June's Ultimate MCAT Study Guide Part 1

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spreading activation

when one node of our semantic network is activated, the other linked concepts around it are also unconsciously activated

anhydride cleavage to amide and CA

(Cleavage reaction) The amine needs to have a H to lose when attacking the carbonyl C!!!!


A lipid containing a sphingosine or sphingoid backbone bound to fatty acid tails; includes ceramide, sphingomyelins, glycosphingolipids, and gangliosides - Has 2 fatty acid chains and a polar head group - are used in ABO blood typing

decreases (negative)

A reaction is spontaneous when (∆)G


All naturally occurring aa in eukaryotes are ______ except for glycine Amino group on fischer projection is on the left side

water soluble

All salts with NH4+ (ammonium) alkali metal (group 1) cations, and NO3-(nitrate) and acetate (CH3COO-) are _____ _______. So are halides Cl, Br, I except F. EXCEPT those formed w Ag+, Pb2+, and Hg2+2. So are SO4-2, except those w Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2, and Pb+2.

Easily lost

Alpha Hydrogens are acidic and...

BO3 3-


Niemann-Pick disease

Intellectual disabilities and seizures. Sphingomyelinase deficiency

PCC or other oxidizing agent

Oxidize a Secondary alcohol to a ketone using


P=toluenesulfonic acid

William Masters and Virginia Johnson

People studying sexual response cycle, proved that men and women experience similar physical responses. Differences from culture and learned behaviors.

Enantiomerization and Racemization

Same, formation of mirror-image or the optically inverted form of a compound


Simplest monosaccharide contains 3 C

-70 mV, negative

The average resting membrane potential for neurons. The inside of the neuron is ______ relative to the outside. The cell is more permeable to potassium.


The endoderm-lined cavity, formed during gastrulation, that develops into the digestive tract of an animal. It grows through the blastocoel and contacts the opposite side establ 3 primary germ layers


The rapid interconversion between different anomers of a compound (sugar?). Also when the hemiacetal is exposed to water, the ring spontaneously will open and close

Collision Theory of Chemical Kinetics

The rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the number of collisions per second between reactants


The reactant needs to be ________ reactive than the product it forms EX: Alcohol + Anhydride -> Ester

Carboxyl end of arginine and lysine

Trypsin cleaves at...specific point in peptide chain

two-point threshold

Two distinct stimuli

Ortho (o) meta (m) para (p)

Two substituents on benzene ring. Next to each other, one C in between, on opposite sides


When finding Fbuoy, the density is of the


a type of sphingolipid with multiple sugars


albumin protein is


also known as hypophysis

biopsychosocial approach

an integrated approach that incorporates biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis Direct: medication and psychologist meetings and indirect therapy: social support

arachidonic acid

an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid with 20 carbons and four double bonds; present in small amounts in meat and other animal products and synthesized in the body from linoleic acid.


an organic nonprotein cofactor. They are vitamins.


any aldehyde or ketone with a chiral alpha carbon will rapidly become a racemic mixture as the keto and enol forms interconvert


any lipid linked to a sugar. Can be a sphingolipid (instead of it being a phospholipid)

size exclusion chromatography

beads in column have tiny pores of various sizes. Small compounds will enter the pores and thus slow down. Large compounds can't fit so they elute through faster. Protein purification: use ion-exchange column and then a size-exclusion column.

multipotent cells

can differentiate into multiple types of cells within a particular lineage (hematopoietic stem cells)

mutated tumor suppressor genes

can no longer slow/control the cell cycle. Like cutting the brakes. Normal version reduces cell cycling or promotes DNA repair.


cell death due to injury

Vygotsky's Cultural and Biosocial Development

child's cognitive development is driven through the internalization of various aspects of their culture.

neurocognitive theory

cognitive and biological perspectives by correlating the subjective dream experience w the physiological experience of dreaming


collapsed lung can be caused by pneumothorax bc air has collected in the intrapleural space, Or pleural effusion w fluid accumulation

ethylene glycol

common name for ethane-1,2-diol

illness anxiety disorder

hypochondriasis: condition marked by intense preoccupation with the possibility of a serious undiagnosed illness classified as a somatic symptom disorder if somatic symptoms present/illness anxiety disorder if not

cyclothymic disorder

hypomanic episodes with dysthymia

Sensory memory

iconic and echoic

fixed-interval schedule

in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed Ex: almost no response immediately after the reward is given, but the behavior increases as the rat gets close to receiving the reward Same response with fixed-ratio


in rxns, aldehydes and ketones both act as _______. But ________ are more reactive w nucleophiles bc of less steric hindrance and fewer e donating alkyl groups.

Proofreading by DNA polymerase

incorrect base is excised and replaced - S phase of cell cycle DNA polymerase (enzyme in use) differentiates template vs daughter strand by the heavy methylation of the template strand


increase in responsiveness to the original stimulus after presentation of a new stimulus


increases GABA channel opening activity which allows the Cl- to hyperpolarize the membrane. diminished arousal at moderate doses. increases dopamine. Alcohol myopia is inability to recognize consequences of actions.


indicates 2 phosphate groups

Wernicke's area

language comprehension and reception. Superior temporal gyrus of temporal lobe. Connected to broca's area by arcuate fasciculus (axons) which associates both areas.

Wernickes are

language comprehension, in the superior temporal gyrus

percent composition by mass

mass of solute/mass of solution x 100% (aq solns, metal alloys, solin-solid)


migration velocity eqn, z is net charge of the molecule

v = Ez/f

migration velocity. z is the charge the net charge on the molecule, f is the frictional coefficient

primacy effect

occasions when first impressions are more important than subsequent impressions.

energy density

pressure as a ratio of energy per cubic meter

retroactive interference

the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information


the more stable the conjugate base is, the easier it is for the proton to leave, and the _______ the acid

probe DNA

(DNA with known sequence) added to a mixture of target DNA sequences, when it binds to target DNA sequences, it may provide evidence of the presence of a gene of interest. This binding process is called hybridization.

perpendicular bisector of the dipole

*equipotential line that lies halfway entre +q and -q *electrical potential at any point along this line is zero E = kp/r^3 The E field vectors at the points along the perpendicular bisector will point in the direction opposite to p (points from neg to positive)


+ or d...compound rotates light in the clockwise direction determined experimentally

nativist (biological) theory

(Noam Chomsky) innate capacity for language Transformational grammar: changes in words that retain the same meaning (Ex. I took the MCAT vs. the MCAT was taken by me) Language acquisition device (LAD) Critical period: language acquisition between two years and puberty Sensitive period: time when environmental input has maximal effect on the development of an ability

seasonal affective disorder

(SAD) a seasonal bout of depression associated with the decrease in hours of daylight during winter months abnormal melanin metabolism bright light therapy

Lineweaver-Burk Plot

-double reciprocal of michaelis menten -x int: is -1/Km -y int: 1/vmax -determine type of inhibition an enzyme experiences. Compare w/out estimating.

ester naming


Pascal's principle equation

F1/A1=F2/A2 = P


M * n

Normality equation

M * n


On oval window of cochlea


One female, several males.


Pro, P, aliphatic

(1/[A]t )- (1/[A]o) = kt

Rate of rxn concentration

generalized anxiety disorder

an anxiety disorder in which a person is continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal fatigue, muscle tension, sleep problems


attribution of one's unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or behaviors to someone else

fatty acids

lipid tails made of ___________ they travel in the body bonded to serum albumin

hindbrain (rhombencephalon)

metencephalon and myelencephalon

succinic acid

other name for butanedioic acid


preferring orderliness

angle strain

results when bond angles deviate from their ideal values by being stretched or compressed

acrosomal enzymes

sperm use these to penetrate the corona radiata and zona pellucida

Gs, Gi, Gq

subtypes of Galpha


what secretes testosterone when it's stimulated by the gonadotropins LH and FSH?


η, Pa•s = N•s/m^2. Lower viscosities behave like ideal fluids w no viscosity and are described as inviscid.


• sphingolipids w/ head groups composed of sugars bonded by glycosidic linkages (mono or polysaccharides) - type of glycolipid - found on the outer surface of the plasma membrane

electrolytic cell

∆G>0, Ecell < 0, anions move toward anode and cations move toward cathode.

first law of thermodynamics (law of conservation of energy)

∆U (internal energy of the system) = Q - W (heat added to the system) - (work done by the system)

Voltage (potential difference)

∆V=Vb-Va = Wab/q The work it takes for a test charge to get from point a to point B; disregards the path taken. The difference in electric potential between two points in an electric circuit; expressed in volts (V) A negative W represents a decrease in electric potential

DNA ligase

- FOR both pro and eukaryotes - glues the gaps of the lagging strands together/okazaki fragments

DNA polymerase alpha

- For eukaryotes - adds nucleotides to the growing strand Primase activity and initiates nuclear DNA synthesis by synthesizing an RNA primer, dna repair 5' to 3' synthesizing of incoming nucleotides (5' dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP). As each new phosphodiester bond is made, a free pyrophosphate PPi is released. Eukaryotic: DNA polym alpha, delta, epsilon work together to synthesize both the leading and lagging strand.

RNase H

- For eukaryotes - removes the RNA primer by 5' to 3' exonuclease

DNA polymerase III

- For prokaryotes - Adds nucleotides to the growing DNA strand - 5' to 3' synthesizing of incoming nucleotides (5' dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP). As each new phosphodiester bond is made, a free pyrophosphate PPi is released. Has exonuclease to remove nucleotide errors and make corrections in 3' to 5' direction. High processivity due to beta sliding clamp for smooth movement.

Cooperative Enzymes

- S-shaped sigmoidal curve - low-affinity tense state (T) or high-affinity relaxed state (R) - Multiple subunits and active sites - Binding of substrate encourages transition of other subunits. - Like a party, start to relax when guests arrive, Then promote dissociation as tension rises so hosts can clean - Hemoglobin: transport protein - Often regulatory enzymes in pathways - phosphofructokinase-1 in glycolysis - competitive and allosteric site activation and inhibition

Alzheimer's disease

- Senile insoluble Beta-amyloid plaque deposits in brain (misfolded protein in B-pleated sheet form). - Dec in acetylcholine in neurons linking to the hippocampus. - Neurofibrillary tangles of hyperphosphorylated tau protein. - Sundowning. Shrinkage of hippocampus sulfated cerebrosides = sulfatides Women at greater risk. Lower risk w more education. Type of dementia Genes: Mutations in presenilin genes on chromosomes 1 and 14 for having, in apolipoprotein E gene on chromosome 19 for acquiring, B-amyloid precursor protein gene on chromosome 21 contributes: down syndrome ppl. Diffuse atrophy of brain: flattened sulci in cerebral cortex, enlarged cerebral ventricles Deficient blood flow in parietal lobes: cognitive decline, reduct in acetylcholine and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) the enzyme producing acetylcholine, red. metabolism in temporal and parietal lobes


- a single terpene consists of 2 isoprene units (each isoprene has 5 C) (Monoterpene, C10H16) - metabolic precursors to steroids and other lipid signaling molecules -odiferous chemicals -class of lipids built from isoprene (C5H8) - carbons are grouped in multiples of 5 -grouped according to the # of isoprene units present -made by plants/insects


- alternation between single and multiple bonds. - Pi e- can delocalize in the p-orbital system when the p orbitals align through resonance. There will be clouds of e density above and below the plane of the molecule. - all atoms involved in these bonds are either sp^2 or sp hybridized. So have unhybridized p orbitals.

michael addition

- an enolate attacks an α,β-unsaturated carbonyl, creating a bond at that alpha C and w the electrophile at it's double bond; will resonate. Then the alpha C reprotonates itself and the carbonyl reforms


- bioactive, hormone-like chemicals derived from fatty acids - prod by most cells of the body - 20 C molecules are unsaturated carboxylic acids derived from arachidonic acid and has 1 5 C ring. - paracrine/autocrine signaling molecules: affect regions close to where they're produced. - regulates synthesis of cAMP - downstream effects on smooth muscle function, sleep-wake cycle, elevate body temp for fever/pain, - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like aspirin inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) which aids in the production of __________.


- both euk and prokaryotes places a ~10 nucleotide RNA primer to provide a 3'-OH group for the attachment of nucleotides.

bipolar disorders

- high levels of norepinephrine and serotonin (monoamine theory) - higher risk if parents (heritable) have bipolar disorder or if they have multiple sclerosis


- intrusion, avoidance, and arousal symptoms. - negative cognitive symptoms: can't recall key features of event, neg mood or emotions, feeling distanced from others, persistent neg view of the world - shorter version is acute stress disorder

Enzyme-linked receptors

- membrane-spanning domain, ligand-binding domain, catalytic domain - Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK): monomer dimerizes , then phosphorylates other enzymes and itself. - serine/threonine-specific protein kinases, receptor tyrosine phosphatases - a second messenger cascade


- metabolic derivative of terpenes - four fused cycloalkane rings: 3 cyclohexanes and 1 cyclopentane - functionality by oxidation status of rings and functional groups - nonpolar

astrocyte cells

- nourish neurons and form the blood-brain barrier, which controls the transmission of solutes from the bloodstream into nervous tissue - listen in on signals traveling along axons and relay chemical messages to the oligodendrocytes


- or l...compound rotates light in the counterclockwise direction


- phagocytic cells that ingest and break down waste products and pathogens in the CNS - structural support for neurons

single stranded DNA binding proteins

- proteins that bind to the unraveled DNA strands and keeps them from reannealing - prevents the degradation of DNA by nucleases -Unpaired strands of DNA are very "sticky" so proteins are required to hold the 2 strands apart -both pro and eukaryotes


- results from deprotonation that is stablized by resonance with the carbonyl - good nucleohpiles -the deprotonated form can act as a nucleophile

Wernicke's (receptive) aphasia

- speak gibberish -comprehension of speech is lost. They often understand but others cannot


- structural protein - makes up microfilaments & thin filaments in myofibrils - have a + and - side - polarity allows motor proteins to travel unidirectionally along actin filament


- the body cant adequately synthesize these so we obtain them through our diet - water-soluble (excess are excreted in urine) or lipid-soluble (accumulate in stored fat, Vitamins A, D, E, and K)

intrathoracic volume

- volume of chest cavity - increases during inhalation while the diaphragm flattens




-CN is the nucleophile (e pairs on both N and C) pKa of N is 9.2, relatively acidic has triple bonds and an EN N.

Vitamin K

-Koagulation -involved in post-translational modifications that form prothrombin (important clotting factor) -required to introduce calcium-binding sites on several calcium dependent proteins - aromatic ring cycles through oxid and reduct. to make prothrombin


-NH2 and -OCH3 are electron _________ groups that destabilize negative charge. They decrease the acidity of the compound.


-a cyclic ester w/ a carbonyl group persisting on the anomeric carbon. Vitamin C suffix -lactone Name the same way as lactams but the name of the precursor acid molecule is also included. Have no H-bonding, so lower boiling point than Ca


-amphipathic - At low temp, maintains membrane fluidity. At high temp, keeps membrane intact and not too permeable - precursor to steroid hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D - can be produced de novo or absorbed from diet - hypocholesterolemia is too much from both sources

cortical sex hormones

-androgens and estrogens - made by adrenal glands -Males secrete a lot of androgens in testes so adrenal testosterone plays a small role in male physio.

SN2 reaction

-bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reactions - only 1 step (concerted reaction) -nucleophile attacks the compound at the same time as the leaving group leaves -Nucleophile actively displaces the leaving group in a backside attack for this to occur, nucleophile must be strong & substrate can't be sterically hindered -concentrations of substrate & nucleophile have role in determining the rate --> rate = k[Nu][R-L] -Position of the substituents around the substrate carbon is inverted - will not occur at tertiary C

DNA topoisomerase

-both pro and euk, but its dna gyrase for pro. - reduces the torsional strain of positive supercoils by making nicks in the DNA and then reseals the cut strands. - It works ahead of helicase and makes negative supercoils - enzyme that reduces risk of strand breakage.

Poiseuille's Law

-calculates rate of flow through a pipe of confined space (laminar flow). Volume flowing per time. Q= (πr^4 ∆P)/8ηL η: viscosity of the fluid Q: flow rate (volume flowing per time) ΔP: pressure gradient r: radius of tube L: length of tube

Vitamin D

-cholecalciferol -vitamin D is converted to it's bio. active form calcitriol (1,25-(OH)2D3) which increases calcium and phosphate uptake in intestines (promotes bone production) -lack of ______ results in Rickets in children: underdev long curved bones and impeded growth

Broca's (expressive) aphasia

-damage to Broca's area -speech comprehension is intact - patient has reduced or absent ability to produce spoken language

Tollen's reagent

-detects presence of reducing sugar -Freshly prepare by mixing AgNO3 with NaOH to make Ag2O, which is dissolved in ammonia to make [Ag(NH3)2]+ - It will then be reduced to make a silvery mirror when aldehydes are present

Benedict's reagent

-detects presence of reducing sugar -aldehyde group of an aldose is readily oxidized. Indicated by a red precipitate of Cu2O.


-enzyme that unwinds the DNA and causes positive supercoiling - generates 2 single stranded template strands of sticky DNA ready for H-bonding


-ester hydrolysis of TAG using a strong base -Base is typically lye: common name for Na/KOH - sodium salt of the fatty acid and glycerol products


-forms when the aldehyde group of an aldose is reduced to an alcohol


-has zig-zag form of DNA - left handed helix -turn every 4.6 nm, turns every 12th base pair - unstable - can be formed when there's a lot of GC or a high [salt]

endings for peptide/aa derivative hormones and for steroids

-in, -ine or -one,-ol,-oid

anti staggered conformation

-most favorable type of staggered conformation -two groups are antiperiplanar to eachother, 180 degrees apart in newman projection


-oate suffix, groups that are directly bonded to the ester O are named as non-numbered substituents. alkoxycarbonyl- prefix From dehydration synthesis of CA deriv./or anhydrides and alcohols Put the esterifying group (substituent bonded to the O) as the prefix.


-small basic proteins around which DNA is wound -2 copies of each protein H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 form a histone core & about 200 base pairs of DNA are wrapped around this protein complex forming a nucleosome -The last histone, H1, seals off the DNA as it enters and leaves the nucleosome adding stability to the structure *H1 is not part of the histone core

pitot tubes

-specialized measurement devices that determine the speed of fluid flow by determining the difference b/w static and dynamic pressure of the fluid at given points along the tube


-structural protein - intracellular transport w kinesin and dynein -has polarity (+ end located in periphery of cell & - end located near nucleus)

yolk sac

-supports the embryo until the placenta is functional -site of early blood cell development

N-Ach (Need for Achievement)

-trait by McClelland. Avoid high risks and low risks for optimal stimulation - set realistic goals

free fatty acids

-unesterified FA w/ free carboxylate group - circulate in the blood bonded non-covalently to serum albumin - make up soap

STP (standard temperature and pressure)

0 C/273 K and 1 atm, ideal gas calculations

specific gravity

1 atm, 4 C, rho/ (1 g/cm^3) = SG

3.97 BTU

1 cal to British thermal unit

1.8 F

1 degree Celsius equals how much Fahrenheit?

density of water

1 g/mL (or 1 g/cm³), OR 1000 kg/m^3

22.4 L

1 mole of any ideal gas at STP

Memory pathway

1) Memory begins with sensory memory in the projection area of sensory modalities 2) brief unless moved as short term to hippocampus 3) Manipulated to working memory in hippocampus in thalamus? W/ frontal and parietal lobes 4) Moved to cerebral cortex for long-term memory

palmitic acid

16 carbons


2 glucose molecules linked by an alpha-1,4 glycosidic bond


2 parallel p orbitals form the 2 pi bonds, the third p orbital and the s orbital form the 2 hybrid sp orbitals. Linear geometry. Can be a triple bond (ethyne) or 2 double bonds (like CO2) on a carbon atom.

IP3 (inositol triphosphate), calcium

2 second messenger examples


2-butanone, follows ketone pattern of commonly listing attached alkyl groups in alphabetical order.

standard conditions

25º C, 1 atm Pressure, 1 M concentrations, most stable form of each compound. For kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics problems

self-determination theory (SDT)

3 needs to develop healthy relationships w oneself and others: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.


3 organ systems. Like the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal/ovarian (HPA, HPO) axis,




4 isoprene units - Vitamin A is this. Retinal, a visual pigment for sight is derived from Vitamin A.

instincts, arousal, drives, and needs

4 key factors of motivation

d orbital shape

4 leaf clover w donut

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral

4 parts of spinal cord


4-membered cyclic amide. - highly reactive bc of high ring strain, torsional strain (bc of eclipsing interxns), angle strain (compressing sp3 to less than 109.5) - forces a trigonal pyramidal bond geometry on N in ring, reducing resonance and making hydrolysis more likely. core structure of antibiotic families like penicillin, cephalosporins, carbapenems, monobactams.


A Jungian archetype of the appearance of unpleasant and socially reprehensible thoughts, feelings, and actions in our consciousness.


A bundle of nerve fibers that is the output from the hippocampus that connects to other nuclei in the limbic system.

heterogeneous catalyst

A catalyst that is in a different phase (solid, liquid, gas) from that of the reactant substances.


