*skim* milk

the *correction factor* of *4* in the nitrogen balance formula *compensates for N lost* through _____ and _____

*skin* (sweat) and *stool*

*grade* of meat is *determined* at


when *mixing* ingredients (for baking), use a *bowl* with ________ and ______

*sloping sides* and *1/2 full*

*some lecture + interaction* beneficial in *clinical setting* teacher needs to remain in control *3-5 people* with similar needs learn from each other

*small group discussion*

which *teaching method* works best when used in the *clinical setting* for *3-5 people* with similar needs?

*small group discussion*

*chemical* or *enzymatic digestion* occurs *mainly* in the ___

*small intestine*

*complete digestion & absorption* of food takes place *in the*

*small intestine* (duodenum, jejunum, ileum)

only a ___ *amount of lactic acid* is *produced* from pyruvic acid What does excess of lactic acid cause?

*small* Excess calls muscle soreness and muscle fatigue

*small crystals* give a _____, _______ feeling

*smooth*, *creamy*

4-12', *most business interactions*

*social* zone

uphill pumping from *lower to higher concentration* across a membrane *against an energy gradient* requires a *carrier* and source of energy (*ATP*)

*sodium pump* (active transport)

what is the *main cation* of *extracellular* fluid

*sodium* (Na+)

the green color under the skin of a potato may be accompanied with ___, a *natural toxicant*


*flavonoids* (anthocyanins & anthoxanthins) are ___ in water


food additive that functions as a: *humectant* (retains moisture)--acts as a *bulking agent* *sweetener* *limits mold*


*alcohol* from *glucose* absorbed *more slowly* than glucose by *passive diffusion* converted *==> fructose* excess may cause diarrhea

*sorbitol* (humectant, bulking agent, inhibits mold, sweetener)

what is an example of a *thick white sauce*


*3 acids* used in *baking* (to mix with baking soda & produce CO2 for leavening)

*sour milk* *cream of tartar* *molasses*

*vacuum packing* meat in an *O2-impermeable film*

*sous vide* (stored unfrozen at 0 C, *anaerobic* storage method that extends meat storage life)

this *plant protein* is *equivalent* in protein *quality* to *animal protein*

*soy protein*

___ *relationships* vary among *cultures* and *individuals*


*egg white foams* are *compared* by measuring

*specific gravity*

*positive reinforcement* should be ___ and ___

*specific* and *immediate* (meaningful attention from superiors)

proportion of *non-afflicted identified* as *non-afflicted*


method of *testing reliability* (of a test) which *divides the test in half*, & reliability is then determined by the *degree of similarity of results*

*split halves*

the ___ method of making dough is often used in *commercial baking*

*sponge* method

the ______ and _______ are both *commercial methods* of preparing dough

*sponge* method; *continuous bread-making* method

*condensed skim milk* is *dried* by

*spraying* into a *heated vacuum chamber*

pectin cellulose *gelatin* gum agar


*regulations* are *written by*

*staff members* of the *agencies charged with enforcing* the regulations

examples of *retrogradation*

*staling* of starch products such as *bakery goods* & *bread* *separation* when a *gravy THAWS* (after freezing) *old pudding* (gritty texture)

*indicates* the *degree of dispersion about the mean value* of a distribution

*standard deviation*

the *distance* between the *mean* and the *point of inflection* on either side of a normal distribution curve is *equal to* the

*standard deviation*

the *square root* of the *sum* of the *squared deviations of each value from the mean*, *divided* by the *number of observations*

*standard deviation*

what is the *most significant polysaccharide* in human nutrition that comprises *50%* of all *carbohydrate intake* on average


types of *polysaccharides* relevant to nutrition

*starch* (50% of carb intake) *cellulose* *pectin* *glycogen* *dextrins*

summary of *chemical/enzymatic digestion* in the *stomach*

*start* of *proteolysis* (protein digestion, by pepsin + HCl) *continuation* of *starch hydrolysis* by *salivary a-amylase* (until bolus is penetrated by HCl, which inactives a-amylase & temporarily halts CHO digestion)

examples of situations in which *abnormal fat metabolism* may occur leading to *ketosis* (buildup of ketone bodies in the blood)

*starvation* or extremely restricted intake *uncontrolled diabetes* (situations that involve inadequate CHO intake/availability) During Ketosis, the small, water-soluble ketone bodies become the brain's major fuel source.

___ help us to *evaluate the data* collected during research


growth chart that reflects *long-term nutritional status* determines the extent of *stunting*

*stature/length for age* (0-24 mo recumbent length, 2-20 yrs height)

growth *stunting* may be indicated by a _____ that is ______

*stature/length for age*, *<5th* percentile

*heat OVER*, not in, *water*


*perforated container*, *covered* OVER boiling water


___ *expands* the hollow *shell* formed by *flour + egg*


with *multicultural awareness* it is important to *avoid*


*add water* or other liquid *during cooking*


an *acid* _______ an *egg white foam* by

*stiffens*; *tenderizing* the protein, allowing it to extend more easily

*egg yolk* yields a _____, *more* _____ *emulsion* than egg white because it has *more protein (by weight)*

*stiffer*, more *stable*

use *tender vegetables* that are high in *moisture*, don't drain

*stir fry*

*circular* or *figure eight* motion to blend


*very little CHEMICAL digestion* occurs here


*protein digestion* begins in the _____ by _____ and _____

*stomach*; protease *pepsin* & *HCl* (HCl activates pepsinogen ==> pepsin, then activated pepsin continues autocatalytic activation)

3 methods of *preparing dough*

*straight dough* method *sponge* method *continuous bread-making* method

being *problem-oriented* (vs. manipulative) is a more _______ & _____ way of communicating

*straightforward*, *authentic*

*r* (linear correlation coefficient) describes the ______ & _____ of a *relationship* between variables

*strength* & *direction*

(in relation to gluten/protein content) *bread flour* is ___ and *cake flour* is ___

*strong* (more/quality gluten); *weak* (less/poor quality gluten)

the *closer the points* are *to the line*, the ___ the *degree of* ________

*stronger*, *linear relationship*

*final step* of the *research process*

*study design and checklists

substance *upon which an enzyme works*


the *key* to *motivation* is _______ and ______

*success* & *support* (of the learner)

_____ & _____ combine to promote *inversion* (hydrolysis) of *sucrose*, where the *end products* are *equal amounts* of ______ & ________ (______)

*sugar + acid*; glucose + fructose (*invert sugar*)

*Starch changes* to ________ during *storage*


___ *softens gluten* & *prevents its development* by absorbing some of the water gluten needs


_______ *competes with starch* for the *water* needed for gelatinization


___________ also *stabilizes* an *egg white foam*


in *ripening* and *storage*, *starch* is changed ==> ......


*fondant* is a *simple candy* made from ___ and ___

*sugar* and *water*

*yeast ferments* _______ and *releases* _______

*sugar*, *CO2*

*flavor* in *peas & corn* comes from ___


*flavor* in *onion* & *cabbage* comes from ___


this type of *educational evaluation* is *designed* at the *planning stage* but is actually *conducted* at the *end* (of the course of education)

*summative* For example, the renal nutrition clinic could provide a post-survey to gain feedback about the nutrition class. Other examples are grading, evaluation, or post-testing.

answers the questions *"Did we achieve what we planned?"* and *"What was the impact/outcome?"*

*summative* evaluation

the purpose of ___ evaluation is to *improve a program's delivery* and *effectiveness*

*summative* evaluation

type of evaluation *considered final* purpose may be *grading* or *evaluation of progress* have client *perform a task using new information* (learned from educational course--e.g. post-test)

*summative* evaluation

MI principle that *reinforces hope & optimism*

*support self-efficacy*

*Purified* and *frozen minced fish* with a *preservative*, used in *analogs*, may have egg white or starch added to create desired structure. Used to make intermediate fish products used in making structure seafood products


research designed to *describe and quantify characteristics* of a *defined population* defined time frame, *pinpoints problems* Usually employs a research objective rather then a hypothesis The purpose is to obtain a demographic profile on a population. This is an example of a cross sectional study design - individuals are measured at only 1 point in time Does not allow conclusions about casual relationships.


*starch granules* do NOT dissolve in *cold water*, but rather *form a* __________


*skim milk* plus *acidophilus bacteria* (which reduces lactose)

*sweet acidophilus milk*

Which type of *fermented milk* contains *less lactose*?

*sweet acidophilus milk* (acidophilus bacteria added to skim milk reduces the lactose content)

*concentrated WHOLE* milk with *15-18%* added *sucrose* or *glucose*

*sweetened condensed* milk

contains added *15-18% sucrose or glucose*

*sweetened condensed* milk

*old potatoes* taste


*liquid released* from a *coagulated product*

*syneresis (weeping)*

the *group's product* (decision) is *superior* to what the *most resourceful individual* within the group could have produced by *working alone*


the *liver can* ___ *fat* but *should NOT* ___ it

*synthesize*, *store*

*evidence-based guidelines* are developed by *conducting* a ________ and then using the ________ to develop *practice-based guidelines*

*systematic review*; *conclusion* of the review

*tests* the *significance* between the *means* of *2* different populations Type of parametric method; they can be used when the samples satisfy the conditions of normality, equal variance, and independence.

*t test*

tests *null against alternative hypothesis* (H0 vs Ha)


when brewing coffee at *higher temperatures* (>203 F), ___ is *extracted* and makes the coffee *bitter*


___ cause *astringent* feeling in mouth (unripe banana)

*tannins* (can inhibit 50% of iron absorption)

an *educational plan* is developed for a ________ with _______

*targeted setting* & *clientele*; *multicultural awareness*

_______ *drives changes* in the practice of *Dietetics*


use of *electronic information & technologies* to support *long-distance* clinical health care, pt & professional education, public health administration, remote pt face-to-face services, via *live video conferencing*, *store & forward telecommunication* services (clinical data, images, sound, video) which can then be retrieved by another site for clinical evaluation


*RDN* uses *electronic information and technologies* to *implement the NCP* with clients at a *remote location* within provisions of their state license as applicable


the *larger* the *%sag* in a custard, the *more* ___ the gel

*tender* (& higher quality) objective measure of quality

*dry heat* is used for ___ cuts of *meat*

*tender* cuts near backbone (e.g. loin/sirloin)

*aging* of *meat* increases ___


categories of *phytochemicals*

*terpenes* *carotenoids* *lycopene* *phenols* *flavonoids* *phytoestrogens* *thiols* (indoles) *lignans* (flaxseed)

*sugar* is *hygroscopic* and *modifies* _______ of baked goods by ___________

*texture*; *tenderizing*

*soybeans* are used in ___ ___ ___

*textured vegetable products (TVP)*

is fabricated into *simulated meat products*

*textured vegetable protein*

*TEF* or *DIT*

*thermic effect of food* or *diet-induced thermogenesis*

*pork* is a good source of which *micronutrient*?


these *6 things* are *required* for the conversion of *pyruvic acid ==> acetyl CoA* (PDH complex rxn.)

*thiamin* (*TDP*) riboflavin (FAD) niacin (NAD) pantothenic acid (CoA) *magnesium* *lipoic acid*

______ is *required* for *decarboxylation* of *a-ketoglutaric acid* (a-ketoglutarate DH step of TCA cycle)

*thiamin* (B1) also need B1 to go from pyrivic acid to acetyl CoA

*too much sugar* added to a *starch gel* causes the *consistency* to be ______

*thin* (because water needed to dissolve the excess sugar is not available for gelatinization of starch--less swelling of granules ==> thin consistency)

it influences *physical* and *mental growth* it stimulates *liver glycogenolysis* and *gluconeogenesis* which *raises blood sugar*

*thyroxine* (T4)

this hormone *regulates metabolism* and *rate of oxidation*

*thyroxine* (T4)

*protein bound iodine* (PBI) specifically measures the *level* of _______ *produced*

*thyroxine* (T4) higher T4 levels ==> higher PBI ==> higher BMR

the *quasi-experimental design* is *also called* a

*time series*

*functions* of *protein*

*tissue synthesis* maintains *growth* *regulates body processes*

example of *dextrinization*

*toast*--*brown color* that results from toasting bread (dry heat cooking method) is due to color changes that occur with breakdown of starch into dextrins (dextrinization)

*proteolytic enzymes* are used on ___ *cuts* of meat


*syneresis* creates a ___ and ___ *product*

*tough* & *watery*

*do NOT fry* ___ cuts of meat

*tough* (bottom round)

has the *linear structure* similar to that of a saturated fat (pack as tightly as SFAs in membranes) *hydrogens* are *across from each other* (on different sides of the double bond) in the hydrocarbon chain

*trans* fatty acids

intake of these fatty acids may *influence membrane fluidity* & could be *harmful to cell function*

*trans* fatty acids (linear, pack tightly together similar to sat. FAs, dec. membrane fluidity can harm cell function)

*pyridoxine* (B6) specifically functions in the ______ of *amino acids*


*omega 3 fatty acids* in *fatty fish* reduce ___

*triglyceride* levels

fat is *stored in the adipose tissue* as


*hormones* produced by the *thyroid* (endocrine gland)

*triiodothyronine* (T3) *thyroxine* (T4)*

by *1 year*, *birth weight* should have ____ and *length* should have *increased* ____%

*tripled*, *50%*

T/F: a patient *can* be *dehydrated* & have *edema* at the *same time*


vit d milk *must be labeled "vit d milk"* true or false


true/false: *all 3 macronutrients* can be *converted* into *glucose*

*true* 100% carbohydrate 58% of amino acids (glucogenic - yield glucose following deamination) 10% of fat (glycerol component - can be converted to glucose)

*each group* would receive either *intervention or control (A or B)* in the *first period*, and the *alternative treatment (A or B)* in the *second period*

*two period crossover* design

*Phe* is *converted to* ____

*tyrosine* (Tyr)

if a *white sauce* is *starchy and tastes *grainy* it is due to

*uncooked flour*

how to cook *Brussel sprouts* for best flavor

*uncovered* with *little water*

one of the *best ways* to respond, try to *recreate the person's message* in *your own frame of reference* may lead to more *client cooperation* helps *client feel accepted and safe* in expressing their feelings


which type of *counselor response* encourages *client cooperation* helps the client feel *safe & accepted* in expressing their feelings?


"you seem to be saying that you are feeling..."

*understanding* response (repeating the person's message in your own words/based on your own perception)

______ and ______ *pass through* the *ileocecal valve*into the *large intestine* (colon)

*undigested food* and *water*

inappropriate *tough, hard curd* *hard to digest* (for infants) *less EFA* *increased renal solute load*

*unmodified cow's milk* in *formula*

the *color* of an *egg shell* is ___ to food *value or quality*


*rancidity* involves the *uptake* of *oxygen* in an ___ *fatty acid*

*unsaturated* (occurs at the double bond in an unsat. FA, O2 is taken up & H is released)

the *healthiest plant oils* are all *highly* ___

*unsaturated* (soybean oil= mostly PUFAs, olive oil= mostly MUFAs)

*oxidative* rancidity is the

*uptake of O2* at a double bond in an *unsaturated fat*

*MOST* of the *ammonia* (NH3) is *converted to* ___ and *excreted* by the ___

*urea* (via urea cycle), *kidneys*

causes of *metabolic ACIDOSIS* (renal retention/excess production of H+ or excessive excretion of bicarbonate) Low bicarbonate and high H+

*uremia* and *diarrhea* Increased H production or retention by kidney


*urinary urea nitrogen* (measure of amt. of urea N excreted by kidneys in the urine)

this *type of brewing* uses *higher temps than recommended* for coffee

*vacuum brewing*

it is recommended that you *avoid* the *botanical* ___ with *liver disease*

*valerian* root (note comfrey may cause irreversible liver disease, kava may cause liver failure)

*ability to measure* the phenomenon it *intends to measure* A test that measures what it is designed to measure.

