Judd English Final

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in Sinon's story told to the Trojans, who brings about the death of Palamedes through false accusations?


based on a passage : the above passage refers to an offence against a divine power. What crime had been committed against the Palladium?

Ulysses had touched the statue with blood on his hands when he stole it from a sanctuary

Subordinate clause : I hired a lawyer because I needed expert advice.

because I needed expert advice


feeling or emotion


first Emperor of Rome

Troy is located in what is today the country of


troy is located in the modern-day country of ______________



a lyric poem consisting of an elaborate stanza structure


a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being


one of the two Czech brothers whose parents were killed at Birkenau


overweening pride that betrays the public's trust. the punishment is blindness

Madame Schächter

"Fire! I can see a fire! I ca see a fire!"

faceless man in Buna hospital

"I've got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He's the only one who's kept his promises ... to the Jewish people"

Haruki Murakami

- The Seventh Man often writes about themes of isolation and alienation in the communist society that emerged in Japan in the 1960s


Creon's son, engaged to Antigone, killed himself when he finds Antigone dead


-Aenied joined the Epicurean colony on the Gulf of Naples and wrote eclogues and georgics

Isabel Allende

-And of Clay are we Created turned to creative writing after finding it hard to get work as a journalist


-Antigone one of the 3 ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived

Hwang Sun-won

-Cranes wrote about the resilience of Korean spirit even in times of adversity and the discovery of love and goodwill in unlikeliness of circumstances

Chinua Achebe

-Marriage is a Private Affair one of Africa's most famous contemporary authors

Elie Wiesel

-Night Romanian-born American writer, professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate, and Holocaust survivor.

the action in the aeneid takes place ______________ years before augustus


text structures (7)

1. chronological order 2. enumeration of a process 3. cause and effect 4. compare and contrast 5. question and answer 6. problem and solution 7. definition and enumeration


Creon's wife, kills herself when she hears of Haemon's suicide.

what are the motifs of Antigone? (6)

1. clash between men and women 2. clash between divine law and civil law 3. clash between the individual and society 4. clash between duty to family and duty to the state 5. clash between personal gain and the common good 6. anarchy comes from a disregard for human law

What were the motifs of Night? (5)

1. loss of innocence 2. loss of authority: a story interrupted 3. the inadequacy of words 4. night and time 5. reversal of creation

What are the motifs of the Aeneid? (4)

1. power of Fate and our human response to it 2. references to Augustus as a way to honor him 3. Aeneas' piety (duty-bound) 4. honor that comes through warfare

major uses of commas (4)

1. with a coordinating conjunction to join 2 independent clauses 2. to separate an introductory clause or phrase from the main clause 3. between all items in a series 4. between coordinating adjectives not joined by "and"

after the defeat of hannibal in the __________________ war, rome turned to greece

2nd punic

Socrates died in the year ____________ BC. Therefore he lived trough the period of the ___________________ War.

399, Peloponnesian

static character

A character that does not change from the beginning of the story to the end

flat character

A character who embodies a single quality and who does not develop in the course of a story


A comparison using "like" or "as"


A figure of speech consisting of an understatement by using double negatives to emphasize positivity


A long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds


A reference to another work of literature, person, or event


A scene that interrupts the normal chronological sequence of events in a story to depict something that happened at an earlier time


A work by Homer that focuses on odysseus' travels after the war


A work by Homer that focuses on the trojan war


A writer's or speaker's choice of words

The Dutch Oberkapo's pipel

A young, angelic-looking boy who is executed when the Oberkapo is charged with treason

in the Trojan War, which of the following characters fights on the side of the Greeks?