A compound derived from two carboxylic acid functional groups by the removal of water. Linked O. Name both carboxylic acids + anhydride. Alkanoyloxycarbonyl- prefix Same name for its cyclic version


A cyclic amide - replace -oic acid with -lactam - named by indicating the specific C that is bonded during cyclization of the compound.

unsaturated fatty acid

A fatty acid possessing one or more double bonds between the carbons in the hydrocarbon tail. Makes kinks in the chain. So it's liquid at room temp bc it's hard to stack and solidify Such bonding reduces the number of hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon skeleton.

Kinetic Molecular Theory

A few assumptions: - collisions are elastic, so conservation of both momentum and kinetic energy. - avg kinetic energy is directly proportional to absolute temp (K) and this Ke is the same for all gases at a given temp regardless of chemical identity/atomic mass. based on the idea that particles of matter are always in motion. James maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann Other assumptions: - negligible volume, no attractions/repulsions, random collisions that are elastic, average KE is directly proportional to T


A five-membered ring sugar.


A form of compliance that occurs when people follow direct commands from someone in a position of authority Milgram teacher/learner (actor/confederate) shock experiment

tumor suppressor genes

A gene whose protein product inhibits cell division, thereby preventing the uncontrolled cell growth that contributes to cancer.

Law of Constant Composition

A given compound contains the elements in exactly the same proportion by mass (mass ratios)


A higher gel pH, mkaes the protein of lower pI_____


A hormone produced by adipose (fat) cells that acts as a satiety factor in regulating appetite. Negative feedback loop.


A hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth and milk ejection during breastfeeding. Bonding behavior. positive feedback.


A hormone secreted by the small intestine (duodenum) in response to low pH (e.g., from stomach acid). It promotes the release of bicarbonate from the pancreas to act as a buffer.


A hunger-arousing hormone secreted by an empty stomach


A lipid consisting of three fatty acids linked to one glycerol molecule; also called a fat or triglyceride.

peg-word system

A mnemonic in which a list of items is memorized by images associated with numbers.

Method of loci

A mnemonic technique that involves associating items on a list with a sequence of familiar physical locations


A molecule that is superimposable on its mirror image, like a fork


A molecule that makes a membrane permeable to protons, dissipating the proton motive force and uncoupling electron transport from ATP synthesis. inhibit ATP synthesis without affecting the electron transport chain high doses, aspirin functions as a mitochondrial _________. Causing depletion of glycogen stores. Because the body must burn more fuel to maintain the proton-motive force, glycogen stores will be mobilized to feed into glycolysis, then the TCA, and finally oxidative phosphorylation.

meso compound

A molecule with chiral centers and an internal plane of symmetry causing it to be an achiral molecule

luteinizing hormone (LH)

A peptide hormone stim ovulation in females and testosterone synthesis in males


A peptide hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth and milk ejection during breastfeeding. bonding.


A peptide hormone secreted by pancreatic alpha cells that stim glycogenolysis and inc blood [glucose]; an antagonistic hormone to insulin.


A phospholipid manufactured by the liver and also found in many foods; a major constituent of cell membranes.

conversion disorder

A rare somatoform disorder in which a person experiences very specific genuine physical symptoms for which no physiological basis can be found. (Hysteria) la belle indifference: lack of concern for issue, woman going blind a bit after seeing her son die tragically paralysis, blindness w no physiological basis. Affects voluntary motor or sensory functions

Nucleophilic substitution

A reaction in which a nucleophile is attracted to an electron-deficient carbon atom, and replaces an atom or group of atoms on the carbon atom.

aldol condensation

A reaction in which an aldehyde or ketone acts as both the electrophile (in its keto form) and nucleophile (in the enolate form), resulting in the formation of a carbon-carbon bond in a new molecule called an aldol.


A retrieval cue by which recall is aided by a word or phrase that is semantically related to the desired memory.


A serious disease that destroys the alveolar walls. The lungs elastic recoil is reduced and this makes exhaling difficult. cigarette smoking


A six-membered ring sugar.


A small amount of eukaryotic chromatin that remains highly compacted during interphase and is generally not transcribed. dark in microscopy. DNA w highly repetitive sequences. in contrast to euchromatin: light, uncondensed, expressed


A small amount of solute is used to extract and remove impurities (from the aq soln) reverse of an extraction


A solid ball of cells that makes up an embryo; in humans, this stage occurs within four days of fertilization. 16 cell stage


A subtype of diastereomers that differ in absolute configuration at exactly ONE chiral carbon


A three-carbon alcohol to which fatty acids are covalently bonded to make fats and oils.

inductive reasoning

A type of logic in which generalizations are based on a large number of specific observations. Specific to general.

Chargaff's Rule

A=T and C=G total purines will be equal to total pyrimidines overall


Abnormal behaviors such as nightmares or sleepwalking that occur during sleep.

P = Po +rhogz

Absolute (hydrostatic) pressure eqn for the total pressure that is exerted on an object submerged ina fluid. Po is the incident/ambient pressure/at surface, rho is the density of the fluid, g is gravity, z is depth of the object.

central traits

According to trait theory, traits that form the basis of personality and influence impression

acetyl CoA

Acetyl coenzyme A; the entry compound for the citric acid cycle in cellular respiration, formed from a fragment of pyruvate attached to a coenzyme.

an inhibitor

Acetyl-CoA is ________ of PDH, causing a shift of pyruvate into the gluconeogenesis pathway


Addition of a sugar to another compound


Adenine and Guanine. 2 rings

inferiority complex

Adler's conception of a basic feeling of inadequacy stemming from childhood experiences Striving for superiority drives personality. Enhancing when its toward benefiting society, but yields disorder when it's selfish


After a chair flip, all axial groups become... (and vice versa). (dashes and wedges remain the same). Also,

Bobo doll experiment

Alberto bandura: nursery school students observed an adult play aggressively (yelling & hitting) with an inflatable clown (Bobo); when children were later allowed to play with the Bobo, those children who witnesses the Bobo doll performed the same aggressive actions and improvised new ways of playing aggressively

glycosidic linkage

Aldehyde C can participate in _____. A covalent bond formed between two monosaccharides by a dehydration reaction. Sugar substituents via this linkage are glycosyl residues.

reducing agents, reducing sugar

Aldoses are _________ bc they can be oxidized. So any monosaccharide w a hemiacetal ring is a ________.


Alkyl groups take or donate e density

L-amino acids

All _________ have S configurations except for cysteine

optical isomers

All affect rotation of plane-polarized light. Stereoisomers that are non-superimposable mirror images of each other


All carbonates (CO3-2), phosphates (PO4-3), sulfides (S-2), and sulfites (SO3-2) are _________. Except those w/ alkali metals and ammonium.


Also called defibrillation. It creates a strong electrical current through the heart's conduction system that attempts to resynchronize a pulse.


Alternate name for peptides; name for up to 20 peptides

inspiratory reserve volume

Amount of air that can be forcefully inhaled after a normal tidal volume inhalation IRV


An amino group attached to a carbon that is double-bonded to another carbon. When imines/related compouns undergo tautomerization


An enzyme that catalyzes the lengthening of telomeres. The enzyme includes a molecule of RNA that serves as a template for new telomere segments. A reverse transcriptase that synthesizes the ends of chromosomes More highly expressed in rapidly dividing cells. High GC content makes v strong strand attractions at the end of chromosome to prevent unraveling.


An enzyme that cuts DNA or RNA, either removing one or a few bases or hydrolyzing the DNA or RNA completely into its component nucleotides.

managing appearances

An impression management strategy in which one uses props, appearance, emotional expression, or associations with others to create a positive image.


An inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action.


An instrument that measures atmospheric pressure

oleic acid

An omega-9 fatty acid with 18 carbons and one double bond.


Anticoagulant by stopping Vitamin K recycling. Leafy greens have Vitamin K


Antigens are presented by macrophages, dendritic cells, certain epithelial cells, and some B-cells

Cluster C personality disorders

Anxious or fearful behavior avoidant: extreme shyness, fear of rejection. sees self as socially inept, isolates, but has an intense desire for social affection and acceptance. Stay in the same job, relationships, and situations despite wanting change. dependent: continuous need for reassurance. depends on one person to take action/make decisions. obsessive compulsive PERSONALITY disorder: perfectionistic and inflexible. rules and order. cant throw out old things, doesn't want change, stubborn, no humor, careful routines. (DIFF from OCD: focal and acquired, ego-dystonic, intrusive thoughts causing tension and impairing compulsions for relief)


Area where the chromatids of a chromosome are attached in the center. Made of heterochromatin


Arg, R, basic and positively charge delocalized over 3 N

James-Lange Theory

Arousal comes before/triggers emotion 1. nervous system arousal 2. conscious emotion

k = Ae^(-Ea/RT)

Arrhenius equation, k is the rate constant of a rxn, A is (attempt) frequency factor: how often molecules in a certain rxn collide, Ea is activation energy, R is ideal gas constant, T temperature in kelvins. Low Ea and high temp increase k

increasingly significant

As temp dec, the avg speed of gas molecules dec, and the attractive intermolecular forces become _______ _________. Reducing towards condensation point/boiling point, intermolecular attractions cause the gas to have a smaller vol than predicted. The closer a gas is to its boiling point, the less ideally it acts.


Asn, N, polar (Amide groups do NOT become charged; the N does not lose or gain protons)


At moderately high pressure, a gas's volume is ____ than would be predicted by the ideal gas law due to intermolecular attraction

root mean square speed

Average velocity/SPEED of gas particles

n/V = k or n1/V1 = n2/V2

Avogadros principle: P and T held constant. - As moles of gas inc, the V inc in direct proportion. - equal amounts of all gases at the same T and P will occupy equal volumes. - 1 mole of any gas will occupy 22.4 liters at STP.

Sleep stages

Awake: beta and alpha Stage 1: theta, light sleep and dozing Stage 2: theta, sleep spindles and K complexes Stage 3 & 4: delta. SWS, dreams, declar. mem consol. sleep-wake disorders occur here REM: mostly beta, paralyzed, physio awake, proced. mem consol.


B-carotene, lutein are ________. they are tetraterpenes (8 isoprene units)

B vitamin familiarity

B1: thiamine, B2: riboflavin, B3: niacin, B5: pantothenic acid, B6: pyridoxal phosphate, B7: biotin, B9: folic acid, B12: cyanocobalamin

reciprocal determinism

Bandura's idea that though our environment affects us, we also affect our environment

Enthalpy change based on BDEs

Base it on what bonds are forming/breaking, NOT on the product as a whole.

Thermodynamic property

Base strength is related to the equilibrium position of a rxn. This is a ______

State-dependent recall

Based on INTERNAL states of individual. External would be context effect

sleep waves

Beta waves: when individual is awake and fully alert 12-30hz Alpha waves: awake but fatigued, relaxed state..less than fully alert 8-13hz Theta waves: deeply relaxed; hypnic jerks 4-7hz, slower frequency/higher voltage Delta: high quality, generative sleep, slow-wave sleep (SWS)/declarative mem consolidation Bats Drink Blood Beta, awake Alpha, drowsy Theta, N1 Sleep spindles, k complexes, N2 Delta, N3, 4 Beta, REM/paradoxical sleep/procedural mem consolidation



bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorders have been shown to be highly heritable and are associated with increased levels of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain. Bipolar I disorder can be diagnosed with a single manic episode and does not require a major depressive episode. Bipolar II disorder requires at least one hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode. Cyclothymic disorder contains at least one hypomanic episode and dysthymia.

SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors)

Blocks serotonin presynaptic reuptake and leaves more serotonin in the synapse (Calming positive effect)

pulmonary artery, aorta

Blood flow in the ductus arteriosus is from the ___________ to the _________ The direction of flow is determined by the pressure differential between the right side of the heart (and pulmonary circulation) vs. the left side of the heart (and systemic circulation).

Fetal circualtion

Blood flow in the ductus arteriosus is from the pulmonary artery to the aorta. The direction of flow is determined by the pressure differential between the right side of the heart (and pulmonary circulation) vs. the left side of the heart (and systemic circulation). Unlike in adults, the right side of the heart is at a higher pressure during prenatal life than the left side, so blood will shunt from the pulmonary circulation to the systemic circulation through both the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus.

Low bond strength

Bond strength dec down periodic table, so acidity increases. More EN, more acidic. When these two trends oppose each other, which takes precedence?


Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Breaks hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases; step 2. binds to lagging strand template

PV = k or P1V1 = P2V2

Boyles Law. isothermal process T and # of moles held constant Shows an inverse relationship between P and V


Breaks compound into 2 molecules by adding water. Phosphatase, peptidase, nuclease, and lipase are



glycolytic pathway

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O. The fuel is glucose and the oxidant is oxygen


C6H12O6 does not ionize at all in water

keto-enol tautomerization

C=C and an alcohol, also called enolization





bicarbonate buffer system

CO2 (g) + H2O (l) <-> H2CO3 (aq) <-> H (aq) + HCO3- (aq)

Pluripotent cells

Can differentiate into any cell type in the developing embryo (primary 3 germ layers) and their derivatives?

Gordon Allport's Trait Theory

Cardinal: self-sacrifice, central: honesty/charisma, secondary: specific to situations Functional autonomy: behavior continues for satisfaction despite having met a goal

client-centered therapy(person centered, nondirective therapy)

Carl Rogers: psychotherapy technique people have the freedom to control solutions. Unconditional positive regard from therapist towards client


Catakyzes the phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate using ATP

Homegenous catalyst

Catalyst is in the same phase as the reactants

(∆)U = Q- W

Change in system's internal energy eqn. Convention where W is positive when work is done by the system and W is negative when work is done on the system.

V/T = K or V1/T1 = V2/T2

Charles law, constant pressure P and # of moles are held constant Direct relationship entre V and T

CrO4 2-


Carboxyl end of phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine

Chymotrypsin cleaves at...in peptide chain

Beta amylase

Cleaves at the nonreducing end of the polymer (the end w acetal) to yield only maltose.


Cofactor often in cellular metabolism and nerve conduction. Deficiency (from alcohol/poor diet) results in Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome: delirium, lack of balance and memory, neuro deficits

nucleus (nuclei)

Collection of cell bodies in the CNS Cell bodies of neurons in the same tract are grouped into


Combined Gas Law 1=2

hydroxylamine (H2N-OH), hydrazine (H2N-NH2), semicarbazide (H2N-NH-C(O)NH2) oxines, hydrazones, semicarbazones

Common ammonia derivatives that react w aldehydes and ketones: They form:

Water, HCO3-, Al(OH)3, HSO4-, H2PO4-

Common amphoteric species:

DMF (dimethylformamide), DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide), acetone

Common aprotic solvents (can't H bond)


Common name for 2 double bonded Cs

carboxylic acids, Ammonia/amines, water/alcohols

Common protic solvents (can H bond)

Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft

Community and society groups

Adenine and Thymine

Complementary bases in DNA that have 2 hydrogen bonds between them.

Guanine and Cytosine

Complementary bases in DNA that have 3 hydrogen bonds between them. Stronger

equipotential lines

Concentric circles emanating from a source charge that cross its electric field lines perpendicularly. No work is required for a test charge to travel along the circumference of an equipotential line because the potential at every point along that line is the same

top-down processing

Concept driven. Recognition by memories and expectations. Less detail/faster/more mistakes


Contractile unit of muscle

ammonia (NH3), amine

Convert Carboxylic acid to amide by an incoming Nuc that is ________ or an ________. Can be done in acidic or basic soln to drive the rxn forward. Loss of H2O. change -oic acid to -amide. Any alkyl groups on the N are placed at the beginning of the name with the prefix N-. Resonance entre the O and N atoms.


Convert aspartate and alpha-ketoglutarate to glutamate and oxaloacetate


Cys, C, polar, thio -SH prone to oxidation

disulfide bond

Cysteine to cystine, oxidizes, lose 2 H+ and 2 e-. Add in photos. Creates loops in the protein chain


DNA contains the sugar ___________________________, where the -OH of carbon 2 is replaced by -H.

dna polymerase II

DNA repair; restarts replication after damaged DNA halts synthesis


Da, the avg molar mass of 1 aa is ~100 daltons or 100 g/mol

Explicit memory

Declarative, memories require conscious recall. Semantic memory: facts we know. Episodic memory: our experience.

Parkinson's disease

Decreased dopamine production in substantia nigra. A disorder of the central nervous system that slows movement (bradykinesia), resting and pill-rolling tremors, and masklike facies (static and expressionless facial features, staring eyes, partially open mouth), cogwheel rigidity (muscle tension that temp halts movement when an examiner attempts to manipulate a limb), shuffling gait with stooped posture, maybe depression and dementia. Treatment: L-DOPA: precursor converted to dopamine once in the brain to replace what is lost in Parkinsons. - Place stem cells into the CNS to regenerate dopaminergic neurons in the subst. nigra

Delusions of reference

Delusions of reference: belief that common elements in the environment are directed toward the individual. TV cartoon is talking to you

depressive disorders

Depression: high glucose metabolism in amygdala, hippocampal atrophy after long duration of illness, - high levels of glucocorticoids (cortisol) - low levels of norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine (monoamine theory of depression). Where their actual production is dec.


Describing a cell that can give rise to all parts of the developing embryo (primary 3 germ layers) and extraembryonic tissues (amnion, chorion, placenta). Can differentiate into all cell types and placental structures.

Cr2O7 2-



Differ in placement of proton and double bond


Digestive hormone that stimulates sustained secretion of gastric juice from the stomach

Watson, Crick, Franklin, Wilkins

Discovered the molecular shape and composition of DNA, naming it the double helix.

Avoidance learning

Do some behavior to avoid something

instinct theory

Driven to do behaviors based on evol. programmed instincts. - William McDougall, humans driven by 18 distinctive insticts

mismatch repair

During G2 phase (after S phase): For Eukaryotes, genes encode enzymes MSH2 and MLH1. For prokaryotes, use enzymes MutS and MutL They detect, remove, and replace incorrect nucleotides

electric field

E (N/C) = Fe/q = kQ/r^2 (Finding E is simply two ways through dividing both sides of Coulombs Law by q) They're produced by source charge Q. When test charge q is placed in the electric field E, it experiences an electrostatic force Fe = qE k is electrostatic constant = 1/4piE0 = 8.99E9 (N*m^2)/C^2

Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules

E/Z for polysubstituted double bonds: priority is given by looking at the atoms connected to the chiral carbon or double-bonded carbons - whichever has the highest atomic number gets highers priority - if there is a tie, one moves outward from the chiral carbon or double bond until the tie is broken - less H on C, the higher it's priority. Really, the first point of difference! - double bond counts as 2 individ bonds to that atom

activation energy

Ea, min energy necessary in collision for rxn to occur, energy barrier

Wout/Win = (load)(load distance)/(effort)(effort distance)

Efficiency equation

gastrula (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm)

Embryo stage of 3 germ layers


Enzyme for cleaving. Can also reverse and is then a synthase

Vmax = Kcat[Et]

Enzyme turnover number equation

(∆)Grxn = ((∆)G(º)+RTlnQ) = RTlnQ/Keq

Eqn for free energy change of rxn not at equil/is in progress

(∆)G(º,rxn) =-RTlnKeq

Eqn for standard free energy change at equilibrium

DNA polymerase delta

Eukaryotes: completes replication on the lagging strand, dna repair, translesion dna synthesis. high fidelity. Replaces RNA with DNA 5' to 3' synthesizing of incoming nucleotides (5' dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP). As each new phosphodiester bond is made, a free pyrophosphate PPi is released. Adds nucleotides to where the primer was Eukaryotic: DNA polym alpha, delta, epsilon work together to synthesize both the leading and lagging strand. DNAPolymdelta and epsilon are helped by PCNA protein: it assembles into a trimer to form the sliding clamp

dna polymerase Beta

Eukaryotic DNA repair

dna polymerase gamma

Eukaryotic: replicates mitochondrial DNA

spatial summation

Example: a large number of inhibitory signals firing directly on the soma will cause more hyperpolarization of the axon hillock than the depolarization caused by a few excitatory signals firing on the dendrites of a neuron.


F2 (diatomic fluorine) can be used as an ____ in combustion rxns

DNA polymerase I

FOR prokaryotes - removes RNA primer by 5' to 3' exonuclease. - fills in the gap with DNA

Semantic networks

Fact storage

NH3, RCO2-

Fair nucleophiles. (Amines are fairly good nucleophiles)


Father of genetics

HbF (fetal hemoglobin)

Fetal blood cells contain ____. Enhances transfer of oxygen from mom to baby circulation and has a greater affinity for oxygen than HbA(adult). Oxygen retention.

three shunts

Fetus lungs and liver are underdeveloped and sensitive to high blood pressures, so the fetus has __________

away, toward

Field lines point _______ from a positive charge and point ______ a negative charge. Conventionally, the direction of the E field vector is the direction that a positive test charge would move in the presence of the source charge. Those lines are showing a positive charge's vector relative to that "atom/source charge" shown.