*validity* or *relevance*

what are the *3 branched chain amino acids* (BCAAs)

*valine*, *leucine* and *isoleucine*

a *major advantage* in the *crossover design* is that ___, allowing for the use of a ______

*variability is reduced*, *smaller sample size*

*characteristics* that may have *different values* from *observation to observation*


*reimbursement* for *telehealth* services

*varies* among payers- *each payer determines* the *CPT codes* they will recognize for reimbursement

which adult population are *short-term planners*?

*very poor*

*increase* the *tenderness* of meat by adding ___


adding *corn syrup* to candies increases their ______ & ________

*viscosity*, *chewiness* (b/c *slows crystallization*)

Fruits *low* in ______ *darken rapidly when cut* due to *enzymatic* action.

*vitamin C*

the *yolk* is *surrounded* by a ___ *membrane*


*good sources* of *a-linolenic (n-3)* FAs besides fish oil include

*walnuts* *flaxseed* *canola*

*spread meringue* of a lemon pie on ______ *filling* and bake at ___ F for ___ minutes

*warm/hot*; *425*, *4-5*min

*post-mortem changes* in *muscle protein* brought about by *enzymes* increases the ___ ___ ___ of the muscle

*water holding capacity* (WHC) & inc. WHC ==> inc. tenderness!

*soy protein* adds *juiciness* because of ___ content


nutrients *absorbed* via *simple diffusion* ((intestine => blood => lymph)

*water* & some *electrolytes*

___, ___ and ___ are *absorbed* in the *large intestine* (colon)

*water*, *salts* (electrolytes) and *vitamins synthesized by bacteria*

the *end products* of *protein digestion* are *amino acids*, which are


type of *starch* most commonly used in *frozen foods*

*waxy starch* (b/c resistant to changes with freezing & thawing, unlike starches that contain amylose)

*non-gelling* starch that is *stable* with *freezing & thawing* (& therefore used in many frozen foods)

*waxy starches* (CRS)

which type of *starch* contains *ONLY amylopectin* (i.e. 100% amylopectin, 0% amylose)?

*waxy starches* (e.g. corn, rice, & sorghum)

*adverse effects* of *CHO loading*

*weakness*, *bloating*, *dizziness*, *soreness*

the *most PRACTICAL* way of measuring *energy balance*

*weight control* (following changes in weight)

growth chart parameter that is a *short-term marker* of *growth* affected by *acute nutritional stress* or *illness* is *NOT used to classify under/overweight* CANNOT distinguish between stunting & wasting because it does not include height futher eval is needed if below 5th or above 95th percentile

*weight for age*

growth chart that reflects *recent nutritional status* (short-term changes) for *young children* (0-5 yrs) identifies *over/undernutrition* or WNL used to distinguish between stunting & *wasting*

*weight for length/stature* (weight for length 0-24 months, weight for stature 2-5 yrs)

*over-nutrition* in *young children* (age <5 yrs) is determined by a _______ that is _____

*weight for length/stature*, *>95th* percentile

the *size* of eggs is *classified on a basis of*

*weight per dozen*

*overrun* is determined (measured) by ________ and should be around _____%

*weight*; *70-80%*

___ is the *liquid* that *drains from the curd* of clotted milk

*whey* (20%)

the *protein* in *milk* comes from

*whey* (20%) and *casein* (80%)

*beat rapidly* to *incorporate air* to form a *foam*


*yellow* cake contains

*whole egg* (orange + white= yellow)

assures customer that the *animal was healthy at the time of slaughter* and the meat is *fit for human consumption*

*wholesome meat act* of *1967*

oil that has been treated so that the fat *won't crystallize* when *cold*- oil is *chilled to 45 degrees* so that FAs with high melting points crystallize & are filtered out

*winterized* oil

to *combat* crystallization of amylose bonds in the *retrogradation* of *stale bread*, you can

*wrap tightly & heat* before serving or eating

more *formal* and *authoritative* form of communication


*3 methods* of *communication*

*written* *oral* *media activities*

*interpreted more accurately*, used when record is required

*written* communication

*too much salt interferes* with the *growth* of ___


questions that *can be answered* ________ are *less productive*

*yes* or *no*

the *coagulated product* of *fermentation* of milk sugars (lactose) by lactic acid bacteria


*sponge* cake uses

*yolk foam* AND *white foam*

*valence* of: Na+ K+ Ca++ Cl-

+1 +1 +2 -1

B1 function

- Oxidation of CHO (Increase CHO, Increase B1 Need) - Metabolism of pyruvate - need B1 to turn pyruvate into acetyl coA - Krebs cycle to help Alpha ketogluterate

B12 functions

- coenzyme in protein synthesis - forms RBC

Cobalt properties

- exists with B12 - stored in liver

*fresh fish* with head attached *should have*

-*bright red gills* -bright shiny skin -firm flesh that springs back when touched reject if gills dull & gray, eyes are red & cloudy, & flesh leaves an imprint when pressed

*custards* made from *dehydrated eggs* may be

-*grayer* and less yellow in color -have an *eggy flavor* -and be *watery*

*more sugar* in a cake mixture ==>

-*more time* needed to bake the cake (to reach the elevated coagulation temperature of the gluten) -*increased volume* of the cake product

The value of r is always between ___ and ___

-1 and 1

Iron properties

-Trace mineral -Part of hemoglobin -Food iron: Ferric -Absorbable: Ferrous -Stored: Ferritin

communication through *media activities* includes

-developing *media partnerships* with local TV & radio stations -organizing *kickoff events* to *introduce a campaign* to the community (focus on 2-4 key messages) -sustaining *ongoing media relationships* with a few key *reporters* who cover food/health issues & *offer to serve as a resource* for them

Vitamin D sources

-exposure to sunlight -fortified dairy products (regular dairy not a good source of vitamin D unless it is fortified) - eggs and fish liver oils

Myo-Inositol: Properties

-in plants as phytic acid -related to sugar -contains phosphorus vitamin-like factor

Iron def

-pale tongue -fatigue -microcytic anemia -spoon shaped nails -pail conjunctivae (mucus membranes lining eyelid)


-promotes weight loss -rapid heart rate, headaches, very likely hazardous

Copper def

-rare -microcytic anemia -neutropenia -Wilson's disease (low serum copper) --> genetic absence of liver enzyme

Copper properties

-trace mineral -attached to protein ceruloplasmin

Store frozen fruits and vegetables at: Store dry fruit at

0-10F room temp

pH scale ranges from

0-14, 7 being neutral 7 ->14 - alkaline 1-7 - acid

*length* parameters for infants (0-6 mo vs 7-12 mo)

0-6 months *24"* (60cm) 7-12 months *28"* (71cm)

*weight* parameters for infants (0-6 mo vs 7-12 mo)

0-6 months *6 kg* (13 lbs) 7-12 months *9 kg* (20 lbs)

*protein needs* for infants *0-6 months* vs *6-12 months*

0-6 months *9.1 g* 6-12 months *11 g*

summary of *protein RDAs* for children

0-6 months 9.1g, 6-12 months 11g 1-3 yrs: *13 g* 4-8 yrs: *19 g* 9-13 yrs: *34 g*

range of values for *r* that indicate a *weak, low* linear relationship (correlation)


range of values for *r* that indicate a *very strong, very high* linear relationship (correlation)


One dozen (12) oranges yields how much juice?

1 quart (4 cups)

how many *grams of sodium* are in *1 tsp* of *salt*?

1 tsp= 6g NaCl NaCl= 40% Na 6g x 0.4= *2.4 g Na*

*mixing method* for *pastries*

1) *CUT fat* into *dry ingredients* (flour + salt) 2) add *liquid*

*public policy advocacy & legislation* that affects *nutrition education programs* (3)

1) *Child Nutrition Reauthorization* bill (covers NSLP, SBP, CACFP, SFSP, SMP, WIC) 2) *the Farm Bill* (covers national and international nutrition education, research and funding) 3) *the Older Americans Act* (funds nutrition programs in the community and those that are homebound)

*4 classes* of *functional foods*

1) *Conventional* foods (whole) 2) *Modified* foods (fortified, enriched, or enhanced) 3) *Medical* foods (e.g. PKU formulas) 4) *Special dietary use* (gluten-free, weight loss foods)

*companion standards* that suggest *common evaluation criteria* for *clinical trials*

1) *PRISMA* randomized controlled trials (evidence-based min. set of items for reporting in systematic reviews & meta-analyses of RCTs) 2) *MOOSE*- meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology 3) *CONSORT*- common criteria for clinical trials

*fatty acid composition* of *margarine* in order of highest ==> lowest proportion of total fatty acids

1) *PUFA* 2) MUFA 3) *SAT*

*flavor* in *fruits* is due to (3)

1) *acids* 2) *sugar* 3) *aromatic compounds*

*4 main factors* that *affect BMR*

1) *age* 2) *sex* 3) body composition, *body surface area (BSA)* 4) *endocrine glands*- *thyroid* (thyroxine levels)

*4 steps* in the *educational process*

1) *assessment* 2) *planning* 3) *implementation* 4) *evaluation* of *outcomes*

what are the *3 methods* to determine the *QUALITY of protein* in foods

1) *biologic value* (BV) 2) *net protein utilization* (NPU) 3) *protein digestibility corrected amino acid score* (PDCAAS)

types of *moist heat* (4)

1) *braising* 2) *simmer* 3) *steam* 4) *stewing*

what are the *3 types* of *digestive action*

1) *chemical* 2) *mechanical/muscular* 3) *bacterial*

*2 types* of *candies*

1) *crystalline* sugar 2) *NON-crystalline* sugar

types of *food additives* (8)

1) *emulsifiers* (monoglycerides, diglycerides, lecithin, disodium phosphate) 2) *humectants* (e.g. sorbitol, glycerol monostearate) 3) *stabilizers/thickeners* (pectin, cellulose, gelatin, agar, gum) 4) *anti-caking* (calcium silicate, mannitol) 5) *nitrites* 6) *mold inhibitors* (proprionate, sodium benzoate) 7) *antioxidants* (propyl gallate, BHA, BHT) 8) *flavor enhancers* (MSG)

3 major *functions* of *carbohydrates*

1) *energy* (primary function) 2) *protein-sparing* action (allows most protein to be used for tissue synthesis) 3) *regulation* of *Fat metabolism* (some carbs required in the diet for fat metabolism to proceed normally- carb deficiency/restriction ==> ketosis)

a *counselor's response* to a client may be (5 types)

1) *evaluative* (judgmental) 2) *hostile* (uncontrolled anger/frustration) 3) *reassuring* (suggests problem does not exist, prevents client from working through feelings) 4) *probing* (clarifying) 5) or *understanding* (recreate client message in your own frame of reference)

*Concentrated* milks include

1) *evaporated* milk 2) *sweetened condensed* milk 3) *dried whole* milk 4) *dried skim* milk (includes condensed skim milk)

*LEAST tender* (toughest) cuts of meat (2)

1) *flank* 2) *brisket* bottom rounds also pretty tough

what are the *3 ways* we *store energy*

1) *glycogen* in liver and muscle 2) *fat* in adipose tissue 3) *cellular mass* (protein stores)

how to prepare *crystalline candies*

1) *heat sugar and liquid* to dissolve sugar 2) heat further 3) *crystallize* under conditions that produce *small crystals* that have a *smooth, creamy* feeling

*4 functions* of *liquid* in baked flour mixtures

1) *hydrates gluten* & *starts its development* 2) *starts* the action of *chemical leavening agents* 3) *dissolves salt & sugar* 4) *gelatinizes starch*

*objectives* in *patient-centered* nutrition counseling (4)

1) *increase awareness* of diet related *risks* 2) *provide nutrition knowledge* 3) *enhance skills* to promote *long-term changes* in intake 4) *increase confidence* for making dietary changes

*crumb structure* depends on (5 factors)

1) *ingredients* 2) *procedure* used 3) *pan* shape & size 4) baking *temp* 5) *time elapsed BEFORE baking*

*excess mixing* in *quick breads* (e.g. muffins, biscuits, popovers) can cause (4)

1) *loss of CO2* 2) *overdeveloped gluten* 3) *tunnels* from top to bottom 4) a *tough* and *heavy* product

how to make a *white sauce*

1) *melt fat* and *add flour* 2) *remove from heat* and *add liquid* at *170-180F* and add *salt* 3) add an *acid* when *cooking is complete*

3 *behavior modification methods*

1) *positive reinforcement* (encourages repetition of a positive behavior by giving specific & immediate praise. Meaningful attention from bosses) 2) *avoidance learning* (performance improvement motivated by avoiding negative criticism, avoid future critism by improving future performance) 3) *extinction* (undesirable behaviors that are ignored will eventually become "extinct") - Operant conditioning

*4 steps* of *interviewing*

1) *preparation* (collect background info, establish objectives; clearly define the purpose & goals of the interview) 2) *build rapport* with client 3) *collect data* with open-ended, non-judgmental questions 4) *closing* (summarize, tell client what will be done & when to follow up)

*3 components* of the communication *environment* in a counseling session

1) *psychological* 2) *physical* 3) *confidentiality*

what are the *3 classifications* of *protein*

1) *simple* proteins (AAs only) 2) *conjugated* proteins (simple + non-protein substance) 3) *derived* proteins (fragments derived from simple or conjugated proteins, e.g. peptides)

*method of instruction* is based on the _______ and the _____

1) *size of the group* 2) *educational & motivational aspects* of the group's *members*

*Cooking* fruits and vegetables does *3 important things*

1) *softens cellulose* 2) *increases keeping quality* 3) and *cooks starch*

*3 basic ingredients* of *candies*

1) *sugar* 2) *water* 3) *corn syrup* or *cream of tartar*

*3 types* of *cheeses*

1) *uncured* (unripened, e.g. cottage or cream cheese; high moisture content, refrigerate immediately) 2) *cured* (ripened, added salt, additional whey removed) 3) *processed* (blend of several natural cheeses + emulsifier e.g. disodium phosphate)

production of *cheese* (4 steps)

1) *warm milk* 2) add *lactic acid bacteria* 3) add enzyme *rennet* to *coagulate casein* forming the *curd* 4) *separate curd from whey* (liquid)

*fatty acid composition* of *butter* in order of highest ==> lowest proportion of total fatty acids

1) SAT 2) *MUFA* 3) *PUFA*

what are the 4 *food & nutrient analysis software and databases*

1) USDA *National Nutrient Database* for *Standard reference* (major source of food composition data) 2) *Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies* (*FNDDS*- analyze data from dietary surveys) 3) *FDA Total Diet Study Database* (data on foods, minerals, & chemicals) 4) *NIH Dietary Supplements Database*

*crystallization* is *prevented by* ___ or by ___

1) adding *interfering substances* (e.g. fat or milk) 2) or by *increasing* the concentration of *sugar*

*sponge* method

1) combine *liquid + yeast + part of flour* and allow this to *ferment for several hours* (sponge) 2) then add the rest of the ingredients (sugar, salt, fat and rest of flour) 3) knead 4) bake

*6 steps* of the *DESIGN procedure* for planning theory-based nutrition education

1) decide *behavior change goals* 2) explore *determinants of change* 3) *select* the *theory* you will use 4) indicate *general objectives* 5) generate *plans* 6) Nail down & develop the *evaluation plan*

to prevent darkening in cut fruit

1) dip in citrus juice, 2) add sugar before freezing 3) or heat to boiling

*Operating & enforcement agencies* that *carry out* the law include (3)

1) federal trade commission (*FTC*) 2) food and drug administration (*FDA*) 3) *federal communications commission* (*FCC*)

how is *vitamin d added* to *vit d milk*? (3 possible methods)

1) feeding the cow vit d 2) *irradiating* the milk 3) directly adding the vitamin

how to *gel a liquid*

1) mix gelatin + *cold water* to *soften* 2) then *add hot water* to *disperse*

3 main functions of *fat*

1) provides *energy* (more energy per g than carbs b/c contains *more carbon* & less oxygen) 2) provides insulation & padding 3) *depresses gastric secretions* so *delays gastric emptying*

*5 functions* of *eggs* in baked goods

1) provides *stability* (coagulation of egg proteins during heating provides structure) 2) *retains leavening agent* 3) *distributes shortening* (by emulsification) 4) *introduces air* 5) adds *color & flavor*

*grades* (of *fruit*) are based on

1) quality 2) firmness 3) color 4) maturity (ripeness) 5) freedom from defects 6) uniform size and shape

the *instructional media tools* selected *depends on* (4 factors)

1) teaching *goals* (objectives) 2) *size* & *learning style* of the audience 3) *physical facility* 4) *equipment & time* available

vitamins and minerals in *meat, fish and poultry*

1) thiamin 2) riboflavin 3) niacin 4) iron 5) copper 6) and trace minerals

proportion of flour to liquid in a batter

1-1 or 1-2

proportion of flour to liquid in a dough

1-3 or 1-4

*Enzymes* for *CHO digestion* are *available* in this order

1. *maltase* and *sucrase* (by 30 wks gestation) 2. *lactase* (reaches adult levels at birth) 3. *pancreatic amylase* (remains low for 6 months after birth)

*4 steps* of *instruction*

1. *prepare* the learner & find out what the individual already knows 2. *present* the operation: TELL, SHOW, & ILLUSTRATE 3. *try* out performance by having the LEARNER EXPLAIN KEY POINTS & actually try to do the job 4. *follow-up* & designate where to obtain help, supervise the independent work of the learner, & provide reinforcement of concepts as necessary

Glucose-6-phosphate has 3 paths. What are they?