Ascanius (Iulus)

Aeneas' son

Virgil's major themes in the Aeneid include all of the following EXCEPT :

Aeneas' unwillingness to follow the directions of the gods

Carthage is located on the northern coast of ______________


situational irony

An outcome that turns out to be very different from what was expected

Who of the following is NOT considered one of the greatest Greek tragic playwrights?


aeneas is the son of _____________________ and the goddess _________________

Anchises, Aphrodite


Antigone's sister, daughter of Oedipus who didn't help Antigone bury Polyneices

Name the 3 dialogues Plato wrote about the death of Socrates

Apology, Crito, Phaedo

based on a passage : which god or goddess was supposed to have been appeased by the offering of the Trojan horse?


the goddess of wisdom and war; she was also the patroness of Athens to whom the temple at the top of Acropolis was dedicated



Attitude a writer takes toward the audience, a subject, or a character

Eventually taking power after the assassination of Julius Caesar, this man became the first Emperor of Rome



Auschwitzconcentration camp whose iron gate bears the inscription "Work makes you free"


Bending easily and gracefully

How does the Aenied honor Augustus?

By saying that Augustus is a descendant of Aeneas

Sinon's trickery goes on to include the seer Calchas. What role does Calchas play?

Calchas names Sinon as the one to be sacrificed for a safe return of the Greek fleet

Which is Juno's favorite city? Where is it located?

Carthage, Africa


Central idea of a work of literature

Rome destroyed both the cities of _______________ and _______________ in 146 BC, causing some to doubt Rome's claim to moral superiority

Corinth and Carthage

the theater at the base of the Acropolis in Athens was dedicated to the god(dess)


virgil's other works include the _________________ and the __________________

Ecologues, Georgics

Which of the following plays does NOT belong to the group of three Theban tragedies by Sophocles?



End of the story where loose ends are tied up

What are the significant qualities of an epic hero?

Excels in strength and skill, succeeds in war, vows honor and glory

Coordinating conjunctions


In the Iliad, both Agamemnon and Achilles fight on the side of the _______________



Father of Aeneas

__________________ defeated Philip V and then declared Greece "free: at the Isthmian Games in 196 BC


this sculptor is know for a depiction of Aeneas carrying his father out of Troy as it burns. The work expresses both the sensation of movement and instability.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Why does Creon have Antigone sealed in a vault of stone rather than directly executed by stoning?

He wants to escape personal punishment that may arise from the fact that Antigone is a member of his family

Paris' prize for choosing Aphrodite (Venus) as the most beautiful woman is :

Helen of Sparta

Murakami was born on this island of Japan, the one on which Tokyo is located


This epic by Homer recounts the story of the Trojan War, featuring a dispute between Agamemnon and Achilles


In "The Seventh Man," Murakami writes, "By then the wave and turned and, with a wild cry, it was rushing back out to sea. It looked like part of a gigantic rug that had been yanked by someone at the other end of the earth" What is significant about the italicized text?

It expresses a modern simile

the neo-classical painter ___________________ famously depicted the death of Socrates in his work

Jacques-Louis David

yom kippur

Jewish feast of atonement marked by a day of complete fasting


Jewish mystic and master of the Kabbalah. his warnings to the people of Sighet go unheeded


Jewish mystical sect arising in Eastern Europe in the 18th century


Jewish prayer said when someone dies


Jewish sacred instruction that seeks to apply the Law in ever changing circumstances. before his deportation from Sighet, Elie studies this during the day

Hera's Roman name is __________


Zeus' Roman name is __________



King of Thebes, husband and son of Jocasta, son of Laios, father of antigone, Ismene, Polyneices, and Eteocles, killed his father


King of Troy

The eighth avatar of Vishnu who replicates himself to dance with each milk maid individually is called :


The true biological father of Oedipus is


this priest of Neptune tries to warn the Trojans not to bring the horse into the city



Moishe witnessed this tailor who begged to die before his sons were killed

In her poem 'Exile," Julia Alvarez includes the following stanza : "you tried to explain the wonders: escalators as moving belts; elevators: pulleys and ropes;" Which of the following is a valid inference that can be drawn from the above stanza?

More technology is present in the United States than in the Dominican Republic.

as punishment for her crime, this queen of Thebes was turned into a weeping pillar of stone



Noisy excitement; an uproar or disturbance.


Oedipus' son, Antigone's brother that died in battle and received a hero's burial


Oedipus' son, Antigone's brother who fought against Thebes and was left unburied due to Creon's law, but Antigone did burry him and was punished

What events in the past contribute to Juno's anger and disgust for the Trojan refugees under Aeneas?