Base Excision Repair (BER)

Fix lesions small enough that don't distort the helix (like cytosine deamination) by removing the base, leaving an apurinic/apyrimidinic site (AP) site, AP endonuclease removes the damaged sequence. Patch is then filled in w correct bases. - During G1 and G2 - Enzymes glycosylase and AP endonuclease 1. DNA absorbs thermal energy 2. cytosine deaminates and turns into uracil 3. Through base excision repair: 4. A glycosylase, like AP endonuclease, recognizes and removes the damaged base/sequence of DNA. 5. This leaves an apurinic/apyrimidinic/abasic site 6. DNA polymerase and ligase come to finish the job

Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER)

Fixes large helix-deforming lesions of DNA (like thymine dimers) via a cut-and-patch process - During G1 and G2 - Enzyme excision endonuclease Ex: 1. UV light causes dimerization of adjacent thymines 2. By NER, proteins scan and recognize lesion by the bulge 3. Enzyme excision endonuclease nicks the phosphodiester backbone 4. DNA polymerase fills in the gap 5. DNA ligase seals the ends

laminar flow

Flows in parallel lines in a smooth progression

humanistic (phenomenological)

Focuses on how healthy ppl strive toward self realization. Gestalt therapy: practitioners take holistic view of self. Personality from conscious feelings we have for ourselves while attempting to attain needs and goals.

Leading strand

Follows the unzipping (helicase enzyme direction)

net torque on a dipole

For a dipole at some angle in an external electric field, there will be translational equilibrium but not rotational equilibrium. Bc forces are in opposite directions but the torques are in the same direction (both clockwise). Basically saying that the dipole (which points from negative to positive) will orient to point in the same direction as the electric field. T = (d/2)Fsinø + (d/2)Fsinø = dFsinø = d(qE)sinø = pEsinø

ductus venosus

For fetus's: how to bypass the liver. This shunts blood returning from the placenta via the umbilical vein directly into the inferior vena cava. The liver still receives some blood supply from the smaller hepatic arteries in the systemic circulation.

foramen ovale

For fetus's: this one-way valve allows blood entering the right atrium from the inferior vena cava to flow to the left atrium (instead of the right ventricle) and thus pump blood through the aorta into systemic circulation directly. The fetus's right side of the heart is at a higher pressure than the left, so this pushes blood through the opening. (reverses in adults, shutting the FO)

ductus arteriosus

For fetus's: this shunts leftover blood from the pulmonary artery to the aorta


For infrared spectroscopy, when H is bonded or when there are more bonds to C, the wavenumber tends to _______.

neural crest cells

Form at the edge of neural folds during neurulation (begins after the 3 germ layers form) and migrate to form the sensory and autonomic ganglia, adrenal medulla, Schwann cells, calcitonin-producing cells of the thyroid, melanocytes of the skin. gives rise to components of the PNS


Formed by reaction of aldehyde/ketone? and semicarbazene, which is an imine derivative CNNHCONH2

psychosexual stages of development

Freud and libidal energy as drive reduction theory: 1. oral (excessive dependency as an adult) 2. anal (excessive order or sloppiness in adults, toilet training) 3. phallic/Oedipal (de-eroticizes or sublimates his libidinal energy through work)/Electra (penis envy, girls are less morally dev, want to be less feminine) - libido sublimes and latency until puberty 4. genital: entrance into a healthy hetero relationship. If not, unresolved sexual traumas.

pleasure principle

Freud's theory regarding the id's desire to maximize pleasure and minimize tension in order to achieve immediate gratification.


Freud: Thoughts we aren't currently aware of


Freud: child is overindulged/frustrated during a stage of development. This forms a personality trait which leads to neurosis as an adult.


Freud: death instincts: unconscious wish for death and destruction


Freud: the life instincts promoting survival through thirst, hunger, and sex

P/T = k or P1/T1 = P2/T2

Gay-Lussacs law, isovolumetric V and # of moles held constant Direct relationship entre P and T

(∆)G = (∆)H-T(∆)S

Gibbs free energy. Goldfish are Horrible without Tartar Sauce.

PCC, MnO4-, O2, O3, Cl2, CrO4-, CrO42-

Good oxidizing agent examples. High affinity for e- or have very high oxidation states. Metal + O

Na, Mg, Al, Zn

Good reducing agents are ________ bc they have low EN and low ionization energies

GEW is the mass (g) that would release one mole of protons. Gram Equivalent Weight= (molar mass)/n n : # of particles produced or consumed per molecule

Gram equivalent weight

reality principle (function of ego)

Guides you to only suspend id pleasure process to meet the demands of objective reality This guidance is called the secondary process

standard states

H2 (g), H2O (l), NaCl (s), O2 (g), C (s, graphite)

phosphoric acid

H3PO4 (this form predom in strongly acidic conditions) An excellent buffer bc it's 3 H pKas span nearly the entire pH scale. Physiological pH: We find hydrogen phosphate HPO4- (in weakly basic solns) and dihydrogen phosphate H2PO4- (in mildly acidic conditions) in about equal proportions. In strongly basic solns it will be PO4 -3 pKa: 2.15, 7.2, 12.32

ln2/k=t (1/2 half)

Half-life of a rxn


Having sex with a number of partners without commitment a member of one sex mating with any member of the opposite sex.

[A] = kH * Pa or [G1]/P1 = [G2]/P2 = kH

Henrys law: Use to compare concentration and pressure of two different gas solubility situations KH is Henry's constant based on gas identity. [G] is concentration of G dissolved in soln The amount of gas dissolved in soln is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas at the surface of a soln.

Integration of signals from ganglion cells and edge-sharpening by

Horizontal and amacrine cells

Basic anxiety

Horney's theory of the deep-seated form of anxiety in children that is associated with feelings of being isolated and helpless in a world perceived as potentially threatening and hostile. Parents

combust and form HCl

How do H2 and Cl2 gas react?

They actually take up space, not become 0 volume.

How do real gasses under extreme high pressure behave differently than the ideal gas law's predictions on volume?

sharp around 1750 cm^-1

How does C=O appear on IR spectroscopy?

sharp around ~3300 cm^-1

How does N-H appear on IR spectroscopy?

-3000 cm^-1 broad

How does O-H appear on IR spectroscopy IN a carbonyl, like in a protonated aa? The C=O is e withdrawing In IR spectroscopy, the more e density, the higher its absorption frequency

broad ~3300 cm^-1

How does O-H appear on IR spectroscopy NOT with a carbonyl, like in an alcohol?


How much does enzyme activity typically inc with every 10 degree C inc?

aqueous acid and heat

How to convert acetal/ketal back to carbonyl form


How to make an ester? React carboxylic acid or derivative, w alcohols under ACIDIC conditions. This is a condensation rxn w H2O as a side product. Most rapid w primary alcohols. - In acidic solns, the carbonyl O can be protonated. This enhances the polarity of the bond, making the carbonyl C more positive and riper for nuc: attack.

personal construct psychology

Humanist George Kelly: individual is scientist, person devises and tests preditions about behavior of people in life Psychotherapy is insight process where indiv makes new constructs to successfully predict troubling situations

>140 syst >90 diast

Hypertension readings

Bipolar I vs Bipolar II

I: manic episodes w or w/out major depression II: hypomania w at least one major depressive episode. Not sig impaired functioning.

7.4, 2, 8.5

Ideal ph for most enzymes, gastric, and pancreatic enzymes

Fischer projection

If lowest priority group is pointing to the side.? Horizontal lines are wedges, vertical are dashes.


In GPCR: activates phospholipase C which cleaves a phospholipid from the membrane to form PIP2, which is then cleaved into DAG and IP3, and IP3 can open Ca channels in the Endoplasmic reticulum, increasing Ca levels in the cell.


In GPCR: stimulates adenylate cyclase, increases cAMP in the cell

basic hostility

In Horney's theory, deep feelings of resentment that children may harbor toward their parents. Neglect and rejection cause anger

inc number of bonds to H

In OChem, view reduction as

inc number of bonds to O/heteroatoms

In Ochem, view oxidation as...

Acid or base catalysis

In Organic chemistry, Amides can be hydrolzed by

zone of proximal development

In Vygotsky's theory, the range between children's present level of knowledge and their potential knowledge state if they recieve proper guidance and instruction

free ligand didn't unbind inhibiting enzyme activity, bad pH, temp, or detergents like SDS

In affinity chromatography, why might no protein activity occur even though there is high concentrations?

hydrolytic enzymes (like trypsin and chymotrypsin)

In living organisms, hydrolysis catalyzed by

Increases up the periodic table

In polar aprotic solvents, nucleophilicity...

Increases down the periodic table

In polar protic solvents, nucleophilicity... (can hydrogen bond)

DNA polymerase 1

In prokaryotes, it removes the RNA primer by exonuclease in the 5' to 3' direction. It then adds the appropriate DNA nucleotides. has same qualities as DNAPolym3?. Replaces RNA primers with DNA

stretch receptors

In regards to ADH, cranial nerves IX and X affect:

increase, H bonding

In soln w ketones or aldehydes, dipole moments _________ intermolecular attractions, causing an elevation in boiling point. BUT this is not as high as alcohol boiling point due to it's ________.


In the liver and pancreatic Beta-islet cells. present in the pancreatic beta-islet cells as part of the glucose sensor and is responsive to insulin in the liver

GEMINAL, hydration rxn

In the presence of water (as nucleophile?), aldehydes and ketones will form ______ diols. The O anion will grab the H from the water to protonate itself type of rxn: _______ proceeds slowly but rate inc w small amount of catalytic acid or base


In the sympathetic NS, most postganglionic neurons release this

fetal circulation

In the umbilical cord, there are more arteries than veins. The foramen ovale is the only shunt that connects two chambers of the heart. The ductus venosus is the only shunt that bypasses the liver.

basic solns (It provides e pair to pull off that H)

In what ______ will alpha hydrogens easily deprotonate?


Increase dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels at the synapse and decreasing their reuptake; increases heart rate and blood pressure, euphoria, hypervigilance, anxiety, delusions of grandeur, and paranoia. reduce appetite and sleep need. stroke or brain damage


Involuntary waves of muscle contraction that keep food moving along in one direction through the digestive system.


Involuntary waves of muscle contraction that keep food moving along in one direction through the digestive system.

paranoid PD

Involves pervasive distrust and suspicion of others. Cluster A PD

Isotope (class) switching

Isotype switching refers to changes in the isotype of antibody produced

CrO3 dilute sulfuric acid acetone

Jones oxidation ingredients. Stronger Cr oxidizing agent. Use for alcohols

Kinetic energy of a gas

KE=1/2 mv^2 = 3/2 kT (k = Boltzmann's constant = kB = 1.38 x 10^-23 J/K.)

acidic compound

Ka greater than 10^-7

E1 or E2 Mechanism

Kick off water and form an alpha, beta double bond W a strong base and high temp, dehydration occurs by the _____________ forms an a,B-unsaturated carbonyl

azimuthal quantum number

L, subshell

NMDA receptor

LTM, glutamate receptor to strengthen synaptic connections

Role exit

Leaving one identity for another

force field theory

Lewin's theory that described one's current state of mind as a field, and forces as the sum of the influences acting on a person at a given time. Forces either assist in attaining our goals or blocking the path to them

ependymal cells

Line the ventricles of the brain and produce cerebrospinal fluid, which physically supports the brain and serves as a shock absorber

Hypotonic env

Lower solute concentration

UV(-Vis) Spectroscopy

MCAT: used to study compounds containing double bonds or heteroatoms w lone pairs that create conjugated systems. - Plot absorbance vs wavelength - Absorbance due to electronic transitions entre orbitals - we get info on the wavelength of maximum absorbance: which tells the extent of conjugation: the more conjugated the compound, the lower the energy of the transition and the greater the wavelength of maximum absorbance. Molecules w pi or nonbonding e- get excited by UV light to higher energy antibonding orbitals. molecules with a lower energy gap between the HOMO, highest occupied molecular orbital, and the LUMO, lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, are more easily excited and can absorb longer wavelengths/lower frequencies with lower energy. Conjugated molecules/w unhybridized p orbitals, can be excited by UV light. It shifts the absorption spectrum to higher max wavelengths/lower frequencies. Ex: benzene has 3 broad absorbances: 190, 200, 255 nm wavelengths.Larger conj. molecules can even absorb light in the visible range, leading to color.

T4 and T3

Made in the follicular cells of the thyroid. Made from adding iodines to tyrosine. #s refer to number of iodines attached. Energy production efficiency through glucose/fatty acids turnover. Inc amounts lead to inc cellular respiration. negative feedback of TSH and TRH if high plasma levels of thyroid hormones. aa derivatives that stim metabolic activity

Gabriel (malonic-ester) Synthesis

Make aa in vivo, results in racemic mixture of aa 4 ingredients: Potassium pthalimide, diethyl bromomalonate, alkyl halide, H2O 2 Sn2 rxns, hydrolysis, decarboxylation

Strecker Synthesis of Amino Acids

Make aa in vivo: Start w a planar carbonyl containing compound. So, product will be a racemic mixture (L and D aa generated). 4 ingredients: aldehyde, NH4Cl, KCN, H2O Condensation, nucleophilic addition, hydrolysis Step 1: aldehyde + NH4Cl -> imine -> imine + KCN -> aminonitrile Step 2: starts after the aminonitrile


Makes a kink in the peptide chain when in the middle of an alpha helix. So rare, but are in helices that cross the cell membrane. Often in the turns entre the chains of a Beta pleated sheet & as a residue at the start of an alpha-helix


Measures H-NMR spectra of water molecules in diff environments of the body. Converts chemical shift signals to greyscale Compare T1-weighted MRI, where dark is water, light is fattier tissue, to normal MRI to diagnose abnormalities.

Korsakoff's syndrome

Memory loss by thiamine deficiency in the brain. Retrograde and anterograde amnesia and confabulation: creating mems


Mental shortcuts or "rules of thumb" that often lead to a solution (but not always).

strain theory

Merton's theory that deviance occurs when a society does not give all its members equal ability to achieve socially acceptable goals

V = (Vmax[S])/(Km + [S])

Michaelis-Menten equation. When rxn rate is equal to half of vmax, Km = [S]. Km (Michaelis constant) is the substrate concentration when half of the enzyme's active sites are full (where half the stress balls are used). Low Km means high substrate and enzyme affinity. High Km means low S and E affinity. Follows hyperbola relationship.


Mimicking the ACTIONS of another person catatonic behavior (can be seen in schizophrenia)




Molarity of the stuff of interest in a reaction. (concentration of the reactive species) AKA the # of equivalents of interest per L of soln. An equiv. is a measure of the reactive capacity of a molecule = a mole of the species of interest. Ex: A-B rxns: H ions oxid-reduct rxns: [e-]

anhydrides > esters & CA > amides (amides are an e donating amino group)

Most to least reactive CA/derivatives towards nuc attack

Drive reduction theory

Motivation is based on the goal of eliminating uncomfortable states. Certain physiological conditions result in negative internal environments which drive motivation and seek homeostasis.

Brocas area

Motor function of language affecting word formation

impulse propagation

Movement of an action potential down an axon, resulting in neurotransmitter release at the synaptic bouton and transmission of the impulse to the target neuron or organ

origin recognition complex (ORC)

Multiprotein complex that binds to an origins and unwinds the DNA around it to initiate DNA replication.

nucleophiles (due to lone pair of e on nitrogen)

N and N-based functional groups act as good ______. And react readily w electrophilic carbonyls of aldehydes and ketones


N replaces the hydroxyl group, substituents attached to parent N are labeled w an unnumbered N- prefix. carbamoyl- or amido- prefix. In condensation rxn w CA/derivatives, there is a loss of a H on the amine/ammino nucleophile.

cortical reaction

Name for when the sperm penetrates and causes a release of Ca ions, inc the metabolic rate of the zygote.


Naming for ______ uridine (UTP) deoxyuridine (dUTP)

Alfred Adler

Neo-Freudian; introduced concept of "inferiority complex" and stressed the importance of birth order immediate social imperatives of family and society and their effects on unconscious factors. Creative self, style of life, fictional finalism (Life would be perfect if only...) Strive for superiority

Karen Horney

Neo-Freudian; personality from interpersonal relationships. 10 was Neurotic needs Basic anxiety/hostility: people will move towards, against, away from others. A highly threatened kid will use one of these rigidly into adulthood

posterior pituitary gland

Neurons/axons in the hypothalamus directly stalk into this. It released oxytocin and antidiuretic hormones that it gets from the hypothalamus

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)

Nonaqeuos soln like ethanol.

implicit memory

Nondeclarative or procedural; skills and conditioned responses


Not all sphingolipids have a sphingosine backbone, some have related (_________) compounds as backbones instead

Kinetic property

Nucleophile strength is based on relative rates of rxn w a common electrophile. This is a _______

organic phosphates

Nucleotides with phosphate groups, such ATP, GTP, and those in DNA. bc the phosphates are bonded to a C containing molecule

alpha anomer

OH group in the C1 is trans to the CH2OH *it will be axial and down*

Zeroth Law (of Thermodynamics)

Objects at the same temp are in thermal equil. and the net heat exchanged between them is 0. If two thermodynamic systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.


Obtain a compound of interest: typically to get the compound of interest in the aq layer. transfer a dissolved compound (desired product) from one solvent to another solvent that makes the product more soluble. Like dissolves like. two solvents needs to be immiscible and shaken together. By H-bonding, aqueous phase (layer) and nonpolar organic phase (layer) Ex: isobutyric acid and diethyl ether in water Separate by a separatory funnel based on relative densities multiple times (adding water, shaking, settle, draining). Like washing dirty laundry multiple times instead of just once w a lot of water. THEN get the desired product by evaporating it, rotary evaporator (rotovap) Adding a base to the soln helps to deprotonate the acid and make it more soluble in aq soln.


Often has a cofactor that acts as an e- carrier, NAD+ or NADP+. Reductant is the e donor. Oxidant is the e acceptor. Dehydrogenase, reductase. Often oxidase when oxygen is the final e acceptor

Primary motor cortex

On precentral gyrus in front of central sulcus. Voluntary motor.

magnetic quantum number


.0821 (L • atm/ mol • K)

Other R option unit

cerebral cortex

Outer surface of brain (neo)cortex, higher thought processes, forebrain. Gyri are folds and bumps. Sulci are indents and grooves


Outermost layer of the two membranes surrounding the embryo; has chorionic villi that penetrate the endometrium and create the interface between maternal and fetal blood.

Bernoulli's Equation

P is absolute pressure of the fluid, rho is density of the fluid, v is linear speed, g is a due to gravity, h is height of fluid above some datum.

pyrophosphate (PPi)

P2O7^4- hydrolytic release provides the energy to form the new phosphodiester bond in DNA - Unstable in aqueous soln so it hydrolyzes to 2 molecules of inorganic phosphate, 2 Pi. Those are then recycled to form high-energy bonds in ATP. The negative charges stabilized by resonance make cleavage energy high


PEN: emotional arousal in stressful situations


PEN: nonconformity/deviance


PEN: tolerance for social interaction/stimulation

31, 10

PNS consists of _____ pairs of spinal nerves and _____/12 of cranial nerves

Alpha hydrogens of aldehydes and ketones

Part of 2 funct. groups that make them act as acids:

lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)

Part of thalamus. Received visual processing.

ClO4- naming


behaviorist theory

Personality is constructed by a series of learning experiences that occur through interactions between the individual and their environment. Rewards and punishment BF Skinner and therapy through operant conditioning. Token economies.

PO4 3-



Plants main storage form of starch. - Humans degrade it by:


Positive symptoms: behaviors, thoughts or feelings added to normal behavior. -psychotic dimension: delusions and hallucinations -disorganized dimension: disorganized thought and disorganized catatonic behavior Negative symptoms: the absence of normal or desired behavior. Disturbance of affect and avolition? Word salad (also seem in wernicke's receptive aphasia). Patients string together unrelated words but the prosody of speech remains intact (rhythm, stress, and intonation). Causes: genetic, trauma at birth like hypoxemia, excessive marijuana use in adolescence, excess dopamine and struct changes in brain. Treat: neuroleptics/antipsychotic: block dopamine receptors, sedation

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, vasopressin)

Posterior pituitary; peptide hormone; causes the kidney to retain water inc permeability of kidney collecting duct


Potassium rich

Frontal lobe

Prefrontal cortex is the executive, reminder, coordinates w reticular formation in brain stem to regulate attention and alertness. Back is primary motor cortex. Association area: integrates input from diverse brain regions. Controls impulses and depression

Force field theory (Kurt Lewin)

Present focus of the mind which is the sum of influences on the individual at that time Forces assisting in attainment or goals and those blocking them


Presented 3x3 array of letters and participant is asked to list all the letters she say, she was able to identify 3 or 4


Presented 3x3 array of letters and participant is asked to list the letters of a particular role, she can do so with 100% accuracy

P = F/A N/m^2 (unit 1 Pa)

Pressure eqn and units

primary vs secondary groups

Primary groups have direct and close bonds between members, providing warm, personal, and intimate relationships to its members. Secondary groups, in contrast, form superficial bonds and tend to last for a shorter period of time.

Role strain

Problems in satisfying multiple needs of a single role


Produces myelin in the CNS. Wrap axons 10-150 times.