1. Conversion of glucose to pyruvate (glycolysis) 2. Conversion to glycogen (Glycogenesis) 3. Pentose shunt (does not require ATP)

sections of the *research report* (manuscript)

1. abstract 2. general introduction 3. *review of existing literature* (summary of different points of view) 4. methodology 5. results 6. discussion (may be included with results) 7. conclusion 8. implications (may be included in discussion or conclusion)

*evaluation* of *effectiveness* of educational plans includes

1. did it alter pt knowledge, behavior, or attitude? 2. what is *rate of lapse/relapse*? 3. timeliness, appropriateness, accuracy? *within budget*? 4. *meet specific targeted needs*? *quality* of presentation? 5. were *processes & outcomes documented*? 6. what was the *degree of growth*?

*7 steps* in *research*

1. identify a topic & *review published research literature* on that topic 2. develop a *research question* 3. research question leads to a *hypothesis* 4. prepare the *research protocol / methodology* (methodology to solve the problem) 5. organize *methods & materials* 6. *collect & analyze data* 7. study results and *make decisions* 8. study design and checklists

*stages* of passing *new legislation*

1. legislation enters as a *bill* or a *resolution* 2. bill is sent to *committees* which schedule *public hearings* (testimony is taken from bill's sponsors) 3. a *markup session* is held where the committee *revises* the bill to put it into *final form* 4. the approved final form of the bill is sent to the *Rules Committee* for *debate* 5. bill needs approval from both Houses (Senate + Representatives) and president 6. if there are *differences between the 2 Houses* (senate/representatives), these are worked out by a *Joint House-Senate Conference Committee*, which ultimately passes a *reconciliation bill* 7. an *appropriations bill* must be passed to provide *funding* 8. formulate *regulations* to *interpret & operate* the law (provides details & rules that put the policy into effect)

_____ ___ from fat can be converted to glucose

10 %, glycerol

___ percent of____ or _____ by weight of the yolks, are added as stabilizers

10, salt, sugar

How many ATP does 1 round of beta oxidation produce? How much ATP is made from palmitic acid? (16C)

15 ATP Palmitic acid makes 129 ATP

Vitamin E amount needed

15 mg

Iodine amount

150 mcg

summary of *kcal needs during pregnancy* by trimester

1st trimester: no change 2nd trimester: *+340* kcals/day 3rd trimester: *+452* kcals/day

Until age ___ measure supine length (lying down)


the following *tests for significance* test whether or not there is a real/significant difference between -*2 categories/group* -*more than 2 categories* -*several different categories*

2 categories: *t-test* (parametric) more than 2: *Chi-square* (non parametric) several: *ANOVA* (parametric)

What is the food serving size used in 1-3 year olds?

2-4 ounces / 2-4 tablespoons

B12 amount

2.4 mcg

Cows milk nutrient makeup

20% pro, 30% CHO, 50% fat

To prevent aspiration in a patient receiving enteral nutrition, what is the appropriate range for the angle of the head of the bed?

30-45 degrees

*AI* for *fluid* for adults >19 yrs

35 mL/kg or 1 mL/kcal M *3.7 L/day* F *2.7 L/day*

How many weeks is pregnancy?

40 weeks

B9 folate needs

400 mcg 600 mcg for pregnant women

sulfur amount

425 - 550 mg AI

recommended % caloric intake of protein, CHO and fat for general population (AMDRs)

45-65% carbs 20-35% fat *10-35% protein*

selenium amounts

55 mcg

information on a #10 can

6 cans in a case 105 oz (6 lbs, 9 oz) 13 cups 20-25 servings

What is the minimum number of additional competencies that ACEND requires a program to have to support its emphasis area?

7 ACEND (Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics) requires a program to have a minimum of seven additional competencies to support its emphasis area. According to the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR), the development and validation of the essential practice competencies are accomplished in seven key steps: Literature review and global environmental scan of nutrition and dietetics competencies; Development of the competencies' framework and outline; Competencies writing sessions; Stakeholder consultations; Mapping of the competencies to the CDR Professional Development Portfolio's existing Learning Need Codes (LNCs); National validation study of the essential practice competencies by CDR's credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners; Finalization and CDR approval.

How many calories in a gram of alcohol?

7 calories per gram

Human milk nutrient makeup

7% pro, 38% CHO, 55% fat more lactalbumin

Phosphorus amounts

700 mg

Vitamin C amount

75-90mg UL 2000mg

*nutritive value* of an *egg*

80 kcal 6g protein 5g fat vit *A & D* *riboflavin*

determine how many *mgs* of *sodium* are in *87 mEq*

87 mEq = (X mg/23) x 1 87/1 = X/23 X= 23 x 87= *2001 mg*

Copper amounts

900 mcg

*short chain fatty acids* contain less than ___ *carbons*


*AI* for *total fiber* intake for adults *<50 yrs* & *>50 yrs*

<50 yrs: M *38g*, F *25g* >50 yrs: M *30g*, F *21g*

What is pressure cooking?

A pressure cooker works on a simple principle: Steam pressure. A sealed pot, with a lot of steam inside, builds up high pressure, which helps food cook faster. It helps to cook tough cuts of meat quickly. it is used most frequently around the world for beans and pulses, stews, and vegetables.

What is glycogenolysis?

A process in which glycogen is broken apart to release glucose Glycogenolysis is a catabolic process that breaks down stored glycogen into glucose

How are proteins absorbed?

AA -> intestinal villi capillaries -> portal bloodstream -> tissues

B6 biotin amount

AI 30 mcg

Vitamin D needs

AI 5-15 micrograms UL = 700 IU

B5 PA amounts

AI 5mg

Chromium properties

Absorption enhanced by vitamin C, niacin Ultra-trace mineral

What factors increase iron absorption?

Absorption is aided by gastric juice, vitamin C, and Ca helps if oxalates are present


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics *Health Informatics Infrastructure*

What is albumin?

Albumin is produced by the liver, and is one of the most important proteins in the body due to it;s roles in maintenance of COP, substrate transport, buffering capacity, free radical scavenging, coagulation, and wound healing COP helps fluid stay within the vasculature instead of leaking into tissue. Leakage of albumin or serum albumin levels less than 1.5 g/dl can worsen edema and effusion and increase oxygen debt

What are sources of protein?

All meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds, and processed soy products, beans and peas, dairy

What is Ambivalence?

Ambivalence - client who is in contemplation or preparation stages who express mixed feelings about starting something new.

What is appropriation bill?

An appropriation bill, also known as supply bill or spending bill, is a proposed law that authorizes the expenditure of government funds. It is a bill that sets money aside for specific spending.

What is Wilson's disease?

An inherited disorder that causes too much copper to accumulate in the liver, brain and other vital organs. Also called hepatolenticular degeneration. Causes fatty changes & fibrosis in the liver.

St Johns Wort

Antidepressive, serotin enhancing But reduces effect of warfarin, and avoid use with antihypertnesives, birth control and some statins

How much PA a day?

At least 60 minutes/d

B5 PA function

B5 is a coenzyme The main function of this water-soluble B vitamin is in the synthesis of coenzyme A (CoA) and acyl carrier protein [1,2]. Glycolysis CoA is essential for fatty acid synthesis and degradation, transfer of acetyl and acyl groups, and a multitude of other anabolic and catabolic processes

Where are AA and BCAA catabolized in the body?

BCAA are preferentially catabolized in heart & muscle tissue Amino acids are catabolized in different sections of the liver.

When PBR is elevated, ____ is elevated


Develop goals and objectives based on what?

Based on assessment of client knowledge

How is beef graded?

Beef is graded in two ways: quality grades for tenderness, juiciness and flavor; and yield grades for the amount of usable lean meat on the carcass.

B3 niacin def

Beefy red tongue, rash in sunlight Pellagra 4 D;s - The main symptoms of pellagra are dermatitis, dementia, and diarrhea, and death. This is because niacin deficiency is most noticeable in body parts with high rates of cell turnover, such as your skin or gastrointestinal tract. Dermatitis related to pellagra usually causes a rash on the face, lips, feet, or hands. In some people, dermatitis forms around the neck, a symptom known as Casal necklace. Additional dermatitis symptoms include: red, flaky skin areas of discoloration, ranging from red to brown thick, crusty, scaly, or cracked skin itchy, burning patches of skin

myo-inositol functions

Binds calcium, zinc, iron Membrane structure

B6 biotin def

Biotin deficiency is rare [12,19], and severe biotin deficiency in healthy individuals eating a normal mixed diet has never been reported But when it does happen the signs are muscle pain, dermatitis, glossitis

Iron amount

Birth to 6 months- 0.27 mg 7-12 months - 11 mg 1-3 years- 7 mg 4-8 years - 10 mg 9-13 years - 8 mg 14-18 years - M - 11 mg / F - 15 mg 19-50 years - M - 8 mg / F - 18 mg Pregnancy - 27 mg Lactation - 10 mg

What are the 5 blue zones and where are they located?

Blue zones"—5 populations with a high number of centenarians The five locations in the blue zones are Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, CA; the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; and Ikaria, Greece. They all eat a plant based diet

Selenium food sources

Brazil nuts, seafoods, and organ meats are the richest food sources of selenium [1]. Other sources include muscle meats, cereals and other grains, and dairy products. The amount of selenium in drinking water is not nutritionally significant in most geographic regions [2,6]. The major food sources of selenium in the American diet are breads, grains, meat, poultry, fish, and eggs

What is the pincer grasp?

By age 1 year the pincer grasp coordination of index finger and thumb is well established.

*milk* is a *good source* of

Calcium phosphorus *riboflavin* vitamins *A and D*

Valerian root

Calms nerves Avoid with liver disease

What can alcohol cause once inside your body?

Can decrease b-oxidiation of fatty acids & promote TRI synthesis

How is cholesterol made?

Cholesterol is made from acetyl CoA by adding 3 molecules of AcCoA (6C total) to make HMG-CoA which can then go to mevalonate (6C) and then to cholesterol (27C)

Choline functions

Choline is a source of methyl groups needed for many steps in metabolism. The body needs choline to synthesize phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, two major phospholipids vital for cell membranes. Therefore, all plant and animal cells need choline to preserve their structural integrity [1,2]. In addition, choline is needed to produce acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter for memory, mood, muscle control, and other brain and nervous system functions [1-3]. Choline also plays important roles in modulating gene expression, cell membrane signaling, lipid transport and metabolism, and early brain development

What kind of food should mostly comprise the diet of a 14-month old child?

Chopped table foods, including some that the child can pick up with their fingers Young children can still choke on large chunks of food. Toddlers are learning to like new flavors and textures that allow them to practice age-appropriate oral and fine motor skills. They require repeated exposure to master eating skills. For this reason, chopped table foods are recommended for the diet of children at this age

Chromium def

Chromium deficiency has not been reported in healthy populations, and no definitive deficiency symptoms have been established But if it does happen it may cause IR

Chromium food sources

Chromium is present in many foods, including meats, grain products, fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices, brewer's yeast, beer, and wine, yeast, liver, potatoes, oysters However, chromium amounts in these foods vary widely depending on local soil and water conditions as well as agricultural and manufacturing processes used to produce them

Which are anions?

Cl- P

Example of change talk

Client verbalizes desire, ability, reasons, need, commitment and/or action taken. "I really see where this change would be good for me and I'm ready to take steps to do it. "

Examples of sustain talk

Client verbalizes reasons for staying the course, or not changing. "This seems to hard right now. I don't think I'm ready for the change."

Examples of self exploration talk

Client verbalizes that they are contemplating or exploring issues around change. "I think my doctor has a point. I would experience much more energy if I lost some weight. "

Examples of resistance talk

Client verbalizes that they are not willing or able to make a change. "I'm tired of people suggesting that I need to change. I'd rather go to my death happy than slender. "

Coagulation is used for 6 things. What are they?

Coagulation is used to: bind give firmness stability coats food browns clarifies liquids

Folate B9 functions

Coenzyme for metabolism of certain amino acids DNA and RNA synthesis forms RBCs in bone marrow Helps with normal cell division and development Prevents neurotube defects FOlate absorption needs zinc cleaves polyglutamate ==> more absorbable monoglutamate form

Biotin b7 functions

Coenzyme in fatty acid synthesis Biotin also plays key roles in histone modifications, gene regulation (by modifying the activity of transcription factors), and cell signaling Converts pyruvate to oxaloactate in gluconeogenesis pyruvate to Oxaolacete in TCA

B12 properties / cyanocobalamin

Contains cobalt Bound by instrinsic factor in gastric juice

To keep the vitamins in the rice, what should you do?

Cook in the amoint of wate rthat will be absorbed during cooking ex - for 1 cup rice use 2 cups water

Methionine is converted to _____


When does metabolic acidosis occur?

DKA, starvation, high fat or low CHO diet

B5 PA def

Def is usually rare and only occurs in pts that are malnourished It causes Paresthesia refers to a burning or prickling sensation that is usually felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, but can also occur in other parts of the body

What is the DARN CAT in change talk?

Desire - I want to Ability - I could Reasons - I would probably feel better if Need - I ought to Commitment - I am going to Actuation - I am ready to Taking steps - this weekend I started

What are affirmations, reframing, and double sided reflections?

Double sided - heard reasons for and against change. Put sustain talk first and change talk second. Affirmations - draw attention to positive accomplishments or intentions can remind clients that they have the power to change. Reframing - listening closely to patient and suggesting a different perspective. I don't know if I have time to cook every day - Youre thinking it would take careful planning. Use reframing to help clients look at concerns as strengths and solutions, instead of obstacles.

What happens to pancreatic exocrine gland secretions during the fasted state?