Paris chose Aphrodite as most beautiful

the result of Socrates trial was no doubt influenced by Athens defeat at the conclusion of the :

Peloponnesian War

What epithet is used for Aeneas throughout the epic?


limited third person

Point of view where the narrator only knows one character's thoughts and feelings

at the beginning of Antigone, Creon gives an order that one of Oedipus' sons is not to be buried. This man, regarded as an enemy to Thebes, is


Socrates rejected the Natural Philosophy of his predecessors, a group of philosophers who believed that the universe could be reduced to one essential element. These philosophers are known as ______________________.

Pre-Socratic philosophers


Severe abdominal pain

__________ demonstrated that a hero could be a person of reason rather than a soldier of war



Sophists used skepticism, relativism, and the use of language to deceive others

When Songsam and Tokachae were boys, someone had come to their town with a permit to catch cranes. The narrator observed that : "Then and there the two boys had dashed off to the field. That they would be found out and punished no longer mattered; all they cared about was the fate of their crane" Which line best illustrates that the two boys are more concerned about doing what is right than doing what society wants?

That they would be found out and punished no longer mattered; all they cared about was the fate of their crane

Idek, the Kapo

The Kapo of Elie's work block at Buna who forces 100 men to work on Sunday so that he can meet with a Polish girl. He gives Elie 25 lashes.


The act of changing the purpose of or altering the plans of through persuasion, or pleading.


The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.

How do the Greeks trick the Trojans into taking the Trojan horse into Troy?

They sent Sinon who convinced them that if they bring the horse into their city, Minerva will help them win the war

Describe the tactics the Germans used to separate, arrest, and deport the Jews of Sighet

They were moved into smaller ghettos and then deported. They were strict and threatened death if you did not follow their directions

in the Iliad, Priam, Hector, and Aeneas fight on the side of the _______________


The Republic

What is Justice? to give to each what is each one's due

The theme of "And of Clay Are We Created" can best be stated as :

When one tries to keep people at a distance, one is not really living, one is not really free.

Subordinate clause : While the home does not appear impressive from the outside, its interior is nothing short of amazing.

While the home does not appear impressive from the outside


Yossi and Tobi had belonged to a youth group dedicated to this movement that sought an independent homeland for Jews

dynamic chacter

a character that changes throughout the story


a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.

Judgment of Paris

a contest between the three most beautiful goddesses of Olympus--Aphrodite, Hera and Athena--for the prize of a golden apple addressed to "the fairest". , Paris has to decide on the most beautiful goddess and chose Aphrodite because she promised him Helen.


a figure of speech in which one directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, or some abstraction

The original conflict behind the Trojan War began at a wedding when the goddess of discord threw _______________ into the banquet ball.

a golden apple


a large destructive fire

in media res

a piece of writing that begins in the middle of things

What three qualities does Aristotle identify as necessary for the tragic hero or heroine?

a reversal of fortune, moment of recognition, and a tragic flaw


a scheme to outwit or deceive an opponent or to gain an end


a state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility


a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.


a theory demonstrated by the "Allegory of the Cave" in which the physical world that we live in is but a shadow of the universal ideal


a violinist who plays the most beautiful music Elie has ever heard


a wild uproar, din, or commotion


acceptance of fate

subordinating conjunctions

after, although, as, because, that, unless, if, since, etc.

the Socratic method is rooted in the use of :

all of the above (dialogue, questions, and irony)

The mask in classical Greek theater served which of the following purposes?

all of the above (it allowed for one actor to play multiple roles, its size made the facial expression on the mask more visible to the audience, and it gave the drama a ritualistic feel)

the Chorus in a Greek tragedy performs which of the following functions?

all of the above (provides a link between audience and actors, interprets the events of the play in light of universal mythology, and serves as a character within the play)

Ukiyo-e can be described as :

all of the above (the art of Japanese woodblock prints, pictures of the floating world, and having simple subjects, such as landscape scenes)


an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.

rhetorical analysis

an examination of how well the components of an argument work together to persuade or move an audience

Haruki Murakami's story begins when the seventh man speaks. Most of the story he relates is :

an example of a flashback

The Shinto story of Izinagi and Izinami can be classified as a __________ because it is similar to creation myths in other cultures.