Acid base rxn

Products formed are weaker than the original reactants. Reactants are more reactive/stronger than the products they form


Prominent nuclei: Inferior (receives auditory senses) and superior (receives visual input) colliculli; sensorimotor reflexes, mesencephalon. Receives motor and sensory info from body. Involuntary reflexes to noise and visuals.

conjugated proteins

Proteins requiring a covalently bonded prosthetic group to function properly. Hemoglobin is an example.

Lipoproteins, Glycoproteins, Nucleoproteins

Proteins with lipid, carbohydrate, and nucleic acid prosthetic groups

Na/K ATPase

PumpKin. Continuously pumps Na and K to where they started. Uses the most ATP to maintain these gradients than anything else. Works to restore the resting potential from hyperpolarization and the Na and K gradients that've changed from the action potential

Hills coefficient

Quantify cooperativity >1 positive cooperative binding. After one ligand is bound there is an increasing affinity <1 after one ligand is bound, affinity for further ligands decreases =1 enzyme does not cooperatively bind


R2=N-NH2 Formed from N derivative reacting w a carbonyl


R2C=N-OH Formed from N derivative reacting w a carbonyl

NaBH4 (sodium borohydride)

REDUCING AGENT.... WEAKER THAN LAH. Used when milder conditions are needed. It's stronger buddy that does the same function is LiAlH4 Reduces Aldehydes and ketones to its respective alcohol. has no rxn w carboxylic acids


Refined motor movements, from metencephalon from hindbrain, mushrooms out back of pons. Posture, balance and coordination. Alcohol affects this in speech and balance

oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve

Relationship between available oxygen and amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin.


Releases antidiuretic hormone ADH/vasopressin and oxytocin. an endocrine gland


Removing weak neural connections

maintenance rehearsal

Repitition for short term memory for near immediate use

CD8+ T cells

Response when activated: CD8+ T-cells are largely responsible for the cytotoxic immune response. By releasing toxic chemicals into virally infected cells, CD8+ T-cells are able to kill these cells in an effort to contain viral infections

serotonin (5=HT), dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE)

Reuptake carriers bring back what neurotransmitters to the presynaptic neuron

critical speed of a fluid

Reynold's number which is dependent on size, shape, and surface roughness of any objects in the fluid, D diameter,


Right-handed double helical structure of DNA that exists when water is abundant; the secondary structure described by Watson and Crick and probably the most common DNA structure in cells. A turn every 3.4 nm w about 10 bases in that span. minor and major grooves for binding site for regulatory proteins


Rxn when is delta G > 0, Gibbs free energy

hydrolysis of amides

STRONG acidic or basic conditions. Produces a CA and ammonia. Either protonate the carbonyl O OR have a stronger nucleophile.

General Adaptation Syndrome

Seyle's concept that the body responds to stress with alarm, resistance and exhaustion

parvocellular cells

Shape, high spatial resolution and low temporal resolution

Working memory

Short term memory, attention and executive function to manipulate info, like math. Hippocampus

Projection area

Simpleton processes like perception and motor things. Visual and motor cortex


Six isoprene units - Can be converted into cholesterol and various steroids

learning (behaviorist) theory

Skinner, phoneme preference, reinforcement


Small CA ______ dissolve in water Like formic or acetic acid

Okazaki fragments

Small fragments of DNA produced on the lagging strand during DNA replication, joined later by DNA ligase to form a complete strand.

max weber

Social action drives social performance. German sociologist that regarded the development of rational social orders as humanity's greatest achievement. Saw bureaucratization (the process whereby labor is divided into an organized community and individuals acquire a sense of personal identity by finding roles for themselves in large systems) as the driving force in modern society.


Soln of ions can conduct electricity better than solid ionic compounds

alpha helices

Stabilized by intramolecular H bonds between a carbonyl oxygen and amide H four residues down. Keratin

DNA polymerase

Starts adding/matching nucleotides one at a time to RNA primer in 5' to 3' direction, proofreading, primer dependent, large enzyme reads in 3' to 5', synthesizes the complementary strand 5' to 3'. Proofreads its own work: excises incorrectly matched bases. Daughter strand identified by its lack of methylation

stereotype threat

Stereotype threat refers to the concept of people being concerned or anxious about confirming a negative stereotype about their social group. Stereotype threat can hinder performance, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

mdma (ecstasy), cocaine, methampmhetamines

Stimulant drugs that increase dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin activity

long-term potentiation

Strengthening the LT synaptic connection by repeated stimulus, inc neurotransmitter release and receptor density

semantic memory

Strictly, LTM recall of facts


Strong electrolyte

HO-, RO-, CN-, N3-

Strong nucleophiles

Aldehydes Ketones

Strong smelling compounds of ________ and ________. Such as cinnamon, vanilla, cumin, dill, giner


Structural protein: a trihelical fiber with 3 left-handed helices woven together to form into 1 right-handed helix. Makes up most of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue.


Structural protein: intermediated filament proteins. Also functions as regulatory proteins.


Studies the cause of disease


Sugar that contains an aldehyde group

vital capacity

TLC-RV difference entre the min and max volume of air in the lungs


TTAGGG: repetitive DNA at the end of a eukaryotic chromosome. High GC content to prevent unraveling. Partially shortened during replication, can be kinda reversed by telomerase.

tidal volume

TV Amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during a normal breath

disaccharide formation

Th two monosaccharides get connected by a glycosidic bond. Naturally occurring are maltose, lactose, and sucrose. 1,2;1,4;,16 glycosidic linkages.

Kinesthetic sense

The ability to tell where one's body is in space.

expectancy value theory

The amount of motivation needed to reach a goal is the result of both the individual's expectation of success in reaching the goal and the degree to which he or she values succeeding at the goal

pre and post ganglionic neurons

The autonomic nervous system has two neurons ______ and _________ working in series to transmit messages from the spinal cord. One soma starts in the CNS, meets the other soma in the PNS and then the 2nd neuron stimulates the tissue.


The better method for separating large quantities of protein This separates compounds based on how easily they come off the stationary phase into the mobile phase. The more sim a compound is to its surroundings (polar, charge, antibody-ligand binding, etc.), the more it will stick to and move slowly through its surroundings. 1. Place sample onto a solid medium (stationary phase/absorbent) 2. Run mobile phase (liquid/gas) through the stationary phase. 3. The sample is displaced/eluted and is carried through the stationary phase. 4. Partitioning occurs due to diff adherence strengths and thus migration rates. This represents an equilibrium entre the two phases. Diff compounds have diff partitioning coefficients. So, separating within the stationary phase allows us to isolate each substance individually.

peptide bond

The chemical bond that forms between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid

inner cell mass (ICM)

The cluster of cells inside the blastocyst. These cells give rise to the embryo and ultimately the fetus. The ICM cells may be used to generate embryonic stem cells.


The complete loss of a carboxyl group as carbon dioxide. Way to get rid of a C from the parent chain. 1,3-dicarboxylic acids and other B-keto acids may spontaneously decarboxylate when heated. The carboxyl group is lost and replaced w a H. Rxn has a 6 membered ring transition state.

vapor pressure depression

The decrease in the vapor pressure of a liquid caused by the presence of dissolved solute; a colligative property.

Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve

The distribution of the molecular speeds of gas particles at a given temperature; as temperature increases, average speed increases and the distribution becomes wider and flatter.

oxidizing agent

The electron acceptor in a redox reaction. Becomes reduced. Ready to gain e- or have very high oxidation states

Reducing agent

The electron donor in a redox reaction. Becomes oxidized. Makes the substance get reduced/gain e-.

same flask

The key to an aldol condensation rxn is that they are put in the ________

inner cell mass

The mass of cells in the blastocyst that ultimately give rise to the embryo and other embryonic structues (the amion, the umbilical vessels, etc.)

more, less

The more acidic something is, the _______ it is willing to donate a proton The less acidic something is, the _______ it is willing to donate a proton (harder to remove)


The opening of the archenteron in the gastrula that develops into the mouth in protostomes and the anus in deuterostomes


The partial pressure of oxygen is ______ in maternal blood than fetal blood


The postsynaptic cell/neuron that signals to a gland or muscle rather than another neuron


The process by which a blastula develops into a gastrula with the formation of three embryonic layers


The process of binding metal ions to the same ligand at multiple points. Sequesters metals.


The process of binding or sticking to a surface.

pi bond (π-bond)

The reactive part of a double bond formed above and below the plane of the bonded atoms by sideways overlap of parallel p-orbitals. Sigma bond must come first. Takes less energy to break than the sigma bond.


The rearrangement of bonds within a compound, usually by moving a hydrogen and a double bond. Ex: Under basic conditions, ketone can tautomerize to form aldoses via keto-enol shifts. - imines N=C can tautomeriz to enamines C=C-N

stress response

The response to a demand or stressor. Has three phases: alarm, resistance, and recovery.

protective reaction

The reversible reduction of alcohols to tert-butyl ethers is an example of a


The simplest sphingolipid, with a single hydrogen as its head group.

pre and postganglionic neurons

The two neurons (unlike 1 in the somatic nervous system) working in series to transmit messages from the spinal cord for the autonomic nervous system. The soma of the ______ is in the CNS and it's axon travels to the ____ in the PNS. Then they synapse and signa


The uncontrollable and immediate repetition of WORDS spoken by another person catatonic behavior (can be seen in schizophrenia)

residual volume

The volume of air remaining in lungs after maximum exhalation.

Transition state

Theoretical construct, exists at point of maximum energy

Geminal diols

These can be oxidized to carboxylic acids. Ex: aldehyde are rapidly hydrated by oxidizing agents to form this and then the CA

Initiation and elongation factors

These help transport charged tRNA molecules into the ribosome and advance the ribosome down the mRNA transcript


These maintain a protein's three-dimensional shape as it is formed



group polarization

This part is.....the enhancement of an individual's prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group (risky/choice shift to describe the resultant group behavior as a whole)


This reduces an amide to an amine, carboxylic acids to primary alcohols, and esters to a pair of alcohols, aldehydes and ketones into alcohols. It is a hydride reagent that reduces.

SN1 reaction

This substitution rxn depends on carbocation stability

Auditory pathway

Travels through vestibulocochlear nerve and Medial Geniculate Nucleus (MGN) of thalamus to auditory cortex of temporal lobe


Trp, W


Type of phospholipid: type of sphingophospholipids that have phosphodiester linkages (made of phospholipids) It can have either phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylcholine as a head group


Unable to recognize one of people, sounds, or objects. Physical damage like a stroke or neurological disorder like multiple sclerosis.

outside, inside

Unlike the brain, white matter is on the ________ and grey matter is on the __________ for the spinal cord


Unsubstituted 5 C chain amide


Unwinds DNA helix for replication; temporarily breaks up the back bone; step 1

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

Use a thin layer of silica gel, a highly polar and hydrophilic substance, or alumina adherent to an inert carrier sheet as the stationary phase. - Its mobile phase is usually an organic solvent of weak to moderate polarity that doesn't bind well to the gel. - Nonpolar compounds dissolve in the organic solvent and move quickly and further up whereas any polar compound will adhere well to the gel and move through (elute) slowly. Measures how far each substance travels in a given amount of time. 1. Spotting: place a small, well defined spot of sample directly onto the adsorbent/silica plate. Put them above the level of the solute so they run up the plate instead of dissolving into the pool of eluent. 2. Place the adsorbent upright in a developing chamber. The bottom of this jar has a shallow pool of solvent/eluent. 3. The solvent creeps up the plate by capillary action, carrying the various compounds of the sample at various rates. 4. Remove the plate from the chamber when the solvent nears the top. Dry. 5. UV light to view 6. Identify compounds by the retardation factor, Rf

nucleophilic acyl substitution. Anhydride to CAs

Use water to revert anhydrides back to CA. Useful if it's a symmetric anhydride to avoid mixed products.

Kenneth and Mamie Clark

Used dolls to study children's attitude towards race. Their findings were used in the Brown vs. Board trial.

vacuum distillation

Used to distill a liquid w a boiling point over 150 C. lower ambient pressure so that the liquid can boil at lower temperatures Remember, liquids boil when their vapor pressure = ambient pressure. Don't have to worry about degrading the product

dominant hemisphere

Usually left. Analytical function. Brocas: speech. Wernicke: lang comprehension. Complex voluntary movement

Non-dominant hemisphere

Usually right. Intuition, creativity, music cognition, spatial processing, mood from tone and visuals, holistic image. Geometry, sense of direction

electric potential

V= U/q = kQ/r (volts, 1 V = 1 J/C) electric potential energy per unit charge It is higher when closer towards positive source charges.

Total Lung Capacity (TLC)

VC + RV max amount of air in the lungs when inhaling completely, 6-7 L

bonding orbital

Wave functions have the same sign so the lower-energy (more stable) _______ forms. A molecular orbital that can be occupied by 2 electrons of a covalent bond

Good leaving groups d

Weak bases (electron donors) are more stable w an extra set of e- so they're good leaving groups. So conjugate bases of strong acids make


Weak/very weak nucleophiles

olfactory and optic

What 2 cranial nerves are actually outgrowths of the CNS?


What are the cell surface antigens for blood type made of? Have a sphingosine/sphingoid backbone.

kinetic enolate

What enolate forms at rapid, irreversible, lower temps, and a strong sterically hindered base?

thermodynamic enolate

What enolate forms at slow, reversible, higher temps, and a weaker, smaller bases? favors the more substituted alpha-C

The weaker base (the leaving group) is replaced by the stronger base (nucleophile)

What happens in substitution rxns (Reactants more reactive than products. Nucleophile must be more reactive than the leaving group)

hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)

What hormmone do at-home pregnancy tests detect in urine?

NO (nitric oxide)

What is a neurotransmitter that simply diffuses out of the synaptic cleft? It's a gaseous signaling molecule


What is one factor to the enolates increased stability?

chymotrypsin, trypsin, and cyanogen bromide (synthetic reagent)

What is used to digest larger proteins? Cleavage at specific aa residues into smaller fragments to be analyzed through edman or spectroscopy. The disulfide links and salt bridges are broken and the protein is reduced to it's primary structure. We then cannot identify the positions of those links and bridges.


What new thing forms w an enolate

PCC (pyridinium chlorochromate)

What's this It's anhydrous

dec unloading of oxygen to tissues

When [CO2] in env dec.... short term: body makes more red blood cells to adequately deliver oxygen long term: body makes more blood vessels/vascularization for distributing oxygen to tissues


When _____ occurs, acid sensing chemoreceptors right outside of the blood brain barrier signal to the brain to inc the respiratory rate

will not, WILL

When a carbonyl is opened, ask Can I reform the Carbonyl?? If no good LG is present (the case w aldehydes and ketones), the carbonyl _________ reform. IF good LG is present (like w carboxylic acids and derivatives), carbonyl ______ reform.


When a liquid is heated to a temperature above its boiling point without vaporization When gas bubbles within a liquid are unable to overcome the combination of atmospheric pressure and surface tension.

right, down

When converting the monosaccharide from straight chain fischer to haworth, any group on the ______ in the fischer will point _______.

When their vapor pressure = ambient pressure

When do liquids boil?

Cr 3

When oxidizing a primary alcohol to produce a CA. Cr 6 changes to

Nucleophilic addition rxn

When the carbonyl acts as an electrophile. Polarization of the C=O bond allows for partial positive charge on carbon making it an electrophile susceptible to nucleophilic attack When the nucleophile attacks, covalent bond forms with carbon This breaks the pi bond and electrons are pushed onto the oxygen atom. This forms a tetrahedral intermediate. If a carbonyl cannot reform, O- will accept a proton from the solvent to form - OH group making alcohol If good leaving group is present, that carbonyl double bond can form pushing of the leaving group.


When the new solute-solvent interactions are stronger than originally, solvation is _______ & is favored at low temps. (opp is true) Le Chatelier principle: lowering the temp of a liquid favors solubility of a gas in the liquid.


When the pH region is below the pI of the protein it makes the protein... ____ and moves the protein toward the cathode


When ∆G=0, the system is in a state of equilibrium so...

Daltons Law of Partial Pressures

Where Xa = mol of gas A / total moles of gas and Pt is total pressure individ. gas components of a gas mix will exert indiv pressures in proportion to their mole fractions.

right hemisphere, temporal, and occipital lobe

Where is the ability to distinguish and interpret others' facial expressions primarily controlled.


Which elements w a - usually indicate a nucleophile? (Double bonds are also indicators of nucleophiles)

E°cell = E°red,cathode - E°red,anode

While we must multiply the silver half-reaction by two to balance electrons, the actual value for the reduction potential does not change. The standard reduction potential is determined by the identity of the electrode, not the amount of it present.

white matter

White nervous tissue of the CNS consisting of axons encased in myelin sheaths. Deeper than the grey matter.


Why are alpha H acidic due to the e pulling induction of the carbonyl O? They are __________ It makes it easy to deprotonate the alpha C of ketones and aldehydes

role set

You have roles, role partners and then a number of roles attached to a single status a number of roles attached to a single status. Example: Bar Tender - Make Drinks, Wash dishes, Take money, a little babysitting. role conflict (problems satisfying needs of diff roles), strain (satisfying diff things within the same role) and exit (leaving one role for another)

140 mM, 4 mM

[K+] averages _____ inside the neuron cell compared to the outside's ______

12 mM, 145 mM

[Na+] averages _____ inside the neuron cell compared to the outside's ______

standardized specific rotation equation

[a] = aobs/c*l observed rotation / [solution] x tube length (dm) (a in degrees, c is g/ml, l is path length in dm)

natural rubber

________ has 1000-5000 unit long isoprene chains, a polyterpene.


__________ serve as dielectric materials (insulator) in capacitors. They do not distribute charge over their surface.


a 2 carbon compound w a triple bond

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis

a body system involved in stress responses

arcuate fasciculus

a bundle of axons that connects Wernicke's area with Broca's area; damage causes conduction aphasia, inability to repeat words heard but spontaneous language production is intact.


a carbohydrate in which the -OH of the anomeric carbon is replaced by -OR . This is a glycosidic bond and these newly formed acetals are glycosides. Ex: hemiacetal glucose reacts with alcohol ethanol and thus forms the acetal. This also happens with hemiketals. Happens under acidic conditions. This is a dehydration rxn, requires hydrolysis. alcohol on the anomeric C of the hemiacetal/ketal on a sugar to yield the alkoxy group

condensation rxn

a chemical reaction in which two or more molecules combine to lose water or another small molecule rxn where carbonyl behaves as a nucleophile


a class of antipsychotic drugs, traditionally dopamine receptor blockers. Treat schizophrenia.

halo effect

a cognitive bias in which judgments of an individual's character can be affected by the overall impression of the individual


a colorless oil made from pine sap. A derivative of resin. It's smell comes from the monoterpenes.i

coordinate covalent bond

a covalent bond in which one atom (the Lewis base) contributes both bonding electrons


a diminished ability to experience pleasure.

specific phobia

a disorder that involves an irrational fear of a particular object or situation that markedly interferes with an individual's ability to function


a hormone that is secreted by cells in the duodenum and stimulates the release of bile into the intestine and the secretion of enzymes by the pancreas.


a lipid that contains phosphorus and that is a structural component in cell membranes It has 2 fatty acid chains and a polar head group


a minute spherical sac of phospholipid molecules enclosing a water droplet, especially as formed artificially to carry drugs or other substances into the tissues.

antibonding orbital

a molecular orbital that is higher in energy than any of the atomic orbitals from which it was formed. Produced when signs of wave functions are different. Less stable.

suprachiasmatic nucleus

a pair of cell clusters in the hypothalamus that responds to light-sensitive retinal proteins; causes pineal gland to increase or decrease production of melatonin, thus modifying our feelings of sleepiness. circadian rhythm.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

a peptide hormone from the anterior pituitary. stim the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones


a peptide hormone that lowers blood Ca levels. Made by C-cells/parafollicular cells in thyroid. Inc Ca excretion from the kidneys, dec Ca absorption from the gut, inc storage of Ca in the bone.

histrionic personality disorder

a personality disorder characterized by excessive emotionality and preoccupation with being the center of attention; emotional shallowness; overly dramatic behavior


a primary carbon with two -OR groups and a hydrogen atom

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

a projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes

that's-not-all technique

a sales technique in which the persuader makes an offer and then adds something extra to make the offer look better before the target person can make a decision


a secondary carbon with two -OR groups

looking-glass self

a self-image based on how we think others see us Cooley

reference group

a social group that serves as a point of reference in making evaluations and decisions

achieved status

a social position a person takes on voluntarily that reflects personal ability and effort


a state of unresponsiveness to one's outside environment, usually including muscle rigidity, staring, and inability to communicate schizophrenia

ascribed status

a status into which one is born; involuntary status

master status

a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life


a steroid hormone that raises blood glucose by inc gluconeogenesis and dec protein synthesis. anti-inflammatory Hypothalamus's CRF -> Anterior pituitary's ACTH -> adrenal cortex's glucocorticoids. cortisol: released during physical/emotional stress. Mediates long-term, slow stress responses. cortisone:


a substance that can act as both an acid and a base. Like water (can only act as a base in acidic soln, and vv). Al(OH)3, HCO3-, HSO4-0"77888

aldonic acid

a sugar produced by oxidation of an aldose aldehyde group to a carboxylic acid group

activation-synthesis theory

a theory of dreaming; this theory proposes that the brain tries to make sense of random brain activity that occurs during sleep by synthesizing the activity with stored memories

glycerol (forms phosphoglycerides, glycerophospholipids)

a three-carbon alcohol with a hydroxyl group attached to each carbon

bipolar 1 disorder

a type of bipolar disorder marked by full manic and major depressive episodes Has delusions of grandeur


a type of lipid with a structure composed of multiple chemical rings

symbolic thinking

ability to pretend, play make-believe, and have an imagination

theory of mind

ability to reason about what other people know or believe

optically active

ability to rotate the plane-polarized light. By a chiral molecule. Must lack a plane of symmetry.

pleural effusion

abnormal accumulation of fluid (through capillaries and lymphatic vessels) in the pleural space Causes pressure buildup in the lungs hindering breathing


abnormal enlargement of the extremities. hands, feet, and head


abnormal low blood sugar


abnormalities in the amount, quality, or duration timing of sleep. Includes insomnia, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea. difficulty falling, staying or avoiding sleep.


accondition of congenital hypothyroidism in children that results in a lack of mental development and dwarfed physical stature; the thyroid gland is either congenitally absent or imperfectly developed


according to Freud, a reservoir of repressed thoughts: mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories.