During fasting periods, very little secretion takes place. Once food enters into the stomach, the pancreas exocrine glands release proteases, amylase, and lipase enzymes to aid in digestion.

*5 principles* of *motivational interviewing*

EDARS: 1) *express empathy* (compassion, evocation of feelings) 2) *develop discrepancy* (b/w where he is & where he wants to be) 3) *avoid arguments & confrontation* 4) *roll with resistance* (acknowledge reluctance & ambivalence, offer new alternatives to consider) 5) *support self-efficacy* (reinforce hope & optimism)

When developing written educational handouts, what should you not use?

Educational handouts presented on glossy paper, in all capital letters, or with light colors on dark backgrounds can be difficult for users to read. Serif fonts are recommended for regular text in printed educational handouts because they are designed for ease of reading. Sans serif fonts are recommended for headers.

What is Elicit provide elicit?

Elicit provide elicit - respectfully share information where clinicans ask permission to share information, then give small amount of information then follow up with an opened ended question to see how patient interprets the information

What is empathy?

Empathy - feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions.

What are the 4 phases of MI?

Engage - the family build rapport, listen and gather information Focus - on pasrt of the problem, collaboratively set the agensda Evoke - the reason for change - elicit and strengthen change talk, gauge their readiness for action - invite client to say why they want to make a change Plan - one or 2 small changes together

What is epigenic inheritance?

Epigenetic inheritance passes genetic information from the parents to the offspring via parental germline (eggs and sperm) cells to the offspring's somatic (body) cells. The epigenetic marks are responsible for the specialization of cells (eg., heart cells, muscle cells, etc.). Nutrition can change expression of the epigenetic marks.


Erectile dysfunction But it elevates BP

What is Ergocalciferol?

Ergocalciferol, also known as vitamin D2 and nonspecifically calciferol, is a type of vitamin D found in food and used as a dietary supplement.

*kcal needs* for infants *0-6 months*

F *520* kcals/d, M *570* kcals/d The current energy intake recommendation of 98 kcal/kg to 108 kcal/kg body weight for infants is based on weight, growth rate, sleep/wake cycle, temperature and climate, physical activity, metabolic response to food, and health status and recovery from illness. Length is not a factor that affects energy needs.

*kcal needs* for infants *6-12 months*

F *676* kcals/d, M *743* kcals/d The current energy intake recommendation of 98 kcal/kg to 108 kcal/kg body weight for infants is based on weight, growth rate, sleep/wake cycle, temperature and climate, physical activity, metabolic response to food, and health status and recovery from illness. Length is not a factor that affects energy needs.

true/false: BMR= RMR

FALSE--*BMR ≠ RMR!* (similar measures of energy metabolism, but not the same) Basal Metabolic Rate and Resting Metabolic Rate are used to estimate and ultimately measure the amount of calories one burns if they are at rest for 24 hours. ... Though they measure roughly the same thing, BMR is measured using more restrictive conditions, while RMR is measured under looser conditions

What do the fresh produce grades mean?

For fresh commodities the terminology or number grade "Extra Fancy, Fancy or No. 1" is the highest quality level depending on the commodity Grades "Combination, No. 2, and No. 3" contain increasing amounts of product with less desirable characteristics in appearance and/or marketability Lower quality grade products normally sell at lower prices than higher quality grade products.

Vitamin K functions

Forms prothrombin in liver: aids blood clotting Given pre-surgery Calcium metabolism

Why is gluconeogenesis glycolysis in reverse?

Glycolysis in reverse Three regulatory/irreversible steps must be bypassed. Step #1 catalyzed by hexokinase/glucokinase Step #3 catalyzed by phosphofructokinase (PFK) Step #10 catalyzed by pyruvate kinase

What is GAB?

Goals - have client share 1 last time what behavior patten client will try to change. Asssess confidence - use scaling questions to assess client's confidence Barriers - consider any potential barriers that may get in the way and strageties to overcome.

Iodine def

Goiter is usually the earliest clinical sign of iodine deficiency Iodine deficiency has multiple adverse effects on growth and development, and is the most common cause of preventable intellectual disability in the world [40]. Iodine deficiency disorders result from inadequate thyroid hormone production secondary to insufficient iodine [5]. During pregnancy and early infancy, iodine deficiency can cause irreversible effects

How are the interior parts of the eggs graded?

Grade AA eggs have high, round yolks and thick whites. Grade A eggs have whites that are "reasonably" firm, while Grade B eggs have thinner whites and flatter yolks; these eggs are often processed into liquid, frozen or dried products. According to the USDA, Grade A eggs are the most popular sold in stores.

What does USDA choice mean?

Grade you are most likely to see on meat. Several kinds of meat are graded-beef, lamb, veal, and calf-and this shield is used on them all. High quality meat. Will be tender and juicy

How are the exterior parts of the eggs graded?

Grades AA and A eggs must have clean shells, while small stains are allowed on Grade B shells.

Mg food sources

Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, are good sources. In general, foods containing dietary fiber provide magnesium. Magnesium is also added to some breakfast cereals and other fortified foods Milk and bread, most foods

What is a key difference between HCI and HIT?

HIT, or health information technology, is used to capture patient data whereas HCI, or health care informatics, facilitates use of the data to improve patient care quality and safety.

B1 deficiencies

Having high pyruvate in the blood is a sign of a B1 def Foot drop, memory loss, decreased erythrocytes Beriberi - is a disease caused by a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1) that mainly affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Some medical treatments that can raise your risk of beriberi are: Getting dialysis Taking high doses of diuretics (water pills) Too little thiamine in the body can lead to beriberi. The main types of beriberi are: Dry beriberi, which affects the nervous system. Symptoms include vomiting, seizures, muscle weakness, loss of muscle function in the legs, and mental confusion. Dry beriberi can also lead to Wernnicke's which is reverisble, but if not treated it can lead to Korsakoff's which is permeate Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome are two forms of brain damage caused by thiamine deficiency. Wet beriberi, which affects the cardiovascular system. Symptoms include shortness of breath, swelling of the lower legs, rapid heart rate, and chest pain Beriberi is most commonly associated with people who abuse alcohol and those whose diet consists mainly of refined white rice. In rare cases, new mothers who lack sufficient thiamine can pass beriberi on to breastfeeding infants. If it's not treated, beriberi can lead to heart failure, coma, psychosis, and death. Fortunately, beriberi is rare in developed countries, where most foods are enriched with vitamins. Beriberi is treated with thiamine supplements that can be swallowed or injected.


Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996

Calcium function

Helps with vitamin D and vitamin c absorption, blood clotting, cardiac function, Calcium is required for vascular contraction and vasodilation, smooth muscle contraction, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling and hormonal secretion, though less than 1% of total body calcium is needed to support these critical metabolic functions The remaining 99% of the body's calcium supply is stored in the bones and teeth where it supports their structure and function

*minimum* recommended levels for *Hgb* & *Hct* during *pregnancy*

Hgb *11* mg/dL Hct *33*%

*Hgb* & *Hct* parameters for *newborns*

Hgb *16.5-19.5* mg/dL Hct *49-54*%

When is a bill an official law?

If a bill has passed in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate and has been approved by the President, or if a presidential veto has been overridden, the bill becomes a law and is enforced by the government.

If a child is chronically malnourished, which growth parameter will be affected first?

If a child is chronically malnourished, growth parameters will first affect weight, then length, and then head circumference.

Can acetyl CoA go into the krebs cycle without O2?

If oxygen not present, acetyl CoA can't go into Krebs.

What is the social learning theory?

In social learning theory, behavior is explained by continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental influences. Here, individuals are likely to adopt a behavior if it results in outcomes they value, if the model is familiar to the observer and has respectable status, and if the behavior has functional value.

Phosphorus functions

In the form of phospholipids, phosphorus is also a component of cell membrane structure and of the body's key energy source, ATP. They transport fat through lymph and blood Bone health. Required for DNA, RNA ATP Needed in glycolysis Helps with riboflavin absorption

What is the effect of unmodified cows milk in formula?

Inappropriate, tough hard curd, hard to digest, less EFA, and increased renal solute load

Quasi-experimental design

Includes control and comparison group • Time-series: • Periodic intervals of measurement before and after a program • Determines if there is an association between receiving intervention and change Subjects are not randmozised or lack a control group Intervention but subjects aren't random, not a true experiment Did anything change compared to before and after the internvetion? Not a high quality intervention compared to RCT This study design is weak in supporting causual inferences.

Vitamin E def

Increased erythrocyte fragility leads to hemolytic anemia, muscle weakness, neurodysfunction.

What does linoleic acid C18:2w6 indicate?

Indicates that there are 18 carbons, 2 double binds, with the first double bound being on the 6th carbon.

What does linolenic acid C18:3w3 indicate?

Indicates that there are 18 carbons, 3 double bounds, with the first double bound being on the 3rd carbon.

How does myo-inositol help?

Inositol might balance certain chemicals in the body to possibly help with mental conditions such as panic disorder, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It might also help insulin work better. This might help with conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome or diabetes during pregnancy.

Regulation of CHO metabolism using insulin, glucagon, and somastatin

Insulin = secreted in response to high BG levels, functions to stimulate muscle, liver, and adipose cells to store glucose for later use by synthesizing glycogen, protein, and fat Glucagon = secreted in response to low BG, has the opposite effects: It stimulates the liver to release glucose through the breakdown of glycogen (glycogenolysis) and the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate precursors (gluconeogenesis). It also stimulates adipose tissue to release fatty acids through lipolysis. Somatostatin = inhibits the release of insulin and glucagon from their islet cells.

Iodine functions

Iodine is an essential component of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid hormones regulate many important biochemical reactions, including protein synthesis and enzymatic activity, and are critical determinants of metabolic activity [1,2]. They are also required for proper skeletal and central nervous system development in fetuses and infants

Iron function

Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, an erythrocyte (red blood cell) protein that transfers oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Involved in oxygen transport and RBC structure

Copper functions

It is a cofactor for several enzymes (known as "cuproenzymes") involved in energy production, iron metabolism, neuropeptide activation, connective tissue synthesis, and neurotransmitter synthesis [1-3]. One abundant cuproenzyme is ceruloplasmin (CP), which plays a role in iron metabolism and carries more than 95% of the total copper in healthy human plasma

What does the kosher symbol look like?

It is a uppercase U

When using dried heat, what happens to the food?

It toughens if overcooked

Different forms of vitamin K

K1 - Phylloquinones and K2 - menaquinones are both forms of vitamin K.

What is breastmilk rich in?

Lactose is the predominant carbohydrate in human milk. Lactose enhances absorption of calcium in breastmilk.

What hormone acts on the hypothamalus to regulate food intake and energy expenditure?

Leptin is a hormone released from fat cells in adipose tissue. Leptin signals to the brain, in particular to an area called the hypothalamus.

What enzymes does the pancreas release for digestion?

Lipase - turns tris into FFA, and glycerol Cholesterol esterase - turns cholesterols into esters Phospholipase - turns phosphos into lysolecithin and FFA

*AI* for *a-linolenic acid* (n-3 FAs) for men & women

M *1.6* g F *1.1* g

*AI* for *linoleic acid* (n-6 FAs) for men & women

M *17* g F *12* g

*RDA protein* for males & females age *14-18 yrs*

M *52 g* F *46 g*

the *RDA for protein* in *adulthood* (≥19 yrs)

M *56 g* F *46 g*

B1 amounts

M - 1.2 mg F - 1.1 mg

B6 pyrodoxine needs

M - 1.2-1.7 mg F - 1.3 - 1.5 mg

B2 ribo amounts

M - 1.3 mg F - 1.1 mg

Zinc amounts

M - 11mg F - 8 mg

Vitamin K amounts Vitamin K Food Sources

M - 120 ug F - 90 ug Dark leafy greens, nuts, broccoli, avocados, apricots

B3 niacin amounts

M - 16 NE F - 14 NE

manganese amounts

M - 2.3 mcg F - 1.8 mcg

Chromium amounts

M - 35 mcg F - 25 mcg

Mg amounts

M - 420 mg F - 320 mg

Fluoride amounts

M - 4mg F - 3mg

Choline amounts

M - 550 mg F - 425 mg

What are the needs for vitamin A?

M - 900 ug RE F - 700 ug RE

Sulfur food sources

MFP, eggs

encourage *9-12 feedings/day* of human milk or formula to *promote hydration* & *intestinal motility*

MNT for infant *hyperbilirubinemia*

*acidic vegetables* need ___ *time to cook*, use *........ water* and *...... lid*

MORE; more; NO

What are Eicosanoids?

Made from LCFAs (AA, EPA & DHA) Can be n-6 or n-3 Very physiologically active messengers Both pathways produce the same classes of eicosanoids: Prostaglandins Thromboxanes Leukotrienes Eicosanoids made from n-3 are less inflammatory

Mg functions

Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein and fat synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation, and stabilizes ATP structure. Magnesium is required for energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis. Magnesium also plays a role in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, a process that is important to nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm High protein Ca and vitamin D increases Mg needs

Manganese functions

Manganese is a cofactor for many enzymes, including manganese superoxide dismutase, arginase, and pyruvate carboxylase [1,2]. Through the action of these enzymes, manganese is involved in amino acid, cholesterol, glucose, and carbohydrate metabolism; reactive oxygen species scavenging; bone formation; reproduction; and immune response [3-7]. Manganese also plays a role in blood clotting and hemostasis in conjunction with vitamin K

Manganese food sources

Manganese is present in a wide variety of foods, including whole grains, clams, oysters, mussels, nuts, soybeans and other legumes, rice, leafy vegetables, coffee, tea, and many spices, such as black pepper [1,2,5,10,11]. Drinking water also contains small amounts of manganese at concentrations of 1 to 100 mcg/L [5]. The top sources of manganese in the diets of U.S. adults are grain products, tea, and vegetables

GRading is based on 4 things. What are they?

Maturity of animal marbling of fat color and texture of lean

Folate b9 def In which trimester of gestation is folate supplementation most important?

Megaloblastic anemia - Megaloblastic anemia is characterized by red blood cells that are larger than normal. There also aren't enough of them. It's known as vitamin B-12 or folate deficiency anemia, or macrocytic anemia, as well. Megaloblastic anemia is caused when red blood cells aren't produced properly. Diarrhea, fatigue, irriability, dysnpnea, NTDs Folate supplementation is most important during the first trimester because neural tube defects form in the first 18 days after conception. The recommended amount of folate (folic acid) is 600 mcg during pregnancy, with 400 mcg coming from supplements and 200 mcg from foods. NTD develops 21 days after conception Iron is important during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Vitamin D and fluoride are important for infants during lactation.

What is the acid and alkalosis faliure related to kidneys?

Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis

What is 1 reason for metabolic alkalosis to occur?

Metabolic alkalosis occurs from excessive loss of stomach acid from emesis.

Vitamin D functions

Mineralization of bones (raises blood calcium and phosphorus by increasing absorption from digestive tract, withdrawing calcium from bones, stimulating retention by kidneys) Ca and phosphate metabolism

Can the muscle and adipose tissue form free glucose?

Muscle and adipose tissue cannot form free glucose b/c they lack glucose 6 phosphatase =why only the liver regulates blood sugar Cori Cycle = muscle lactate is delivered to liver, converted back to glucose and sent back to the muscle to be used as energy.

what is the *formula* for *net protein utilization* (NPU)

NPU= *[N intake - N output (N retained)]*/*N intake*

Which are cations?

Na+ K+ Ca++ Mg++

*atomic weight* of: Na+ K+ Ca++

Na+: *23* K+: *39* Ca++: *40*

Def of vitamin A

Night blindness / nyctalopia - is reversible with vitamin A and detected using dark adapatation test Xeropthlamia - corneal damage not reversible - abnormal dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye, with inflammation and ridge formation biltot's spots on conjuctiva hyperkeratosis - dry scaly skin

Is olive oil a winterized oil?


