Ji Zhang/Blood Tonic Formulas for Blood Deficiency and Qi and Blood Deficiency Formulas

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Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang(national)

Peony and LIcorice Decoction Bai Shao Zhi Gan Cao Reg qi and blood, moderates painful spasms, and alleviates pain I:Muscle pain due to liver blood and yin def Irritability, slight shills, spasms of calf muscles, cramps in hands and pains in abdomen T:No coat P: None noted

Tai Shan Pan Shi(national)

Pregnancy Formula Stabilize Preg from Qi and Blood Def Si Wu Tang + Si Jun Zi Tang +Xu Duan, Huang Qin, Sha Ren, + Nuo Mi Augments Qi, nourishes blood, strengthens kidney and spleen, and calms fetus Pregnant women with qi and blood def syndrome Restless fetus, threatened miscarriage, or habitual miscarriage accompanied with pale face, fatigue, and loss of appetite. T: Pale w/slippery coat(LInda) P: Slippery, forceless(Linda)

Si Wu Tang****

4 substance decoction F:Nourishing and regulating blood(moves and nourishes)(more for blood def) D; Blood Deficiency with blood stagnation I: Palpitation insomnia ,dizziness, pale and ashen complexion irregular menstruation with less amount, or amenorrhea, and abdominal cramping pain Can modify to make it stronger in moving blood and make it a blood mover C.I. Yin deficiency with fever, or acute profuse bleeding causing Qi sudden collapse T: Pale P:Thready and wiry. OR thready and choppy. ADDTL INFO (only choppy is blood stag and choppy and thready means more blood def) If you see thready and wiry, it could be excess and deficiency Used more for Blood Def than blood stag. Clinical Application: Was originally used for pain to trauma causing blood stasis. In later generations, it is used for gynecologic disorders. This is basica formula for nourishing blood, and regulation menstruation. CI: contraindicated in cases of Yin Def with fever, or acute profuse bleeding causing Qi sudden Collapse.

Zhi Gan Cao Tang (national)

Augments Qi, nourishes yin, tonifies blood , restores pulse More restoring pulse than generating pulse Gan cao is king herb Looking more at lung and heart rather than spleen and heart Not as astringing Bleeding cough Qi and Blood Deficiency: Knotted pulse or intermittent pulse , palpatation with anxiety, irritability, constipation and many of dry symptoms below Lung atrophy due to consumption(think Yin Deficiency but more extreme with threadlike blood in sputum, emaciation, dry cough, insomnia with restlestness,night sweats , Zhi Gan cao, Sheng Di Huang(nourish yin cool blood) Ren Shen Da Zao Mai Men Dong E JIao Huo Ma Ren(lubricate) Gui Zhi(open channel collateral, go to blood) Sheng Jiang Qing Jiu(rice wine sake) T: Pale shiny tongue(linda) P: Irregular, slow irregular(knotted) or thin, faint(minute) and forceless(all linda) or rapid Clinical Application : For irregular pulses with palpitations, and dry cough

Shi Quan Da(great) Bu (tonify) Tang**

Ba Zhen Tang + Cold(huang qi and Ro Gui) Ren Shen Fu ling Bai Zhu Gan Cao Shu Di Huang Dang Gui Bai Shao Chuan Xiong + Huang Qi And Ro Gui

Ba Zhen Tang**

Ba(8) Zhen Tang (8 Treasure Decoction) Augments Qi and tonifies blood . Qi/Blood Def Syndromes 4 gents + Si Wu (be aware there is another formula Ba Zheng San)) Ren Shen: Sweet and Warm, powerfully tonifies Qi, strengthens Sp and St. Shu Di Huang:Nourishes Yin and Blood Bai Zhu: Bitter and Warm, tonifies Qi, strengthens Sp and dries dampness Fu LIng:Sweet and bland, strengthens Sp and leaches out dampness Dang Gui: Nourishes blood, tonifies LV, harmonizes blood, and regulates menstruation Bai Shao Yao: Nourishes blood, softens LV, and harmonizes Yin gQi Chuan Xiong: invigorates blood promotes movement of qi and regulates Qi and blood Zhi Gan Cao: Sweet and warm, augments Qi and harmonizes formula F: augment qi and tonify blood D: Qi and Blood Def. I: Withered and pale complexion, dizziness and giddiness, lassitude in extremities, shortness of breath and unwillingness to speak, palpitation , and reduced appetite (see more qi def signs then blood def signs) T: pale and thin white coating P: Thready(thin) and forceless(frail or weak) pulse or large forceless pulse Clinical Applications: Common formula used for Qi and blood deficiency characteristic by shortness of breath, palpitation, insomnia, dizziness and giddiness, pale tongue, thready and forceless pulse. Also often used for weakness after illness, various kinds of chronic diseases, and excessive menses causing Qi and blood deficiency. (Symptoms are more combo of qi and blood)) (Give after periods)

Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang**

Dang Gui Bu (tonify) Xue(blood) Tang** Dang Gui (6g ): Nourishes blood, harmonizes Yin Qi Huang Qi(30 G) . Strongly tonifies Sp and Lu Qi to generate Blood. part generates flesh F: Tonifies Qi and Generates blood D: Low Fever due to blood def caused by consumptive fatigue(Lao Juan) injuring source Qi. I: Hot Sensation in muscle, red complexion, intermitted irritability, thirst with urge for warm beverages. I:Also for fever and HA during menstruation or postpartum, or sores refusing to heal for long time after ulcerating. Clinical Applications: Tonify Qi/Generate Blood. Key symptoms are hot sensation in muscle, red face, thirst with desire for warm beverages. Pulse flooding ,large, and def. and forceless when pressed hard Currently used for various anemia and allergic purpura due to blood def caused by Qi Def. T: PALE P: Flooding, large (large doesn't always mean forceful excess) and deficient pulse((forceless when pressed)) C.I: caution in cases with tidal fever from Yin Deficiency. Addtl Summary: Blood and Qi def with lack of fluid . thirst and desire for warm beverages sores that refuse to heal

Gui Pi Tang**

F: tonify qi and blood/strengthen spleen and nourish heart D:Qi/Blood Def of Ht and Sp due to excessive deliberation and obsessive behavior injuring sp and ht Inability of Sp to control blood I: Palpitations, forgetfulness, insomnia, night sweating, deficient feverishness, reduced appetite, fatigue, wither and yellow complexion, bloody stools or metrorrhagia(Beng Lou Syndrome), pale tongue color, thready weak pulse I: Chronic bleeding syndromes, bleeding stool, purpura,irregular uterine bleeding, early periods with copious pale blood or prolonged, almost continuous periods with little flow or leukorrhea(thick whitish or yellowish discharge) Clinically good for restless heart Spirit, qi and blood deficiency,the inability of spleen to control blood(spotting) Addtl info:Long term memory /Heart Short term memory/KID Look at indications T: Pale and thin white coat(mainly qi def signs)(LINDA) P:Thin, frail(Linda) (mainly qi def signs) or CHEN says fine, moderate .

Gui Pi Tang**

Huang Q: Tonifies Spand augment Qi. +Long Yan Rou: Tonifies Sp Qi and nourishes Ht Blood Ren shen Bai Zhu TONIFY QI Dang Gui: Tonifies Ht Blood Yuan Zhi(calm spirit) Fu Shen(root of fu ling)(goes to heart) Suan Zao Ren(calm spirit) QUIETS HT AND CALMS SPIRIT Mu Xiang(Regulate Qi and revives Sp))(xiang fu or chen pi too weak) Zhi Gan Cao: Tonifies Qi strengthens Sp, harmonizes Formula Are in this formula? Sheng Jiang(rel wind cold) Da Zao(qi tonifier)

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang**

Shi Quan Da(great) Bu (tonify) Tang**(all inclusive great tonifying decoction) Si Jun Zi Tang + Si Wu Tang + huang qi and Ro Gui Ren shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Zhi Gan Cao This is Si Jung Zi Tang: Tonify Qi Shu Di Huang Dang Gui Bai Shao Yao Chuan Xiong: This is si wu Tang: Nourish the blood Huang Qi: Combine with Ren Shen m, more strongly tonifies source qi Combine with Dang Gui, tonifies Qi to generate blood Combine with Rou Gui, augments qi to support Yang Rou Gui: Tonifies fire of vitality gate, warms and unblocks Yang Qi, and encourages the generation of Qi and Blood F:Warms and tonifies qi and blood D: Qi and Blood Def with mild deficient Cold syndrome in various consumptive disorders. I: Poor appetite, weakness of lower extremities, weathered and sallow complexion, fatigue, spermatorrhea, wheezing and coughing, possible sores that refuse to heal, or continuous metrorrhagia T:Pale(linda) or pale thin white coat P:Thin and frail(linda) or Thready , weak , deep and possibly slow(due to yang def and cold) Cold extremities(hands and feet(yang def)) Addtl info: Qi def/Blood def and mild yang def Tonify qi and blood + warming Look for signs and symptoms of interior cold also sores that refuse to heal extra info: feet cold(liver blood def) Cold and sweaty hands(mainly hands)(yang def of heart and lung)

Si Wu Tang****

Shu di huang: Nourishes Yin and Blood Dang Gui:L Nourishes blood, tonfies Lv, harmonizes blood, regulates menstruation Bai Shao Yao: Nourishes blood, softens LV, harmonizes Ying-Qi Chuan Xiong: invigorates blood, promotes movement of Qi, and regulates qi and blood. Characteristic: Nourishes blood and regulates blood

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