Peak experiences

according to Maslow, times in a person's life during which self-actualization is temporarily achieved. Profound and deeply moving experiences in a person's life that have important and lasting effects on the individual

weak acid CH3COOH

acetic acid

ethanoic anhydride

acetic anhydride

pyruvic acid

acetylformic acid, end product of glycolysis

neutralization reaction

acid + base -> salt + water (usually)

aspartic acid and glutamic acid

acidic amino acids

voltage gated sodium channels

after reaching +35 mV, they are inactivated and the K channels open up. K then flows out the cell, making the inside more negative. Exist as closed (before reaching threshold and after inactivation has been reversed**?), open (threshold to +35), and inactive (+35 to resting potential)

negative pressure breathing

air is pulled into the lungs bc the lower (~-) pressure in the intrapleural space compared to the lungs. intrapleural pressure drops, lung pressure drops, air gets sucked in. PV = PV lungs are indirectly attached to the chest wall, this prevents them from completely collapsing upon exhalation


alcohols act as nucleophiles and displace the esterifying group

carbaldehyde (cyclopentanecarbaldehyde)

aldehyde attached to ring


aldosterone -Target: kidneys -Effect: reabsorb Na in the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct of the nephron; increases blood pressure and blood volume. inc water reabsorption by inc Na reabsorption. plasma osmolarity is unchanged. Promotes K and H excretion. Under control by renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system a steroid hormone from the adrenal cortex.



stabilize, destabilize (due to e donatingness of alkyl group)

alkyl groups ________ carbocations but _________ carbanions Relate this to ketones being less good at losing a-H than aldehydes. The a-H of ketone is LESS acidic.


all metal oxides are ___________. Except those formed w alkali metals, ammonium, and CaO, SrO, and BaO, which hydrolyze to form soln of the corresponding metal hydroxides. Also, hydroxides except those w alkali metals, ammonium, and Ca+2, Sr+2, and Ba+2 (dont need to memorize)

potassium leak channels

allow a small slow amount of potassium to leak out of the cell. - The outside of the cell wall is slightly positively charged.


alpha and beta membrane-spanning chains. Bind and communicate w extracellular matrix. Cell signaling: promote cell division, apoptosis, etc. Integrin alphaIIbbeta3 allows platelets to stick to fibrinogen, a clotting factor, which activates platelets to stabilize the clot. White blood cell migration, stabilization of epithelium on its basement membrane.

Trimeric G Protein Cycle

alpha, beta, and gamma y. The activated alpha subunit alters the activity of the adenylate cyclase. It can be alpha s (stimulate) or i (inhibit)


amide prefix


amount of solute contained and (p in a solvent saturation: max amount of solute that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a given temperature (and Pressure for a gas, above the solvent). This is the equilibrium point of the soln.

Biomedical approach

an approach to psychological disorders that considers only pathophysiological causes and offers pharmaceutical and medical solutions for symptom alleviation

anterior pituitary gland

an endocrine gland whose secretions are controlled by the hypothalamic hormones. Originates from a segment of oral ectoderm and migrates from top of mouth to below hypothalamus. connected to hypothalamus through hypophyseal portal system. Tropic hormones released: FSH, LH, ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), prolactin (doesn't require a factor from hypothal., released in the absence of PIF/dopamine), endorphins, GH Tropic: FLAT Direct: PEG


an endocrine gland. in front of trachea. Sets basal metabolic rate (T3/triiodothyronine and T4/thyroxine) and promotes calcium homeostasis (calcitonin). TRH thyrotropin releasing hormone in hypothalamic nuclei -> anterior PG secreting TSH, thryoid stimulating hormone

peptidyl transferase

an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of a peptide bond between the incoming amino acid in the A site and the growing polypeptide chain in the P site

a-linolenic acid

an essential omega 3 fatty acid with 18 carbons and three double bonds

secondary appraisal

an evaluation of your coping resources and options for dealing with the stress

anterograde amnesia

an inability to form new long term memories after brain injury

grasp reflex

an infantile reflex in which an infant closes her hand into a fist when her palm is touched. primitive and disappears w age.


an inhibitor of PDH, causing a shift of pyruvate into the gluconeogenesis pathway


an outward acceptance of others' ideas without personally taking on these ideas In contrast to internalization: changing one's behavior to fit w a group while also privately agreeing w the ideas of the group (Stanford prison experiment)

reaction formation

an unacceptable impulse is transformed into its opposite

wavenumber (cm^-1)

analog of frequency measure used for the IR spectrum = 1/lambda When light of these wavenumbers, 2500-25000 nm: 4000 to 400 cm^-1, are absorbed, the molecules enter excited vibrational states.


anesthetic and vasoconstrictive (can be used in nose and throat surgeries). like amphetamines. heart attacks and strokes

pentanoic anhydride

anhydride w 5 C chain on each side

peptide hormones

anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), insulin, derived from larger precursor polypeptides that are cleaved during posttranslational modifications. Which are then further process and directives in the Golgi Apparatus. Released by exocytosis. charged. Have surface receptors and bind to an extracellular receptor. a first messenger to triggering a second messenger signal. Rapid and short lived effects., water-soluble hormones that act via second messengers and a larger (short peptides or complex polypeptides)


antibiotic ending in -floxacin that targets the prokaryotic topoisomerase DNA gyrase. It stops bacterial replication and slows infection. reg used for pneumonia and some genitourinary systems.


antibodies from B cells. Y shaped proteins. Constant region for recruitment and binding, of like macrophages. Disulfide linkages and noncovalent interactions hold it together Marks antigens for: neutralizing, opsonization (mark pathogen for immed destruction by white blood cells), Agglutinating to be phagocytized and digested by macrophages.


anvil ossicle


any substance that interferes with the hydrogen bonding between water molecules and lowers surface tension (liquid) (serves as a detergent or emulsifier) Prevents the alveolus from collapsing on itself.


approx value of e

Thomas Szasz

argues that abnormal behavior usually involves a deviation from social norms rather than an illness Myth of the mental illness

reticular formation

arousal and alertness, hindbrain in brainstem, keeps cortex awake. disruption results in coma


arteries carry blood _____ from the heart and fetus (toward the placenta)

door-in-the-face technique

asking for a large commitment and being refused and if refused, asking for a smaller commitment

Bradford protein assay

assay to determine the concentration of protein in solution protein is put into the solution with Coomassie Brilliant Blue Dye dye gives up protons to the ionizable groups in the protein --> turning it blue non-covalent attractions between the deprotonated die and the protein stabilize this blue form of the dye protonated form = brown green color deprotonated form = blue known standards are put into the assay, and an absorbance is measured to create a standard curve unknown sample is put into the same conditions and then an absorbance curve is measured and compared to the standard curve limited by the presence of detergent or excess buffer

Social Readjustment Rating Scale

assessment that measures the amount of stress in a person's life over a one-year period resulting from major life events. Life change units

PCNA protein

assists DNA polym delta and epsilon. It assembles into a trimer, forms the sliding camp, which strengthens the interaction entre these DNA polymerases and the template strand

somatic symptom disorder

at least 1 somatic symptom (may or may not be linked to a medical condition). disproportionate concerns

learning theory

attitudes are developed through different forms of learning like direct contact, direct instruction, others attitudes, classical or operant conditioning, observational learning

type 1 diabetes mellitus

autoimmune destruction of b-cells in the pancreas. requires reg injections of insulin.

Type 1 diabetes

autoimmune where insulin-producing cells in the islets of the Langerhans are destroyed. Can produce ketoacids when hypoinsulinemic -> metabolic acidosis (excess acid)

away from the soma

axons carry neural signals _____ (like the arm)


bacterial enzyme that breaks the beta-lactam rings of penicillin and similar molecules, rendering them inactive So, beta-lactams are often given with beta-lactamase inhibitors to increase their efficacy.

System for multiple level observation of groups (SYMLOG)

based on the belief that there are three fundamental dimensions of interaction: dominance vs. submission, friendliness vs. unfriendliness, and instrumentally controlled vs. emotionally expressive

arginine, lysine, histidine

basic amino acids


basic primal inborn urges to survive and reproduce, pleasure principle, primary process. Freud

situational approach

behavior is determined largely by the situation or environment

Dispositional approach

behavior is primarily determined by an individual's personality

thought broadcasting

belief that one's thoughts are broadcast directly from one's head to the external world

thought insertion

belief that thoughts are being placed in one's head

Steroid hormones

bind to intracellular receptors and DNA to alter gene transcription. Derived from nonpolar cholesterol and produced by gonads and adrenal cortex. receptors are usually intracellular (in cytosol) or intranuclear. The steroid-receptor complex then conformation changes, which then bind to DNA affecting transcription of certain genes. Dimerization is a conformational change where two-receptor hormone complexes are paired. slower but longer effects. Gene regulation altering amount of mRNA and protein present. not water soluble so are carried by proteins through the bloodstream.

Allosteric effects

binding of a ligand at one site on a protein can lead to conformational changes that affect the binding of another ligand molecule at a different site


binds to origin, becomes helicase in S phase

social interactionist theory

biological and social processes. child wants to communicate and behave in a social manner. Brain circuits reinforced or atrophied


biosynthesis of lipids and cholesterol (the precursor to steroid hormones), production of bactericidal bleach in the lysosomes of certain white blood cells, and maintenance of a supply of reduced glutathione for protection against free radical damage



4 humors

blood (impulsive and charismatic), phlegm (relaxed and affectionate), yellow bile (aggressive and dominant), black bile (depressive and cautious)


body pH

central sleep apnea

brain fails to send signal to the diaphragm to breathe

equatorial position

bulky groups on rings prefer the... This minimizes strain


bundles of axons in the CNS. Only carry one type of information, unlike nerves.


burden of illness, or the severity or degree of illness


cahn ingold prelog atomic number priority ranking


can be formed by the condensation of two carboxylic acids. this is ethanoic anhydride


can consciously control breathing

column chromatography

can use it to separate and collect macromolecules like proteins and nucleic acids. Size and charge affect elution rate. Measures how long it takes a substance to elute. Entire column filled w silica or aluminum beads as an adsorbent. Allows for greater separation. Gravity. Can use gas pressure to speed up the process (flash column chromatography) Can change solvent polarity to help elute the desired compound. 1. Add sample then pour solvent over it. The more similar sample is to the mobile phase, the faster it elutes. The more sim it is to the stationary phase, the slower it will elute (if at all) 2. Solvent drips and diff fractions of diff compounds leaving column can be collected over time. 3. Evaporate solvent to leave compound of interest.


cancer migrating to other tissues by the bloodstream or the lymphatic system

Isolated system

cannot exchange matter nor energy (heat and work) with the surroundings; insulated bomb calorimeter

Vitamin A

carotene, unsaturated hydrocarbon - vision, growth and dev, immunity - metabolite aldehyde form retinal is part of light-sensing molecular system of human eye - retinol is its storage form - retinol is oxidized to retinoic acid: a hormone regulating gene expression during epithelial development.

TBG (thyroxine-binding globulin)

carrier protein for T4 in blood (thyroid hormone) Pregnant women have a lot of TBG so their body starts secreting more thyroid hormones (made from Y and added iodine ions) thyroid hormones bind intracellularly.


catalyze addition or synthesis rxns of larger similar molecules. ATP. Nucleic acid synthesis.


cause birth defects in embryos

Type 2 diabetes

caused by end-organ insensitivity to insulin.


cell commits to a particular lineage due to cytoplasmic effects or induction by neighboring cells (morphogen molecules).

g1/s checkpoint

cell monitors size and DNA integrity

glial cells

cells in the nervous system that support, nourish, and protect neurons


change in behavior based on a direct request there is no authority difference


change in length due to thermal expansion equation. alpha is the coefficient of linear expansion of the respective material


changing the target of an emotion, while the feelings remain the same

sublimation (defense mechanism)

channeling of an unacceptable impulse in a socially acceptable direction


charge distributes ~evenly on the surface of ____________

complex ion

charged species consisting of cation surrounded by ligands (bonded to at least one e pair donor). Also called a coordination compound. Complexation rxn: tetraaquadioxouranyl. Held together by coordinate covalent bonds: lewis acid-base adducts. Many active sites of proteins use complex ion binding and transition metal complexes to function. Like the iron cation in hemoglobin binding O, CO2, or CO as ligands. colorful solns


chest wall then visceral pleura is the surface adjacent to the lung intrapleural space: potential space, it's normally empty or collapsed parietal pleura is the outer part


chiral molecules, share some connectivity but are not mirror images of each other *Remember Diastereomers are required to have multiple chiral centers. For any molecule with n chiral centers there are 2^n possible stereoisomers. if a compound has two chiral atoms it has a max of four possible stereoisomers Have diff chem and physical properties

gastrointestinal hormones

cholecystokinin and gastrin inc glucagon (secreted during fasting) release from alpha-cells

bacterial chromosome

circular dsDNA with a single origin of replication produces -> 2 identical circular molecules of DNA

Edman degradation

cleave small proteins (50-70 aa). Selectively and sequentially removes the N-terminal aa of the protein. Then analyze via masss spectroscopy.

glycogen phosphorylase

cleaves glucose from the non-reducing end of glycogen branch and phosphorylates it. Yields glucose-1-phosphate for metabolism.

alpha amylase

cleaves randomly along the chain to yield shorter polysaccharide chains, maltose, and glucose.

ganglion (ganglia)

clusters of cell bodies in the PNS

dorsal root ganglia

clusters of sensory neurons outside the spinal cord

ion-exchange chromatography

coat beads w charged substances to attract/bind compounds of opp charge. Ex: Use + compound to hold the negative backbone of DNA or protein as it passes through the column to inc retention time or completely retain it. After all other compounds have moved through, use a salt gradient to elute the charged stuck molecules.


coenzyme that carries high energy electrons in ETC. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, diphosphopyridine nucleotide


coffee filtering a solid (residue) from a liquid (leftover liquid is the filtrate). Gravity filtration: solvent's weight pulls it through the filter. Usually when we want what's in the filtrate. Use hot solvent to keep the product dissolved. Vacuum filtration: solvent is forced through the filter. Often when we want the solid.

TGF-B, Shh, EGF (transforming growth factor-beta, sonic hedgehog, epidermal growth factor)

common morphogens. Molecules causing determination of cells. Often signaling through diffusing gradients

acetic acid

common name for ethanoic acid

formic acid

common name for methanoic acid


common name for pentanal

propionic acid

common name for propanoic acid


common name for the aldehyde ethanal


common name for the aldehyde methanal


common name for the aldehyde propanal


common strong bases to deprotonate the alpha H from aldehyde/ketone


compound w/ a N atom double-bonded to a carbon atom. More oxidized than alcohols, alkyl halides, and amines This forms when ammonia adds to the carbonyl C and water is lost.


concentration of a dissolved substance in a soln. ppm 10^-6 Ex: 1 ppm of X in water MEANS 1 mg/L of water

alfred kinsey (1948)

conducted intensive interviews about sexual practices through convenience sample

approach-avoidance conflict

conflict occurring when a person must choose or not choose a goal that has both positive and negative aspects

Dissociative Amnesia and Fugue

confusion, failure to recall information or events related to own identity. Can wander and "take on new identity"

Cannon-Bard Theory

conscious feelings and physiological components of emotion are experienced at exactly the same time. In this theory, this combination then leads to action 1. nervous syst arousal and conscious emotion 2. action


consciously removing an idea or feeling from consciousness

social action

considers just the individual that is surrounded by others

isobaric process

constant pressure,

isothermal process

constant temp, U (total internal energy) is constant, Q = W,

nerve III

constricts pupils

nerve VII

constricts pupils and stim flow of saliva


contain 3 isoprene units (Sesqui = 1.5)


contain apolipoproteins and primarily transport triacylglycerol They transport dietary triacylglycerol and originate in the small intestine


contain apolipoproteins and primarily transport triacylglycerol transport newly synthesized triacylglycerol and originate in the liver

Q= v1A1 = v2A2

continuity eqn for flow rate

pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex

controls the link between glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, and decarboxylates pyruvate (the end product of glycolysis) with production of NADH and acetyl-CoA (the substrate for the citric acid cycle). After intense exercise, one would expect PDH to be highly active to generate ATP. ADP levels should be high because ATP was just burned by the muscle

1.013e5 Pa = 760 mmg = 760 torr = 1 atm

conversions between Pa, mmHg, torr, and atm (scalar)

1000 cm^3/L

convert 1/cm^3 to 1/L^3

In NMR Spectroscopy, it is a measure (Hz) of the degree of splitting caused by other atoms in the molecule

coupling constant J

vagus nerve

cranial nerve that functions as a feedback system, conveying info from the peripheral organs back to the CNS. cranial nerve X. Parasympathetic innervation of the thoracic and abdominal cavity. constricts bronchi, slows heartbeat, stim peristalsis and secretion and bile release


cyclic adenosine monophosphate second messenger can bind to intracellular targets like protein kinase A

succinic anhydride

cyclic anhydride from intramolecular condensation or dehydration of diacids. no need to memorize structure, just recognize as cuclic anhydrides

phthalic anhydride

cyclic anhydride from intramolecular condensation or dehydration of diacids. no need to memorize structure, just recognize as cuclic anhydrides JUST HEAT the CA. Put ∆ into that eqn arrow. Also, ortho-phthalic acid. Newly formed ring is stable. Often have larger bp than CA bc their weight is greater.


cytosine, thymine, uracil. 1 ring

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) and characterized by severe memory impairment with changes in mental status and loss of motor skills in alcoholics

Hers Disease (Type VI GSD)

deficient in liver glycogen phosphorylase. Unable to process glycogen in livers so there is hepatomegaly, a swollen liver. - Maybe hypoglycemia, low blood sugar between meals they cannot use glycogen to maintain blood glucose concentrations


deficient sodium in the blood

differential association theory

degree to which one is surrounded by ideals that adhere to social norms vs ideals that go against them "fallen into the wrong group"

oxidation-reduction reactions

dehydrogenases catalyze

toward the soma (like fingers going toward something)

dendrites carry signals _______

Barbiturates (replaced by benzodiazepines)

depressant drugs that reduce anxiety and produce sleepiness. increase GABA activity. can be highly addictive. amobarbital and phenobarbital. Benzos: alprazolam, lorazepam, diazepam, clonazepam. relaxation

bipolar disorder (manic depression)

depression and mania. Manic episodes: DIG FAST Distractible Insomnia (dec sleep) Grandiosity Flight of ideas (racing thoughts) Agitation Speech (pressured) Thoughtlessness (risky behavior)

utricle and saccule

detect linear acceleration

semicircular canals

detect rotational acceleration


detects sound

methylene chloride

dichloromethane nonpolar???