Corrected age formula

Normal gestation is approximately 40 weeks. Corrected, or adjusted, age corrects for the baby's prematurity and is calculated by subtracting the number of weeks premature from the chronological age. The formula is actual age in weeks - weeks premature = correct or adjusted age. Premature weeks is calculated by subtracting the number of weeks early from normal gestation. If your baby was born at 32 weeks' gestation, she was 8 weeks (40-32 = 8 weeks) preterm. If she is now 4 months old (16 weeks since birth), her corrected age is 2 months. In this case, even if your baby is 4 months old, you should expect her to have the developmental skills of a 2-month-old term baby. It would be unrealistic to expect your baby to be ready to roll from her stomach to her back—a skill that often develops in term babies around the age of 4 months. 16 weeks - 8 weeks = 8 weeks (2 months corrected age)

How has the nutrition label been updated?

On May 20, 2016, the FDA announced the new Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods to reflect more current scientific information, including the link between diet and chronic diseases (such as obesity and heart disease). A few of the key changes on the new and improved Nutrition Facts label include the following: "Calories" is now larger and bolder, "Calories from Fat" has been removed, and "Added Sugar" is now required, along with other updates.

Do formula fed infants need a fluoride supplement?

Only after 6 months of age if their water supply is less then .3ppm Need .25mg/d

What is OARS in MI?

Open questions, affirmation, reflective listening, and summary reflections (OARS) are the basic interaction techniques and skills that are used "early and often" in the motivational interviewing approach.

What is OSFED?

Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED) is a clinical category used to describe a variety of disordered eating behaviors (maladaptive thoughts and behaviors related to food, eating and body image) that do not meet all the diagnostic criteria for a specific eating disorder, like anorexia nervosa or bulimia

Which foods dont have to be washed before serving?

Other fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers and carrots, can be washed before storing to wash away dust and spray residues. Some fruits and vegetables, such as bananas and mangos, do not require washing because the skin is not eaten.

Zinc food sources

Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food, but red meat and poultry provide the majority of zinc in the American diet. Other good food sources include beans, nuts, certain types of seafood (such as crab and lobster), whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, and dairy products [2,11]. Phytates—which are present in whole-grain breads, cereals, legumes, and other foods—bind zinc and inhibit its absorption [2,12,13]. Thus, the bioavailability of zinc from grains and plant foods is lower than that from animal foods, although many grain- and plant-based foods are still good sources of zinc Copper also decreases zinc absorption

Folate B9 properties

PABA is precursor (Para-aminobenzoic acid)

What are the 10 essential AAs?

PVT TIM HALL phenylalanine, valine, threonine tryptophan, isoleucine, methionine histidine, arginine, leucine, lysine,

*essential (indispensable)* amino acids

PVT TIM HLL Phe (phenylalanine) Val (valine) Thr (threonine) Trp (tryptophan) Ile (isoleucine) Met (methionine) His (histidine) Leu (leucine) Lys (lysine)

Sulfur properties

Part of amino acids cysteine, cystine, methionine

What components comprise the core of motivational interviewing? There are 4

Partnership, acceptance, compassion, and evocation (the act of bringing or recalling a feeling, memory, or image to the conscious mind) are the core of motivational interviewing

What do people remember?

People remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they hear and see, 70% of what they themselves say, and 90% of what they themselves say and do.

Jaclyn enjoys hands-on experiments and learning through trial and error. She prefers group discussions to facilitate her learning. Which learning style best describes Jaclyn?

People who prefer to learn through the teaching methods of hands-on experimentation, trial/error and discussion reflect the learning styles of a Splitter (Kirby), Sensor (Jung), Converger (Kolb), and Common Sense (4MAT). People who prefer to learn through lecture, independent study, and research reflect the learning styles of a Lumper (Kirby), Thinker (Jung), Assimilator (Kolb), and Analytic (4MAT).

Which ingredient used in cola beverages has been shown to negatively affect cardiovascular function?

Phosphate A high-phosphate intake has been shown to impair endothelial cell function in the vascular system. "Free" (unorganically bound) phosphate that is added to food is very efficiently absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, unlike organically bound phosphate that occurs naturally in protein-dominant foods and some grain foods.

Phosphorus def

Phosphorus deficiency (hypophosphatemia) is rare in the United States and is almost never the result of low dietary intakes [1]. However it can cause refeeding syndrome

How are premature weeks calculated?

Premature weeks is calculated by subtracting the number of weeks early from normal gestation. For example, 40 weeks normal gestation - 29 weeks early = 11 weeks premature.

How should frozen foods be prepared to reduce retrogradation?

Prepare frozen products with a starch or flour from a waxy cereal - waxy corn, sorghum, rice

What is the palmar grasp reflex?

Press against palm with finger. Baby will grasp finger. *Birth to 3 months*


Prevention and treatment of the common cold Avoid taking longer then 2 months

What does USDA PRIME mean?

Prime beef is produced from young, well-fed beef cattle. It has abundant marbling (the amount of fat interspersed with lean meat), and is generally sold in restaurants and hotels. Prime roasts and steaks are excellent for dry-heat cooking such as broiling, roasting or grilling.

Printed materials should be written at what grade leveL?

Printed materials should be written at the 5th or 6th grade level.

B6 (pyridoxine) properties

Pyridoxine INH- isoniazid (B6 antagonist)-- treats TB and interferes with B6 absorption

What is the Rapid Eating Assessment for Patients?

REAP, or Rapid Eating Assessment for Patients, is a tool used to quickly assess dietary intake and physical activity. It asks a patient about the frequency of food consumed, frequency of physical activity, and alcohol consumption

Cobalt def

Related to b12 def

Saw palmetto

Relieves symptoms of enlarged prostate It is a diuretic

B2 (riboflavin) properties

Riboflavin; lost in UV light-- this is why milk is packed in UV safe container

What does rolling with resistance mean?

Rolling with resistance is affirming the client's freedom of choice and telling the client reluctance is normal.

which fruits and vegetables ripen best at room temp Which fruits should you store in the fridge?

Room temp - avocados, bananas, pears and tomatoes Fridge - Apples, mushrooms, and oranges are examples of produce that should be stored in the refrigerator.

What is petechiae? A pediatric patient is diagnosed with petechiae and poor growth rate. Which of the following foods should the patient add to his diet?

Round pinpoint, non-raised, purplish-red spots The essential fatty acids are linoleic acid (omega-6) and a-linolenic (omega-3). An absence or deficiency in omega-6 leads to eczema, poor growth rate, and petechiae (red or purple skin spots). To reverse this deficiency, an omega-6-rich source should be recommended, such as safflower or sunflower oil.

How do the fats get into the mitochondria?

SCFAs can pass directly into mitochondria LCFAs require membrane transport system Carnitine acts as a carrier molecule Humans can make carnitine Synthesized from lysine & methionine Carnitine found in abundance in muscle

*smoke points* of oil in *decreasing* order

SaSo CaCo PaPe SuSe O lard short butt: *safflower 513 soybean* 478 canola 470 corn 468 palm 455 peanut 453 sunflower 450 sesame 438 olive 375 lard 375 shortening 365-370 butter 350

Where would one find information regarding hazardous exposure to cleaning agents?

Safety data sheets (SDSs) (formerly called MSDSs or material safety data sheets) are created for each hazardous chemical to issue to all employees who use these chemicals so that they are aware of potential hazards of use. First aid measures are found in section 4 of SDSs.

What are MCT?

Saturated fats between 6-12 carbons Milk fat, coconut oil, palm kernel oil

Iodine food sources

Seaweed (such as kelp, nori, kombu, and wakame) is one of the best food sources of iodine [5]. Other good sources include fish and other seafood, as well as eggs (see Table 2). Iodine is also present in human breast milk [2,5] and infant formulas Iodinzed salt

Phosphorus properties

Second most abundant mineral in the body Found in bones, teeth, and all body cells Assists in energy metabolism ATP Provide structure to phospholipids Transport for lipids and component of cell membranes Part of DNA, RNA ATP

What does USDA select mean?

Select beef is very uniform in quality and normally leaner than the higher grades. It is fairly tender, but, because it has less marbling, it may lack some of the juiciness and flavor of the higher grades. Only the tender cuts should be cooked with dry heat. Other cuts should be marinated before cooking or braised to obtain maximum tenderness and flavor.

Selenium def

Selenium deficiency produces biochemical changes that might predispose people who experience additional stresses to develop certain illnesses [6]. For example, selenium deficiency in combination with a second stress (possibly a viral infection) leads to Keshan disease, a cardiomyopathy. intakes of at least 20 mcg/day protect adults from Keshan disease Myalgia - muscle pain

tryptophan and tyorsine synsthesize which compounds?

Serotonin, niacin, and melatonin are a product of tryptophan. Epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine are synthesized from tyrosine.

What does the irradiation symbol look like?

Since 1986, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required that any food treated by irradiation - a widely practiced use of radiation to preserve food, kill pests, and delay ripening - must be marked with the international Radura symbol.

What does USDA standard mean?

Standard and Commercial grades of beef are frequently sold as ungraded or as store brand meat. Utility, Cutter, and Canner grades of beef are seldom, if ever, sold at retail but are used instead to make ground beef and processed products.

Which hormones stimulate glycogenolysis?

Stimulated by glucagon (pancreas) Stimulated by epinephrine (adrenal medulla) Antagonistic to insulin

What is the difference between stunting and wasting?

Stunting, or low height for age, is caused by long-term insufficient nutrient intake and frequent infections. Stunting generally occurs before age two, and effects are largely irreversible. These include delayed motor development, impaired cognitive function and poor school performance. Nearly one third of children under five in the developing world are stunted Wasting, or low weight for height, is a strong predictor of mortality among children under five. It is usually the result of acute significant food shortage and/or disease. There are 24 developing countries with wasting rates of 10 per cent or more, indicating a serious problem urgently requiring a response.

What is growth hormone?

Substance secreted by the anterior pituitary; controls size of an individual by promoting cell division, protein synthesis, and bone growth Growth hormone is often said to have anti-insulin activity, because it supresses the abilities of insulin to stimulate uptake of glucose in peripheral tissues and enhance glucose synthesis in the liver.

What are electrolytes?

Substances that release ions in water - cations (+) and anions (-)

What is sustain talkk?

Sustain talk - comments made by client where they make excuses

When a client uses sustain talk, how should you respond?

Sustain talk can make patients less likely to change. Don't react negatively. Instead use affirmations, reframing, and double sided reflections

Mg def

Symptomatic magnesium deficiency due to low dietary intake in otherwise-healthy people is uncommon because the kidneys limit urinary excretion of this mineral [3]. However, habitually low intakes or excessive losses of magnesium due to certain health conditions, chronic alcoholism, and/or the use of certain medications can lead to magnesium deficiency. Early signs of magnesium deficiency include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. As magnesium deficiency worsens, numbness, tingling, muscle contractions, tremors and cramps, seizures, personality changes, abnormal heart rhythms, and coronary spasms can occur, HTN. Severe magnesium deficiency can result in hypocalcemia or hypokalemia (low serum calcium or potassium levels, respectively) because mineral homeostasis is disrupted - osteoporisis

Vitamin K properties

Synthesized by bacteria in lower intestinal tract No toxicity symptoms Fat soluable

How are fatty acids released from TG?

TG must be hydrolyzed to release FA TG → Glycerol + 3FA Enzymes: lipoprotein lipase (vascular endothelium) intracellular lipase (liver and adipose tissue)

What is the AI for fiber for 9-13 year olds? What is the RDA for protein for 9-13 year olds? What is the AI for ca for 9-13 year olds?

The Adequate Intake (AI) for daily total fiber is: 31 grams for 9- to 13-year-old males 26 grams for 9- to 13-year-old females The RDA for protein for males and females ages 9 to 13 is 34 grams. The AI for calcium for males and females ages 9 to 13 is 1300 milligrams.

What functions does the AMS of the USDA oversee?

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) administers commodity standardization, grading, and inspection programs, and disseminates market information to five commodity programs: dairy, fruit and vegetable, livestock and seed, poultry, and cotton and tobacco

What reference height and weight were used for women when developing calorie recommendations for the 2015-2020 US Dietary Guidelines?

The US Dietary Guidelines were developed using estimated energy requirements (EER) equations, using reference heights (average) and reference weights (healthy) for age-sex groups. For women, the reference height was 5 feet 4 inches tall and weight 126 pounds. For men, the reference height was 5 feet 10 inches tall and weight 154 pounds.

What is osmotic pressure?

The amount of pressure required to stop the osmotic flow of water. The pressure required to prevent the flow of water across a semipermeable membrane via osmosis.

What is the best food to bring for pre-school (2 1/2-4 1/2yrs) if you were a teacher?

The best foods to bring to a picnic involving children would be those that do not commonly cause choking or allergic reactions Foods that most commonly cause choking include tough meats, hot dogs, nuts, grapes, hard candies, popcorn, and peanut butter. Cow's milk protein is the most common single allergen for infants. Foods that most commonly cause allergies include milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat.

How does serum albumin contribute to osmotic pressure?

The colloid nature of albumin—and, to a lesser extent, of other blood proteins called globulins—keeps the fluid within the blood vessels. Albumin also acts as a carrier for two materials necessary for the control of blood clotting: (1) antithrombin, which keeps the clotting enzyme thrombin from working unless needed, and (2) heparin cofactor, which is necessary for the anticlotting action of heparin. The serum albumin level falls and rises in such liver disorders as cirrhosis or hepatitis.

What is gluconeogenesis?

The formation of glucose by non-glucose precursors. Proteins and fats. Reversal of glycolysis Gluconeogenesis is an anabolic pathway whereby pyruvate is converted into glucose. When dietary CHO intake or BG levels are reduced, hormones trigger the accelerated glucose synthesis from non-CHO sources: lactate pyruvate glycerol (from TG) and certain amino acids (glucogenic amino acids)

What is the goal of the evoking process?

The goal of the evoking process is to inspire motivation. Telling a client why they should change is not effective in promoting long lasting behavior change.

Are all fresh produce grades equally as nutritious?

The grades are based on the product's color, shape, maturity, and freedom from defects. The lower grades are just as nutritious as the higher grades. The difference is mainly in appearance, waste, and preference.

How do the kidneys compensate for respiratory alkalosis?

The kidneys excrete additional base

Choline food sources

The main dietary sources of choline in the United States consist primarily of animal-based products that are particularly rich in choline—meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs [4,5,8-10]. Cruciferous vegetables and certain beans are also rich in choline, and other dietary sources of choline include nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Copper food sources

The richest dietary copper sources include shellfish, seeds and nuts, organ meats, wheat-bran cereals, whole-grain products, and chocolate [1,2]. The absorption of copper is strongly influenced by the amount of copper in the diet; bioavailability ranges from 75% of dietary copper when the diet contains only 400 mcg/day to 12% when the diet contains 7.5 mg/day

Iron food sources

The richest sources of heme iron in the diet include lean meat and seafood and poultry. Dietary sources of nonheme iron include nuts, beans, vegetables, and fortified grain products Heme iron is easier absorpbed then non heme

What are the 3 FA found in omega 3?

The three main omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is found mainly in plant oils such as flaxseed, soybean, and canola oils DHA and EPA are found in fish

Who makes up the legislative branch of government?

The two houses of Congress: The House of Representatives and the Senate

What are phytosterols?

They can reduce serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 10% to 15% Sterols and stanols can lower LDL cholesterol

How do the kidneys compensate for respiratory acidosis?