The narrator believes that Rolf Carlé has become a journalist :

as a way of protecting himself from his past

After Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC, Octavian became the first Roman emperor taking the title of _______________


Subordinate clause : After diner, I like to watch the news before I start my homework.

before I start my homework

in order to make the Trojans believe that the Greeks had returned home, they had to hide their ships from view but keep them close enough for a quick return. Where did the Greek fleet hide?

behind the island of Tenedos


blind prophet who tells Oedipus he killed Laios, also told Creon to bury Polyneices and save Antigone

the main consequence of hubris is found in


Platonic dualism means that reality is divided into __________ and __________

body, soul


bold and without shame


brother of Jocasta, father of Haemon, husband of Eurydice, Uncle of Antigone and Ismene, took over thrown after Oedipus, Made law that Polyneices cant be buried and had to kill Antigone for it

Which of the following events does Rolf Carlé remember during the time he spends with Azucena?

burying bodies at a concentration camp


camp Elie and his father stayed at for three days before going to Buchenwald

the Pre-Socratic philosophers were preoccupied with the problem of the one and the many. The resolution of this problem was an attempt for them to understand the relationship between :

change and constancy

round character

character who is fully developed - the writer reveals good and bad traits as well as background


characterizing word/phrase used with or in place of someone's name


clear understanding

In which of the following modes is the hero inferior to both others and nature?



comparison not using like or as


completely sealed; airtight


concentration camp at which Elie has his surgery


courage in facing difficulties

Dr. Mengele

cruel SS officer, who conducted the methodical selection and selected all those too weak to work.

the play cannot be understood fully if we forget that its subject is the ruling house of Thebes and the :

curse upon it, with sin begetting further sins


daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, punished for burying Polyneices

in the Phaedo, Socrates demonstrates his dualism when he ________________________

defines his death as separation of body and soul


didactic poem that gives instructions on how to do something

Stein of Antwerp

distant relative whom Elie meets at Auschwitz. Elie falsely assures him that his family is safe


dry, shrunken, wrinkled

Plato believed that reality was divided into two basic components, the physical and spiritual. Such a belief is known as :


as Socrates is about to drink the hemlock, Plato describes Socrates as speaking these words : I can't persuade Crito that I am this Socrates here who is talking to you now and marshaling all the arguments; he thinks that I am the one whom he will see presently lying dead: and he asks how he is to bury me ! Here, Socrates' words best exemplify:



effective writing or speaking

Sinon's speech in Book II of the Aeneid seeks to persuade the Trojans to bring the horse into their city by most powerfully appealing to their :


in the Aenied, Aeneas' name most often appears with the adjective "Pious." Such a characterizing word or phrase with a person's name is known as a(n) :


which is the final stanza of an ode during which the Chorus would have stood still?



expressing sorrow


extreme poverty

T/F : Dionysus was known as the god of wisdom and war


T/F : Plato believed that democracy was the best form of government


T/F : Plato was the student of Aristotle


T/F : Socrates lived his entire life in the 2nd century BC


T/F : Socrates taught that virtue differed from one group of people to another


T/F : according to Plato, true knowledge . comes from our sense experiences


T/F : at the beginning of scene 3, Haimon immediately challenges his father's authority and judgement


T/F : at the end of Antigone, Creon returns from Antigone's tomb while carrying the body of his wife Eurydice


T/F : from the very beginning of the play, Ismene dutifully helps her sister bury their brother


T/F : in the theater of Dionysus in Athens, plays were often performed at night


T/F : the Chorus was normally composed of 10 men


T/F : the actors normally performed on the skene, an exact equivalent to the stage of the modern theater


T/F : the defense that Socrates used at his trial is recorded in the Crito


T/F :the first word of the Latin text of the Aeneid is "Arma," a subtle reference to the Odyssey



forewarning or foreboding of a future event


former king of Thebes. Biological father of Oedipus, bound oedipus' feet as a child. Grandson of the founder of Thebes. Killed by Oedipus