David Rosenhan

did study in which healthy patients were admitted to psychiatric hospitals and diagnoses with schizophrenia; showed that once you are diagnosed with a disorder, the label, even when behavior indicates otherwise, is hard to overcome in a mental health setting

conformational vs. configurational isomers

differ by rotation v connectivity


digests fats in the duodenum allowing the fats to be brought into duodenal cells and packaged into chylomicrons.


dimethylketone, propanone

vicinal diol

diols/glycol with hydroxyl groups on adjacent carbons

motor proteins

display enzymatic activity acting as ATPases, they power a conformational change necessary for motor function have transient interactions with actin or microtubules ex. myosin, kinesins, dyeins


dissolution: electrostatic interaction between solute and solvent molecules If water is the solvent it is called hydration. Spontaneity depends on both enthalpy and entropy


distribution of charge across sigma bonds. Responsible for dipole effect.

disturbance of affect

disturbance in the experience and display of emotion. Blunting, flat affect (emotional flattening), inappropriate affect Avolition is the decreased engagement in purposeful, goal-directed actions.

dna polymerase 4

dna repairs

dna polymerase 5

dna repairs, translesion dna synthesis

Lewis base

donates a lone electron pair to form a covalent bond, nucleophile. Often anions w a negative charge

metathesis reaction

double displacement reaction. Remove a product by precipitation or gas. Or form a weak undissociated electrolyte in solution

Cluster B personality disorders

dramatic, emotional, erratic behavior antisocial: 3x in men. Disregard for violations of the rights of others. Illegal acts, deceitfulness, aggressiveness, lack of remorse. Serial killers/career criminals borderline: 2x in women. Instability in interpersonal behavior, mood, self-image, sexual identity, long-term goals, values. Abandonment fears. Splitting (all good vs bad) suicide and self mutilation. histrionic: attention seeking. colorful clothing, dramatic, super extroverts, seductive behavior. narcissistic: fragile self esteem. rage, inferiority, shame, humiliation, emptiness. entitlement in relationships.

problem-solving dream

dreams are a way to solve problems while you are sleeping

cognitive process dream theory

dreams are merely the sleeping counterpart of stream-of-consciousness

mesolimbic reward pathway

drug addiction dopaminergic pathway. Nucleus accumbens (NAc), ventral tegmental area (VTA), and their connection (medial forebrain bundle). Positive motivational and emotional response

apoptic blebs

during apoptosis, membraned protrusions which are later broken into apoptic bodies

1/2 rho v^2

dyamic pressure eqn. Pressure associated w the movement of a fluid.

persistent depressive disorder

dysthymia: for at least two years that does not meet criteria for major depressive disorder Can have major depressive episodes

coenzyme Q

e carrier associated w complexes 1, 2, 3 of the ETC. ubiquinone or Q. Is reduced to ubiquinol when accepting an e. OH by the alkyl chain. Complex 3 main man in Q cycle contributes to the forming of the proton-motive force across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

destabilize (the extra alkyl group destabilizes the carbanion)

e donating groups like alkyl groups ________ organic anions.


e withdrawing groups like O _______ organic anions

Tus-Ter complex

e. coli termination protein and site

permittivity of free space

e0 (capacitance) 8.85 x 10^-12 F/m

U = 1/2kx^2

elastic potential energy


electroencephalogram. An amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brain's surface. These waves are measured by electrodes placed on the scalp.

Lewis acid

electron pair acceptor, electrophile, have vacant p orbitals or are positively polarized atoms

Coulombs Law

electrostatic force between 2 charges k is coulombs/electrostatic constant (depends on units being used): 1/4piE0 = 8.99E9 (N*m^2)/C^2 E0 is the permittivity of free space = 8.85E-12 (C^2)/(N*m^2) keep in mind the direction of Force and connects along the line connecting the center of the 2 charges

limbic system

emotion and memory, central part forebrain. Septal nuclei, amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, fornix, and parts of the cerebral cortex.


emulsifies fat process of increasing the surface area of fats in the small intestine by grouping them into small clusters

acyl derivatives

encompass all molecules with a carboxylic acid-derived carbonyl, including carboxylic acids, amides, esters, anhydrides, and others. Want a good LG. Weak bases (often conjugate bases of strong acids) make good LG. They're happier receiving additional electrons bc it makes them more stable.

G and C

ends of telomeres consist of

electron affinity

energy released when an electron is attached to a neutral atom or molecule in the gaseous state to form a negative ion


engulf and digest pathogens and signal to the rest of the immune system that there is an invader


enlargement of the thyroid gland this can be caused by an iodine deficiency or hyperthyroidism

standard enthalpy of formation

enthalpy change required to produce 1 mole of a compound from its elements in their standard states ∆Hf is 0 for an element in its standard state

ideal solution

enthalpy of dissolution is equal to zero


enzyme catalytic efficiency ratio. Higher the ratio, more efficient the enzyme


epinephrine (glycogenolysis in liver and muscle) and norepinephrine are ______ and aa derivatives and bind to G-protein coupled receptors. They have fast onset but are short-lived Synthesis of this is inc by cortisol.


eqn for change in entropy (in J/mol K)


eqn relating absorbance, A, and percent transmittance Max absorbance appears as bottoms of valleys on the spectrum

(∆)U = -W

eqn when it's adiabatic (Q=0)

Q = W

eqn when it's isothermal (∆U =0)


eqn when it's isovolumetric (isochoric) (W=0)


equation for volumetric thermal expansion. Beta is coefficient of volumetric expansion and equals 3 * alpha (coeff of linear expansion)

-90 mV

equilibrium potential of potassium: For each K+ pushed out due to the concentration gradient, a K+ is swayed back in by the electric potential..

Equivalents from mass

equivalents = (mass of compound)/(gram equivalent weight)


ester prefix


esters of long-chain fatty acids with long-chain alcohols

availability heuristic

estimating the likelihood of events based on how easily similar instances can be imagined.

ethyl alcohol


second sickness

exacerbation of health outcomes caused by social injustice

Second sickness

exacerbation of health outcomes due to social injustice

epinephrine, norepinephrine, triiodothyronine and thyroxine (slower onset, longer duration)

examples of aa-derivative hormones


excitatory input causes _______ This raises the membrane potential Vm from it's resting potential.

incentive theory

explains motivation as the desire to pursue rewards and avoid punishments.

NMR spectroscopy

exposes nuclei to a magnetic field. They will align w the field in the alpha-state (lower energy). Send radiofrequency pulses that match the energy gap between the two states, beta-state (higher energy in opposite orientation). This absorption of radiation leads to excitation at diff frequencies, depending on magnetic env and nearby atoms. MRI, chemical shift (delta, in ppm on x-axis) of spectrometer frequency, it inc toward the left "downfield." Use tetramethylsilane TMS as calib. stand. to mark it's H atoms signal delta = 0 ppm. When counting, skip the TMS peak.


expression of + or - feelings toward a person, place, thing, or scenario. ABC Affective: the way a person feels towards something Behavioral: the way a person acts w respect to something Cognitive: the way a person thinks about something, justification, reasoning I love my family, so I cook for them, because they care for me.

frequency equation

f = c/lambda


false beliefs (of reference, grandeur, or persecution) held by a person who refuses to accept evidence of their falseness

william james

father of modern psychology. Principles of psychology, 20 physical and 17 mental instincts.


fatty membrane that prevents signal loss or crossing of signals


fear of places or situations where it is hard for an individual to escape uncomfortable leaving home for fear of a panic attack or exacerbation of another mental illness


feminine/masculine behaviors seen in the opposite sex




first part of the small intestine

neural tube defects

folic acid deficiency causes

P = F/A

formula for pressure, pascals principle F1/A1= F2/A2. Hydraulic system volume is constantq

Functional attitudes theory

four functions of attitude: 1. Knowledge: consistency and stability. organize thoughts/experiences, know the attitudes of others to predict their behavior 2. Ego-expressive: communicate and solidify our self-identity 3. Adaptive: acceptance by socially accepted attitudes 4. Ego-defensive: protect our self-esteem or justify wrong actions

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

from hypothalams stim release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). LH acts on gonads to stim test and estrog production.

neural tubes

from the fusion of neural folds, and becomes the CNS. Forms from the ectoderm.

1.6e-19 (C)

fundamental unit of charge/Coulumb/charge of an electron/proton




gathers and filters incoming light

Pg = P - P atm = (Po + pgz) - Patm

gauge pressure eqn. The difference between the actual pressure and the atmospheric pressure


geminal diols, not common bc they spontaneously dehydrate (lost a water molecule) to produce carbonyl compounds (with C=O group)

deductive reasoning

general to specific


genes before cancerous mutations? first gene discovered was src (after sarcoma)

lowball technique

getting a commitment from a person and then raising the cost of that commitment

counterregulatory hormones

glucagon cortisol epinephrine (aa derivative from adrenal medulla) norepinephrine (aa derivative from adrenal medulla) growth hormone glucocorticoids have the opposite effects of insulin. they raise blood glucose levels



Glycerophospholipids (phosphoglycerides)

glycerol, and two fatty acids and phosphodiester link to a very polar head (phosphatidyl-...choline) - membrane surface for cell recognition, signaling, and binding.


glycols ends in


glycoproteins that attach cells to other similar cells. Mediate Ca dependent cell adhesion.


goal of a protein needs to pick up all possible. Usually has a high affinity across all concentrations to keep the wanted molecule bound

NaH, CaH2, LiAlH4, NaBH4

good metal hydride reducing agents are _______ bc they have a H- ion

high oxidation states

good oxidizing agents have unusually __________. (Like Mn+7 in MnO4- permanganate or Cr6+ in CrO4- chromate. Oxid. agents often contain metals bonded to numerous oxygens


grave wax; soft whitish crumbly or greasy material that forms upon the postmortem hydrolysis and hydrogenation of body fats

U = mgh

gravitational potential energy equation


growth hormone secreted during

hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations

hallucinations when going to sleep or hopping out of bed (awakening)

adrenaline junkies

have lower levels of monoamine oxidase (MAO) which breaks down catecholamines. This results in higher neurotransmitter levels, which can motivate experiences with high levels of arousal

Dichorionic/diamniotic twins

have their own amnion and their own chorion

gas exchange in alveoli

heart right ventricle -> pulmonary arteries -> capillaries w deoxy blood -> 1 cell wall thick alveolus, exchange occurs due to pressure differentials of gases -> pulmonary veins w oxy blood -> left atrium of heart

Graham's Law of Diffusion and Effusion

heavier gas molecules diffuse and effuse slower, lighter gas molecules diffuse and effuse faster; diffusion: molecules moving from high to low concentration through a medium. When gases mix w one another. effusion: When a gas moves through a small hole under pressure. rate1/rate2=(MM2/MM1)^1/2 ; MM=molar mass




heterogeneous mixture whose particles never settle when adding soap to oil and vinegar, appears to combine into a single phase due to micelles (nonpolar interiors)

B-dicarboxylic acids (B-diketone,ketoacids,dialdehydes)

high acidity of the alpha H, pKa 9-14. Losing this H produces a carbanion.


higher cortisol levels (steroid hormone produced in adrenal cortex), prefrontal cortex interacting w reticular formation. Light -> corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) -> release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from anterior pituitary -> stimulates cortisol release.

Signal detection

hit, miss, false alarm, correct negative


hormone to uptake Na in the kidneys. It is made in the adrenal cortex.

tropic hormones

hormones requiring an intermediary to act. They stim the production of another hormone by another endocr gland that acts on the target tissue. usually originate in the brain and anterior pituitary gland to allow coordination of multiple processes within the body has major effects on other endocrine tissues

direct hormone

hormones that are secreted and act directly on the target tissue. Insulin released by the pancreas causes inc uptake of glucose by muscles Have major effects on non-endocrine tissue

P = (m/V) (RT/M)

how can density be put into the ideal gas law eqn?


how is protein concentration usually determined

social interaction

how people relate to one another and influence each other's behavior

strong reducing agent

how to make an ester into an alcohol in one step. Use a ____________,

sodium hexanoate

how to name a salt carboxylic acid (replace suffix)


how to name the bond formed between the anomeric C of 2 alpha-D-glucoses

Need-based theories

how we allocate energy and resources to best satisfy these needs. Motivation thus determines which behaviors are most important to pursue, the effort required and for how long.


hybridization has 3 bonds, 0 unused electron pairs, 120°, trigonal-planar geometry. In alkenes. In a C of ethene: 2 sp2 hybrid orbitals bond to Hs, 1 is the sigma bond of the double bond. The pi bond comes from the third p-orbital of each C, which was left unhybridized


hybridization has 4 bonds/orbitals, 0 unused electron pairs, 109.5°, tetrahedral geometry; OR 3 bonds+1 electron pair OR 2 bonds+2 electron pairs (angle ranges from 90°-109.5°)


hydrolyzes lactose to glucose and galactose

pancreatic amylase

hydrolyzes starch to maltose

diabetes mellitus

hyperglycemia, glucose in filtrate of nephron, polyuria and polydipsia.

ClO- (extended serie of oxyanion)





hypothalamus produces this hormone that suppresses secretion of growth hormone, glucagon and insulin. High blood glucose and [aa] stimulate its secretion. It is inhibitory. peptide hormone from pancreatic delta cells.

primary process

id's response to frustration: obtain satisfaction now, not later Has mental imagery, daydreaming, for wish fulfillment


ideal gas law equation. Clapeyron

Michelangelo phenomenon

ideal self can be sculpted with help of others Intrapersonal self: ideas regarding own abilities, traits, and beliefs + Interpersonal self: manner that others influence creation of the ideal self

Lev Vygotsky

identity, childs cognitive development through internalization of culture


in GPCR: inhibits adenylate cyclase, decreases levels of cAMP in the cell.

circular reaction

in Piaget's theory, a means of building schemes in which infants try to repeat a chance event caused by their own motor activity

IgA antibodies

in mucosal surfaces, protect against pathogens


in nasal cavity, saliva, tears, attacks the peptidoglycan walls of gram + bacteria side note: mucociliary escalator

mast cells

in the lungs. have preformed antibodies on their surfaces. Inflammatory chemicals to promote immune response. React to pollen and mold -> allergies

Angiotensin II

increases blood pressure by stimulating kidneys to reabsorb more water and by releasing aldosterone vasoconstrictive effect to inc heart rate.

depersonalization/derealization disorder

individuals feel detached from their own mind and body (depersonalization) or from their surroundings (derealization). automation, lack of self recognition in the mirror, dreamlike world


induces a group of overlying ectodermal cells to form neural folds surrounding a neural groove. From the mesoderm. Cartilaginous skeletal rod supporting the body


induces transport of glucose into organs (muscle, liver) and storaging glycogen when blood glucose is high Stimulates anabolic processes like fat and protein synthesis and lowers blood [glucose] a peptide hormone secreted by pancreas beta cells


inhibitory input causes _______ This lowers the membrane potential Vm from it's resting potential.


inhibitory neurotransmitter y-aminobutyric acid binds to a chloride channel to open it.


inner germ layer that develops into the pancreas, liver, thyroid, lung, bladder, and urethra. Endothelial linings of the resp and digest tracts, distal urinary tracts.


instrument used to measure breathing. CANNOT measure TLC bc CANT determine RV Total lung capacity, TLC: 6-7 liters Residual volume, RV: V of air remaining in lungs when one exhales completely Vital capacity, VC: diff entre min and max Volume of air in the lungs, TLC-RV Tidal volume, TV: vol of air inhaled or exhaled in a normal breath Expiratory reserve volume, ERV: vol of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal exhalation Inspiratory reserve volume, IRV: vol of additional air that can be forcibly inhaled after a normal inhalation


interacts w actin, thick filament in myofibril, involved in cellular transport. Has a single head and neck. Neck movement does power stroke of sarcomere contraction.

Jung self

intersection entre the collective and personal unconsciousness and the conscious mind. Strives for unity among these 3.


involved in early fluid exchange between the embryo and the yolk sac

Inferior colliculus

involved in the startle reflex, sound

dependent PD

involves a continuous need for reassurance Cluster C PD

antisocial PD

involves a disregard for the rights of others Cluster B PD

narcissistic PD

involves a grandiose sense of self-importance and need for admiration Cluster B PD

histrionic PD

involves constant attention-seeking behavior Cluster B PD

schizoid PD

involves detachment from social relationships and limited emotion Cluster A PD

Avoidant PD

involves extreme shyness and fear of rejection Cluster C PD

schizotypal PD

involves ideas of reference, magical thinking, and eccentricity Cluster A PD

borderline PD

involves instability in relationships, mood, and self-image Splitting (all good vs bad), and suicide attempts Cluster B PD

obsessive-compulsive PD

involves perfectionism, inflexibility, and preoccupation with rules Cluster C PD

mass spectrometry

ionize and fragment compounds. Then run them through a magnetic field to separate them by their mass-to-charge ratio. - Total molecular weight is determined or the relative concentrations of the diff fragments can be calc and compared to reference values to identify the compound.

K+ and Na+

ions that generate and maintain the resting potential

mechanism of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

irreversibly modifies cyclooxygenase-1 so that it cant bind its substrate arachidonic acid to make product prostaglandins which modulates pain and inflamm response.


is inside the chorion and produces amniotic fluid


isomers that are nonsuperimposable mirror images of each other, chiral. rotate plane-polarized light in opposite directions and react differently in chiral environments. Have equal-magnitude rotations in opposite directions. chiral centers have same connectivity but opp. configurations at every chiral center in the molecule


isoprenoids derivatives of terpenes that have oxygenation or rearrangement of the C skeleton. contribute to steroid synthesis and scents like cinnamon.

Rb (retinoblastoma)

its mutation is associated with an eye tumor inactivation of both alleles necessary for mutation tumor suppressor gene, an antioncogene -40% of cases are inherited (1 bad gene present in zygote) -Two Hit Hypothesis- both copies have to be defective in the same cell to allow tumor development -normal protein responsible for regulation at G1 checkpoint

representativeness heuristic

judging the likelihood of things in terms of how well they seem to represent, or match, particular prototypes; may lead us to ignore other relevant information.


justification of attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors


ketone sugar

Whorfian hypothesis/Linguistic relativity hypothesis

language shapes how we think of the world


language tactics we use to impose roles and identities on others that produce outcomes to our advantage

reciprocal dev example

lateral outpocketings from the brain -> optic vessels -> touch the ectoderm ->. forms the lens placode The lens placode -> optic vessels -> optic cup -> lens placode -> cornea and lens the optic cup -> retina

susbstantia nigra

layer of cells in the brain that produces dopamine for the proper functioning of the basal ganglia.

primary socialization

learning acceptable actions and attitudes during childhood sets stage for future socialization, foundation for creating personal opinions.

secondary socialization

learning appropriate behavior within smaller sections of the larger society

latent learning

learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it

active hormone

levels of carrier proteins can change the levels of ________.

Ecstasy (MDMA)

like amphetamine w hallucinations. blurry vision, sweating, nausea, hypothermia.

Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal


lipid derived from Vitamin A; makes the human eye able to respond to light


lipid molecules that arrange themselves in a spherical form in aqueous solutions absorbs fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and complicated lipids like lecithins - can be formed by fatty acids and bile salts secreted by the gallbladder. The _____ can then inc the SA available for lipolytic enzymes.

nonpolar organic solvents

lipids are soluble in

electron transport chain

lipids serve as coenzymes here in this ATP land

glycosylation rxn

lipids serve as coenzymes here in this transfer rxn

lnK conventions

ln(1)=0, So the ln of any # > 1 will be positive and the ln of any # < 1 will be negative

Superior olive

localizes sound

disorganized thought

loosening of association, exhibited as speech in which ideas shift from one subject to another so you can't follow train of thought - word salad, inventing new words: neologisms


losing individual identity and acting differently bc of the influence of the group. antinormative behavior, inc when masked or in unifor.: fosters arousal and anonymity. violent behavior in crowds and riots

Bitemporal hemianopsia

loss of both temporal visual fields

renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

low blood pressure causes the juxtaglomerular cells of kidneys to secrete renin which cleaves plasma protein angiotensinogen (inactive) to angiotensin I (active) which is then converted into angiotensin II by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in the lungs. -Angiotensin II stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone - leads to absorption of Na and increased blood pressure -once blood pressure is restored, there is a decreased drive to stimulate renin release (negative feedback mech)


low blood sugar

internal intercostal muscles

lowers the rib cage during forced expiration. Use it with the abdominal muscles.


lsd, ketamine, peyote, mescaline, psilocybin mushrooms


m = moles of solute/kg of solvent Used with boiling point elevation and freezing point depression


main type of sphingolipid with oligosaccharides and terminal sialic acids (like NANA, N-acetylneuraminic acid) gangly sphingolipids and complex: most complex structure and funct groups. all directions


maintain body temp highly vascularized respiratory tract. Transfer thermal energy/heat by body surfaces by vasodilation/vasoconstriction. When vessels expand, more heat can be dispersed. Often use nasal and tracheal capillaries for this. Evaporate water in mucous secretions.

myelin sheath

maintains the electrical signal within one neuron and increases speed of conduction within the axon. In the PNS, Schwann cells produce myelin to wrap around axons


majority influence/normative conformity: Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard.


manages sensorimotor reflexes that also promote survival

Vmax = Kcat[E]

max enzyme velocity eqn in moles of enzyme/second. Most enzymes have kcat values between 101-103.


maximum number of electrons within a shell

Gas (gas-liquid, GC, vapor-phase, VP) Chromatography

measure how long it takes a substance to elute. For qualitative separation. 1. Inject a volatile sample compound into the column and vaporize it. 2. It moves within the gaseous mobile phase eluent (He or N) through a stationary liquid or solid phase. 3. Detector registers compounds. Computer identifies sample components by recording them as peaks on a chart. - Adsorbent is a crushed metal or polymer inside a 30 ft coiled column in an oven to control temp. - gaseous compounds travel at diff rates bc they adhere to the adsorbent in column in diff degrees and separate in space by the time they reach the end of the column. - volatile: low mp, sublimable solids or vaporizable liquids. - common to separate molecules by GC, then inject pure molecules into a mass spectrometer for molecular weight determination.


measures blood pressure in mmHg. Normal adult is <120 systolic and 80 diastolic.