They generate additional bicarbonate and eliminate excess H+

What is the minimum width that aisles should be to accommodate individuals who require wheelchairs in a hospital cafeteria's foodservice line?

To accommodate wheelchairs, the aisle in a hospital cafeteria foodservice line needs to be a minimum of 36"

Vitamin E properties

Tocopherol *One of the least toxic vitamins UL 1000mg fat soluble antioxidant

Iodine properties

Trace mineral Part of thyroxine

What is the difference between transamination and deamination?

Transamination = transfers an amino group from an amino acid to an α-keto acid (requires B6 and PLP is a derivative of pyridoxine (vitamin B6.) The old amino acid becomes the new α-keto acid The old α-keto acid becomes the new amino acid Deamination i sThe removal of an amino group from an amino acid with no transfer to another compound. removes amino group and releases amino for disposal through the urea cycle

*5 grades* for *fresh* produce

US fancy *US extra #1* US No. 1 *US combination* US No. 2

when working with clients who have *limited English* skills

USE *common terms* & *short, simple sentences* AVOID *slang*, *acronyms*, & *short hand*

What is an effective way to make written educational materials relevant to patients?

Use 2nd person pronouns to convey directives and recommendations Using the 2nd person "you" in educational materials helps patients identify with the text and thus makes it relevant to them.

Liorice root

Used to tx ulcers Avoid combinations with spironolactone, thiazide and loop diurectics, hypertensives

Ginkgo biloba

Vasodilation Avoid use with warfarin

Vitamin E sources

Vegetable oils, whole grains, dark leafy greens, almonds, peanut butter, nuts avocados, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli whole grains found in germ of grain

How do the kidneys compensate for metabolic aklalosis?

Ventilation decreases to retain CO2 to make carbonic acid

What is sensible water loss?

Water and electrolytes. This is like excessive sweating. This could be caused by exercise, fever, high environmental temperatures. They all might lead to excess water and electrolyte loss. A sensible water loss can be seen, felt, and measured; for example, urine outpu

How are fatty acids made?

We make fatty acids from acetyl CoA building blocks =Fatty Acid Synthesis

At what age does BMI and weight peak?

Weight and BMI peak between age 50 and 59 years, then stabilize and start slowly dropping around age 70.

When do we make fatty acids? Which FA can we not synthesize?

When the demand for ATP is low. The FA that we cannt make are omega 3 & 6 - Humans lack desaturases required to introduce double bonds to make these fatty acids AA = Arachidonic Acid derived from LA n-6 EPA = Eicosapentaenoic Acid derived from ALA n-3 DHA = Docosahexaenoic Acid derived from ALA n-3 AA, EPA & DHA can all be used to make eicosanoids

Is egg grading mandatory?

While inspection for egg safety and wholesomeness is mandatory, grading for quality is voluntary. If an egg producer chooses to have eggs graded, it pays the USDA for the service.

Do metabolic stimulants like caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine increase the BMR>

Yes, metabolic stimulants (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine) can induce a 7-15% increase in BMR

Zinc def

Zinc deficiency is characterized by growth retardation, loss of appetite, and impaired immune function. In more severe cases, zinc deficiency causes hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation, impotence, hypogonadism in males, and eye and skin lesions. Weight loss, delayed healing of wounds, taste abnormalities, and mental lethargy can also occur Clinicians consider risk factors (such as inadequate caloric intake, alcoholism, and digestive diseases) and symptoms of zinc deficiency (such as impaired growth in infants and children) when determining the need for zinc supplementation

Zinc functions

Zinc is involved in numerous aspects of cellular metabolism. It is required for the catalytic activity of approximately 100 enzymes and it plays a role in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA & RNA synthesis, and cell division, and insulin action, and taste Zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence and is required for proper sense of taste and smell. A daily intake of zinc is required to maintain a steady state because the body has no specialized zinc storage system FOlate absorption needs zinc cleaves polyglutamate ==> more absorbable monoglutamate form

when sweetener is added to liquid of packing juice, the *density of the syrup* is expressed as

a *% by weight* of *sucrose*

a *desirable* property of *fat* used in *frying* is

a *high smoke point* (desirable is >374 F)

when a meat has *passed USDA inspection*, it is shown with

a *round purple stamp*

to *prevent stringy, curdled* looking *cheese* products, *cook* for _____ at ______

a *short time* at *moderate temps*

what is a *conjugated* protein

a *simple* protein plus a *non-protein substance*

what type of *flour* MUST be used for the *sponge method* of preparing dough?

a *strong* flour, *high in protein* (e.g. *bread* flour)

what is a *derived fat*

a fat substance *derived from a simple or compound fat* by hydrolysis or enzymatic breakdown

what is a *compound fat*

a simple fat + another component

What are pectins?

a soluble gelatinous polysaccharide that is present in ripe fruits and is extracted for use as a setting agent in jams and jellies. non-digestable thicking quality

*cultural communication styles* differ when it comes to (5 aspects)

a. *voice* (rate, pitch, & volume) b. *eye contact* (direct gaze or avert eyes as sign of respect) c. *expression* (restrained, emotional, or focused) d. *speech* (slow & soft, loud & fast) e. *greetings* (handshake firm or mild, bow/nod)

causes of *metabolic ALKALOSIS* (abnormal retention of bicarbonate or loss of H+)

abnormal retention of HCO3: *diuretics* and *vomiting* loss of acid (H+): *diuretics* (loss of Cl-)

how long to *hold meat* in *cold storage* to *age* and ripen

about *10 days*

Mg properties

abudant mineral in the body that is part of chlorophyll 50% in bone and 50% in cells

examples of *SCFAs* produced from bacterial digestion/fermentation of malabsorbed CHOs & fiber in the colon

acetate butyrate proprionate *lactate*

an *acid* ___ *hydrogen* ions and a *base* ___ *hydrogen* ions in solution

acid *releases*, base *takes up*

<5th percentile shows what?

acute illness or wasting

*blocking agents*

agents (such as phytochemicals) that *prevent active carcinogen* agents *from reaching target tissue*

when an *egg foam* is *heated*

air expands egg white stretches and *protein coagulates*

What is the Pentose Pathyway Shunt?

aka Hexose Monophosphate Shunt Purpose = generate intermediates not produced in other pathways: Pentose phosphates - 5C sugars w/P needed for DNA and RNA and for other nucleotides NADPH (reduced cosubstrate) used for synthesis of fatty acids, drug metabolism, maintenance of reducing substrates in RBCs

Vitamin C properties

aka ascorbic acid. most easily destroyed, structure like glucose, antioxidant, needs acid pH, destroyed by heat, alkaline pH, oxidation

*OLD baking powder* is more ______ and causes *loss* of _______ in *baked goods*

alkaline; *thiamin*

if pastry flour or cake flour are not available when making a pie, use ___

all purpose

what is tempering meat?

allowing it to sit at room temperature before cooking or to let meat defrost before cooking. This helps it to cook more evenly

a *deeper brown crust* on baked goods comes from ________ and _________

an *alkaline solution* (baking soda) + *solid sugar*

unintended *yellowing* of a cake is *caused by*

an *alkaline* batter (*too much baking soda*)

*water soluble vitamins* are *lost* in

an *alkaline* solution

what can be added to *prevent oil and water from separating*?

an *emulsifier*

in *processed cheese*, what is the purpose of *disodium phosphate*

an *emulsifier* that prevents fat separation and *adds smoothness*

onions may turn yellow when cooked in

an aluminum pan

synthesis of a more complex substance uses energy


*hormones* that *regulate protein metabolism* include

anabolism- *growth hormone* (pituitary), *thyroid* hormone, *insulin*, *testosterone* catabolism- *glucocorticoids*

B5 PA food sources

animal foods, grains, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, fish, avocados


antiemetic Avoid use with drugs that affect bleeding

Vitamin E function

antioxidant that protects erythrocytes and membranes from damage (E for Erythrocytes) (RBC membrane structure) - resists hemolysis of RBCs

Selenium functions

antioxidant, tissue respiration

Vitamin C functions

antioxidant, wound healing, and iron absorption Vitamin C is required for the biosynthesis of collagen, L-carnitine, and certain neurotransmitters; vitamin C is also involved in protein metabolism [1,2]. It changes proline -> hydroxyproline -> collagen which stregthens intercellular substances Collagen is an essential component of connective tissue, which plays a vital role in wound healing. Vitamin C is also an important physiological antioxidant [3] and has been shown to regenerate other antioxidants within the body, including alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) [4]. In addition to its biosynthetic and antioxidant functions, vitamin C plays an important role in immune function [4] and improves the absorption of nonheme iron [5], the form of iron present in plant-based foods

*propyl gallate* *BHA* *BHT* ascorbic acid (prevents browning ==> improves apperance) alpha tocopherol (natural)


ANOVA answers

are there *1 or more significant differences ANYWHERE among the samples*?

a *dietitian* can *present views on a bill* at what stage of legislation?

at a *public hearing* for the bill (scheduled after bill is sent to committees, where testimony is taken from bill's sponsors) *or earlier* in the *planning stages*

How do statin mx work?

atorvastatin, simvistatin, pravastatin HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors Very effective at lowering cholesterol levels Shut off endogenous cholesterol production

*pregnant* women should *avoid* consuming ___, ___, & ____, and *limit consumption* of _____ and _____

avoid: *shark*, *swordfish*, *king mackerel* limit: *albacore* tuna & *raw fish*

why are *pastry & cake flours* effective *thickeners* (compared to other flours)?

b/c they contain proportionately *more starch* & *less protein*

all baking powders have

baking soda

cook green vegetables for a short time and serve quickly if

baking soda is added

measured in the *morning* when reclining, awake, relaxed, at a *normal body temp*, at least *12 hours after last meal* and *several hours after strenuous activity/exercise*

basal metabolic rate (*BMR*)

why should you hold off on adding an *acid* to a *starch gel* until *cooking is complete*?

because *acid breaks down starch* into smaller molecules and will give a *runny product* (ex: if lemon juice is added to lemon meringue pie before cooking is complete, filling will be runny)

why *variability is reduced* in a *crossover* study design (allowing for a smaller sample size)

because the *measured effect of the intervention* is the *difference* in *THAT participant's response TO the intervention & control* The decrease in variance allows researchers to use smaller sample sizes than that used in parrallel design in RCT, even though a crossover design is usually longer then a parrell design, there is an advantage that each participant is exposed to all treatments tested in the study

why does a starch have decreased thickening abilities when it has not been mixed well (in cold water)?

because the *starch inside the lump* is *not available for use*

*fat* adds *tenderness* by *coating gluten* particles, *preventing them* from

becoming *one continuous mass*

puts the *client* on *defense*

being *judgmental* in asking questions or discussing problems with the client (ex. discussing problems evaluatively vs. descriptively)

anthocyanin turn ___ in alkaline


WHat is amylopectin?

branched chain, slightly soluable starch fraction consiting of glucose 1,4 A glucoside linkages but interputted by 1,6 A linking resulting in very large polysacchride.

chlorophyll turns ___ in *alkaline*

bright green, *chlorophyllin*

anthocyanin turn ___ in acid

bright red

in *imitation* ice cream (*mellorine*), ________ is *replaced* with ___

butterfat, *hydrogenated vegetable oil*

how does *gelatin* function to *keep sugar & ice crystals small* in *candy* and *ice cream*?

by *interfering with the union of small crystals* to make larger ones

how do *phytochemicals* function to *reduce risk* of *CHD*?

by *preventing oxidation* of *LDL-C*

What is a non-verbal community that expresses anixety?

by the physical act of crossing and uncrossing her legs

when making a pie, if pastry flour is not available, ___ is best


RDA for 1-3 yr olds for Ca RDA for 4-8 yr olds for Ca *AI* for *calcium* ages *9-18 yrs* RDA for Ca for women >51

calcium RDAs are 700 mg for 1- to 3-year-olds male/female 1,000 mg for 4- to 8-year-olds (male/female) 9-18 yrs - 1300 mg* For women over 51 years of age, the RDA is 1,200 mg

process by which eggs are graded


*calcium* content *high* in what kinds of fish

canned with bones *oysters* *shrimp*

*proteins* are composed of which elements

carbon hydrogen oxygen *nitrogen (16%)* sometimes *sulfur* (methionine, cysteine, cystine)

chemical properties of carbohydrates- made up of which elements

carbon, hydrogen, & oxygen (CHO)

What are lipids made up of?

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

the role of the lungs in acid-base balance is to control the supply of

carbonic acid (carbon dioxide and water)

yellow/orange pigment is due to


what is the collective name for *milk proteins* that *precipitate* at a *pH* of *4.6*


*home telehealth* services include

check on *symptoms* measure *vital signs* *health coaching*

*3-step process* when *evaluating* a patient's *acid-base balance*

check the *pH* (moving towards acidosis or alkalosis?) look for the cause: either respiratory or metabolic -check *pCO2* (reflects lung function by measuring carbonic acid) -check *HCO3* (reflects kidney function by measuring base)

green pigment is due to


Vitamin D properties What is the active form of vitamin D?

cholesterol is precursor UV light Fat soluble 7-dehydrocolesterol--->D3 cholecalciferol--->D2 ergocalciferol Calcitriol, also called 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, is the active form of vitamin D.

cis fatty acids vs. trans fatty acids

cis - hydrogens on same side of the double bond, U formation. most are unsaturated acids, most natural fats and oils trans - hydrogens on opposite sides of double bond. linear

Vitamin C food sources

citrus fruits, potatoes, papaya, dark green and yellow veggies, red pepper, banana

*listening responses* (in a counseling session) include

clarification active/reflective listening legitimation statement feedback

Is winterized oil clear or cloudy?


when clients *verbalize their reasons* that *favor targeted behavior change* "i want to lose weight to feel better"

client *change talk*

What does climacteric mean?

climacteric fruits are fruits that continue to ripen even after they have been picked

B6 pyridoxine function

coenzyme in AA metabolism: deamination, transamination; increase protein intake = increase pyridoxine need Gluconeogenesis Transport AA Involved in protein catabolism transamination

anthoxanthins are ___ in acid

colorless (bleaching effect)

What is cellulose?

complex carb made of glucose units joined together by 1,4 B glucoside linkages

What is starch?

complex carbs consiting of amylose and amylopectin joined together by the elimination of water

Choline properties

component of lecithin

Sulfur functions

component of organic molecules

What are pheophytins a and b?

compounds formed from chlorophyll a and b in which the Mg ion is replaced by H, altering the color to greenish gray for A and olive green for B

What is the structure of a fatty acid?

contains a long hydrocarbon chain and a terminal carboxylate group and a methyl group (CH3) at the end

Selenium properties

cooperates with vitamin E, trace mineral

*% moisture content* in cheeses from *high ==> low*

cottage - 79 cream mozzarella - 45-55 camembert bleu swiss cheddar gorganzola parmesan - 31

Product is viscous, shiny, smooth at the start of process. But then becomes what?

creamy, dull, and lighter in color. With furthuer beatings it cools and stiffens rapidly

Where does fatty acid synthesis occur?

cytoplasmic matrix

Phosphorus food sources

dairy products, meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, legumes, vegetables, and grains Found in whole grains in the outer layer of endosperm and the germ

splitting off of NH2 by hydrolysis in the liver


to *correct leavening differences* at *high altitudes* during baking, you must *decrease* the amount of ________ and *increase* the amount of ________ in the batter

decrease *baking powder*, increase *liquid*

implications of *baking* at *high altitudes*

decreased pressure at higher elevations ==> *gas expands faster* and *steam forms earlier* (due to *lower boiling point* of water at higher elevations)

*dehydration* is associated with

decreased water intake excessive water output & *heavy solute load*

If kidneys excrete excess bicarbonate the level of base


if a given *amino acid* is *not utilized in tissue protein synthesis*, it may be

degraded or *oxidized* to yield *energy*

Fluoride def

dental caries

Population of interest

describes group about which the observations are made

*descriptive* research _______ hypotheses regarding _______, while *analytical* research ________ hypotheses concerning _______

descriptive- *generates* hypotheses, *determinants* of a *condition or disease* analytical- *tests* hypotheses, *effects of specific factors* of interest

What is the function of vitamin A? Which protein is important for vision and requires vitamin A for synthesis?

differentiation of cells, vision in reduced light (retinol makes up rhodopsin cells), antioxidant skin, vision, wound healing, and antioxidiant Vitamin A is needed to form rhodopsin, a pigment protein for vision.