According to the seventh man, what was K. like?


a type of poem meant to give instructions on farming and the title of one of Virgil's works



god of wine, fertility, and youth

How does Okeke show that he is a bit more progressive than his neighbors?

he refuses to use a witch doctor to cure his son, calling such practices supersitions

How does the narrator's life change when he returns to his hometown after many years of absence?

he resolves his inner conflict about K.'s death

though a foreigner to Thebes, Oedipus is initially made king because

he solves the riddle of the Sphinx

Dutch Oberkapo

head of a work block who was accused of blowing up a power station and stockpiling weapons

Rome welcomed aspects of Greek culture, making them part of Roman life. Such appreciation or love for Greek culture is called :


____________________ refers to the love of Greek culture and its spread outside of Greece



hero is inferior to others and nature


hero is superior to others but not to nature

Socratic Problem

how do we know what Socrates taught since Socrates wrote nothing?


humble submission and respect

Subordinate clause : He should win the match if he keeps his concentration.

if he keeps his concentration


in a vicious manner

Murakami believes that the Japanese prosperity of the 1960s has contributed to Japans

increased consumerism

verbal irony

irony in which a person says or writes one thing and means another

Why does the crane not immediately run away when Songsam unties him?

it must have been weak from having been bound

The essential issue of pre-Socratic philosophy concerns the problem of the __________ and the ___________

one, many

Rosh Hashanah

jewish feast of the new year


jewish mysticism. before his deportation from Sighet, Elie studies this subject at night

In the Republic, Socrates searches for the definition of _______________



leader of the chorus


long narrative poem on a grand scale about the deeds of warriors and heroes

types of conflict

man vs. man; man vs. self; man vs. nature; man vs. society


marked by intense force or emotion


mental disorder marked by confusion

Two formal charges are brought against Socrates at his trial. Socrates is accused of _______________________ and ___________________

neglecting the gods and corrupting the youth of Athens

at his trial, Socrates is found guilty of what crime(s)?

neglecting the gods and corrupting youth

The Corus' first ode claims that the glories of humanity can only be maintained by :

obedience to the law


of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe


pastoral poem that celebrates the beauty of nature in the country


patroness of Athens, goddess of war and wisdom




pertaining to the internal organs


place at which Elie's father dies and Elie is freed


place where Elie would later encounter a woman whose "charity" involved throwing coins to children who desperately fought over them.

first person

point of view in which the narrator is a character in the story


point of view where the narrator knows everything about the characters and their problems - told in the 3rd person.


positive or negative associations with words


queen of Thebes whose children were killed by the gods because she boasted that she was greater than a goddess

Carlé moves from objective reporter to subjective participant in another's life when he :

radios the station for a water pump

The seventh man feels guilty because he :

ran away from the approaching wave instead of going back to save K.


reality is divided into body and soul

what are Aristotle's 3 appeals?

reason, emotion, and values

In "Marriage is a Private Affair," Okeke is upset with his son Nnaemeka because Nnaemeka :

refuses Okeke's choice of a wife for him


represented; symbolized

the three major periods of Roman history include the monarchy, the __________, and the __________

republic and the empire

Virgil mocks Sinon by exposing his rhetorical practices that trick people into believing as true what is in fact untrue. Such a literary form of mockery is best classified as :



scolded, especially in a noisy and bullying way


shaking or quivering slightly


showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect


showing contempt toward sacred things

the diversity of opinion among the pre-Socratic philosophers led to the sophists whose beliefs were characterized by _______________ and _______________

skepticism, relativism


so frightened as to be unable to move


something that stands for something else


son of Thestor and soothsayer

Rolf Carlé helps comfort Azucena during her struggle by :

staying by her side from the moment he meets her


stealthy, secret

The central metaphor present in the poem "Exile" compares the family's flight from the Dominican Republic to :


Socratic Method

teaching by talking in order to arrive at the truth


that which is shaped by facts and without personal interpretation


that which is shaped by personal interpretation or bias

the account of Socrates' execution by drinking hemlock is recounted in which dialogue?