Infrared Spectroscopy

measures molecular vibrations to identify functional groups KNOW: O-H (broad ~3300 cm^-1 for alcohols or CA) N-H (sharp ~3300 cm^-1) C=O (sharp ~1750 cm^-1) MCAT: info from frequencies entre 1400 to 4000 cm^-1 Plotted as frequency (wavenumber) vs. percent transmittance: amount of light that passes through the sample and reaches detector (a)symmetric bend/stretch, twisting, folding infrared light and measure absorbance range is lambda = 700 nm - 1 mm, useful absorptions from 2500-25000 nm: 4000 to 400 cm^-1. When light of these wavenumbers are absorbed, the molecules enter excited vibrational states. Fingerprint region: 1500 to 400 cm^-1. specific absorbance is to each individual molecule. To record absorption, the vibration must result in the bond dipole moment. Molecules w same EN or symmetry, will not exhibit absorption (ie O2, Br2, C2H2).


mechanical advantage equation

slow alpha and theta waves

meditation produces these types of waves

stanford-binet IQ

mental age/chronological age x 100


middle germ layer; develops into bone marrow, skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle, heart and blood vessels and kidney tubules. Musculoskeletal, circulatory, excretory systems. Gonads, muscular and digestive tissue layers of the digestive and respiratory systems, and adrenal cortex.


mix fatty acids with lye (Na or KOH) to form the salt/soap. - In aqueous soln, arrange into micelles.


modulate secretion and reabsorption of acid and base within the nephron to adjust CO2 levels


monatomic anions end in like H- or P3-

major depressive disorder

mood disorder. at least one major depressive episode: at least 2 weeks w at least five of the symptoms. If it 15% die by suicide Sadness + SIG E CAPS Sleep Interest Guilt Energy Concentration Appetite Psychomotor symptoms Suicidal thoughts If it lasts for at least 2 years, they can also be diagnosed with dysthymia.


most numerous neuron, mostly in the brain and spinal cord, linked to reflexive behavior (reflex processing occurs in the spinal cord). found between other neurons.

carboxylic acid

most oxidized C on a functional group (3 bonds to O), terminal group, replace suffix with -oic. carboxy- prefix. A primary alcohol with a strong oxidizing agent will give a _____________.


most oxidized form of carbon, 4 bonds to O

keratin, elastin, collagen

most prevalent extracellular proteins

efferent neurons (cause and effect)

motor neurons are also called they send info from the brain/spinal cord to muscles and glands


motor protein w microtubule. Has 2 heads w one attached to tubulin. Aligns chromosomes during metaphase and depolymerizes microtubules during anaphase of mitosis. Brings vesicles to + end of microtubule. Bring neurotransmitters to + end of axonal microtubules (toward synaptic terminal)


motor protein w microtubule. Has 2 heads w one attached to tubulin. Sliding cilia and flagella. Brings vesicles to - end of microtubule. Bring waste/recycled neurotransmitter to - end of microtubule (toward the soma) through retrograde transport.

basal ganglia

movement from info from cortex, forebrain. Relays info via extrapyramidal system to brain and spinal cord: body position. Smooth and steady movements and posture. Parkinson's disease. Schizophrenia and OCD. starting and ending movements, sustaining repetitive motor tasks and smoothening motions.

dissociative identity disorder

multiple personality disorder. fail to personalities integrate into one. Shirley Aredell Mason/Sybil

temporal summation

multiple small excitatory signals fire and integrate during a ~short period of time to bring the postsynaptic cell to threshold.

mutliple sclerosis

myelin of the brain and spinal cord are selectively targeted, many diff kinds of neurons are demyelinated


name for 5 C sugar with ketone group as it's most oxidized funct group.


name me


name me

alphabetically -ketone

name the two alkyl groups of ketones.... and end w suffix....

3-oxobutanoic acid

name this compound


name this compound

ethyl ethanoate

name this ester bitch


name this lactone

Anatomy of the Respiratory System

nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, right and left bronchus -> bronchioles -> alveoli (coated w surfactant to not collapse and surrounded by capillaries), upper lobes of left and right lung, horizontal fissure, middle lobe right lung, oblique fissures of the right and left lung, lower lobes of the right and left lung left is a little smaller due to the heart. the glottis, opening of the larynx, is covered by the epiglottis during food swallowing. larynx has 2 vocal cords

opiates and opioids

naturally occurring opiates: morphine, codeine. Semisynthetic opioids: oxycodone, hydrocodone, heroin (diacetylmorphine). Decreased rxn to pain. death through respiratory suppression bc brain stopped sending breathing signals. Methadone (long acting opioid w lower overdose risk) to treat addiction.

carl jung

neo-Freudian psychoanalytic putting more emphasis on interpersonal, sociological, and cultural influences. Psychic energy. personal unconscious + created concept of "collective unconscious" and wrote books on dream interpretation

synaptic bouton (knob)

nerve terminal. Enlarged and flattened to max signal transmission to next neuron and release neurotransmitters properly.

mixed nerves

nerves carrying both sensory and motor fibers

Schachter-Singer Theory (cognitive arousal theory,

nervous system arousal occurs and then is labeled based on the context provided by the environment. 1. nervous syst arousal and cognitive appraisal 2. conscious emotion

anomeric C

new chiral center formed in ring closure from the C containing the carbonyl in straight-chain form



absolute refractory period

no amount of stimulation can cause another action potential to occur

isovolumetric (isochoric) process

no change in volume, no W performed. ∆U = Q.


no heat exchange, ∆U = -W, work done ON the system

ethyl propanoate

nomenclature example of ester


nonpolar and hydrophobic

reverse phase chromatography

nonpolar stationary phase. So polar molecules move up more quickly. Place developed plate under UV light to show compounds that UV light sensitive (same for TLC). OR use iodine, phosphomolybdic acid, or vanillin to stain the spots, but this destroys the compounds and makes them unrecoverable. Opp of TLC


norms that refer to behavior that is considered polite in particular social interactions shaking hands after a match


nose hairs


nuclear condensation


nuclear fragmentation

nuclei w odd mass numbers, odd atomic numbers, or both

nuclei with ______ will have a magnetic moment when placed in a magnetic field H-NMR


obtaining objective information about the world

source monitoring error

occurs when a memory derived from one source is misattributed to another source. Confuses semantic and episodic correlations

Cluster A personality disorders (weird)

odd/eccentric behavior paranoid: distrust and suspicion. Can be in prodromal phase of schizophrenia and are premorbid. schizoid: detach from social relationships and ranges of emotional expression schizotypal: odd or eccentric thinking where there's ideas of reference and magical thinking: superstitious/belief in clairvoyance


often the leaving species. -SO3C6H4CH3. from toluenesulfonic acid (TsOH). Made from rxn of alcohol w p-toluenesulfonyl chloride, making esters of TsOH. Can also be a protecting group when we don't want alcohols to react.


often the leaving species. -SO3CH3, from methanesulfonic acid. Made by using methylsulfonyl chloride and an alcohol in the presence of a base. Can also be a protecting group when we don't want alcohols to react.

proactive interference

old information interferes with the new

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

old name: high-pressure liquid chromatography (but now low pressures can be used) liquid eluent. column of defined composition. variety of stationary phases depending on target molecule and quantity of material to be purified. Like column chromat. bc various compounds in soln react diff w adsorbent material. 1. Inject small sample into column and separation occurs as it flows through. 2. compounds pass through a detector and collected as solvent flows out end of apparatus. 3. Like GC bc process is computerized, but this uses liquid under pressure. sophisticated solvent gradients and temp be applied to the column to help resolve the various compounds in the sample.

adrenal gland

on top of kidney. Each has an adrenal cortex (secretes corticosteroids: glucocorticoids (sugar), mineralcorticoids (Salt), and cortical sex hormones (Sex)) and a medulla

negative feedback (feedback inhibition)

one of the products downstream in a reaction series comes back and inhibits the enzymatic activity of an earlier reaction


openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

Big 5 Personality Traits

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism Comes from Hans and Sybil Eysenck PEN model


operates according to the reality principle. Freud Promotes growth of perception, memory, problem solving, thinking, and reality testing Organizer of the mind, receives power from id and moderates desires of the superego. Mediates anxieties from id and superego by defense mechanisms

alpha, beta, gamma, delta

order of C from carbonyl carbon

specification (reversible), determination (irrev. committ. to a specific lineage), differentiation

order of cell specialization

1. carboxylic acid 2. anhydride 3. ester 4. amide 5. aldehyde 6. ketone 7. alcohol 8. alkene 9. alkyne 10. alkane

order of higher priority functional groups (also for naming suffixes). Aldehyde is often chain-terminating, so. Alkenes and Alkynes are tied for priority except in cyclic compounds, where alkenes have higher priority.


orientation toward the inner, subjective world


orientation towards the external world

replication licensing factor

origins are approved for replication

oxalic acid

other name for ethanedioic acid

pimelic acid

other name for heptanedioic acid

adipic acid

other name for hexanedioic acid

glutaric acid

other name for pentanedioic acid


other name for polygamy. 1 male, multiple females

malonic acid

other name for propanedioic acid


other name for solid to liquid or melting


other roles of Ca include: clotting of blood/Ca is a cofactor cell movement and exocytosis of cell materials

serial position effect

our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list. Primacy and recency effect


outer cells of the blastocyst that secrete enzymes that allow implantation

adrenal cortex

outer section of each adrenal gland; secretes cortisol, aldosterone, and sex hormones like androgens


outermost germ layer; produces skin, neurons, pituitary gland, eyes, and ears. Epidermis, hair, nails, epithelia of the nose, mouth, and anal canal, nervous system (y adrenal medulla) and eye lens.


oxidize a quinone

(pKa,R group + pKa,COOH group)/2

pI acidic amino acid

(pKa, NH3+ group + pKa, R group)/2

pI basic amino acid

Isoelectric focusing

pI is the pH where the protein/aa is electrically neutral. aa are called zwitterions. - Proteins placed in a pH gradient. Acidic gel at the + cathode, basic gel at the - anode. Proteins stop moving when pH = pI. Protein will take on a neutral charge and stop moving.

(pKa of NH group + pKA of COOH group) / 2

pI neutral amino acid

Strong acid

pKa below -2

weak organic acid

pKa entre -2 and 20

-8, 1.99

pKa of HCl, HSO4-

4.8, 4.9

pKa of ethanoic acid, propanoic acid


pairs of molecules connected by two H bonds

dorsal prefrontal cortex

part of cortex associated with attention and cognition

ventral prefrontal cortex

part of cortex that connects with regions of the brain responsible for experiencing emotion


part of personality presented to the world

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

part of the prefrontal cortex that plays a substantial role in decision making and controlling emotional responses from the amygdala

facilitated diffusion

passive transport, down a concentration gradient by transmembrane protein

contracts bladder

pelvic splanchnic nerves do what

social facilitation

people exhibit a performance response when they know they're being watched by others Yerkes-Dodson law of social facilitation: In the presence of others, we perform better at the things we're good at (simple tasks) and worse when doing something we're less familiar with (complex tasks) - levels of arousal

social cognitive theory

people learn how to behave and shape attitudes by observing and replicating others, their own thoughts, and the environment.

elaboration likelihood model

people understand persuasion on a continuum. From high elaboration: deep thinking by central route processing to low elaboration: surface level by peripheral route processing

janowitz and grossman

people who experimented on the multiple biological processes of the hunger primary drive, which tie into senses like smell and taste

parathyroid hormone (PTH)

peptide hormone from parathyroids. It inc blood [Ca] Activates vitamin D

follicule-stimulating hormone (FSH)

peptide hormone, stim follicle maturation in females and spermatogenesis in males

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

peptide hormone. Stimulates adrenal cortex to synthesize and secrete glucocorticoids


peptide hormone. dec sensation of pain and can promote euphoria

Jungian archetypes

persona, anima, animus, shadow

Type and trait theory

personality can be described as a number of identifiable traits that carry characteristic behaviors Type: dispositions to group personality types, A/B somatotypes. Trait: describe individual personality as a sum of characteristic behaviors


personality's perfectionist version. Freud. judging our actions, pride at accomplishment, and guilt for failure. Has the subsystems of conscience and ego ideal.

protein kinase A

phosphorylates transcription factors like CREB, cAMP response element-binding protein. And can modify other enzymes and tf, so it can have a rapid or slow effect.

Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2

phylloquinone and menaquinone respectively.Fat soluble vitamins in carboxylation of clotting factors II, VII, IX, X, proteins C and S in blood.

double, triple bond

pi and sigma, 1 sigma and 2 pi bonds

axon hillock

plays an important role in action potentionals, whether they are excitatory enough or inhibitory

native PAGE

polacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyzes proteins in their *native states* limited by the mass to charge and mass to size ratios many different proteins can have the same level of migration native protein can be taken back but only if it is not stained most useful to compare the molecular size or charge of proteins known to be similar in size from other analytic methods like SDS-PAGE o size exclusion chromatography


polyatomic anions containing oxygen, -ite, -ate


polysaccharide made of Beta-D-glucoses linked by Beta-1,4 glycosidic bonds. H-bonds hold the polymer chains together.


polysaccharide made of glucose. More highly branched with alpha-1,6-glycosidic bonds. Optimizes energy effiiciency by it's branching and solubility. Humans energy storage. Enzymes can cleave glucose from it. More branched than amylopectin.


polysaccharide made of linked alpha-D-glucose monomers. More digestible by humans. - Iodine as a reagent tests for starch presence by fitting inside the helix conformation of amylose and forms a starch-iodine complex.


positive charge moves from + to - end. (negative charge moves from - to + end spontaneously) A negative W represents a decrease in electric potential


preferring spontaneity


prefix for 2 C unit w/ one C in a carbonyl group


prefix for when there is a higher-priority group over the carbonyl of an aldehyde or ketone/they are named as substituents

ACE inhibitors

prescribed for high blood pressure and congestive heart failure (dec pressure against which the failing heart must pump) bc it blocks vasoconstriction. end in -pril. lisinopril, enalapril, ramipril.


primary protein component of silk fibers and composed of B-sheets

primary group vs secondary group

primary: characterised as close, intimate relationships secondary: usually large and task oriented, impersonal, temporary, business-like relationships.


private acceptance of a proposition, orientation, or ideology. Conformity in which an individual changes her outward opinion to match the group and also personally agrees with those ideas.


process in which cells become specialized in structure, function, and biochemistry.

anticipatory socialization

processes of socialization in which a person rehearses for future positions, occupations, and social relationships


promote the cell cycle Like stepping on the gas pedal

UV spectroscopy

protein analysis sensitive to sample contaminants, no treatment required, bc proteins have aromatic side chains


proteins that associate with DNA like histone or are acid-soluble and stimulate transcription

Bronsted-Lowry base

proton acceptor

Bronsted-Lowry acid

proton donor

arousal theory

psych and phys state of being awake and reactive to stimuli. Brainstem, autonomic nervous system, and endocrine system. yerk

personality disorder

psychological disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning ego-syntonic: they see their behavior as correct ego-dystonic: illness is put upon and is intrusive general personality disorder: 10 pds in 3 clusters

sodium leak channels, 60 mV

pushes a slow leak of sodium into the cell. This cases a build-up electric potential. The electric potential of Na+ is ____. (+ because Na is moving into the cell).

q = mL

q is heat added or removed during phase change equation, L is heat of transformation or latent heat of the substance. m for mass

Graham's Law

r are the diffusion rates and M are the molar masses.

Rate of rxn

rate = Z * f, Z total number of collisions occurring per second. f is fraction of collision that are effective


reacting HCN w acetones and aldehydes produces these stable compounds once the o had reprotonated. It's stability comes from the new C-C bond.

ketal and acetal

reacting a ketone/aldehyde with a diol or 2 equivalents of alcohol. Can protect the aldehyde or ketone from reacting with AlLiH4 for example, then reverted through deprotection.

type 2 diabetes mellitus

receptor resistance to the effects of insulin. partial inheritance and environmental. meds to help body use its own insulin.

highest priority functional group

redox reagents and rxns with nucleophiles and electrophiles tend to occur at the _________.

Reduce a carboxylic acid

reduce CA back to primary alcohol using LiAlH4. (Weaker NaBH4 CANNOT do this) Occurs by nuc addition of hydride to the carbonyl group.


reducing agents often contain metals bonded to a large number of _______.

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

regulates salt and water balance. peptide hormone secreted from atrial cells of the heart in response to atrial stretching and an increase in circulating blood volume. It promotes Na excretion, so inc urine volume. antagonistic to aldosterone. Lowers blood V and P w no effect on blood osmolarity.

GABA activity

relaxation, depressants

prospective memory

remembering to do things in the future


replication complex: proteins that help the DNA polymerases

Eukaryotic DNA replication

replication that begins at many origins of replication on the DNA molecule moving in replication forks. They move towards each other until sister chromatids are made and remain connected at the centromere.


responsible for balance and motor coordination like dribbling a basketball


responsible for parasympathetic NS, released by the pre/post ganglionic neurons of the ANS. In the sympathetic NS, preganglionic neurons release this too

torsional strain

results when cyclic molecules must assume conformations that have eclipsed interactions


returning to an earlier stage of development

retro aldol rxn

reverse of an aldol rxn. aqueous base and heat added breaks the bond between the a and B carbons

prefrontal cortex

right is positive emotions, left is more negative

isopropyl alcohol

rubbing alcohol, 2-Propanol


salt water

constitutional isomer

same molecular formula, different connectivity, structural isomers

four single bonds

saturated C has (or a saturated fatty acid has tails that only have..)


schizophrenia is high sensitivity to dopamine, Parkinson's disease is with destruction of the dopaminergic neurons in the basal ganglia.

acinar cell

secretes digestive enzymes into pancreatic duct

adrenal medulla

secretes epinephrine (inc glycogenolysis in liver and muscle) and norepinephrine directly into the bloodstream. dilate bronchi, shunt blood flow to sympathetic response. dec blood flow to the skin and kidney.

Piaget's stages of cognitive development

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

afferent neurons

sensory neurons are also known as ______. They feel the external stimuli and send it to the spinal cord and brain.

dorsal, ventral

sensory neurons bring periphery info to enter the spinal from the ________ side, and motor neurons exit the spinal cord from the __________ side

one hormone

sex hormone binding globulin carries how many hormones

G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR)

signal transduction by 7 membrane-spanning alpha helices. Differ in specificity of ligand-binding site on the extracellular surface of the cell. Heterotrimeric G protein: intracellular link to GDP/GTP. Binding of a ligand increases affinity of receptor for the G protein. - a second messenger cascade - dissociation upon activation


simplest ketone sugar

SDS page

sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Separates proteins based on molecular mass. Detergent disrupts all noncovalent interaxns. Binds to proteins and creates large - chain which neutralize the proteins og charge and denatures it. Gel is stained afterwards.

voltage gated channels

sodium w neurons, membrane depolarization causes a protein conformation to open but then quickly close as voltage increases. Nonspecific Na-K channels are in cells of the sinoatrial node of the heart serving as the pacemaker current


solid to gas is called. There is no temp change during a phase change, it is a change in potential energy NOT kinetic. (from side-to-side and up and down to rocking back and forth too)

1 cal/g K

specific heat of water in calories (4.184 J)

conduction aphasia

speech production and comprehension are intact but patient unable to repeat something that has been said because connection has been lost

acrosomal apparatus

sperm contacts oocytes plasma membrane and establishes the _______ and injects its pronucleus

blastocyst (blastula)

stage of early development in mammals that consists of a hollow ball of cells. Implants in the endometrial lining and forms the placenta


starch that starts with same linkage as amylose but branched structures via alpha-1,6-glycosidic bonds. - Debranching enzymes help degrade this chain. More branched than amylose.

RNA primer

starting point for DNA polymerase, roughly 10 nucleotides

drier air

static charge buildup/static electricity is more significant in ________ ________. It is easier for charge to become and remain separated.