A *good negotiator* is ____, ____, ____, _____, and ______

direct calm clear patient tolerant

*phytochemicals* may *detoxify* _____, _____, ____, or_____

drugs, toxins, carcinogens (e.g. indoles/thiols in cruciferous veggies), or mutagens

Black cohosh

eases menopause S&S But may cause clotting

exerts *colloidal osmotic pressure* on blood vessel wall which *holds water within* the blood vessel

effect of serum *protein* (e.g. albumin)

What does not aid in iron absorption?

eggs, tea, milk, cheese

*syneresis* occurs when (2)

either cooked at *too high a temp* or *too low* a temp *for too long* a time

What are valence electrons?

electrons in the outermost shell

stomach emptying of *carbohydrate-rich* & *protein-rich* foods

empty at the *same rate*

What are the 3 uses for glucose?

energy storage - glycogenesis in muscle and liver and lipogenesis Small amount is converted into other CHO compounds - ribose and DNA

what are the *3 end products* of *energy metabolism*

energy in the form of *ATP*, *CO2*, & *water* Glucose in the cell is oxidized to produce energy

thermic (calorigenic) effect of food (i.e. "diet-induced thermogenesis")

energy needed to *digest, absorb, & assimilate nutrients*

B2 ribo function

energy release (metabolism) from protein red cell production Glycolysis

Chromium function

enhances insulin action, may improve glucose tolerance

B3 niacin properties

essential in all cells for energy production and metabolism Tryptophan is a precursor for niacin. The liver can also use tryptophan to produce niacin (vitamin B3), which is needed for energy metabolism and DNA production. In order for tryptophan in the diet to be changed into niacin, the body needs to have enough: Iron Riboflavin Vitamin B6

*encouraging* the client to *express fears and concerns* about impending changes

establish *rapport*

a *tough, dry crumb* (of cake product) may be caused by (4)

excess *flour* or *egg* *too LITTLE fat* or *sugar* *overmixing* the batter *over-baking*

a *fallen center* in a cake may be caused by (6 possible causes):

excess *sugar* excess *fat* excess *baking powder* *inadequate mixing* oven *temp too LOW* *open door early* during baking

4 classifications of syrup

extra light light heavy extra heavy

*external factors* that *affect BEE* include

extremes in *environmental temperature* *caffeine*, *alcohol*, & *nicotine*

What are the properties of vitamin A?

fat soluable and processed and stored in liver carotene precursor provitamin - nutrient changed into vitamin toxic level is 10,000 IU - elderly, pregnant, and children are at the most risk for toxicity of this vitamin - it can cause cirrhotic like liver syndrome with portal hypertension. People with liver issues may also be at higher risk for vitamin A toxicity.

sources of carbohydrates

flour cereals fruits vegetables dairy products

*self-rising flour* contains

flour + *baking powder* + *salt*

what is the purpose of *increasing flour* and *adding liquid* when cooking with *bran*?

flour increases amount of gluten provided liquid hydrates the flour

*fluoride supplementation* may be required *after 6 months* for EITHER breastfed or formula-fed infants *if*

fluoride content of *water supply* is *inadequate* (<0.3 ppm)

absorption of this vitamin is zinc dependent and cleaves polyglutamate to monoglutamate


What is a non-verbal community that expresses avoidance?

folding arms across the chest to express avoidance

to *minimize* the development of a *strong flavor*, cook *cabbage*

for a *SHORT time* (unlike other acidic vegetables which usually require more time) keep *lid off initially* to let acids escape cook in *large amounts of water*

What is glycogenesis?

formation of glycogen from glucose; requires high-energy input; stored in liver and skeletal muscle Glycogenesis is an anabolic process in which glucose molecules are added into the polymeric branched structure of glycogen

*formative* evaluation uses _____ data for assessment while *summative* evaluation uses _____ approaches

formative- *qualitative* summative- *quantitative*

B9 folate sources

fortified cereal and bread, liver, kidney, GLV, cirtrus fruits, lentils, beans

fresh eggs should be kept in the _____


Neonate is

from birth to 1 month can absorb whole intact protein

*sources* of *phytochemicals*

fruits vegetables legumes *whole grains* *nuts* seeds *herbs* *spices*

section of the research report that includes: research *objectives* definitions background *limitations* & *order of presentation*

general *introduction*

these *hormones* all help to *raise blood glucose*

glucagon glucocorticoids epinephrine growth hormone ACTH

hormones *released* from the *intestine* when glucose & fat enter *stimulate insulin* synthesis & release

glucagon-like peptide 1 (*GLP-1*) glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide*(*GIP*)

examples of *monosaccharides*

glucose, fructose and galactose

CHO are found as ___ in the liver and ____ in the blood

glyogen, glucose

*grades* for *canned* fruits and vegetables

grade *A*: deserts and salads (*fancy*) grade *B*: processed (*choice*) grade *C*: puddings and pies (*standard*)

B1 food sources

grains, wheat germ, pork liver, fish, potatoes, nuts, shellfish, beans, legumes, seeds Found in whole grains in the scutellum

examples of *conventional (whole)* functional foods

grape juice & red wine (resveratrol, dec. platelet aggregation) fatty fish (omega-3 FAs, dec. plasma TG) tomatoes (lycopene, dec. prostate cancer risk)

anthycyanins are ___ affected by changes in pH


an example of chlorophyll changing to pheophytin is

green beans sitting on a steam table for a long time

B2 ribo def

growth faliure chellosis - cracked lips angular stomatitis - mouth corner cracks and sore throat Magenta tongue Defs in mouth because cell turnover is so high

a *roux* is

half *fat* & half *flour* (50/50 mix) e.g. gravy

how is *infant formula* different from human milk

has *more protein* & *iron* than human milk *no antibodies*

What is the Campinha-Bacote Cultural Competence Model?

health care-centered model comprises five interdependent constructs: cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural encounters, cultural desire, and cultural skill

____ will break the bonds holding amylose together


what are the creams with the most fat (in decreasing order)

heavy or thick medium whipping cream light or thin sour cream half & half

Vitamin K def

hemorrhage affected by mineral oil, antibiotics and anticoagulants

all fish are ___ in protein

high (similar to meat)

compared to other cakes (incl. regular shortened cakes), *cookies* are relatively *higher* in ___ and *lower* in ___ & ___

higher in *fat* lower in *sugar* & *liquid*

What is calcitonin?

hormone produced by parafollicular cells of thyroid gland the lowers blood calcium levels Calcitonin works to control calcium and potassium levels. It does this by inhibiting the activity of the osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone. When the osteoclasts break down bone tissue, the calcium enters the bloodstream. By preventing the breakdown of bone, calcitonin lessens the amount of calcium in the blood. The hormone also seems to decrease the amount of calcium the kidneys can re-absorb, lowering levels further. Secretion of this hormone is controlled directly by the blood's calcium levels. When the levels start to increase, the body responds with increased calcitonin levels. When calcium levels drop, so do calcitonin levels. It lowers serum Ca by inhibiting bone resorptiob

What is the Brix scale?

hydrometer scale designed to indicate the % concentration of sugar in sugar solutions

___ is associated with dehydration

hypernatremia >145

___ is associated with over-hydration

hyponatremia <135

what is an example of how textured vegetable proteins are incorporated into simulated meat products

imitation bacon bits

example of an analog

imitation crab meat (made using surimi)

*vitamins are lost* from *rice* when it is cooked in ___ or when ___

in *excess water* or when *water is drained off*

*hyperbilirubinemia* (elevated unconjugated bilirubin levels within the 1st week of life) is a *result* of *increased* ____ or *decreased* ______

increased *breakdown of RBCs* or decreased *intestinal motility*

*sugar* added to a *starch gel* competes with starch for the water required for gelatinization, resulting in a gel with *increased* _______ and *decreased* _______ & ________

increased *translucency* decreased *viscosity* & *gel strength*

If kidneys retain bicarbonate the level of base _____



increases immunity and endurance But can raise BP and avoid use with warfarin

you are studying the effect *cholesterol levels* have on incidence of *heart attacks*. identify the independent & dependent variable

independent: *cholesterol levels* dependent: *heart attacks*

3 signs that an infant's *milk supply is adequate*

infant *gains weight & length* has *frequent stools* (soft, formed) and *6-8 wet diapers* per day

carotenoids are ___ in water


chlorophyll is ___ in water


Motivational interviewing is best described as a style of counseling that:

inspires neutral or reluctant clients to change.

What is recommended medication for hyperglycemia in GDM?


*hormones* that *control blood glucose* level include

insulin (only one that lowers BG) glucagon *glucocorticoids* *epinephrine* *growth hormone*, *ACTH*

the aim of *CBT* is to

introduce *changes* in the *cognitive* or *thought process* that *maintain a behavior* that needs to be changed

At 4-6 months, begin with ____-_____ ______ then ____ veggie or fruit

iron-foritifed cereal, strained

the *strength* of *flour* refers to

its *capacity* to *retain leavening*

Most digestion is completed by the middle of the ____. What nutrients are absorbned

jejunum AA, fatty acids, glycerol, simple sugars, minerals, vitamins

when the body is in a CHO deficit, fatty acids are catabolized to produce acetyl CoA which produces lost of ketone bodies, the body is unable to oxidize this large amount of ketones which results in

ketosis B-hydroxybutric acid, acetoacetic acid, and acetone are the major ketones.

compensatory response of *respiratory acidosis*

kidneys *increase reabsorption of bicarbonate* to compensate for rise in acid (CO2 retention) and failure of lungs to do their job

What does whey contain?

lactose, lactalbumin, lactoglobulin, water soluable vitamins and minerals

*flakiness* in a crust is *promoted* by

leaving *fat* in *larger, coarse particles* (fat pieces melt & flow, leaving a hole where steam collects & pushes upward against the upper surface of the resulting cell ==> cell is locked into that extended position ==> flaky crust)

why *older adults* have a *lower BMR*

less active *less lean body mass* more body fat

the oxidation of fatty acids forms acetyl CoA which enters the Krebs cycle


fat is bound to protein to form


Where does the urea cycle occur?


B2 ribo sources

liver, kidney, meat, milk, organ meats, green leafy veggies, eggs Found in whole grains in the bran and the germ

B12 sources

liver, meat, milk, kidney, eggs, fish, cheese, eggs, organ meats

*low* ___ and *high* ____ *promote excess food intake*

low *leptin*, high *ghrelin*

What is the strongest predictor of an individual's health status?

low health literacy

*egg substitutes* are *lower* in ___, ___ and ___ but are often *higher* in ___

lower in *kcals, fat,* & *cholesterol*; higher in *sodium*

compensatory response of *metabolic acidosis*

lungs *increase respiration* (hyperventilation) to *increase loss of acid* to compensate for increased loss of base

compensatory response of *metabolic alkalosis* High HCO3 (bicarbonate) and low H+

lungs respond by *decreasing respiration* (hypoventilation) to *retain more acid (CO2)* to compensate for abnormal renal retention of base

___ acts as an *antioxidant*, phytochemical


determine how many *mEq* are in *1g* of *sodium*

mEq= (1000mg/23) x 1= *43.5 mEq*

to be designated as an *author* of a manuscript (research report) in a *biomedical journal*, you must have

made *substantial contributions* to the *design or analysis* & the *interpretation of the data*

Biotin b 7 properties

made by intestinal bacteria inactivated by avidin (protein in raw egg white)

What does progesterone do during pregnancy?

maintains placental development

what is accomplished by adding *disodium phosphate* to cereal and grains?

makes them *alkaline* so that the *particles swell faster* (& therefore *cook quickly*)

*Increase gelatin* or *decrease liquid* (i.e. increase concentration of gelatin) when

making a *large mold* when it *will stand at room temp* for a *long time* when *acid content* is *high* when *making* a *whip*

Cobalt functions

maturation of red blood cells


may decrease cholesterol and blood perssure but may reduce clotting time so avoid use with warfarin

why might an *experimental design* be *difficult to run*?

may not be enough people for a control group *may not feel it is ethical* to *deny a service*

*RMR* is measured _____*frequently* than BMR, and is usually _____% *higher* than BMR

measured *more* frequently, *10-20%* higher

B6 pyridoxine food sources

meat, poultry, grains, seeds, and seafood, cereals, yeast, wheat, corn, pork, liver, dark leafy greens, potatoes, bananas, avocados

B3 niacon function

metabolism of CHO, protein and fat NADPH & glycolysis

___ is the *LIMITING amino acid* in *soybeans*

methionine (*Met*)

*legumes* are *low* in which 3 amino acids?

methionine (Met) *tryptophan* (Trp) *cystine* (Cys-Cys)

B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency

microcytic anemia (ALA synthase), peripheral neuropathy, ^ risk of CVD (^ homocysteine), seizures, dermatitis, glossitis

Which ingredients in fudge interefere with crystallization?

milk, chocolate, and corn syrup

Ca food sources

milk, yogurt, cheddar cheese, swiss cheese, tofu, sardines, green beans, spinach, broccoli, fish, dark leafy greens

The TCA cycle takes place in the ____



modifies textures by absorbing more rapidly

*pastry & cake flour* have *more* ___ and *less* ___ so they *thicken BETTER*

more *starch* less *gluten* (protein)

protein *concentrates* are ___% protein

more than *70%*

protein *isolates* are ___% protein

more than *90%*

Calicum properties Ca amount

most abudant mineral in body regulated by parathyroid hormone 9-18 yrs - 1300mg 19 - 50 yrs - 1000mg 51-70 yrs women - 1200mg (men stay at 1000mg)

What is a non-verbal community that expresses discomfort?

moving a chair farther away to express discomfort

3 examples of *quick breads*

muffins, biscuits, popovers

physical *signs* of *dehydration*

nausea, dizziness, *sunken eyes*, *fever*, *hyperventilation*, *excessive sweating*, concentrated urine, dry inelastic skin, tachycardia, headache, fatigue, *decreased appetite*, *rapid weight loss* and especially an *increase* in solutes (*BUN*)

what is the *formula* for *N balance*

nitrogen in - nitrogen out *[protein intake (g)/6.25] - (UUN +4)*

% fat in *half and half*

no less then 10.5%*

___ fruits are best when ripened before harvest

non-climacteric (grapes, melon, citrus)

What is the Maillard reaction?

non-enzymatic browning occurs between combo of amino group with a reducing sugar (protein and sugar) -- baking bread, frying potatoes Adding baking soda raises the pH (more alkaline), which in turn lowers the temperature

___ communication can affect the direction of the interview


Underlying continuous scales - blood pressure

numerical continuous (measured)

data with numbers (number of clinic visits)

numerical discrete (counted)

*carry-over cooking* ( from roasting)

occurs for about *10 minutes* after meat is removed from the oven (in roasting), *internal temp* will *rise 15-25f*

chlorophyll turns ___ in *acid*

olive green, *pheophytin*

Posters, slides, and movies assist is what type of instruction?