the Phaedo

This conflict resulted in Rome's defeat of Hannibal, and it marked the beginning of the Roman conquest of Greece

the Second Punic War


the arrangement of words or phrases in a sentence

How does nature seem to take Nene's side in her request to have the grandchildren visit Okeke?

the drumming of the rain on the rook prevents Okeke from humming a hymn to ward off the temptation to give into Nene's request

Roman history is divided into 3 main periods : the monarchy, the republic, and the _______________

the empire

which of the following statements about the setting and duration of the play is correct?

the entire play takes place in front of Creon's palace on one day

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the genre of the epic?

the epic has a simple style and describes ordinary people in their everyday lives

Though they are from the same town, what has caused bad blood between Tokchae and Songsam in . "Cranes"?

the korean war


the love of Greek culture


the name of the most famous book of Jewish mysticism

The main characters in "Cranes" find themselves on opposite sides. What element of the story most contributes to their reconciliation?

the natural landscape of the demilitarized zone


the original from which all other models are made


the teachings of Plato such as that sense perception is relative, elusive, and subject to change from all sorts of temporary influences and true knowledge is unchanging and universal

According to Aristotle, a tragic hero must have 3 essential characteristics. Which of the following is NOT one ?

the tragic hero must die in the end


the turning point of the story


the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices

Describe Elie's relationship with his father throughout the memoir

their relationship improves because they only have each other and have committed the rest of their lives to try to stay together and alive. Elie doesn't leave his father's side and will not let him die even if he wants to.

Rabbi Eliahou

this man searches for his son from whom he was separated during the evacuation from Buna

based on a passage : why was the Trojan horse built so big?

to prevent the Trojans from easily taking it within their city and thus stealing the divine favor that was meant for the Greeks


to rise above or beyond, exceed


to satisfy fully

Apology, Crito, Phaedo

trial and death of Socrates written by Plato


trojan priest of the godNeptune who was skeptical with the Greek's gift of the Trojan horse and struck his spear into its flank

T/F : Jacques-Louis David was a neo-classical painter who depicted the death of Socrates in one of his paintings


T/F : Priam is the king of Troy


T/F : besides the Chorus, only 3 people were allowed to play characters in the Greek tragedies of the 5th century BC


T/F : in Antigone, Creon accuses Teiresias of making prophecies based on bribes


T/F : in his philosophy, Socrates was more concerned about universal definitions than particular objects


T/F : reacting against the theoretical speculation of the pre-Socratic philosophers, the Sophists became relativists and skeptics


T/F : the "Allegory of the Cave" is used to explain idealism


T/F : the Republic includes the "Allegory of the Cave"


T/F : the Socratic problem arises from the fact that Socrates wrote nothing


T/F : the earliest Greek performances probably consisted of singers in goat skin chanting a poem


T/F : the original Greek hero was a warrior who achieved glory in battle


T/F : usually, once the Chorus entered the performance, it did not exit until the end of the play


T/F : women did not perform in classical Greek theater



unable to be calmed down or made peaceful


unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen

For Socrates, morality is _________________ because human beings share a common human nature


In his philosophy, Socrates was more concerned about ____________________ definitions than particular objects



use of words according to their dictionary definition

Name two characteristics of the Socratic method

uses dialogue, often used irony

in "And of Clay Are We Created," one can appreciate the author's perspective in the story better if one knows that Isabel Allende :

was a highly respected journalist in her native land


went to Troy to trick the trojans into bringing the Trojan horse inside the walls of the city

Subordinate clause : At the beginning of the schoolyear, I never know what I should do first.

what I should do first

dramatic irony

when a reader is aware of something that a character isn't


where and when the story takes place

At the end of the story, the narrator's perspective on Rolf Carlé is that she believes he :

will need some time before his emotional wounds heal


work foreman who forces Elie to surrender his gold crown


worldly; sophisticated


wrote the Iliad and Odyssey


young girl who lay dying for 3 days in the Galician forest were foreign Jews were first deported

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