P + pgh

static pressure. h is the height above a certain point.

paper chromatography

stationary phase medium is cellulose paper. 1. Spotting: place a small, well defined spot of sample directly onto the adsorbent/paper plate. Put them above the level of the solute so they run up the plate instead of dissolving into the pool of eluent. 2. Place the adsorbent upright in a developing chamber. The bottom of this jar has a shallow pool of solvent/eluent. 3. The solvent creeps up the plate by capillary action, carrying the various compounds of the sample at various rates. 4. Remove the plate from the chamber when the solvent nears the top. Dry.

nerve IX

stim flow of saliva


stimulates milk production and secretion in mammary glands. peptide hormone

dilute nitric acid

strong oxidizing agent. Oxidizes both the aldehyde and primary alcohol (C6) to carboxylic acids.

categorical perception

subtle diff in speech sounds change meaning or not. Is an auditory example of constancy.


suffix for an aldehyde


sugar, nitrogenous base + one or more phosphates attached to the C5' (on the sugar) Often named according to the # of phosphates Joined by 3'-5' phosphodiester bonds


supports/inhibits GABA activity. inc dopamine activity


swirls from turbulent flow

anhydride naming

symmetrical: substitute "anhydride" for "acid" asymmetrical: alphabetically name the two chains and follow w/ "anhydride"

Rods and cones

synapse with bipolar cells which synapse on ganglion cells

closed system

system can exchange energy (heat and work) but not matter; steam radiator

Open system

system can exchange energy and matter; pot of boiling water


telomere sequence

glucose oxidase

test justs for glucose bc it doesn't react w other reducing sugars


tetrahydrofuran organic solvent

beta anomer

the OH group of the C1 cis to the CH2OH group *it will be equatorial and up*

pineal gland

the _______ secretes serotonin derived hormone melatonin. receives projections from the retina but isn't involved in vision. an endocrine gland deep in the brain.

crystallized intelligence

the ability to retain and use knowledge that was acquired through experience/age

Centration (Piaget)

the act of focusing on one aspect of something. It is a key factor in the preoperational stage.


the act of revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others

Huckel's rule for aromaticity

the aromatic compound has 4n+2 pi electrons describes an unusually stable ring system

downward drift hypothesis

the assertion that those with mental illnesses, unable to finish their education or secure a job, tend to drift into low-income groups/poverty/psychosis.

labeling theory

the belief that individuals subconsciously notice how others see or label them, and their reactions to those labels over time form the basis of their self-identity


the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an incorrect/poor decision or an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome Irving Janis: 1. illusion of invulnerability 2. collective rationalization: ignoring warnings against the ideas of the group 3. illusion of morality 4. excessive stereotyping: 5. pressure for conformity: viewing opposition within the group as disloyal 6. self-censorship 7. illusion of unanimity: the false sense of agreement within the group 8. mindguards: appointment of members to the role of protecting against opposing views

boiling point elevation

the difference in temperature between the boiling point of a solution and the boiling point of the pure solvent

freezing point depression

the difference in temperature between the freezing point of a solution and the freezing point of the pure solvent

Defense mechanisms

the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality/denying/falsifying

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE)

the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft


the fluid-filled cavity inside a blastula

primary appraisal

the initial interpretation of a stimulus as stressful or not. Irrelevant, benign-positive or stressful

saltatory conduction

the jumping of action potentials between nodes of ranvier

solvation layer

the layer of solvent particles that interacts directly with the surface of a dissolved species

cultural transmission/learning and diffusion

the manner that a society socializes its members / the spread of norms, customs, and beliefs throughout the culture


the natural physical biological decline brought about by aging

Hess's Law

the overall enthalpy change in a reaction is equal to the sum of enthalpy changes for the individual steps in the process


the part of the superego that consists of standards of what one would like to be

prodromal phase

the phase that is between the onset of symptoms and the time when the minimum criteria for a disorder are met. For schizophrenia: evidence of deterioration, social withdrawal, role functioning impairment, peculiar behavior, inappropriate effect, unusual experiences.

vapor pressure

the pressure exerted by evaporated particles over a liquid surface

Yerkes-Dodson Law

the principle that performance increases with arousal only up to a point, beyond which performance decreases. Simple tasks generally require slightly higher arousal levels than complex tasks. (low for cognition and high for stamina)


the process of adopting new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors army and cult ppl


the production of breast milk in a women who is not breastfeeding

object relations theory

the psychodynamic theory of personality that experience w caregivers during infancy impact creating social bonds and predicting the behavior of others

Biological Perspective

the psychological perspective that emphasizes the influence of biology (genetic brain expression) on behavior

rate = k[R-L]

the rate of an Sn1 rxn depends only on the concentration of the substrate. write eqn. Where R-L is an alkyl group containing a leaving group.

law of mass action

the relationship between the balanced chemical equation and the expression of the equilibrium constant


the rhythm, cadence, and inflection of our voices


the right side of the heart is at a _______ pressure during prenatal life than the left side so blood will shunt from the pulmonary circulation to the systemic circulation through both the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus

social loafing

the tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable

work-energy theorem

the total work done on an object is equal to the change in kinetic energy for that object

ciliated epithelial cells

the trachea and bronchi are lined by _______


the use of strategies, such as flattery, by which people seek to gain another's favor

Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)

the volume of additional air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal exhalation

social cognition

the ways people think about other people and how these ideas impact behavior

monosynaptic reflex arc

there is a single synapse entre sensory neuron receiving stimulus and motor neuron responding to it -ex: knee jerk reflex

polysynaptic reflex arc

there is at least one interneuron entre the sensory and motor neurons -Ex: withdrawal reflex, stepping on a nail: One foot goes away, the other leg maintains balance

relative refractory period

there must be greater than normal stimulation to cause an active potential b/c the membrane is starting from a potential that is more negative than its resting value


these drugs block dopamine receptors but lose inhibition of prolactin release. Endocrine system: dopamine release prevents prolactin release

ADH and oxytocin

these peptide hormones are produced by the hypothalamus and secreted by the posterior pituitary

methanol and formaldehyde

these two poisons can produce organic acids -> metabolic acidosis (excess acid)

sterics, electronic, resonance, conjugation

things affecting reactivity of derivatives

anaerobic respiration

this can generate lactic acid metabolic acidosis: excess acid by any mech besides hypoventilation


this causes a refractory period in the neuron. Makes info flow only in one direction


this disease causes the following damage: retina of the eye, glomeruli of the kidneys, coronary vessels of the heart and cerebral vessels of the brain, and peripheral nerves.

Retardation Factor (Rf)

this is ~constant for a particular compound in a given solvent. Can use to identify unknown compounds on a small scale. Use on larger scale for purification: preparative TLC. As the large plate develops, the larger spot of sample splits into bands of individ. compounds. Which are then scraped off and washed to yield pure compounds. Rf = distance spot moved/distance solvent front moved

Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution

this rxn favored in either acidic or basic conditions ? which can alter the reactivity of the electrophile or nucleophile


this steroid hormone from the ovary/placenta. it promotes maintenance of the endometrium.


this stimulates bone marrow to inc production of erythrocytes (red blood cells). It is secreted when blood O levels are low

steric hindrance

this substitution rxn, Sn2 depends on ___________.

Triacylglycerols (triglycerides)

three fatty acids linked to one glycerol molecule. highly reduced. - oxidation of fatty acid chains produce twice as much energy per gram than carbs. - the fatty acid chains vary in length and saturation. - Used for human energy storage, hydrophobic - oily droplets in cytosol for metabolic fuel - travel bidirectionally in the bloodstream entre el liver and adipose tissue

-50 mV, -35

threshold for action potential and action potential value

Vitamin E

tocopherols and tocotrienols - biological antioxidant (oxidative damage results in cancer and aging) - subst. aromatic ring w a long isoprenoid side chain, hydrophobic


too much T3/T4. Inc the body's metabolic rate creates anxiety like symptoms. excessive activity of the thyroid gland

monoamine or catecholamine theory of depression

too much norepinephrine and serotonin in the synapse leads to mania, while too little leads to depression

Pax6 gene

transcription factor involved in programming eye development.


transfer functional groups from one substrate to another. Kinases which catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group, like ATP to another molecule.

Elaborative rehearsal

transferring information from STM into LTM by connecting that information


treating phenols w oxidizing agents (Na2Cr2O7, H2SO4) produces _____. Are e acceptors. ETC of photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. Look at picture differences.


tumor suppressor gene, an antioncogeneinactivation of both alleles necessary for mutation This tumor suppressor gene causes cell cycle arrest in G1, providing time for DNA repair. If repair is successful, cells re-enter the cycle. If unsuccessful, apoptosis

CrO3, Na2CrO7, K2CrO7, KMnO4, H2CrO4, Ag2O, H2O2

turn primary alcohol into carboxylic acid using a strong oxid. agent like... turn secondary alcohol to ketone using these first three..

PCC, Cro3/pyridine

turn primary alcohol to aldehyde using... AND you can oxidize a 2º alcohol to a ketone using these same OPTIONS

reciprocal development

two both induce further differentiation in each other


two glucose molecules joined by a beta-1,4 linkage.

geminal diol

two hydroxyl groups on the same carbon; also called a hydrate?

paracrine signals

type of signal that acts on cells in the local area


type of sphingolipid with one sugar

Ca and Mg

typically protein bound elements/molecules

deoxygenated blood

umbilical arteries and uterine veins have _________

oxygenated blood

umbilical veins and uterine arteries have ___________

psychoanalytic theory (psychodynamic)

unconscious urges and desires motivating overt individual actions and determining personality Freud: id, ego, superego


unconsciously removing an idea or feeling from consciousness

Fischer esterification

under acidic conditions, mixtures of carboxylic acids and alcohols will condense into esters Carbonyl O protonates itself first to make the C more electrophilic.

low, high, low

under isothermal conditions, gas molecules tend to behave more real like when it is _______ temp and ______ pressure and ______ volume

dipole moment (p)

units C * m

electric potential energy

units J (work to bring a test charge from infinity to a point in space in an electric field surrounding a source charge) Factor in sign of charge both like charges, positive potential energy different charges, negative potential energy ∆U = W = Fdcosø = Fr x 1 = (kQq/r^2)*r = kQq/r Where the force and displacement vectors are parallel

grey matter

unmyelinated cell bodies and dendrites in the CNS

Solomon Asch Experiment

urge toward conformity could outweigh the desire to provide the correct answer in a group setting.

supraspinal circuits

used in scenarios requiring input from the brain or brainstem

Van der Waals equation of state

used to correct the ideal gas law for intermolecular attractions (a, attractive forces) and molecular volume (b, big volume)


using a value system or personal beliefs


using logic and reason

base rate fallacy

using prototypical or stereotypical factors while ignoring actual numerical information

-55 to -40 mV

usual threshold value


vaginal childbirth by uterine smooth muscle, coordinated by prostaglandins and the peptide hormone oxytocin.

antidiuretic hormone

vasopressin increases reabsorption of water in the collecting ducts of the kidneys. Secretes in response to inc plasma osmolarity or inc [solutes] in the blood. functions at the collecting duct.


veins carry blood ______ the heart and the fetus


very acidic because there are two carbonyls to delocalize negative charge often used to form enolate carbanions loss of an alpha carbon produces a carbanion - which is stabilized by the electron withdrawing effect of both carboxyl groups

social-cognitive perspective

views behavior as influenced by the interaction between people's traits (including their thinking) and their social context/environment. Albert bandura reciprocal determinism Locus of control

Atypical pneumonia

walking pneumonia by Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Prolonged cough bc epithelial cells are damaged and the cilia are paralyzed making it diff to clear mucus from the lungs. Lasts until the resp epith. cells recover and the cilia are funct again.

self-discrepancy theory

we have three selves: 1) actual self: way we see ourselves as we currently are 2) ideal self: person we would like to be 3) ought self: our representation of the way others think we should be - the closer these 3 are to one another, the higher our self-esteem or self-worth will be

hierarchy of salience

we let the situation dictate which identity holds the most importance for us at any given moment


weak bind to carbohydrate molecules that project from other cells -expressed on white blood cells & endothelial cells that line blood vessels -role in host defense (inflammation & white blood cell migration)


weight eqn

phosphate and alcohol, phosphodiester linkage

what are polar head groups of phospholipids made of? How is it linked to the tail?

heat, alkaline pH, formaldehyde, urea

what can be used to denature DNA


what creates (exocrine: tissues secrete substances directly into ducts) digestive enzymes (trypsin, carboxypeptidasee A and B, pancreatic lipase) and endocrine hormones (B cell secretes: insulin, a: glucagon, delta: somatostatin) Small clusters of hormone-producing cells grouped throughout pancreas are called islets of Langerhans


what digests proteins to form micelles with uniform sequestered proteins of negative charges inside?

cyclic hemiacetal

what forms from aldoses

cyclic hemiketal

what forms from ketoses

Hemiacetal (hemiketal)

what forms when aldehydes and ketones (as the electrophile) are treated with one equivalent of alcohol (as the nucleophile) Retains the hydroxyl group bc O anion of carbonyl swipes the alcohol's H. This halfway step is the endpoint in basic conditions.

acetal (ketal)

what forms when aldehydes and ketones (as the electrophile) are treated with two equivalents of alcohol (as the nucleophile) Occurs through SN1 rxn with accompanying catalytic anhydrous acid. The OH is thus protonated and leaves as water, then there is a cc+ which is attacked by the 2nd equivalent of alcohol. Acetals and ketals are ~inert/often are protecting groups for carbonyl functionalities*?


what is readily excreted by the kidney?

Sphingosine backbone

what kind of backbone do sphingolipids have

van der waals, stable structure

what type of force and more _____ do sat. fatty acids have more of they're solid at room temp)


whats usually flowing through ungated channels

opponent-process theory

when a drug is taken repeatedly, the body will attempt to counteract the effects of the drug by changing its physiology. Issue is that w alcohol, the arousal lasts longer than the drug, so the person will experience the opposite of the depressant: jitteriness, irritability, anxiety. This can create a physical dependence.

identity shift effect

when an individual's state of harmony is disrupted by a threat of social rejection, to quell internal conflict, the individual will often conform to the norms of the group

nonbonded/steric strain (van der Waals repulsion)

when nonadjacent atoms/groups compete for the same space. Dominant strain in flagpole interaxns of cyclohexane boat conformations

voltage gated calcium channels

when the action pot reaches the nerve terminal, these open to allow Ca inflow and fusion of the vesicles w the membrane for exocytosis of the neurotransmitters

sparingly soluble salts

when the molar solubility is less than 0.1 M. (Solutes are considered soluble if it's above 0.1 M)


when the particle is freer to move around in different ways


when the placenta and umbilical cord are expelled

cognitive dissonance

when there are 2 opposing thoughts -> internal discomfort -> anxiety, fear, anger, confusion -> individual changes, adds, or minimizes these dissonant thoughts

at the placenta (not in the fetal lungs!)

where does oxygenation occur for a fetus?


where in the fallopian tube does sperm join the ovum


where nutrient, gas, and waste exchange occurs. It depends on the diffusion of the close but separate bloodstreams of embryo and mother. Fetal lungs do not function until birth.

carbonyl (double bonded O is more e withdrawing)

which dipole is stronger? carbonyl group or alcohol.


widely observed social norms social control/sanctions (corporal (bodily harm) vs capital (death) punishment)

W = delta K

work and kinetic energy relationship eqn

W =PdeltaV

work in isobaric gas-piston system


working with information abstractly

external intercostal muscles

works with the diaphragm to expand the thoracic cavity layer of muscle in between the ribs

high NADH/NAD+ ratio

would imply that the cell is already energetically satisfied and not in need of energy


α,β-unsaturated carbonyls conjugation w the carbonyl group itself very stable and susceptible to nuc attack


4 Fs: feeding, fighting, flighting, (sexual) functioning. hunger and thirst; emotion, forebrain. Signals imbalances. Primary regulator of autonomic nervous system. Lateral hypothalamus (detects the need for it) destroyed, Lack hunger for food and drink. VentroMedial (satiety) Hypothalamus: destroyed one is Very Much Hungry. Anterior hypothalamus: destroyed, one is asexual. controls pineal gland - releases neurotransmitters and dictates emotional states. Responds to inc in blood osmolarity. hormone release regulated by negative feedback.

parathyroid glands

4 small pea-like organs that regulate calcium and phosphate balance in blood, bones, and other tissues. Posterior surface of thyroid. PTH is antagonistic to calcitonin. feedback inhibition. PTH activates vitamin D. Inc blood Ca levels w little effect on phosphate Inc resorption of phosphate from bone and reduces reabsorption of phosphate in kidney (promoting phosphate excretion in the urine) (cancels each other out)

temporal lobe

Auditory, emotion, memory, language


Central visual field, Contains cones


Colored part, divides eye into anterior and posterior chambers. Has dilator and constrictor pupillae which open and close the pupil

Eustachian tube

Connects middle ear to nasal cavity

bottom-up processing

Data driven, recognition by parallel processing and feature detection, slower/less prone to error

Vestibular sense

Detect linear and rotational acceleration in the middle ear

DNA Gyrase

FOR prokaryotes: A DNA type 2 topoisomerase: makes double strand breaks to remove twist in DNA, reduce supercoiling and torque strain ahead of the replication forks. uses ATP.


Fear and rage. Docility and hypersexuality. Signals the cortex about stimuli related to attention. Processes env, detects external cues, and surrounding to produce, and human facial expressions for emotions. Controls implicit memory system, unconscious, emotional actual feelings.


From metencephalon from hindbrain, sensory and motor pathways entre cortex and medulla


From prosencephalon/forebrain, forms thalamus, hypothalamus, posterior pituitary gland, pineal gland.


From prosencephalon/forebrain; forms cerebrum, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, lambic system


Gland in the thoracic cavity, above the heart, behind the sternum. releases thymosin for T-cell dev. and differentiation. It atrophies by adulthood and so thymosin levels drop too.


Incoming sensory relay and sorting station to cerebral cortex. EXCEPT smell, forebrain.


Learning for long term memory. Uses long fornix to communicate w limbic system. Short-term memory. In the medial temporal lobe. Stores and retrieves emotional memories for an emotional response. Creating context for stimuli for an emotional experience. Controls the explicit memory system

magnocellular cells

Motion, high temporal resolution and low spatial resolution

affinity chromatography

bind protein of interest by creating a column w high affinity for that protein. 1. To retain the protein in the column, coat beads w a receptor that binds the protein or specific antibody to the protein. 2. Then elute by washing the column w a free receptor (or target or antibody). It competes w the bead-bound receptor and frees the protein from the column. - But the recovered substance can be bound to the eluent. If eluent is an inhibitor of an enzyme, it can difficult to remove. Stationary phase molecules include nickel (separate genetically engineered proteins w histidine tags), antibodies or antigens, and enzyme substrate analogues (which mimic the natural substrate for an enzyme of interest). Can create eluents by varying pH or salinity level to disrupt the bonds entre the ligand and protein of interest.

retrograde amnesia

loss of old memories after brain injury

Broca's area

motor function of speech production in (dom) left hemisphere. Inferior frontal gyrus of frontal lobe. Connects to motor cortex


nitrogenous base + pentose by covalently linking the base to the C1 of the sugar

septal nuclei

pleasure and addiction

Ciliary body

produces aqueous humor, which drains through the canal of Schlemm

kinesthetic sense

proprioception, ability to tell where one's body is in space


prosencephalon. Emotion and memory.


refracts light onto retina and held by suspensory ligaments connected to the ciliary muscle.


same side. Like hearing, cerebral hemisphere communicates w same side of body. Right ear and right brain.

simple distillation

separate liquids that boil below 150 C and have at least 25 C difference in boiling points. Avoid degrading compounds by high temp. And diff large enough so that the second liquid doesn't boil off. distilling flask w combined soln, dist column w thermometer and condenser, and a receiving flask to collect distillate. Sometimes add a boiling chip, ebulliator, or magnetic stirrer to break surface tension and prevent superheating.

Feature detection

the ability of the brain to identify specific components of visual stimuli such as corners or edges

instinctive drift

the tendency of animals to revert to instinctive behavior that interferes with learning


to further purify crystals in soln. Dissolve product in min amount of hot solvent and let it recrystallize as it cools. Solvent is one that the product is soluble in only at high temperatures. When the soln cools, only the desired product will recrystallize out of soln, excluding the impurities. bc the product cannot remain in this cooled version of solvent. aka the other impurities will still be dissolved in this solvent

medulla oblongata

vital functioning (heart rate, blood pressure, digestion), from myelencephalon from hindbrain has collection of neurons in the ventilation center for reg contraction of respiratory muscles. Have chemoreceptors for [CO2], rising partial pressure of CO2 (hypercarbia/hypercapnia) leads to inc respiratory rate to exhale CO2. Response when sig. hypoxemia, low [Oxygen] in blood can override manual breathing.

corpus callosum

Hemisphere connector. Left brain controls language so a damaged person could not name what they touch with their left hand (feeling goes to right brain) -> contralateral communication


His, H, basic, can acquire charge by protonation in more acidic conditions. pH of side chain is 6: close to 7.4

fractional distillation

To separate liquids with similar bp. less than 25 C apart. A fractionation column connects the distillation flask to the condenser. Fractional column: column where the surface area is increased by inclusion of inert objects like glass beads or steal wool. As the vapor rises, it will condense on the surfaces, reflux, but then evaporate again with the rising heat. This repeats until a higher proportion of the compound with a lower bp reaches the top. Then only the desired product drips down to the receiving flask.


dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater


ovaries and testes are

DNA polymerase epsilon

leading strand synthesis, high fidelity, DNA repair 5' to 3' synthesizing of incoming nucleotides (5' dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP). As each new phosphodiester bond is made, a free pyrophosphate PPi is released. Eukaryotic: DNA polym alpha, delta, epsilon work together to synthesize both the leading and lagging strand. DNAPolymdelta and epsilon are helped by PCNA protein: it assembles into a trimer to form the sliding clamp


use diff in boiling points to separate two liquids by evaporation and condensation. Use low heating temp. This is used to make liquor in a distillery: ethanol boils at a lower temp than water. The lower bp liquid vaporizes first, rises up the distillation column (the condensate), then condenses in a water-cooled condenser. The end product is the distillate.

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