Biotin b7 food sources

organ meats, eggs, fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and certain vegetables (such as sweet potatoes), legumes, sardines, dairy, cauliflower

myo-inositol food sources

outer husks of cereal grains, GLV, legumes Dont usually see deficiency

>95th percentile shows what?

over nutrition

____ _____ is the main chO fuel and is formed from _____ _____ and some AA.

oxaloacetic acid pyruvic acid

*p values* showing *significant difference* (reliable)

p *≤ 0.05* ==> significant p *< 0.01* ==> very significant p *< 0.0001* ==> very, very significant

What is curd?

part of milk that coagulates when the milk sours or is treated with enzymes. It contains casein and forms readily in an acid medium

pectin then is converted to ___ ___

pectic acid (over-ripe)

protopectin (unripe) is converted to ___

pectin (ripe)

i will have greater mobility after making this change

perceived *advantage of change*

heart disease will impede my ability to work

perceived *impact*

obesity puts me at risk for heart disease?

perceived *susceptibility*

*5 components* of the *Health Belief Model*

perceived *susceptibility* perceived *impact* (of threat) perceived *advantage of change* *appraisal of barriers* *self-efficacy*

*BMR* is *elevated* during

periods of *growth* *pregnancy* *lactation* *fever* (7% increase for every 1 degree inc in temp) some *diseases* that have increased cellular activity- e.g. *cancer & HTN* exercise

B12 deficiency

pernicious anemia (lack of IR)- Pernicious anemia is a type of vitamin B12 anemia. The body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells. You get this vitamin from eating foods such as meat, poultry, shellfish, eggs, and dairy products. A special protein, called intrinsic factor (IF), binds vitamin B12 so that it can be absorbed in the intestines. This protein is released by cells in the stomach. When the stomach does not make enough intrinsic factor, the intestine cannot properly absorb vitamin B12. Common causes of pernicious anemia include: Weakened stomach lining (atrophic gastritis) An autoimmune condition in which the body's immune system attacks the actual intrinsic factor protein or the cells in the lining of your stomach that make it. Macrocytic/megablastic anemia

Tyrosine can be synthesized from ______ cysteine can be synthesized from _______

phenylalanine Methionine

____ helps with riboflavin absorption


*hormones* that *stimulate protein SYNTHESIS* (anabolism)

pituitary *growth hormone* *thyroid hormone* *insulin* *testosterone*

*prevention* or *treatment* of *chronic diseases* (like cancer, heart disease) may *detoxify* drugs, toxins, carcinogens or mutagens may act as *blocking agents*, preventing active carcinogen from reaching target may reduce risk of CHD by *protecting LDL cholesterol from oxidation*, reducing synthesis or absorption of cholesterol

possible benefits of *phytochemicals*

examples of *formative evaluation*

pre-test *focus group* *pilot* test

What is hemolytic anemia?

premature destruction of RBCs

What is Altmetrics?

presentation of the amount of activity from Twitter, FB, science blogs, mainstream news and other sources over time.


process that may occur on *freezing* or *aging* of a starch gel, in which the *H bonds* that hold the gel together *break* & then *reform* in an *orderly, crystalline fashion* ==> *gritty texture*, reduced food quality e.g. stale bread, gritty texture in pudding (heat slow to prevent)


process that occurs when starch is exposed to *dry heat*; *starch molecules* are *broken into fragments* (dextrins)

*bile* is *produced* in the ___ and *stored* in the ___

produced in *liver*, stored in *gallbladder*

measured as the *% of N intake* that *does not appear* in the *feces*

protein *digestibility*

fruits and vegetables are high in carbs and low in ___ and ___

protein and fat

B3 niacon food sources

protein, peanuts, ready to eat cereals, chicken rice, yeast, milk, dates, avocados, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, dark leafy greens, seeds, mushrooms, sweet potatoes

lactalbumin and lactoglobulin are


what is an example of increasing state of turgor (crispness)

putting celery in water

Where does the acteyl coa come from?

pyruvic acid oxidation of FA - fatty acids enter as a 2 carbon fragment degradation of carbon skeleton of certain AA

when something takes up oxygen and releases hydrogen, it has gone ___


*myoglobin* + *oxygen* =

red to *brown* to *green*


relieves aniexty Can cause liver faliure and is very hazardous

always wash raw foods to

remove dust and spray particles

How do the kidneys compensate for metabolic acidosis?

respiration increases to remove CO2 to decrease carbonic acid

energy expenditure measured under similar conditions as BMR, but after a *SHORT rest* and *controlled intake* of *caffeine & alcohol* BMR is measured using more restrictive conditions, while RMR is measured under looser conditions

resting metabolic rate (RMR)

findings in a research report are listed in the ___ section and extrapolated upon in the ___

results, discussion

Vitamin D deficiencies

rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults Osteomalacia refers to a marked softening of your bones, most often caused by severe vitamin D deficiency. Elderly people can be def in vitamin D because their liver slows down the processing of vitamin D. Populations that are at an increased risk for vita d def are: elderly, northern climates, kidney and liver diseases Most supplement the activate form of vitamin D for these populations (calitriol)

*polyunsaturated* fats (from HIGHEST ==> lowest proportion of total fatty acids)

safflower oil *corn* oil *soybean* oil *cottonseed* oil sunflower oil *palm kernel* oil

Glutamic acid found in young veggies are used in form of _____ ______ Multiple glutamic acid molecules must be hydrolyzed off to absorb which nutrient?

salt (MSG) Food sources of folate contain multiple glutamic acid molecules, which must be hydrolyzed off or removed in order to be absorbed. Examples of folate food sources include green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, liver, kidney, citrus fruits, lentils, and beans.

Vitamin C def

scurvy, bleeding, poor wound healing, bleeding gums, petechiae Tx for scurvy back in the day was limes

in sampling, how to *increase the probability* that *each segment of the population* will be *represented* in the sample

select units from a much *larger population* *randomization*

explain the *muffin method* of mixing

sift dry ingredients make well in center *blend liquids* and *add all at once to dry ingredients* *mix* just enough to *dampen*

*nutrients absorbed* by the *middle of the jejunum* (where most digestion is completed) include

simple sugars amino acids fatty acids glycerol vitamins minerals

Fluoride sources

soil and water, toothpaste

anthocyanin are ___ in water


anthoxanthins are ___ in water



soothes nerves may cause irreversible liver disease

___ grades have the *LEAST marbling*, ___ grades have the *most*

standard, *prime*

Where is alcohol absorbed?

stomach and small is absorbed by simple diffusion and transported unaltered in bloodstream

WHat is amylose?

straight chain, slightly soluable starch fraction consiting of glucose united joined by 1,4 A glucoside linkages that wre formed with a loss of water.

Methods of preparing dough are: (3)

straight dough method Sponge method Continuous bread making method

Ca def

stunted growth, rickets, osteoporosis, convulsion leads to tetany - characterized by spasms of the hands and feet, cramps, spasm of the voice box (larynx), and overactive neurological reflexes. Over the long term, inadequate calcium intake causes osteopenia which if untreated can lead to osteoporosis. The risk of bone fractures also increases, especially in older individuals [1]. Calcium deficiency can also cause rickets, though it is more commonly associated with vitamin D deficiency

*food additives*

substances added to food during processing to *maintain* or *improve* the *quality* of the food

examples of *disaccharides*

sucrose (glucose + fructose) maltose (glucose + glucose) lactose (glucose + galactose)

Fluriode functions

teeth and bones

when mixed with *ground meats*, ___ *extends the number of servings* which *lowers costs*

textured vegetable protein (*TVP*)

this resource *assists in answering questions* that may arise during the *provision of nutrition care*

the *AND Evidence Analysis Library* (EAL)

resource that provides a *weekly* update, identifies *bill* with *sponsor* & *committee*

the *Congressional Index*

used to *plan theory-based* nutrition *education*

the *DESIGN procedure*

public policy advocacy & legislation that covers national & international *nutrition education, research, & funding*

the *Farm Bill*

public policy advocacy & legislation that *funds nutrition programs* in the *community* & those that are *homebound* (e.g. meals on wheels)

the *Older Americans Act*

what is our *major resource* for determining *food composition*

the *USDA national nutrient database for standard reference*

the *color* of an *egg yolk* depends on

the *amount & type* of *pigment* in the *hens diet*

*information from the floor*, NO HEARINGS, lists bill with sponsors & action, issued *daily* when Congress is in session

the *congressional record*

*processed* cheeses are *better for cooking* because

the *fat will not separate* out

provides *notices of public hearings*, proposed and final rules, *agency decisions*, is published *weekly* and is the most helpful to us (the RD)

the *federal register*

this resource *lists all changes* in *USDA food programs* (therefore is the MOST helpful to RDs)

the *federal register*


the *final rising of the dough* (due to *fermentation* action by yeast) before baking

the *measured RQ* depends on

the *fuel mixture* being metabolized (i.e. mixture of fats, carbs, & proteins being oxidized)

*what you manipulate* in your study

the *independent* variable (X)

when naming fatty acids, the ______ is designated by the *omega sign*

the *location* of the *first double bond*, counted from the *methyl end* (omega end, n)

*fatty acids* are *classified by* three things:

the *number of carbons* in the chain the *position* of the *first double bond* the *number of double bonds*

in a *t-test*, the *null hypothesis is REJECTED* in favor of the alternative hypothesis when

the *probability (p) value* is *less* than the *level of significance* set for the test (e.g. if alpha level/level of significance was set at 0.05, when p <0.05)

*educational goals* must be *set in accordance with*

the *process of learning*

if a *grain or cereal* has been *enzyme-treated*, it means that

the *proteins* have been *split* to *reduce cooking time*

the *strength* of a flour *depends on*

the *quality* of *gluten*

why are *LONGER cooking times* required when baking at *high altitudes*?

the *temperature* of *boiling water* is *LOWER* at very high elevations

if the amount of *sugar* in a cake *increases TOO much*...

the *volume* is *so great* and the *gluten* is *so weak* that the *gluten strands snap* and cause the cake to *fall in the center* this causes a gummy crystalline appearance.

Methods of cooking are determined by what?

the cut of meat

How are the pregnacy trimeters broken up?

the first trimester is from week 1 to the end of week 12. the second trimester is from week 13 to the end of week 26. the third trimester is from week 27 to the end of the pregnancy.

compensatory response of *respiratory alkalosis*

the kidneys "lose" base (*excrete bicarbonate*) because the lungs have "lost" carbonic acid


the part of the *germ* that contains *MOST* of the grain's *thiamin*

*spatial relationships*

the position of people and objects in space relative to each other--classified into *4 categories to describe role in different types of communication: *intimate* zone (<18", close friends, business handshakes) *personal* zone (18"-4', giving instructions) *social* zone (4-12', most business interactions) *public* zone (>12', very formal interactions)

What is beta oxidation and where does it occur? What is the end product of beta oxidation?

the process of converting fatty acids into acetyl-coA in the mitochondria End products of beta oxidation are acetyl coa End product is FA are broken down into 2 carbon chains to allow for conversion of FA into acetyl Coa

What is acid base balance?

the process of regulating the pH, bicarbonate concentration, and partial pressure of carbon dioxide of body fluids regulation of H concentration

*Batters* & *doughs* are *classified* according to

the proportion of *liquid to flour* in the mixture (more liquid ==> batter, more flour ==> dough)

defines the *purpose* of a *study*

the research *objectives*

there is a close correlation between retention of vitamins in fresh fruits and veggies and

their color, texture and flavor

if *r = 0* then

there is *no linear relationship* It is important to understand that correlation does not necessarily imply causation. Variables A and B might rise and fall together, or A might rise as B falls. However, it is not always true that the rise of one factor directly influences the rise or fall of the other. Both may be caused by an underlying third factor, such as commodity prices, or the apparent relationship between the variables might be a coincidence.

*more tender* cuts of meat need *less time* to *soften* because

they contain *less collagen*

*tough cuts* of meat need to be cooked *well done* (i.e. for *longer time*) because

they have *more collagen* which needs *more time( to be *softened*

*breads* can be *enriched* with

thiamin riboflavin *niacin* *iron* *folic acid*

grains contain the following vitamins and minerals (4)

thiamin (scutellum/germ) riboflavin *phosphorus* *vitamin E* (germ)

the *major function* of *carbohydrates* is List CHO in their order of sweetness

to *provide energy* Carbohydrates in order of sweetness are as follows: fructose (most sweet), invert sugar, sucrose, glucose, sorbitol, mannitol, galactose, maltose, lactose (least sweet)

*poor volume* in a cake is due to

too *LITTLE baking powder* *improper level* of *sugar* or *fat*

a *coarse texture* in a cake is caused by

too MUCH *sugar* or *baking powder* oven *temp too low* *inadequate mixing*

Fluoride properties

trace mineral

Manganese properties

trace mineral

Zinc properties

trace mineral, excess leads to copper or iron deficiency

transfer of an amino group to a ketoacid to form a new amino acid


Experimental group recieves the _____ or _______

treatment or program

Salmon and other fatty fish have omega-3 fatty acids that reduce ___ ___.

triglyceride levels

true/false: BEE= REE


*qualitative research* *case report*, case *study*, or case *series* *surveys* *correlation (ecological) studies* surveillance systems demograhpics vital statistics

types of *descriptive* epidemiologic research

*objective* tests *performance* tests

types of *formal* evaluations

*BMI-for-age* classifications based on *growth chart percentiles* (age 2-20 yrs)

underweight: <5th percentile *healthy* weight: *5-84th* percentile *overweight*: *85-94th* percentile obese: ≥95th percentile

Manganese def


What are the 3 fates of ammonia once it is removed?

urea cycle purine to be turned into uric acid ketoacid - new amino acid (transmination)

when *substituting Sweet n Low* for sugar in a recipe...

use *HALF as much* (sweet n low= 2X as sweet as sugar)

example of how to increase fat in ice cream

use heavy cream (or whipped cream) instead of light cream

requires bile salts, *pancreatic lipase*, & *fat* for *absorption*

vitamin *A*

*hydroxylated* in the *liver*, then again in the *kidney* needs bile salts and the *acidity of chyme* for absorption *accompanies Ca and P* absorption

vitamin *D*

*vitamins synthesized by colonic bacteria* (& absorbed in the large intestine)

vitamin *K*, *B12*, *thiamin*, & *riboflavin* also biotin

this vitamin is absorbed in the ileum but MUST be exposed to stomach secretions first (HCl and intrinsic factor)

vitamin B12

*During* continuous endurance physical activity of *1-4 hours* in adults: to maintain hydration, provide beverages in a *volume* that equals _____% of *fluid lost* during moderate-vigorous activity, plus __-__% *CHO* and __-__ *mEq Na*

volume equal to *100%* of fluid lost *5.5-15*% CHO *55-164* mEq Na

*rehydration beverages* provided to adults ≥19 yrs *AFTER continuous endurance* physical activity of *1-2 hrs* duration should be provided in a *volume* that equals ___-___% of *fluid lost* during exercise, and should contain __-__% *CHO* and __-__ *mg/dL Na*

volume equal to *100-150%* fluid lost *6-7.6*% CHO *57.5-1150* mg/dL Na

examples of the following batters: pour, drop, soft and stiff

waffles, muffins, bread, pie crust

Thiamin B1 properties

water soluable b vitamin lost as temp or pH rises heat stable in acid

variable of interest

what researchers are observing

ANOVA asks

whether the *difference between samples* is a *reliable* one that *would be repeated*

anthxanthins are ___ in alkaline


What are vitamin A sources?

yellow organge fruits dark leafy veggies Fish liver, fortified skim milk, apricots, broccoli, nuts, eggs, avocado

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